Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 18, 1933, p. 3

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tr georgetown hermit wednesday evening january 18th 1933 pass bucks meats dired to yeeirtai lacal fares wki w profd extra savings for vou compare these prices with what you usually pay and the quality is guaranteed choice ttndett young beef cut from prim steer abd helfr shoulder roasl your thickhib roast cboitc prime rib roasl rolled always a favourite cut sirtolasleak lull cut 17c lb young roasting pork fresh hams 5 choice cotlage rousfi your fresh picnic hams 7c lb pork hocks sc lb 9c lb 15c lb lit l7eib pork 9elb huuluk swute caitiff 8 br3se sirftftvijbi salmon jiz ib lettuce 2 lor 18c we sell for cash cjbucfdek phone m for colds and flu iswkutf viw bub is vu ooub tkve ib cjlq tabu si 8tk oousfc bvrus is ormn cold rr vpol cold ishauni thiraalyel wtauf wbli fla and tar lb ib tt hot water bottle aa see t jw twa ceu baltaas 0 lett made now 28c and soe darins drug store phones georgetown 2 tins eagle brand con densed milk for 35c 40 oar jar of frigate cherry jam 35 ox jar mw sweet mixed ptelclea 2 tina buffet size aylmer fancy pitted red cherriea in heavy syrup teabulc makes perfect biscuits per pkg red river cereal per pkg brunswick sardine per tin 25c 28c 16c 29e 10c he connor choice quality kippered snacks per tin be 2 lb peanuts in the shell 10c choice breakfast bacon in piece per ib 12e choice quality pure lard in i lb cartons per ib 10c eddy matches per pkg 28c choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell phone 7 we deliver j h jordan the ring you wilt appreciate thit wa walla tha full iraporlinae of the ring when you our aa- aaenbla of thee jewelry hm- uaani on altar another you ww a rings or beauty artle- try unlqu eftaractar and k- rjuiiita achat plating charm wa feel that nowhere can you aa to wide a aajaetlot of ring ao conveniently raduy aa u will her ft ih have your eyes examined by o t walker dosc jeyealo sgieelajlst freuttptoa who will be ok watsons drug store georgetown the second weditesdayof every month nuni wamojtal ttawo hvoatk vou arrtlfrnae o w ww fe a kli omw te ikaiwjaew to unwat uyia or gieiai at vuaotufal ttrlow local news twhpliig aifl at ada4 uid whan hi rnlsdtu fell out of tt apple tr la vh it haa ub tweldd co haw a ia riht u ue to hii thl hult b treat 1111 to tha tow ui- adalphu wonba tj jlhoc rjud on uouday and waa bcrid thu afternoon a number of oorvtoafii frlrnde attended tha funeral sortul amw baay at tha ivtih auw- in ft and 10 it diu u k if alto clowr hoary at i to at nomination for oounetllo for ward two wui br hrld in tha tovn lull on uotuuy jn urd at ti pi a uoaan vxirnalia haa 4tartad a uhxil lo umih ceoc haw to bay rlqtiu4 why dcma t wmtajy lan a wtauaun uiwxj ttja abnrrtoa ctjabrf at cvsaiavxrf ilul w fir lwrt unit- to todue ny tweicsapnian to l6ia fa that town aud rtiijun a wwkjy uwc dajpw la uoaoo vounx voila oulld w- vutd an aacaurnt pmraa at rnoa church ould toellag on uoduy awtiln krruaawtitt brn awd fojtfrin tl lnrvid and a tiirint twuj twuf ccmrt fiiiita uutoo wood ivodcu ltd bfan oiruona ulna btoctlia 840 tha ooipur las paid llftoatf in iw to tha anloya of tha artoy tna cuiipiiiy has auo twot auaor til pujciiaiing lumbr for ttulnuf4clurlai tuuiuy fctuaa ti hrald ttqtt twany o rratulailoaa to 11 a il bubbia dltor aad proprlatov of tha bimw fao aa rwud uufiihtr of oouactl la tha rat huniftpal abtioiia to that caawn town a m mi of tha pau and ail othara laurwtad to tha uoj kuod wtu ba bald oa amday colof jaa kwu at 1 odoxa u tha kshua thool vou ar urbml to ba phawel uf j m uua aduor and proprie tor of tha voauaa w- waa eletud uayea et that thrmc thtm town to tha rwcwnt 6iualtml aueuona ur laia la a broth of ur a it isuer and waa u ooa uau ft iaawr of tha herald atafl oontratulauooa joe daaea m vwat avuy th younir bachalora of horval will ki aaothar of thrt ponuiar danon tha parfeh ault riorvu op rrido hnlna jan ath wtrtin luauay orchauia atlu andanca floor win mr hafraatubanta adwuilon he rriiinilhii tira ooofa w ttuan