Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 29, 1937, p. 3

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silvkk money not too roriila i turn- may luve been a uov whan aiktr and kjj were considered umt only min- klul safe money ly lovus nd t uiat ttnw jnmc people wenl u fa ku to vmuwr till um- coin oit could aid burv or hide uwto fur kalrlv ak willi lw liarodilr lion of iur prevent day hanking iv- tera tii tui rhlko itl to djy ry i w prhle want larger turns of nwi y around uwlr itwame or buuikev plar but prel r ui out it in uur bank fur lafr ke ilitg and hra mvninib air ut lr ouubt h clink is issued what money fa carried twvw u onouiy in bill la pwlrwnrf to ul er rstrtil for unafler knotutt uecesyvary for ctianee in romrr-ot- immi with tlw irlbr in a bank tuii- ttrmtly lw- mated uiat ery bra v h if- tutd irf workrd in liad conil-r- iblc tnor change uian uic rustoro teould arvrp and in hi opinion u uihiu br u kood thin 4 u taorr alxw kii iti rlrftiulki i it 1 brru lurr ur nvn iuil in uw or id thai lh i n t un or avion i bieak advertising does our things jt you conduct a retail store there are four thins you wish to do you wish to hold all your preterit customer 2 you wish to sell more goods to your present customers j you wnh to replace with new customers the old ones who moved away t you wish to increase the number of your customers try advertising in the georgetown herald phone no 8 for lao ajunab and thirty i v- butu rr warotsotard by tbbk- itfr awrp tit- thr tkotaur of ikru ut itun ua auiua iv alutouxh tlk- jjanal lv prttiaa ir earjatsx nu til 10 j lit 111 vacs if tuail laj l rtort uw ibbte ituv- ui tl likvorj of abrahkn callw we uiad tiom tlac bu of lit lor taaalla iiuu r iiim lubral ami liwlr krv al inau 130 retrlcs ui u lautl feiuli i-i- i hit oocnui nd wrll ktht u in llib- ti in ifutar lalad ju 1 l mialt m 1 jir of uif tilirt uuialll itw courav uitfliltv ttlui ivir ui ibl utfev- klrr ksulr tittkkk of lofu alvi lomrful divutr kuuj humn allnuuli liul tlu- ikm rumiin- hnd iwxi j aku twti to cturr xiimil altl c uclkxii kuul forry tin- khbatml ums of tb ku nd u boiat ir tuiaj uttajlllti dw luitarf i kl03 a ambol ol mir ancr if ba thr lailltful btmu of burdrn tlw luirn- alanajn xmbiza fear land confliri and lordly ram l uum it su u d otiiy in ilw iurrik of mjkf llaiplb h umt of twi ataaoft ttalionx u fohrtold in rriuir lui xiv bra lh- wottk tkoliiu unlo ubc lord will be- wsiura iiwii uw btll of horses au lubw tdrtfi rrm lhmt ntu twnjrtuday iammnts- aucoi feniault ll doc vmx not irilcuj or tumirjn- ion of man in tkr ka4- and wo al- bni frwry on of lh ff mrfreic ut ihr oo fct of coatrcnit imi today narrow taunrwd boha rnnxsu it iw kar i imn of ivpruach fir carataiu tbr uamlauma of uve- hebrew wofd for uaknouirr as wijv in the kinc jamca vnan has brouttljx ktmtt bibicai ipromtaetw to tliu tnakanbui of uu nrnl urtylwi th wtitw ot laatteauuottt ihows an intlmatr knowwdc of the habtts cl th whaaf swrne hatx nd the innocent eon tirmi the oppcobrums of uncwn the ape tts a place in the lia ui uwe drccious thin which splflnwi ibaporud froaa thalthiut as the hf- brw yd h kfentkal with the south indian name of the ape fiukhva uholakt hold thai qoaomons ttuir- ihliit must have b in aouahem india or in oylau- the toat and the wolf uu1 a aarn- ace in table m are uncut- the friueauymhbatwud a and the rimhanfs tvnry vins him a re- lerenee cm bible birds the dove and the a umut hs tu pat the oftenes evening september 29lh 1937 rrutoo kuiti lur tr un mrik o i our v ni j- iixitl uad all- orwrtlul bird lif j tl- lubb- rjl uin ui a huitdrwl vj u lltr imjir l knfciiuotwo kv- our duiutk imluy at uutu uniil ai r llw iaibliilt ihkki ii ratn uu wu- uitr j jiutu b wji ui ivfto 11m- ill u trw 11 nti 1 li unti kiu 1 urlj tu oiukm for lu- tlu- ut as mtnuoiic of gni lo ubtm ul hi- i ljlt utttjrlco- 11m uijtil- feord fur karvda or cun 40 tlntark uul tl li ud uulu ciuniisalrl ictt otlur bini- aivtl luwi a- fll a fu klv 4ixok lh ij aiunik ltl llw itcfuii u1l la uill of uiulaa urj flui it u ikoukht hut uiu uatio ui iallv vcfri- tuolu purior- uitey tini ur itvd tot un ivelotiati ob xt til liolllioua wiwimifeutl ilk lubit- mi the ravm airv fttf ouruiiv ikqrurt alul ufcrf umy of mllah fiduib of tlarw luik hui luuw bint tfw bau flae utile ow the kntal ol and uu- urcvh nl an all iiutwl oik or tnurv um-r- kvrs writer lo refers to aiunul at turd d to wtui uw tnou ac- units kivcwuxhtr ol liulr liabit j fiul liabatala mi in traolc driven must think for tnem and protect inem voderly ikrimu arc at ail rq ml duadtantacr iim- mind may be clrar