pao2 x i j j tb gtotfeioira herald wedhedy evening january 4th 1933 obituary jottw oomwav the death wunw chrtjtam bight of john conway on of uiilno bud- nate men ur conway who wag tj year of ag had beam ul only o short tlm 1u wu ufe-ltia-ag- r- fcldrttt of uutoa wu unmerrud and lid a th home or j r tanhftifcow uartln kuwt ur conway wu b th aroovry hiirifst for many year h wu an anglican and a llnal th fun wu held ort tuesday af umooo a public earvio wu held hi orac church eaodiietajd by can on naftci and wu largely uuud inunutit took place la eveegyeeo cemetery etnas ptoa joun- x polky john baptist poley adito o th oraruvtii sua died at lewd do ferta licuoltai on dae ul tcttovtag a very brwf ulimi frjc uaim the itetiinl w ihiuatf um john bad uary poley mi m fc m year fco end uuodd th lottl and nigh noot la orjiiik ufc- lck over th sun fioc at 14 jrwir of a following th death of hi falter who- eiabiuhad the patav jauary 1 law h mi aa of th tfomiaut tiatwnat of tkl dart of th country h bu asaay re sided in ocanaevul with th uon of on j in brliuh columbia when he wu quit a young man ur poley tod been urad many tuae to soter public ul but always de clined 11 had two hobble bortl- cutur and domb animal x u a oonasrvatiw aad an adherent of aw vibtm romsn catholic chuvh tt ai bachelor cad 1 surviwd by dua tlsura uiss uargarvt poley vancouver urs andrew tmn byng inlet a o aad urt j a swr- ton nv wwlmnitir bxj tu ruiwrtl took plaf on uoodaj aad wai largaly btundd lxurscol at pofm lawn orury john kowaad uv97mx54 th chrtitou uasoo m uddaivd tor ufa euktwth ilutfoaaa and hrr fiauy by th dw of th ovath in rsioiiu uuhlgao of bar lovat ud kdsud a wu hu eu- taa h had plarnad to iiwad th chrutau holidar wub hit vu but later hi plan wr chantad aad th word of hu uth caau a a t wm tbatu to th f aeolly aad brtieda john edward ilutfoan was th ld4 unof kuiabrth aad th ul lafjaua ilufftaan and wu bora la aquwte townahlp u lot is fourth ua jut twntyl4ht var ao wfaaa a lad of a fcw mn hu ratlur paaud asay wry suddaoly uavifa hi wtdov aad raaiily of four aaati chldra ura lluthaaa told th fana aad tm to rid m axtoa hr th hav bd brought up edward wu a dutiful ioa aad alwy taurttom for hi aaothari eomfart aad wauaia bral yaar aao b wwal to omuth and wr to pootlar mmr what opportuaulm nwnid mar alaattful than in th haau town 11 had ffiplyd la th ataaa of oaaral uotor and wa hou orand of th looy la that city ib tuu ha ha barn raxular and as frauant a eoawnbour pomihu batldm hi bothar b uam on abtar oiady of toneta and to buthari wuuxm of oorprtarn aad oofdon at hoaw to all of th baead tar iyapaihy of auay friaad aaa cot to thatr hour of sorrow th ftstanl wu bald tburaday aftareoon vttb a ufvloa at th boeu lallasad by ta- tafaunt at mirtu oiauury artoa wa praa euxts rsroifr th lolkmrtag ftmryrtimlfilrw dl- aaua war noartad by th uojm ta aor4tom board of uaaha for d- tmhif ifttt- xmabtharta bauw rwwr fiiinun lfhitri uump xnrantu paralytu tydhold ww whooptnt oouih 0rboeptnal unlnttu a tars numbir of orlluaa uncra nloyad art now euttlas wood on a ao- oprauw bail raattvtac a aord for cvry two aorda cut th ratur board vuj haul th wood to town and uw 1u aharc to sunnty thoa not phjw- callj ahl to cut wood mayor mackenzie entertains uuuuh or council rvmijc amd kuoif fecbooc koamimc uvbao oommiaauw juo row omciauh on tuawuy avmiajr uior uac- ankl wu boat to atxa thirty eui- kvfia oqcapruli th town ooual tutlle ud hlh ikhool boardi mdro oonualteioa and town obkuh at hi bautiful and romwodustw hoaw on uill btrart at about umti thirty th txnmbf ut down to aksly dooraud tahlm tad partook of a duduiu ttot dionar afur whleb th uaar plauud th oblrtt of th fcat u a oeiauatd combinad with th f of th fln kjfb of t lows tu h caud uon harold ciw i7 id a aaat tp th bilimikd th umt