zt ttttm nrr rvaz tim ceoegetovnj iterate wjtwjeday ev i may 24 1933 v pure food store 4 cakes lux toilet soap 25c 8 cake fairtuusk pure soap 28v largo pilg lux flake lfe rtguw ptg lux flake 9c large tu select pint sainton loe 3 pig qtioier carn flake 2e gtt btockweu tocnaio cruaup luge bohb 17e eije brand couowej milk per tin ife bausi pure dutch coco 8 e tin ilk j pltgw drjlux jelly powder ssc s in raj hwbii for isouaeaou halting 18 a e farnell mow tc wcccuvek printidfl enlarpg kodaks films supplies let us serve you we are ready with kodak veridtrotne fura ia your size and a capable photo flniaking service to help you get the tuteet reeuke from your picture tailing we uta pride la our developing printiag and enlarg- ttig we would like to have you giveiiaal trial lai u you darins drug store ptiomsxt deorqetowh ramar on uow aw jota tan at wkooasm uiitmlll unau widow of tola bdward wutkay mbooavb la wwiaaeday buy jam ua u wois hi hi btb wwaeral trose hi u arietta atiwt omnonl a dy wiy kith ibnk at ak osa ft iduroaol la qnrt cwasetary mccjcy at hi bead harbord auaet toronto wednesday w mut an jama w fediay a hi rath m btabaad of ohuuu ansa etaed- ttaral awrvtc at tb laaldenoi friday ubnu emodt otto bad thu serrlo the f wu fcro- tmd by hnou- tdoaorvalowd for la- towt niefuliy dateped w x w pclr diee tn w yaar sttito nj grwdsr klaeg tiriif aad th roaad to lh olrtj u u u uutul hliu cluirtto had cfaaltr ilifmu mid aw k wry teasd c6kiiikml bt lb dn- oi uu tied d tb stms ww out us buloy 1jtx uei w kjutf cur oouaeu hu4 fcrtai wiuvu niua but oia u uai tam tkt lwv tod otlkn fcbo da tbrl ifcruf id omifmmfi u lfilu 6iw lba hfiwu tjt fcj uul hi- ut fcrsir hi o thw maocully ti mkj uatoi fuoa ftbty trnmukwir ow uia fao ciom lud hrrimii ja oeagi id u 4 bu t rvm 0tf tbn fid uur fiy fliii wtu kuk abaa ft ih fcitiidmuw 10 fcait uatf lltted ififii f h m to out lowti 1hu tmsnthtf tat car pilofii imawmxlv or omasum- totm amd wcuullmowm wmlmm amd kkmvtjlx fotickople ww wouui imfi to economize mow a iw mo to m un hhu wulbtiio ultmmull uomut cocr culm rf iwtnn tsiji gilbert sinclair r fiaooostowh b b ibl annual meeting the annua meeting of the helton liberalconurvatlve ajeocutioa will be held in the town hall milton wedogsday evg june 7bx 1933 u 730 stnkrj tim all conaervailvee are tequetted to altend thle iraportant meeting leroy sargant geo e eluott preaident secretary used car sale at georgetown j m doyle of oerruary at sewimo wiulv in ut ti ksy 0 uakmh kuw lliiiimin t al bdvud mau hkb oecuitfcl ca 8iuf4y tfffni uajr kill uiu unto tart aa or lu 4imaun and blibjr o ued ruldjnu tb aroaml ko nib w tut fu kid bwn to br iuuu tool bmub unuj frvuj aomlu ml lur owlu euu u shu bhota to ft urt ouw 01 irtuvu bom us ullnlirjll hwnu a or th ut john tad obiu ij mdjmiiin tt ia thw cob uaat bk chudtekt hi uuu4 iouti ui as u ouui in u wufaie id cuohpulrn kj bsj inifiiiiif of kbi vtahftua liwrtb aarvtriag in uum autmml f faa iubs ftad un onxf areold omittos un koud uintoa luonla four ubj uttblrt ot curawo john