Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 22, 1937, p. 4

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tt-a- efc the oeoitetown herdd wftlrteadky cvenln september 22ld 1937 tea for evrytaste salam voor eyes lliliihn tb4 kfcrvway feeuug av we t-jli- 1m a terek faw exaaalnal for 1 f quality thai give tft ayaa4ami af ky strain ill yara wuriwt b far gumn at a ot walker ro orrounusr mntsuaar stcciauht wk la u kobm8 diuic stou ceowstttown or mw ii o t walter 1 kb hu u kattaa mamibaaaaaaim ike treasurers sale of land for taxes muwkjr or oeoaorrotrn countt or halton to wrr virtu ot a warrant issued fay the mayor of the corporation of the town of georgetown bearing dale of ijuh day of june 1831 a list of lands available to b aald for am of takes has been prepared and la bain pnbilabed in an advertisement in the ontario tsaaette on lib day of august t3t 4th day of rieptember 17 2nd day of october ikst in default of payment of taxes and coats as sliown on sudi jirt on or before wednesday november loth 180 at 10 oclock in the forenoon x ahall at the aald time and at the municipal otace in the town of oeotaetown proceed to cell by public auction tlie aald landi or such por tion thereof as ahall be necessary to pay auch amen together with the cbarea thereon- h a list of the above lands may he seen at the treasurers office aeorsetoam the adjourned sale if any will be held at the same place and hour on wadnaaday november aith i an and further take notice that it u the intention of the corporation of the town of oeorgetown to purchase at the adjourned sale if any held any parcel or parcels of land if the price offered is less than the arrears and the costs utereon ilbo 1017 chap 13 section 1st sub 3 treasurer office this 2nd day of july 1037 p b ilumxbor treasurer its so mmca maslet to shop by telephone on we days awl enowy day day when there ia ao annea work to be done on day when you area reeling up to eeratcb youraelf ox when one of the youngsters ia ailing it a great to be able to abop by tele phone anil on fine dare too and wben everything else is going right it aavea you an endless amount of tiresome traipsing around make the trlepktuw your market basket who owns the borden company ho oa person or aaull gvonp owu tv b ooatpaay- boadaa stock la owmed by ik pabuo 40000 ladlvtdul slnnklinlrlart assay ol tlim you ealoabora atea aad woasea liwlaq ha lovraa la cuiae sad oat urme l ta awary pevvteoe ol ii end la very elate ol tke veiled flliln tale wtdapeed paulo owaesklp ol baijia lal- pfwt to dairy unaace it nvvjlaa saaaeaea ol tka peoples eoalldaaoe la tka um b oa avdt nnil bcedaa bailde tie awaiuhstum advartlslaci aad aaulaa allocta to estate laroar miilrala tar astlk aad adlk products sad a awaa atabla taooese lor dairy unaais elect blakelock for h alton l v tut woman who wakiiks tlhusi you have heard i know of the man with ute hoe and the man behind the nun we have heard u ions their little son they have their laurels won out i lay daun of wellearned fame and brtn her my bet she for tlerllng irlu she u surely if the woman who washes duhes we have went at the hurt in the son of the shirt and groaned at the doleful talc do you ever think of the one at the sink and what wed do if hed fall three times a day with never a nay she bathers the greasy pilr the pots and pans with tlrvd uanttv ah washes up with a anile then sine 1 you will with voices shrill of the man with the lute and cun but uus x say qsn you say me nayt she too has her laurels won bo i lay a claim o wellearned fame and give her my best wlhrt par sterling grit olie is surely if the woman who vashef the dhhrt ur5 john mcualn funny stuff we luae joint expedition a burster viw had entered a poor minister luiu at midnight was disturbed by lite awakening of the occupant of hie room he was in drawing hta wrap- on he aald if you stir you are a dead nun rot hunting for your money 11 me gel up and strike a light said the minister and iii hunt with you the sentinel god tn tlse multmo of a nnlion tarraihtil uuifaraa samday kekaal lham sea4ekfcer kth 1031 golden text dews re that ihou forget not the lord thy god in not keeping his commandment and his judgements snd his statutes which i command thee this day deuteronomy i 1 1 lesson vassaoe deuteronomy 11 m where are you going qreatiieartr to lift today above uic past to makr tomorrow sure and lost to nail gods colors to the mist to break down old dlvldlngllnes to carry out uy lords