pe2 pure food store 3 lb bulk soap fuses 19e 3 pta handy ammonia ibe 4 cake palnujive toilet soap 23c 40 o jar gold medal peach jam 29c 40 o jar frigate cherry jaw 2se 3 lb freeh hllowi dale ibe special chae sanbome bujv cot freah ground lb sse 2 tin cw ualty diced beet ife i tb tut cruco 23k kippered snatlu per tin be 3 pfcgi quaker com fuve 2fe 5 pig deluxe jelly powder ige cbolc fresh frail tai veghilks phoned farnell we deliver r h thompson co for dependable hardware special w paints genuine duco varnish stain qe soe 2sc cold cross house paint g tjt 3g pt- interior clear varnish 3g ft hawes floor gloss for linoleum require no poluhina 59g castle floor wax 2bi hawes floor wax fi lb copper bottom tin wash boilers u9 class wash boards 4g 5 ft step ladder 139 rent from u johtuoo eudrte floor peiuhar lawn mower flherpeitfd and repeated plumbing furnaee worli and fleelrteal wiring etveltootudfl sb sited tfelal work r h thompson co the georgetown herald wedneaday evening may 1 0th 1933 bautmoarrot oka wmiuai e twday aur am un isaiiu atrt w if wimwil a dauehur ban bkooai jll oilt jfapliil oa wl bad- kbr tnt mr eald aktt kadw bntii ulavid biubud 6 uiiylu acta ki wkxh oooeociii uawki cb wbt- dy atiy w lu wuiutt victor h ud of air tad un wuluat oook h amaoallet iusrrbuokrela iwtat unuf of our cuar w and trour ttwau ttrulwna ho j eldauly kllld u tthdevoort uliu ktoil u ha oa afar ills lata a tlkat ciuvd la auaury harp u jruy ifwy loiter w nawajtd by uolw fiw- ure end tbotwe 14ouwr lily had ri tomato lauw fctxfcwood obituary atthwr u crom popuur brmkn ton uhuu dld sunday aitw a wjtai lunfaj from pejewtaai j siaowo wsj lit hi uul hj- 1 wil a hi of 0or uafovti od uauiau uaitfvw bowis lb cm lwiv k snd fcdluu fctr tvnd uu wlnur puj with uk 0orfevun o m- a tiuadiaa um w biuy wn hi vu 1w liu0d 6hai wluii auw twf h u toiploftvl wac lass fatt oojj t7othr dwd iu u turtid by ku wif wbinifiw unt teu cbud hi uiiu aod dun u pialik school coort ulutuy haul cmowdcd bot raonc4s georgetown joef mait uvfihobtom john gii uvioua us cd rufakllt ol ufttttuaa dud fcl lb bt- cualartnm 0iawj matilfj uavy fch imra to atetoa ljly tuw a to h uoal to utnmiloa jty teo yj ftx ss10taf uu ckccufkiuoc of 6iurtifai uipfdui ud casatrmtor atr ltirttvijl6as took u ttuw part in uu twvwlrueuan of manj builallnc bul h allaof bmlqiaw uaadsaukj to uut tuoiicc hi tt dud cta ftin 10 uid oo aaia rkhud zjv ir of kbltlih ooiubu tnd un crxrvdfmkfa wrvtw willuh vtclfok cooke an tnvaud for or tlw yut during wti ltfiia n bv hli airlic- lk with ohrutun ftmllutw wuliiai vlrtoi ukmd unofur um lit wiulua ooou puud tt mai taxwabf htm h aatmxm on w3 rirtijr uay ial tc4m4 u bora ea lot 1ft cob v ywiaw oct wui 117 isd nwtu hu ui4 la lh twn khlp udtu lis fai mo ln h ho d bilb hu paetj to uoiiiuhra il u pfbytsruia th fuofai hil su print took pukj on 1rt dvvj afurnoon the unrtm btiaf oa duud by hit putor rv d ilov m utuud bf iuv fo uimyiih of korv h th nuttu en lb- umd in th omutr plot la athgro oiauury th pall utttr r w ml dun ultajas arthur uuamu john ttubu ruik bam wiuoo ad w at- bwiiflful riofal tnbuui fha wuttrw am frlcada to tbe peoue who would lffie to economize now is the time to order roofing for immediate or later shipment man m flimmnl milhl havko tab la arfw avaaf wa auaa baaa airmbha tv uih tarn mntottta twrauxl aba mtuaha oorna oaltb rw llallaian tyiiilln gilbert sinclair momc tti r 1 okoaiaavowm a ka i whole milk chocolate the popular new beverage lo homemade ice cream u now being manufactured at