ihc georgetown herald wodneaclay everiing september 22nd 1937 page 5 p k p just arrived p p pj i p p p a large shipment oi ladies fall and winter coals fj loil rompli u mlw irtion roiw in and we our widi vuiily tnlnnd and fur iriminrd i v t if iit r i wk vull find 1 r ui authentic upto tiirmmuic rfrylc to choose from t you can make our iuj ire lion of rood style- p and ippr irincr u redly rrodcrte pricrn d brill co p corner mill and main su phone 167 georgetown 1hbbb i p p p c i porterhouse 7e lb xma snaps roasts w 2 lbs 25c leing sugar j i uilh good wml fresh ikcl over 15 91 j fresh bed hea 10 coui ikdll twe salt vel rolls 2q- tui uaij front quarters lamb 15 i lfa- parfclce i rr n 2 lor 9c i slewing lamb 2 25e old dutch 1 laketrool 22- moveless codfish 18c cooking onions gggggfc 10 uw for j9 j p oranges aledlum sis for jalce 27c ripe bananas 3 lb for 21c we sell for cash phone g f rw t wer jj 2j8w ijwjvlv deliver ukazmmatwim u m a at miii b mumxm bigger and better than ever milton fall fair friday and saturday september 24tyv and 25th 1937 truals z1c tr4 w rw speed tm r rut pn n 5 live stock exhibits ji sweb prtr 111 all cuun jj uoys cmj- cluds in jfiujv iioubtfinfa and- siiout1ioiin- sj lloyb chain cluij p hih3ciai dlsjlav women i-jotitutt- woiuc p novs and ohiuj kxnmrra 1ai1iks woiuc poultky sjiow doukstic science g midway robinsons special draw p dance in town hall saturday night september till ailaakaiaw lie umt yuir llmtnws at milton taib i xl itladhkad urc ilionr 110 3 uilton local news hecdon two week from udy p auksahtng oov oct i hit our llicti and lublr llool ir lkrttrl l slofkuxi fur ute fall term tilers is always fconvtlilng goiml at utr gnitn tiveolre adv t lor iiieeui aturaclknu uus week mr t a ituktlock will iejk nrf uou o i uw rvnihik of lup jvth loth uiul oct liwj frunt a to hm kn ft i iw rwkuur tarumltlll tnreului of sklt 13o cjttkdlati ltckmi p111 hi- iukl id uw ij kuui uuom ii hiiiitmliv vl 23rd at im all tiicmtnr rrqiinud to be turniit ikmt frk t uir librrul lrourt- ur wmll til 111 lrrtiji lnir otxtruutw ii 4ui thurlui ixpl 23rd bi a ptii it tlw nrrtn urrr called out thi itmulitnu auhit iiij lo u rhimiui ftre ui ur jam- ulalrj ttit lire a cktitiruluwnl brfnn tuitrh uimait wu done llie brautiru fluen for uw iiuili bcliool rr union uiul old iiont uvrk bmiqit bi the armori- n kliolly umuilr by dr wul ur w v uradu- and ivof hdlu llela pulkj i ther u lol or itakkumf voom at uie hon of 3 llrwye bliufo uuiuet fclilfh will turt hkjy 31ui at sjo uiarp oood iutuk jxne and tnet jour fricvls 1 the hiah briwmil ojiened on uoji da wlui altendanre about as u i itl only ime cliabt- ha been mad on the leacliirui suif ii ljj eatt of fo- roulo mteclalut in knluh knd ills tory luereetu uli tlioatuaon there j a iiood attendance of ihinlu at uw ihibllc ticliool wlien ii opened on uonday toonilrur th teachlnx utf l uie utme ai last term wlui the xcpuon tlut ulv june prank iucis ulu ailfen uho rdened fiame two hundred ueltrfcte are tundlnv tlie meetlnss of uw onelnlt aluclation of bapuu church being held in uw uaplbu cliurch oforsc town yeaterda and today a reporl of the kathertna wilt be publujied in the llerald net bxue oeorseumrn united church an nlvenacy oct 3rd and 4th sunday speak n ii youn djo to ronto and rev o ii wullams ud hamilton uomia liot supper at 30 pw excellent concert at 8 b uilent from hamilton and toronto it david qomell of fiaskatehewan vill sell in acton part id hones and colts 7 mares ruina 3 years this u an exceptionally fine lot and will be sold wiuioul rexane on tueday sept 28th at 130 all bred by proprietor twrmt cash r j kerr auctlonor phone m acton u aim lomdsle ii bedllnaton of jie spinning wheel ihckerlnc bete to announce a sale of hand woven dtlrt lengths imported suitings and swea er wools antique bedspreads and private 1 imparted clilnee linens embroid eries jewellerv etc to be held at ilicluwuons hardware sepl 20lh to oct oul it clearlnb auction sale of farm tiaek and luiuemenu ror btemtt ijrol at lot 4 1st line west chlngua- cousy on friday october 1 at 13 o clock 14 percheron horses 40 dairy cow complete line of implements in cluding