g wedqeaday ewning norember 24th 1937 reality to oua baton tha 1 of the oast aaaston at parliament at 6pends on whether tha provincial will aree lo an j of the in tha nnmmiwi pa la power to enact soon legttlattnn tha test atttaaant passu an uaaaankmaaant fesaurasce act but it waa decided by mm tmlh hi ocxnmtttee at the privy r tn viw tha court of uk gaaort far affair that the soaalnlon parliament under the tanaa or tha british north america act did not possess tha power to wnact legislation of that kind tha at therefore went automatically into tha discard the situation than aroas if 1 wanted unemployment tn- snrence the united kingdom nav n miemploymeht taauiance in vogue tor many years the provtnce would ham to pass lawa of their own or tha eawntnlon would hav to secure tha pewer to enact a law of the mi throuch an amendment to the oomtltntlon obviously it is deslr- ame to hare a uniform law through out the v- on a matter of national tntaraat and this waspoln- ad out by plrme kmlstar macken knur in his recent letter to all pro vincial pramlera what arm be tha wrh of tha new act if throuch joint action a is pn t to introduce such an act- to the next sn nn it is im- irr to ay it will unqestlon- abty be waked out carefully and will tri the fruits of the experi ence of other countrtee and the speop al needs of canada the cost of to- auamca would doubueai be defrayed by contributions from employee em pla of industry and tha govern aacnt tn aettled proportion and the act will include in tta scope the u at employment office now edmlnu tared by the kational employment oommlsalou it will be an act con- ahmaxbly wider in u field than the one paawd by the last parlument- zn itself unemployment insurance la not a cure tor unemployement it la rather a mean of mitigating dls traa at a time of widespread unenv ptoymant it lay plan for the fu ture and ltmain principle i that anyone thrown out of employment in bad times can accept the insurance a hi riant re ha in good itmu paid hi due to the common turn it therefore adds dignity to labor won chamrtonsmr honors rat kmkafws huge radfe tower soars 680 am aaytna tbla as f snbca ow awbtobfr uttia hast i you ua ilnm ana id under your ourts attekflywat on your damp fore- i tenlitmi you as you ins for aohool becanae you gave your taea merely a dab with a bowel j took you totaak for not iloaiilua your shoes i called out angrily when you threw your thing on the floor at raeatfart x found fault too you spilled things- you gulped down your food you put your elbow on tha table you apread butter too thick on your bread and as you started off to play you turned and waved a hand and called ooodhye daddy i and i frowned and amid in reply bold your shoulders back as i returned in the late after noon i spied you down an your knees playing marbles there were holes in your stacking 1 humnisi- ed you before your boy friend by comparison u the m marching you ahead of me into the- building housing so00q worth house stocking were expensive electrical equipment andwhlch when i was rejifln in the lib rary you came in timidly with sort of hurt look in your eye im patient x snapped what is it you wantr you said nothing but ran across and threw your arms around my neck and then you went pat tering op the lalr- j what has habit been doing to met the habit of rinding fault of rep m this was my reward to you for being a boy i expected too much of youth and was measuring you by the yardstick of my own year but tomorrow i will be a real dad dy x will chum whir you and suf fer when yotizsuserimalnd uugh when you laugh i wtujlaafc back impati ent words r am afraid i have visu alised you as a man yet as i are you now son crumpled and weary in your cot i see you are still the baby that but yesterday was in your mot arms 30 feet above tha broad tn county wtanlng battle with long baton united kmptra lcfajms nocked to the distract from tba ra- votting south an ultramodarn steal mast rises like a great inverted pen cil so that csnarnsni may tup switch tn their home and me from thin air iaarfink even itself by reason ot its cloudcombing helghth the mast appears almost delicate in construc tion when aeen from a distance yet if tops the jeftoor bank of com merce head otnee building by nu mo feet and the burden resting on the 10inch steel ball at its pivot baa is in excesstor 54 tons in the shadow of the lofty struc ture- and looking peculiarly squat by of stllutestithe nenrecentre bf the c-b- cs new station obti designed to broadcast on a frequency output of mo kilocycle ltwlll dominate the local held by reason of its 50000 wait output and forms with station- cap just cocanleted at vercheres quebec the eastern section of a tristatioh chain spanning canada is modernistic gleaming white amid an autumn setting the modenustic timig hous ing the equipment is in sharp com parison with honrhys pastoral scen ery in it are the very latest gadgets dear to the hearts of radio engineer there are two tjjooo 100kllowatt out put tubes coaled by distilled water and said to be the largest in use for north american broadcasting pur- championship honors in the mari time winter fair at amherst njb ware won consistently saturday last by the herd of duncan a campbell of mof ontario invading tha maritime tor tba tint time tins season the ontario herd regarded as one of the best in canada lifted all titles with the exception of the orand championship n the market class thl want to edward p