deslgm to build agxln ills broken ahruwa ttien god go with you a restheart i john oxunham gad 11 a visitor to a palatial steamship was impressed by the great stfcl driveslutlt which propelled the steamer he likened 11 to tlie power of god almighty working in human history at one end is a great ideal propelled by the very power of god on the other end u thu godendow ed ideal challenging the massed forces of materialism and sin there is n organising power from a single cell until the individual body li built up of millions of cells but this organis ing and directing tendency doei not stop with tlie development of the body we are organised into families and schools and nations it is when we recognise this organizing power of god and begin to work according to his plan uuit we lose fear and be come purposeful nations ss well as individuals need to remember ood his laws his purposes his judgcmcnu- thc hebrew race has been distinctive by reason of its recognition of god in personal and public life malerudkaa u1l the terror of religion is influenced by economics in times of depression 1 dssav dusjj safe coke king a utgltuxiy direct economical chance of time table effective sunday sett stilt leave geobgetown esstera ktaadarj tiase to toflonto to kitchener to owen sound a 701 am 415 pm s 9i ajn c lii pjm xbgju tun 0j5 ajn j am cio pjn m m am a 4is pjn ui1j0 pan ai3 pm ii m pm ots pju luuspjn sgjija el330am bsaopm x through to london a dally except sundays ami holidays b sun- and ho only c sat only d dolly racrpt sau sun and hoi esat sun and hoi only caalea af ike new tbae tables are avauaale at all abseea and agencies tickets and information at w h long phone 89 cent a mile round trip bargain fares tmlaloaa fam adalts uc cwbarea me from georgetown friday and saturday october 1 2 to oshawo uowmanvllle port hope oobourg trenton jcu nellrvllle napanee kingston ganaitoque uruckvllle preaxotl uorrunurv corn wall uxbrldge llnday pelrrboro camitbrllford newmarkrt ienetaiig colunwtad ucafard uarrie urlllla uldland gnvenhunt uracebiulpe lluntsvllle callander north hay parry sound sudbury longtar afraid ton jelllcoe ileardmarr salurxuy october 2 to toronto also lo unuulfard chatham chcoey clinton durham kxeter fergus goderich auelpli hamilton hanover harrtston ingersoll klncjrdlor kitchener laiulon llsluwel ullctirll niagara fulls owen sound pau ley iaimmton parts iort elgin hi cc marine st uaryr uamla soutliamjuon stratford slrahroy walkrrton wlarton wlngliam woodstock tickets aua gaad la lak weliaa friday oct fst as fuw j from st uarys stratford kitchener ouelpti il georgetown train ro from stratford train 110 for fares return limits train information tickets ronvult nearest agent see handbills for complete list or destinations t4lic canadian national t ak agent for particular of canada miapim lmaf contmut kevew cask rriars ya way wb lta- some people lose their faith whllj others are driven to faith in tlm of prosperity some people live- in such luxury that they feel independent of god while others through gratitude gain a deeper religious experience in modern life we are so dependent upon money tliat many people fail lo see god as the real power behind our economic system it was tragic when people lost their stocks and bonds and luul no security through faith in god it is also tragic to see people alio through years of depression disci oun- ed themselves now yielding to disdp- atlon because they think their period of testing is over we must remem ber that some small and poor nations have made great spiritual contribu tions wealth may sow the seeds of national decay a nation that trust over much to trade balances arma ments adn tariffs will find that ma terialism can become a national dis ease hktary hit canada is handicapped by hauoj less than five centuries of hlstur we know all too little of our own brief history visitors to great brit ain rather envy young people grow ing up amid historical scenes dating back to julius caesar and even back lo the days of the early druids ihe hebrew people feel patriotism becamw bf their long story from tlie days of abraham joseph uoes and joshua christians become aglow when ihey study lhe prophets of god through out nineteen centuries of human his tory in the book of psalms nun hi not tlie hero the real hero is tliej eternal living god wlio continues lo work out his promises generullcn after generation il is this conviction that makes tlie book of psalm tho greatest