n the geonetowi herald jvved iesriay evening november 17th 1937 c- christian workers qouxn text let us not be wesuy in well doing for in due mm we shall reap if we faint not palatum 9 lesson pasbaoe i corinthians 3 10 ib palatum 6 8 10 bad moses railed to go had ood qranted his prayer there would have been rxjr him bo leadership to win only forty years of desert watching with his sheep a maater mmer 1 11 paul built for the future and bis work has endured the sole founda- hon for fhs faith and action was christ be said for other founda tion can no roanlay than that is laid which is jesus christ paul might have been a specialist in his tory economics ritual or poullaobut he said be would do one thine and one only he would breach christ and him crudffcd paul knew that be would be replaced brothers who would carry on the work lut be was not thinking of self as long as cruistfansoonunued to base their teachlnc and practice upon christ they would bo forward from vlctnrjr to victory in recent years the church has tried many experiments in the way of social service and en tertainment the church has been advised to control athletics and co into thtemotion picture business and many other bypaths but the only sure foundation ror an enduring and conquering church is the grace of god in christ the tests ef life it is whether we like it or not our work knees went stiff in btsjjleep agony to mows than when he awoke por three years writes this city man i suffered with pains son the lower part of my back in the morning x awoke with knees so stiff that it was agony to mope- the special treatment would make the pain a little easier but that was all then a friend recommended kruschen which my doctor said i might take i began with about a coffeespoonful firsts thing in jvhe morning to my surprise i found my rrjeumauc aches and pains disappearing i kept on with kruschen and although i am more than middleaged x have been free from pain for two years and able to go to my office every dayaw rheumatic co are orten uie result of an excess of uric acid in the body twoof the ingredients- of kruschen salts have the bower of dissolving uric add- crystals other ingredients assist mature tovexpel the dissolved crystals through the natural channels the iiadlcv wlujams clinical surgeons cldbl thcopo momtasuc ass swell iillillilaf iv ii uf gavaww h ukt awaak mr f ass s- tint iavjl ckafge af rfcia ww aai ice ariaas hiata r uw- le vkah k saa moa cfaaai i til that i llllll iiiij sold by on wednesday last november 3rd the above club held a meeting this time at the general hospital guelph commencing at 900 aarl which a number of medical men front sur rounding territory including george town acton ayton and other towns were present as guests to listen to papers and discussions on various topics or interests directly to the medical men present and hence in- is submitted to tests a new chtm- j directly to the general public other ney may be tested by the first rain- papers too were read and discussed storm and prove wanting and the under the guidance of dr h o failure goes right back to the builder howlit of guelph who acted capably a jorrybullt apartment house crum- a chairman of the meeting a resolu- hes in an earthquake indicating thai u was passed warning the public the builder had used materials un- aaainst the indiscriminate use or a equal to the strain we too are muc advertised drug being sold tested day by day can our dlsposi- wllhoul prescription over the drug lions withstand the peevishness or counters and being used tor many some near relative can our hon- 1 varieties of infecuon to such an ex- esty stand up amldt the temptations tent uuit several cases of poisoning of a depression do our peace prtn- are reported jrom the excessive use iples fade uwoi uhen the war mak- m the drue called pronlosil and other ers have iwrsuadcd the nations to various trade names tile resolution sjxnd fifteen hillton dollars a yearuiis directed to the ontario medical lion armirrents jt ls a ereat joj association in order tluit some de- lo anv man or woman near the close finite curbini action be taken or hie to look back alul find satis faction m their accompllslimenls the wav m which a farm has bee vamlnjr uas also lssued to the medi cal fraternity and others rckardlng the liability of serious mental dls- cnristian science ainnltor thls as an example of truthful advetc using let us hone the owner sold the property advertisement in new york newspaper jkvambledown house on hilltop tot- sale- in litchfield bills connecticut two miles from town no hvajig brook extensive grounds tor push lng lawn mower had golf ashing etc twelve acres inclosed hy horse fence adjoining hunt dub dump near house approximately so apple trees domestic problems terrible price to00 listen caha0ai937j sjn uritrd i house has been kep- u turbances from over dosage of the ihs has been conducted a church ianous