the maple leaf dairy georgetown phone 200 antl 11 ui upply you with our deuelou haw iwoduct davto 4 booki ou of oortoni aoti blahlr uad and ripmtd eltlawit in th parwao of david auzandfr brooka paoad ava at oalt iloaptlal aa wd biaday uay ml luoaaiad u bora loi c tin un jsqumtni th rounacat on of to lau ur and um john bvoota ii in hi htn yar and h u imainini wiaabw of th fatally ii vaa mar rud ii mara a to uary ana cift of llomtf who nirrtvaa ii uruad la faajuminr tmtu ioo vhan tv bww d to oeorvaton vhart h ha uac ntldad lb was a prbyurlan and ouaibtt of th board of uaniftra of tcnos oruirth tb funaral look tvlao from hit lau raldnc oorm0irn on rldy aftarnoon th wttm b- conducted by rv dr llovard u aiuad by iuv roaa oamroa of strmuviil th pall baarara war viator kibm oorv icto bnual klflal ruauu iclflff akhl kins and attdrav brooks all tuphawt ct v- eaaaad tb raaialba vara latarrad la ofaaawood omnatavy jaanr baauuful soraj tjibutaa sdornad lh etiktt oeu of th bmat imptmimat katj frwillf in thi rnnliy li th ubtl0 bathoo tktuatrt lpauou aabd t taaosralty loak forward la u u wtiw of iru wlotabet whan lh ehudnb ajay twrtd an rxouast poa7aai undn tb abl mdwhia of th ptttuipal uia and br abl alan of uaaabra th proaraia utu r waa ttj to tb uaul bleb aiandwd raid lb errt a bld in tb aavtatsbiy toord of ui tchool oa tnuiwwy uay lib and rpald oa uondmy ut od tuurmuy wolo tb chmiraua ef lb board ur j d icauy prnit1 prltj to tb folaoarttiaf paplit ef lut yar katmnc dm- imurgaurt ksaiu buart umjuio and di btky abd th mrt- for rmkij hutwy to lntvta tveuu- ttw otxvtu tb atakllaa- teai gllj by tb tauiauai tittfoduetfifs feriaay wwtty we asd uiaoa tn of tb rune tb af basc tb u in wt and th frub ijn r guwa by uw pupil of 11 uehb wyiiii in th play thta yar th 0awtv tlc 0w tb laiaufai pkatu ukl by fcoaawr ui7ubuvr aruoid bvill ooouiy lamiwi ksaay atdavtoa aod tb ikf choi jw two buabtfi laiawii by and cbwry itto jtb ulud choir uoboa iki twopirt botof rhiwprt u064- soiaaut who upmd at tb uaj- toa rwtlva and vbo aan durtoaf th pttua juk aluit all iwiy pul allvw fcmluui joan iuw fourtb to clau of lrbla yrcma lh fatsaiwl u th lar all look thalr part tiwdijly wu- ttay dfliasbud tbiir larv ataduafj oa both vjnin abd all haartuy twjiauidftd uudi credit u du lb chuatro and thr uaxbrr ebo ifwfcud tbta for lb plcodid droataa provadaad ur david crttbtaa of tb publlo school board wry ably atrtortaad lh dutw of crlalrttan on uonday vca lb- esquesing council tuawarttown uay fcui ltu tb council uat punuant lo ad journnunt dvpoty h w o an- prlbr oounclllors u l uuluo o w uurray and n a rounaon prwnl ravtv 0ora currt la th chair uinuua cf um butlni w rad and coaflrd uurray aw lb that lh tvaav urtr pay lb 11 twuphoa account jl si tfoo u ii 1148 total uaj cattuj appalb uurray thai th twaa- unr pay raiwf accoanu j o wrlob good- aupollad j hluon kd oaiijy j eaoaiu o how waat itllaob i oaaioa j qutflntt lyfcarafln yartia hio tun ta u 1im tut af p k at otluttmr aat uaovuurla 411 good 475is farm wagon low wheels 2v4 tire hi seuchevp j n oneill son phone 14 georgetown -ohdatqittltm- ttfsctfv d1uma th amm ef ban l tailna- tovn lt ploti totrletuai and tone hattlaa and th remans of a minao airt who aalla harutf at auction lo aid hr tuunlrywan fumwi th dramaue batksroond of th son daukhter to which ibun hayaa narotna of tb filn of uaoaloo clau- ow and ramon kovarra ar team- d at th oreory thaatr futurday may 13 th th uvtfoooldynlaavr faatur baaad on david oalaaooa faauua ttajt play l a