the georet6wn herald shtsbdk yar oulcatloa 11m lb cuon aantcnni aclatmai hanu jt funmmn mtj kul orange pekoe blend salam waajriaawvy ewtairo my z4 1833 mijbopt i m un1 azjoo i u8la juiugtu iu bm imxuutsavkt lumhr iw u i fllifcilin mi km iiulb uim m pa aaa mi miui tl m avbdma abd boua u hi pja iu tua ul w t4a dm ti baa htflj 4kb dtfmhlmoh as longs dwecrofty lbbobau j oeurto mm iibiijiimibm cuiumu wtaan mimimrr ummlf tsub 000 u union tu tr uuurtw an nfiuiu iimn u bowvsm k o ofibud m m orihia o m bowy kiaaaim n i r lir- imiuft imunr htb aal mmw aaoaaa l rmiirm m wamattsaa h hw 1 mjtm hlwiiutx chutomtachc 3caaysrvic m dbum abu vawawjay a4 atoawfd awa mm u i km ba monuments pollock ingham i cm w onl fax coat csi arc iii wafer 726 hours comes out unharmed btftiietftbelhu fadncf rtwtrtud qsjjltlw of n 6ll tuaul tr4auy laltalum la lk- udka uii lontlhrub baiiw alatoj wtlw nrlv ibahw 1 lfvttf ef water for fa twra wltkoat damage la lb aaub yhu t- an c af bty tad by ta l4b uatafa j 1y rutrr cf lltjli aad tfiun ef tab buf laaml waufc u fcaaaa a nbl ul lur ula riauk kuwl utvulaa run out aj uolfsr iwatug fatafa i qauk dtytog k it h u4 a uumifull aa imhlij tall bad artuu aebul la hiulgx a it aa ea funiltar as i a- walb ea perb cw ciah af 11 pnjwt la l4 busy lsal dli cab- ulutm ekub mtf u mj r h irtanwthiftd a co a super kmt ar huiu wataf ff t au 4 hvulu vua tum f u u ft rr u u uui ttug c w fulaj isllrw ih pf aimumavu 4a jki htuu wwm va uj fru u fieouily u 0 uulu uiu uutiuy ij lata cu it vfuzaf 1j vty aiwaau low bray chick pr and a free starting brooder box kvcav oafik ma u i mian ob hou obm a ctahmho umcu max a8oumov niu kw prk efftctto stctly i twm oiiiititiil mmi ijm ff- rtllict umiuauj bray chkk hatchery bnllua lbbby wu o km uto w m i n a robinson live stock detler ixui btileher nerval live stock trucking all fowl fully inaured phonei gaumim 101 13 muka by k4r a oumi luiio lib i urtucht u w a i m out of bad tady huo kwld with au ou bold kvrr ouaa aad w cid kuktfouivl fw lb draiaa jajwd kbr by ind by piiiton fcwajwd ttwtl by ockifau uni bbfjaa fcd olwtovu ullia fay cmu ydj lbr bomth lawty aky aaxlaua buo fco htutla by wlilaf ufebihlo out of ttrlf to scjith thb din of lib llf lou a bloaafny uad k j wlfub fcoaaa uiwun fctut tb aua of wii bclww ylwra fcj uludhj 10 uabm tvw a tfasii aad fcld aula aw44fo04 or tawha- lod tnd feam all w i aj all v dd ua uul wu in viaw kkinuaat foaaa ui u t wtrt uj w ouf dwd fcwtf pvfrvovay biatainj hu u ua tfraam ruaala od eiaaxs jt i u6 waubio toil of braju aad baj u ud hiirad y u4 pi haiat uki atfiar td tu kail4 skj aad tour gral aiunn hl ui odd ef fu and otrarwd s wait to whai ui nu faat ut ui b mi kabv job it 1 qlwt how coeaikuokit wkiw to bal ban thy b cfuula ft uubat claaaki pbjhaj ui ort baa appuvouy uvy al that uilr ortiiafl au lhoi wart 4uuartly aupariar th rati of ui aulto u thai ctiucubi u lb aaawt w oio tu ft eoiirtioi of 4vmmouu luun to uwif uut bif tour and ww wiu and tbaoi eritiibtmr th vlujlut tbl 0ftoapa lb fum buat ud lb ftaar u wul but um wbo bar twr buo yfhwl la ftxhlfitf aldm tbay bva will w by lb bodf triliiialn tba bo bva bia4 