Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 8, 1933, p. 3

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yg bucks meats died is m from utalfuav wklftne prefd farm fresh foods arj th price is lower than you usually pvy tender young fork fresh butts trimmed loins fresh shoulders fresh hams baiiorubote be lb breakfast bacon isttlr 2 lb for 25c fok a roasting ioclb lie lb 7c lb tssss steer beef f prime ribs ka4 iseui pot reast sftsasuaf 9c lb porter boose boast 15c lb herring di kssib 3 lb for 23c nism www caught whilefish we sell for cash phone f v of igel we 38w dulim deliver trie georgetown herald wednesday evening february 6th 1933 after attending the hairdressers convention last week we are convinced more than ever it pays to look well we aba picked up aomemore of the newest and latest tiff and styles in hair dress permanent waving and cupplie to use for our different work come in and talk over your hair worries with ua we ate anxious to give you ike benefit of our long experience and the latest from the recent convention liiltos barber and beauty parlor gives the best for less n a robinson live stock dealer and butcher norval live stock trucking all load fully i mured phone georgetown 101 is local news urxj wlnler wwy hewintf valentine dy nt tbtelay a world wide iy of tmr la be- in arrasm by the vmm for dy urcb rd wtamilasuiof ft crmttttulo fot wud ii cwoprlown ridey w st 7- u eno ua john yinw of to ronto vuitor it urs it uiw on eutunuy the wctu vtll bwti u lb home of urs ewaiu clisjue c ssab- ruay 10h at 3 pjrt utt lxlrf pro kkfld bncrliry will ak- it brows cw4j loj tlb u havv tna wt salr in towb u you haw net yrt trtd a oaf tton 363 and ek cm you will is arlitiud- the bout cf st oaiofv church bill held a whut driw tkurtdj kb ui adasimkd lie ko tfwf bvrott- com tnd iwv a good uw uood plis-i- it 11u1 go cnvrlna uunnlnt tww drc4 avl wry altf tlve prkt thsry r juu icjlvd thu momtna to make your cbou rsiiy w adv t tn this uiu a juvtulu ykuy uur bu bio funn 1m town with ttw fbuolng tiou uulawlalam howr uafll ttfi top btit lungtr 4ud ttrv and uhduw it wuij utkepd tbf oewo auocuuoo h atnoa pibyurun ciiurth u1 bold a vauntln ua ftjid ulr ol honiid4 laklmm oa tututuy fcjunvxjo wit ti fua jw1 pfit t fadu st oua rr ilvtm ffu tu bimatw oo uj- lfd uotrwu hou tib lliu on uwidavy th rvol aj dvrtad urcv lh tuoau vr tttpytutrhr th tru icu vuj gv a ufital euchr id th aj towarro tbutaalavy tvwlliii a tth c0adfiax- to km rmd to b uwd tor rvluf in ton- adowloa sc cdvn to tiiu tuu cuwo wtua royaj blult pr- mptory uwapton jiw cuebd th roiul otfer for 1u3 wj um p h buck dj t nlixn chanuln wa iiajtu rl- inr t a udjn tauurr u locna uclurtti i elautttmll llrtiry tnd jimi fllon p3 personals ur tiuill whmlo oi wft id uvu d iwittrdmy ulm fclra r juiuaor of twcdta kcwot that wk nd vitb hr bwtoli ut- tod wrt a aihawr urm y w srtokj it b iwmdiad wun hj- klmut ulij jtt ktlddjai la hwt old boca tovil ghaa tu 44 oolbontf twt fektt bb uad uw kciddm vr wac ud vuhort b idvm mr john bart bf feaujitori datich- cur ud ur jo ut ootm totu undrfit tis 6lkm lor fcp- pjidliiu at brudptu m bwt ytday bb u ffnliim ul64r ulu uij4 o knat ttaw- fcvot an o0ftfck for ainikiii4 ai ouu4t ootraj uohatu vd nuy ibr teany bltuu wuj b pud to kno that ab u prtewj lfl nkiy amodj thfa front 6at ef to ba atttndfd ua funiw of tha uu ht ruk uocuuouab cd vrld wt tv j a uoculluitfh v t iv lurry uoculaouh haiia uui lilly ufcuilouh 0n souikl iav unvy ucuuouh and dtuthurt aua and jant tcafoqbo tv bfowu uidaw ur h y lejw morwj tha old lyma eoootrt adartud for uu paruh llall horral en tmx lhh ha bn noatnonad to ph- um wath for furthar paruculara dauw at uwhuw a daara wiij w hald la stavaftuwu hau oa wldmday iv tath uadar lh aiunua u tha ow olab rlw- piao orthmtra lunch aartad ad miuion mitl dawa al ctai whaiaah a oanot wlli ba tlvan in u tovn haa own wuilamj on widay v- uut im 1mb by uarchsudt brothar and uulr cradlt vajuy 8aad qlaam en ou tym and uodarn danttng admualon he it hay al kami uas a thimart play anullad only bauy ann will b tln by lh ohtlunham dramatto club in tha paruh hall norval oo wadnaaday ewnln rva i8u1 at 15 aharp un- dr