but um lool- orp falter and the necrauary hlmbw in luu bft uaelr limhv urlvrrs muu look out lor lhem too u ned bttx hlchway ratalilicw anr to be u- tiled dtctno witn 01catu the dicecup b fur darcaiovlis wlui wlluncly bet their cmlt on the carice of u ivory cube but in uiat viddy kakne of life and death which is on- tariox tratflc lottery everyone has a uake waiinc or not dodderinn aid men tiny lots ryes even babes m aims lat year x toddlers up lb lout years of ate met deaoi in automobile accidents almou at aoon as they had learned to talk 13 of thee wr7we pedestrians w1m peruhed even ai they wr warnlnc to walk two out of evrry three person ai years and over who departed hum uiis life in tratflc accidents latt year were on foot when their fatal momeiit arrived there is a xevere uadklment of reckleats driving to be found in thte bturecr chare of apathy if not of ktocs neclltenoe little children cannot be held ac countable for their actions they can- net be expected to take care of uem- 1 1 pagr 3 s avauvs ataij kois ckaimc ulil in lari t rurdinr to the tiiu official esu- cp toui chadun wheat to- al 1w bushed rhl ilw crv of ibuoejioo buhels of countu l 1s3 buiitcl jlrd as lo uri wh uti ijajaif iruvuvcrt ac alberta fio l dulit- ttrade atml quall bhl- dlcatrd to be jubii d brluw uie record of ailh oilier yrtira the re ii- nip oi ifttf u hmj lowrbuy wlveii a crop 181 0o0j000 blm uirvued from an acret onjt intuu ttie alae of the lxf mcrel kor all canada the 1837 crotw coaraa hrahim txceit nakisred juiw an increase dver 1m due to ute lm- urosvd yirldi in the- lrovlnce of on tario axanltuba and alberta owulj to dryondllions in aaxkatohewju ttwf canadian ftakheed acrrake in im7 wu almou lalved accounting for like ry unall tuiueed iuoductlon 741- 000 buahekl the oat crop in 1w for all canada li estimated vat m30so06 buahru uv allahtly more uian iojooojdoo buxh- eli hither than in lb3a- llarely pro- ductlo0 i placed at vrttlooo bualieu almot 18000 ood buahels more uuui in ikm tioth oats and barley are proving of better quality than in itofi fall rye u oultnated at 1mu0 buiheu and aprinx rye at 1 im coo btiaheu the increaae lit rail rye coin- pared with itte beln 1msjm0 bush els and the increase in spruik rye 311jmm buahels the main hay and clover crop is estimated at 13 541 1 ions a reduc tion of tmjdoo tons from 163a on tario production is more than one million tons higher in ltot compared with i too but quebec production is down by 13 million ions and pro duction in the prairie province nu been tenermltjr lower we understand that there are peo ple who actually believe t hat their trouble inureat others tn uaarra of tb 1938 roiafaation plovm u aotcpfaoally attranv witk qrowm awl oranoj jujr on bhm basonwund i to save ontario motorists time and money 1938 motor vehicle permits are nov available due to the advance in the new car purchasing season and the fact that increasingly largo numbers of used cars and trucks are now purchased at this tune of year and following tho practice established last year which met with such favourable reception on the part of tho motoring public 1938 motor vohiclo permits and operators licenses are being made available in advance of the dato of expiration of 1937 permits 1938 permits now available savo the purchaser of a now car or truck tho expense of 1937 registration they save the purchaser of a used car or track tho foe for transferring tho 1937 registration 1938 permit can a procured without transfer fee fls indicated in tho budget address dohverod on march 9th of this yoar tho government is ablo to announce a downward revision in the foes for tho registration of motor vehicles passenger crr registration fees 1937 fee 1938 fee 4 cylinders s 700 200 6 cylinders up to and including 28 horse power 1200 700 6 cylinders over 28 horse powrer 1500 1000 i 8 cylinders up to and including 35 horse power 1500 1000 8 cylinders over 35 horse power 2000 1500 12 cylinders 3000 2500 1g cylinders 4000 35x0 sfxe rating of horse power shall ha used fill commorcial motor vohiclos and trailors havo boon reduced 25 from tho 1937 rate tho foo for tho registration of a change of ownership has boon reduced from 2 00 to 100- foo for tho registration of a motor cydo has boon reduced from 3 00 to 1 00 change of ucense year the government having decided to change the license year to coincide with its fiscal year 1938 permits and licenses will ha valid to march 31st 1939 ministeh of highways raovmes or otrntua this advance salo of 1938 motor vehicle permits and operators licenses is for yeur convenience secure tour