wrtftfr of th atilfl h uordm of triialaar ad wwahjo of ktabau- lir uarbvd attok at una laath mijldd th t condition of th county toruy and rltrd to th tactatad toaduur ta th county durtnsth et tnty iar until today th ratrpayar u tasd altaa4 t th limit- m nfrrvd to th bnluf du hwh school c- cittidfn hhalur hopuai gxcounu uothr alloaao old aa wn- rzi oood luadi suinuoanw and rounty road th hoi 4uauoa wu a tmi diobua aad u wu wry bard to advu uruwr pvtfot aondl- lloiu- 1u tiuma to gwgtown kptaumj h ooudty counrtl put and eh t wit u rpabl an ba surdpd th thtmtvu of th rau- aavra th uayor nast ealud on council lor cusuainka chalnaan bf biaanc ho ipok brufly eutunlng hu paufy in r4jd to bunlrtpal fovwiifiact la ittl u tla vr all paid th town would b in good thap but tby ar not pau and w buu praeua wry poaukl coanaay iu would oppoar granu of any kind thl yar cuapt cn to th rtr brtead it hopad to cut down opsodttuj uuo his uirpluj of about tttdd t th and of th yaar to wlp out old dabu it would uk to a rwlad u- wibidt if th coat wu not too gfimt tax arraar would hw to b oollactad ao u property war akl and no dliortatlnauon bbould b hown ho on wuhd tueh tfrattl anion if u aoold b at all aolddj kaonomy would ha to u pvahuad thl yaar u ar bafora ur w v mraduy rjhauhin lloua- tna fymtta 4pak fafardinf th dialfuh poulan owtaa to unaaloy- mt att of th popb to oaat thttr paysmnu th only way wu to fcwt u biuch u pomibl of each payoaat whp du tbbe4 that th uout ins commlation wu drawing on th naanom of th town aud u hard lor council to attloat but all noadal wu bains don durtas lh pat thru or four yaar th tovnh aauhy to th houu had faaao incraaiad oonakbrahly th uayor publicly thankad tf braduy for hu apundm work in rtralsbunlns up th attain of th ilouatng fifijrilitvvi ttr dvld wilaon uanacar of th bank of uantnal ihaoabt th aur lnfomntion th taipay rotlad ncardint town ftnanera th rraes pact atatacamt u appaarad that th corporation in auny yaan had not rahad auntciant fiiooy by taxation to pay off bank loan had paid tham by wwammmng obc wm uoutlnt nivrtminlftfi wa a drat on th town th dabt par eaptt at th praamt tlm t tus saaok aad aocial inuraoun for an hour or m tollowtruj th kadfin uad th nd of a turfact day han on motion of ur john d kady a haarty vou of thank wu aatandad to uayor uacsanh ura uajknaw and fasuly for thtir vary kind and taniroua hoapuauty onrlumu wu aurrad for ortuby cltlarc by vandal unknown who an- urrd th hlatorl st andrawa angli can churchyard daaacratta th gravw by wattna aoau m tomb- wmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmammmm n a robinson live slock dealer and batcher nerval live stock trucking all load fully insured phonei gewattown 101 13 mimimmmmmmmmmmjmmmimmmmmmmi imporlant changes to train service earuw daartat of tvahw fc twatnuh im nterthutu oiai lmj ifai smctv janfjaev mk lau train mo ft will taav toronto 4o am dally exorpt sunday ad of u0 ajn and will optrat through to hamilton on achadul tan mlnuta aartlar train no 6m60i will lav hamilton 1 am dally exornt sunday tnttaad of vio am and will arrlv allandal 10jhj ahu in- atakd of lojls am train no 6doml will oonnsct at durllntton muh no tt and will alao eonnaot at georgetown mt ho 39 from toronto du to rtrar oaorgatown 140 am for further partlculan oonauh your aganu inmuc school report xv hona jaan rumwy arnold brill ulldrad datrfald uargaru uuuitd rxy adam dort koana tkim ufcumtw xxiya cundrun jan oofll wahr brancuord and aha ototigan orant uimoi viokt lngrun liobil luchardion hl lbiuwcbr and joyo btaory kthil ucbwiv dorothy ucnlvn hobfrt ywuita kupyanklln cwaw lomaln latlxar j4il ucdonald td arnold ktoml row fcwlyu wood ixo cartr arthur arutrong utry col li- lortaln wrtght v hmllh cllw baluy jaxk datin lorn clark- ton jr rv hon brtty grant woria