m4 id fry- iblaa tby biw iiikkrtakae de no pat youraw ea lb bat b- cau you ftn a ibrouibgoau ertlie thi u iy to b whia you uy to do fcottatblntf wonh whui u tb uas ou aocoualfr dimftijlfata uk has 0 fvla 19 f8 uy tk ofwfthurl b4bnf yc bi uu loel priau biyh abfo tunu tfo7q vrythlaj froa paduffl ataivtpouu o vww but vtw a cuy ebap coa to ton aoiwuarft ftw hsuaaad muriuftda mwknm uiajmou ud tkkao tb ordar u tfi wlibsut any euuldrirtuaa mhu vr tud th 9llmr who kw local utuatloo of th ajtaif baler thy puhu iuat ha to uw jwab tn ult eraak thaw days af paal tby ar off uulr blag paool ta amal ur tocailtla hurt atkk tofathar and http thatr nunbora our ouhbw arrau th ua to os th gold au- dard it pay to dratitng utta to b thoughtful of othtra who have ahouldjrwd ft fchaf of th worvta bufdan wafuy baaobftpan awry hi jw ftlna th tunh of tiard ahip and in aou uuuom juat ti much a th bum on raluf why auppivu him forth odd barf alfl whan b can b of lflailniabto vaju to hu oobuauntly vhrn umaa ar op rook union church centennial services lunday may 28th tbo hauntocl room k cuuussa uacklk j cifotf wub a j4i b auhit tl urt dim raoaj with u pu cxl jfetupteim ud atj cw faauauy wsimjiun ah duot cfia lb mat wlcdoe ku lb omur fauad wtjrl oorbluaotrfb hdww u loo cut c tb garava katb lulad ow bw blouidr auat kaetii i cud ilk to kaa aua wu-w-a- t wid ttur twdubw avbar tb aawllefi arw miali wooj j reak4 b fkmd vsiry wwl atnll tu l us ua fwat lau u 0 to ud bltb lb aid a llftl wav imiiug ha t tawfb i baw toy dwrpffcapa roa ras uar lb waa la lb uiw from tb fcijd wltfdv la i- 0sft ujrooa tte aaoi dud fvoet fli csrus ui ad ab abak ir kwd douotajy abooid u tud kwbw roe u i- with ka ft wlaj u is tb a ualgbt and ab might u frigai jr bwdy ab uol doa tb hall aad u0d ta iw soof uur wi laauftt fcaw lb cp wtdav a if ulbtag la lb fragrar of tb kb torud telrtly at uu caros ttmtarfa abtw it 1 siahomr tt wt af ro u alvay a iwtou at olgh i alsbml ulu carow fib lub4 dad tptmr ts wr warn bmrt i ram barb tq tall yoq muu mgfalwud lq b uiu roma to my roooi if foq cabqh aiaap atc i aball almp tlka ft bahy oa itul inilllog wd utiibd alht ftftd ttka tb doo load ab pot out ibr jlam nl inuirvsj for bfd yto wit awnting aba out ida or bua dlataot rwula slwplftj u tti hu rooeii fb bkuatad faoaa katurr luutad f ruurw aafit kufcar souljflt 111 foo bot bo oca vast to aup tbi noaa uogbad ejbw 1 tall unv it all lb bun bat at elgbt it wc dlffrpb aloa to bw rooa aba riardj lb dojy abajufwd aat wtadaw plu ip1 aot rjfca a laat tfivs lata tb gar- dm raid it to b a fuyturtou pjar of ahadowj forma b4 ut4 utbimaa mlrrrtfr blrard catbrr a aba aauuted and bunk wbra ah bvoaft ctocb aomwur wu atriti it k uiuj tm b blorrad marmor ftf tb uat at rota new tb anond of a ttullow groaft bthar aat oprubt u uj again aba brard tb btoad a of torn oo to guay and lmmdlty aftrward aba lurd a auond aomtwbtra rloa at baod a auiatiuot and hill thaatp tl io allvnrv tho lb credo rapaat ftd agato tax4 ftgain it aratad to frva tb corner naar tb aat vtndow ttut t tb haaoft bay bp rlwd hal my ahoddwad fetbar ad just lb som en rapped ftoftly ua btfr dour