the qeoitowa hctau wednesday evening september i slh 1937 page 3 rimihihuuhiiimniniaiaiumumubinhi s its here centennial years biggest event esquesing agricultural society fall fair at georgetown thursday and friday september 16th and 17th hihjurrip for horses steeplechase potato races ladies car driving contest bestr old time squat excellent hall exhibits livestock parade at 4 pan pollowthe crowd to tieorgetown fall fair f tvav a ntakkuock too alocirui w candidate fur fajauoai ui the rotaus lrovuwwl to imt axtorua o uauto lvmvty in adj laif uiu week i potelsd o deal ulu ilw kurruumi uuly mjauh- ai yoaary all aare -tluc- iwiteu pujlw aitr uur which vv iiuajbruf bojhryi iroaa raisin atitr otua it kaathauar1 hv all dwam tauc authairiiw ual hi nw mum laxrt suotudb collected from tlu cutartu 1 any icouulry hi a lairpny- imtrlaoa with wnkirt lnwieu and othty to py it t aua admiurd latou untwady kww uia tlie ac- ttaaauleuoa of wuh in a lew hands u taruriaacoal to in- public boou-be- caua this eoaditiow cu be carried to the oint where lans kroup will be ttaaukeucd to uv ui poverty tcttit- uk uafci two facts in mind ll u cuxr thai sikxtuim duuot hropevly imft- noatd wul not only rahv ooolderuld mtuu but ere on the whole benefl- cul in their operation in ontario in th smaller featal ufiruoc u wry laodru when the etal u golnj ui direct tleicendaiila there is no la on tstau up to thtto00 as to nttalatt lu vxck of ihu amoum a tan i impod starting with i aim ihermuuu to 10 wtien on nluun dollar u heaclieu from uww axures it u ao thai the tax is not onpn- uw and u much l tlian that im- lod la oreat britain and other countri wlwn wcui to office are found a suurlluig stale of attain tie lax which properly uapowl uy jdaluw v not buml aitd hi aaahy iriuaatv ttite tax evaakut laa bixat ibcvucnplbiwd in two way matty ywart mq a block of onurio uttcd wvtv hui at uucuion luiy ur w louod thea terbda wr w uit uaued irotai ttalr to eatatc aiul wimc uvnl ovvr and oir iauj to eop duttoa this klacttce we stowttj now uvp bond arc only iud oiu lor urn uurvot and are tfteo bought in by lh triry ttw ouaer ttwuiu oi i vdttt the tax was by improper ac- taiuuxai the oru utile which v ujxuatd wa in london toe llmury uownuamit had euld aiui the itaie at iota u1m0 and uio and a uaull rlund to the oaie tor nruttiu payment after proper invoubtaitott w couectvd from thu estate vmojnm and the coueeuon was aaade without uul kext was a to ronto ouate where the llenry oov- maaent had i4lld with the ttaia at about mjboa we reopened the smaller and collected over one and one hall bbllharu from the uur tate as wv proceeded with our in- vkucauom w encounlered letal en- uatahawnu and in isu we oroucal in an aakendaarnt to the soccvuton duty act to permit the reonenuu ol ouatos tuch had been doted thu bov was urehuously oppoued by the coiucfftau opnoution in the lloue the act vu passed and when i tu you that w collected ui the las1 two yean juu oxer a balluon of uo msiaa duufet you wul ie how vxll it had wotfced we now hat under tn- teucatkon sonethlns over fifty u- tates which e belkeve hair defraud ed the put oorenunenu out of over uty nailuoai of douars- we are pro- ceedlns with the inquiries and are now aaeeunc vith tltf opposition you are all familiar with the byrn toouiry al itamitlon we ait lor your uipport to enabw- us to carry inf wuh a purely ontario qootion unul aikrd lo data air dhujle tauat or tritiuly uprl twn he wtmild ro ij tar a to applaud ackttitair klii i wtlh you wotxlrr wtkrtlmr ihh rti- thuiiaun for ur kli wui lul lu utmktlkrr two irwr until the dufnln- kwi uertmii are with us oticr auail tr u ii juil a pjs4g icy aiki uwn dmt okclujmi of jt duuilrj letlm wtial a umiciuiuc jm-r- oraltami mi lh- jrlnx uublillm ol calukduti wurkltiu uikli- 0uv aaln i iuil tu kir uliuu uuii lie undrliinfttr dm- lutrl iljtiee t cakiaduui wmkmii no uiw i- uoiu o br fuolrd by ohvku nattrry u thu nature no utvr lia liurthtnm um loyally ad vlitcrnrily o cjis- dian wutknwn ur hrpbum- 4auily rrrd twmtrv on tlj and hls wt- ter thai lawlrutlu a luurtlnl ui lite u li ail hf tolrraht in on tario- mr how rrpothateil thl umin atkparrtllly vtlh tile liopf of fcaiutnu thvou of n raihcah wf din- klcr ay wt- owe ha iluv- ln- dkat dimcult path ufhr uklut ihlnk 10 at tln uhm but i am lp clind l think he believe u now havi taken a krrti inifret in labour matirra all my life my int- l in labour u not a hewly akakpucd cloak tolnlp wlhtha electkai mr ihhiburn iland u apwoved by lioaliy all of our labutjr leaderk aco canada w h aliawdy uiown wry betuhrlal mulu tlie llriiburti qoriimu mluki jw liwliunui standards act in hw fhh ari provuh or miorttlei of ury tfade acnliut to certain taii- iaidt a to wnl worklnx hour lc and already ilioujind of watt- iwn