uvd wtluot to roolo khul of bukilo uouur ua rvuk bffchwilu bv id momour ifca auo t ghdehlldmb ftfid on bxhur john uimmin of uoitoik ujlm tmvtm tb fusortl vu e- 4uomj an tuhdu tfuraooa by bmt oftjior tv momtj nhamsh io uimh uidurd mod muou hbuy dr wlliluu dr uiabtn ur w goto uvl ur j w uoom nw wt bust buutifui aanl ut- u1u4 mei nuuhi ul frbadi umehouse ur wu1 ktaa ruiud frlrod id ttoroolo oht uu cuk and a taiaj of hiihth uwl fruad of uu kid tuvnu uuooit w fcbor la cuotuvb ouoiilg wml ux diub ooturrid 114 mid u lu l4ldooi ti urbord hmt tmala of jau w ruw ft talisuir of ux uoiud cburcil mko tarvd f taftny ri bl ud cbng cbicnri kuvtu wduy u huml b eurtuie d bovuof tisxim kw tomj id hl 1mb r horn id ddjbart wri b ou1m td chtjftdft tebm ft boy bid uuur km oitw wdw ft ooo- wlnnll bsbihiir bin ft tbtor kt ocjd brbft oo- l 1 lwy ui ft nodi of uockll unl- vtely ftdd iribiimhiiif ooomuoojj cimi ufw4ti oirbw hy miau- uy b oirmd mrlou rt b loltlia jltjjf o0i oall iqrvcauaoij lb tt ooag ckurth veoutrr trbkrj bi orgini ad tlw hiu ooor oburtb uruj rn bi t at t eo wtuti cbir br brld or tb um rari ajlbouftb ui ur mw mw rrou ib ocum bualury biii b ooallniwd 10 fcrmjii bwamlif ftod id ikw wj boaond id bu iboud ktmudo or- lb rarobtd oaabnab of tbi uoiud oiuirrb at ibr lbn of lu diilb b ftj ft bmnbrt of ftisiuoa iwuii uidud owrtit uoul tut fevpunbir w b luf- brad ft bout oilaim bi bod uul ftd fttlfar lowhmi id boudf fthd curt tnr iu kh mr rt awto ft boaoiiiuuid slaom mr wm ft blitflliir ot lb toobto ovm uw club odd tbi toronto vuorift mmuik oujtt ror cusy irt b biu tbi potiuod of eata u ibr vtr- unacuk umiuaxfuioiub ho ftj ohoolold of tbr ontuid curl ur iui aou la ihj ul ifcw b ftfrrrriftinud uw boeuof touoa id irrifl kir kru u10 tut of orb bfotbora four of tbon roodortof rltolhil oorrloi id ibr ooqffftuoou buou- iry anotbtr brouur krftnk kury otrvad or sudrrlouodera or atfun at otuot undrr ibr ratlakr of lfturwr rturvlrtos ftrr hi sidos obutottft euro hud onr ua lwulot j ki podlry uo of ifurabiroldr oat oad tw irudbudkn oua ftod juaw thr fuiuru mrvlorwul br bild 10- eurros tfuraohi foa uir ltu rrol- draw idururttt wlu br tt oor udolobi on auuraoy okjbu trtn la booor of btr ftwrouaiati bftrrltar tueb ukm tutor oirtj in juar la iwominor llb oa urirn- biat audi by tbr toronto fbury of ut rvotbytorua oaarch tbt buat- lun of thi dlolrront rani oongrmo uau oftelunfrd putoltj kuv lit uovoul of uuton opottr hrht vkltr roy dr lloomrd took ttu e art la hornby ur ooo aouu ot torooa ftptat ibr ok rod ot uu homo if ur tbr tntu two ort to full bloon oo and hot proetlu of o ftbualuil aft- ur io un wet- sou tad ura a u m and knloja oftoroeta vuttad ura jar ucoovall orar tba vara and i ur and uva 8 law and ehtldraa of toronto asut ttunday iul ur and un a hill i quito ft burobar of fturobrra of tb oia tartttuu brr fttuodod th dtrbtft bmuof bald la acttn uoaday of uua mk ur and lav uudar aad family afaoittoaad laid lb utu boum ta tba hollow quito noaatly haw ftoaa bock to thalr bom oe tba abttb liaa wo aiw