flvr 3aa lluddu own loog kthil aioolt juk hoar uarton wu- lumvxl juk bolwrr ua daaru and ntttiun kitk joan young lurtoa hu kdith hut tu motrt ooldhaaiv kcru uo- cluw iblrd dal- wtul cuajun iwuy utoalgan uartawt kcjai laln hanvn cuifard araktfoag uay illckjo jttu walun bill ru ur vmon col and baic kltabwt- iiui ydna uklu oordon opafta uudrd ouiiiit yvd johnton u urmalty uun itotmu uobbu br htiwuy boelght harry ma annlr uuiuvant jau lautn ur- gat oraliaa aaolyn luw jam cummuu put dairy brauby ihujrt joroaii bfrnlw lurrlngtoo uiart kvan hxly iliuhi ln vounj and wi ii uurphy hiith jaau donald jonun htjuu lalu jn fundnori uar- garrt jaaua donald jordan douglu ajuu and oordon hlka chaa hoar uilll anaitrong rranm oolovii vt haidtnir uargajrt ouut and willi 0wy rlorrno crawtord prrcy king cwu otrard ard aort tarvwau icauh homtv tw itn luusbukfr out uf kthrl rlddau vtarl oartrr jr ul hon douglas rurgol bw lyn llony audry patrton wu bullock vr hornby hugh wu- ton uargartt cook vma utunlotk uary cuaajna john ucciut ilrlra wuliama ilobart early jamu eta- aurfton vl 4uln filackburn jam col li dorothy airard junaiy rudotl quali dorothy ciaamlnga vdd buoton jan uartln utty boydcr auah joorlyn uocartnry horma thoupian dorothy aloott uargarrt lluan junior arnold jnni mtr jtomy king wullaw boyl rumird dtgglna bhuwy duloo jul hit buua uuu mual khhal wood oor don wtffciur think atoarwa un- ard hayntr touaiy oold0 buc haruy doriff uccartnay rvank oar- tr br ii tlona ralph wliljiw ktu humuy uuly cuuk ibatrto urul thuct that th uoux rrfg huaff joan lui jack ham wy diul cawytal hf vetkr jan wood and ktntl lant orao rjrur riit timet oummar tuobtl dob- ton and otore outnr jack brtu and jowph wucoa and varu ifrr- brrt aual ut doyi ohajua la oaorf jamra iwalkar cnv atu kiaia ooianii agnat uoqlui am kutabrth oomn larry udunh mnk connaty uary taul jr h ikma dorothy wahitcr uargirat houl jlsuai oofiu orval paltcnon lrona baz oaorg rvrry douglu col claud dillon krd toit kual 0org walkar and ko- bart allaitaqual juq katly paujtuth uular kfartan airard and uary smith uj uargaict uuchif lfurtal kaaa joyog robtru quxl donald sandarton audrry uluar 1vmm fc aqua ruth ooidham junmi yataa buu norton afiual lloyd klr jean uua jack baury ootamary oohnaly aquat robtn uaynor dominlrk loruuo john lulr bhoda whltny hu ritchi 8r i ilona waltar cook ronad latlmrr iran oonbar and ray har low aqua oordon jama oaorc brandiord oaorg nrry and uartha ouwr qual raggi blair billl long jan bauy jan harlry dorothy kmg and alan young aqual orrtl huta betty paul pfcm alvg ortpp ncannath david ton and patsy llornby aqual 1u1 shepherd douglu thnmpton ttwa oulivtt and victor ucmlvan aqual john collier bruo uooartnty kath leen boyle david wood br xu4iona wutrad clark pate bobby oonnaty uary voung tommy hal dorte armttrong betty zimmerman donald karly waidon cmmerton alva oruva albert whit ut priiona hobby hoar pat joal loruuo tamfay har low oaorg latimer edward doyl oordon king kvehm bbapherd bruoi shanhcnd jimmy ibka arthur olar in annabel uackl 8r pr b hona north deav and jk allatt aqual arthur ucaliuter uarjort kenlner and richard or un ion aqual bemlot hughe shirley laird jan early and uary uoolur equal huly andenon dorothy craw ford and albert tut aqual jim harding uary dobaon pau joan ualn and bum bnirty uarchmeni dart bhepherd jack uuckart aifreda baverttnck and xaaae buluvant jean cole auean jordan jr primary hona billy collier douglu ibrrlngton jaml carney pu oartrude gain velma lane ukhae loruuo jul uurphy buly oiven hl jamea a a reaiilt of uie heavy rains th lot went out on th orand rlvar at evwa cauiing a rood on uonday of lait week kiug block of lo and dabri war waahed down in it eouraa uany atllara along th riser war flooded and much lowlying farm land aouth of th village wu