auaplph of tha union w u b adraulon 3c and lie l faltafiia fjlf lox nalton county uoi osorn wr tkretad batunfay aa foiioei county mauar l paturaon broau tkjhity coutny aatur w k ifvaaj oajkvuto chaplain h ntl lfdmbr utnurj r o orahatt itornby j bcarroir aeua traaaurer v bradlay lumby john fikvarvky augd to hava had tolan property tn hi poaaaaalon tu ivforc liasutratc duu at uramptoa on baturday tha caaa waa aaln ad- ounud at tha raqutcl of tha rrovn batvanky i hatd by poltw tn eonnao tlon with a burglary parpatraiad at i i lluahf y a 4obaoco warthouaa hara it wa apprhrndd at ualton and to grip and a bag containing wmtto ctgarattm t oonnacatad by poll thty claia benefit euchre the true blues will give a benefit euchre in the arena georgetown thursday feb 9th commencing at 830 refreshments good prizes rjmissicm 25 cents entire porceed to be uied for relief in town wood for sale oholm uudwoad bmb aw ittole u jj ft anii ulttd wort wt 5r wed balm auo tw eud tu iunlwiod at hw per eord h mtandvobo mm mwhii wood no 1 uardwhxkt bfcoch and tuapla u00 xbrdwaod lbnba and tnuad wood tiis raut hjw any quaabuy 8 la block of hardwood f quabee haatera 3jo imomi ar tot wood dauvarad x tt turns uru i uaarau baargaaiaa oaotgctown llbara auoclatlon waa ravlvad but night and offlcar flrctad jamci blaklock mj urgad tha member to organist aa fftty aa poaalbl ofhcara tuctrd were praal- tlent j r darbtr vuapretldant it t uarthall aacratarytrraiurar j d kelly j aibbona c wauon and j its barber chairman of ward 1 3 and 3 respectively leroy dala wa chairman ronio tu abruaxy ah with huu iwuiud thu if tha mibafa owf u atuod thi ear thy uuat pay uutr own pni whkii watv roujhly arflwalad at n it foad iuprinlaadrct aa n um3 hb eapaoama auhar timw itarru lntroducad agala tha jimlkm j rutting dovq tha pood road coaaitia foa n to thrw bwubfa it uotad fiir to jwi lh oooifiutu twa paid ui h ahd rlalad that faiuiio to and uu bundled dpllara uld la um by tha rdoeuoa tha ft wu duauuad at vatau angw and fin ally oo a a and nay vol baing rallad sta cairud coly thrw baa- ura ragutartng thai rou contrary jifiu buin aa appotnud ofiammu- aloncr to tha oordoo lloaw a buw was paaud aulhortainf tha county of ualloa to borrow fca- 604 to uoul laiaa aw tolueud tha currfit aiptnta of tha yu uoad by lis currtr tcondad ur raadhaad that thla council ap point corn borer inapartora a follow wlluan uowuan for eaaualag john uocormarfc muoo usu hutoa trafalgar and that lhay ba paid ai tha rata of 45 enu par hour whlla asgaw in thlr diuaaoarrkad j j jamuaon waa appolnud aatfa- taytrauurr foa italtoo and wal houaa of rfua tha nnaxua coaaimjtua wim ia aliuctad to utng in a raport 4 tha neit avattng on ways and ewafea 4 rfdudng aapradjluraa or lhl hat tiia paulng vt manay byuwa comaajtu rrporta and routla bual una occupjd tha rretilndar of tha bjfora adiourning tha wardaq an- luxuwvd that uninaa would naoaa- aitaia nlm batnj ajbawhl for abort luoa and takad tha fun to p- potat uaava blala of uuton acting wardao until chaaiplon tha ulhaa imxlmu ompilary dia- brcnbad at tlaaca brmdwy baoml two aomls to fiindi tha v tha locala tha ttnl tmw mm hw took wuda pau froat tha ttnmt and nlcfcd it pui howton id a acmnbla atdund tha uai tha attad wa on a fartuiut solo rtaah wani ba pht tha dfau and ba ffouaioa with aay faot pftddy wiuoci twteid a rathw paiojul injury tn thu period whwd ha waa auuek in tha uouih by tha potk whro ward took a hud knot oo tha toal us ratwd for tha balftw of tha prtod and only purd a fw titlnuu ht tha thlnl w curat waa aiu buarad whan atruck on tha now with a ttkk tha uama eontlnud thah vlthariiv pax la tha final iw and wuhln fiw mlnulaa w cwtnh for uutod hwl chahmd uiranathcr vl wih wu rvtng a pmaity al tha ibn lallion euaa down kn for tha uwliw goal but wat fcil jtt by a6r utf dadmuha puy clw hoikcy waj diplawa thro ughout wht f talaa on hi ttwula j uraduytwi and ward ww al ways proalbwdl whlla pryd and w cuutot wre tha bmt f uiltort tit tcaud otvw6m foal luahafdoii dv- fnaa thpwai and browu cajtw j bradwy wing wad id thht aubv tvi luwiu laocutchaoa hod a bradley rafraj buml braiaptoh tha neat wiilthf county council at a regular mealing of