auuad to loans that ur uooowaa who baa bora aulu 111 u roowartaa aad va truat b u1 aoon ha quit vau aaala scout rtcws rlohcet suoxtaar sefiaa mooting of woman leatitute a eaparuy audlaaoa a la atlaa- daaoa at tba ubrary oa tuaaday al- urnooa for th aumtoar aartaa m of la inituuim of una diatnct uaauoa vttb tba oaorfatovd braatb sara lb braxebu fiom rubtroaa rrtmfirttoara aad moral is wkora- lof us otbrr braacha un ttaaaa truloaal of tba oaoriotoam braaoh atrgoail tba aroat ftdraritagoa tbat could ba raoalmd froa tutb aau-tr- uja ilima of ilaui amain su us aaaakar ftad dtrtdad bar talk tola tvo part tb ftrat bala mo aad doala for fautttu wortarr tb fpwilm adrlo tlran a of falu not onry to xaautut aorkara but to workrra to any uranla iwi ajrfatab raa for th promouoa of publla vat- faro at uu uma una uabm da- umnd cmotlafa from ur oaona puusaa aad alao apoka for ft mr mlautaa 00 thrift aha a many worth shiia tabor awlaf d- rloaa auob aa dbb dralaar door hoct turtto baaur rttor knaalim casa bamboo rak and w coomrv uaatlob ai alao mad ot ft aouro la jmtland char ihl ftddraai of aa aiuih inautut oould b oblilrad of tb an raablu ot rjorraapoad- lnj wlus a nrancb ta tb laolbar oountry thar a ft vary bar mualoal nra- ram tfhlrb laoludad lb fouoarbsf vasal tola by ura urown korml dual by un btrd and ur our tinlaoa of aibrrom aotooipinuml by ur wrltht of atbarov ft tuartauw by ura t- aadaraod ur a duoaa vera a tt vtilar and ura kvaak aunt of aoorgatovn with un oacil w at th piano tb fubls ttebool pupil andar allaa it turruon wui itua u oihtoo at tb ptano ksdarad ftoav vry na ohoru nuhbara aaio rtumlay and uanoa wullamno tba dual which woo lima tb rnadala at tb raoanl wualaal at uuton altar which atat aai saoond uinuat which wa alao 1oiural taat plaoa and th raodimo of which mad kata th proud pot- aaiaor of aaotbar old modal at tb oloa of tb prorrard by th atbool ura liayoa avpraiaad tb tbanka of uvl aatharuito uua hairuon aad una cubaon for brlaflivi tha pupil lorothar to tw th laaaa aoth traat a numbar of uttia danoar frord ulu wrytaa elrja daluhtad wth irlah jt at th oonrlnilon of th mualoal nroiram ura lumm oonunuod bar talk apaaklna thla urn 00 japan woman tula waa ft moat bsatruo- ua addroa from on who has pnt aom tlma in japaa and has had th opportunity of atudylng thaaa paopl maxna ls tt all idaa waaufatftc aptx tjoaatialiaa klodj wnroow oawis wtojd rrrarioromv ottsgos bookji oottraoa hjeronta a hbto eouooirum tawnno flpmstmtium aimrjlily many otherwise smi v call ua and wiquu yp fcaow v- v y ugh school board vtmni axumst plsrf ofl tbultxi j ut asjimpa amjjar paud wttt htiimtes kfluzoair til thaa tfjwdi 9 tejrvftofa inrtm btuau jgw tim okild tconmmd ft tujih tjoav ufiiaj tidajrtlob fa mutui uaat ftil th tiflrtrt fttgml t0 ktppt vii haj frari u- nt faf u ibst thu v uw tiw taaimim thau uu uatii j uw o utt ftftrjaots aawhoaf tar lb hcaru tairj im lrtvu a- j hntautrai tdrt niad ur uw tj tu lteoiimiriamtumt tml la jmdajiim ftfid ijajfaly bftu ivw i nwkiif jkiai id ft uus t4 4 