eolourful and apaetular en- poat of th lunar worldns of china town and th atnifgl that exlttd ha- twaan royajut and ravolutlonliu- pont mlm aaatng it on uay 13th um90wt or fjhtldkatm aid so- cuttuca- ok mull amd halyon eountfau mrv toronto excursion saturday may 20th hattmnina all tvitti utnt ko oolmol in flniiihk 10x1 ait urru turu u up te alaadar uay a ouldrtb b yaan abd undor a half fa imu aooo m ooaoume ohlv mo baocuoc omdmrto iteatta and fauanaauon imot ototttltma ool toa and depot tlekat aeaau ts canadian national during lh tint four month of th yaar many call for aiautanoa tuv wan mad upon lh society flit oamnlalnti raealvad and a oonvapond- ln number of invaatigailotu mad m many eaaaa lack of employment baa bwn the cam of dutraaa aa- aulanob baa been rendarad wherever potato without braaktng up lb horn which u lha object of th bocuty at all tlmaa hr no evldaiao other than povarty la found thar ax at praunl m children in th shelter in hilton among whom are a number of vary altractlw tttu and boya ready for plaoement in ire totter homea th eoopanttlon and ilntarait of ha public la much appre ciated in aecurlng home for thai children o r thompaon irupector sotoall at a meeting uonday uay sut the aeorgotown tn otiigada organlaad a afch boftbaol team under the name ttlaiere the folkwlng are the of- floaw hon prtiidcnuj b marvinle uarold uoolure iv6tldentw orhiuward vlivlnt r tripp ujuiageivwttt long coach h shappard bcretarytteaurejva tuck mof- ed by k davla amanaed by u walker carrlad captain r toat moved by a tuck aywnod by u tutneroarrled ounea ooitunlueen brown eon vetior a roney v bykea a duncan rltunoa commttte n titfika as tokt br j u uoore 3d wrr h ilelmbecker t olve h saving kefotibcr why dont you flght against your longing for drlnkr when you are tempted think of your wife u bote prinkeiuinah when the thlrat u upon me i ant abeolutely devoid of tatr 10m its am rlgo o r p tobaul o lleamao o ourrl rmaldo tag u wtaiigtmn uaa a k rarnatl oood aupplud arthur norton a ivnnat j itenderion u r cook bread luppuad arthur norton hauob tb co good euppued wm dackjaaon a w drnton good auppiud a oltby wao ouinvan milk aupplifd ura vivian thoa drownrldgr milk supplmd j llrndenon ura p wagxtaff milk aup- phad arthur morton hm ura oanton 1x49 total tj9 il p uvaon milk eunoued 8 tvnnant archie r brvlce uilk eupouad u urtaiiahlln s49 p oeaton j u1uob kd oeaaldy o bioaldo am o baaeo tfl w ilhian es d mil milk aupcuad j sharp oo d t oalloway meat kiptalled for reuaf at uuton iljlghu mu w tt wataon medloal lun- pile for ruby thinet ijod oeo w denton meat utmallad w dickenson tm wm bchenk oood tupplled e vivian r fmarret uvs oanton 1u5 wei tar nuon uuk auppued w oalughar a40 ura rinalda s4s john crawahaw good aupplled ure ulua e 11 uarnhlu good aupplled cham nuton at erwtn at ooldham ueat aupplled arthur morton ih ura oanton ua r btarret iso vutan w carried robtnaon uullln that the treaa- urer pay th road sheeia a preaant- ed by the road superintendent 94xftt carried hoblnbon uullln that th clerk b irutructad to wrtu lha depirtmant of public highway aaklng to be reuev- rd of wed cutting on towtuhlp road oarrud robinson uullln that the clerk be liutruoted to advartlaa for tender for cruahlng elevating into bin and haul ing material jar the year lus per yard per mil material to be cnuh- ed i to iu inohaa imr further ln- farmatlon apply to the road superin tendent or heave all tender to be in hand of clerk by 6 pjn uay sou carried uullln robltiaon that th