collection of religious poeiry in literature kevereaee 171a each month the trade returns an nounced from ottawa show an in crease in canadian imports and ex ports our temptation is lo think ulat we are doing il ourselves we are prone to forget that all our nat ural resources are a gift from god to remember god is more than to give lip reverence in public worlitp to remember god means lo trust him lor tlie future as well as for tlw present we have little reason for individual pride when we remember all uiat we owe lo our farefailuri and all that we owe to the endow ments of god the giver of all good we cannot be satisfied with mount ing trade returns what we musi seek to know is tlie will of god for canada and tor tlie world canada lias some nobler destiny than to be merely the granary of the emplre- the real test of our national charac ter is our ability so to live as chrut- lanbrouierr thai we may give an ex ample of christian brotlierlioad to oilier nations are the 35000 ciiur- chcj in canada really working at tnls high task jadgweat 10 x history is ihe story of the judge ments of god upon nations the me and fall of nations deiiends on more limn economics moral charac ter is tlie decisive factor in ihe long run ttte primary purpose of lite christian church is vital in lis wor- siip and teaching it will have a great uilluence upon national life r history in the past twenty years has been a judgment upon ihe impotence of ihe church present ecclesiastical history in germany is a judgment upon the church life of that great nation canada has spent hundreds of millions upon church buildings but is our real trust in our banks and parliaments what a great day ll will be for canada when our iirovln- clal legislatures rise above partisan politics and recognise our rrnonst- bilily for national and world tervlce qa far dbreuan 1 under what concepts do you think of oodt 2- how often do vou hanker after great wraith 3- how many books of canadian his tory have you read in the past five years 4 how do canada recotmlir god publicly 5 will my life make canada stronger or weaker 1938 motor permits now avaoable no kwxial nualbeks fob itt hon t it luioquesten minister of highways lias announced that 1901 motor vcliide permits and operators licenses are now on sale throughout tlie province agents in the larger centres are already supplied and shipments of supplies are being made dally to the smaller points the highways department is mak ing ibm permits available at thli time so uiat purchasers of new iftss cars and trucks will not be obliged to pay for 1b37 registration and ro uiat the increasingly larger number of autumn purchasers of used can and trucks will not have to pay the usual transfer fee with only three months of the year remaining- the advance sale of iftjg permits is also designed to alleviate the usual last mlnute rush when 1h7 permits expire at the end of the year tlie new plates are of an exception ally attractive design this year with crown and orange figures on blue background tliere will be no letter prefixes the series letter will come in the second third or fourth position between uie numerals and each plata about uie time afrltow r enough money saved so that he can go place ami see things says mr ttrlaht rheu matism sets in read 11 or not the worlds oldest living married couple u rutim manedov and his wife havit of armenia ttietr ages are 140 and 118 weve noticed anyway that it i lie brain workers who insist that brain work is really harder than physical a substantial reductions in rates is announced which will be welcome news lo motorists and owners of com mercial vehicles tlie government having deckled lo change the license year to coincide with its fiscal year ibm permit and licenses wul be valid until march 31st lftw in announcing the advance sale of 103 permits mr mcquesten- dated uiat the department will be unable to consider requests for special aranje- menls of numbers or special ssrlm letters this lias occasioned consider able extra work in the past and the minister hopes by its discontinuance to save uie expense this extra work involved and at the same time in crease uie efficiency of uie service given to all motorists over one hundred issuing affixes are located at convenient points throughout the province as formri ly those living lh districts remote from issuing omces can procure their permits and licenses dy mall direct from the department of highways motor vehicles branch