1aci kfid uk cuuai u k vlli luzl h ft taajiaiautit ij tiw tftwjiwiwtl taf th abttaa cblirth uad djrtd ui hiatal t fjdlu tlayifmj uilailiw- braburriachivy faajmlu klrb bmfi tdaula td th fcl lltiliamif imua l iruwrrm tu la td l nuifia a tftrfw fca0 imm ittutefd aw liaftitaai ih c0ti7w4 ttif oftbituanft ku faawt tsiai4 ifuliy ftfitt liru to th anoftvl pirt miliiwtoffy iovoa let u-iti- la lh bifayti tath3 u thu stfa6ft talbukj tiu tbltoariiij rtrtlrtu lmkij lhfm our uarw ft yml uihh td ov tftiratfltfkftf uiu 4 b iairvaad bau cuhfi sd c tmrflmfll tti nfsatiav fat fcfva vrfftf u utimavy ttu cdsuu4 work ta ah u 401- fawhivt to mmkbit end stvats ta suautty th tmdi ta fbtmac tu tu nib ivftftuljr badi uul tmlkftiziavy la eoouat tbi fmuuj of lb uu la ta sfmulia ftnt wrulflaj bvluuat ukfu ut puotl ft 4li pftmmj4 ta lh- ab ituru ho uuf nui tb htad ifcaut th tuuiytew u iku awl4 b6i4 tut vjy mutb fmo har to u ftatl tb fcamflnhftmajautofm ft iatiiilfth ro ftii u vi4 wnu th ftsavtdlldrt l tb ta ujii wuaka- tba uorud hu wwly buiai tjrtrwo br far eiftrttr th mi e uy klxuc tumt la tbw mikc4 tjiirtnaj tb vtaur taub tb rurj tintiii film ill in 1 ids ftbk to uio tb yrtiem ol tb maeipau ftad u1m fmuan or utt ft aubiba of yvjar tiastf awjv44jihlp uui tbltity u tewhfft h hioaid to tuo lb fcumatd of at i ftujiwawrii wiawttibly blarf m cciaiiirfti ltut btf tb otbttr ttifgau rf tb tutf aw imflf pftjjntttat awvic botb ta tb cte rooa ftm ta wftaawjtaa frttb ftatm tu that tj laakbatal ta lb ui of tb whtifrl tb ba jia tlhi an ft ucftby batty of soon pmcki ftad ftiwdj far tb aw dftrt to bt laufmad la tbftlr tuuttu ftaat autfw of unitfttif ca- btma uair u tby j ta fcibi tb bia nuui tbtr ilfrljiv at acbooj thauld b ft ranur u tkibl tb prtaetgal u husalttwia bi wiinnirirfli rakfuferity of v by not havwta a uuftban ta tb baol kar tbi rtmn u u u for otlyn u h to ta tbat li town rov fiiiy taavwrt tttaj atillllbfi ef oatwlttt imt ftotfkhd ua fto- otf ftod hauotttmt of zav taatfifamrt ftiu iifjiagl kwi- ltb hftuk wvk l bu ftl ifwt crvdii uat jrv4amiay bbl rotilrwtna tb ttalfc taotl tf of ft tlt tad tb owr bir- ftiith bu u wbbatl knair tafai olurvd b va arjida limit tvi kpwivifit oormtmurs wll by mkyt usd fttaaact t b rrwt4taw ux fc w va akbawrart w kita hptapdbidml is bf uigry lamy a tjay tragedy at mlwntrn taktt owm ma fttmbiovaxv ou mo kum wine rwgs iaitit ctol avj r6rcrw o o cradiiasd iuat ta propoaad by 06v amiini rl au aad raatwwwi to by ura tnya awaarbw la lb oriatdu ooatusw word id rjadi mad hiiftiil tab ft of ftwl aldad by tvuly wil- tsxsxfc at lb b w oaauld dr u h adaau rhilriah v arebdaaaod uoetd toa uaolmsol w u aoirth ool tba ktoo t u acanaaoy karl laotaa ux tbooua hi aillia u atatry ar j a avobuaoo t j oast w o o loaaa t at u krkld- toa kart ondm uaror uataaou oo aoaw a tc vttuwum loaj toraaib tvaaia at crrari uutoo uirva aaak bvwiaptod hodjuy tiiatoaftn llautoot cuuarra o oould ualor rboaoa robuj uui and ctaf aru aoodafbua john rlltm acton hlarannhh idft on oburtb liraot allmftrfwl to aaurdar bla