tj paffe 4 tim georgetown herald wednesday evening january 3rd 1954 it ball to grow old and hoar b y oood morning old lean how yi fueling lodayf its hell to trow old a pmla heiw and ukim every tku you rt up bold on to your dial its hu to grow dd yovir 7 willi uili tag us your moustache ion hair id your can- it hell to crow old avtti down wtth th blur wuh a thin on your trmfea tnrliail of your thoea it hell to grow old and haw popl kno u with a drop or your noa fcfad no wru to ulow u oil ita hell to gsow old i clnminom out f tl4iair o wt au bwki a out df uhrl a strong courage that u oat of my iwri rrnk lue1iir w and mirth- a balm to tooth the wvmry j j earth ror what avslbah ajgiisv buudid ud in ss h new day a iww biinlfij lua swill hoy first recipes for 134 by drtty likuy titer ar soma ihitlfini of th nw year try lheoi and ka ww b0 druahtad i ia kin th parfak may be arud attbar or dinner orui italy bit tor mg guta with the fruit cake and th g no- no pupuiat or mw year serving and ibu oas la a health drink with oo day afur sect and dont forget the whabl hat it u i vsluablr up or the gvwioa year now starting waabitm frai farfaii a cup cocked prune cup eweeleaad oondenud milk s pint whipping rata j orange ii candkd chrrrwa uroukf pits ram prune and cut into small puor pel orvjisai moving all whit rbrmbran and cut orange into small piece out elht cherries into small piece carta our to decorate lo cream whip craaa oomhin prune oranga cherrl and condrntrd milk mla thoroughly add whipped cream and mis again pour into refrigerator pan decorate top with remaining sliced dtwtw puce in fraelng unit and fr 1 to hra k years vijium serve plenty of t ram mm the ar excellent balancer of court anry woubw ar in ordr and uvy should b cookad to ptrfaeaka try using sugar as a uataur to und th othrr uasonrra a trick of th oontlnrntal chefa bjamls hartal mrii 1 quart sprout ft tablrcpoon bullrr 3 tabkapoon unon juio 1 taaipoon chopnd partly oalt and prpprr 1 teaspoon sugar hmove ycuow and wilted lures ram sprouts ooaa in cold u water or oat hour drain cook tn boulnt water to which ha i addd salt and ausar or tnty minutes or until under drain th sprout bell ult butter add other impvdlent pour over sprout cfcaeauu frau caa a cup sifted caao flour 3 tearpoons combustion baking powder l teaspoon soda l teaspoon sail 3 teaspoons ci i f eta spoon llrp i teaspoon maoe h taajpoon nutme 3 pounds raisins chopped 3 pound eurranla i pound date aeedad and allead 1 pound citron thinly sllotd 3 teaspoon gratsd oranv rind is taaspoons grated uaua rtfld 1 pound butter or shoruolnst l pound brown augar 13 atta wall baalaa 4 aquara unawahenad thooolat nultad 1 cup uolasam i cup tart jelly v cup oranoe lute 3 tahhhnnone t julot sift flour onat uaaiun add bak uif powder soda salt and ezaoaa and alft together thraa time tiut i cop of flour mixtum over trull and mbf welt ooubme orange and lemon rind with butter creaming thoroughly add augar gradually and craam il add egga and ehocouu and blend add nulasaaa ieily and frut juio add flour gradually beating well after each addition then add fruit turn into greased nana which have been lined with greased paper bake in alow oven 350 dagroas until wtra caa tat ter oomea out clean whan inwrted tn center of cake nake tn sutnch tub pan 4 to b hours m tv3x3h inch loaf pans 3 to 4 hour and tn k3x4 loaf pan 3h to 3 hour uake a 13 pound fruit cake sprinkle 13 pound thl bleach ed and ahredded wr tope of cafch befotw baking u dealrad isiaa eggnc 1 ev 3 tablespoon lemon juio 3 tahuiipoonfl augar lulk trpeah or evaporated orated lomon rind baat egg yolk with lemon julde and 1 tablespoon of the augar pour in to a tall gjasa deal eg while very etltf with i tablespoon sugar wild threefourth of