page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 29th 1933 bofcm kudduat wl mnorlal uoi tl iirubpionmi smday wov mul lass to ur in mr ruddeu a daughter gladys prl tvamo mceneily at th ktwry urlin marfcrf wslerdown on wd tvuuk nov mud 1633 by mv ur toi tcatluwa viol otfy daughter ol luulen and th uu mr kvans to arnold stobvrt only ton of mr end mr hobrt mc- livery ol tuillnafad they will r- tide on uw land at jllhnfd municipal election in georgetown mxctxmjjm amd gibbonm d ths junnino km wamo my fc- i court to the voters of the town of georgetown at the request of many ratepayer i am offering my fcrvtcii u presiding officer for the corjioratum council for itw year 1934 if you by your vote honor me with thht ret possibility i will try to five vafiip that will be in live best intercut of the poopl end bring the town through tin lime of financial re- fidubtment with as little ttardahtp to our citueni as poaatblr j b mackenzie obituary aonetl nickixll a native of tiaaialng agn hit luj widow of th uu douald ibu luurfd assy at th botxw of hr daughter mrs charu kddy ttslh in on hatuidsy evening int d drj4jd pi tldeit icibr ol live unujy of tu uu mr- d li jwj nukall and wu uni tit ajiwrct on th lul line axtif cuorgelm- t vi rj by ork uuziiur mrs ksddy on itourt duia did to van couvrr a tew year ago dr u nk kell and ur john hltkell ot- in are uottuf of ovoraisd- tw mains crv interred in yoo 8ut ua iwjkim tmtuito oa tvwdy lemoon your vote and influence will be appreciated wm thompson for councillor ward thre georgetown 1934 ufctu cahouml m caimtll alur a llnjerlrig uln caroline u c nuoell wido of ti we avium der campbell piij away u br hum in furonu cd tudiy nov 14 ltmd bu a dausitw ukl ll jl rtmauiuia inrmbrr of a family of four urn of uu lai john campbell and ahuail cook of kjjjuung lur bus land uw late alriandwr caspbeu ditd in uf biter 10 llrr too an gui dlid wrtal w aaa utw u urvtvd by o dimahurm lira abl sail uoclurr and uiu ijillan camp- ekfu toronto urcrawd a a nvu lrr of wchood frexlrytrun church turooto and ve f mural unit st ccgdnurd by hrr putor llv janv wilioo auud by her former palter ilrv ur wtddfu luureuni su oudt in owtntood cvaulry oorg- un paubrarrri re ilrnry camp- bill toronto vlrtor caauttll to ronto john catnpbu tvrra ootu wullam funclalr ooretom joba uujumton aoton kdsard oaabv acton hcvb 1uuuld cuavt itllilt- vum anu oyttuc covkctv- uiw vulctto bv acclaita ttott tlwr wa a ur attendant of rautuyrra at nomiuitloo tasmunjr 00 rtda vrnlas and oooalowrahw ln- uil was uanlfmt in uw affair of tlw town ai the tlow of uwbwi ailowd for rwrivlna nowilnauopa tn fouovtni liid bnq propoud and ieoadd for uif ooor a mdild ttoa liavok j u uajduatzj propod by r- i culu and trcondcd by u- lurruoo jojkjl onaiowm piofwmd by v ii lontf and wondd by j h okul t c j coiiuiaas voca fcy wilcox arkl comdtd by j wn raa fcjetvk hamolji cleavl proood w v oram and wtonded by w krntnrr i or councluxw war4 oms wu tltolipdoh jr propoj by arthur iuv nd wtoodd by jiiiw kennedy llll01to huc propomd by vto ihompn and troouud by it e ciuipti poooj by j wauon b kkcndd by e trstn- hhcloltt prooosd by w ii loia and tondwl hy o ward ym uaclauh protiod by a e- wrmht and wfondl by y blntlalr oroiuie davia prooowd ly lrcat ajld rfndd by o j cum 1 w your vote and influence are respectfully sohciteof for a b parr as councillor in ward three for the town of georgetown for the year 1934 your vote and influence ore respectfully solicited for dr jos mcandrew as councillor in ward iii town of georgetown for the year 1934 pure food store crisco 21c per lb in 1 or 3 lb tins 20c 25c 28c isc 2 lb recleaned lepanto currants 2 lb australian recleaned scedlets roiaina new spnniih valencia raitini per lb new australian valencia ramni per lb new sulphur bleached white seedleu ramni lb 20c maconochie ready cut mixed peel extra quality per lb 23c gilchruts iced chrlitmat cake 27c 2 x i lb pltgi pure lard lbc choice breakfast bacon in piece per lb 16c 3 lb bulk soap flakes 25c 2 pbgs princess soap flakes 29c choice fresh fruit and vegetables also new clover honey a e farnell phone 76 we deliver band concert at tna band oonocrt ntld in the gregory thralrt on uunday ulibl ui fouowinf 4plrndld prograu wai hnovrrd it va a puaunt tvrnlng for au pkmot llov ur howard aa chairman of thr cvrnlns hymn abld wllh lu band hart n ulddy uand overture iallncv