tractor and tractor lmplem- enu terms cash prank petch auc uoneer 21 kuee the georgetown bowling club arc holding a euchre in st oeorges ctuu room thursday sept 20ui at s pm when the lucky ticket will be draw i for the chair everybody welcome it ihetwea amj dhe free talking pictures and dance in uie georgetown armories monday sept 27th at 8 pm educational und comic talking pictures to be shown through the courtesy of s mills shell service station georgetown evrf one is cordially invited to an evening of fine entertainment aal ueeaue fs license fees for pacnuer automo biles under the reduced cale oi an nounced by premier hepburn will be follows highway deportment offl clals explain pour cylinder cars 82 per year sue cylinder cars 7 to s1q- per year according to horsepower eight cylinder cars 810 to 815 per year according to iwrepower while the provincial treasury will lose mo torists will save 8200 000 a jeur a result oi uus move aramfies fruay nlgbt grand dance and entertainment will be held in the georgetown ar mories friday sent 24th with russ crelghtnn and his canadian maun taineers canada most popular varie ty band and entcrtalnrrs peat ire items on the program will be wee jackie perkins nveyerld peruna and donkani boy singer uttle shir ley smith outstanding juvenile up dancer and other entertainment musfc and entertainment amply lied or loud sneaker system dont mil thu treat dancing 0 till 7 standard time auspices georgetown women s institute lunch and refreshment booth admission ladles 16c j 0c up personals mn kri allan left i t fur urf imuim tu ftt ilionuu mr hush m4rth f mldlaiwl vilrd with frirttdt in ton ihl iw mr aiul ur uiuju mi thod ul irjuii iimiuiiu ur x biting mr un 1 mri ilatr i mayxhl fr a wrk ili w o ilioinpmui b uttt- ul big uw alumni aurullou xnr tlntfi ul mini ctulrgr lmuito uil ut k mr aiul mr j camtthcll of w ton mkut liiurdi with mr uiul vi f u uklhruy mr joseph mothrr4l of llrnxrjptiit hu a lmmr in utwn law fruiavavi rncd btvjimliituiuv willi nmn old frlradi ut the full fair colonel and mrf i marslimll ol tlir ilalvalon arwi of m york re tunwd liomr on luturduy ufirr iw i i lug two truuiul holldumng in uiru lutuy and mukoka mr und mr j nnrf cat wnt the wtrk riidwaii th former f pir enfc mr ubdtun re i cu- mi their rtlumrwa a trip tli the km huu- vj huiidmustrr a ii ivrroll lu l uklng uvutnuiit at chrlti ti hospital toronto i reported to x improving hih tnanj frlciul tn owirgrtown ulb htm u iirhdv rv tomllon to health mb mariati ijockford who under wnt a ton 11 openitlmi last frulyj in guelph general hwpltul ukru a lit art utlack nnsnda arwl h4i tyi ill turn us fulte 4rlou lor time we wtii her u needj ivc i r major joseph gibbon uin m ul michael j inpltal toronto on rue day ifchrre he tl lake treatment tor the next wiek or ten du cltuen itrttcrmlly deeply regret the mayor lines- and i wipe lie ma loan return home greatly improved in ileal l rev t3r and 11 smltli and mis smith of dunvllle are lillhl with mrs tracy at stewarttown fir smlui preached at tlie hancrt tlianks ttlvtng rvlces in st ltep lien church hornby ami 31 john- cliurch stewarttown last sunday mr j l lambert received a 1 on monday from her fattier and mother mr and mrs f tull mi slonarle in shanghai china tiu letter was dated aug lbth and wu liosted at hong kong by a put nmwic uiow who had evacuated hl city mr and mr- tull were ell a lime of writing but were hating many varied experience in tlie uar one ixoyt d dinolf ijberalonn nitlhm candidate fo ilultorrcountv in ihr next irovlnoutl ihcuoil to pe held on october cui ilurllngtoi ontario bplemlier 20lh 1027 to tjii rrtife of iitltos coi sri in l hi telttr i ukli to ubxusv tile quctun k j out i ah the- ilidro i but lefoi doin ir ho i uiall i lirlt flv to yr illnkclock fi letter ljfl wek wife who was cross and touchy put herll rigu with knikbki i un 29 eri ol age a woman wrtltu yrt uxnr liavk i liavr bee 1 1 feeling klul lookillt veati old i wuld get ntt of rxluiuuon fur no fiooj imum at h i wuj tult lit tu ke with because j wo lid be so rnji ami toutiiy i did not seem uj luavt aiivambltlun to ui my ikoumrwork ktialwaji tired all