egg white into ata yolk mixture add milk to almost all slat btlr well wtth a spoon top drink with remainder of beaten egg white orate a bit of lemon rind on- to thl berve at once thl may be made into an orange eggnog by substituting i cup orange juloe for the lemon juloe ttsej boaa maa employee itmiuy a bimmifactutw stood naar th paymsater wlodow aa a numbs of worker nimd patt all theae oma tar iutantly bine ut out- lut of than wtne skukd ctb of thu knew roc long aiqrlenc and prac- uot ho to do otrf tiling caot ptlonally u kryoce of these tan said the boas 1 carrying with him torn thing that baloaa to to t don t ge you aald the paycurk weu f4pondd the bo they haw uin traned on my money of twry dol lar i haw paid them a part ha un intottad in their ttwr kill evpirienoe it ould co1 nearly a mill of our taa rate pr man if 1 bad to hlr and train gjwn help or lho same ou tomorrow wrt of every wkj pay hi bns inwrfd ui expeileno that uuuivd a btur job tomorrow next ek or neat month thai what u cou to lay ihttd orf kvople i tbe most imporunt ac tor in any tntirf- buxhinerv not r hiaufuu ua uuj or boua uig but pe uainad in ywr aya wopl la bom you haw td a caih inwamat in whom v up a num of th -kno- how thelr u1u and pfrteno are wftrcud lfl the quality of ihe product and in lu t brtwrtiwfit in ptdwf pioduftlon althout danr to suitalxi- d quality la the protection of you mathliwty and in the cooperative 4iru that prvada yair wu-man- stlj wotubop only w can uiu u bouaht outrtaiu and rwy uade at a modemta notlor thei u no kcdrful lamp yt known thai will produoe an artuan fully tulpp- d with the know bow- ony ua taoney aad pownt a puj through awn the bea of woiaer w soasihhliig approaching hst 1 nd ed in afcllud workmanship- the tran oprralor is a stumbung bloik on u- product uaa burdn oo th pay- roli uut if ti uara throuh rtof and react or guidanc to use oukkly shows a profit an invefti- our workihope must stand the strain of raih artisan below they can hope to profit on the apfcd and iccurary of tophomort and tanlora no ilsianag4l workshop rspact lu payroll to buy so many workmen no tion or so many uwa out of lor sun brain count that job lost which all to prepare the woekman to do a utter one on the nest- alac hlnery qulpmrnt and th material asset of any business run down and grow rusty th tendency of th tiling end tamest worker l to in crease tn ebuity with time th pay roll dollar make a better inveatment where management 1 geared to gel needier rum everyone in the shop ineae are tunc when only lo tol loas in the footstep of the man who u let out for th sake of economy and many a workmin carrlaa asray aome portion of your product quality wllh uls last pay sdnpioyr r learn that operations on payrolls may be auo- ceasful even though the patient dlw th workman cannot shed hi tklli experience special knowudg and leaw them in the locker or th nut fellow ilk he shed hi overall and hi hat what b own in experience and ability stick with him like hi shadow when he leavr th workbench for good trained worker tn all una are plentiful except when you need them and then you find they are trained tn the other fellow- way and not your the fired workman came the knowledge you paid or aranud wtth him like a suitcase and its something he can sell elsewhere in these time when employer are s and thinning payroll u pays to make sure how much it will coat to fire a man the cost of nrlna very often u higher than th cost of hiring mew help bungles product suffer no boa ever made an error by sleuthing or more roomy more likely place to swing the axe than the payroll- when chopping start on the payroll th soul and spirit of th shop and achool may fly away with the chips noth ing is more dead than a workshop or school