Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 15, 1933, p. 4

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ph4 tha georgetown herald wotjneaday evening novehuber 15th 1933 orange pekoe blend salada tea t trwd fro- tk gawjew u itt ho bono put u no long ln iho familiar uher cnu w facnl ar cruel end tjjujrcii mnt with bn who uhatbftj and uj wt3 tolu and sg vt dyltg p0d tjrflt unhdwj l0 lb cqit ckkid coturaovi all lu fought be- uuw uwy biiul of s the uiiajp they chrln in lh jlu and to touattf a bn for faun- hood t i and u iuw cid and nd uf- iui r4l and so hh grtrtois bound tor honor paid bar la th soul of ill sirs aiiir kd ttw u n to- uw of the urtu sho aing a dirge ot early mom uton the wing ifuitwxl u the utfut brful cannon ade cart are th bltoux whr oik w lild the poppua blow a dwttfr dubr rd th rtth eulk blood t4 of our gal lant cvd am here and there in icinin vosf array ar taerwj spot ahrr silent coa rdw uy wrath grn groud sound and rrnii i ahk hlth kp a slrnl wtl while our oocard up n a lovtu obmu the wikg8 o wild gjx th very solid ha tdopud lb paras tiuly as e goorf but uk many other things w accept without inwatlgatlng their rlslais to truth this statement u wry far from the luu a gotw l e declovdly ls bird if not why did a certain on cover her 0g with uy o kmp thf iub wiieo ui wether a cold and stormy though ui did not take thi lucautlon when it bu not in tote mysterious way tnc pwi lru voytgfr tlmxigb ipu know lb tlm lrn lbry are to wave thu bilmy iajuon in tlfa tunland of lb booth and trawl to u top of lb cortd in lb land of tn uldnlaiu sun oo ttuw dloy mlgtaufld guid- d by a vudom a acnailng as u u myatcrlous thru twlft advcotunra of th air kp to ofrtaln lonauudlnal rout from all tvctkm of th coun try to amv at lait al a gtvra pot u th nd of th earth rulna oftrn at aa irval tby their court to take thrn htah abov th lofumt rang many o vboa dam utud peak ru cioudvaxd mont than ihre tnlie vt who hi rwr known of a vlid goot onmlng to tragady on the houldra of any hlut oo tb4 daollng annua illgbta lhry covr from ila to clht thouund mik brvattlng hadwtnd and torma that rould drtv th ttoutul ahlp upon th rock averplng down th baibad anarchy of gal tavtata a unchalnd kurt yt holding ataadity to their court thilr tlnkaj pinion beating acrou the ha cl- mmu for more than thirty noura vllhout rrat hlk all that tlm tbclr alaahlng winga bav drlwn thra for- ward at a mil a mlnut or fully ftfty f4 for every dovnvam ttrok th beat aviators may rmr bt lid rid btrcn statloiu though thy hav th atautano of tlrong ughu and radio connect lana from th ground vary ten mlnutea but wild cm nwr low their way and when did on of them ever oom to grief tn making a landing through tlar- taaa tmnatrtppd night lhty go to their tteaunatlona with th dead cer tainly of gravity luau wud eea uiually fly in vwdg for mation with aom old leader at lb point of th un thu divide tha air and vry member of th group make tha suit of that fact by keep ing a piaoa in th formation where it escapes tha opposition of the atmos phere tha lesyre are not able to do inls so changi often whit a con tinuous honking is kept up to hold the flock totfether then by tome startling method of understanding each other they seem to com to a common agmment as to when they should deoend for rest and food when these haw been se cured in aom wide fleld or island where they cannot be approached by an enemy they rise one more and pursue their journey the old question where do the wild gees go has at last been an swered for generations it was very much of a mystery but now the se cret is well known hack of all pre cautions th parents of the young bird swem to know they are helpless creatures unable for some time after hatching either to fly or to escape from their enemies by swimming this would mean their ei termination if they lived close to human centres then wild geese moult onoe each year and during that period they can not set