treaa- urer pay john crawahaw five dollar or poatag and exchange carried uullln rownwn that uua ooun- haltt3n county musical festival caoaulctowltf aturtui aiabx oooo aowrji uy or wtmneu w comtwrrmo ooraoani publle school frumu utkwr the dlmuon of aaw etarruoo agauo btade a eiditau thowiaat u the uaitod uulcl rwtlto liaebre- umbaarue of hkb ire held at uu- toa on btvturday mo ebolre trd oeoritown haw uo uud tbl rj but a uuaavber aie taklag prt to aolaa duu and trioa jacki ai- utt m awardfai a hirer famdaj for uklng fceoad plao la clu of lg boy wwo rera and unow wblb bvtty paul rulred a tuvw mm for taking tb tau jmng in a claw of ii fclu of the iaiio ay joan hal alo in a clau of it a ut one polot ulow the wltuure other bo took prt wr alva cipoa oov nvmadard jn talaur babbl a ckhuj cou and aj bu i wo rtmud hoaaot wtrtdlag ttxm the fdjviabtauo ur pur eutia3y of toronto hugh wiwsl tat rumtry and uarthe rumwy pupu of ul dlckte made a food abowing in the tiuno c0aaahulolal lurul fvcarivlog hmlij awntlon on aoeeunt of hf ae the rwlval wm continue at uu- ud but prlday and tbre u1 be a nuiaibr of antrue frwa hre to winiwre of nftt lalao in each clu wlli fumiah a proramm on rvdy evvtaiog pouoxuig u lut of lh winner in th varto- coaspvutlao rural uchou chouvlctloi milae and wr ftru ptn qrove skhooj tltver cxtff dona tad by rvitlvaj glerfafuurm i aecond mn tubocl khbid by 141 vnhm woatuo in- utou kano aoloe yan and uodw nuw and tavnly piiumt hrat kuanor day acood atthil prank- tin u yir and uaovr bfaiuev rnt jot hartley irene vry itural aolot fula autuaa wlod- t and undr nrta ruth tyur aao- and shlrwy wauaa m l yean and unavr jarru wtt ua jobnatooe ii ar and under wllmbsr socg- uargarvt favkoa uurtil saftlul rural toloe boya tjppu ofwy 1 and undvimoratijaa wood lurold cwarnu rohui lead ue your how 10 ware and ujvjar ualry price ikkbby uonard bong of the ooa doiwr i years and underooe itert- ley jerry wvdaavtrbunl e junior choir m volo tarty one uornlng ahon and mitrw tied cup donated by ijods- oae vuu aacondvurliagton osaatfal ahifld donated by rwlval aaotie tlon urban aoloaouli the uatd song t and undvr wufc aorr- aon buy paul dnaaur ib and un der uary oeuoeay uarlon tkvor- urban aoloe boya thr stabaa little uar t and underalla tu- ard jack auatt draa 10 and uiv4w robsrt arnold liartley an- dmon the prtam for vocal goto rural girl are gold tnd ur matuu nated by utuoa county womtov in- aututt vocal iaaloa rural boya oold tnd tuitr medela donaied by luuon uotd and sf h 7 vocal aolo urban girl and boya oold and auver medali donated by peeural aiwutlan ooobra of aaani u preidotp w oooke uuton vlotpmaioct ura o atkloa tuoetary ura d rartuy uuton tteaiurer j a lockhart burling union tb wjala of union church held thair annual special aervlot on sun day ewnlng ilay tin sr rase oameron a speaker of th evening delivered an eddrew on the burning bush during th tervie uias roth anderson asng a aolo and a quartette composed of uaears lavfrn thoihp- son jame uckan wuuam town- sand and arthur uokane rendered muction union church will ceubrat u looih annlmraary on sunday uay 3ul umehouse the following is the report of 8 b mo 0 umenouse for th month af april br iv dorothy cuaw kua uo- jr iv wilfred johnson br m helen dewreau bona peggy baauthurel jr m harold brown dorothy johnson n inas scott hone oreo baer- man isles wright jean pamsu isnlrley wright bona ronnie davie hone ruth morton pr- jim lurkpatrlck kenneth baerman norval kcaklv tat trflnd camp rftuaia hearty