wtth the people gone th idea that there are hundreds of people to oil job when there are no job to oil i but akimmllfc solace for th employer who tn a flurry of ear send trained employee packing of course there are time when pay roll out have to be made reluctant as an employer t to make them but they represent a farm of esonauy that 1 doubtful la ratuha eapattauy with retard to skilled labor whether you employ tan woriure or tan thousand the prtaatpal u th same your mvustal fat thai tal skill and kaol u alely a heavy the wle employer took around to another way out uaka sum ha ha mliaad nothing ala beta he lau hie eiperunaad helper go is looks paclally for leak la operation to see where he can make aatr saving that will enable him to eonaarve hi labor supply ii look for way to widen hi market and increase the demand or hi good ii bears down harder on hie selling foroa and on thoae uv dividual whos job it 1 to find buyer for hu producta after all it orders that keep wheels turning but it 1 what come in pay cove lope that buys th skill that make filling th order possible yes people are the most important factor tn any bualnrs after all rheumatism got him 80yelrold pianist is relieved by kniatjsea allliouab old as has not yrt kept this tnaft from uu occupation as a pianist rheumatism did uuuu to do so recently two years ano he writ i wj suddenly taken with rheumatism all down tny left arm x tried many things all to no purpose i then commenced taking a halfuaspoonful of kruschra bjju every morning and soon felt benefit uy arm which was painful and nearly uuui to my as tonishment u now after a ow wvks trvtttwm quite better i am more than uuiumj as i am a planht and playing made matters worse i am cntertnz my hkh yrr and am in good health ola the she mtmrul salti of kruschrn have u duvet effwrt upon the whole blondtfam nutrlalnj uric acid whkl u thv rfcejiid auw of rhiikiuunt vhy auo rvloew ihe rlleilnstum craas to proper votkint trdrr and so prf4nt ccgtttnatloo theniy chttk na the further orma- tlon ci uric acid and other body poi sons fthlch undermine th health hew wui lu 01 micep wtthhhfavarvtfvtf both needed proleclor tub taxetuone i am the telephone when i not broke i am tn the hands of the receiver i have a mouthpiece but unlike women x never use il kvj- lowa uao me to make date 4th girl and girls use me to break said date husbands call up their wives over me and wive call their husbands down over me x never go anywhere but ometlmss the company comes and takes me out it all depends whether you nay your bills or not i sun not a bee but x often i tn your ear i am the bell of the town and while x do not wear jewelry x often get rings whether x do thing or not a lot of people nail me to the wall and x like music but the only music i get i chin music x get all the popular sir and the moat popular one is hot air mother had served his and ish the room johnny egg and yelled to hi mother have to eat thl gr inly do jfehhny iutes later ma da v t the beak toot- fcjjtkt- i k m 1u twtj u idj lo f ln mm i mil u tlod one il kfrj iwi i ibrlr iiml ml thl 1j ik nuiu hi riki i li iul noun j ii j tt krow aa hurjlh l injrid t mm lit tisnbcit i m etx fliry end tui ll mkik th tiroiirli hlirltn i eso n unit knon kl ill wool is r mark yield it fjnl brlns eer uiit tn omatit rmra lr hi ihimii iwomt pn vul ixiib udipttbl li mid piobttl ti th t fliu mad lunj end ay clip tin ip utfh a wllil br4i1 hmnlnn mdm tlui tictpj to thi ru b k in hie mid hoy1d llt stray tbe ubinn klllid a rem lamb and dlslrlbutd ih- oi4j to m uroup of erkurn wtu nd thry never had tatrd arfyihloa epprosrhloa it or dftlfary of flsvnr tltc ownir of the flora bell ibla brd oroa id pcrhspa will one of the hrdy monnlslii brnd maybe welb