license early tru home econorrsco to heat your aburvdaiauly safely healthful vproduces an heat leasts i steady is light and deastgulatad oral leaves fas too youuba mighty jdle with this dustless unom- wasteless canadian go order from your lre hamco dealer he deserve your fuel business sjsr sold by hamilton w h kentnjer a son j b ckenz1e son insist on hamco canadas fin coke citor kkrotr below will be found a brier synop sis of teleflrmphlc reports received at the head ofnceof the bank of uon- treal from its branches under tute ot september mrd 17 oeneral in the pralrtefrtfevlnoes favourable weather has been helptol in threthlni operations which are rapidly nearlnc completion except in northern alberta where harvetlns has been delayed the dominion governments preliminary etlnute lives the yield of iieat at iujdooooq bushels divided as followsalberta 76ooo bushels saskatchewan 35- do000o bushels and manitoba 53 000- ooobusliels in manitoba wheat yields are above the average but grades will be lower than last year whet yleula in saskatchewitn are eveepuoruily ilsht tlth the ftraln hovtns a hlah grade in alberta except in the southeastern portion of the province the wheat crop is rfenerally cat fac tory in yield and quality to quebec province threthlnn of ffraln is veil advanced and satisfactory returns are indicated applns are a sood averse crop prospects for root crops con tinue favourable and tobacco ls above average in yield and quality in on tario snrtnx fodder crops have been abundant crops of fruit nood and the yield of huecured tobacco the largest to date in british columbia crops of hay tomatoes potatoes hops roots corn fodder and of all fruits except peaches are highly sat isfactory while brain yields ore slightly below average in ute uar time provinces grain crops on de whole are fairly satisfactory and good average yields are expected from potatoes and other roots ow ing to loses from heavy gales it is doubtful if the annapolis valley ap ple crop wul equal that of 1560000 barrels produced last year onurioprost has been reported from many sections but no serious damage has occurred an abundance of fodder and feed grain has been stored frequent showers have bene fited root crops and pastures sow ing fall wheat near completion and satisfactory germinated moisture und early anticipated yields were curtaum fodder com is a heavy crop and rainfall and yields are expected to be below average fruits of all kinds are generally a good crop harvesting of the largest crop to date of cood quality fluecured tohaooo is prac tically completed buries and black tobacco on heavier land were dam aged by exccelve moisture and ileitis ill be below normal ifr wise was evident not feellnj in the jolllct or moods just look at that notice he said indlcatlnj the words post no bills- on a blank wall near the business section ofmli good city what is the use of stick ing that up there r he continued why dont they put these things in the right placer where would you uit it asked his friend over every letter box in the coun try f was the candid renlj notice to creditors in tfce ataiter t lb estate af nellie wilson late af uve v 1111 f suvuiiwb in uke caajuy x llaf taja lie weeeasrd notice is iletleuv oivkn uiat all perois having any claims or de mands against the late nellie wlum who died on or about the thlrt lrl da of august 1037 at uve village of slewarttown in the county of hal ton and province of ontario are re quired to iend by fiost preiiald or to dr liver to the unuemltfned aollcitoo herein for samuel tennant uir tsu cutor o the last will and temami nt of nellie wilson widow decease j uieir names and addrrse and lull particular- in writing or their claims und luletnenu of tlielr accounts und the nature of the uecurittrv ir anj lield by them ani takk notice uiat after the twenty second day or october 10ti the iajd samuel tennant will proceed to dutrfotrtu he assets of tlio wiu deceased among the jieruins eiilllled thereto having regard only to he claims of which lie shall then huvc had notice and uiat the said ismurl tennant will not be liable for uie said assets or any part thereof to any person of alwse claim lie shall not then iuuc received notice datko at georgetown onutr o una lwenlyun1 day of supttmbcr al 1037 dale at bknkktt solicitors for the said samuel st tmnnanl cabjc keiujuucn when harvesting fotatofs the time has arrived when the late potato crop is to be harvested and growers should give careful thought to ways and means of ellmlnatlnj as tar as passible a lot of the un necessary cuts and brules which re sult tram