h rejre 1w beotsetdwa htmldv tadnakhy evening december 8tn 193 crristcdhs gift suggestions cant dp anything i r oveiy poraon on you s for tikis year suggestions for him tlgars 25c 500 cigarettes 25c 200 gladstone bag fauy j 1750 xxxjbuk votes rolls razors 695 895 1000 elecnuc razors 1250 1560 yardley sets ssloo 485 jasmine sets 85c 500 docblb votes medico pipes double votes suggestions for be ho electric rieating pads uppny by hyd 495 playing cards 5qc 200 xmas cards 2 fo 5c 5c 10c 15c xmastree decorations xmas crackers 49c bathroom scales 495 milk of magnesia tooth paste 39c univex movie cameras 1495 you can always shop to advantage at your rexall store suggestions for yardley set 100 1000 1 jasminesets 85c lfc00 double votes cutexsets 50c 250 candy nkblson jinny lino and annle lautue ladies weekend bag 1350 double votes compacts 50c 450 perfumes 50c 500 jasmine mirror ball creations powder 100 perfume 150 double votes rvaan psmmkwt abba childksm ask hut school bookfc katbn than tots remarlcable ertdenca that drought conditions have not killed the desire for education comes from the pupils of the vloletdale school at airways in oqe of the droucht areas of alber ta wrluns the boy scoutoirl polde bunshine toy shop at calgary thr children asked for school books jmther than toys as christmas pres ents mention of the appeal in the calgary herald brought prompt l spouse and it is certain that thesej touthearted children of the prairies will receive riot only the desired school books but toys and other trlfts jo well asks invkstloatoa htobe stcsd case oearceuwn mu iwrist car was m teraata 2 jig 4 wc copy uie following from the to- jronto evcnuva ttolegrem of dec 4th m m brown georgetown merchant is irked almost beyond words he went to blimlco to pay a fine for spcediitg on the lakelorc highway he jeoiced une displeasure to the police mt aflinjco and then drove into taconto he ays warning friend in the- car to kee an cfc on lle jnrxlometer we didnt go over 39 allies hour at any time and when we drove bock on the middle road at seven o clock that night we kept right under the speed limit all the time vet a lew days later brown insists another summons was received for speeding ihls time from hew toronto we left xlimlco and went straight lnw toronto and tool wrtleular no- lice or the time we left the uiniico court uhicli was 3 is p-m- the sum mons was marked 335 pm when i was in toronto i was so sore about it i went right down to the parlia ment buildings and asked that a special investigator from the alter- naygenerals department be present at the liearlng which will be on de cember 16th 1vus cueditoks act saixy jtusilandled stationery 25c 300 robbs drug store phone 76 -4- the rexall store georgetown ustoyoovkstnoks of ontakio the mount forest confederate and bepneantaum referring to the lleul- aovernorahlp of ontario published the fbuowmc last week we have from various sours what we think is a complete list of those who represented royalty in on tario during ttws past 70 years r with dates of p ifajoroeneral 11- w susted july l law hon w p hon land cb july 14 1868 hon john w craufard noi 1873 hon d a maodonald may ib 1875 sir john oeerely robinson june 30 1880 slratramder compbell rvb 8 1ss7 sir georcc a kirkpatrick uay 30 1893 sir oliver moral ocilg nov 18 1837 until his death on april 19 advertising fourhjngs jf you conduct a retail store there are four things you wiih to do j you wish to hold all your present customers 2 you wish to sell more goods to your present customers q you with to replace with new customers the old ones who moved away j you with to increase the number of your custonaersc e try advertising in the georgetown herald phone no 8 1003 his honor the lion sir william mortimer clark kt kc 1 9031 9ofl jtlls honor sir john morrison gtb- ion kc lud kme1014 his honor sir jolin hendrie kc mo cvo hon lionel herbert clarke son of curke of quelph 1319 to death aui 31 121 his honor colonel henry cockjiutt cloj sept 10 1031 han wluuun donald ross ytn i02c hon htrbert a ilruce u d lkd 133 1037 hon a k lacatthews 1937 the parmers creditori arranse- jnent act is being sadly mishandled unless the county council of ontario or some other group bond together m protest mortgagees are going to be left holding the bag reeve george currie of esquewg told county council at milton alst week the farm loan adjustmsnt board of today is overstepping the mark tie declared the act was originally passed in the interests of the farmers and in ome cases it has done good in i spreading out payments and cutting interest rates so a man could carry