the georgetown herald wedneaday evening november 22al 1933 feet most be kept dry mmm hmi i is tki changeable wcathct whatever die might be necucied get your supply of rubbers now before tba ttiity tou au in we are prepared with a full range of mens womens and childrens rubber footwear including rubbers overshoes aad heavy rubber boots of all kinds our goods wctc all purchased before tha advance irt price d brill co georgetown co mill aid mat st pbtea 167 ia a dirtdt f rta uailum willi mw prttd bucks ssuiiha5asmaasaibasbfiaabd meats try oar metis tor ecoooay aad qoafity fowl lieu torn boutno s ik m bb bb ijs 17elb i fh 14e lb ujuiis taalf w1eee mcot8 17c lb o i se lb kuleleat 21b mincttteat 25c crosse and bhckwelb pork and beans 3 tina for 25c local news moaalnatlons yiday rimaca 4ui iv teut bind concert buaday uljjht xlioiri bt ashgrove unlud cllukll tw lit there- nxi bcn good autshliig during uw paut feil batudsy htv 15th u uw uy of kjiu cuuxcb luuu ixoli vry unci a if thre would be an tiwtaao la cworgajtown this r urotntco lulwi copiwmaj haw uo a vood pilr for transient to crcia cax u u tut too ily lo do your ctuuttnaj u101hw13 u you haw lb buhavy to 4ho with uiju ut kkldtw to uw funpood at tenon en lift h on oaiunuy 0t a lie vtuuf jor se ah iuj irri waiting of oaorg- ion itocjuy club will to told in the aicoa laiy luihl ltfrjr raiuyr shoald mural uv to a iwaiinatjon stuaiiuig to lbt icmii iwji jo yrttlty wai4jll jx ixjl l bli luartog v ou ttt vuw juirtfriw utzxi ytixaolo au uui ctikkra tuptwr ix vfjyis church uw uul oar ivoce taua baking booth and crul booth have always eum to uktir valua dot mi alitor booui op luiurday at atikw church utar oow and croau jtoyil marie ptvoctcry mj tiold a dance la the amis ruijy uigtit koitf liu ktrr cjub orcoirfcv v4j an lo- ltcd uv3 good tvrnui u uurwl 7tus lfidk aiiiduary to uu cxa- dad uftka lu lija fa ww of uoy twrtukuk and tuooe buda lkma qui pond and ajumooo u 10 ccuta to uai liaut roodtt bait oac sod at 1 otloh st tti oddbuo hrld a nirajful dirua l uk atrum uu wldivy va tlm tfatf aiu a good auufldauafa ja armiuxkrft ofoilf fajuud good ifillaic and ewobody hid a toad ubw a young sun from acton no a duonutly nrrr on hjiktj ulgtlt v paiaud up by cw uat- anau and brought trfar uagutrau buou on uonday ii su hud 3 m and ooua knoa chunh tuxaar u talus btt ai mutl in th uhool rooia of u ttiufth en lutuiday nov 5ut wuj u atkrona loswu of tl kind l totht and all kind of fancy sort com and bring your frtrtada pvom 1 otloca unui t w hatt two aiaad to annnmva that two rcpretenuuvea troni in uirna luflea ibeottun uaad u1 b at tthi nomination amung to iuw any qumllon that mav ba ailid m- gatdlng th half mill bstng voud on by tl uuniwr for lund purpoav iu4 cakkm wiiatl yn lu in urn ot knoa frmbytrrtan church that a wrving thr hot chkkfq mptwr on wdnav day im 13th to th bunday khooi room sugar cured baeoa sboauers a4j1 sirloin steak loins ol lamb capped 2 jib i sue 25c we sell for cash phone f f h tgfiat w 28 w tf ou v deliver tyrgwrtl mwrmm wis 3eliver i oiuwa spotiisu dy wilfrid rgtfwfnn ottawa nov 31 evtryfeody tn okuv ada who buy canned good and ho doemtr m wall a fanaara ar- dnara and fuharmen who wu pro- due which j canned u oonumad tn duacloauru which arc httng mad b- for th canadian tariff oommttalon luhlnd th coenaa tner 1 aald to b an cicttlna iliel btn giganuo tin put tnlerejta tn th unttad btata and tn urttatn and th canadian coo- aumar and ptodncar of cannad good 1 jut on of th pawn tn th tuo th cuitoma department has baen eauecttng dump duty and other tovtu on unplal import uh ai though it was a commodity mad in canada importera claim that ever auva th ojlbway plant closed down on uay slit of thl year no unplat hai been mad tn canada and uvarafor they ahouldnt haw to pay that extra dutlea on of th big fiah canneries down eaat