uand- voral tola ur jack ihiruoo a- comnanud by ulu j i lltifction lihoe from tn oprra tund ljphonlum iclo a prfct day dy llandunan w ouj afoompanlrf by utf uand uarch tar and strip band- hymn uad kindly uaht bofc ilandiman a hlftn walt borr of iwauty sland llytnn whrn i mrvey itr won- dxrou crou band ilretnvntal uarch ood bavf th klni and oondd by h b thoap- ii us geobciltown uoccv clib osloanizxm at a general mcctlna nrld laat prf day rrnins at the cucrgttovn anna fhe local hocacy club oryaniswd for the forthcoming hockey aaaaon it aa decidrd that oeorfttown ihould again be rrprcaentad tn tna oiia iih an inlcrmtdiau i junior hociry tram ttm hocluvy cmvutu chobrn for tba ccaaon iwj4 u u lollowi ivcaldrnt d uclntyrn vice pnaldcnt o w mtnlkfc becretary n oliver trroaurrr jaa rlohardaon enccutke e ervln tojkuur with the managm of in two utmi who atll be ckofbclo a duncan vu appolntm delegate lo irprcwnt oeorvrtovnt uu ulh annual ontario hockey association ccncntlan held at tna royal york toronto uaturday kov 95th imj low railway pajles fob tus bouoay8 qncclal low farca vutx gancroua lime llmiu for the return trip will be avail- abel on canadian railroad for uu chin una and now year holiday periods it was announoed today by o l niddcll chairman of the canadian paanger axsoclatlon the low rate tickets will be good between au su- tlotu in canada and also between canadian points and certain united otitea destinations tickets for the return journey will be sold at the ordinary oneway first claas fare and one quarter these will be good for the going journey from thursday december 31et to itonday january 1st inclusive and will be valid for the return passage leaving drtttnauoh not later than midnight uonday january 8th 1034 tickets will be sold also good be tween stations in canada for the re turn trip at the ordinary oneway first class fare going on trains on and after boo am baturday december 33rd to uonday december 35th tn cluslvr and good returning on any train which will reach the original starting point up to midnight decern ber 34th and for new years good go ing on any train on and alter od a m december soth to january 1st inclusive and returning on any train which will reach orlgtnal stalling point up to midnight january snd special arrangement have also been made for tickets for teachers and pupils at educational institution which will be good for the period of the christmas and new years vaca tions the regular oneway fare and a quarter will apply for the return trip on thete tickets oroa war a jl paiut propofcrd by it tripp and fcrcoruw by rank bike wu t1ioujcw propomd by a j okeil and worubd b7 11- ttame wt- jotto ucandhfcw propoisd by k u langdnn soondd by k c thompson sub fuj ficiftootl yit i tee war4 0e ulto kathlkeh cutavb propod by o harrison and aecondsd by jo watson a k wtuoiit propced bt jam kennedy and scondd by arthui iteew wjj yw d o cnicltton proposed by e uc wh trier and kondd by john c keuy ward am lit b oolloh proposed by uamrs and seconded by a onelu hydro cohmlimlohe j u uooue proposed by u ruu and seconded by r nauy on mouoo of uayor war ton fv acting clrrk p b ilsxruoo was chos en chairman of th after meeting and called upon the fouowtng who addms- d the ratepayers uayor mihif vu the first tvskrr lie eomnunded the councll- i rs for their splendid aulstanne in an effort during the year to transact the business of the uunlclpallty hi the bnt lute rest of the ratepayers they had glvrn their service grail and k thirty meeting had bean held during the year ii also oommendad the central 11 iw committee and the canadian legion for the manner in which they had collected money and admlnlilf red relief not on cent of the fund having been taken out of the use th financial statement was nat as favorable as he would have llk- vd as a large amount of tax and aater rates remained unpaid pro gress however bad been made as some 130000 had been paid on capital ac count 11 spoke only of town affairs generally and left the details to the chairmen of the dlscrmt comxdhte ilisev harold cleave said the coun cil had a successful year considering tlve circumstance under which they were laboring they had bala their budget and had a surplus of 110 000 it had tried to gat a lower tax rate this year and thought th town could have stood il if elected he would endeavor to keep the mill rate down 11 referred to the sale