queens park toronto clearing auction sale the undersigned has received in structions from jonn1e scus1zxi to sell by public auction at lot 3 con 1 esqueung at peru on tuurkuay september mtk 1937 at 1 oclock pm the following houses team grey geldings 8 and d yrt well matched qrey horse 11 y o bay mare aged cattle cow fresh cair at lde red and while cow calf at side arlndle cow fresh calf at side red cow calf at ilde heifer calf at side ayrshire cow due dec tj heifer 3 years old in calf heifer 3 years old bred ayrshire heifer bull l years old sow due oct cth xmihjkmknts massey harris bin der i ft deerlng mower 5 ft- deer- ing mower 5 ft- massey harris liorse rake 10 ft 3 aiuing tooth culuvauus mji drill 11 disc wagon and rack sloop slelglis cutler set harrows 4 section sel harrows 3 section tur nip seeder scutfler nearly newt talk ing ilow bind roller dump scraper and ouier articles evrryuilng will be sold wluiout re- 1 serve as tlie proprle tors ham and feed were destroyed by fire ato at uie same ilare at 3 pm uie farm oonslsung of 03 acres en which is erected a good brtefc houv containing 8 rooms will be offered fur sale subject to a reserve bid terms cash thob f chisiiolm auctioneer j f robinson clerk time table changes effective sunday september 26th 1937 full information from agenu caaaaiaa national ksquksino fall fakat tmmxx wlnncsts i continued from page 11 island greenings a- madaren karl wilson russets harvey clark p r fendley mcjntoth reds il clark q- il pendley crabs q il fendley f r pendley pears o il fendley f r fendley pears a il pendley w wrlggluworth plums uy wuaon earl wilson grapes 5 il fsdly f r fendley grapes white p r fendley o il fendley grapes red f r fendley collection domestic apples o il fendley harvey clark collection export apples a madaren harvey clark specials bus snow apples harvey clark bus spy apples harvey clark bus spy apples harvey clark bus talman sweets harvey clark bus- snow apples harvey clark floral exiimrra geraniums miss young begonias mrs watson ferns p r pendley t k aymer houseplants uus young hanging basket mrs bralafay un watson rare plant in bkioaa miss young t k aymer cut flowers asters t k ayaaer collection asters t k aymer eolic- geta t k- aymer gladioli mrs p uralaby verbena t k aymer p r pendley mignonette t k aymer marigolds t kl aymer w bowman stock t k aymer petunias t k aymer p r pendley ilnnlat p il pendley t kl aymer salvia p r pendley t kl aymer couectioa perennials mrs watson collection annuals mrs watson mrs bowman hand bouquet y k aymer p r pendley table basket p r peadely uers watson table bouquet mr watson w wriggleaworth thing room bouquet t k aymer mrs r c nbton dairy s lbs fresh butter mrs j bird mrs switaer 5 lbs dairy butter mrs j bird 6 lbs dairy butter mrs bird mrs switaer special 1 lb butter by j m moore mrs j bird douestkx science bread white mra o judge mlsa m young bread brown mrs judge miss young buns or rolls mrs a judge hasel marshall tea biscuits mrs bralaby helen young cookies helen young hasel marshall maca roons helen young ilaaal marshall tarts mrs wilson hasel marshall applle pie haxel marshall miss young pumpkin pie miss young hasel marshall gum drop cake mrs waun mrv bralsby dark layer cakcurs harold cleave mrs brtls- by tight layer cake mrs henry wd- son exhibit baking miss young haael marshall canned vegetables mrs switaer mrs- judge canned fruit mrs judge mrs harold cleave pickles sweet mrs switaer pickles sour mrs switaer cold meat sauce mrs switaer mrs watson jeuy mrs switaer mrs watson marma lade mrs judge raspberry vliwgar helen young mrs judge salad dress ing mrs judge t j brownndge cake fancy icing mrs henry wilson miscellaneous specials white culls brampton conxervauve special miss young collection homemaa baking tellers special miss young chocolate cake harry hobertsun 1 special mrs harold cleave magic baking powder ooupeuton t j urownridge mrs cleave 2 toeve homemade bread mrs alders speci al miss young 3 plea sl lawrence starch co special hssel marshall layer cake sweetened with lioney by s morris helen young loaf home made bread by j m moore mrs judrr largest doa eegs by j m moore mrs henry wilson largess eggs by union champion j c cunningham dressed fowl specials pair chjckrns by famells t j ftvlier pair chickens by n arobln- kon j c cunningham pair chickens by mrs harry wright tho brown- ndffe pair chickens by il caiter j c cunningham pair chicken by haddell- bakery j c cunningham pair