tlie time tb yaruago i liad scuttles all down my left lide from lite hip my doctor my- all thu is cuubrdthrough my lurve x took kruscfmn and found it helped me very muci sitfy i sturutd taking it i am a different pniiloii my work seems a lot raj1 and i save a lot more energy mrx om the llitlf daly do of krtljicii palk an epd to uredn and ilepie slon rcaue it rstora umi ellmina iilg orgalt to protler activity by uro- vldhiglirm wlui the dally reminder and dally aid uial uiey rcqulra cuatued and invigorated blood u sent circulating all over the si stem carry lllg hew vitality to every nerve kjul new vigour to every limb tk bbjbu rttrt in owi kd m4 m m4n tkmt lajrtw inu y ume wwvr tapwpajilaj wriaiai apnlec tb ltabrk ah tul tbia cah a de wmihlcm by bcklaiibsg umi m r a f esri fwari ukhag any aicbw ut tnfapnn the vtnaw please note that thu act known as mr kuukclorkj rommeitls oii my uu ilbebuck act did not merely hut letter jujng out my stand on labour out power coayanlea from collec 1 roblems aiul the- cio in no way uffect uie trength nf my aroumdu on thl question it li interesting lo i etc that ziucc mi letter was writ ten han norman rogera liberal mln i ter ol labour at ottawa speakliu a kingston came out empliatwsllj against mr hepburn on uils que ion lo uie great dlsaihwlntment of til globe a mail which mated hi an edl torial tliat isr rogers would have been more heluul to uie hepburn government if lie luul stayed at liable i shall dlrxuss uie question of succeion dutlei tn a later leltir earl tn 1035 certain contracti be- tueen the ildro flectrlc power com mbwlon and certain quebec isaawr lomjianles for the supply of power to the hydro were cancelled by uie hep- bum oovcmment to justify uils nc tlan the present government rrude tlie most definite statements to uie effect that this power was not re quired uiat millions of dollars wre being tpent for nothing and further uiat the hydroelectric generating plant in ontario were capable of de livering all uie power uiat was re quired a few months after the quebec contracts were cancelled ut in ue lome sc is cember ims on account of incras lng demand for power the hydro lag uie amount wlrbulucrri it prevent any psoh from collct lng- a juu debli front the hydro tub mean that if you or i xhoujd be struck down by a motorvea owned by the hydro idecuic power commlw- xlon we might bring suit against 111 dro for damage and might gt a judgment of the court in our favor hut wf would bfc powkrlkhs to collect it it pucea hydro in a favoured position in fact makes li judgment proof it can incur debj as it withe break our laws wlui un punlty and we ara left wluiout any remedy whatsoever the principle uiat every person shall hae recourse to uie court oi uil country l one of uie fundamen tals or british liberty according to the nrltlsli sjttem of govemmenl our judges and magistrates are sworn to administer uie law impartially and wluiout fear or favour when ur government steps in as it did in the hydro case and overrules uie deel sion of the courts this u polltlci in terferenoe wlui uie administration of justice and make the ruling of the judges a mere farce when the prac tice of bringing political innuenco to bear once begins no one knows where it will end and if it continues it rji make the administration of justice n uus province no longer something to be proud of but an offence to all rightthinking people on the principle involved in tne roebuck act uiat of repudlaung uie lome scots hold parade fttlkrvtatlov of cotlovatio medals members of uie lome scots regl ment held their annual cliurch ser vice last sunday at st marks char h orangevllle the rejlment from uie armories headed v the lome scots regimental ujpd o georgetown and uie pipe band tlie regimental chaplain canon j forced to negotiate new contracts h a weaimcmasler pa or of utjlth uie quebec companies and at market itook the service dealing uie present time these new contracts alui world problems todoy and amount to a total of 45g000 h i courts mr hepburn and his govern- war and threatened war and clmus the rou afrcwer last year vnder ment tand alone and yet mr hen- solution