tha county council held tn union on tuesday of last weak a resolution waa passed that high school boards be requsatad to show a as per cant net cut school estimate for thla year tha raaolutlcn waa carried after a general and lengthy discussion educational costs tha resolution waa moved by ueun currl and appelba of bsquaalna whef in speaking the resolution stated in no uncertain term that u tha cxepnditurea ware not reduced at once the boards would find themseivae in tha position that there would ba no money at all 1st alone 1ft per cent aa tha farmer would not have it to pay to the coun ty and tha county in turn to tha school board flaevu cleave of oeoruetown spoke in tha same way and added a rider to the resolution that although tha clerk sand a copy of the resolution to the various board they ba informed thai unless the request wa mat they might hot find any money at all next year tha above decision followed tha presenting of resolutions to appoint high school trustees for tha various towns of tha county and the ques tion raised aa to whether the local member could vouch that their ap pointee would support cut in edu cational cost it waa pointed out that the county had taken no aland at to what they expected and accord ly a stand waa taken a rants on education account ware made to oakvtlle uuton and acton burllncton and georgetown have not a yet paid their county rate and the council felt that no money ahould bs paid where tha county rata had not been paid tha reeve of george town introduced a reaoluuon ceiling for o grant to georgetown claiming the money waa justly due the school board of georgetown and they ahould not be punished became of tha town default ha claimed tha county wai also defaulting much discussion en sued on the point but the reaoluuon was turned down almost unanimously payments authorised to high school boards were as follows- oakvllle sloom uuton mood and abton looo the following county represent- tivu ware appointed to high school boardu builington w u fimjth and o r peart oakvllle wulbun busby georgetown j if bingham ajultoth john roper a motion to appoint the member of tha good road committee delegates to tha toed road ftouvenuott at to juaiort ottictiae oawuu by 7 to 0 seen georgetown juniors out0lajd oakvul junior ojut team hare uat thursday and tare tha small crowd a thrill by fuuhipg with a 1 to 0 eaore th local are still leading ta thatr group from th start of the contest it wa a ihruilng affair with plenty of com bination play on tha part of tha local and numerous burst of speed tha visitors while they eeahlnad euvarty at ttmea did not gat many shots on tha net- tfcay ware closely checked by the georgetown forward and had tha fewest chaneaa to score of any visiting team here this season tha local did not lay back whan they had tha game wall in hand but set a fait pace and thrill a- plenty were provided they played a tf a championship dvpandad on h with goals to count the team battled through tha first slenia with tha locals tailing but one goal ritchie taking a pass at the blue tin and barging his way through the defence to score owfcvlue war the recipients of three penalties ba this period for minor ogancaa the break came m the second frame when the locals chalked up s goals richardson chapltn hau lie- nelly and hoar all sharing the honor cf scoring georgetown were handed thrre penalties while oakvllle had one tha third period was a listless one with oekvlue pressing hard but their ruahe were easily broken up by tha smart checking of the locals ritchie added another goal to bis credit when he picked up a loose puck in front of the oakvllle net and drove it noma three local players had rests la the density boa in the final period the oakvllle team were no match for the locals and it ww their easiest win this season 1111 ritchie and w richardson stood out for the locale with hoare and ucmsliy constant threats georgetown goal aloott defence hall and dewhurst centre ritchie wlnga w richardson and ucmaily subs hoare 1c richardson chaplin and oowan referee bush hilton intemuuiiaie upttt milton with close scow iicld chance to bb im hjavoptw georgetown hockey fans