faiutfraiul thought estbtr r f afraid i bava haard lb aload aba lakad irovalty u bat f lit and aiml annl jptoad qaully away aasurd bif bar ubv aa ataeptog throcgb ba dutarbanr of tba nlgbt all i arow bad nr bllvad is gboata 1 inttl tb nyalrry of lb haaatad room abm to cunfoosd all bar paat tbt- urlm tb patt day galbar ald nothing i tba atrang aooad aba bad heard aitboogh o of tba paying guaata a young nrtlai who wu palm lag tba lately long laland anor talked a great daal abont aupla digbt do to tb moaning of tb wind that day eathar aorompanlad vu anni on hla iramp ibroogb tba wood bat tbay did not talk aboot gboata kbtbar wab dot aura wbetbtr aba real ly carad for john plhani aba ad nut bint inat year for tba nrat urn and this renewal ef tbalr frundaklp bad brouglit a moat dlaturl ing flotlct l her carafra brart a few daajfta mp id lb wood c pt tla vail and bo night t o- i nua glwiat catu itaobl ibl v jfcfa more to ward loornloatdlsr weary front loaa of aleep polling on drwalng gown and allppara ablpped ovr the window hajiort muftlttl f4itj th aoad aeu6d of th hajtoti county yublie tfehoo uuteaj sauj bald bl tu fraiir vaiimd cbukh uuton oo rvfcjy kgy wtav kfindy of toronto tjfumy tb eom- pui rauou n a follow oki op0 aolo tk baodd smn- bai lal ktal ktuaavy oaorvatowxl xud ann tunllb oakvill cxitraj td laabfl tortant kblrliofum cpattal aud joatf laorabnd txb6aa kfoy opaii aolo f yaaoh and biwp- brfd lt btrtaaja uowruod uutoo and bobby gray abcrungtaai oauaj d arthur luxruoa ndftklm kaat xjttma gula aoio wjiuabw audr- ltt gy uobukl touaoheocu snd joaa valkbul buaibona fad iuah ibrganb uiltux vjrban bora aoloaafaaj awlat vbttot iwuw axtoa bid uobsrt aurly omfbrbrko fd d6uaua allau oliu dwla 9xa ofanoo to fairy land ul btahoa wullanuoa bbd btau runlwy oaorbllva ad wcny uofaund aod dua bioraland nurtthaona trd ual itall and j- qbaiin kvathaa ttortiiayuaa ornlral uoya dula llbing of tb lai tit itobfrt kafly and lurry iiai oaorgwlown vawooo agna and cbafu tywr aftoo vd bobby wy and humf llaib teorungton oiturai- ouu doubl trio tb maawi ut oabyul orntraj 2nd ttraiboon ird durungton 0itral- ihano aatoa tfiud ut uurui fimllh pit40 sod elsaa voug uuusl hooa choir cos tiiri and lad u sronu ind fatralhoona ffd burungion kaal 40v0i0 cbotr niuale btyvh iu anton tnd uutoa trd jbirtiftit ton oontral bdvolo choir nb 6hbrd fton ut bmustoa fotnj tod acton ird ulhoav boya aun 1vu oif u tot faaa lat vwatwood oaiomi tad braou im hraihfiotta and ikirttnf tan kaat bova ohom uvoim h rip ut aetna ind uutoa ftd burungton oeotfml th wtnnan of flrwl pruw to ftq ctilfaii jidaad brwlouaty pjawinud fin program v w coofca waiuuat of tba wauvfti daaflrtalww bainf to tb chair j u daayaa uahm vmh- ua bcbool tnapaotor praaanud tb prtaa whuh wr vm anlo vocal aad puno and ckiugou kahw anjf brona mm itlfm by tb lulton woaoa inatltut uoait and school club and th wuj a fa aula dmihr frva ltt cup hittoa odm ta4 ahuid biu brag rural cholm iu cup vatuvaj aaaoeu- ul sad ahuvt aaout unioo wo- nun a toauiuu junior tuban tbalx ut cup oabviu lodjt tod abiild max aan s4 room ebotr ut eon t eaton oo ind ahtold ball