off the ground and they seem to know that if they were found at such a time along the rivers and lakes near the dwellings of men they would be exterminated to make these things impossible they fly to the dutanu uninhabited regions beyond the circle where the cold waters of the arctic wash the forlorn shores of northern russia near the mouth of the lena river iter food 1 abundant and uncount ed millions of wild geese congregate tn these placet and bring forth their young in safety when the sting of winter is felt in those ley desolations the geese come drifting down the world to the forst- leu bunlands again but they do not congregate into congested centra as they did during the summer they are too wise for that but scatter abroad from california to the everglades of florida this wise conduct guaran tees their food supply and insures their preservation and equally as wonderful la the fact that wild geese have not always gone to the north with the coming of sum mer it la certain that if they lived where men do not they uould remain always by their warm rivers with no thought of seeking safety somewhere else oolrur to the arctic then is something these wise creatures have learned to do to preserve their exist ence uut how did they know that the only plaoe on the globe where they would be completely removed from the possibility of destruction at the hands of men was the treeless waste at the top of the world t jerry so your grandpa has a very bod oaoe of nay feverr larry he iu hot tie even ineeaee every time he pssoes a iraai widow nsrw xnj lnlomtiooi ft ti tuy fi vulrir pi tuu itovtu wlnur lr toronto 4v j3 to ktark pntjiu vlnuf rh 04lijh eurwuihrr to if fw taia i tk kwiktbe in prprlng or hauaing th stoclt for wlntw ail surplus vorit hona nnuhd uf caul bcmtdtr dairy cows or decidedly poor tyn hi tin old and old u should b cull ed out and dupod of to th bt d- oi ls rw- tui ho la the tute lor farter to luy aumiuon to uwor bofldin ulsfkm all band oo law jjo w nir any waks in th roofs ciuk up on 4ona tbj fit lha and rvlr broken ujlu cifan out ail trap gul u thoroughly tluah drains cian out iwt cellar vmuuxora frh atf intake and foul air ouuu in bams labf puerk and poultry hou lhortmhiy tnspfct and overhaul th stur supply u a pump wrlc iim up on th tain lf a pr4aur supply sr lhal all pip- ind tank are pro- utd from frou ywkeye w wuu hrdlng turkeys should not be con- ftnm to houu during th wlnlr monih but auoed to roasa at wtu during th day th only shslur that u rquuvd for thta at nlht t traw fasm or clod in shed they should not b kept tn a draughty plc but any building that vm pfvvue thriur frcwa wind rain and soor te quit suitable awr nous taraya stlth hens or tn heated hmi b- caus cold which later develop into roup are almost sure to follow dur ing th winter months th beeeding turkey should rohv only uailud rations as they haw a undcney to become owr fst if vu fad lurd grain should be given in pivferenoe to math or ground grain ksqual ports of oats wheat and buckwheat axe quit suitable during th cold months but when th weather moderate to spring th buckwheat should b dis continued one dally during winter is often enough to t d and ffb wiur should be provldfd at uau once a day wa pulfcj bl cattb wist nw ktagwat iai4 uarket stagnation in my esuoia tlon sold oamet it duncan ue- stocit tnvstlgator ontario usrkstlng hoard wlll never b caused by wall finished cattle in a survey of th leftover x hae found that the good type well rnlshed atooker weighing about 00 pounds ha been allowed to follow the hnuhed animal to the abbatolr when u should have been returned to th feed lot too many inbetween in being- taken back to th farm th are often in rough condition ill- bred and tn many cases 111 fad uany of them should never hav tre ed beyond the veal stag with th good abbatolr and th in between being returned to th farm it would seem that it u merely a question of tun before all salsa pro motion