claim it ha had to pay a high u so to 90 duty on thla raw material out of which ttj cans ar mad hut th cutiomi department argue that thy an not aatufled yt that th arutf 1 not made in panada and that tn any cat there u atul aom of the itock of th ojlbway plant re maining unaold th cuitoma dcoart- ment aiked a twowwk adiournsunt of the tariff board hearing and x4 it then when the adjourned hearing cam along a legal repwentalh- of on of the big canning firm got up and aaked adjournment until jmjtu- ary lit that waa a bit too itron for th tariff board and they ordered that the case go on dec 1kb drama batjistag th but part of thl thow 1 behind th idenea according to my tnfoarma- tlon the welth cicporter are trying to outwit their american rival bo long a tinplate t made in canada the duties and penalties against atnerl can tinplate aw quit high but u soon as the huh is no longer made in this country it comes under a new custom item and the competition is much mora keen so long as the plant at ojlbway was running the british could get powerful protection from their ub rivals and this pro tection continues as long as the cus toms department maintains ttw pres ent view about unsold stocks but in a few weeks at mast this farce will have to be angrwhwj bo the british exporters plan to see g mnall canadian plant started it way cost them a little in dutlea but they ore willing tt pay these because of th much more valuable protection they will get against ttm oompeuton an adjournment until february 1st would give them time to get this plant under way and would forestall any effort of american tinplate truutufacttttttg to ship tn lar cjuantltl and stock up th canning f actorlas for a year or so ueantim ifr consumer doesnt asi to ft into th ntctur either at the taxlh board or euawhtr th manu facturers carv up th market or fight far it and w pay for our cans whatever thy decide 0r lib rs4l modelling his actions after thou of prealdent roosevelt who has a sort of flreaud talk for his peopt every little while premier bennett is in augurating a serlrs of sddrfn on national problem bom of them will b by hlmulf others by his ministers th opening on was on uonday night and others will follow ai th rale of two or three a week the commission broadcasts them free but the chairman hector charlesworih will be listening and if any party propaganda 1 attempted a charge will b mad the opposition are not very fuuy about th new arrangement they are saying that no man is able under such circumstance to avoid talking propaganda and that if ootuervautv leaders can mt th fre us of the radio the liberal and coy leaden should have the aom right afixaj gseeotua the ostonuhlng reversal in the value of the american dollar and th british pound ts causing some curious effects on canadian trade nd busi ness when the ottawa pact were signed there waa a big incenuve to purchase from britain because the pound was cheap and the ob dol lar dear now all that t changed and such things as coal con now be ordered much more jdvantageausly from th united btsles than from britain large seal witching of 00m- petiuve order are being reported in the capital the cheaper american dollar 1 a boon tb provinces and municipalities who have obligation to meet in new york funds but ib not all gravy the industrialists such as pulp and paper manufacturers who sell in the united state market are having to accept considerably lower price for their shipments alton craptcr aoxcytt omcefts at th regulsr meeting of italton chapter rau held in the lodge rooms lost widay evening the fol lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year 1st principal dr a oouon 3nd princlpald v orlchton 3rd principal e k young scribe ba prater scribe n n 11 tuck treasurerjohn d kelly principal sojourner jr bonford sentinel a komnson director of