of th woollen mills during the year for tuoo payments amounting to tesu already having been received blxtkn hands were employed when the mill opened and now forty hand were en gaged and the mill is running day and night lie reviewed the work of th county council showing th reduc tions made during the past tw years in the operations of that body and their effort to economise in au de partment ii said it was nine years since the wardenahlp had been given to a georgetown representative and it was our turn this year but unfortun atcty it was not now being passed a- round that way the matter of seni ority is sometime considered and al though he did not qualify tn that way he was going to make an effort to bring the honor to georgetown any way major c j oummlnga chairman of ptnance reviewed the financial state ment tn detail the statement show ed a surplus he said but until suoh time as th money owing th town from the housing commission and tuooo of back tax were paid the of figure mifrsaimmmailglaiiil m w doll contest going strong drop tn at your bexalx druo btoite and n these lovely nrimft valued at 160 up to 1b 00 each then get to work right away by telling all your friends about this wonderful contest so that they can give you thotr vote on purchases made at last bkwtfks ytas dtutierbtta ise kjftvbchkn salts cvktt beadv exakokt with 1 male life iial1veb oil cajpsulkh jab halttt cemietued ddl wcbto tooth past cod uvea oil rcketcsy we and llu racket pulitr camera tjtkea is picture on one film hi rondtt cream tt vickh nose drops ue mi si bhavino cream tfte rloral boat robbs drug store raonr it will extend new i ii oh way work will bo proceeded with tn con i true ting the- middle road from hur ontarlo 8t port credit to oakvuie han leopold uacaulay minister of highways announoes including con struction of a bridge over the credit hlvor mid the government bearing tho coal of this six miles of highway plvo hundred men are expected to be employed the work to commence forthwith in grading etc while additional hundred are expected to be employed on th bridge whlah will coit about moo 000 the rout to be followed through bee and halion counties will be on the upper middle road to sheridan then diagonally to lower middle road to a point one and a half miles east or oakvllle then westerly along the lower middle road to a point striking the north limits of tho town of oakvtlle the remainder of the highway from oakvllle to bur lington has yet to be jtabllhl card op thanks x wish to thank my friends and neighbor for their kindness and vmpattiy shown me in my tad be reavement by the death of my be loved husband and father mr geo jamas surplus was only a matter it all hinges on the collection of monies due the town he had madj an effort as promised last year to ool led th bock taxes but had failed through not having sufficient backing by member of council he had every sympathy for those behind tn their taxes but something had to be don to get the money if back taxes were paid the tax rat could be reduced lie hoped next year council would be able to cut expenditure more than had been done this year if in next ytar council he hoped to be able to say he tried to do his job well h barnes chairman street and walk said the estimated expenditure in his department hod been 11300 but owing to some necessary work that had been unexpected the amount had been exceeded a little he thought it was a mistake to cut down too much on our street as they should be kept in de cent shape if had bean three wars in the council but wu now retiring and wished thou who represented the ratepayers in the council next year every success a b parr chairman of the water- ttork appeared before the ratepayer for the sixth time if regretted to report llftoo of arrears in water rates and thought if a discount for prompt pay mora had been allowed thu year as formerly the arrears would havo no twen so great georgetown ho the beit of water asa recent tut showed it to be al the fire department comes under mr parrw committee and he thanked the brigade for u- sutlng the council to economise a hy careful handling no hose had been required during th past two pear jotenh gibbons chairman of the property committee before deallnv with pte affairs or his department ex pressed his sincere regret at the loss the town had sustained by the death rf dr v l heath who had been