of uie real war to a lasung the new eantraeu was aarxusately burn has made this question the hy peace the lesson was read b cut 2 ware than under a eantrmet that dro question an lsue in this election o m pttxgerald commanding ofbcr had been repaduted this statenuiit and ajts you to go to uie polls and the order of sen ice included hj nns appeared in a recent tvue of thn i vote far him and his candidates in the son of god goes forth to war electrical new- and engineering order to sliow uiat you approve of his fight the good fight o god our and is substantiated by the hydro- muzzling of uie courts help in age pust aj anuiem i electrical poaer commissions repin the decision rests with you but i was glad and a quartette bj mism- for 103c in which it sliows uiat dur have confidence uiat when uie people lillian and trule olowes and wm b i02b power amounting to 7qig39- not only of italian county but of uus clowe and arthur wheeler 800 kilowatt hours was purchased by province realtae aa they must tliat following the service the regimcrl hydro from the quebec power cam- i the hepburn government is a menace paraded post the queens hotrl lianles and for this power the com iiimib i broad a a where the salute was mission paid cemjssjm makhig a uken by col c k s macdonnell rate uierelore of 35 mills per kllo- oc 5ui infantry brigade chathni ati hour as atralnt this is he to alexandra park where a wnatn hi dro rcrt for 1025 where the e ins was placed on the cenotaph ihe o uie cancellnl contract with one of last post and reiellle were sounded ue quebec companies are ct out and prayers offered b canon wtst i the cost works out ot 27 mills per mcmaster kiloaatl liour stiecbil coronation medals ura wlui reference to the question of presented to col o m pitagerald power slionaee i srould refer to an article headed danger of powtr shortage in a recent issue of tlu electrical new- and englneerinj above relcrred lo tills periodical t a technical journal which for mcie uian half a centurj has accura ely cspre4d canadian uigtneering op n ton and which is not influenced b political cxpcdlcnci but is concvnied orangevllle lieut col l keenc oakvllle major n l ste a t brampton cant c t sharrie oak itlle xlsxl ti slieiherd georg- town cm e a chlng brampton conioral ivan tlnkes- orangevllle major f m wanjuirouah wjj shelburne major e cerson bram ton major j r barber gecnptoii und efficiency medals for long servic onlj in the a elf an of uie pro liex thls article exjilams uie exutlng itu aliou on the niagara power system and point out uiat ther u a reserve of onlj 1j0 0oo hp of which at leost c00o0 hp will be required this win ter leaving only some co 000 hp for imergrnclrs referring to ttiu re sent uie article says under normal clmimstanees such were iiresented to lieut col c m corketu ex brampton slrnal sei bates and sergt c chlng ouier officials present inclutud lieut col james ballanune george town hon col bartley bull brati ton lieut col o cousens mc georgetown brigade major waller scott wind or and slafl captain ii i chlsliolm oakviltf a negro preacher concluded his sermon on wisdom with uie follow lng h alnt the uilntr you don t ki ow what gets jou into trouble us the uilngs you know lor sure what alii so notice to creditors in the matter i the estate af velue wilsom ute af the village 1 stnrsriuwn in the cauuuy f hal tan wl4w deceased nonce is hereby given uiat ull persons liavlng any claims or ut eldlmands oaalmt itu late nellie wlum wtio died on or about uir ihlrtv tr i day of autut 1037 at the village of 8tcwartton in tlie counlv of hal ion and province of ontario arc rr quired to send b post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned mil itor lierrin for samuel tennuni the kxi cavemiuktu on saturday september 4th a lov v early autumn wedding was grace prusbytcrian ctiapel ue irolt when miss kathleen laura mitchell of detroit lornurl of stratford ontario a uniud in mn triage tn mr james kdward cave detrclt formerly o georgi lawn ontario by the rev bertram w i pullinger the bride looked chann i culor of uie las will and l umml i t ih commission in uig in a qown of lurqucut blue