completely flooded th breakup wu th ao- ond flood thh winter to overrun th bank of th river ho extemlv dam- aga wu reported arrln canadian national t1 wmmm reduced prices effective january lit 1s33 all our prices on parts and accessories and labor are materially reduced in uime casei ai high aa 30 here i one example all 4 cylinder can grind valve including refadufr valve and valve aeau with pedal ecjuiptbeitt clean tfitlribulo clean carburetor adjust tiralair check battery and light former price was 800 now only 3so price ew all othef car in pr speights garage aksp brake specialists phone 270w georgetown scout news chrletmu ev taw the conclusion of th acout toy thop for 16j3 de pit th inclemency of th weather the boy aaltiad forth ud by scouter c davie and r yhrattln ti and delivered their toy to over twenty oaorgetovn famllle th troop u very happy to have been able to cover ao much territory and th tact that they were abl to tt a tribute to the eerteroetty of many eltlseni of th town during the evening th acout were aula to do a good turn when they came upon young man tn die- treta the gentleman in queatlon who wu holding rout of meat under one arm and a down bottle of ohrulmu cheer under th other wu being attacked by a large dog wheth er the animal wanted the meat or wat endeavoring to extract the cork from tome of the bottle u not de ankaly known but th aoouta arrlv ed on the battle field juit in time to prevent urloua eouiaquence the ik georgetown troop u deep ly grataful to ura roney whoj gen erality in lending her itore window made the toy ahop a potiibuity and alto to ur o suoey hon b u who lent the troop all the tools mad and who psraonally supervised the tacndlns of all the toys the troop wtiht to thank all those who helped in any way to make the toy ahop a tiieoau and w extend to each and everyone or them with to a happy and proeperous new year last wednesday in place of the regular weekly meeting the troop enjoyed an all day hike to the moun tain the hike proved auooeaaful and all those present had a good time the only change in the aeanary was caused by the absence of a sertala wall remembered herd of tame bulla whose preatnae in the put seemed to add an air of adventure to the loea ttott municipal councils r walyom and uamv wu xtmctwo ky acctjimaylon uiltoef uayor kldraund byr 4aedj mmviu w hiala acd councillor t co j- uaktad ht xxndon dr c a uartln j irving r u clrtaals v avaren t u whit it huuheon th lut three did not qualify th council wu there for electm by acclamation public school tniit south ward h e lurruon um llarruori de- dined to acopt ui otofi whteb will rtoofettuat another nomination north ward h- w pa see eut ward 4 w cook rev canon waftal- mt naltel withdrew leaving ur cooke cuctad by aclamauon hydro- fcwrtrto commlsaloay j- jirawn acl oakville oukvill uwm council wu twcud by aorlamauon following th wttb drawal of iwra who tiad bro bitruuad and will b oompobd of th lollotrig uayor oeorf b- jacob it w n uoblnton dtwlyrv j u ifchwin oounculort w s ucitay john uroyn j u cawuell j r jlrits wa amlevton and cot w n uooretsoua th only oontm will ti uit for a school tvtuo tn ward 1 njuibaoawvya ilve duncan oampbeu atcl owiiuru w bu j rurfrtaxi vi mrny o oordon accl ittftquriino rfe oeorge curri trem dputyhef w o apthlb laccl councillors l- u uullln n a uounui w o uartay aci nelson iuv e u kaadhrad tuu depuyrv o u tr iotn councoiorv ooru thorp law renrc beu and w ucmlwn accli trayaloar asr w h uotden aoe tkputyrwvo vtc hall txd council a a buck e- a- orr wa n ouurt laocll luhuc utljitlf cow wit ton a t herri a 1 laocli archie oal- braith area s iaccl1 oaorg rnh and thomaa otba wur mala area erauofia at the nomuutlon meeting of era- maa township hfld on daceeabtr is the council wu retumad to omoe by acclamation via ri