biomtdcs used in curbing w h kentner a son j b mackenzie son insist on hamcocanadas finest coke a financial note that didnt work moan thlnp voutdr lnci her a ccn- the yaunc bride hd heard her on thm huband iptat of borrou ji moic ttttotr so sh- toot to the ban a v houibout joining mc in a fmr of thos- he v rote hfr btfore cup of tea old bo ttttfelr marrucr the oasiior read mike oke m lad you cra in itma with btci care ortj ei- fir t and then well je if theres any tdfattuy with much pleasure but the om for me aaiiiaitrd l l it true that our father has lost hls fortune 1 his ladj love sishlngi yes nil li sipt auav but jou are left affitatetl loer great junter x should sa x am left a big special readers d f t h 1 3 paper giv yourself and your family anjoy- nvutt and jitarfainmant th whola yar through by tdttcting on of thaso special offairs ehhar offor parmits a choice of topnotch magaxnas togathar with tms newspaper choose ettrclt offer ami ottour mo 1 o waxmt huuihe m m i ctultlmme ivt nmnottu mm wmw i ncwmhim huumk i q heiuhil w tatatal m huhutm 1ft ocmlmtlttetrlomeiug i ft qitobmd gun 1ft qimcikin mf lite nsttfutttew in dnkmr lugulhe ate qorth mud lt ufs mite ammmnmtkmm- if your newspaper amd audi magazines no p 1 ma6a2we ntom gmwt 1 iuguine hqii growl oiiour a d wetemts uiktm h iam 1 f f dctutculne iff natmhil home nonthlf 1 fc umuiw iuguine 1 f c hctomm tateu ittavm a dcumcatob 1 yf uhhobttdethomelua 1 f r mo t tok 1 fr ulver stmem 1 f r group i mk story iff oku road for ufs zfrt ftmemcam bof 1 f r ruentt higuihe 1 f r screemuttd 1 yr nekweek torn site your newspaper and s rio magazines aanulmamt unclose niasc send me d ofta ma i riwuetmchd om wx x i am checkime the ma6azihes imbued with a yeats susscwmom to your ak name a axmtk fa a n alalatata 5t oc rlfvdl umi n town anohtovfmci i 1ms bren itsl la 1 -t-ns- imt da i is 1 judgment ua et we should no i ti- unmindful 01 tht final summing i i ol our lllis sricv if up are uutldin umin tin- sure roundatioivs r tchlt viments uill stand tin- j us of tune i l4fr ruarils h 15 i huu an- ut- luid tlurean some i material reuartts uats salurtes t uous atcordmy to uie kind or iort u are 111 tliere ore also re- i uuiil in culture the artlsl becom- in greater tlmn hls picture the niilsician damn for beyond hli music the deejkst satlsiactlon however tomes from a seuse or uie falor or ood ij a i- are only trylruttd please ourseke or to plcase others our lite uill ik someuhat suierflclal but it ue are reall touik to serve christ and be uorui to receive his 00m- mtndation uiere is a constant mo tive to seifdlscipline and self-exeel- ment ilwij iieople uho ore reward ed lavlshlv in oils worlds goods are not sallsllcd in their inner lives some uiiom- names have been known in a uorldwide uns have found publicity and ikjpulnrity dust and ashes in the end it ls the conviction that ood has a plan for ones uie and that cue ls rolloutng gods plan that gives stability and inner poise there ls a sense in uhlch the meaning 01 our lives ls bound up ulih the mean ing of the universe a moral order 61 dr t r glover has said that one difference between john the baptist and jesus was that for john the baptist sin was an offence against dods law while for jesus it was an offence against god s love this is a world where there is an eternal difference between right and wrong and an inescapable relationship be tween cause and effect plre bums water droans poison kills and we need not expect uiese laws to be re scinded ir we violate their principles this of course has its positive side as well a right habit built up will enrich character for a lifetime liv ing a life or transparent honesty win enable us to foe the world unafraid being led by the spirit we come to live for the things of uie 8plrlt right habit can be a positive enrichment just as wrong habit is sure to bea negative impoverishment ower ol uie indwelling spirit of chrlst he was a new crcallril everv young iierson should be toced with the choice wlieulct to live for the flesh or the spirit in uilrty years destiny will be decided by that choice for the duration 9 it a young flupjicr returning from a sumrm r rtvsort confided to lier mo- flier that she nd been engaved to three different men during the holi day the christian decluon is no uuit tttnd of a committment as in uie world war soldiers slgiied fbr the duration so i christ tells us not to follow him unless we mean to carry through those who only want to put the hand to the plough and not finish uve furrow may as well not begin yet uw promise is plain and facta vrtfy it that those who do not get weary in wall do ing reap those who do not faint finish to uw a christian life u a long uphill struggle without are fightings and within are fears but those who penmen neap a rich har vest in character friendship peace and power a christian hag a sure guarantee of victory if christ is the foundation of his thought