efforts of the past twenty years will be in vain statistic show w are feeding about 40 per cent iks cattle this year than last with sup- puss cleaning up and prospects of belter price it would seem that far mers having feed to do so should feed up all good atockera weakly cre uswt thousands of barrels of apples were damaged by a severe frost slat a report from county and a result th elder press are running to capacity host turners tn north stmco will be rather short of rooe this winter as the crop would average less than o normal tmortag or pasture in many districts will result in cattle going into winter quarters in poor condition bugar beet harvest hi kent county u about completed and has barn delivered to the factory in splendid condition lincoln feports that condition of fall wheat bos sel dom been better than at present in xronlenac th farmers have a big sur plus of livestock and a large number will have to be sold owing to shortage of feed in temiskoming this has been the finest fall the farmers hare had for several years for completing th season a work harvesting ana threshlnj were over in good time end farmers have had ample time to get their fall plowing done ubu far lb fsltryesu in order to have pullets laying at thtlr best in november aivt decem ber the menths ot high priced eggs the following points should be observ ed according to the dominion poultry husbandman bee that the pullets have dry and bright quarters have the house clean and sanl tary without draughts dive a well balanced ration and be sure to give enough dant forget the green feed prefer ably clover or alfalfa if you have milk give the pullets what they will take keep the laying pullets or those that ore near laying by themselves olve these every comfort and at tentionthey arc the money makers your treatment of the pullets now may mean profit or loss for the rest of the year depose of hens too old or pullets too young it costs too much to fed them the time of scarcity is the time to arrange for your market for the whole year usaey lajastry rvetjwrs with honey prices good and stul increasing a distinct tone of optimism prevails throughout the beekeeping in dustry and beekeepers are looking far- ward with more than usual enthusi asm to their annual convention which will be held at the king edward hotel toronto begtnnlna at 130 pju on tuesday nov ah and oonttnulng until thursday nov 90 it is felt by the officials of the ou tarlo society that if beekeepers can give a little more attention to careful and uptodate methods the industry will and itself on a permanently sound bails with this tn view a program has been arranged far the annua convention which should be of out landing interest and especially helpful m the owners of a few col ontos of bees special attention is called to the programme for tuesday evening nov 3sth when there will be addrewsa by cnlonel the honorable t kennedy minister or aarlouuure and dr q 1 chrutle president of the ontario agricultural college fouomd by ah excess fat dde to rheumatism one rfcmejy for tfc two trouble iuvln rhwumitum so bdly thai h could sjly walk this wonian ban to put on at lod of superfluous hwl tn a letter juu rclvd she write l bad a wwm attack of rheuma tism in both knee it w so bd thmt for three wks i could not put wy fl to the ground i was alio aetttn brrrtbly fat through not swuing toy uuol emrcu 1 started taking krus- eiwa and perewrd th tint thing i notlofd was the tonic ervtt u had th next that uy theumatun wnt and utter than anything i loj the wretched fat i aw a vonian of 0 and when i ull you i do eiurtly the sjljtt work as own half my aje without the kou dimcutiv i think you wui unvrtod why i wr by atruachtn tulu ud rtoauftrnd thr the- ttn sail tj knfrm osmia the uiwrnol organs to throw otf wh u the ata and poison that vneunt- brf th ubt trwn utile by utile that ugly fat tors alowty y but urely th rhumatlmi and hesd- ache diappar vou fel wrtwr- fully huhy