or iholoi would make aa idtal sbi- p for noritirm ootart ain van jiy d thauiase- lfsalril bleals emit txy unci can play the piano by ear qumcy that nothing ly uncle fiddle with hi whlskera beaug far ulsaself that boy you were with last night u a special investigator what he investigating f the theory that kissing 1 danger- oust high ceai af utlng ayet lino can a man mak ends meet nooadaya wl provoexlon a ave dollars a bottle groaned the un happy boot stranger lira de fashion at the childrens party uarguerltel nursemaid yea madam lira de vuihlon its time for us to go home which of the children is mine notice to creditors af us estate af wilxjam asiffiw- ulsuiy let af he yawn af oeerge- tswn in the qmly af ualieet re- utad rarwer dieiml aui neraons havlnaj claims fgins- the eatate of the late william ashen- burst who died on or about the first day of deoember lfiss at the town of georgetown aforesaid an required to send to the undersigned solicitor on or before the twentieth day of january 1634 full particulars of their claims and any securities they may hold therefore and takj kotios that after the twentieth day of january 1034 the ekeeutor will proceed to distribute the aid eatate having regard only to the claim of which they then have had notice and that they will not be liable to any person of whoa claim they will not then have woahed notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof x1ated this ttinetafttuh day of d- ember 1ms kennkmi la tiawddon solicitor for eareh jane aahenhuttt and alexander edward ahiswkii his bitub imuliry tim-ur- adptj vlqa luii of monthly kavlaa r o klford hlrnon of tb caaadlan saellon f the iwutl of th hflh woilda poultry oinpr bbmtlag to itooir in k pit mber ltll railed attention to en inurit1ng and novel scheme adopt id by poullonsea la orvat llrltaln a means of mak ing sure of tw rip shir to altead tb eoagreaa two yrar b furw the coorre aaaaber of th nstlooal utility oaltry boelety of kntland decided to utabltah hollda fund or th porpo of enabllds number to pro- f c elfoltd tide themaelvee with ample flasnf for lb visit id ferrying out the scheme mem ber asiced to dtpoalt with the aaso- elstlon a monthly sum of at inast on pound stttlinn whkh with interest would be auqlcknt to defray the members ctponus dxjd hlhitmm uoman uelle lisinelve anil fbocolate flare to u lonlpeg hehool tslldreau a new llfu oho wtth absorbing interval and the opportunity to make tho rlrndahlpe for which she his ulwuya loiirvd has beuun for a klndlylii irtm hrottlah lady who ha buen blind for many yar sponwuml by thu canadian na tional instltiitu for the ullnd uim annie vance h orunid a nfrvsh- uent stand in the buamuunt of a blfib school in wlnnlpoi at noon hours and after school imm and ulrls come trooping down th atlri to buy ran dy ihoctilulc tutrs and soft drinks id addition to tho llkhur yarlulloe of rofrrahmrnu thvy can ut surmtiin- tlal lunchva soup aiiiidwkhea cof- ft- und hoi iuii vr 1 or 30 ceula thty ran remain in thu school on id lnt r tht a and atudy or play durlnt noon hour the atuml in tlit flntt to bo operut- tsl by a iiilml inon in a canadian school and it in tht nuturo of a test hhould it pn hurtuatul the inatl- tut plana to xhtuhllah atvt ral mora in school and coiucm mim vanc is u uiukk of paisley hcotlond llicorolnu blind at an oarly at hi atttndid nlkbt nchno und lourncd to road ilralllo hhe koepe her ui count by that system vlltht nwm h1iot in uait- ono of thf two ntw dtatroyor of the d cirbn which are being built to admiralty dtnluu at ho u thorn pi on liaa bthin allntii d thu name of ii u 8 uarlng nays hnulmwrlng thu la the third uhtrtiytr to hu built by the aumu orui to b or this dime tho ftral was built in 1u03 and was the ii rut rirltlsh