are brneilttlnu by this leni-ji- ioj tlie xluilmum wtir act was imroued in 1uc tlie labour and indiuiry uoard l now amwlnied otaalioeid of a labour repreienlatlve hoen by the labour orrninvof7 ontario ifiuluitry has appointed an- mlier member and tlie government ia aptwuuted tlie chairman thu oomrd has now been in sefalon for veks romptllnu tne neceary infor mation to et up and enforce a fair minimum waire no jowmwenl in xjr huiry iua done as much con- uructlve work lor labour in o short lime as we liae tiiouas a bulkelock jgxrrespondence ctnttssial clojejutatioss editor georgetown herald dear sir wui you kindly allow me ipoce in tlie herald for uie following tlie centennial otlbralion oom to an uj with kcaqikaonx fall fair next thursday and friday sept 16th and 17th all uie sries of vonht tiav been anu attended and lor the mou part lucceiiful and t-elfupport- ins and awrt from attendance and 2ate rvcvipi there are quantltlos uiat cant be measured in unas of dollais and cenli v hundred of letters have been written relatives and friends have been contacted family reunions havo taken place and we have all been cheered and liunired by meetings wilhtrtena of other day irienas w could not have met but for xijt celebrations we all owe much to thoe who formed the different commltte to mrs- uvingiton in particular and the laihas of the church of the holy cross the prebytertan oniied churcliei tor accompllshlnb so effici ently the service of tlie banquet nolhtna daunted by the uncertainly ol the attendance the lack of facdi- uecs the overpowerlna heat and tlie necoslly of carryins water a hun dred yards or more this commiiee worked out successfully and cheerful ly wliat was one of the most difficult details of the whole series to the band of the lome scots and the hand ol tlie oearaetov hpers two orsanlxations that march ed loyally into all the events at one hundred and twenty beats to the min ute with no one drairsins his feel we asked them for cooperation and cot it loyally and punctually cant and wonv are not in the vocabu lary of either of these fine combin ations to the eleven bands who lived up to their contract for a difficult and hazardous undertaklns the uiuical pageant to brum in eleven hands irom any points was risky without a sj k wrttwmrvi rehearsal and had it not been tor the concmskoa the work which we eooommuon amoni the two hundred and fifty bandsmen it would haw ended in dlsastar only one band defaulted but the alton to have undertaken for you we all know wia wul iiapptn to the suc- namoa duvv claims 11 the old chj ltt back uito pocr akain ladou question ilar- you read ur dtncle letter on uw cjo and the abar ouetkmt w 4u uwr j zl t fw strtr ho carried torches pendlna the ar- lj vrfn it rtval of the toraibealers and after seihtredsatss l and most f ptzirf- o for whi hands are ea b lu wr i jucrhi whether ux dtncle realty under- put the amtt blunuy ur rowe halton uvc ktock ftuuckukau raumincnt winnivatm at c- n k tlalton llwulork breeders wr ratn well ti like forr at the canaaian na tional tcxhtbitumi aitd many awardi returned to ihtt rounty in uw lirn clau f c willtnall i kou j u mckiimon and clare wluod all of utluai wem iwomiinnt wklh i he liumrr ks uual ultw wir it the tiki wiiuirn- hi llatndilrtw ttiu brreder hcuvmi the covclrd frmale ruiul rliwmiiloiialilp in mw of intur lamtm nrlleji to uatr utr liefdj of xuncaki campbell and t c mo of uolfat were heavy winner ill lilt- uliortlioni rlatnt- tlie tiling hrnl a bb in secured the keattrf ctiatn- liioivjup tin ihelr three year old lielfer iiellona wlnccdji and rrirvt jraiui ml llwlr herd aire uyiti irincr tliu animal wan bed ut cairiiibell furms and in tlie opihum it many on utr- rlnttule ahould ave tvcelwd u champlonalilp iwd oynr the ja doualas imported klr kuellyn llrowhdale huilaii hauvl horuioni calf club ftroup lo tiuln- talned the atandard l- by the oiuer breedrrfc by winning first honont eu a toup tlie kroup was made up ui alv atuiwn by ormnt llealop frej oiil aruwe urokon bronte and ioud llnduiy oeorclown in uie individual cuus tlve irnlry of oranl lfejap wus awarded flrxt and he him- lf was selected a eliamplon kltow- mau in tlie fuiuruiorn lactloh later m cotnptltiai wui winners from lh- xynddre hoktela and jrrseyketuuis if wits awarded die rtsaerve cliam- plonxlilp i llalion houleliillreedera axaln hatl i h most creditable display which at- traded much interest both in i lie ruiaj and in the lujble the fexhlbll contained anlmau from th followulk herds t l- lealle at son albert hunter robinson ros- j l ne- lands ju boniv victor lawrence a e woodley ai son clarenxe andercnu john hunter a biark at son f pelletlerlo a sana john shepherd and w fj soiufrtet th couny herd class which as always wax one ol the