the faithful and efficient town clerk for many years hegardlnu his depart ment he said tt was rather unimport ant as they hid onlv snent w4 durltw the vear and ito or that wu snent on the park he craw a list of the nroperltlei twnad bv the town and re ferred to hla work with other members of council on various coentajluwa liify had trvd to solvv uu problem of water rates but will never be able to do to fairly until a tneier system 1 installed and tluit would mean an expenditure of 7j000 or is 000 and the ui of debenture our od deben lura must be cleaned up helorj we usu any new one at the pjuiu mm our auamut is flooloo and debenture dtu wu0g0 tjofio of which is a duxct charge on uu toun with a revenue of uoogo uuuld oorulder wluic vc art drifting lliankwl uioc ulu liad nomuuud him lor the highm ofhu wunui uu- gu of uw municjpaluy in tlui yuri urvloe to tne town tie had mlud but cne meeting of council rtgular or special and utd doie hi uet for uu loxrtuytra the llaiuralty u a bli older but lilng a candldau he ok id die suppoit of uur rattpayera u elected lie would do nil utmot to wrve to the beu of ills ability jtc uunkfd the ratepaytn for uulr irtenduilp kmdiirw and guudwlll of hie put and aiitd aj 10 acoipl his lit und since re wuiw for futui- lmihuij uil att uaclarn cluirmn of the in dutrlal cornell tue taui tlic ksd nut uvn much douig aianj vw im new tjiduitrw but a very tu fiictory dipoiuloft hod to jiud cf uu ooun muls as chairtruui of uuj central itrhef commutes far hie pi jum yar lie said hal til qurunj i ltd uuough volunary urvuv and ifou uvid uie nitxoei tluv mil j on thrir tax late in uu pu 3 ar ttww sa a lot of oik in cconectlon wllh duprtulng rtlef und girnt frtdlt u div uxs d livlngtom lor the tube lhv lias mvm ais th wry peculr tauu ti ha jd itu council he said luive luilc puuir u ul jct t kpud luu iu kul lure ovbu took 64 of uko retttiut and wjitfjlkm llgjoo uavlng u 000 and i7u00 under uie con trol of councu ttw ticiiool ltcaidi had put the council fajty in thu choru to konunuf tl inurlin lutemeul wai confuung and hard i make anyuiliu out of it il ouid t lly liih of nov 1033 to the llui of nov ifcu llelerrtng to the arrears he ssid it u hard o strtngrnt metliod to courct taxea when unn are bad tiiom- behind are jul us hoiut ou or me and sculd pay tlmm if lhry hid ttve money if any are using the depres ion as an eicote for not paying taui should go alter uum lie souu be a candidate for council and elected he would do hi b u for the munlclpajlty a it speight chairman of charity and police gave credit to th relief committee- for their iplrndld work in looking after the needy tn uu town he commended tpecully the wotk of chairman uarlaxen un d living atone and chief marthall in rrferr ing to the flnsnclol statement he said it would rot haw been po iblr tt ahow a balunce but for the coopt ra tlon cf every spending body in town lchool board tic tie council win endeavoring to pay off uobtll lea and lie hoped to lh u loan out cf debi tome day if the ruicpaitra of wire one tee fit to cleti me i shall en deavor to ghe them my beat san cei o- in the post two years r grant chairman of the high school board said there wu nothing received mor crlllcum than secondary education the school must be main talned and th high standard act by georgetown uhool was second to none in the county the only outstanding item to save on was salaries and the teachers had voluntarily taken a very substantial cut there is on teacher leas on the staff now which means a saving of t3000 th board would not require the 1w balance of their eitlmat bring held by the council and were using every effort to reduce the com of secondary education john d kelly chairman of the public school board said the member cf the board had tried to rowprratr in every way with the council and economise the teachers had volun tartly accepted a substantial reduction and were maintaining the spndld standing of th school wtih one teacher leas on the staff he said the board expected to return 1360 of their grant to the town they had an exceuent staff of teachers and the pupils were passing their exam nearly loov a chairman he would like to see the same member back on the board next year u moore chairman of the hydro commission gave a very aatbjactary report of the working of the hydro ahow in a balance of over 11000 chief lang of the plre brigade spoke