wtfa abaruy bttor neoo oa wadoaadoy bat tbaa ullad bun- artf wllh ft aoubumodswd butrbar kuuv tha woman y ip ooalob ttoa- pital la a eraleal rrrtitltwm troaa ku wouoda about tb body arstl aad too aofioadtof to lb story plaoad to- awtbar by balabbon attar wr ool- boi was round tba hiiohanrl had sooa to work a uaual tbat atoramg aa- twaaa a and 10 oclock attar tb cbtl drwd bwd aon to icbool b tvturdad bcroa aad a amrtdc ouanal ooauad wbkb wa baard by catebber duriaa tb brlftbl of tb lam acrwajoa wrr baud aad ui oouloa tba back door blood fctiwamhid froa woudda od bar betmm ualp eaaoa at oooa aba waa plaoad ht ear aad takaa to tba oualob cvroaral llovual td aba toabtbw cvsuuia bad oraavad biol- auo tba back door wbara ba dlad bworvsajidical aid aould u brouafat it baa wt covering jwd ljuojeum weein hi lluou uirrmjmauy tvtacfo buav b kid tead aa hi fjrifrx th oolua fcj wmtj to jut tbout 11r r klft froca outafaib iv itfetflwa fja alasfjaidls lui fttuipfwi to btr caia aad tcbaiiiud hw ta owl w m tola lhau ft lofku ivxaaawiia bu pauaud th rouavsta iji 11 j tim ta ft tajioum tklaw ta imt hltabmftdl ltftitfaial rf u gawau bo ua ttu 6119 iemb ihw blftwrf y w ho ttoiir out tba uab fhtl covering aaovad i onou by o with tb 01ub7lodljvr srvd9 mluai of toaut provldad j ofisssaad 95 umd by w a aspakai and aao- w by o w uoroy uat tbi ccuacu do bow adiourd a waast a a court of stmuloa to joy ifcb u to ctiock a cwirtd atom tba aboaa wwiattoa m uld th tbaiua rmd to tor ktlaat baa faaau racabad bytb ooubeu at ft cobsdutto tdrrtlna- 6d od- day aaalar aad lb taoow tor rrualiuia and orraaalat arwraj waa lui to j u mm au auicbaiiar at no for cruabbaj wnd- acfanloa aad bauun at la par rwrd painting parwtanglnc obaiwaa laault dapaaailoa ra j wiggins naa atj f a fewaj ia uaoaoatownr f would ba wtaalor tba board to on as soots ft its ftnanoaa will par atit it gave splmittad concert uomb bota bakb oumw back- ko isotlag kundav hlocrr u aa a tultfctrul prorram th lion hoys band tnilnil at th oratory tboatr ltat fejuaday alftbi tb ftdranoamant of th boy undar tb vary ahl liiahlp ot ur a if parrou ha baaa auu uarkad and this band la now a mualoal ertoril- uon of wbleb ar au proud ur if o uodlur was chalman of th naatat aad attar a fav wall thai a tad ftpproprut raaatrkl saawac- d tb proaraai which was rwtsdarad a follow uyma ob ood our hk la aeaa part- hand lurch uaadway hand oonwh aolo wrbaa tb mooa eoataa ovor th aiauntftlaa cuaik vocal ailovaubr aoa- wraw bany ralr- joaa ifal ftoooatrjaavid by ulaa cubiob uba ttarrlioa tutor ft aolotd tb wallay of ta moon a waaloa hymntntbt lb aood nail hand oonsat aolo farmr thrnili aatoat tha old- arrdstrottf boy obobwur of at- oaoraal cmurch uadar jftok trjorapaorv- ruotat by ttubaaa vuaaay w 3 tbompaob ur w 9 bradley ac companist oonut sola tba old rafrajn- oaroay aarwaa olartaat alo1boullb uycah oti ood r natures gift5- airqithe people uvofuvs wonro iruaoti uaafra1 avlmem pork and beans puahl t glnofir paajaijife hia talk th tttwtinf clowd vnaln of h bam tb ifi