mbin of nellie wilson widow decea 1 p court of ontario after a reserve would be total inadequate for a system hav uig a firm load n fxcess of 1000 000 hp but for jie niagara system which is subject to ihe agaric of uie niagara rivtr punts it is dangeraawly szaall far eperatlng renditiaas uul tatally in ademate far farther grawus tbee are ike faeu there ts an- ibauedly pawer shartage and at the nreseni uaae hydra b paying mar fr pawer rrwan qnebee than it wmu have been wkugvd ta pay antler the ranrelled eaatraets but uils is not the worst feature of uie stand of uie present govemmtnl on uie ilidro qurstion the most srrious tssue is uie atutude of this i government toward uie law cour s of uils irovlnce i i one of the mas important founds uons ol tlie brltsh system or gowiri i mem ts tlu jwlnciplr thai our our s sluli br frte from jululral influenri and shall be open to all alike yet ui find ttits principle not inl threatened but entin lv dlsrrgard sj hi thi hepburn government a lea monllu ago certain jmiw rr companii l brought action agalilst the j ijjjjjixin ire ghalllll i new advertiseilwen faur sale one wdl bretl j r a cow rting live rars ulso bred appl mrs h mo kw collet i vim tlrorgrlown jlp lr sale cookliiic app r lf a ttuslu 1 thing lour own rontuii rr aptily cedjrvul farm giori to n i w far sale jerji row i uht iiara old fnsli fullv arcnl ij1 apply cedarvule furm run town h ctrl wanted t hilp tn lu uli ild apdv ur iifvrles ph ut kl r 1 learwlowii lip uig i made with a jackrt on bouro unr imff sleeves and long full skirt wiui match ng accessories ier boquct wa u white gsrduias and lllyof tlie il lev tlie bruksmald mtss pa trie a thomas of detroit wnre old rac moire with hiscinui velvet with a corsage of ophelia roses and love in the mlst the groomsman wa mr lome t cave of slmrnju on aria brouter of the groom following live cerenumy a reception was held their name- and addrr js and full tiartlculurs ui writing of their claims und statements of their accounts und uie nature of the rcurliirs it unv lie id b them and takt notici- that ufur llu twenty second da uf ortobir 1037 tht said samuel lennant will proceed p distribute the a set of the uij dt ceased omoiu the imtsoiis emit led thereto lutv lng regard onl to he luims o u ilrl lu halt thru huv hearing uir case ihe presiding judc guv judumiut ordering llxlro to pay the power companies a sum amount lng to mum thousands of dollars not sattjird with uus decision premier hrpb irn ami hli then attome glu ml tin linn mr ilorbuck npiwalrd uie case to tlie court or apk al whirh is the highest court in ont i to i7ie c mri of appru uimi govt ju u ment in favour of uui power urn panlis and uitainst hvdro on uie century club where uie young had notice and that ihe said san irl mb p lhl hepburn refcrr- t i ear kale rorsimmidiati aile id20 ford sports mpdej cojpr terms ui suit apply i r waldlt mrnab 4t couile trr the redjilents ol the tood tennanl will not be liable fur the uhes of a host of friends tlu aid assets or am part thereof to any bnde and yroom lelt later in a triu ptnain nt whn- claim hi shall nut throuit the eastern sttte and can then luive received not ire ada visiting new york washing on datfll ut georgetown ont ir o l c montreal and uuier olnts of this tvvi nij hrs da ot srpti ml r liilerest ford travelling uie uridi a d 1037 ftxw far sale light pigs eight weeks old apjil to clifford cook hit 4 phone 380 r 4 georgetown it ptltll n a vft having morrelluig finger waving for a kliitm nt plione 00 r 14 norvzj arinrrwttrul llarhcr limp and llrauty irlor nona tl ear sate nr i vrkange about jh tons of mangels for ood dn 1 umi wood or r til wd 11 unv quantity j itruiidlurd gtsnrgeiow n hiooa 2uj or k6 2t wanted flooil piucj21 vaid for horses injurtt isaitle or anything- suitable for 1 u meat with injured animals jilinn rr prunplly as meat must be secumyl 1mmuia11xy to be of uie ft will com ou nothing to ring us phi nr 9s r 31 station to station re versing uie cliargfts vannattkk fox farm oorttown 31 wore a smart suit of green and blu l stieer wool with black accessor is on ilielr return mr and mrs cv will be at liomr