anderson of backvule jftb campbells bull mystic prince which won the orand cham- pionship of the bhorthorn class has had similar honors at major fairs v throughout the dominion the campbell herd won senior junior and orand championship tn rasle and female classes you can make klndnnw a habits if you want to windows wont ortn conductotts bjeijeven with the introduction of new sir- conditioned coaches on the cana dian national railway lines thi chances ot conductor being reduced to nervous wrecks by the time thry reach pensionable age are almost entirely eliminated says the london pre press one of its reporters aent to inter view the conductor in charge of the first of the so new coaches when it was put on exhibition in london re cently in the old coaches we could da only so much to make the paswnter comfortable the conductor told him after that all we could do was lis ten to complaints and nagging and smile patiently he was referrint to those who wanted windows up and those who didnt but in these new coaches its all different said the conductor you cant get the windows open because theyre sealed and you wouldnt wan them open- anyway because uo air- conditioning keeps the atmosphre perfect and when you cant get the window open there u no draft and no dust to complatn about pate 7 ilarriston has but one slot mi hlne and it has paid a license fee of u00 qsnapsuot cull mirror pictures have you aver taken mirror nlc- turas that is tor example a picture ot alster or the girl friend ataadlag la front ot a mirror fape dolling up a bit or maybe just ad miring herself it is use nnamil that attracts at tention but it la necessary to use your eyas and a little imagination and tageaalty to ferret out tba ex ceptional and get pictures that show individuality when making mirror ptcturea and focusing for reflected images only it is necessary to add tha distance tram th atlrroriauie subject to tha dlstabctrom tha mirror to tha leaa of the camera and then aet the focus accordingly if it la desired to include tha sub- pct in the picture with the reflected image the focus should be set tor the distance from the mirror to thejeaa the smaller the lens opening the great the depth ot add and tha shai r will be hath images ot cor e the nearer the subject is to tha biirror the loss is required in the mster of depth let us suppose that autor msry is two feet and the camera six feet from the mirror it you want to in clude siiter air well aa her resected image la tha picture aet the focus at six feet it you want only the re flected image la tha picture you aet tha focus at eight feet a bhotouaah lamp alatbllflea your exposure prob jam and permit a small enough lens opening to gala a aatacleat range ot attar locating year subject in tha nadar and aettiag use focus ot your centra at use proaer distance aet tha- shatter for time place a bhotoasjoi bulb in aa ordinary toor isatp wlthla raaehlac distance from ike camera til ting the ahada slightly upward and toward tha auhject it you cannot till tha ahade remove it tram tha lamp it la eat not to have any bright lights burning nesr the teas of tha camera sat your lens opealag aceordlnx hf tha table on tha ahoiohaah lamp container taka your position at the camera preaa tha cable release to open your shut- tar and immediately turn on the photoaash and then quickly close tha abutter and the picture has bean taken simple isnt it por this a aactlen far u plcturaa will bright tha antes at any album type ot nlclaro a no lv nhotoflaah balb will furnish enough light la amateur photography experi menting bacons aa tha spice ot ufa and you will be aarpriaed at tha in- leresllng effects you whu gat in work- lag out stunt plctarea on gloomy rainy day when outdoor activities are taboo raaalts in some instan ces may ba rather groteeqa bat you will hava a lot of inexpensive anxusemeal and plctarea that show individuality anyone can taka tha ordinary run ot pictures but it re quires a iiuls ingenuity to get tha unusual that is what you should shoot tor and tha resulting pic- bares will be tar more intarostlng than ordinary record plcturea and breathe ufa itself into your photo- graph album uo john van guilder heat from the cooling system will be removed by airblast and used to help heat the building thus saving an esumated 1000 gallons of tuel oil annually requirements also call for a soooowau transmitter with pro vision for a shortwave transmitter iud there are transformers fences switching equipment workshop cleaning and ventilating systems and a thousand and coe minor items all arranged in logical and compact order the building also houses adminis tration offices v staff room kitchen toilet and a garage for two cars largest of the rooms is the transmit ter control room where inlaid linole um floor forms a colored map of canada with names of cities having radio stations clearly marked all controls for the stations circuits are operated by remote control from a console located within dear view of the bank switch equipment and where the operator may have every neces sary function at his nngertips alternate lines to sssure continuous service to the canadian radio public the station is ted from two separate power lines and so arranged that either one or the other may be used at will as an added safety feature all vulner able components of the transmitting equipment are provided in duplicate the csotoot tower which will be topped by air navigation beacons is in