briefly regarding the operation of that department during the year there is perfect harmony tn the brlgado and the members appreciate what the council have done dr ucandrew who was nominated a councillor for word three said he had been a ratepayer far thirty years and every year the taxes were going up the cost of education wu too much and more economy should be practiced in every department of the town indutrle should employ resi dent of the town and those who cam their money tn town should spend it here it was time the towns rate was being reduced there was really no surplus as presented in the state ment and the assets were vtry de ceiving councillor speight extended an in vitation to the doctor to accept i position in the council and help straighten matters out e it uagloughlcn president of the lorno bines scottish bond asked the ratepayers to support the pkbl aclte to grant the band a mul on the assessment to pay the bandmas ters salary the band had supplied entertainment for the citizens and en deavored to advertise the town they were anxious to carry on and he hoped the ratepayers would grant their re quest the meeting closed with the na llonal anthem the interim financial statement at presented to the ratepayers appears on page 4 of this issue otuw spoaigist by wilfrid egvton why supper with nheiimaitlam backache lumbago use numacapo dann txta drug store ottawa nov 3ath the poor coa- tunier bu li in uu nock both exxxi- u 2 and going during tlwse fluctua of foreign exchange wlun the ul- tlui pound wjs down below four dol ian most of uu- advantage of buying iifituh good via nullhd by th cumncy dump duty against british joods now uu pound lis gone up to vju or u waking it cwn more ex u ntlvc uiantlnv the falling amen- an dullar brought toow relkf to uu ui iorter by giving hun a clianoe to buy mi american dollar for w cents iifctiod of 1120 as it wo a war or w oau but jiut then uu ciulom de partment buppwl tnwihii dump duty i airur can good the public of couru fools uir b 11 thoe who can x ruct tunhlnc out ol the ouw yjwmy cucumstanc will probably ay tt at hi any event uu- canadian fiurol ims uxy iu lb extra duty uiat u true inrp for what fco- into n pocket of dnousttt umnttfsctur ir many of which un orad u uhtf counlrw trnl im tui o it i tuppum- uu reason he cuatoms d paiuimnt applud hut cumncy dump on uii guudt wa to give uu- hiujj evprtir bnit agauut tils uu eompetllor uiulr iw oiu jiirecoeuts canada piomi not to i rr ttmi ptjrrtnc- ghvn to kouplre a jod liui jtut uu same it u a drvu r e turc bgs rut ttui vu kwn wlien our d uar w t down lo e5 cenu n apurkoji cumncy tlve unl rd ilatrk rrer unjd u duty on our tjoodt now with a deprvcutlun of the cei in or le i cttnsda nuu taken jj crc tclvji utjit tlrf ui lud llais wlal uu- hepe of a fao b r iturti aino m nt between ii i two i u tneh vj i na a ue maintain that k ud of attuuda du k a uui aa ltfatwa i hi tuioi the pfuuc miiialer mad us ih1k pi4xh in which tu- fore iou a totom of public aotk from oou to touat uuuinuig neit h f ulg uu- bo o on paiiuiiiit hill lave utu uuuiig tlituxoht u uist means un euctiun next full if mpymrnt juld bt uirn to a few hundird twhijiul popu- di ctly or indurcuy j cm id tx he be t election propa gsnda u c conrsrvailvc party could i ope to lrt out of couise uvrre wrr a few s ring tied to the promur ttuw public works u1 be begun if a and alien the lime seem to be r pe h w will uuw public aorki be paid lor alia that an interesting theme the suggestion is that they be fin anted by printing crup crackly do- mlnlcn notes now if that isnt tn flstlnn i aok lujw what ut not lsufy new that mind you u not uie hrt ilniv tutli o suggrauon luu un lajkmnly luggctumt late loot ibhioii t ii wa a acticme tu build an oolcc liu klliui here ut otuvva uie willing j it or uu ikooborough al a coat of ihl niluuns tlve muiuy to be prlnud mid gradually culled in and destroyed- llui tho cocuervauve members would i ui aland for it they said they couldn l poaslbly go liome and face tltctr conautucnt u otuwa was to be fuvorrd with a five million building scheme while antlgonuh and new westminster got none or words o that t fleet so the scheme had to u rclictantly abandoned well tvldently next spring the ot tsaa building scheme will be revived but so will lot of others all th d- fccrvmg constlt uencle and what con mlluincy is nott will get a post of flee a