chlckens by halton creameiy j c cunningham dressed clucken by w g marshall j c cunningham dressed chleken by p b harrison j c cunningham dressed chlckvn by jas graham j- c cunningham pair chickens by mrs preston mrs w j alexander pair chickens by il il tliompson mrs w j alexander pair chickens by e c thompson t j fisher pair chickens by harry ro bertson j c cunningham dressed chicken by f c thompson j c cunningham- ladies- work class 37 milts fine wool mrs il c nixon socks coarse wool mrs r c nixon uus margaret little socks fine wool urs- il c nhton rug braided- mrs w j mcdonald rug crochet mrs il c nixon mrs watson rug book- ad haael marshall mrs w j mc donald karl bream rug mrs coal ubs dorothy j morris harold cleave nlet csocbet braishy mrs w tt wab piece colored eaats miss norrk klaael y mr xl c mbton puiow slips initialled mrs walaeu uta brabary margaret lalue piuoar adpa any other kind airs il c aaecaare mrs watson ulas morris kedroaaa towels uasel marshall mrs watson bath towels imael marshall kles watson mrs braiaby tea tomtit emfa mrs tt c mbmn baael mar shall mrs bralaby bvdkur rrwiimie miss d j morris kwnea bed jacket mra w xl watson ladies ork be mrs watson mrs mtaoa udlea- bedroom slippers urs wmlaota uar- garet little b laaap shade kua morris xxaaet urwsn go fit man ttbrary eentreow jtennai par mer margaret utue mrs watson sofa pillow morris faraaer mart hall sofa pluew oullted mr watson boudoir pillow mrs bralaby mrs watson karl scott brown tea easy and holder uhs morris ms watson utting unl brafafay margaret utile mrs watson french knot mrs ws- son hettlteblac mrs mnten mra wanum u little drawn thread uxa cbnn mrs watson m little gwtdwti weaving mrs watson vanity sat haael mars mrs watson iinnta faraaer single piece weak mies mor ris mrs nixon baael martha h single piece fancy wdtk mrs wataan mb norrfcs mats utile lane baavl- kerehlefs u little mrs walson idtcnen apron mrs bralaby mra watson haael marshall article ta ughten woaaana work mrs wataon italian cut work fme uba morris mrs walson italian cut week coarse mrs watson wool afgban msa bralsby m wagstalte laandry bag mra bralsby haael mf mra watson ladys saaock miss morris haael usnhill ladies work ouisa m cross stlten mrs aarey mrs wat son earl brown eyelet tab mra watson mrs aurey maw mecac- cheon french knot mrs aurey ufa mocutcheon mxs watson gkwoa mrs r c nhton mis watson mrs brauby eouar and cuff set helen young mra watso m anty nhopr bag mrsaury iliatl mrs watson needle poast miss uccutebeaa mrs aurey mrs xl c miclure sprjlqtie mrs wat- con brjttge set mrs watson card table cover haael mrs aurey mrs watson s oytaefc lea doth eaan mrs judge uaael mar shall m little s otleck ta cover crochet mrs aurey mrs judae m- llttle italian cut work mrs aurey helen young set mrs watson bancbeon set and g ervieues mrs bralsby batht sec margaret utile mrs wataon hasel marshau doilies mks moilcbaon mrs watson ebuds dress eaab mrs aurey mrs watson child reaaiiers mra watson mrs aurey baby car riage cover mrs aurey curlaaas ta mtes mccutchfoya smra aueey mra watson fancybbdspvaad mxa aurey fancy quilt basel marshal aln- bralsby quilt applioiw uaael mar shall mrs morris mr brabbr uay mounted mra watson pksaw tn wool earl brown mra urey mrs watson rollerlkm saaau lwnihke haael marshalt mrs aarey paar bedroom towels mrs aurey mra bralsby pair gueu towels mra aurey itxm wataon scarf and beret mrs aurey collect wi mrs harold lie- clure mrs watson mra aurey hand ckaft penasanshln 3 reader phoebe conn piece fancy work girl under 14 mrs aurey photography helen yavnc darning girl under 14 mrs aurey sample plain sewing mrs aurey mrs judge mrs watson saaapat eaakw mrs aurey jennie parwser mrs wat son collect ion knots mrs aurey poster for tall fair anne boanavan oil p undacape a bow man water color landscape at bowasan water color ash or loatl anne bowasan pen and ink drawing anne bowasan bird houm anna bowasan car drivimo oomtcbt tu jean fisher lad baabara tost 3rd charlotte ucculknafch ut mra bralsby th helen mrfttthair ctb mrs w a mocbare qifeap runotmo coertfcfrt 1st a e orisen snd john mlefcell laroawt fauaty oat oaaoumtjtj isl henry shepherd and w wuey baby show 1st billy llsdley son ol mr and mrs w hartuy xleorg-hown- sad junior ubody son of mr and mra was moody laraaajauu ntd ants hyde son of mirend mra c2rl krydn georgetown 4th ttkbasd oaawvet son of mr aad mrs oaabart ttikiit

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