ceretncfilea jtev w o thompftao pt4gnaaataa cavtsaf a prognaablw suchf will b hld tfl th legion roofisa yuady nest nov leth at pm oood pruriw sandaricnea cake and eon will be wrvid ticket he ftva at haal caaaatdl sauiau virginia baked ham with gravy creamed potetfat akjd turnlc ptcku bread and buttar appl pc and chsaat doscnt thl sound goodf you con have u all for atte at th basair at knox chukh on baturday with prrmlsslon of th offlcer com manding th band of th lome bin iboouuh kfglmenl wlu give a con cert in th orrgory theatre on bun- day nov tn at t10 tun ouvcj col lection wlu be takrn during tntrrmls- sion you are uwtud a osmiy jy bu pour young lads who went ioy-rid- tng tn a borrowed car on luilowi met with on accident and th our wo cooiidcrshty damagd they an peaivd before usjutrau gouott hare 00 uonday last and were let os after agrmtng to pay for th damage to th car and th east of th court bate obi tea at ibbmiita th woman auxiliary of bt johns church blwarttown are holding a aal of homebaking and afternoon tea tn the council chamber on prt- dsy afternoon dec 1st th girl wjl wtu hs a table ol pretty and useful article for aal bale open at i clock com and bring your frlenda it tfcb uay ceaesrm yea just when we think of it you may be one of our subscriber who has overlooked paying your euhscrtptlan to the herald if you are will you kind ly let us have th money if not all a part of it at least we real time are hard and if ww dldnt have to have the money to carry on we wouldn t say a word about it pleas carrt ai ashgreve a concert under th auspices of the ashgrove young peopl society will be held tn ashgrove united church on december 1st at 0ib pja th pro gramme will ba given by the thom- rull orchestra under th leadership of ulii b prest assisted by alias edna wiltshire vocal soloist and ulu liar- gucrtte echlln elocutionist admis sion uc children 10c at heat cl la uau court of appeal at osgood hail yesterday out in onehalf the sen tence of two years and u months respectively imposed upon j ttau and frederick warren convicted by magistrate elliott at ullton on a chsrge of stealing a quantity f cop per and aluminum wire the property of toronto suburban hallway 00 at acton erin major juittoe lira justice and afr olayton justice attended the funeral of the former uncle at columbus an the th inst ulss k stark return ed with them and will remain for some time on uonday ur 1l l richardson of the church of christ here con ducted the funeral service of an aged baptist brother ur benjamin hust ler who died last saturday evening in his eightyfourth year ueurs oearge william and bert noger and t j bush relumed last week after spending two weeks hunt ing in the north their luck was fair having three fawns as a trophy of the hunt w george short suffered a painful ac cident on uonday while working in d l uundeuabush when the aw he was handling whit trlmhunf the bianehej from a twe glanced and out his right foot its will be off duty for a time advocate v sore back mttouatlhu sofatfoa lyjubaoo kspond ous personals uui usggle bald of olt u visit- tng with frarad td tovtt urs r b poulls kpmt cowplv of day this wik vuulng rrlrads in to ronto uf gordon martin rvtuned bom on llatuftuy from bmuwls hw h tpent the kuffleur un jwmhaa of inglewood spmt a 1w dsyi with hrr dsughur ut a j okrlu during the hew ptlaur rvxmjuj tkal woadwfuj miafe abuxlg lautt p taatoal jull 4 wa l tjlnlw im a tashicur avvraioa to ltuiyvuualj vl wke ok and ati nix ai mot fwh ef art kw tnu it v ililnu li a lk pragir illug to l and iu iake grt dv llfal t fckowlag iua up to iketr aaa wrtaiil ilwif vaalfcu l kti ilijw ba ll7 wai ff udf u vltd banlduekutl4 uw wub rttj iw twaum aj k toalud wlwiiuj ck a rkaam u v iur ur li ratv wba fc ui at tk pua ehb hia bark u tke rksir la wub bk w uklag kr mii ooj ktju t bdace slavd frtam