youlhfal and nttf uorv w lhan wr btfof in your tuv h etc an dth ere on of the utn i sargoc of luc uir livpci iiimj taiut jobn utl lli utj jo al jtlc 4 i was lui tu u tlkt llrlluut rtveaily h ti d 1 al 3tu tvg tett uiull ut dials- outrul vt hut i hi ttftljs la 18k loiall d ji 7 c pou id valued si t 170 bj frmuctlun during tlt ilibtlim ntljorijjj amuui ltd tn 22 y til p i roraiured w lb 1 it 7k poucd for tle cirretm odioii period uf isi i very ome si rotm fjtutdsto 911 tkaie air cood ilooloi and tb nurd hi j i a- will pau oul of uu aoioi i u ubfirrs j j duaorid oia ral ijtxtitt tun psay eipifl loj a ujely jt ircovl 01 r dft of ihe luctrkl llub at the ilr at york houl to ronto re nil cttp gulm ot the iloeliy uo no la la jrra nrfarnird no dlt fuulty to llio ilojal itrot crach lliluib ihtr en rtul lo winni peg and ibo eait fn i i ancuutcr rntly tb all urlllib trsla is attractive great iwpulsr eatbu susdj tbrouitiuut t ansd oa ha ratum journey to uuotreal uuatreal milium dollar hols oa dorchester atrret where a rail way tarmliu to bav bsea built will becom toe horui most costly auakaa rardco if canada sees eye to wltb a couple of lloetreal alderman wuo advocat beaullfjlna tb caah wltb flowers and ihrub canadlao isdflc employe un der 21 and minor sooa of eoi ploycea are aiala offered the op portunity of two ualreralty of uonlreal acbutanhlps by compe- tlthe cximlnsllon scrordlbg to sn udaounixmrnt by qrnnt 1111 senior vice president of the cow dn apiil roots bate until uay j 1931 to nuke application tncntyone months of training la a reco inlied shop junior du triculstloo or its equlvaleat and a court in an academy to be eatsb- llabsd in toronto la tbo ordral for bolrc for ontario reslstratlon us bsrbcra and hlrdrrier it li tstrd at mrellnjt of tonaorlal srblirrs at it c floyal york bolll torntilo ricently llve ports hitherto aot oa the schedule of world cruise liners bavo been added to tb 1931 itinerary of the canadian pa cific liner impresa urltaln when ah itavra new york january 4 nsit they are bms- rsag java doelclcng sad padang ray ialand or lull peasnj straits settlements and zambo- aaga la the hutu archipelago la making a choice between transportation by rail and by road shippers should consider what the railroads are doing and have done for their advantage o o om- msansy devctonraent conmls- s loner canadian pacific railway told the rotary club of lyndon vllle vt recently he cited many cases where the railways had first inventoried then dare loped the astural resources of the coo tin- tal keep pushing us wiser than sllung and sighing and watching and waiting the tide in llfes eameit battle they only pre vail who alwsva march onward and never say foil old ragson tattxs from drushvule says there are two kind of people good and bad the classifying u us ually done by the good pint friend i wonder who invent ed work anyway second friend you should worry you 11 never infringe on his patent lis a good thing romeo lived when he did elte he would have to team the saxophone and how to croon illustrated talk on horn beou tinea tlon by professor a ii torullnson of the oao complete ivogranunes may be ob tained by wlrtlng to the secretary dr e j dyoe department of apiculture ontario agricultural college ouelph clever and arose seed an official report on commercial production of clover and grass seed in ontario shows that while the alslko acreage was slightly less than in 1033 a higher yield per acre resulted in perhaps a 10 percent greater quality of seed than in isu the seed u slightly smaller than usual but of good colour and plump it is auo freer of weed seeds than usual the 1633 spring seeding of oliike la re ported as very unpromising in central and western ontario owing to the summers prolonged drought second out alfalfa seeded well thh year in many districts so thai a sub stantial quantity of good seed is tn sight the quality of the seed u goad being notably free from weed seeds and forctgn