arthur uakana wiifrad uj v kaawiisf imrtat tha fouowtnt inforutloo froa iv c v wuliaua uju juat bafora otng- to prau may help quiet v of tha wild ruora w haar nwdlnf aearlet dwr in town- up to data 11 ouaa hav bean raportad 4 of whioh wara riortad in dmatabar lis houaaa ar pacardad no new oaiaa have bean tvported for a waefc and au patlente ar doing nloely furuutuv ctwar u ktua ckavd tha chotr of be andrew a cburch btraeutrule cixhangad with tha choir of knox church oaoraatofim last sunday eranlnr boma manbera of outvllia choir undrr tha uad nhlp of un ortlg upplud tha mualcal tarvloa htrr an anthem by th holr and olo by uu oouw and un qrtlg ware much apprad atrd by the confitbatlon pouowtnt tha aanrlce the wtvaa of tha nutabera of beailoa aarvad tea to the vldtora rev dr howard a aubject for tha avanlng waa flow to re viiallae onaa ita in theaa day lae oal far haa local merchanu aw warned u ba on tha lookout for a neatly dme- d woman teuint hoaaamada candy laat thunday a woeaaa vlauad a local alor and addraawd tha prop rietor aa ur boando and ataud that aa tha waa a cutiomer ooeaalon- ally at the tore and her buehand waa out of mttfk tha waa trytnt to maka aoma monay by tatilnff hoaatadja candy h ahowad tha bualnau nan a nkca boa of fudaw and tald aha told it in 40 and 50oent boaaa tha local bualneae man daclded to purchaaa a box and tha lady want to her car and returned with a neatly tied boa later whan ha open ad it ha found it contained uaa than half a pound of cheap taffy tha lady drove ft vary good car tha mat ter waa reported to tha polloe but no trace of tha woman waa found bur- uniton oaietta dechionh uslhumno nkwopattuu court ojacuiona ratpacung nawa- papar autcrtpilona are vary clear any person who take a paper ragu larly from tha pott ottoe whether in ble nana or another or whether ha haa aubecifbad ox not la raaponilhle for payment if a paraon ordara hie paper dlaoonunuad ha mint pay all arreara or tha pubuiher may eon- tlnus toaand it until payment la made and then eollmt tha whole amount whether tha paper la taken or not tha courts have decided that refuting to take nawapapara or per- indicate form tha paat omoe or re moving and leaving them unpaid la prima facie evidence of intention of fraud t m mm a growino uknacs uore and mora thaaa uuea are ba- doming give ma umaa utn have aoqulred tha idea that tha country unquestionably owea them a uvtng and became of true attitude a grow ing number of our population an fait loalttf their initiative to wake their own way and are content to allow the municipality to provide for them and their dependanu if thie attitude continue and grows our na tional fibre will be weakened and canadas reputation as a alrong vlrtle race will ba lost this danger la real the give me addicts tboae people who claim that society owes them a living are tncreailng in these days many of our people rush to the authorities on the smallest euee and cry give me bport is tainted in the same manner our young neople want their games or- ganiwd equipment supplied before they ooniider taking part that old spirit or playing the tame for the games sake la tons wow if gtw me under distressing clminuunots of unemployment etc society en deavors t oil its obugatloa to the unfortunate but at the present rats of going the unfortunate wtu aoon make up a part of our population too large to be eared for less of the give me class ts essential if our country is to vewsin strong and pro grtstlvettoulh awpton boaoou personals ur a bradw erf tort uno wa a vtauor in town iat vridity ur jl wmoughiry wu laat wfc malaud ridxil u ttkronla amj btate boartl qftrigwtiiiiiiotla ji w tiule and jav tlortov u wooo wvre vultors ovw the k and with ur and urs w o anthony uls laura clrie of tha o a o oualph uua ury jafjuod of oia- ros and ur uaa warkanria of to- ixaxta vr wwek aed vuuore at the liuua- ur and un bobt krwut call- j to uufaamur n v lot wfc owing to tna aaalouj ulj of uf etrwlne urothar ur ba tcrmia ur aiun tot av who be bwu ill for aoaaa days waa taka to oualoh owneral haapuaj ca akffidvy for