highlights of the ihow brouftht co animals into the ring at one time the ha ton herd which was made up of anlmau from the first five herds named above placed fourth out of ten when it is reolhted uul the holsteln exhibit brouffhl out over iso head or more than all other breeds put together this is indeed a real achievement in the inier-cuuii- ty calf club exhibit the llalton group composed of bruoe held lyle and russell dl made a creditable showing by placlruy third with seven counties competing unfortunately we were not able to see all the agricultural features of the big fair but we did nou that hailon was well represented in jereys by baronston farm oeorwelown in prchrons by hugh rodney and uie clarence qunby extale in thorough breds by dr cecil uotlop and in ouernseys by geo king at sons oak- vllle this reaume would not be com plete without some reference to fid croofi and frulu ijiere agui hilton exhibitors won many awards n urn- bared among thoa were the fine displays of apple from the orchards of colin and w i smith burunj- ton and o r dreckon bronte tlie eujueslng agricultural society in strong competition upheld the name of esquosing township as an out standing seed growing centre by plac ing second with their display of grains and third with aheavos in the junior judging oompeu- tions llalton wasanot as largely rep resented as usual owing to the epi demic of infantile paralysis ui to ronto nevertheless thoae who were present made their prosenoe known in no uncertain manner in heavy horses lloyd chuholm ullton wo first and jack turner acton was seventh in dairy cattle craig rild and bruce held placed woond and ninth respectively in poultry jack taylor of freeman was first and in sheep oeo breckon was twelfth in the girls department the names of isabel tovell palermo alma harsh utlton and betty rival were pro minent amongst the prtp winners to all hailon breeders and competi tors mentioned ad any others we may have overlooked may we extend our congratulations not only on the honour they brought to themselves but the county as a whole a coronation ytjul event coronation year at acton pair on sept 3 1st and 22nd promises to sur pass any previous pair the arena performance on the first night has a big program with twenty trained anl- flfe and drum band stepped willing- malt as a headllner ur j a car ly into that breach roll superintendent of agricultural to the members of the lction societies and exhlbuons for onlano will officially open the pair and the trials of speed and the many oiher attractions that make acton fair as outstanding have all bi j arrangenaents have also toeen made- far a registration booth where old to councillor hall and rils decora tion committee uf reeve davis lor tables and other appurtenances and say as far as he is concerned ubor m iil week and nhr can becoaae aauated witn any union of us choice whether the union spon sors illegal aaethods for obtaining its eotts or aut his language is wids mouth to freely permit canadian iiitttim to oin unions with coin- aaancnc or anarchistic aims he says thou he rehet solely on the good ludteaatfot of ihe ontario labor who asiitted uiillome week and ohur eenls we offer our sincere thanks to mayor gibbons and aex uio laren for their work on the executive committee to j u muore and the herald for the publicity and other es sential work to ray thompson and albert tost for ihelr oyal aitstaiice on the band committee to all thoe thjtimtuoj a- a direct mvttationto arr wry arauful and owe much u their sister urs john kennedy r u ol the reds m this provu coaur to youi oreanlaauons to or- whic n chief of police uarshll and constable fmmerson wr olu convey tlir thanks of the committee tor uieir t uw uu iti ui iiiit vjimlulintrc u uicu 1 xi jei tt 1 oh avaiunc nl cwwrjllon ksslns io ussss rnt lor belong us ru u sr pt ljs r plftk vlulrhl and etxrvauve cxecutrtv has iiarted wiih ins leader on the cio stand after mil tee next nd we shall publish list of the manufacturers and xstrjl rmlthout which donations the third tuae and symnathulna with him tn the way in which his leader has beeu so cruellj aaljrepresented by everyone i next loin with hltoin his vouching roaaaaendataan of hon w u ukckffuv kins and hon norman rogers for refraining from tniertv-r- friends may meet other friends historical display of pioneer articles will be one of the new features acton ur and urs ed gibbons of nor- anda quebec are visiting with rela tives in acton this week ur and urs hilton butlln and ur and urs evans of la pier ulch- visited at uoorecroft on sunday ur trios alckague of toronto ur james uckague of rochester n y spent a couple of days last week urs a h bishop returned hls week after spending a couple of veki with her son and daughter