matter thus thero should be ampk supplies ol alfalfa aecd for domestic t equipment this year there will be more red clover than last year with most of it con- oentrntm jn aouthwtmtem ontario burot clover is a much below normal crop tn the province more than usual timothy seed u re ported in western and central on tario but loss than last year in the oastern part or the provlnm in wes tern onturlo there wat nn increase of about ib per cent and is yielding from a to 0 bushels per acre theiw is very little carryover of timothy from last year the blue gross toed crop in 1033 wai almost a failure use way to m man heart tn way to a man hart u thmiii hi stomach ho th wue meu of old proclaimed and it doe not take great oval of studying on our part to decide they wr right th male of tb speb ha uany favorll dishca cook them well and h wui smlie to your entire aatufac- llon among his favorite w must cer tainly list chocolate cak in utl u to liav a leaning toward choco- in any form chocolate cak chocolate to ctau chocolate pudding or even chocolate fudge tnt fond ness for chocolate u not newly ac quired long brfoee culumbus dlv- toverrd anwrlca cocoa bens wr be- lnjr uted as food by the natlw of uvueo south auwrkca and the wki indies wher th cocoa or chocolate tir grew chooolat a prttnd as a drink by th ancient aatca- they made it by crushing tlw cocoa bean beatuw the fluid into a thick from and flavoring it with yanlua and cluii iwptwr it u said that uonuuma their gtt uapror u vy foid of this culou dxlnlt after thf roaqbt of th curtn rpkter clkcoolai was latrodud in to ifurope twlsy chorolale and cocoa or tud in many duhe other than beverages luie are lhrr particularly attractive ictiv if you wuh to msk ul uolrs lii your own home tuppy place on or uorv of ihes dlslwe leforv theoi r- u iwsr iwj ck 3 cups slfud coke hour i tfaspoon soda cup butter or otlur shortening i cup fuwn sugar firmly uiud 1 sm4 unhraten t squan unfcmuiid chotolsu eviud t cups awwt milk t teaspoon vsnllla hjl flour onw measure add soda and uft loelhrr three tuot ctxua butter ukoroughiy add tur gradual ly and rreaid tonlbef until light and tiufly add egs and uat wu add hour alternately with ailik a small amount at a um rest after each addition smooth add vanilla uak in tuo huml 0tnch or thr a- lnch layer pons in euderat oven s33 dear r thirty minute bpnod wuh divtnuy frosting twtuitj rraw 1 cup sugar 1 uaspoon light corn syrup 1 1 3 cups bouin- water a eig whiu stiffly beaten 1 tutpnm vanilla oo sugar corn syrup and baler place over tow flam and constantly until sugar is dissolved and mlxttr boua continue wing un til a small amount of syrup forms a soft ball la cold aster or spins a long thread ft lien droppd from tip of tpoou 340 degrees v pour tyrup tn on stream owr egg shit hat ing constantly add vanilla con tlnu brating until stiff enough to spread on cake leaks taouh froa- ing to cover tops and aid of two 10- inch layers or three olnch layer crjay cbacsut hk kwuug i square unawtetcnd choco late cut in pieces 4 tablespoons ric teaipoon salt 3 cups cold milk 3 teajpoona aelatln cup sugar 13 cup nut mots brokrn i teaipoon vanilla j cup cream wtupped add chocolate rice and salt to jv cups muk and cook is double boiler 13 minutes stirring occasionally cover and cook 1 hours longer rvnihlrtf gelatin wit hremalnlng cup milk and let stand 5 minutes add sugar add gelatin mixture to not rice and stir until gelatin is completely dissolv ed chill when sightly thickened odd nuts and vanilla fold tn whipped cream chill until mtitur thickens again serve tn sherbet glasses with or without additional whipped cream serve forfeit uusrta 1 cup sugar 1 cup water 3 egg whites stiffly beaten 3 squares unsweetened chocolate melted and cooled 3 cups cream whipped i tableipoon vanilla cook sugar and water until a small amount of syrup farms a soft ball in cold water or spins a long thread when dropped from tip of spoon 33a degrees f pour