to utletn o- unci or johji hindiey albert uuh jhn hart davtd storey eain at a repr tentative meeting of the ratepayer of eiin township u the town hau luluburg on uonday af- urooon the rtw and council were returned by acclamation with aa other nominations vis reeve henry whwlrr deputyreeve john ucrw councillors kdgar husky u a ucdougall h e ucklnnon uurllkoton usyor j rytkmsr- lueve oaorg harru deputy reev at vansciir wtontw village oommtauon d laroy aur- b3uu 111 l u bray 131 lalw thurttcn 113 u e iftehon 160 d ucdonald 11rauptoh uayorl iwck am if- r- lawtcnor 0 reeve k w ucouuoch aoctl drputyhaave w a kutuu ut c h uccuouum tie council hi w j abeji p it artcottw o uanlelt t o davl c r ucoe w o pty- water ooeamualoo w acdj hydro oommlailao j a u un lacco school board wra ward x il miner cm l w baldoea ua eau vtnwi- wllaon accu njrth ward clark bnydar bolton remp w uauurur iu w k wettlake fed school board s albert btubb lmd schaefer iu claud wu un iu h elliott iu roy heap ii caledon rcev john wolis a w- j wu- ton 4ti w j ucktnley ul deputyraevw j y urlvirn l t r evans 1 council kannawln t33 w hawkins 444 w j tvathen v1 norman storrejr mi j olbaon ell icouia hockey news cijumuilttown uttkmiatolattm kookk i to ufotoor ovek aoron oeorpttown totermadiala journey ed to futon tut night tor their lint tame of the aeaon a aoodly uum- bc of fans accompanud the team and wr trmtd to an nceuetu eithlbt- tton of hocfciy th gam wu feet and clean from uxrt to tlnuh with no tcorlng in th first two period in th nret few minute of th third frame rite hi managed to lip th rubber put th acton goah and made th tco 1 to 0 tor th vlaltor thl speedad up play en both aides and tort on a ton ruth toorad again tor th oeorg- town team acton then sent every man up and pucks ww nyl- thick and fut at rtlcbardon tn th net for oeorgetoaa tot h handled twa wtib ease to bmisaary h puck down th ice toet sgalnbrgk away on a one man ruh and bulged th twin for th third counter of the game tune wu nearly up and georgetown played fin dxytulvs hockey from thrn on aluiough acton boys made torn fin plsy they unable to gdt on the ware card toat wu uclarvd by he hpeciaiore as uv star pitr er the eatne while both ioau showed bonarful ability in the nu- oeorgetowh hat a good team thl yaar end with yur uprrt ought to mike a good hnwlny in th uagu com out ui the gtw oa wtdsy night here wh hurllngton visits ororgetswn gcofiflown linra up u follows goal richardson defense thojiipeon nd bradlev eentre tost wtnga itewut and wing tub ward ritchie plant and broan iuw lh put it wu for oeorghown to shoot th puca nval wysntlaxurrv ootttmat kucairltw hnal rsulis of wyal popuurty cvirua u pm dc mth 1w3 at danns dvug btor liovs- ooeetnrr fhnt prla gqm blcycl arnold brill xttmvoba seaond nrbw blk wagon bobbie hal lsoea votea third prise rouer ilritfg ii leuth vt14 vote fourth pruw rollrr isalae- hill uc- wally w4 vote r fifth prta rolw ski tee donald uc- uurchy w7 fiuub pels roller thstee ttalph whit use aau vote seventh prtee roller skaei junlm arnold tedg vout klghlh pe rouer skala buddie tit uoi vote oimufc ooemart hru prw doll caxrug fcnd dau ciiadys uenney i4aa vote baond prtrt doll carrtibhlruy ktarruoa 1j15 vote tturd prlae doll uarcart l brad ley tom vous pourth prhw doll kthl james 718 hth prise doll jm held 1103 vol ftixth pls doll owen dau two vote eevcttth priae doll suite coleman 454 vote eighth prbw dollusrjoru ktntner 42 votx fcthmtb a- capt pedersen and lieut j hook sunday next sunday school at 10 am- hotlbru meeting if- am bon- day school and bibl clau at 1 pm salvation meeting at t pm tuemday 7- honi league iladies trmulnji wedneedsy pu public meettng ah welcome u your subacrtption bjd b tbv hwrtjdt if riot kindly atuad to hnow ctccor thkatatm yrtdsy january wth 0rk mora a