behool boy is olo chotrua era acton p b boaid tod fthwld ttaww school wji thnira ut cup ko- batt bunnaon 00 tnd ahleld buruag- ton iodjc ft eholrlu n uutoo o baam bad ahtold acton ioxx bay lavote choir- ui cup ililolaman oo tod thuld anton wo- tnrna iniutut tb cup doaaud by numbar of burlington clilaatu to th school wton- tng th hlghaat numbtr of potou throughout th faauval waa won by and pmacnted to acton potnu th royal ootarto u uaauwi bo- oloy ha juat rettd throuah th fttnaroaity of wm kvrkuu bull at o tha ph of a bruah wolf or eoyou thot at credit part on ftvbruary ttm laat by jabma robfrta th apaclawo u to b hounted and plaod to th uuuunt br no eoyotg has huhrto bn 00 dlaplay thu la th only aptc- tman of wild ufa from paal eouuty ta th uuafum oonaldarabl inuraat u attaohad to tha palt u it u uutmd to b th brat ooyou thai haa twr ba p and idantifud to the ivvoato rafjan ooyota llv for th toat part on th prairlaa in manitoba lhay aiw ptont- uul th annual tocfaaa u bauavad to b graur than th annual daatrofttlw by bunura and oappara humbara of ihem howervtr popularly known at bruih wolvaa hav wen trapad afaot in ontarto in raotnt yaara having pobably com to th provtnnt from ulnnaaotaby way of michigan th mating aaaaoa of th ooyota la tat in ftbruary they dig thaaual dan and th young rrora thra to tan in number but uiually about aut ar bom in early april thaw nhhwlt do not hunt in lar paclu uke tha timber wolvaa of th north but alnguly or to palra and thalr food oonauu mainly of groundhog aqolrrala rabbita mint fmga anakaa bird hen and amall all i and walked around tb tygfl waa tba boo to atody ib f ahalur i ui sinartw ao iar f thta partlcuur animal prior to iu cap ture 1 luppoaad to hav klllad numhtr of aheap in th dutriot aurr- oundlng credit ilmirii 11 mfm tib ottmwm spoibclatr by wilfrid kawaatotl ouaw luy ibdjiaiwb tba bd aa ft railway aft cadartng aoea- pulaory caopwvatlon btwaa tb can adian mauoeal abd tb rwk taciflc with aafaaida alt toa ga an abaaj ulbwiaj ast- powrd u ah u bnvim to any d putaa oid cwii tintovwu trf ly mdirfad to truau boajd of ttw approrvd ft aaru of ttad faacu f tbd at tb laapmj keoa- oaale wjluiwt uat auguac fay raacbtog- uruf chang acoraa of hjmona to annual aimed at diverting oww to ktepba t uunad ft iww tidily teufc rvanaa huh autooiauaauy aaiaod to w otbar aountrtaa- bundad tba un ymy cbatu of ftm banaa ftf ciaa war ft royu eosamkaka to ttijdy curtvoy and credit thorax and rtport cai tb tubulbuiiy of a 6iuj b atapaaiy b tb toted i at tbai baagbbo aaaaaad to wa 04 afl ftood u uat vary baai s tui t abouk aaar aw ror tooala faxacl bar bantiy aw a ttub of tmajtaww aa of uoth wbbtb ab ud audi banalf all kntftfal fetill i aaa rby abould i tktox bw tadwt wcu that i aowbrly bnoar but ooa taw ba waoi vwi tb waa with uy to band aod w i tubad hr baataa to m doc and goiwad tawbaf t was ukug km and tookb to buaa fiuid b- uuapandd th rd6puon of do- ftitnbm nob to sold thu cadaally throte canada ocf tb w4d stan- oafd- aa ftj tax- i appavaad ft budawt ualuj by furtbw wnnww n and haur uiatton and an ahmpt to taooaa poa tb aaorur of taraa prtdueta