tk ta mrsat wby falter w thtiiul i ivt kw j a rcau isy tke plsaef u fcavfmar he u4 auuagtoi raluud fwtag rw aad irllls with fcrl aroaiam aad tj a hitl dmatir ftiagug ufk f u bwi rrkaum ucdrfut julio ik girt k4aa4d aglo alhtr tl- fcjislaai wul u tksl i ralljv t n k riid ailavmag- tie tiaaglsa wrlpg- t up let sll w caiifcj iw tiring itoit leak iod k itcoj bj u aw ur twl k ksd aawmty we ntag el f wasj urii sod rsrtk tw kuar i cur pt u was itut dia cttar tkal tfwt arf4 ik lid of issaftlgrsuaa crea itoaaau mstvsrd lo lk uikhog aad it auuksa wstvra aad far oiaay run tk as utir waa tke ruka or- ttrta f f haeea t ik fteasv uh rrltufc aad c4ur afm adfe- twer ufdfe eksim and awal usw tk rouf eejut of tk aartk 1arlsv pveaxlsd kailag bewfv aaa wkl tutt eoiilao f tke sa ci- tawo i rwsft sra tb tm otter ku uee roaddrd vlrtoally cratiak but mreatly as ludlaa seal koatsr ef tke roast of aacoar ulaaj ocoaalsmd m nt daocolsr se sal- aul uan tksd sis tt toag toe kalr ess of reaurbabiy silky tastere iu akei u aad sfcosl it to aa casctsj f tk as reaudnctloa uarg u trabf4iy eeooscaicd tke aklo oa aeoartsg tkst u wo tkst f ta t- ur tk tnrf u k ulud te havay i sere tk put oibd at awe tkaa tuu waa atiasd aad ocatad aad ouj la tke rrevuulaj mimas at netarf cutrfua kwu tistiai u tkl kit of a atery ou dr p o adass a ke reutsd tke ux- lowtag ture wo tlttl asserlcoa auesuaary wke was golog kecse u itoy aftsr tweety yaar ef sarvlre at tke rsaosst of tk tsord ok rolud ta at tk uctr celoay ta tke poetsv tw order u aak a report fteea after ska restkod koes obe ducofered a saull wilt aaet oe kor kaod oof oa reamltiog a pkystlaa raj u w teftrsey wltkoot kroatklag a word f it t aayoae ok bad kor family aad frioad ckeerfal goodfcy aod fast stralgkt oarfc t tkat upor eouay wkore ok teak bb kor werit asooog tk ootrosta never as eatery sever a btosb aot ovoe a ploa or sysgaslky- laveatust af yalaaaafaa a uttsr aeerty tbree haadrod aag tfty yetr eld la which uallloe otluh oogr greet khfowat ovr hi t voatloa of a telescope tkat would dis cover skip two hour hefor they roolg k koe by nataral vision la said te kave kooa acquired by tknssaa p usdlgaa ef nw york tk tetter writtoa te the grad dak of tasrasy cbadsse n ceaclddee l suare yea i tu koop tkl lovattoa groat ftoi aog oxklklt it ooty t year fclgtv ceoo osrdinsl pisiro usm of plea italy ku writtm that tk uttsr t aa- tksatle a it conaparee prfrtly with otker osiiloo uttr la tke ftsa eot- lothloa aiaasie ualur tk hsb had oojayed a koarty re pdki- tkoo b said t tk easklor to sorry bat i have as ssoaey t pay wj fciu 0h that all rtgbt sold the rash ur wall writ your oam oa tk wall end yoo ess pay tk axt tlss you ecu la doat do tkat sold tk roan bvtnbody wke coma into tb root eorent will see il ob no tkey won t aald tb cotb- ur wtll kong yur eoat ever il ou age oa of tb euuruomlng f tkl country as compared with kurope t that ptopl urr not tratosd for as avocation dr chart l uaye atatos lb a hjrgela uagaalne article wba a easd quit work be doe not kaow what to do wltb his time and old age become irboosse doctor uayoa bug- geatloo is for every one to grow old gracefully br developing along tb way kobbj or twa rosolsmler jink always couplalalog of bl wifes bad memory tilia can cavor remember anytblog be said if awful i ii v wlf was just aa bad ostd srowu till 1 found a capital recipe what wu itr asked jinks eagerly wliy said urown wliauover cheree anything partlrulur i want bar to remember 1 write it oa a allp of paper and keep it in my cash pockoi the shortoakg holt a moment on its way the watermelon has a henceward twndv the catvteloupe drops in but not to stay the prun suoue la faithful to the end a fanner was asked the other day how he found the weather out at his place he replied oh x just looked ouukte th htm and thgfw it wav uu hartau viuuty for- hundvtl e