rapid ftr action comedy unh4 bfur davit and warm wullaaa cndy boudoir sutur rod hrw iriors 10c and mc- saturday january yth rritlrri s p- smuln through a pictut with rare pathos and beauty starrta norma shearer and ttadrtc uarch comedy sherlocke home cartoon xmpng out- emcu matins toe and he night lie and he tueaday and wdnedy jn 19 and it troipruy- kltrr bluw so long gloom hpi day ara beta again costarrtng uarl desler and truly uoran- comedy caae duirwrwsre nlgltta kyla 16c and jsc coming wvr dallar with bd- ward a robtntcin how eaku hucu could gtg bjuisd released by u p o a few years ago when we told ba con cheese butter or wheat on the urltun market and transferred sterl ing tc canadian currency cio would give the canadian farmer hg00 to day du to th dtffareno tn axchanga 10 give our farmer only lltto h works th same for all iporters be cause denmark sweden and norway are maintaining their currencle on a par with sterling fit give th far mer in each of these oountriae th tarn amount tn thatr respective cur rencle u it did several years aga that la each scandinavian farmer receive th equivalent of hmo for the same amount of produce which which would ring the canadian far mer only i37j0 now australia and the argentine are keen competitors of ours on th brltuh market now dose this mat ter of exchange affect them instead of losing by it they profit tremen dously because their currencle are depreciated not only to a par with sterling but far below it cio starting give th australian farmer th equi valent of idijoo la hi currency and the argentine farmer receives almost as much how can the canadian farmer possibly compete on a world market under such a handtcapt uorw- over since the prtoe of export com modities on the world market rulae the uric of those commodities sell ing on the home market this change handicap i responsible for holding th price of major farm pro ducts approximately 9o per cent lower than they would he if we had partly wltli the pound sterling a writer in the november luue of the country oulde wlnnlpag quot ing men in responsible position la trade circle brought out the facts that if our canadian dollar were on a par with the pound sterling 1 the price of a 1300 lb eejport steer on the winnipeg market would at that urn be utcreaaedby uo00 3 the prlae of a bushel of wheat wouldbe in creased by 10c and s the prtoe of a uw bacon hog would be increased by l 40 per hundredweight um for a 300 lb hog an immediate depreciation and ex pansion of our currency would remove this unfair burden placed upon our farmert it would help the farmer very materially in their struggle to meet payment on debts which have remained on the high leva on which they were incurred several yean back and the return of the farmers pur chasing power would enable farm people to start buying goods which would in turn revive merchant busi ness tncreasa the tonnage on our rail way start factorir rtintung lesson unemployment raise gowrtimeat re venue and deoteaae the expenditure for unemptoytnettt 14111 coedlrtg to use gfwfory ttoairw flullfh tsckuwok- and -wuw- istltv amst two lrurrvnwm well wobttt rkkiho norma shearer tn smlun through directed for ustroooldwynuar by sldiwy tryanklln with a supporting cut headd by predrte uarah utile howard q p heggte and ralph port win be pfatented at th greg ory theatre georgetown saturday jan 7th uatlnee and night in this lavtth production norma shearer for the rru time in hrr career plays a duel role tn thu she duplicate th feat of jane cowl who starred in th original hew york itage produc tion uus shearer portrays both th tragic uoonywn in the hoop- tktrted victorian tequencat and kath- ln sheridan in ute modern cn around which the happlrr romance of he tale centre pun fast and furious uarle dress- tn and pollyuoran