irahfitot hie tany frinkia hi tow wi hla apvdy rmmtkx to haalth uu luwl a uohia tluishla- u u coj a l axd uti kocka who u a ttuovnt in umauams ux br auth ar at tha uniirrtliy of ywoalo hw ua xotd along wtib uus tkwo- thy u jhkda a riartu aa lfiufna at tha hosjjslal of tha woossi uh- cai couia of huudlnbla iv v olmxui ijuulih 8av0 aislaaova tstatai ttwnl aa salaria anmual uacrtmq wwe h um wt l mi ur oirau k lahoa lhui f bjid 1w ooapany lq addfuft tha annuaj burkg of tha atan tald uawtinga such as this at the and oj a good jaax are awys a sourca cf pleura lo afyona of ua whan rai fwsditlnos are ud and wnn two our owe builflsama has la oeaaura raud lbae condllb be sariht6 cad the sort to u ourwle chmtfulu faa than utua tlinifub any such uaufif sauu u fought agauut and evftd by eryona of us if a are going to mike tha following a sueoaao aty chaarfulriwa i do not mnny fool- uh aaaaura of opuausm siihntft under ptwnt mrayvt 1 nd hardly warn any of you against that but i do tatan a raaaonaua tatta la tha futuiw bawd on tha past his tory of thke eounuy aad f 4fea weald trura u undoubtedly a b of owaaiut rxopaganda balitg tmitud on i hsve hsard u said and wuha lha last month oa two thai y country la tha world iwludlflg can ada and tha united ejtatae u badd for revolution that things are get ting steadily woe awry day this talk oofiva not s one asihi sup- eoia from aatraue iwlstwta or ooni uunlsla but rather froas people who are tuu in uodfauly eoniiortaua circuattatancaa but who not hvtag enough to do allow thfiusls to ftb- uub au the depressing featur of ptceant day oondiuons and so rmch e point where their judgiewnt is aa mnly warped w sil wmuag peop lik thla and wtust do our pari u combat their kuaa a i see u hal the world nsads u grsaur mutual undaraisnding be ween u component parts trvtur epnreciauoo 0 asxh others dim- cultua lass nationalist and kore tnurnatloaalism it wa axaetiy thoe faaturea which won the war there waa raal and alnosre eocparauoa be- twera tha aulad and as power unfortumusly tmmadiauly after tha war bad statesmanship con cluded a duastroua peace a peace that bred dturutt not only between tha visitor and tha defeated but auo among the victorious nation trueiuervae kslwbe n aupplanted what at least haa been a form of partial intamatlonaium and ell countriee aumbabed to u tariff walu were and u11 are belag built higher and higher until international trad haa to all intents and purpose ceased to atht what this country need what tha united states needs what the world needs u a breaking down of the greater part of thaw barrier if we are to rstun to our normal standard of urtnc vou are rjrobahty already convinced of this f3 work for it it to cur to eome but the quicker u can be brought about the more quickly the piaj will be dlecfedltsct ftm tha more quickly reasonable cptlaalfs will be justlnad your influence is great you are to eonoant touch with the grocer who hi turn is in touch with every in dividual la hie community you are also meeting other a learner wt reach other trades do your share and gradually the truth will afiread kolitlclans eaa only act if they fesl they have the majority of the public behind them and it u vital to the we liar of the world to the weuar of canada and to the welfare of this that they should to us ausm and be brought to see thai only a wlckr tournauotullsbb can rescue ua from the pit we have digged for ourselves ur adougau advertising uan agar mentioned that newspaper wthch form the backbone of their ad- vartuong will be used juat as eaten- iivly as ever by tuladul runs upstairs at92 dauifrue pride la artive fatlitr x feel in duty bound wrltee ura a j 4pf to exprasa my graluude for the marvellous results my father ha otalnad from kruschan balta they should really be called icracles he is ninetytwo years old and is as at a a fiddle he can nip about and run up and down atalra hie frlands marvel why it te he la always alert and never feels slacks he always telle them the reason my regular dally dose of kruschan salts every morn ing we always reoanunend krusch- en