lamped one of tha aweetest intermediate ojla hockey games jo b seen in these parts tn many moons when tha local won a hectic game by a a to 3 score from uilton the winners showed a smoothwork ing front line a long forward passing game that had tha visitors bewilder ed wide passes to uncovered wings that swept them into the goal mouth for closein shots their display cava the rallbtrds something to enthuse over and the prediction was almost fully made that they would be one of the teams tn the playoffs pad drown had his boys on ruorllke edge with j bradley being tha star of the game it was a fait exciting game with both teams working ilka trojans and georgetown having the edge all tha way pryde for uilton started tha scor ing ave minutes after the topenlnc bell clements wet down on a dan gerous rush was skated into tha cor ner but managed to eentravout to pryde who beat rchsidson from close in with uuton one goal up play became strenuous and several penal ties were handed out the using goal came in the last few minutes when j bradley dashed through tha de fence and banged in wahle rebound oeortatown mused enough chances to win several tames getting the puck behind the uuton derence many times only to have houston make remark able stops or shoot wide or the nt tost lost an excellent opportunity and had the toughest luck of his efforts when he went through the whole team drew out the goalie and shot the puck past tha mouth of the open net georgetown crowded i lot of hoc key into tha aaoond period and had owlvttw wvp4lo2 seotw ovr mifeori mahmv stwwiwuwriuwa amo axngafloanf o0airr3mo katuauf oaum duplaytnf a distinct dw oo their opponent both la scoring por and dwntite abuhy the oakviue tnur- medial tousd tktwud uilton twre oa uondsy ntht by a 4 to s aeota tn a rsgulsr group game uilton pwaa to be oakvtlie auh c ocouioa in the group and d minuue of bcuc hockey wa exhibited for tha sajoy- basnt of acese od hundrad raru yne wta etul wve oakvlu lading the group with aorown uuton and oualpb in aeond place the winners hava not lott a gaaae this miinn the first prt6d featured brilliant hockey with oakvtlle awaiting the uuton attacks with a five saan de feats and than rushing- whan the breaks came three wen abreast alun took tha first goal of the ains with a loaar th fftwrt the uue una alwn who by the way abo plays for bell twwphoe tvronto 1 the l4- tag seer tn the uvreantue lecu itoustoa was again uta a svw fcau- utse laur hen tha wusoa nvothar r doug gvttlfig the goal uuton wre unable to socre and the psriod closed with oakvule leading i to o uuton plsjad ihslr uit hocuy tn tha second fraasa when they had stslls tn the oakviiw net fulfil wbn thru fast forwards broke through the defence and rasas in on tha net tauw took a pees freed fjrtn from close la and secured ihslr first goal of the fining oskvtue were unahla to score owtng to the sensational goal- tending of houston the pmurade ftwihrtiwd for uutott u the nlahtct wha morby aeowd fas a termtable st the tmi to tie up the sooew wuh both tamtea ee wd ground sn ton tmve their beet to hold the eexwa but buidifi for oakviiw broke wwsy oo a solo toput hls uauaa oos aomd taj then ailed wiib sriid to burn w his way thrwash the uilton defaaoaw fccd wu4 the gstta sure with itvrfhsr tally kwnsltws wae numx when play at thwae bemtee rouh aluri bauucte and tbwnswy vm oakvliba bnt while uoruy krwtn and bruh ww ulhons outtanldn playara tios ttaiiri ckvlu goal kuus tutnice 6ut- etlffe and uoore emtre lumud wine dtvldion and it wtld subs townslty d mriuon aum ronald uuton goml uouslon detvnee twj- ur and cvmv ttu4 aih wbi ucwt and cwawnt sjuuv krwla rrr scsotnar bmu t cuejpjj lxtaltnsexisaieja dwtml gejosywiowris gorwtown in3awlue iuurney- ad to uurrlpb c hautuday bjat atad were tbrud by a s to 1 acote oa ice that w suythui but fast hay iptuptfed to be ami au the way but the 1ku finuid on the bhori and of the acore oualph botchad the tbwt goal hi the opviuna pariod clough bufut the twin oa a neu psa frca staw 6ut- side the georemowii domc sjur 11 ntnuiaa the vuttora seorwi the uallwr liaif way throuh the hdddli tlon ta a ihrefaaan fwja attack haa tvm drr- rdouf out