to uielr friends at 2510 mcclellan ave detroit ralit notes tlie brief address ol ii j ken- vice pmjdcnt ol ontario fairs a so elation during uie afternoon was appreciated ills words of encour agemrnt and advice lo fair direct ctm were very timely and woruiy of con skterauon by thnee in tr mated both halton candidates liu d dingle and t a blakelork were in town on fair daj there were many hearty handliaktv during the dav ilie absence of tlie hand at che fair was much regretted by muiii present ttielr hplendld irogram music was always appreciated provided ood milrlntamcnl uid daij- a bfcnnftl ohrltor- lor tlie said hutmu 1 tennuni cuairinp auction sale drctslon of the higheat cour lu tlie province or ontario as a liip luad ul liw und u thimbleful ot lu tire so ft llu cundiirt ot lltn mr ii puiiu u ttil mutter u unbec un liih un liemlir uf ihlh great pio in i iiisu tu u in i undv of ifit i swum tn do ll t ir duty impartinlli alltfopmisfd to the p ibllr tnletem lie tuise of tlu luit thai with wmlt who did not know prenilir hipuutn it cost un unfair minium upon th u our british insututions i have con fldence uiat uiey will not vole awa their birthrighl the liberal conservauve party and its leader the hon mr rowe whom i hai c the honour to fallow stands for a hydroelectric power conunis slon free from poliueai domlnaunn and control and for a system of ad ministration of justice under whlh the courts of this province uial be open to all alike there should not be one law for one person and an other law for someone else on this around i ask your support yours faltlifulli lloyd d dingle liberalconservative candidate week end specials f thursday friday and saturday yama cloth suitaulf- for ludirit and mrrin pyjamiih ntripth adn fancy pattrma 35c yd forsyth shirts rcuuuir 1 55 lo 1 75 now si 29 boys 1ornyll slnrtn 89c tvd 98c mens socks i mii wool and cotton soic 2sc pr fjicn wool son 39c 3 pr for 1 00 mens tinr mcrmo sox 20c pr mcna all wool sox 25c pr mens worsted sox 29c pr pyjamas ladies ynma cloth pyjamas 1 49 misses yama clotli pyj imnn myrn to i g at 100 110 119 special linoleum runners 3 x 9 only 150 simplicitypatterns 15c 20c 25e cnts fob langlkv cuean i us n itvitt mcbean co phone 64 we deliver georgetown save with msulpppppbppppwppppil safety at your rexall store w qlck bmlrf uidol ue kootts emvlsiov o tie hajubirr ltvut oil cajrhulkx bx i u mm uxall dotal fix lsb inuy se me spedak for this week vw ts the uw t fortify mut fceir against the rlcwni af winter he carry n couplet line off cod uvee ou and vlunun arodncla neeessmry ta bwud yow up and help poraaote health growth and r nsal bodily fmneuons start now i win yonr fight against the eu n- vow ean aiwnya shop to advantajtf ml yoatr keudi drwg store it- lorle em dv cologne or engush xavtt4o se take u every maarnlttg enos fukjit salt 4te ne a hew rvrfwue camulia ptajbjl tooth rrjwnee 2s robbs drug store omax h wo al ola a ime atwafawjr stojtir gfcollqa electad to tt grits liberals may hghuy chum that traditionally on tario is liberal but uie conrrv au es can claim uiat more of their reit- sentauves liave been elected botn uiee major parties claim tliat on tario experienced its greatest proyrc under their regime but that is onl a matter of pollucml opinion the electors will say awo weeks ro n electors will say two weeks trom today which one nf uie twro major parties wtll increase its term as go- emment in power ccm names iv book of war dead lkt off canadians who paid snpreme sacrifice la frogrenbtg the book of remembrance which is to commemorate by name those can adians who died in the great war will require nearly two years more before it is completed according to defence headquarter officials when finished uie book will con tain wjmh names this includes g3 490 members of the canadian eat- pediuonarj porcc who were kilted or died from war causes between aug 4 1p14 and april 30 lfctt the latter dale marls the final dcmobluxa ion of the lo t member of uie 5 ej the ouier 3 i00 namn are of con ad urns alio died from war caues allied forces tlie names of alt canadians who have died or who may ubsequenuy die from war caacs