as rival tnother- inlaw doing hectic battle sctvammg adventure tn a small town locale aad a bit of drama ta which uus drsssur pull at th haarutrlnga all are woven into prosperity playing at th oregon theatre tuesday and wednesday next jsn 10th and llth losperuy la a picture with a punch prom the moment the two comedienne start battling over th aaanled uvu of thalr grown children until th dramatic sacruva of the redoubtable uarle in th dertoueeiant of the plot u btovea like lightning and laugh pile oa laugh uut drasslar and uue uoran are their blustering battling salvas through many a sideaputung wag and then a dramaita twist puu them to sou very real acting from which they efiwrg more than triumphant dont mis seeing these two won- drrful picture corre3mndence appcal post otoffuatwom toronto onu dae 30 ifexl editor herald oeorgetown ontario uay i through your newt column b peimittad to thank the paople of your district for the way they have played th game under the trying eoniduont af th past twelve tnootna and frankly uncerey to invite tham on behalf of the irovarnment through out the jifacuh yaar ahead of u an even greater maatura of wiiuadenc am cooperation ttu u so umg f or playing polltlca oovueu are far too busy sndeavortng ta aava th country to concaro thamaslvea with petty partisanship pnlilams ua- praosdented ta magnltud and charae- tertsiics confront ue in ontario with every cltlsan pulling an oar w should feel confident our ship of state wtll weather the duocult sea with which it u now contending only through cooperation not the cooperation of any political party la partloular but th partleno and touranae and fair play of ai right minded people regardless of creed whether they be urban dwellers or agriculturist oxn our ship ride out the storms and be brought safety and securely into port again whu we cannot demand thai cooperation as the government a the helm we can at least appeal un reservedly and unashamedly for th contribution from our peopl oeorge 8 henry prime ulnlstsr of ontario ca ouatirr finst i i conumy always tf allbttan sago iiuste rice stu 25c coffee ceylofl t lb s9e salmon culhiluiou cheese j lb xi c bacon 17c pears 2 23c wtxbetft tie tomato t 3 corn 2 croum er bmud cera syrup 2 liis i hgswx77ltat0 2lb tins pint conadltm wuu beans qreuhd auuur loll hut eklekiheorulut ioups 2 17 siui cakes pound lo thai oud cemjbrf soap 1034 venos cough syrup cuttct pork aj bean 2 25 itbalcas tomato xjict free m ln tomato kttchue 30 triy carroll rolled oats 6 2t faacy saatt clara prunes 3 b 25e fcv evieormj apricots ib 23c oranges per de main street tl 21c 43c 38c 28e cooking onions 10 lb paaae s57 georgetown church news rl oesegee chaves rev w o a thompson rector pint sunday aftst thwpfaaiy holy communion am sunday school 10 am uatlns it ajn evensong t pm bl alaanw cnrgreta oba wtuiaxa pint sunday after th epiphany holy communion 030 sn sunday school 3 pjn- evensong 9 pjh- b44sss csusrell sunday achool 10 am leuon jesus pacing ills task publle worship and preaching service ni ain v ixm rev a n prtth pastor young peoples union uonday 8 pm knax ivaabyterbui caarely and her we are at the new year let us remember tt ta keep it holy this is the year that the lord hath made come 1st us rejoice and be glad in it hjaiusd own rev r w humley ulnuter mr n laird choir leader 10 am sunday adhool and bible classes 11 am morning worship the sacrament of the lords supper 1 pm evening service prtdaly b pan preparatory service in the church the session will meet at y4b pm in the mens clau room rev ur attken orbsjuuard will preach all are welcome at the mr- vlcos rotir printing all kinds of job work neatly executed on short notice at most reasonable prices if there is anything you require in printing we can do it phone 8 georgetown herald y k-