of the goal to j lh due into the net it was not until wil oa into the final period the smus ws seuud khan 0autiu pmad the puck froea uhlod the 0ortton tw ud undy sibv pd the winning goal past tluhsm- son tou at cwntre for oaorwhown was ojrtitindtng for the vuhore and shared honor wtth j hkduf wd and thoeapioo par ouslpb clouefa and ltncuay puyed saart hockey whue lum fitlcknsy and wmuu were aka sauch in tha uftuamat both foalue turned in aaceuent psrforu- n the tauas ouelpb goal ranouf neueue uk nay and imll centre seur wtags lindsay and clouab suba holniaa orami and uurphy georgetown goal fuchardson de fence thompson nd jirown ceotre tost wings ward and 1uui suu j bradley uccutchon wlufaw and u bradley iufrurk burrea brabptoa a lufcy fw sua inspector have you a uckst vmar old soul ofaiisaid by the topic of the day wo a whole one but a quarter share wtth two cousins and a niece bigger and better bargains for those who want quality hosiery women fuufuhioned silt hate allen a nulu et mc and wfe orent fullfaihioned silk hoe at 76c reg 150 for llsi reg s12s for 89e suprult full fashioned sjk hue tftc and 116 corlicelli fullfajiionej silk hoe tc and s6e tke above in service weight or chiffon misses hosiery muea allwool cailimere end silk and wool hoi size 8 and 8vi light colors 75c for 39c mine pure botany wool hoe 6 to ti 30e 8 to 9i 3fle women cotton and mercerited cotton how 16e mltta cotton hm 10e women silt hoe 50c women silk end cotton hoe 2ft and 39c a real bargain ladte fullfathioned silk hoe lure wi and 9 light colon were 150 and 1 75 now sse velvo sweater yam 20 color 8c c 2 for 18c sunpucity pattern lc mcbean co georgetown ontario nsw advertisements miss lamb rmiotau nxtmnnx mmu bf tut ft wk for puuauui eau tlrt u- bl or t i il oauh naal pis rottu4 bu vuhnii at got b vww aisoly to ouim fan omuwupma ii ptmtifi ni euu do lanmiinm co rnu4r a twos eua rrtvehu u aj tuadtf latin for 4 bhi v la town fiaaneial affairs as presented by bank of montreal georgetown ont feb 7th 1933 dr f l heath clerk municipality of georgetown georgetown ontario dear sir with reference to your application for a credit of 50000 for the current year expenditure against collection of taxe water rate and other revenue our head office while receiving the application favour ably i anmoui to have the council altitude toward the aeaton financing clearly denned at the outset in deed of uamg the credit only to find thenuelve short of funds at the end of the year they point out that your liquid amt and current liabilities are as follow liquid aaarre ciuh arrmrs of tui waunreriu amu itotuin commlhtan alhln misrwt on amar kent aooount woollfn u1u bonus louis aran ctmubcr liamlmm dank loan accounts psrsua mi son ism ss00 aposrsnt surplus iitsjs 1ms1 411w uu this show an apparent surplus of 5828 with no al lowance for uncollectible arrears of taxes and water rates depreciation of equity in housing commission and other properties etc to our mind the situation before the council is first to obtain the cooepration of the citizen in the payment of taxes and second to cooeprate with the spending bodies in the reduction of their estimate for the year 1933 to the lowest possible figure that will keep the tax levy within the bound that the property owners can comfortably afford to pay in short to make up a budget for the year based on reasonable actual receipt instead of estimated receipt last year you will notice that you came 13000 short of your realization of meeting your estimates we have no desire to dictate a policy to the council but on the other hand as a taxpayer and your banker we wish to cooperate with you in bringing our town out of its present critical state without the interference of any outside parties with this policy in view we trust that you can arrange some satisfactory but immediate measure with the provincial housing commission whereby this drain on the town resour ce may be eliminated that the question of ability to paybe brought to the attention of the school boards by a joint conference and that you will cooperate de finitely and solidly with the tax collector and treasur er in the collection of all arrears