fa fca pwge a il i u -a- aj the georjhtown herald wednesday evening september i sth 1937 i if i pipeless organ at cn ex bandshell exhildfom one of the outstanding attiacttotu was the tuit public concert from the view rand hell in tlie centr of je irround uherc oie krtm whmiml orifan an ulir iw kin of ortrn u iir electrical inpuljte villi no pip r l ww fturvd uiu- brown the orffan no lion other field than churches and audi tori lima- or tlc home this nr lnstrufimnt which u toot affectm b neat eom or uampiwi u tli laleit product of the norther exhric coninanji plant in montreal colleen moore at vancouver daelaha ah bad ao regrets la uavbur th hi mi collu hear waa aathuabutlcallr krl- jvyt hoot of frienda uimui her arrival rcauy ta vancouver or tracdair zjauu she told reporters who mat fcr al th nlaa that tb was aiiiaremelr hsdar with the exhibition of her famed jolla houaa the nroeeu of which co to aid crippled chil dren qksnapshot cuili i questions on lighting urw h h4 dnnrt lighting m ulft th llofct ttriku auweat directly mi ttt feet ej the subject hadw catreta are to lurch ad the yiwfl lady erevmlaa bjory i almaat tet in th dark back teautad nuc th difference in th ether picture whin um light atrlke f re th aid taking proaer exposure for treated ruht luhuax wbother it ha daylight or artlflclal u the rtaclblaautjrhlehduucquhe the bhalncrtnhlc work of art rram th ordinary haphaaard anapahol how asttch attaatloa do we a awa teura really pay to how lltht lllu- mlaataa oar aahject when we aim our camera qtibdoao w are photoraphlnx a taraaa do w take the palna to avoid harah troat uchuac wbtch anvii our aahjact squint and cants daep ahadowa lalo eyea aud from th aom thla aiualty happoa when th aua la hlsh and directly strikta th front of the auhjocu kt ibiit la th caa of a cloaoup lhr abadon that dalloeat the fvaturt aru llhf- y to h unpleasantly harah do we ak to dtacovtir tbo lie lit aastaa that are moat ploaalnc tiiu ally lltat coaatns rroni too de or a bit from behind the whwl maliea a hatter picture ir do wo observe ta umr of lh ktxlpal ohjctf of ldlirn if the object la dark do wo not nh tin r il la la auch deep shadow that it in dancer f aaercinc with ttm bark cround when the nectut in tlol oped and the print niaiu do we nolle whotht r a uku col ored auhjtht is in a tull rui or lltht without a dark lu ground m- hind it tu ft it orr mi nm h hackxround that seems to m dark may not prove enihvi imhju i of unoheurtttl light r bint ions am li aa froas ik aurfare oi wat r boraa i f the mo t faiuoun pit tlo raphera u reaa lltu lnt hlt nt u ot follow the crowd to georgetown fall fair september 16 17 the sun rises iby william r greco li k r hit tr d the iomii fjthd iteht to an almost unbelievable de cree whin wurklnc with artificial llcht thej may use thouaands of watts on auch a aeemlnclr easily pholocraphfd auhct aa a basb t of ntrm they carefully study the ef ffcts of variations in llcht in tonal ty how thi y affect sharpness of shatloa outllnr shadow density ahsdowcradallonatht oxpt rltmnl with tht at i iffota ahlltlnc camera lixhta thft suhjct lis if and d- rnaainc or incivailnc hit volume of lllunilnathtn they want to show you a pkiun nf that basket of cca that la nallatlc enouch to tempi ou to r itli your hand into the tiailf t ami pit k odu up and by con trttlhiir tht hchtiiic tiny utcil in tli inc junt atwt t that tery thinn wt nut an amjii urs ran ini ni us l huinti th iuallty of our piitufiiairttt will but atuothud con liclit ti wli th r rram tbo uchlfof the mjn or from home photo lam i1ouhu thi r ran ho no rlcld for m it- tine or arratiklnc llfbt tn rimhitlirtnn lh intinlli lyorplitiin nuhjtt ts oft n gutti uir nnilj artlrd hv tlla- hrhl ronill iimi i nine th rinhl i fficta l m ml umiii hon nun h nrnne of the artistic i imtnti sn plun i ip rienrt blitnx up th pl tun chinri hut hi n i on r n lal ruin ami in it h to l nlrut in tilt hlxti ltpni nit nhail 1 that miimuh th outtiii -olihiann- iml hark rrotind of lb pitn 1 11 oh s t or in it rttt t itant an aoli that rardlnal ntn of li irk ami uhlt ph locraih- ht ullitlur in john vc ci lijtn r oi iiiomtnl m lunri henx ily ulfutiist the ttnor outswle- th iukumlu of live jutjlluul crowds drifted dtmly hu eurti lie kttook libt head an tf to rul his nruin of the noise and turmoil druue i li body ucrosa