itseltcan antenna below its bulk and buried m the ground is a network of wires more than 19 miles of it radiating from the base likes spokes of a wheel there are 130 main spokes each goo feet long with small er ones spaced between everp piece or metal apparatus water pipes con duits and metal window rrames is electrically connected with the ground system to avoid any possible loss of- energy from the antenna the tower was completed a week ago and there remains but the paint ing and installation of the beacon lights to luilh that end of the job the building however is less advan ced and considerable electrical work in connection with installation of the mase of equipment remains to be done toronto telegram ni calling you i am the best friend or mankind to the man who prises sanity peace- tulness puremlndness social stand ing and locevlty i am a necessity i am hung about with sweet mem ories memories of brides memories of mothers memories of boys and glru memories of the aged as they grope their way down the shadows i am decked with loving tears crowned by happy hands and hearts in the minds of the greatest men of earth i find a constant dwelling place i live in the lives of the young and in the dreams ot the old i safeguard man through all his patiis from the first hour lifes run atlulirioirtt1stoatririnls unui the purpel gathers in the west and dark ness falls i lift up the fallen i strengthen the aeak i help the distressed i show mercy bestow kindness and of fer a friendly hand to the man in purple and fine linen and the man in homespun i am the essence of good fellow ship friendliness and love i give gifts that gold cannot buy nor kings take away they are given freely to all uiat ask i bring back the freshness of- life the eagerness the spirit of youth which feels that it has something to live tor ahead i meet you with outstretched irms and with songs of gladness soma time some day -some- hour in the near future you will yearn tor tha touch ot my friendly hand i am your comforter and your but friend i am calling you i i am tttk ciraaoh the bade ot christ tha body of christ ttie voice of christ a dear old lady returned from her first visit to prance what impres sed you mostr aha was asked well she replied after a rooment or twos thought i think it was the ryench peasants singing the mayon naise budget groceteria fextra special quality corn tomatoes 3- duthiesminceiweat 2 j carton 23c flour is- 69c camraatxx8 toatato soup 3 i 25c choice skbpless no i qlla w raisins 2 ib ri pkg jewel shortening lib 13c sqap 5 lor 17c kaaepmgaw toilet tissue rolls 25c 2 ib 19 nee pineapple 2ussl7 rtandau quality peaches 2u25 daltons afcflficial asv jag vanilla 225- fancy mixed biscuits 2 it 29 outt own 1ulknd eted label tea i in pkg 39 iiillcrest quick babuy suds soap chips 3 23 unamhue sliced r cake ask for your premium card and make your food dollar buy your gift at cost your dollar buys more here free delivery phone366 cteflkjmtated auuval of fikst kngi 8hcty years ago on october k ltrn a little woodbumlng locomo tive with a huge bell smokestack was taken to winnipeg by red river barge and another red check went up on the calendar for that engine later to be christened the countess ot dueferin was the tint railway locomotive in western canada for years the locomotive was worked on construction and later on regular runs ot the canadian pacific railway as time flew the coun tess became obsolete and she was sold to a logging company at ooldcn bc where she finished her active years of service by 1910 she had been relegated lo the scrap track not far from the steel highway where strange new monsters held their sway then the little old lady or the rills was rediscovered by r d waugh at that time city comptroller of winni peg and through his efforts and those ot lnrd shaughneasy then sir thomas and sir wllllarirwhyte she was brought back to wlnhlpag where she now stands asan import ant historic monument in sir wil liam whyte park opposllethe win nipeg station provincial civic and railway offi cials together with hundreds at r-ttl- sens ot winnipeg joined together on october this year to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the engines arrival in winnipeg or more proper ly speaking in 8t boniface just across the river assurances were given that the count aa long as aha can aland on her still sturdy wheels will re main that symbol of a glorious past and a still greater future hveyearold billy was talking to his aunt uaryi she said well bitty i suppose youtl start to school next year oh no auntie replied the boy what would i do lrt school i cant even read or writer lr vl 1 1 m cake kxtijuigway safe direct economical leavk geosuerown kskiera ehsaewrd ttvaa to toronto to icrtghkhbr to owbn sotjho a 70 ajn 415 pjm x 935 ain e ls3 pjm kbtso pjn ss5 bju 838 sun 90 pjn- ll- ajn vass pm till jo pjn tui pja 132s pjn- 115 pjn x la pjn x s5 pm iu0 ajtt bcjut pjm x through to london b sun and llol only anr hoi a dally except sundays and holidays o sat only d daily except bal bun e sat sun and hol only coach connections at toigontro loat nerth bay ottawa hentreal and litlermedtala paints tickets and intonnatlon at- w h long phone 89 expert watch repairs by j h jordan agent for singer sewing machines reatatttrs to all fvaalcas georgetown phone 11 lane block electric arc wekuag hudson and terraplane sales arsd service fcivtown grays gara hione 113 aastvaaxaaaarsabsabnawabtsbwanbtaaa h