syrup in one stream ever egg while beating constantly continue beating until mixture is cool fold in chocolate cream and vanilla pour into mold filling it to overflowing cover with greased paper press cover tightly down over paper and pack tn equal pans of to and salt let stand 3 to 4 hours or place hi freesing trays of automatic refri gerator and let stand 3 to 4 hours serve in parfalt glasses and top with whipped cream slake 1 quarts parfalt town ol georgetown noticat of coumy of ilkviulun of votsw u8t notice to hereby given that a court wui ha held pursuant to the voter ust act by uia honor the judge of the county court of the county ox lultoo at tha uunlclpol omoe on wednesday november 22nd 1s33 at 11 ajn for hearing ill complaint mode against th tint and second parts of the voter list of the uunl- clpaiity of oecrgetown for 1033 dated this 4th day of november 1033 p b harrison 3t acting ourk towmshiplloi esquesing notice of court of hkvifllon of votksu list notice is hereby given that a court will be held pursuant to the voters lists act by ills honor the judge of the county court of the county of halton at the township hall on ttuuday the 3 1st day of november 1033 at 10 ajn for hearing all com plaints mode against the flrat and second parts of the voters hit of the municipality or csaueslno for 1033 dated 8th day of november 1033 x u bennett w clerk of township wood no i hmwod bmfc uld sua 130a lumtkuil uatf ud ttbttd wood uh nuii tuo uy atunuty in block of him6odrar qtufam hmun tus priew in far mood dtllvuwl thlj wood u tlw4 drr u it ti lupt under eowr m mfrfh ftoi u r 11 ciiiiiij ii h c bailey electric wiring and repairs plvme 232 uoiwattwn cabbasj s hi pine thruamtjt thw world o lliry uiul iawiu ur ii iuvb lliwrf twif ll tdr llllkf u think it rultnigrd ulil blllj4 l tb kb hrulh iliil im f4l rviiilii- iik- ult luijr le mm rjii iiintiuiff ui uf 4rw lit 1111111 i iit ait v i thai it would wiy tlta iiiin w nnlr riy wily unjmiiy tiifitt i lrl j lur it imi ulub mi l ui i- jlttrlly in ii f tru u ut- of lltr nr i an runt uf i hu iuuiirlly lunlly a fh ui b i uit 1 it i ul ii ij a trlbulf in the lil ii fwjrtbl km twrt krvni i iiuo hhve ti lisust uy hill- ml lg unr il lr oyt i ritft if nun of n leu run tit hrllima 1st dlgi irud like m14jjm mm u vey w urr uf lh nwttjiwrliij rttoe in m it ltir luou ffmjuei lly rw ul ivd fdlry htorlt iiraftli lmv uia it raltmle in itllrxl fnffu ii 1 w41 frit i 11 tluii in ittwr u sij4ji law hi ltj im mm willi fivu r m fv wt fcjluj lit lk ww 6f ktuo vtvo muuau od iwm th tviaruj t ssrv oe ttc- h i hurrasted nli uut ly had gi- itiiil wn i urt bevri a gaitw en i liw tal l it e lb iw44 uft 411iil trib- savavaayea aavaavbbavrsweati j women buy so per cent v of all merchandise sold by retailers slutuj hlwulf as ta icucaily of covp kiumfui uwuiilslus4 w ill mm to ue sjjithl h g ife urn- iwyrl ol gy a tl i tint ti f uvtiir- ia w bulrd lu iuli uullie t- 11 ui 1 tl e uonr milrj th mu liuo li l u t urtid cortb of it v ujk u ihttj ul tu slury 1 ttj j a yuoog m u tslor abo la ortbr to iubibihiu itj tradlil a hrouihi b fruo tvilu ho bmiy i r a iwn siqusliitjn- nui l ibouli l nil poor b tlox lilt bis uwb for a khiitwtiy fuoerul llljtit ib tb edlue of 11 sjolr tb rgrgstl io hi surjrlwd to ve tills man walk dawn ii- atsl pt into lb eofnu and tbo ra ma wet al the fuw of ih urvtc tb btfcrd why t did il vi at u was lkissbay- rfjld lb saountalneer tw preacher ssld lhat i ete bitsn t tbar ihxi li j teh us iu roc yocoe mmiiewlmr ust bow i field right smart uucej o grt ieie doww kr t scsaioebr so ir he waint her i was goto to lb rullrusj ea bub era gtt as ray numey imfb hut ph9 was here sll rlatit so thai tbar parsno is elllier blind or a liar lroe angel tlraea tvalaeue ou wine normandy was part of rug land and lb alnaetlhrer arul iruu buduure sir lu i ur m irrv sat runjd in old uualtt hul im wtml ta lu w iim th i ll ul luffb it is setrn hniidrd nd ihlrlyon jcara ol 1 und u may