imjnembera of aura tee club tad their friend gathered at oaatp norval on sunday afternoon be present at the laying of the plate at the trireahold of the house in the tree top that the mamben are ell do now adjourn to meet on thurs day uay uth at tj0 pm carried rpizcory tueatbc friday uay miwrjia lawwr uan wuh wtulau powu at hi iwultlin but aim eauady -ulrth- day uluat areola m arauad iho world ran mtwa saturday ilay islh uatlnta at t p4u dauahtar china touaa uncanny intrlrue in a blohoua ro- uanoa coatarrlng aamon navarro and halan uayaa teahnlaolor muu- aal nmtharn erpraat novehy ooal kuih tuaa and wad uay lath and itth tunntrwawi ruihta noyal oaatla noma nwai dlraet rwm a two wska run at tha uptown toronto ruabllna mound radio how no s suruo uadbury in abyitail oowuutha kid irau ojiato with ktddla c3antor bulldtna for tha wut end y11ck naar tha aura laa lodaa and wood land chanel at tha utuqua urvlaa of dadloatlon edward j powell aotad on bahalf of tha vicar and warduu ol bl clans- entli church north toronto in driv ing tha anutai and for tha vil oa jack ualku ur llonkuu kannath boancar douglaa oordon and for aura laa club uajtutrata j k jonaa llarry pryoa oarlyla coitlaana lurry c rymal and janaa luulweu took part tha annual maetlnf of tha norval woaun inuhuu waa held at tha hotna of ura l laird jr on thure- day uay 4th rouoclna tha bualnaaa meatlng ur a kirk of oeorahown aava a vary intaraillna talk on ntxk oardeiu and parannlala tha ofnoera alactad for the fouow- ina yaar were waudantulee u early 1st vioepreiuantura h b dakar ind vloepraildant ura t uaw- aon jr eacretarytraaa ura p ttumtieon dutrlct rapratentatlva ulu early planutura o wllian mcloraura e m ure j htmlar ura l laird aire w olaava wseck axubino to aihlrh iohle88 demolition or three laree fralaht cara in a bad 6nr daranttunt a aula eaat of oualnh sunday eaue aa a windfall to many of cluelnha un employed an offer by railway ofdclali of free wood for thoee who aaeutad in radue- tnv tha badly wracked can to kind ling attractad acorea of jobleee whue an auxiliary crew from stratford aal- vatad uia ataal parta kuvalry waa keen aa wan uada a bid for a aheap fuel aunplx and carta whaelbarrowa and hone drawn vaul- alaa ware praiaad into aanlee womens wstttote the hwiiilwiaiii of th local in ktltuie m u rnraiiiij u the htod at the bataw of asfr tufold cleave ut wxdavy ju lhw wee the annual trrltng ahrf ew tvo of oflwr tw haiitoe tj the aaijaataa that apu aatamtlaag ksj fouowajd by tb laaijautm of tb i sail ivankej rnaawlng held in suy leas meporte nw the duutxj ome and rramhu e iirwl rj auajajlaryti4ai tvortaid lcarizital fey th all tourta naht wi to tamwrly looaiw of tbu ftanouni vu diaaaud to tb cbdbwll haf- ikf firattltttltt ur ovortr osupuu we apraolnt- ed to take the thujc the uuli b9fa utuj m u ivliwl iton ptwtident ura u l tw rteai aatni cijoa hjw uone tod vloiprw irfajai m jlrf btrtiryttiuf u w caajavm graf li u claww prwauj p auatt punuts uru t andvfwio urs c wtftaraur dultui dajawitor ur p w cuw ptatrlct wpreeaut i we ura p w cleave ut praed un kui un prture aara d uvlogaloau la av to tb ebo tawatavjoed cmorre tb foliowiog t4aautue 4 ijyoafttiri lawij kwda ryvra vuitlog uoetaj pkrr the aeolaiawol of auiixore ud of bwincb diwtoia wre alo tnmfa ura 0orae oaaapbell duanaaad tb dutrut anoual ttvtung to be held u asiitliugion on tame sod and irintti the tancb to uail thtr jamtiikmi for tbe diurttt oarera boov o taarkmaary vtj i pgaud lo lb estaulfeiasarou fcbliij bad to b cfafcpiaatad