of taxes account re ceivable etc and where deemed necessary exercise municipal right against delinquent property owner etc in order that you may not be embaratsed by the nonpayment of salaries and account now due our head office has confirmed on advance of 5000 against your borrowing bylaw which will give you some time to consider and act on the point we have here enumerated your truly d wilson manager ourr bros rang eltn bot ou bursar sum sbtur xuctrtg waihar sum uodal si cmrund obuh frrtjm anplr h x wuuu honal h waalts ttua babbtu apnir bit klrik huuonfuu him bvaudtoa 147 r uj kfcr fw sab a euanutr of out usvxhjr and davit hajr oalai apptr hxc r s oaortatovn u uparatar naarlv naw alao a quantltr oi haj for aau chsap- appjy j o btrtngsr itora ootla lip t ski houaa on ontario ttt lara gamaa rant mooarata poinhne karen ut apply to j w arbutroo or t j o arbatronx oaortatoam si has rm eo eiitfcaa and drains in al old mil ca euares ato claarmd on abort oouoa alao hlla- and aar othar soak don a im oaofartoam u ljru fraiea baatj sfasppe sfawafttiw panaanaat walnt ttssw waalax erampoolrn sts phone ml tip tr a k oouun daauaal triha santas and waal aaaaral tradttag at all has and tarda taaihl csaur al lothat ralaa ut oaoswrrowv wood for sale ohfllm itapls nardwood and oadar ralla al rttht pmota oadars laft u a kumaa or si raj lusts ftuo uu prompur suandad to a ltvolasvonb o wood for sale otiftlos bupla blreb sad mlzad voos x loaat prfaaij use qaonjatown slau uouas to rant on uurdook slraat s kneaadulair all eonasl- apcjr ta jaa ling notice re taxes tata notloa that tha tas roll will ba raturnad by tha tax oouactor to tha tyaaaurar on tha ibth day of rvbruary ttooaa ovtns taxea talc notloa that tha traaaurar wttl prooaad to eollset aooordln to law by order of council flowers plants dsmiohs and wsddino boqttkts apply x preater florist phone th tllaa uaad uaarfauwa h c bailey electric wiring and repairs phone 232 georgetown axelrod auto parts kaw and tjaed parts for all makes of oars st raduosd prints 29 gordon st phone 850 guelph charles e parker kapraas sad carisr au kinds of vansrsl truekln mov- in fumliuhi ate rreltht dauvarsd from ona snyvbans proinpt tut vtog hstts muonsua call laft at phoo ii u1 heattii promt at browns bakery uavk vou truxo oc hxw cereil loaf tksa she kaie see j taali aasv this bread is made tor fiifsipi towns particular peopi who wu to hare and keep thai atynsn slaatw fliuiw th tasrsdlente of this tosi aw cracked wbeat oracaed rj hoi yiour and aiaa used it la pdstlatnc nourishing and promotes rularuy whlcn aai ots ht and slsndar oftbtit a lcus wstlat browns bakery rfcecas hi cuslora hatching room for 1u0 ear tn kfcroary room for sa esxa tn uareh room for itu xvta in april oat tn touch wkh ua ruhl avay if you wuh ipaoa raaamd the wildwood poultry farm os o oasl fred bray saysi oi erss yea tranl te asake muftj aa year imti ta chicks and partleislarty aa tkle a riahlsuh b tlis aula ua- las an early surt tre chicks now ready at any of the p dray ilatcberlaa are from canada approved flocks with v seasons of our own bloodtaialtaa they had their real start v years sffo second rate stock never pays whether in your barn or poultry pen if yew want early layers start wttsi early ckkk every year we add hundreds of new customers and they com back the following- year for more write or illustrated free catajofue wttb prlcee or call on the hatchery nearest you bray chick haubery as claybara are bl thsrimlt branch lulchery at draaiptoo baby chicks 8 o winw uuibosuu amd oar barbed books brad eidaalally for high stan dards in blaa uniformity typa production of lares eats vitali ty rack priesa ilah lie aaoh march lilts asm umo hay isiie uthaaa rriaa ilia par chick lau than rock prices no lajhorna tn vab duoounts of uo par chick off on ordars of suo or mora lac off on mo or mora and to ob on ordars of 1000 or over j odstosi uatoiidiojo par era aal uo par en off on lots of 1000 or wore plasss order apaoa early writs tor new roldea on further infornuulon to brilaniiii poultry farm x bandutucy av konb b k na i mraakpisa oasirls or pksris mirtkalru

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