on he aakl however in many cases the ad justment board has gone to the ex treme of stripping the mortgagee of a large proportion of the money oar- ong htm especially second mortgages the mortgagor no unemcumbtired sells his farm and puts the money in his pocket the mortgagee ultl- matelj is then forced to go on relief mr currie stated he knows cases where farmers have appealed to the board and had their interest and taxes cut ofl following this he caid the farmers soldi their farms and left the vicinity with a substan tia equity i believe that in such cases mort gagors should be farced to return and nay their taxes and all penalties pre- viouslj incurred would resolution sliow the dominion government what theyer doing isnt on the square he asked there should b an amendment to the act so that such cases as reeve cume has mentioned might be re opened reeve george gordon of jassagaweva suggested toronto dally star paper making protfroaaes from art to an industry twrij irucw apr uwuag ctansttttttml of rmhn- nr artmlinc collo- taelc rsmlfritfl lb wnr until lb sbera ounpwiflj mrai sod tbfa turalalfi i be qimtm oaf um svatlr by mrans of m hut xcrrn thm rmmit lac rslf tr cwllulksjt outtb was ihrm peon i j out od dried a tn mat- hjl be oaljr u- fcitirc of ralhy para cellulsaa avaliabw ibvo wu uoea and latvr cottti in lb ronn of old rajc or ixilh wswtc and slucv mch abt ot ut tmtmr nad to be band made it wu tfisav acrordlnc to modera atatmlardaiilimuxb much cheaper taaa atajrlhlog vrviwniy used tfee dewluiiaeat of newapadera ob- wrrm a wrlivr in the chicago tribune ana been attributed fa aaanjr tblnaa urb aa be buman tblrat for knowl rdcv and the aprend of literacy la all probability owerer it ru atn to boe of tbrsie bnt t tbe inrvnun h by kihirdmnlrr in 1h04 of toahltirr wblcb bmade wper uuch cbvper bjr ebanatnjr lttmaaufacurv frtn aa art to a induatry ontll tbea a newspn- ter wu a luxury of tbe intel haeatala vltb tbe advent of cbreper paper u becatne everymabna oeceaalty aa aubecfiptlou llata expabded dur- tnctbe nineteenth eeotury a paper aboriaae threatened xlea coald net wear out taelr ablrta faat enoagl fa apply tbe raga ueceaaary for paper aakina- hut tbe profeeaioa of jeox- aauani wam aaved by tbe adeouata wb invented the prtuaa of trrl- patter frotn th eelluuae of wood t haltov exhibitoks hake excellent siiowivg at guelmi munai young mother nuiw vhat u uie most dimcull tltlns or a young othr to leamt nursa trist ouier pcoplr lave perfect children too do your xmas hopdlns uirough the columns of the herald i i in t b must be sclentflcally treated tbe a important factor la tba rare of iubemiluattii u rret if a pall tuui tubcsrcxiluaua uf a j1u uw utnb u utal put to reat otbar nmsm tbe uusie wambwl apiulm to lub4srculusua of ha i una- la a evrtaln rumw at pftliaala um dlawaard luua rau lie put at rt by arijaeial pamum- umvnuc tv by olw puraical optralloa in bmksi cawv kowrvw uie oaly way to real lite lunas u to rati ute eatlr lukly tale aeeml rl ratlucwsi all nusvcular actloa t aavlaa nniray wilt wbkfe to atbt tee uuanm mratal eaaa u aba immohui uw treatumimt of tulswvuloatsi aad awtbr iwasilom lyout worry nor proper wvta oaa be had at aoote llonpllalti ilnne raa ntovlda tbe proper emvlromkaaat aad eaaetiae traiu hmtt aeofmury to eovt a cura antl tae aru eueb trmuuat la aouaal by tbuaw abu4mi tee kreaur u laetr ckaaoa of raoovtwy the uuakaha aad the toroato lloaplt ala rue ooimiuuiiuivm atwl ute uum klary llopllal fur cioiosumlvvvchihixttm are eulppml to atwe utoea wbo are in aead the cood they uay do aad the auafther they may twrve b unuix oaly by their min thla yar pitaraaauoprtillaadaaolofla whtrh buae auitt mtua chliay be il 1 utrkiatb voluaiary oaatribuuoe h you oa jrive aayteiae to help uab ft charilacla work win yea his a aead it tauoaal haahartea ileatav- uoa xxs oolimea bifeet t hallon was ell to the fore in the grain show at the provincial winter pair held at guelnh last week- in the inter grain club judging com petition which brought out eniriea from twelve clubs hal ton clubs were second and fourth respectively the georgetown urban oat club which was represented by angus mcnabb und hugh mcdonald placed second while the milton team of oeorge jvllclterio and gordon cartwright wfcre fourth halton juniors also made an excellent showing in the section open to grain clubs the awards to halton boys being s follows early oats 3rd allan simpson campbell- ville barley 2nd john mclean and 4th ernest pell both of milton ute oats gui craig reid 7th bruce reld 8th donald mchabb 9th angus uc nabb and loui john mcnabb in the open