for hi aar tanft v a ea aau to oraat cvtuin ww una tfurgwi ualnly daatward tbport4 fritu of il counitu apb u pwndiuir and tb aborta on oaa dua nauonai cvafauoa bwrvwd boum that afur th asd of tb pfil twal yaar paoalofi cd wa vaufaaa wui b aubtaea to to- cowa wl whhdraw rroai civil sarvto ooa- wilaatoa and plaoad tmdar btiabur of juauu appouuaaftu to tha paaiua- uarua branch including aupartnbai daau guafdi ato ntijta voaoad that pauqfia waa faatog taaiorad to ur uaaaum wr voibad by bcaon- au of biu kitapowwrad lion k w rhodaa to a into th haibat and au tnojbootm of oabadlaa bond partly for fawia to bat dafictu partly to tnat biaiur- tog bauaa partly la an act ort to fa- duo tot oteu oarvad tha map of canada into a jigtaw puaal of aoowwhat diaaraa pauarn than it waa to lass wutbsr of onnitttitapcu ma faaaiag uwkt but h b lo4 tx au bf b ofi b c gain two and alt gain on bhtcr eouucal aerap with rhargw ea garryaafdaytng and turing tha ottu uoo w 8- uouatrwau tor- mar mfwlatar of agrbultura erailia th ahbf aaoaauoo fay tabbtog uto ribbon with hi can tha map of 8aakt6han oarvfull rparad by rwuva oppoeanta which lihtn hu rtdtof altoithr u b ahlpptag intmiti glmi nai aoma pasara call udw ofuutr cwm madlctn by mnft to tha ahto- ptng at which raaarwa for brttbh ahip all oaftadlan eoaatwb and oraai laka ahipptna bteaa oana dua porta btouuy oppoaad by pralrl maabua who bar hlghar fraiihi rata u r boau atourt monopoly kltaot on d 8 trad hig- tlatlon faarad vob4 a maataum af fryiftflftafti for aadaral ahaw ef unamgoyafit hlbf 0bacfti taking vtowr thai wot u paind and lhat provtnea and muntclpautbs aauat gradually itainrif urr ahar ed djalnjahlng fatudaa votad aupply of naarty ytinjudjjbt tar ordinary ap naa of g aughtly lower than taul voead laat yaar ibid long inquiry into fluid milk pfoduouoa and aal which found that faratproduoar t aittng a dhalabh- tng and tnaaulubb ahar of conaum- aria douar and that dlatributor war eaeurtof undu prou and paytog unjuatlflabl aajarua baooaimandad trtnunala to as prtm if naoaaaary nw aafoiaabu eonlram bttwaaa produoara and dbttributora and ft new and thorough inquiry into th whob problem of mlung milk and milk pro- duota in bali a afiiblaary cmaagad th alaborata patulona rnaohln craaud in 16m waa ahnplhud tha old tribunal war margad into aa an- urged board of penaiona oommlaaioa- ara dabaud raalproctty on a motion by wuuam duff clln anuonlah-ouya- boro which aueuad from rvaabr batuutt th dfuration uuu tha gov ernment waa ready and willing to talk rrt trad with th u s th sanau kllud goaanuaant bill which would hav reduced aalartaa of judjaa by onathtrd whan thy raah adlf is whathar tby raurad or not ahp or other unprotactad uvaatockx dhau inaludad ibaubamou tb- 1ucad- t ur gold atandard coopratlw cottuttonwaallh ulnor amanduanu to fuuowtng orala act cuatoma act titt waa vbad i wat vaat awuu and ul to bad i by a kindly naajbbor tad to ab wu uad ftfraa ub waa toto bay rooba u htmij to bat bb trtopad cat faby bag and wbbpcrad bb ao cbaaaiiy hawwa aoraaibtog wood to wail bwul lb uata h wlih wbma f kjww wa anouahkig ii tabeapt a tick child