jnce jtpfti 50 1033 will be commemorated in a page without names taking up approximately 700 pngea the book is 10 3 8 inches long and 17 5 8 inches wide it wlu be 8 inches thick its binding will on completion of the record be under taken by the public archives the illumlnauon on each page is executed by james purves heraldic arust names are arranged alpha beucalli the st j le glv lng rank sur name chrluan names tn full anil unit the iear of death ts inserbed at the top of each luge so uiat nine croupings from 1014 lo 1033 inclusive hav e been arranged ontario government the provincial election campaign is in full swing across ontario and from now unul election day october th uie hepburn government will be con demned and howe and his tory plai form wul be critlsed with the poll tics of todai unfortunately such is i to be expected the two major par ties will fight out for supremacy with other factions represented b candidates making uireecarnered fights an a few ridings up to ihe present it looks as if halton will have a straight contest between the tories and grits wheuier independent or other candidates will enter the po litical arena tn uie riding is yet o be definitely announced already prophecies have been mad uiat the hepburn government will be returned lo power on october ctn while in other circles it is predicted that howe and his followers will be swept into power such is be and our predicltlan but one can feel sj in stating that the next government in ontario will be either liberal or conserv ouv e it has ol ten ueen stated during recent lears thai there hove been more conservative governments tn ontario since con federation than onv other this is not so according to data published b ihr st catharines standard it is proven uiat since 1871 there liae been one reformer nine liberal seven conservauve and one u po ncrvemmrnu in iiawer in onti ta tile goverment record from 1871 to date as follows 1871 reformers 41 unionist 33 indrendeiils 7 1875 liberals 51 concrvouves 33 independents 4 1870 liberals 58 conservatives 2 indejiendrnts i 1883 liberals 8 conservo lieu 30 independents 3 labti liberals c4 conservauve- 3c j 1b00 uberals m coiuenauivs 33 i 1b04 liberals 49 conserallv is 37 int runs of industry 14 p a ibm liberals pu trohs 1 1003 uberals 40 conservatives 43 conrathis 1005 conservatives co 30 1008 conservative 8g 10 labor 1 1011 conservatives 83 31 labor 1 1w4 cansrrutlve ubealv arnold mcenery iot 7 cui une prin will houl a clearing sale of iioitsls jldkxki cattii ut soithimwn suelr iia cauiv ktc on thursday sept 30h lenits casli roy hindlky auclumctr h hione 15 r 6 krpr jindoubtel tutegritv of the hluhrst 35 ind liberals 1 labor 1 ourt in the province if ontario 1010 united purmers ol ontino hut mr llrpluim dui mil stop ot 4 uberals 30 conervatives 2- tills with tin jiidumrni given bv labor ii soldier 1 independent the court nlupaoi m hiding ogulu i 3 lidni thr iiouer omputilr wire ci 1033 consrrvouves titled tn lssu r kuirurtimis slierlft to stlse nn pnikr o hdra jvullabli und ii it in order to puv tli imivit com will s the amount ow lint to thetp mr huiburn and mr hoeburk forced through the ihlja tin a bill uhlrli has been railed the itorburk art nml whlrh mpreasly lor bade unv shrrift llailiff or otlier offl ier fnim i iklmt anv teps u roltrct unv judimenl from ilidro now do you apiircrtale uie extra urdlnary situation i upo 17 lhor i03c conservatives 17 hid uberuls 4 13 upo 3 ijittorl 1030 conservatives 77 liberals 1 total 1 1 1 74 liberals itouretssivcs total ii i ubonls uo 14 inigrealves ul 113 1034 liberals cc consrrvoti n 17 uterarimgrevsive 4 clp 1 upo i total 00 hie above sltow that white uui wrrr inss consrrv alive governmeiits than uberal u3 tories had born dominion tl rwm eatoebo uj sat rcim 2stk p iuvs tint aaaaak aaaw aaaaa totatato soup3 z5 raisins x prunes 3 coffee sale i ii flu richmello early morning chase sanborns seal llranri i ll itok t 11 uk 31 23 34 fatdal soap 3 25 aniesled iaaaaotnaaa cottage rolls z3 lost pickles lir19 salmon ftt 19 cooking apples 25c baa celery large stallu 5c each carrots 6 qt basket 19 fast free delivery dominion