the room he sunk into an easy chair lie covered his fuc with his hands still rl from tlie arctic ice urwl unvl hih head ached from mnc tnjt all jhat loo trip lie ha spent torturing his mind in vaih rfrforts to dri the mist from hi hraln when he had received word of 1th wife a tleuth h ueemed to iom tlu power to think elearly all he could auv over and over nin u ulnnletfdead bjnnlcfc dead he duj the palms of his hands deep into hia eyes ita going l be hard dinnie ttve door to his room opened quiet jy hla head come up slowly wear ily and he saw that it was effle ihe luiusekeeper j her thin voie cam softly im j ao orry mr caffrey caffrey atared at the blurred wall before njm them s jaomethinj i must krwiw ey1 he said his voice hoarse and tired ye sir ills brown eyes dark with suffer ing bored into those of the house keeper could i hav if in some way i had managed to come the housekeeper shook her head oh no sir there wasnt time for that besides she wouldnt hear of it she was so happy that your had been chosen to no on the expedition she wanted you to finish your job and nil the while sir she knew he lapsed into silence then how was it effle i mean i know sir effie said it was beautiful sir and peaceful she seemed so say those lost few days punninx a surprise for you its in the bedroom youve explained to juniort the old eyes of the housekeeper moistened as best you can tell a little fellow like him air he nodded i know effle you can go now and thanks for very- thlnc youve been kind steeling himself he entered the room their room binrue s and his he looked about everything was in order beside the bed he saw a phonocraph machine binnie had loved music on the dresser tied in a neat circular bundle he saw a package his heart gave a queer jerk as he grasped it eagerly he struggled with the cord a phono graph record rolled out of his hands onto the bed his breath came in swift gasps as he leaned over the machine fumbled a moment with the mechanisms then waited ex pectantly hello bill the voice came low natural bin- niea voice for a crary moment his whole body racked with renewed agony he called softly binnie biwne listen bill binnies voice said softly lm so sorry dear i couldnt be there to greet you- youre a hero now arent you my bill i know you will have something to say so now and then ill pause and let you talk to me 111 hear you bill caffrey sat stiff and silent on the beds edge then the voice came again dear bill i know how you must feel but i had to say good by to you yall the loneliness left him as he listened binnie was talking to him binnie again the voice perhaps you wonder why im repeating your name so often its been a long time since ive talked to you i wont to say it over and over just bdl bul i her voice stopped short in a choked cry caffrey clenched his fists binnie i im so sorry bill her voice continued a little pain so sorry but honestly bill it wasnt much of a pain there never has been very much pain except when i thought of you and junior there was a silence when her voice dul come he noticed that it was quieter lacking the brave lev ity of lone she had assumed now bill before i go when this is over uhen i stop talking promise me youll break the record caffrey was silent a moment i can t binnie i can t he saul miraculously but then binnie knew him so well her voice said oh bill promise you see if you didntbreak the record then it would onty mean suffering every time you listened to me i don t want to keep coming back to you it isnt fair to you or junior to keep me even on a record prom ise bill he didnt say anything he waited for binnie to speak she said good by bill dear good by and that was all his body loosened his hands lay opened and nerveless in his lap he reached out a hand and picked up the record for a brief moment he hkl it in his hands carefully then delib erately he let it drop to the hard wood floor he stared hts face grave and mohonles at the broken pieces then he arose and went to his on pfbhmietts rastkk hiidrfv uarlttd rumour or a con iilrac to kidnap the loster children of iremler lup bum from his i arm home near l thomas are not regarded lightly in itrounclal pollca lieadquartrr men piomlnrm in public life ate aim ays receiving thi eaten tut it tier and phone calls a senior officer ol the luovlnxui police stated but mot of