bpoauta and drtflng down th atiwai tbougbt i to lib tbrfva aibcb ubl dbu tb wrong aaas wlb ta tfy usu nabbbrbood kindly vooaa dsaua and cowmekts to tb hbi f idaa that ft b aamy fa cbuftwd who ntfbato ta high weboob kaajr uun ala tba faa aball not b btgbar than th ttmiuji cowt par pupu for education ta tba kbit tthool wbar h or th b tllafntiiif anothr cuua daf uuialy tba tba wao aehool brma of th yaar 1mm ja uary i to jun t and froaa fanilailiii 1 to dacambar kx- an aafwptfari uowa achoou to raauma oa tha idum- tog tuaaday if baptaaaw 1 fail rvtday a oaltaarm ubanobtb drbw b worth a6ourlag tbaa b tba vb of th aut6awaab lbiifmno tfrtibf vriunf gfcawbikai wbkft baa towrtd- ad fof ijb4aual boniaaat cal badcwao- bib bbufaaa pf willi bl ka di who h had ft ebaa and toy tba bat bv yaara aaototbto 1 1 n bi eahul by babu oaaa tbay tw ae- tttibwd that habit it b bard to baaafc tbam from u and aotorbto 4 that kind who hte bti tor tba prtrt- bu and tb aafaty of ethatg bw ifatinrlng ef apaabl oonajdataaton tna fayim 04 uiliawab liaiiii a ftj la a mluau nprabou ral waony to tba eamful dmr bad ftaaawa it an tb mar worth whlb for baotorbu to atrlw to aotar that griibgai1 cbaa th door to wbkh u ft ebaa taaaad ef fraadom from anadnu nuttd u ft aim with a big at traction for eartaia ty ef eabauai thar are ao many raya to wfabb ha can aaiau a oonitbrabw tottuaa at tha akpana of th pubue and aa if ba to caught h baa tba knowbdaw thu ft nloa mm ef aaaay aamkto baaa wfaaa h gu out of ptbea tbava b aomthlng fiinhbawull nnbwg bi thu it to auo an waooaragaaajaat ta fraud alany ertmlnala u muta pfa parad to apand ft yaar or two to prunta if tbay can u uu wobmaft aibr arrlng thab aantanaa ropoaab if now balag mad to ramady tab hnw- vr u u wiffaitiil that partona con- vbud of fraud abould b wiptitd ta nlmbura a far aa poaatbb tba loaua of thalr vlotiau thij could b aoobs- puabad by a alight fa an dm it ef tb rorbuur act among tba vbtbia t fraud ar many peopl wl- afford to ba nob otrtato of unaaaployad for wthf fall muta fraqucauy for tha mploymaat towaau mnt awindl xa tbatr inuraaii anjf tboa of th bmlima paopl who at vtctlmuvd by long firm fraada tbb reform to tpaclally urgaat today iitiitfdui bt and naw uorz and mora th umaa a glf at tbaaa laaci ha aoqulrad tha ida that tha country tm- quatuonably owaa thata a uvtng aad baeaua of thla ttmwt a gyowlag number of our populauon ar teat ba lag thalr tnltlatrf to taakathalr earn way and ar content to allow tha municipality to provld for than and thalr dpabdanta if uu attuud ea- unuaa and growa our qauoaai tlbra vll will b waakaaad and oanadwl ravs i uuulon aa a ttrofig and vlrlb raaa r b bat th glv m addwa v paopb who elaba thai aoctory them ft living aw tnweeitng a tbma tarad aaat wlndo warn br to uj ftp jo john wlham fjcm uulocktsir tha roar libatar oharu bnupat- oh wbauc uaaan and fitr llor- r ar among th better laijoam oanadlana who atul retain a atblataffj fajj kiadaj wirpow cmmtm v- hncwjutv frtattjebjv cabbqus booto oclhoot lultt huntjno aadnaatomlj wuwttno iaetelpto pripw tffiwa time mud almpily many otfwwi mm ciu uggjkl wxitgiilre yotkfabow