carelass or poor harvesting and luuidling many growers seem to lose nigh ol the fact that after spending the whole season in producing a goad crop they bruise or damage man tube- making them more or less unsau lole or subject to a low grading bj burn ing the harvesting operations po duelng large yields per acre l not the whole story without qualm quantity is of little value the consumer ls demanding more and more a high quality product and ir farmers are to dispose of their crop at profit they must make special effort to put up a high jraae article states s o peppln of the dominion plant pathology laboratory charlottelown pjex the quality of the potato crop is often excellent up to the time thr harvesting operations begin he points out and from then on it deteriorates ranidly through careless handling mechanical injury cuts andbrubrm which not infrequ rriou rots are ofilv develop uo proper digying melfftm- should be dug when reannnblj do the diggtl q adjutcd that plentj ov rarried betveen the macliine tubcrv tltli applies bo h u vz elciintor and to the rotarj type live nciiuur una io mr routr type numilne padding sliould be lruerit nyjo placed on or nrar the moving pftrt ol the digger to act as a bump er a simple chanire or adjustment or jiaddinr hen and there will often liminntt coiimilerablc lnjur the pirlrrs and other handlers should al m in waned not to dump the tubers into bo lets barrels or bags or oihrrttlse roughlj to handle them similar care ihould be taken in placing them in ttie storage bins ind in mot inr hum from these to the grauirik machines tliese rria- chines ton should have the movant parts odjmted or paddtxl so that uve tubers do not brule oroaeri and dealer alike rhould e to it uiat a good pock is pu on the malkct all off grade tubers should be rrrmned the sacks slioqld be clrin arid uie bafrs shoud be full ttetght alien packed good quality tt 111 ilway rriiilt in repeat orders thts applies a much to seed as it doc to table potatoes cfsnapshot cuil seeing things at night photoar0hlm llfehtttlne premnta no rbtam other than pattentty waltlnq for tha ttah with tha tens opart tha ctntira atatlonary at the topa nloht picture mad with an anpojiura of ss minute a at lb on chroma typa tum its probable that a ahortar ekpotur would hae aufflcatl o utdoors at night yon will find many a good perfectly get table shot lightning for oxamplc takes lis own picture very neatly and the procedure is simple as a lightning storm approach place tho ramnra even a slmnftv bit typo outfit 111 do on a wtndaw ulll or nome other convenient perch aim it at lie aturm ct nter open tho abutter for a tlmo exptuiure anil then wall for things to hajiw n if youarolurky a boll omlghtiiluk will soon co mo within llu kt n r your camera then close the- shutter wind tho film to tho next numtier and try again lightning plrtnrri are doubly effective ir they inuuriu nearby buildings or treet picturing illuminated bulldlnfot electric nlgna and other night blcmim ing subjects simply a matter of 1 1 mo exnoiiurc tho camera of course must be stationary length of oxnohurw depends on tho amount and color of light on your aubject and too kind of bint uutd thtt chrome type of film is excellent fur outdoor night ttmo exposure as it minlmltos bare from strung expnnett ugh la usually you ii find fxpuaun t or from two to five minute j adequalu unlassjouulop the lens way down then youll naetl longer ttmo and u your subject la bathed in colored lights espcau ony reddish hue glvn it alwiul doutilo tht tlmo you would ottu rwlai ust heal uiimiiillrht pictured aro aoma- thldg to point to ttilh prltle min light ttlll make pkturi jut an sun llrht dot n but tu inn man times ui aktr xmiiurt t must he vnry can sltlerably inrnuhid th tilmpleat o to cat ulutn a nioonllkht ex uiiuro hi to kio 25 mtnuti t for each 1100jit oiitl i ipn un that would lie klt n tin aim in in minllkht stipmim it i a uul afm ttlth a dark t und i t hi tin immedlata fun cnnmil tin unhut expnuira 0uld 1m lr ut til ttnn by tha iiriii r a full niixm nith t k cleav ihrought ul it ttoiihl tw 100 minutes at t hatm ntop till i muld lie rut down to so nilnuttn ulth titop f 8 without ntartiy dark toned object tlio txiiiii cjiim tut dmn to is mtnuti i at fs fir ill tuiil land nraiiei to 10 or niinutii u a m rt or dolljhi fli t in de- nird llu n t xkiiir mutt iw uultl piled by mr warnlnt dint in in h tin moon llitlt in miur i i uir mil ii ml if to ntiott i m bill til haloii y nautiuko liaiiklnt in l ik uin mill thu moon h nlovo m9 julin ran lulder

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