thoe are from cranks and are not to be taken erioual in uu rs- however it is brlleet tliat there may he serious grounds for tears ami care ful iirecautlom are belnu taken two officer are on lulj at thr home of the premier ntuht and day while the viclnlt of st thomas polnb are being carefully watched ror misitlrious characters who might noiiihly be in the hire of the miuer vive jabor elements alio hold mirh a grudge aalnt the premier the fellow who sot that job away from you yesterday is a lowdown chiseling ko and o and he cut the price to the bone to get it wtwn vou cot that job away irom hint lau uonh it was superior salesmanship hepburn the tax- payers 3 friend return him as premter ttoday you hive reason to rejoice that you voted henry out and hepburn in the hepburn adtuinktra- tion has replaced mismanagement with good manage ment extravagance with economy it has replaced tltc unbalanced budget with a balanced budget changed the chronic yearly deficit to a surplus of over 9 million dol lars ft has relieved the dram and strain on taxpayers pockctbooks in many ways in the year that ended march 31st 1937 it reduced ontarios gross debt by 3309816539 how you have profited by hepburns policies grant euil to one mill on the dollar from the prov ince to eery municipality has relieved municipal taxpayers to the extent of 3000000 cancellation of the amusement tax u ill save patrons of i the thetre3ports and other amusements 3000000 a year ontario is granting a 5 reduction in motor car rates that will save motorists 2500000 a year the province has cancelled the 20 per cent levy for- 1 merry made upon the counties toward the cost of kings highways a saving to municipalities of over 2700000 to date and a further saving this year of 2000000 township road subsidy was increased to 50 per cenl a saving to townships of 400000 per year 1 enure cost of mothers allowances was assumed by the province a saving wi the municipal taxpayers of over 2100000 a year municipalities share of old arc pensions was taken over by the province saving over 1000000 a year payment of pensions to the blind of 300000 abolition of the students examination fees of 170000 is another uorthnhile saving that mothers and fathers appreciate hates for hydroelectric power have been reduced to users to the extent of 4800000 the hepburn government paid relief charges out of current revenue instead of adding them to the public debt to be paid for by increased taxes in the future as was the policy of the former government more sunshine budgets on october 6th you will have the opportunity of show ing mitchell f hepburn how much you appreciate his handling of the provinces finances and the administra tion of its government- mark your ballot for the liberal candidate in your constituency and work to elect him by a kafe majority thats the way to show mr hepburn you want him to carry on with his program of tax reductions he promises another sunshine budget this year and you know he keeps his promises be kind to your own pocketbook vote liberal 8 10 11 i cam on hepburn election oct 6 elect blakelock for h alton clearing sale of all summer millinery at reduced prices misses oaridge herald block upttaira georgetown advertising does f things jf you conduct retail store there are four things you with to do j you with to hold all your present customer 2 you wish to sfi l more goods to your present customers j you wish to replace with new customers the old ones who moved away a you wish to increase the number of your customers x try advertising in the georgetown herald phone no 8 early auluwin recipes tlllvsf abje shortcake da nj nrlty barclay dnnt ion el shortcakes while short- cakt trull ore in seaon peach shortcake ts delicious and caoiialile no rennet custard made wlthou eiru- without bakliia and without holllntr may be called upon to make jne ot the roost healthful ihorl cakii imaainable here are recline ror a ieaci jiortcake and tor a ma caroon iarfntt that are eouallx nood fvarh shortcake 1 package lemon rennet powder 1 tilnt milk a pieces sponge cake lettoer coke ma be used a lea thin slice fresh or canned peaches place the pieces ot cakt in the bol torn of the dessert dishes put twt or three slices ol the canned or freji lieaches oer the top ot each piece ot coke dksoh e rennet powder n lukewarm milk