h much mbtakea to him or you u waa aat rouaaauc tbla aaaood i ropoaal of mm but it wag ao earn porulda anj wfo and good lu ibratgb ab aaiwarad maak ly g tnaoiiflt uur lf foubd out but i wild bav bad to bavg that ant awwrtooca to b abl to appra- rlal bu i know bow tbaraa ft big dlflfeytoea btwu lova and romanoa a soma bv that a rowanea but im wbola lot of rouanc that t lova lligbt you ara but ouw aball b both bt proulad happily o a sitaatuw alurrlium baa alwtya baao a bh a proreaaloa if you vtua to gtv tt nlgbar gouadlog nan wobabv ho ma rvjawiaf wcbucau bbobtm m bnumftmr l tha aaaaoa which raoently tbtaed at uaufiax ha anowa a wwmrttahb ia bnaaw in cargoaa haadlad by qaaa dton raauonal ftfaamahhw toino ber- taudamttoa wait todba auatratt 138- tub lord baavarbrook lord oraaawood tad lord athobtan an th trio of waukboatt paata but tha former fro raoalwad their uuaa ft haktonu of ttngbad g pj aal ggglftil tatuy ttrttlah mattulaoturara and akportar of woolbo good fabric garmanu ato bjaaxpeotad to appear as the ttimi applbanu to tha oananlaa tarttf board which bagtna baartng next mk a eommuu of tha mora promin ent britlih akporur has faben nam ed ta make application they will argua that tha praaanl duttoa on wool baa an to blah thai tha britlab ex porter cannot enter into fair oompeu- uoa for the oanadlan warkat the bjtadtan tewil aaaoclauoa will anawer thab application wuh uw elalu that any further reduction of duuet oa urltuh butlke woukl aeri- ouaty injure the qaaadum tnduatry uowevar the clanartlan taxub toter- aau am not eteoatng a thorough ta- tiulry the new tariff board lutuo powet to lower the bwur but if they and that the bteeeot dutbi are ewetalv and wake the canadian eoniumer pay more for hto cloth and garment than the protection of oanadtou induttry juatuw they cau report 10 to the buwuri taeti t yrnbf laxrabgad ao aa hot y my drought ttaxt i haim you doner dlftwttii bfcibftg ab4 ajtafnata row ttw on weak brought within tba ttold of an ordrtnoouneu paaaad by the lbnry oovarnmint arrange aatlat- ano to tha astent of meting taiaa owing up to p at lftm oa a payment baito of ontwalfth per month of th toul annual tax bill jmr aaampl u a man u to arvaara of taxaa for iftu and hi tax bill to tm ha will under tba achame ba paid by the government a aum of at par month for is month if he to to ar reara for 111 aa well the tnonthly aid now provided will auu be m per month thou who are la arreare of uuaa for the current year can expect no etaluanwi until ibm and than only provided the policy to extended all auch u paymenu will be made direct to the homeowner by cheque and the homeowner will then endoree th cheque over to the muni cipality in which he reeldee strictly peaking it to up to the muntdpaltty to aee that tha recipient doe not ut it or any other purpoae than the taxea payon for which tt b being provided the new policy come into opera tion on june 1 tnouaattd of home owner who have been facing peaalbb eviction from their home will bene fit by 1l oalftuluod on ft yearly bitla the extra relief expenditure u eatoug will run over looaow whlb uo abtreement