section bruce brigden was first in barley third in wheat and 7th in late oats t j broamridge placed as follows- alfalfa 2nd timothy 3rd held teas 4th barley so bus lot ftth and late oats 10th j c cunnlngtuun al- sike 1st airolfa 3rd timothy tth karl wilson winter wheat sth so bus lot of barley 3rd late oats wli registered wheat 4th raquoslng agri cultural society nrlntalned their high standing in the agricultural society class by securing fourth in strong competition m the live stock allow which was one of the strongest on record hal ton exhibitors were also prominent valley crest farm palermo secured the jr championship on their year ling clydesdale stallion first in the brood mare class on their imported mares a 5th in the geld mare class and other awards in the sheep djvl- p c wulmou a son ware the chief prise winners with their hamp- sldres while in bogs t j brown- ridge and w o brawnride were wall to the fore with their tajnworths and sertushlreo these were but a few of the high lights from a halton stand point cbaerved by your reporter and whoja ship crew wiped out by bubonic iplatm t rata ilk lit warm bold and abun dant vvwl of 8hlp ao wl tby are caoirtkntly trlne to alow away when a anlp u docked rays m vnrlter la tba warhlmmon prtsl to oi tbew knucb money t aprnt rat prooobs eed era libera and when tbe vsl b oed top at a wbarf rat guarda are amppad over tbe bawaera to k4fl tbeaa froea eataablne on beard a ms hi aa unwelcome visitor any- wkere and peeully or ahlpa for be aaakes bis beat in prtvlous allies aad other valuable cargo and earriea eava mans moat deadly diseases ba- bablc plague whole crews of ships liav bea wiped out by this dread acouriee tbe vessel belne unuaaned a hetpletts derelict until wrecked oa aea rocky eosbt or fennd by a pass ing nhlp a uiilmnlc plague has beea oa of tbe worwt ctirses of wsnklnit alnee before the time of written history repeat edly it swept acres medieval marope killing ulllloaa one of tin grestest epidemics occurrinc to iimhtn in iftft mtbftofh twothirdr of tlip 400 fw in- habltanu fled to escape it 7y1mio died la a abort time it is fund oa sll big lak and salt beet combined la anstrejaa althongb eaveral water rhirsve fn qucntly aieti ay rrill ralna pear their uautm into like iturb4nsa oaav tral queenalatid tbehtke ecapdaa ttsatf alntsskt an qulrkly as it la titled and is often a mat whit field ekoutaiaa inllllooa of tuna r aalt the glare ef lb uo n this luumllerouod held la inlvnae a circle of hi i la forma a natnral baaln for lke itucbahn rrm wblesi there is aparently no oatlff far water bchtnttv bwtver declare that tbe coot en ta und their way to tbe crest artesian baaln blrh tfea ubdvr part of central queedahuid asd northern new l wales rxploaetka reeerabunit beery artil lery freqoesitly boost fortb frfsov wttbia one of the lakes avrroundlag bljle earning for it tbe aameof ruatble hill their origin u hpeealned aa la j tbe fact that a vapor cobtfaoously apraya ap from a cavern there drift ing to earth as a tine salt feajkeh uwnera la the district obtain their aalt supplies from tbe deposits left by this vapor owing to the lake re- asoteneea so attempt bsa been aaade- to tiae its salt supply cotninerciauy new yovk tlaaea cer coed fiaberaaai the cormorant a ua bird with a lene seek which ban a coshvpntuan dlatrlbutisii has been trained to flab for hundreds f eurn in cnrtand the master of the cornnrants was for- nwrtv of the oitlceni of the royal bourehold the rsrtlre is nearly ob solete p kurope thouch still ntnuna in japan aad china a urrap is ras- teiml around the birds neck se as wltlmat impeding its hrestb te binder it from iurauow-n- its raptures the activity the bird displays uader wa ter la alinout imredlble it dives for fish fnm the boat its master is flshlng la and eatches as auiny as 100 ksh aa hour bringing them hack aad deliver ing them to uie boat ilari ataa eiiaaeflpjamja the reactions of pluats are la many ways to those ef writes c il oulawt tteataut hilt massachuaetta la celuera weekly 1udu are beoombsd by cold arupe- fied by floroform intoxicated by ml- robot excited by electrical stlbsuhma bljrt by ejrteraal blows and killed by poisea they are eveb affected by o4se a vase ef rsrnstlnna plaeeal aeara daace reheat ra will after aav aral hours be found leualag away freat iu meal iatjltnt aubkuu the chlibpansee itmu tbe list ef tbe tea uioat intiollcoat animals cewpjiad by dr v uuld blair director ef the new york soolttglra parl the list based on teats la which animals have bees subjected in psycbslaglcsl ubowiurlea puih the oraag utsn ecead elepaasit thlnl gorilla