wharf or a customs post pre aumably u u inflation well its the luu li g of new paper bills without any new aaseu behind them but its per frcity legal and proper and it ha the 1 truing of the financial pundit we umd to think that our notes had to be backed by 40 per cent gold but the modern notion la that 1s iiuile enough we have enough gold in the vault at ottawa to justify uruier printing of 100 mniiyi note a that the picture personally i have never been abl to tee a great difference between lulling promisee to pay in the form of bonds allien bear interest and promises to pay in the form of note which dont pay interest except that thtr t natural check on the former and none on the latter it all depends on how they handle thing c c m skates hodtey outfit pteuur slaiin outfit sfmw slturt outfits froro 275 up i skooter skis iil 135 set skis 1i sizes 2loo up snow shoes ssoo up hockey sticks 25ctoi2s antl- freeze 35c qj 125 gal few cleaning ttctooiluris ruts theureb mmibiuti pimtua etc rent our kw biy vwuum dcuwr tonplt wilt uutlmwou ki si 00 i dy shot guns sr 10 7s dootx- 13 also cunsto rent export shot gun shells fc t richardsons hardware phone 2s georgetown m qmnamthf q 4b 4sv 0 sv4a is 4v 4 gvsy boy scout toy shop for 1933 the 1st gcorceloun troop under the leadership of it klrcsttnc aiku aill conduct lu chrutmo acuviticc irora tho toy shop located on mill tit after four o clock and in the tvenlnga tho scout will canvas the town for used or broken toys which ft ill bo mended and dlstrlbtued to tho twuly children of oeorgown chrl unas kvc last year the troop am able to assut over twenty de- strvlng famllua and tho cooperation tthlui the bniccrs received assures uum that the number this christmas will bo even greater those having any donations to offer may cither notify one of the scouts or leave their name at saunders oroccterta phone 337 and the gift will be gladly call ed for i know that as in previous years the citizens of the town will join us in making this occasion a big lucoexs and in giving joy and happiness to so many homes also through this ttork our knights of the bare knee are learning the great lesson of chari ly and brotherly love therefore your ui i toner means not only the certain kicceu of our endeavors but also the moulding of young character into future- men of whom the world may be justly proud com to the r your vote and influence will be very much appreciated by the georgetown citizens lome rifles scottish band g5sry theatre fruy dkttrjwf 1 torch singer bujt cwilrtu cuurt tlfltta uck f u iiaumi sj ikfc t uua comedy lion in the house fox new silimuy dm 2 handle with care u uwn u bmu uuj tin h a n i b ill novelty breaking even comedy popeye uie sailor oino coho neloamr and oing your old tourlu bu millhu i m tudy and wediiujay dec 8tb utd 6cb mary stevens mj www tm flmj cf r- in ti ihntai kir rvuib comedy blue blackbirds scenic medbury in the plullipines novelty souvenir no 2 dinnerware royal caslle pallem l b a drug specials ree olk ad tft wtdmzsdav nov uib 8tam ros full list is ox milk of magnesia ida chest stub ue kleenor tooth paste ue s iw we klrenea if lltrlli lifebuoy ooap j fu- if innei e mecca ointment it it oa cod liver ou ae idjl bhavtns craaa ue totes ta beoua email ion he as me ood liver ou with mklt fcitract ue al he oont roeultf ow contest reeaaker nyai ldja aaj tain aaj oiwau tw due vi dann s i d a drug store phone 327 raons ca ocm hihi georgetown w b trtrnguf those who failed to take advantage of the following special prices last week may do so this week genuine rvc radiotrons at wholesale prices positively firtt quality type price type price i7ia 0 each 227a 0 each 20ia 70 each 235a 13 each 224a 125 each 245 0 each 226 75 each 247 us each 280 70 each visit our showrooms and see our display ol wcslinflhouse general electric radios electric household appliances give useful electric gift tw chrlstmu g r muckart plumbing heating tiiuralthing and electric wiring phone 319w or 310j georgetown k n-k-n- keep the cold out s and the heat in that economy it save ooal and makes the home folk hap py storm aath u one of the cheapest economic the home owner has if you havant the complete set of sash oome in at once we are paying cash for oak iletnloolc pine and bawwood log delivered to our yard oeorgetown out georgetown lumber co ltj georgetown and miihutu w a wrwwniriwiramvmnirtvrtv m