wan der is us flu ol1 stlwdral or through street of so dent buildings aboe age aoa dr compute sod recal yur siidd with itey rudlal uloo yea rare to w y as ities nay soacl vaslh along th kaliu lets it ursit of ih moi faali l imhlf btor or btrotl sora itiha with ih proavmsavr on ik llrltus imiutrartle and ii will be hard tt b line thai the folk about you an i ih gimra of ihr bou so jd o u iliil itehieia te iks asm rlty 1 1 hana wui 8l waalsj ur 1ih x ll aim iur oer ih liarta rooil rnhed into tbe mlllloera al ilia mirhica trvally eirltrd m m hul la hen trlrtinnsl no the wronf nitlt nhe said and ii hun in t allrril the trliunilna is oa the left bi 1 mltrrr it ah ull b ikls seafcin r lllrtl the milliner it gukh do dlffsrenoe where h out tit to be continued urs llrilmi ly i siuat oat it oa lb cbunh old- church aldet ashed lb milliner n rliurrh aid i lt nrxl lu th left wall and i m not going in fny fur a lot if irlnniiliiht- unit rant h ui n i hmiii ii nn llu other ld t lit re all i friends in ih o ngtsilo ran aw ii inner a wife fnim ladaitry grwwe th prum liiiluairy to ttartrd in ih eaatern inlled htatm in lu1 imt ftilltl htaua ih illtuallc rundltlnna were not fat arable for ih prod mi loo of ih dtalred qualltlea about iwt ih indutry biyrtttl in oallfonila and arew ntpl uy in lull llu unuujl uut put wub imhhhkxtl vunts of wlikb nearly half was espnrtnt lltfur in imlubtry grow in ulf tills i- runt- wub the tlilf produrlng aullnn of ihe world ontim uohlntlmi und idtho also urow uihhi lnti fa tia do h rtilo 1 umii 1 1 hrin hi hpulu auatrulla uud houtb afrit a wllb luotvl apalegu ad inaurtiim itnjnu unite oul a 41 uni lift ihiluy lu ihv namv or iui kan uil jtililisnii iraniluuia wr pild iniiiiitly fur a few years hul an men ly sit pikd aflir seiiillnu a ft w d llnqmiil note th omiuniy rthlvtd thu rl ikar wlrn ileas mi u us wc mi l m uliy mnre pn inluins uu uuux dlisl lout iluy vour truly urs o jtihusoo chrlstluo heglbler du cuclaj a slnw uiy lustoioer bitil th follow lug uute to bis kumitv uitlmulc ileus sind tar if o k will sutid chrrl hi nmliunh bowtver was uot do tug any hulua on uurh rluky ivruia ao h wroto bak uvod ibeck if a k will send car kfonb 931 t sa or ulnd8 in arreojlb fob taxes in tub town ot oeohgctown nottcb u itereby given thai a tale of tonus in arrears for taxes will be held at the uunlcl pol ofdoes georgetown on december znd at 10 oclock oau an adiourned tale if neoe airy will be held at the tanvo plaoe and hour two ueeks later thaw lands are advertised hi the ontario gazette issues of bept 2nd dili 18th and 33rd a list of the undo for tola may be seen at tha municipal ouee p b harrison august 93rd 1033 twonufer the georgetown herald somc tf ii u cakuulcd that women buy fully 80 of nil ttwrcharuw uld by rtaikr and mflutiw lh pur- tluiw of tnn ihey do no buy pnany u lkl lky coolrol fully 9s qf all purcliiw made q wwnen ludy llieir marktl juu u an invdor in itunlien ludt the fluctuation of finauut mlu women iwp in clow touch with th met curreat b lt alfrclii tlielr buying ttiy ekah tkeir coui f lieforc buying by tejuling lkr advertuenventt of ikeir local irurclwnla orof ditant city itoj if their local dealer ii not aasrewve place your rnfhipii tea them where it will reach them in their hornet in your local newspaper i womens influence is befleded in everything luxurious automobile uphowry and fitting inn not put there for men i the moral 13 obvious 1 georgetown wt tt- m lmt j lii ilimm commercial printing a b oolhan oekzbal tkcokdia ubi irs i cuuraj truckliu at all unua and m tttiitn nbuwi wukur at lowitln ocoraetowhl all kinds of commercial printing turned out promptly and efficiently at the office of the georgetown herald your home printer and publisher is prepared to fill any of your printing require ments and is a local industry deserving your patronage georgetown herald georgetown ontario atrawtlmii imwhhhwmmmamh

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