uau pnt aocul in nf which tlyhmsu golnx taksy th okruwn bmo wytekpiwrn of tb afihool llv ta uliiiikv wnwd kooim tu utr youll hbtwv not tb um for yott tbi lv miub uuuktt u him or jwl it waa bt romaatlc tbla aaaaad imiaul of her bat u u ao porttbl ano sf and auoo w tbroain aa anwrd ak- y bumiu laur iv fwibd out tut i wailcj hv limtl to tuvttutt ohit euwrioc to b abla to aoiw- ctat uu i know now tbar a big dlffasuc batwaau lov and rcauna rtmava aom lav that roiiuive but ilrra wbol lot of nnubc tbat bit iova iillat you ar but ou kball b biith ua proiulaad happily ibtua twouaojouy ii p saucs bottl2b aylmer tomato juice net ft 25 awfardauhla pears 2723 ortltard ajaala and raiptaarry 37 tbartaattixalia are th ulo of wuknown paara but th forawr two rolwd thalr tlua aa wiidanu of of ft 8alla jtlurtliif baa aiwaya baaa a jab proraiaaioa if you want to alv it a blghar ftouttijlttfr uataa waaiaitsi uanu gousrshtoa wciimabj ttbown uf btwjufttiu t tb aaajoti hih woattttaa6d at hfilfax baa avbowti b i ta- tmaa la caraoas iauuad byo dian walioual braamihtry ia tb bav- tnuaiaaabrltlh waat ltndka auauatia mad mawbaalattd iu mtilp1t v tn tb atoounto afldcmttta wavi bound iwih ualaa tatut brttuh ttiftwujutiirara and exportara of woolun toodi fabric savnuanti to a aiqwotad to appear aa tha flrat auvlleanu to th oanadlan tirlrf board which bfgbu baarlng naut wvtat i a iuattuul of tha mar promlo ant brttuh wtporu hu bteen nam ed to make application they will ihui that tha pramivl dutlaa on wool- una an ao high that th brltuh ex- portar eannot anlar into fair oompau- uou for tha oanadlan marttct tha oanadlan tetatu aaudauon will auiawer thalr awvuaatlou with tba claim that any huuwr reduction ol dulle on brttuh taxtika would url- ouily taajur th oanadlan tndutry klowvr th cianadlan taxul tntr- ata ar not obtndda thorough in- hitlry th new tariff board haa no power to lowar th tariff but if thay find that tha pn dutlaa aw auaatdi and uaka tha oanadlan tontutiw pay fakotv fortibi cloth and gautnattu than th prtwotlon of canaatlan indualry juauflaa thay cn- report ao to lh ifomnunanta j farraotv- amuwd o al not to bs oauaht by any drought raost t have you dot planted era tffitw aad altoroato rows ibl jaka ah taotab awtbraau aba ftou th ooaamtaant ft aum of m par month for ii manlha it b la in ar- roara for iku as wau th ntonthly aid now provldad wul suu b m par month that who an bt arraar ot tax for tb currant war out ettaaet no aulstaae until 134 aad than only provldad ut policy la ftrta all audi ahskar payment wul b mad dlroot to th bomaowuar by chaqu and th hootsowner will thus endora th ehaau over to tb muni cipality in which h ratldet btrictly rpwiwf it 1 up td tb municipality to aa that th hdplant does no ui it for any other purpoa then ut uuua payotf for which it i balnl provtaed the new policy eoate lata opara- tlonon june 1 tnouaand of home- owners who have baaa faeuur poatlue eviction from their hobtos wul ben- flt by lb calculated on ft yearly bails th extra roller urpendltur it entail