doatroyfi to im equipped with uatertubu buitur the sooond donlroyit daring uus ordi rod in 1011 and wuh rapidly approach in b eorop lo tion ut tho outbnak of tbo buropoaa war him wus rvoamtid the lanee und hubucqiiontly had the distinction of flrlni thu first tiiual uliol in the oroat w on aunuwt 6 io chain ikttkrh lilltilizkd lord itouort ilatlvu- powell foudov r of thu hoy bcout niovoinent op- poulvd to bcout throughout the world to dontroy uuy chulti lot tor that cnmou into tholr liunds instusd of psaslnu it mi tioscrlbliiii tho chain lottor prao tlco aa euniitiluoh ond unnutfrous he salt lottvra i huvo rocolvod huvo tbroatunod mo with all uuru of dls- aators if 1 dlhohuyad llulr liutiuo tlom i huvo d mi oi id uioua of tuoui in my life but tuu liuaater haw avvajc coma at kchustex i till narruw predarte behind tb rlcur iutul la tb uahl6a ifaoa ikat fm ul e rtlcd a qua dolly w m tlrrvh r end oeiutaul fcb bim w lw i mike l be bet ef a eea plti lud anl j kiiuatloa aad wa aarwe- ut ii im for word tic ruen wl eas aad west l fmci of br far roaatsr dolly d- rtdd wrre of a kld tbey w so atiij 4sed wllh ker ab uatr t- nudlly loflimocwd t fcarcbu bim end w rauet tklt tbef oa- simil lu rl arue tad fcbultl fckocld my mr m unu ua r be- 1l tt lrrt at tb- ulmui it v i i iiye tm4 t acaara tfceiii to thtir otiy a mb rations- vr rr ifuyd tlbuif a pthtrvlsr fit id und udvlr ef tb appeijaj hi llu hand was pthrlar and ike aah nountd aiot piarea ab said iay by nu it a her they g bs sir itrri is fnr food saasar aad tmt ttllioy yih tfcf est ii un- uun it vm sugxud thai fcai jjy ik4ly mlcbt fmaek tke mssd to n srry ne vt h an wla- lasned sfliieitlly qtk kw f si luldrvd iij ium grti jr ke wld taoet of ihts era married alro uy ld or litre not ik klad wk bwlm wl rrark in tb uui ifibbua kftw would it b lo go ibroegb ufa wltb a msii wbo hitni you tbasld be tlekud i lu every lot be au rl labile v ix lere yo are sir jralsg i caa trr fnr the bind f hgare you snutke and dolly taterapt4 r rrfterttoae by paalag a bar- ever if cits te oo of tke rwlar roa- tofier ioi day there sppraarbsd a raddy i led jouog sua wko stepped briasly and apoke la awp vole oe of those puaae be said ploitng te tke ease aad dally resrhed for th tea wkea be asd con ebe slfbed thsf ii wsy f it waa aae fit thn real mea free tke wtdeapea pa reme along be doe a4 step in lalk if b did k would aat be th kind i wsai sad if be dat i run never know klaa araetaae u girts do baie a perpuiiag llsaer io nsbuey of lb raddy cbeek ean bark always la tuslaeeallk ananner a parrhsiaj a fgr and wtni hi way wlib as taeee tbsa a think oo far tu gfri wbe bsgaa to fiahloei wnin bam kle appeer- aace nee a mg stroag saaa saa said and ao the fclad to aaag evar a nunier tor aa boar at a uata rat all the tea be 1 seaeklag to stany hkiire i rant a aaw say maa ran ns a btaay as k bay sad mill uek a well and the big atreag ssaa was thlab tag of dolly tb gtrt aeaded aom on ta look after bar a decided ah ws too pretty sad toe batslllfaat te be smirking aad ami ling st every proeruxtlve reetomer if be reald get acquainted now wltaoot bar thinking be wja trying ta be frean ibsre might be vmrtnlng be could da ttsll any way be coold buy sdotbsr elfi uhlle don made at rareass dc4ly vanned hie fae e see if tkare war utile any or tb affects af toe saacb billnjr then she noticed that oo of the button ea bis cast was bang ing oo hot two strands ef thread the man neeovd aoro one who would rare or trus thins some aae to ad viae him against reckleee spending ef money and too taocb smoking there le tb saytag that opposite aliratt thee two opposite is every thing exrept th detre to be brotse- tora were bound la sympetblas be fore tby bad azcaaagad a stagl a ftdenca of eearae said