yor vbb lutj liuj- ur jcuullai0 tltf laelure ur umfiftlaluj at lt m urful rft j f rna usj wllj uir o a ur itca- of ar- wul ubtal 1 bultllfiit mi tlv si m l r tata li- 1i0ii wiiin wll til wvll wntrd in if hiu irt xa iiut ml urt m i ufu ku- r wlu fulu ra twf nniil iu 1 1 af k 4 t unrttr imrimihtilj ntlrr lu old ull hiit i 4j uti rltirnl lam vv xv id i it m nia- hull tb fl- rrarrlr it bll i ui seji bi lsn birui iti il u l a ltoful0 if i ltd fltuvn r it i tttint inln itfr h i btrwf of ii r 1 lutm hhirrunu i ijthna tl tro muujlum ujt 0 wrilvr n itndoa tic una i ilm tka td i tir twe ijti jt d rrilsnt in lk t n urd f r hudrm if r tra aol tb flow ra arv ttiv dtm unia of tht that tr plbd by lit- ikfil to tb 1jij ii tfa proof of tkle u fuued la so la midtv afalrh orrurrvil rtwvottp la tb mraitd a botulnf biny bufrlrla of jcarv fjd tvaa dnnliahm and tuon flrrvanl ibe grn ro4te of tb llut krb epprt the svd rnuul not kave hn transported tberv y lb elad for bhra tb willow hot was avsavltog ib lk coutitry eotslde ledoa tk bejmlag was still otsodiag supply easwa itul vvuis ahifuui ey due of the qwfrvtl ifud la tl ounlry is that of artificial j toakar ttr i la s oiford stmt loo- umi a flrm klcb ba bra carrttv oa ly hie ume fsmllj fur ovrr 110 jrera h prot ujnasvr bamng tke greet ctval graadtoa of the fuamur artlnxsl tyve mad by tkl flrm urr to wtidrrful lo tbalr oaturalnfea i hat evra in a pbotograph no differ rn ran b drtnt tb atltftdsl rj mint b fmrfixtly butcbavl the tlnr trlna all apprartog la it it la paim voa to make tb pm ii so la mi and contract hi me urania ordn are rvcvlvm lutns l dooe wllh africa and wltb raalrra roontrua la tb manufacture of m for idol a the ry or a tees end must of course be of a vary tprrtal kind tbv ftm warlike gols need ptro ine itaamng ej- wbllst those ef ike btlr kind rwjolrv rym tkat are liquid pacta of sjspiilhy loadoo malt biruul a plgkur or the sua who at ont from boa- ton oloooatrr and lortlsnd to catch wordftsh prhap ali during th an ttre imkhi art fortunate roooih to land htllaoure thr mllfiab t rotod nure tlllivrot than tha sworjfub and can he landed only at greet risk irt aavnnlnaharmro think it aft kind of food luck to catch one th hlllnea la on of tk toreesoot of the round wordm ptarnsb or dinarily it la an inhabitant of toother watrra but occalnnat1r it accompa nios a school of swordnsh as far north aa rjeorgea bank it vart fmn 9 to so fit in laogth and frorn 100 to 10 pounds in weight in new england it la raited the ski maurice whru hsrpooned it will make spec tacular rhargr at its attackers uasasisbaal taja ftclrnce haa dlwd no way of pre dicting when or hn a tornado wilt strike or exact it vshat path it will traxel one it alurta weather bureau offlclala reconnlie certain eoivllttnii that are favorahlt for thrlr formation iiut hie weather hiirean doe not at tempt to predict lornndoe tornado are more nameroq ib the rnlted fltalea than moat pwi realise 11a nv f those which nau ner aparaety art tied pans of lh country ar never re ported only those which do daman to cities or town are bronchi in pub lic attention in the ii id lie west they nre more nnmerona in uay and jun than at any other tiro of the year lavtkr marriage maalks the belief that june marrluge are luckier than those of other month ta a relic of roman superstition and mthotost an old roman proverh aavs prosperity tn the man find hap pinion m the maid when married in june it was popularly supposed thul the month nf june waa named in honor of juno whom feallval was held on the first of ttint month juno the wife of jupiter una the gunnllnn of the female sex from htrth to death nnd also the patroness of hnpny mar- rlncea another month which cornea in for its ahnre of luck to msrried couple i fehrunry rjidr tkal slung thomiih kpurtu nnct bishop nf rnch ehtt r in kiiclund inter hecam