life his conduct and hu faith menuil dliasc thls latter paper was liad by dr w d cross of llc homeuood sanitarium guelph dr cross who is a sleuarttown aid bov strewed the warnm that mam so called mental conditions were bit the unfortunate resuh of heav v or toiiunuld larue doses of bromides and uial medical men should beat the fact mn mind when dealing with cuiain mental diseases treatment of disturbances was ouulned as be ing simple if due to bromides following a very successful rore- noon about thirty sat down to a very appetising chicken dinner at the homewood sanitarium at which the superintendent dr harvey clare presided at uie conclusion a heartj vole of thanks was extended to dr clare and to all those who had contributed to the success of the gathering dr hadley williams was formci a noted surgeon at london ont the above club was formed uybep alive his memory mmisi tot friday 10pjnllst stayiohsocrtt 5x1 0 permanent waving marcelling pinner waring for appointment phone 90 r h noml gnmwood5 barber shop and heiuly parlor nan al tf wood for sale choice beech and maple at tut single cord mixed balls ttso per cord mixed wood tms per cord j mannpostd v phone scs ar isjj 4 wide and varied cvsuucl offcsed by milton show couatses the official calendar for uie mil ton three months short courses in agriculture and home economics has just been released and ls now avail able to uie public it is interesting to note the wide and varied courses of study which will be covered at uve respective dowses at the young ladles course miss lllv petty of to ronto will be the resident instruc tress and will take charge or the lectures and demonstrations in roods and cookery laundering and house hold management clothing will be given under the dlrecuon of miss l g howell calnsvllle while health education home nursing and first aid will be handled by miss o hamilton rn or toronto and home furnish ing by miss ina puffer or uve w i branch toronto in order that the course may be practical as possible arrangements are already under way to secure the necessary electric stove renigerator bed etc we understand that the same effort is being made to hayouu young mens class equal ly prfcejuoal aside from uie regular sludj of such subjects as soils fertl- saul rtatn ihiers field crops rrult and vegetables in hls degenerate lire was christs tllock marketing etc we note that loss but when he received the mick- practical work as soldering rope for corns or callouses use lloyds yhymolated coatm salve deseustuses and reuerca pais with first appueatlua you cant lose yolk money hack if it talis hof wu1 kmu the aaaker te w anyoave pradactag at taear v albee a earn ar timraa that that they eaaaat rtasava with that waaderfal aw aeieatave nipanituai which ihiaiiaii ar wus prats high ly rai ms with uaydv avpptkav- ttte court of revision wql meet at the municipal onve on wednesday nov mth at 8 pan to hear com plaints against the special assess ments on the properties on victoria st and glen road tor the asphalt pavement laid under the local soft- proveuent act vil it p b harrison clerk f splicing harness mending diagnos ing the trouble with gas engines etc will be covered during the course tl is also expected uuit special trtis will be taken during the course to the ontario agricultural college leading stock farrru as well as some or the leading industrial plants in either hamilton or toronto tucsduv nov ember 2sru ls uie opening dnu- and judging by uie comments overheard the young pcoiric or milton and dls- trlct are prepared to lake advantage or this splendid opportunity which ls being brought to their door teachei who said i come to burv caesar nervous youngster ppplease teacher the undertaker qiinlhaa far dtseaaawaa i what is your deepest conviollont 1 what is your standard of honest worfct s what are you getting out of life 4 do you consider yourself exempt from the workings of the moral lwwt 5 what eheen you when you ar fed up salts far sale dblg store team hy staeooaucacks wf gi- court of revision treasurers sale ol lumq for taxes townsilir op ksqvesing colnty op halton to wtt by virtue of a warrant issued by the reeve of uve township of esques- ing bearing date uie isth day of september is37 a sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the township of bsquesing will be held at uve council chamber in uie village of stewart town at the hour of ten oclock in the forenoon on the ith awy ef vh- ntary istt unless the taxes and costs jm- are sooner paid i ii notice is hereby green that the v i list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared that copies of the said list may ha had at say once that the ust of lends tar aalajwl for arrears of tax hi liiang pwhushflj d in the ontario oaaata a thatl th day of rlmnatlia mjrt th ua day of dtoaaahar uot and tha lat day of january ima bsault of peyaaani ar the that ha da- i and caata ar uw aam treaaurara omca