hu been eniered toto with the dominion oovernment r garduu the acbeue queenw bark ex pecu thai th auae baato of oontrcbu- uon toward the paymenu a threeway aput between the vtedorel oovam- uetat the provbue and the aiuajat palitb will ptwrali the actual wording of the cvdar tnoouttcll or rtbof regutotioii aa tt wul be rtbtgnated to a fxalowai vner a petwan who reuaf ownl a hottw to which ba rwakba on wbioh at toaat one yearw iaawa eew owing aa of deeettber law an attow- ano may be taaia uncbr the haarltng of abaltar not nwrajadlng i cawtweirth af th total mx whteto tha pr we aaaop and llinibf th moat fiwm ol the early oraek wtttara ware a peeuvely if the atorbe told of them ere true a hunchback atave tad a btmd beggar atr hlehahl arkwrlght uventor of the cttoaantnatng frama waa a bar ber john buayaa author of the pil- grkae wogreai waa a traaaulng uo- atobert suftu beotlaad lyrb poet wu the aon of a poor luavaryaun and wae hiniaalf ft tanau fanner and a re venue oedcar miguel de oarvaba author of t3on qulxate wae a page and a rwftwi g faatuotb and aooftt aagaa to woewbr why h growbd to tbreety wbj w iwahed the head ef tb atalrt wabx cioaar to bonny and could not be peretbded nortoreed to bav the bay for one a ohriatophar oolumbua dlacovarer of the mew world va a bailor the sob of a wooloolbbar confuctut the ohlneae aage wag a poor boy who began ure aa a atore- keeper captain jemee cook the twaoua xagluh navigator waa th eon of a farm tobarer denbl defoe author of rcatnaoa ciuaog waa the eon of a butcher dbarb wawve wae a bbalatkker in a ahoeblaekkig f axtory mkihael mraday the famoue ehent- tol and phyectou wet a journeyman ttoftawnnw the aoa of a bucfatnlth rbnjamin viaakun wae a jouraay- tt printer the aoa of a tauow- ca oiuaappe ftarihebti whom ttalkug reww a thalr liberator waa the of a bailor and waa at varbu tl ft eandtoaaker and a emeu fender a vtttauiid in j oaum thmiwbl wuh ihdnhttlnfc u bt uw bublmu if mho hut thta to wy on bv own bdau wm ut iuiam- mvuni hot- tullr i tam uy mtms toos uy oo uy tt wu vmiuuy to taod oulu to th ytuttout tueut tot tlmtttuttt of a tllfhl tl hs wu u wmjda thu iar w din tbu uurotxo i cut km u bt tutud htn ta ud kum blm told htm t would tew tb ted mou door eaui a ta6auat wm i hmid a uw ahun rrthwod arta took u a blal bt a hurry x found nun with hl hud burud us- tbr th wj oryu tarrlhly hd x auud not wtaf6rt hm at uiuu uuunt1 burd alaud buklrut unuhuif th tttua daarluwoput and duk tut bautvl tfla up um feulnt llaw ha r brtaw hluiulluuhuuhiim kwwl but uun he wu uvl in fwnim of tiuiimy owr th mmy of huutuo thm buddwly i mtkt ttoodt rot uk tha kjdw ttut h u duk took hi tiaad la mai of bouty ud wltlwik hrutllair u only vouatv dow book out brum h bitui to irrowl unily ot th tuotum of th dukktmud nbt ud with bud uth ud hund ta hkt una throttoaad ta tur tha wrukak ba buoqawhtf to llljim wrfl tny fla muow u thtl tha wy you imi bit it tsrlgud to hatna aaart ut auaryl i jaasad u wtu do at bay down vqauil own rtt tookwttt u i wotthad dukav l thouahfc po ua than t know you aaa orortfctb to which otaapad tha fa our dumb antmafatj jjuiatwiaaij