pour over ptcct s ol nkt and peiclie and lei w willi llrni about 10 minutes then chill in rcrrlnerator wararaen farfalt 1 package lemon rehnet iowder 1 pint milk 1 cup whipping cream 4 ubltvpooiu sugar x cup line macaroon crumbs in the bottom ot each desert tltsh put 1 heaping ieasioon ot maenroon crumbs mate a rennet custard at cording to directions on lactam ind pour orr macaroon crumbs lt t until firm about 10 minutes hi- i chill in relrlirerutor win n readv to sint whip the cream add sugar and the rt of the macaroon crumbs mix ihormighk and put on lop ot each desstrt mtrsiiuallow pir imaket 1 plc j eggs m 4 tablespoon corn i re h cup sugar 1 cup orange juice t table poon lemon juice 1 lruswmm gratrd onnge rtn l j cup water 3 tatdetsikkm butter 1 down mnrshmallow ileal tv lks ml conllarrh and sugar conibint nil ingredients ex pi mirshnuillows cook in doubl boihr 1 m mite laild in the mar li mallows cit in small w cool pluct in bah pic hell cover with merlmiut mate ol whites ol ev illd j table poou likur and brown slhiht- in a slow nvvi huiw hu kikji ntrx tonilp rraaittles 1 large jtltow turnip 2 potatoes j egg yolks i teaspoon sugar salt and pemwr crumbs and egp waji pel and quarter the turnip cook until tender in boiling billed waur to which lias been added unc llakooii ugar prec uirough a ant peel and cook the potatoes eiaralel iiaih until onootji com bine ihreequaricrs of a cup of the cooked lutnip with onehalf cup ct tht manned iwhato add the two ijlahui beaten egg yolks- cool form into sjnall croquettes dip in crumbs ctg and crumbs again pr in dep fau drain on brown paper celery crwaoettes 2 cups celcri cut tine 1 cup milk 1 tablespoons flour i lbleiioons abutter 1 tcoituoji sugar 1 egg olk salt and pemwr v crumbb and ma oook the celery 4n bohinf talte1 water to which has been added the ugar drain xcr thoroughly lukr a white sautx or the milk hour and bultir seooji wlu ull and pepiter add the ccjcr and the slight bea en egg olk to the sauce mix will spread on a plau- to cool eirm in to small croquettrss pip in crumun egg and crumbs again frj in deep fat drain j urn ci room who spilled thnt mustard on this name dearest juiu ilruli oh jack how co ild jou tlils is lemon le will uavc wcwajud 1 am confident tliat all nwsppr editors will go to heaven no mat ter how eloquently the editor uav boost for the development and pro- jiress of his community no uauer tiow diligently he may labor la build up hls home countrj no matter bow loyally he supports a friend la poli- ucs extols the virtues of a famous native on stretches the truth to liralse a local prima donnatabe or gently jays a meuinhorical wreath on the grave of a departed he teldom hears a thank you rarely oioe anyone ay well done almot never does he hear we appreciated thai but let him make a slip i w earle dve in the rolarlan ra414 siacpherson had invited his friend mctavlih to have a drink say when he aid hopefully and dured a wee drop into the glan xictavlsh was illent- cautlousli uaojiherson poured an other drop uactavlh still silent dkl you hear about the fire at george s said uacpheron autkien- when asked aantty innocently macpherson nut the bottle down with a sigh of reller fu awfwl fraaato an old scolr woman was wander ing around the local museum with her grandson they came to a puiur coi of the venus de uuo with half an arm roljjng on one aide and the whole arm gone off the other there yi are my hul said the old ladjr poll limn toward the statue taktf a guid look at yon pulr woman tttafs ulial comeifi o biting yer finger nails 1 lit moll cmqurtli trt ik tone up tin tnrlihl w ileclk int t course lil tl tor lull d mu r martin ouk ideal to iviuller bul tt nieul or poallrj liolkluy or txim- esquesing agricultural fair thursday and friday sept 16 17 best lady driver of car nrhrr to urk car in iacc marked then drive away polnti to c4iuiu lor n unlive qulplntvv nnd time lor narking aba obeytna nues il mr hlulva tramc act fliyjt ilrratl ticket- alue sxas aixxnl unod tlrkeu value ma t1111u io 1u itnbln hood flour 1m 1xjulttll jt lb itooln hood hour s1m ihinattll bl bhowns bakkr1 oeobqirrown centennial year baby show hiiist piu7k um in gold second piuze tt in gxlkl for beat uaby under ii uonths mlnattu bl inrsxtob x gtmtluk tomokto best old time square dance two khukcs muxkm usm tish tut t v x