salts to all our friend to my idea no family should be without it att w alost people grow old long bafora their tune because they neglect one vital need of health the need for tntamal clean inais eventually they start the healthy kruschan nabjt then they etart geulng rid every day of all waste matter from the system new healthy blood goes coursing as and aim lot- feel their youth has feel young energetic a word theyve got that famous kruschea peeling destioy you old uc8nb rutu uotorista who have purchased o are about to buy their 1h3 auto 11- oensss are waked by the police to either dealroy the ltu jnarkers keep them under lock and key the 1mj putos will doubtkss be la common use for some weeks and are frequently packed mp by auto thieves for use on stolen- auto police of- noials point out that many motorists leave their old license plates lying about unlocked gargares a ofhutitlfto which makes the job or checking stolen autoa more difficult ttnew your lubscrlpuou to the hockey news hmuaum ti a oftjtw3i bui ftxw outacoaxd by mimoo ttmwbmm rtiy ttt cuft wrrtf sahxaoau sanxiktwt oaxwilxjt aukv brawmacxdtatvei fenikat om vmiday msosrr o0fwton watt down to oakvllie laat kytday niaht aed played a no- asw- game with th local boy in thirty umutsa of crtlka kllhar ismhi tnicht have won thla gpaixia a tha ice waa eoafd with aluh frorf start to finish and play waa raad and rotagh oakviua play thslr frvtura gm bm on amday niht and is tha waather u finii pmibss lo be the ut gata of the tmna and a victory would about dtotu a too pciucji sw althar tsaad li pack the- atwtm and give ih boe all tha upbeat we can kasrroatatiom kniato coacsarrrxx csnimcaf or matolaho dt conllnusnos of arvn try work to uu sht diaowie of the laatuai provinoa of aupsrtw land jflpsrrifwj d by the low of epu- eopml atkiowwscu and other funds la aurd for the tml lhre year inrough tha gyn realty of agwasls of the mtksrtry uotfety of the cnurcb of sthgt uj h itrtjtlli be woman auxiliary and the ubnal contnuittofla of ma md twgy throughout th ixmiilkod wujun a lw wks afur the es tahluhnwat of tna kyuttytl nd circai ttpscial ysi aund to provide the lntru on the lost cadowttsit tha assount of p- proiiatauiy teojowo aetiwaid to ba nsrsaary to terry oa the work for naa uua ysars has ua ejnua bigger and better bargains thursday specials uoat all pood thina nave to eoa to an aoflutjua or an uodoubtediy that la the only contoling tbotasbt uk for tha omorwrtown in- tarsteikku um as they look oa the wiwduge of ulr winnuvf tit which eam to a suddni stop 00 taondsy nlu when they oumsyd to uihoa and wf taken hy a to 1 score up until uonewy nihl the uata had won ihr out of our gafaaa plad and tud the other one jt thy dona vph to win thi alt hit whan tna playon una roee the bw wia be thtfi thaoft condition of tha lo did not ih tha toeaie pdy forardi sway and lntd of playing to eooprufe faasie tha bogr abd to be wry talflut with the puck sad triad to beat the whole uulon uad oa tela rush fcfuion on tha othr hsfid piayjd tsart conibfflaifson gsa fktai th minute thy stsavd on the ke and oa the cjbfa play and seoe wa equal to the win kiotsy was fairly fast and of the ruiwad type with planty of hara t ttrtr wtth lots of tuiumanl paatius ware handwd out crtan for awldhitaj trips and hwavy bodychsfklflg oa top of all that these waa much wranguog with the huw or tha uutoa tsam thabsiiw ptayare while play was still going on and having too many tayara oa the to what one should have been la the cooler the parade started to the ftjwt period whaa uuton opsasd the seor- mg ca solo rush ktvwut la an titmpt to n tt up hard thfouan end irt r1 the open net- wrd tfco drw a pnahy whan be wtam too frundly with one of hi opannti for no meson at all uuton then bagged a scood goal off ft faeecct m front of the net whan a man was uft uscoi hay became rough fw the balance of the period and union drw a penalty and wud and thompioo slcb 4hard oa the second statya was unetful ilirmmh the lowrs showed their baa form to thie prtod- uiuon earrtsd en attack down eantre to and pass ed to