fourih deatretlc dag tftk beaver sixth demeetlc hnrue aevestai ava lion eighth bear alnih and deseeev ue est teatb uterery imgeat town in spsun detnanda comedy with bdl6wbta oanmle epera bullflrbtv are f ly etsged in san sebastlakt rnataders maisqueredlag as clowns the ball se lected for tbe sport must be young astdw without much eourege while tbe mate- dar himself makes a better martial than bullhghter two great woolen balls covqv tea bulls horns to protsct tbe dgfatartwhe dretbies la bhtmrre cost u use souetlmes he tosttquersdes kfeplbg tbe buu off with s bamboo cane instead of tbe res ular sword the flybt itself la rough and tumble aport tbe matador jabbing wildly at tbe bull and tbe animal re peatedly knocking him down when the attention or tbe audleece begins to isg tbe mtudor leaps opoo tbe bulls back if this does not pro voke laughter he lets tbi bull estea hlm ea its borntt and goes hurtlieg wildly through lit air tcveatuslly hower the crowd wear ies of the fight und thn occurs tbe only tragedy of the uv ivvple call for tbe death of the uulu a sword bs brought snd thi uufortunste beast killed in the ring elk skaailar te cattle in feeding habits the elk are slat- usr to domestic csttle in that they prefer to graze on grasses and a va riety of ether ground vegetation wbea they are available nates a writer la lbs detroit news in winter bow ever wbea tbe snow ueni deep in tha north country covering the ground vegetation with hs unouv tnintlr tbe elk must seek some other fmul nufiply then they uay be found in the locali ties where they can find hnvuve ike twigs aad bods of treeh 1 in pre ferred tarihlee of bnim arv fuadl aa tbe hardweod trees maples beech birch ash laswood nnd a mutt it tide ef abrobs which grow in mixture with the bardwood treea the aloo like te paw the enow away to obtain ucb tasty atirsels as ucln-n- and mossy growths bertal ifisee t nort cads in old uppaals muth or stockbolas are three huge mounds beneath wblcb ancient legend aays the old norse geds odla thar and preys were buried when they died oa the introduction of fertstlsnlty modern scholarship how ever contends that they are ceremo nial mounds pvoh the highest the an- cleat kings addressed their iveople when the tribes assembled for what the scan- dlnsvtsas called a thing near the mounds is the sacred grove where on festival days thousand of victims were slaughtered hs odins name the castle la aseders uppsala incidentally was tha favorite home or queen kris tin here she abdicated the swedlsu tbreae getting out ef criase most american courts still eonmlder pleas of tnasalty from the atunduilnt nf moral responalbllltv instead or tnea tal derangement writes j w mi ken as ullwaukee wis la cdittrs weel ly in so states a person la not liable for crime wbea he proves he did not know that the act was wrong in 17 states even when knowing the differ eace between right and wrong he is immune from punishment v lien bis crime was eemmltted under n irre sistible impulse due to a mental die- gil matt reeved ef au dellua uaibiaee pale goddess of old ha waiian saytbelagy was onre tba asset feared ef all deities la the ltawallau islands the oddeas was invested with terrifying pawers uader tba eld taboo systess in 1km imncess kaplelaal ef illle successfully chsl- leaged the power ef the godless and tba as live fesr ef her died the val es a ilea la the united utates nutloaej park of us wait so may haw ovaclosslw asi flnl kalur skam w1mll akataa wera uaad a ta mads r hnllsau as far aattt aa la klstiaui mary ant it was ik kt- wuaa af tka immiihum sfcaka warklas aa ubkar luila by j l phuv- u af not varit la ihfts that ataiw tha aatuaaataat aaular still tfraatatr advaat was atad by tba hsjftai a may haw overiooked w extaodl our haartiast tm ftret st tarassl wtkeai tbe earth rusahlea an earthquake eminlt like the rum ble of a heavy freight truln and ths nnlu spiuirently precedes the nctual shock by a few seconds it ban beet returned in ficleaee by intf ah in u lugn awukclste professor of geology at the university or nebraska who heanl snd experienced a ahink tlie true sound of earthquakes is seldom delected because it is often masked hy tbe crashing of masonry snd glass and cries of victims literary digest fstrsaere de net uve m farass the peopltf of the lis hs mas do net live on their farms as is customary la aimrlos but lit small tetll by the ses oa tbe msjority f f si ass there are po buildings at all save tunrasioasl thatched palmetto leaf bats as a urn iter of fact axceptlag tan inland of wleutbera agricejtawe caal hardly be wuialileree a aaanstjw to the i o o