dolly waea u last ah braved lbs risk ef erreadlag blm it 1 two ef my basins wbleb t sailing this stock but deal yoa think yoo are smoking too mucbt ibe msa gased at her soberly bat oaee started the girl plunged aa that burton oo your rest- arid- denly ah fait eh bad gone too far this sub was dtfiereat frags tb rest 1 wae going to say if yea rare t bring the cost lb tomarrow any day ill f it htlll the man stared at her then with difficulty he ipoks as if to make n rtuln he had heard aright vu menu you have been worry- inir or thinking aboot me smoking too iiioih aod attout that bultoor hhe ooddnl hut now ah wo con ftlmhl i iiotta get this right be eosy- tlnuist it a lmtortsnl you see ive takn cure of oiyaelf and the idee ef urn one eortn tooling sflrr roe he riiiunilervd hmd thrtiat out hts hand iui her tlurv girl t lie res two of ua id id like io fakw care of yoo too big oedee rultimerlo you uiabe llfeals enlarccmedla from phntojrraphst pliiuibibiher ye sir thats on of our amclul line fnsltinwr urll do this oo for me it a miup i took of a what peer one weekly fae why il weve bctii happily marrltn for years and my husband and i hsve nev er dlugrwd thats nice tn hear iiohr my boabsnd barer contradicts uie either uf hettrr let me write you a life in surance policy xtattu no aahl ah alnt any too safe at home as it la csisgfajt oiielaalf the poor whs dei imeae nu ilfw preya upon ihsm wh food rreui air rest turn e cura te beypad then u to be i ulttirnatlva the tola f li uw tl vice only liaudtoap being leek of uu clant runda hsr are but raw putients who can pay auythluir to- wurda their been ther t tpfot onj for whotu ik wbole vast of ancutst wui may ft on of kurllt aavcu the odlii uitvl yi fuund dtlag from ulwut mjmtf it c lis bmi dla roveml lu mi urn unl ulv lo sootbeot luliwiiltuu il uuy uiiimuood lu aa wuiuml vuirl tit urcbflhlcal survey of limlla it forotl jr f iwiwhveld cart mihi iiuii w i im iixiui ijhui yum vuthr hi in hi- tiirllri wluilo umi3 in i lie nod lu ol vial ug olhuiw- b1i1v itf whhi is oj1 lit il fuliojiiihiiul lntlillimia uf ouitklud tlw itliwiivvry or ha prlmlj givdlly tillafxl il oijrt of liulxry ik le sju hi 10 ii rvport staiedl ir found tb ruliu ut houae of burtuh brltb utd of u isrg wujled tu4tlo wllh a dnils whlrti evtovot ly wa yd ue u tmib i- ibe anelmit i4v tly uls weve ft rottoo nulifluta hlv wul rxtiulha vjdw thu they jv a usrrvw lvuvd group phikpe dl4mllly rlri1d u ke udjwrrno ite of lurii a pniiltuatjy ikul wala wllb ombmli urshle plrto- grub wer ftmad based upoa wie hip of ihe great ifother tuui wtth cults vcalung tboe of tubytua sad vta trumt id rvrtwatjiy tl navwspagtw schb j p uvrgiia like uji feuiuu fa- itr iearabd tbal hot it eay aad refuswd o suite nmxb of it ou lbler lews te on occuslod kobtr aft r so taiftat trip b cru be roe tolj t s a rpoetr la kl rab la boe th skip docksd tb ivpoeiee wae ea ksad bat aa foeiunsljy so ew tw r tbr doa e itwir sa4 tk naabeter fled ta kle eabiu and toeked lbs deer baisd usa hut tk rvportee was pcralscsal it wnx out e lui ef afatlas sad sbuved ibrai eade tk door tke be ut ho9 aad walisd to du rodra th list of qotl was atoved out and to tk reports gra lifted aniaseroeril all lb auwuoea re rervfijlly anard tad ur ifee- gao ksd added cartsia awe wblcb was of ve awir vital tstsreai to tk flaaaetal wortd- ilui tb real kick f ik uurvww was tb ha ace tb bottosa doat tell aayoa bow yoo got ihlaj i daat wsbi te get a batfcatae plcklaj op ihtsrs from ue door beu via fassuy devil flah are hues rays of lb fa sa lly u aat ma which have a losenga- skaped duk broadw thss long with the head frv from the pectoral an sod provlill with a pair of anterior brace sod the tall lotig aad whip- like the two genera sud sis or aeveo sprcla