wul run ovor ilaxwoo whlla no aatoetnent has been otrtsrod mto with th doulnloa aotmrntnaiit w gardlpa the acbeme queanle uk est- pact that the same basis of contrtbu- llon toward th myinanta throeway plt between tb moral oomns- main th pmrac aad tba murjka- paliuos wul prorau tb actual ontraa or th order injouncll or relief nauuttton as- a wttt br rlsltietd la as taikraei wher a penron wbp d on reutl ornis a house in which be roaldoa on which at least on yaara haw are owtnc s of doosraberai tan an ftumr- anos may b raatmurkler the liearlhif of abelter aoi wmeedlna toonttuy onetwelfth ot th total to bill to which use annual tax bill on tba auswv ttobmburnia wa tb son of a wa huttsalf a await onaer and a re venue otteer uuual da oarvantoa author of fdon quutab9 was a paaa and a ooouooa mmt craiirajicb loa dottb ho catena tvy oingbr alb lb uovik health salts 5jtoussj t for olariatoplur oiuiittabiy dlituvarar of lh hw world was a aatlar tb aon of a wooloombbr confucius th onlnaa af waa a poor boy who baajan uf ma a stoiw- itaapar cmptain jamaa coolc tha fruoua ktiauab tuvlgator was th aon of a farat laborar danlal dei o author of nialiiaw oruao waa th aon of a butahar ohaule dlfiana waa a lbalatl4br in a ftuoahuakitai autory ulchaal maraday tba fmnious tham- ut and phyadat was journafnian wakhlmler tha ton of a buataantith tutijaurili ftanklln waa a ouroy- inaa ttaiiatar th aon of a taltow- oiuaanp khw aaribivul wbonj jtsj a thalr aabaraior waa tba adlotv and waa at variaua t cfm ua waa niniiaary ton ryiptv th vatawtoaiy dactv of a augbt infawtwi and u a rnuin th for a ca that altarnnon x pus ajdiany lbad tuckad bla tn and laliaat told him f would uavalab batv- rootta rtaxaf oaaatn a aaajwyaavw fj lajajta i heard a aowam fibarfi hitfitaaad crtat took m to hint fat a hurry x wind hbat with bla baad burtad un der tha ocvwm tsrytog urrtbly and 1 uld not oatinrart htin at th aamo inktant i haada loud balking and aoratehlnc tb tron daar ty w onan and diak aaaa bound tof up tba atalnl how ba ar bttaw atray from th dtort ofttoa w tuar ktywl but ur ha waa and ta hanity of aiisyty owr th aawy of hli uity chum buddatily x imdr- iludl mir uu tha aoldw that b aa duk took hlaaund in tvoni of atony and wlutehla nack tvtaubia a- atuy a pou6ba do nack oau bdaua ha baaan to growl aavaawly a tb platur of tn dartauiutad pb and with band tiawh and babrad ta hla j thraabioad to taar tb artlt- whlgcxmfta toa of a aauor and waa at a 6andtanakaf 4 illlftlaal by tit maalatral if aba had any thin to key oa bar own behalf itea air ukua- an wd bop rulty i taka only brklab ajioo all my ana uow u thaia tb way yoil foot about it 1 whom jtallana bnaand ta rjattaa r art aaikrntl- xjatl clots at dv bafls tkookt 1 down vasaaitupwditb r- ihorjiftlnr wwa aasd teachsr ta brto out tha idea of ahwlontion a- li baaa fteas but a fata it where look milt at walrhftfl dub i actx tbouabr do yott icokttn than iknow i you aea ftobtetbtaa as 1 wbjcb- af tbaraavjacti our twanb mdkfz- s m arviii 53 msii 1 i i vi bjallltsa