lor tb f imwir bvnee mravtiog whkij u te be bild to the ubnjy oo lauy hd- luwrij the w ta faathuu will ttmet wub lb o0rttob brarub for thu sod th trarantb wul eon- tribuu one duaw to th pfagrafis ura haua vfao i to b the prffcw oa this ft ha ireveuad widely and a reel twi u acticiptued tnaddi- tlon to hr p ch ui iu will eoodtict a xumtloo no which houd pvo a wry tdtfwjsdog fe- ture ttbra the ut of ura f subiku wee unticid 4jjwwafal burrt was pma id bajr j woataxi but no d mimetic- wm made kvry woman la the eommunliy u tnvtted to attaod u was cueided to wuhdw the june attlng on acjunt of the sum har hrwe atjathtlng end tb datatricti annua faamung oxsing to clome lo lb faayular friawttng day the answer to lb roll call was h for bart yare prcnm tb taarttilera hkodtad vub rn tfudid aikl aaoril uijrtjti tahlcm the tvcapmfad ouantphtee wut ndevor to gorpwmi id petto for the roxating iear auarolioa wm dlwud to uw aocna laatttitue btomdcjut to be wh oii frtaa1 one of uw tbonto iatll tra trirnwr vvrv aavtid to wilt the diuy p4-a- for urtur tuhu-u- ura tti bmrtlng wis boubt to a iw by the alngliag of cod bte the king alur hlah fitthauau wra wrvd and a vote of thank tndrrad to th uiou ucmooc caberr ltctiu o twfadaiy tiomlng ceptalo cum miag dutrict cwut ornoif tiispakt the oaavrhoa hlb school corps iu u plrawd with tia luaorlalld aboiflbg imade by the olrt snd liraunl thsaat for their rxoacwnry lo atarotung and vanou eutacijate sr- formed tbl omdrt corp bae kng had a ha tvputajioji in the dattrtrc and tuwayi turad isd to ihos coottaat laprcf tbiiit tbe vhn was lrulnvud by ur iblxbaiann and had owr nfiy oawdrfta in ontawr were comsaanding oar wiuitm dv- sreaus platoon oomjaundrin alan uzdon- aid and david cricblon braeant4uvawdoa jaahnson tbrwunte wmrjt kentner and pmry tewadiperesattiif uahwram noikx kotlc u barter nhm at ajh kw ttvnts of the tomhblcr of w sre hkultmd torlbvtul to riaotodr oruare dtmlne ymrda big eiwa wiam- clats and oibaaf buildtdc and tv-aw- larfe and rveio all hrc hub awea- ure or other feautaem wbkfa traey radanr the tjublie hkh tudto hsw tame twid by tb pjtb of uy best oct wbkb day tb tim ntrvtor will eoimbh afatuoil all iwadrnts are ftainimtly i kwp thi pfrttaitatf cian end la thaorou- dklioo ptvw lt ajt x fc u atiy jfmi foawi jt 0 une j auafoaad sanitary taspaetw eaciaaalng uer tth lftzi w safe driving will save money our merit rating plan of automobile insurance provides reduced pre miums for careful drivers becaliae we believe nat careful rdatertate are ealkleti lo mi uttbaa r ward fw care couruay soj common setue a tnetr uin we ne ekteadad our marit rajiia rlaa a oeurto as inat discouftts up to 28 are ttow avaoaue fee tvivale paaiii auioraaulee ed all cimatee of airtowftotte taeutmnee rublic liabujty rro- perty damage collision fire and thect perceeijtscounttowoljsaiwtkawownajajvl operalej er f or ine peal jreer watnout cuinu ptrctlms4rourtornotoa4tuwlrveownjabd operated a car for tie put two year without data per cent discount lo anotorlab who lave owned and operated cur i ear tja patt three year wunout dates per cent discount to motoftatt who have owned and operated m car for the peat four veer or rnare with out cuhfla its the man at the wheel that counts lo 13 20 walter t evans phonei ofike 183 re 208 georgetown tt cauy vmu caweeriasai arvataa caulwu akttl cast quality special ceylon tea s9e eagle blucberfie 3 nettua del monte prune 2 iu pea soup ciisu cert fulim 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