toft wtog the lattoe- who packs a hard shot went to eoa and poked th rubber past euchardsen to lb oaortstown net who waa drawn out of position thla put the gafoe oa ice tor them as they now had uue goato j bradley ucoutchson and ft uuton player each epsat a time on the sideline for rough tactic georgetown gdtu came la the last frame whan hwwut went to dose and sneaked ev pais to tost who draw out tha gosh and beat hun easily georgetown war playing ave man to 4 when thla count cam 1 was to thla period that twifer and tost met headon and taller had to be carried off for repairs but utter returned to finish the gam attar aoma delay thompson and d bradley for oeorgetown and two union mn drew ncnaiueo the ramsinder of tha period was not sat hockey uuton played dafaxutve game guarding their two goal lead and oeorsatown did not seem to have the punch left to blast their four- wan ftttaca through the game ended uiitoo i oeoraetowis i li would not be fair to nuk stars la this came f or au the boy worked hard and if the tot had of wan good the large crowd that aawmpanlsd th boy would have bean treated to some raal hocksy ajihougb we might mention here that tha fan wonder why andy tutchl waa kept out thi game andy has uea play fine hotkey this year and drvwi place on the team oeorgetown oogl luchardson de fense d bradley and thomnaon centre j bradley wing ward and ucoutcheon sub vw uewltt brown and burke refer h taasdale bramptoa uuooz tahddmo v w l ullton s s uatwxamrk s s l cwnlu 3 atton 43s buiunstiia sos oiulph s 0 4 t 1 1 s 0 1 i uiatisnao untokt vs oihuuunown juniou speed speedt that to tha only word with which to oescrlh that uaralborojunlor game last friday night u lb aran hare oood lew and apeedy skating with clever stickhandling and mar velous back checking were outatandlni to thla game working emoothly and well to make most of the game as ft conditioner and to try out various players and plays uaralnoro uldgeto of toronto and the local junior team played tie game in an exhibition nature tha score was 4 all after tan minute of over time play aeorgetown utilised the major part of th time to their own advantage working threeman line to good ad vantage the uldget broke feat to ft few seoonde of play and beat al- oott on a long ahot from the blue line th second oeorgetown line came 00 and applied the presautw and oowland got one goal and ohsp- un two goals to their credit doth teams draw a penalty the locale checked ruggedly but were battled by the amart ww ktna tftfi work of the uldgets who might have won had they pressed their advan tages the oonacher brothers starr ed for the visitors while jwl dew- hurst and chaplin turned to an ex cellent game for the locals in the second and third yrames usjalboros secured two goals to even up the count and put the game into overtime ta these two periods the uldsvts drew three penalties and tha locals two in the overtime session both teams were awarded ft goal uaralboro cor ing fittt then oowtand for oeorga- town itus still tied up the score but the game was ended here after 10 minute of play through the entire game excellent hockey was displayed and we know the junior will give a good account or thsmielves at uutoo tonight to their first game of the season la the league at the thaalre what did you hear at the opera yesterday r u aorta of things bmlth u going bankrupt ur brown has dyad hair and ih whuew paw twin ot in tha twtanttsi the appsal of the w njod cwjauua fjr the rsplacsabwut to fuu of the eaotf- soia toulung soosa glwuod by th tally of the cmum will be hw to april th die i of bupsirts jm uooona liwua 1hw u ksniie tuwr and yukon bnui through tha episcopal and cimtual bvicui uajnunsnc vund- agiu oi tha ujtoo aw con- fjibuting tmo pr cj3- of thsir saiarim to tha fund whua the w tittutiona d the blbop and curgy are voluntary wurk cf the church among the trulp jyj fcrbhytjij jj th tfatrfsil of unfwttf r alaawaun attll urutrnj ri aisd tha yukoa ha hsad 00 of th bright pa to tha history of the church to th do minion tw prograsa of th work has bo unkws with such