ere eoefioad to wsna seaa tli beet known specie sr u blroa- trie soesetlsme ralud lb blanks ub by treeical american psari fubsra from tkslr belief that it attacks aad devours mea after aavelaotag tas la it greet wlagllk pectertl baa wbleb reach a breadth af 30 feet it 1 raes- wei la tropical amaetra wattre aad occur a both tb at is tic sad pa ctfle coasts ef tb called utstaa tb asm spoils te ike ortopsa aad at tied algbtarowd cephaiopoda satalle tb ortgts and coaipoaltioa ef ava leorlte never fall to arouse interest wherever they are shown tb origin of roars is as onaolvsd mystery usny now believe meteorites t be parts of other worlds which so long ego that time cannot be reckoned ot with catastrophe ind complete disintegration meteorite are of ibra kinds aton stoaatroa and iron they contain iron alcksl aluminum ear boo phoephorua snjpkor and msny ether fsmlllsr elemaata no strange eobstsoce bss beea dlsesvarad is a omteorit which fact lend etreagtb te tb tbsory that tb oat vara is seatlsily anlform la u eaaipoaltlan faeuasmat af leslaoj the ailing irelands dsrllsmeet to tb oldiat lo the world 11 ws formed lb dao by a norwegian asmad tjiajo- tor after e careful study of norway method of local goverasiaat a alt far tb asw body was selected at talagvelur ar plain of general v aafably aad tt was net ontll uu that ta a i ting moved te reykjavik ra perils maat reached its ssaitk af netper betweea lb years of 093 sad 1341 la a erik the red baalshsd by tke ailing discovered greealaad aad assay lealaodare moved tbar q was wblie ea root tbsre that eriks son lai far the lucky was driven fron ble eearae tad reputedly discovered america crawlasj ue aa etpsrlbwotal quretloonalre la tae newark n j schools gave teacher pareat and everyoae a wl the dis covery was mad that auny cblldrsa would rathsr rsmsls babls tbsa grow op llslea p taussig reports la llygale slsgaiiaa chlldrso ar interested in obtaining tb freedom that adults so joy bat they bat to thlab ef giving up all the love and tttsatlsa last came to b bsby ivsa llotbsr writw thai she wlu be bare tossorrow for a bollday dear an nounced lira jones oo saarouig vary well said hsr husband qaltt- ly psttlog his little soa aa tb bead be said tommy dldnt you ask ie the other day to boy yea an airgun a trumpei sad a 4ruur ye dsd aald tomsjy eagerly web shall bring that tonight ttray btorlea wood no 1 hardwoodl beech and oaapli ujdo uardwood wood uu hail tuo uy vianjaky ul zuocke ti bamood far qmsays haatftra tlba prlos are tor mod dellveted thu wood u ajwaya tftry sa it u bnt under oovar j i uiu bod for sale l choice hardwood ssseoh and sausa um her ootd latsad wood gfttt eordi bans lnd par edrst x swjumvosto law ar tali onij for whotu ik wbole yes muntnano le realvd vor iirterenc abtauntlubr to u uiduabud of dollar lo the i tliosa luktltutlona must look to vor thi irltt ul idtootbar warmbaarted frlendallt will you plssae aspd what vou z ueoru a ititii irtaasurer m k b 0ouun mtkmtha taaviaa btxuag tt a uaiu m nuamd mtur at inavt 1 owmtom commercial printing c i all kinds of commercial pririig turned out promptly and efficiejly at the office of the georgetown her all your home printer- ai publisher is prepared to fill any of your printing requii ments and is a local industry deserving your patronage georgetown herald georgetown ontario there is no profit ftom goods on the shelf goods on the shelf are as the nonworking stall fed horse every sale you have made has been to a person who knew that you had the article they wanted the more people who know what you have in stock the greater your sales will be let ua tell every home in the georgetown district of the goods and services you offer our readers are j your prospects the georgetown herald phone 8