ur and urs oeo bishop at red ukjko uanltoulln island ur and lira ross allan of toion- to accompanied by mr and uri s e orlffin and ur and urs j e- pearen of acton returned on sunday from a sixday trip through uon- treal quebec and the adirondack uts ny following an illness of several mon ths duartion john burgess gibson i passed away on thursday last al his i mi t amwp i hamc creocent street in his seven- jai uallantlnfc i ly y nam m the townshl general clialrman of uonck a urn of the late jamrs georaetoan centennial committee kllia qlbson he spent hb early lft years in that dlstrlct aiw at brace- bridge free press crtsnrpshgt cuil i children ww- taklatj bleturaa of tihlldr knaa yw in a waiural peaamlalno 1 aomalhlbb u bp bjtralitht how od loolc o at m pal your hind dawn darjlaa and amllei want to kt a good tdelur to ed to aunt ulo- ala havaut you hmml thae two jttd many aim liar exprsilona on tha part of parala when they ar tak- lag eaaptholi of their children leta hop you are not numbnred among them for unlu your child la quit apt at poking tba reault will be a ralhor unlnteramllag auaptbot which doe wot do ihe child justice ftrat of all as you know youag- atera are the euleat when they ar perfeeuy natural if a lot of fun mada to ftt them to stand just ao or aa atfort u made lo tl bern to do a eartaln thing the rhancei are they will look too posed in th- fin- ubd print there are two typea of child plc- luraa i might ady juit plain rcord plctarwa and the other kind you ahould athve to gl rorytmnr ploturwa a hlue tot alabdlng btralcht aa att arrow with anna atlff- end agalait th aid of the body and ktaring at the camera la a good exaaift of a record picture hut anap a picture of that same little rascal making mad pi or playing traffic policeman and you have a atnnmalllag picture with real hu man interest appeal childrens pictures ahould always be taken fairly close up rarely morv than tea feet from the camera if you have an ordinary box ranura dont get closer than ls or tlrh feet unless a portrait attachment is plared over th linn with a por trait atiaohuint ytui ran ret aa rloae as thrte miila half fwt to your- subjtrt and clviarp dutliirt pic turem thai will how overy curl sttd dimple ily moving a inver on the newer typi- bns camera however you can fhiuit a vior aa nfm fct lo your ulijmt without a portrait allailimonl with a folding camera of forming typtthc cloeor thn buhert li to tha inns the moro caro required in et- ilmstlnr thn jlbtanre set tho point er on the dlmtocflale at the nuw- ber of feet helwowthe ions and the child if you charfro your position for suceeedlne pictures oe sure to chanm the pointer to the proper dis tance mark and watch your backerouads a nice attractive harkcround adds ao much to your pictures telephone poloa wires unattractive fences ga- ragiaxabd what have you often spoil e otherwise arllslle faaelaat- ing human lnlel picture in fact any prominent offaide object in the picture will detract from the later- eat in what tho child is doing heres another tip try to avoid having ihn sun shlnlnc directly la ihe childs eyes foe thppoor little fellow cant help squinting under such conditions and neither could you let the sun mm from th- nlde this xlves an intereitlni llahtlng and what prof etslonsla call roond- nem follow ihew tips and youll get real joy out of your snapshots ii john van guilder rnew instantlite c with rototype buhner tt li yourself yjeres the latest cole- j7x man invent ion r for you to see and test i the new coleman lamp with roto type burner the greatest advance in the his tory of pressuregas ilhimi- nation youlj hv thl now barrier lm- pnywnmit it majcoa the tarnotia coucaan liftht bettor than ever clear and ateady restful to the wya fin for avary houaa- hold uaaw voutj uk th way th cole- fsaaai- light tnatantly juat atrik a match and turn valval youll lie th new ovarais generator because it last lonfar axcoaxunodatoa a wider variety of foal rettac upkeep and u inexpensive to raplac youtl ilk th new oaa tip claanarl ita a regular carbon chaaar heap th eaa tip opao and clean t aak your daaur to kt you a th new coleman teat it your- telf alak it give you a aampla of th tin llchtinc aarvic it i ready to pot in your horn herea tha coleman lantern also with rototyp burner haay and ecomicl to operate liketh cola- man lanp it makea and bum ita own sas from regular clear- whit untreated motonfual alwaya ready with plenty of licht for avery job any place any night alica chimney make it weihrvproof the coleman lamp stove company ux toftowtto ohtario ask your dealer j commercial printing 1 we are at your service with quality printing prompt service lowest possible prices come in and let us fill your printing requirements the georgetown herald