harou narn as chkf hwu aruuuacoa oothrao xhe t of lh sled ulftr fchshop ovorp tflm hsro of a muetoswy iouhf by csnoe ca mora than mod salke zrcws ntrssl lo the sud ettw uhop anowoo th bra thief ptor of biimt f pd i uardan oi hvwwatf ttoben h firtt angucab bi to reach the yukon henry uudd the indian twgymaa archhuhop vn th rf huudar of th aiddi w stishop of h ksichewen asuhop hoana the apomtle of the hoatlt and ur j wck rroai the coming of jocm wsa chaplain of the hudson hay cos- pay and mtuinnary of the church uuslvwy boclaty to the had uiver oolony uoui lto whan tha socieo tranaiarred it work to th gtra church in canada th grat fcogusb orgauueikia auppuad 1t3 muaioaajis and 4j women workara and aspcndsq more than ufigofioo on um activutos to the canadian wel maw of th ataggsrlng blow to the church e work has uen iwoaivd with the duplet regrat by muiionary toadsr of the church to the mother land but the prompt and challeng ing manner in which the iuni church ha sat about th work of iwplactng th funds has called forth many eapfwlnae of taiesa and ad- writing- to canon bav canon oavtoa oenaral bacretary of th church assembly uissionary councu said the ulsasonary council haa iw- ceimi with the deepsst rsgiwt the new of the terrible financial cusaster which has fiten the ymi church to the svovtnos of atupsats land we desire to rrsaa our sympathy with th bubon and cwrgy to thai provinoa and w thank qod for the rlnvtl courage with which th church to oansfl has rueo to meet th heavy blow similar axnnatlona were tweeived from hav oanon stscy wsddy 8ee- retary for th tyopaaatton of the oospel to itaralgs fcwu hav a thornton down oenaral orgaalalng baosrtary of the soctoty for the pre motion of christian slnoatodge and the rev y bat 8crwury of th colonial and continental church 8o clsty qtaltty of skzo qkad4 u lajowm by tsstzno ivactlcally every year to wen em canada partkulariy ta ajharta and saskatchtwan cartato areas reoslve early frosts which injure the vitality of oat thl injury to the grain as sd 1 not apparent except from ac tual germination test the wlcwsnread lo which would follow and which unfothunaialz to artier tuns did follow ujhrof frosted grata a sssd may nw5qe tna laboratory ssrvlce mhti to each of the several bead aeraneb inspection district to canada hag as an important part of tie work the germination of agricultural ssed to determine their vttallty and suitabili ty for planting in albert to th aion of iftuol there was an are lying- north of calgary standing com alaty mile and from drum heller west to the mountains where ah oats were found to be unsuitable for sssd as a result of frost upon advice from tha bead branch dlitrtct omoe at canary ahlpment waa made into thla ar of an adequate aupply of seed oat of proven germination from sections of the province which had escaped frost injury in 1941 when tt was nirnmrr to locate large quantltie of seed oats for southern saskatchewan and upplle from alberta bad to ba drawn upon it was round upon actual lab oratory germination trials thst prac tically all th oat of the peace river country were aultahle for sasd ex ceptions ware to the berwyn and hythe areas in the farmer onevhalf of th oat would not germinate over aistynve per cent thu knowledge of the actual germinating quality of th seed grain to the various parts of th provlno was euantlal to sat isfactory meeting the grave situation of shortage of aeed supply to baska- tchswan in the season of 1mj a very large area extending from slightly south of calgary to north of had deer and tying weat of the ojjl line runn ing north and south through alber ta was quite seriously affected all oats excepting those that were ex ceptionally early being injured by frost- sample of oat from thl area have been collected by seed branch ocdoials and are now under examina tion to th seed branch laboratory at calgary the results of these teat will show where and to what extant teed oat from outside sources will be required knowing the posslhully of frost injury farmers are more and more appreciative of the seed