chnp- luln to the witty and pro filiate duk nf tliitulniihnm it is related in itrande iuimrriulona on popular antiquities m lil flrwt dinner ulth tho duke his urate otuimlng a goose opposltit hlu rhnplnln remnrkth unit hn wondered wh it ronnrn1l hnppened that geese ni r ptuced nenr thn clorgy h ennnot it 11 the renmin flprat wild hut i uliutl nihir me a gooaa nuatn hut i ahall think of mir rtblv loiplrad by hsskaaikt it i neiiiriillv mippnaed that the aruhlim muli la and nthera of these alriiniio uelrd tjiatftrn tslea were writ ten umh r the inftupnce of haiheesh wli i th lenilh wutli ii marvelous bru llancy to tbt imagltutloii new advert1semekt3 alfalfa by jl o u bruyns ptxoe 103 r si gmtxvurn rwrurt fw hole a small quantity of furtliur for sate apply to u c ulwy cuaius bt ooofbwtowtt s flooocd eotuow on kth lid wour and llahl uoi kvirt per uoath apply to j mndfovd pbon ij ooorgetovyu tf fitraywl frosa lot uh llo wfcl chlnguocouiy holsutn betfea ii toon- tha old any proa kucwug her whjrrbout pkos notify if o lyon hottal ont proni patture farm lot m th un wt near ttvit cottoi houl iwuvr too war old dahoramd subt ly hltrw p lsidlsw riorvol pnon kk ring ji bruspust fcw tui half too iraikr and l ti bos hand or por cutlor tm wot- rd cook stow wood or coal apply u o e ucciuk puooe mrs uttown it vsorfc waaud oocdammad cut loo 0uy wiod by th cwd ox mklb prioa uoy uaald 0aaawd ye btwat thj o four rooms cwtri0 light savlfr me of cclur ou ooiw otiwt uo4atawq applv lo uia wuu- mim cviuav vwv 4tp t t haaal fkk roonwd buajlkj with til eon ttnuaof uardavood ftaoo ollru uitpjuaf acd stove low rem to calftiut unaiu apply dr uaandw ooroun u oil kaslktaul dtkibl or tungi g bumir lo sialld tor kmjo vis oar guaron- tee prd j taylor uornby tip wood for sale chota hudsood upi rod nrh quxd uji wool utul ruketil pnfu aiuy jujc tw1 pbod htv uforrjtovn f k oouun aaomaii ticcuu aarnwa caa uuciufid u aj r aaj tiamit tjw smut u lim nu miolol til nmr uw b wtrta ui awbi i di oid i efiii tuai u rl w hiti aatim au ima- uhla ud uy hmt mt eo- wood for sale aula uyi barid ui omiti miu u mtw ore a uiiai ar u sy liaa mudtf ihimid la a uvouukjas wood ho i uudvaod tueii aad atasl uw uudaud ita aad til nl sood un tauu tuu aa aanihj a luuaa hudaaadtor atata baua aua vriau u hr mod lumnl rhl bead u timts 3 u u u lit j h u wood for sale choio budaoad b aad uiat u uju ear asd atlaid al im wr eord alj atm ear eaid j aixsroas auction sale iuatuorej aad polly acr4jl4 lartey cattle aaj grade cattle th undersigned has reoslvod in structions from the lorcuuix of uw eatat of the late p u biohir to sell by public- auction at lot sj kb unr ksqitostng near aim williams on yhtsleoav bfrrwifw ilk uu at on o clack sharp th following registered and accredited jerseys ooldcn uright uaid river ooort ll plossle pvro financial purl a queen btsmiord bright slakt vlaolla petune fjeoat rose stamford noblesse interested noble rovera ada slay clementine a princess pearls bunny credit river princess piosslss rose bloom lulck calf lulck calf noblesse ueridal tlenrietta bessie oredit rivers para calf orades laura due time of sale daisy milking wall uln milm weu queen due in rvb watson heifer yearling heifer s calves aggie klondike cho due jan holstetn llolstetn heifer milking yearling heifer llolsteln holstetn calf tehuu cash w a wuson potch dt elliott clerk aucuonoer r- cup tmio coupon free sotua to vidian ol i indigestion i bntih 4 i utnutka kuk i lai lstjuai ibsdk i iai lrjt4ta caaialacd la i stoh alk v l kfuj utars- pauiu valua mimf i uwai uj sy ilta i iasaikal fautum 1m iurtd tua ruruy tad naaih uu prtpat ttoa it mu i tum stouatka ipaina to wvati ihaf maxt rutujt lul wi ti vx itwismiioa f j i yam i0f imstantlv tkiw til build tiddf ajiemmfc mm 4tsua i fcum iinaxb i wi mtatj wtib 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