teatlng ser vice and thousands of sample of seed grain are submitted yearly by farmers for germination tt at the dominion seed branch laboratories at calgary saskatoon and winnipeg boundino csv ub suboobo is not this work almost too much for you friend asked the new vicar you must be ft great age yeialr yesslrr mumbled the old ballrtnger ow many yean ltve tolled this bell s cant toll ye but its beginning to tell on me chv- aomever ive rung the ball for rive dead vicar dear me ejaculated the minis ter s- and continued the gexton rt be happy when r mad vo tha tu it thtok xu rwfe groceries prune large atx per lb ivory niteg 3 for lux ftmu aai 3 for crog and blkwll rehji quojur oatf with china ktilofts au bran 2 for gold medal tei with tumbler colons coffee per lb crown blend blwrk tva lb mnxwetl houaa coffee lb ubby porlt and besni 3 ftjeod ptm 3 for s lb tin corn syrup slscatd peftchee red stnr salmon rj rowe orange pekoe vi crajiuuted sugar 10 lb for for 2fe 31e ttt 2 46c 3 4de soe 26c 31e 18e irfc 48e mcbean co georgetown ontario n a robinson live slock dealer and baleher nerval live stock trucking all loads fully insured phone geefgtowii 101 13 reduced prices effective january 1st 1633 au our pnees on parts and accessories aad labor ate materially rcducj in some cases as hifth as 30 here is one example all 4 cyuadar can grfad vil tfiantjrtg ftfadrig vj and val seats with apodal hlfthirji tla rfattirmtar clsan tatatlar unik clck baunry and utljs fonder prk was too now only 3so tmc on ah oiiw can la propostioa vsmiipii adjtttl i speights garage brake specialists pboae 270w r spalgkt prep geargbrwa new advertisements ih bum iriillnnnli mi t tah 1 tkulr olasl kk ate miss lamb raaoncix uainfi hcmss ur rxr or wk mr duikiuln dhasa mrs ouls- a iu t fii tj hi omw vo ttt l1dis8 ijim tailoring sd nriihuirtnf i in un u mdiiud i in lulrd bita- llllim wuw u bat basil buu or sptitsunt to lux iitfsid ato wru so bil k iu1 a quantity ot sood elomr sns timothy bsy for tau apnty tn a clmutffusn phoo in r aors tostt sip rjotim is hnft oa s sanl ibassdlslr i sstsjss m flausattas wm es pool duobm tad drsla to dl old mm pofllii um ta clmal ob ihort nollm auo nlu- wsihlnf mod any othv work donfe jlbus wulluu hoc us omtfmovb u lyla frisca beudv sbeppe naal wribf wramboftlng et phone 141 hptf a k oouun wiilsir toria uj wul oueml trueklnc si all urns sad carina w wnlfl at lowotl ratai vuonz tsi aaoswitown wood for sale oholo usdk hardvood am oidar rail at rishl edou ordu utt at a utmisl or at uy boats rfeoaa ls droupuy alfsmoj to a uvknostonx oaurb h c bailey electric wiring and repairs ptutae 232 geotrgetowri wood for sale oboto banlood bason and taanl at t3m par tlnxt oord mixed wood uw ear alnsl eord halls at sua per alnsl oord bpselsl pries shwi on 4 ilnkls ooid for oatfa la blocks ot hanhrood or quobso beater st s1ss par eod 3 nunnroad huoh hs ar sajj asmalawi wood for sale oholo manls blwb and ubtsd wood st lowat ptbaao tat os flowers plants tmsuohw sad wxodbki uoqustit opply j prealer florist mteas ih browns bakery pure raspberry lemon and pineapple tarts scwdal for saturday 20c per dozen try our buna made with milk fresh every day 1 oc per dozen browns bakery rasa ms i n baby chicks bvm bbzdvolar a a uaboam aaj a a a babud sums oaa9ib lb sacs alar utt april uu hay isiia uxutojuta ivio uti than nock prloh iko lathoms la duoounu mshiw tusl ua pir chick oa on ordan of sm to lo off on ordan of law or mora our cubtoal hatosasa ipso thl tuson u sttraaialy llmlll ptoau ordsr apse uly duiuwu on an absoumt honatt buu 1 our and your only solution for th smf ws may hav ot what itu iu bring writ ths britannia poultry farm y aaxnnakv a sons b a na s bnaiplsa oalaris or raaas omathbs u wood ma i lurdwood bwsh and ooo uanlwood limb and wood balls sua any t s m luooks ot bsrdwoadtor baatim s3m trl0m an lor dallittrsd i a amtv baby chicks 40 extra chicks will bo given free with- every 100 ordered by jan 25 or delivery at any time throughout the season g c brown rase c satsi norval-

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