tke georgetown herald wed neaday evening january 24th 1954 bargain days at isilvers many enticing bargains will be found at slivers now slup price raductioru lave beeti put into effort ort many winter kae b sure and call at sjveri tltu week hen are 6cjy b few el tile tnaay items 1 ladies stlk satin blouses re 2 95 at 175 a very good variety of ladies silk dresses 295 395 j 595 a flood number of ladiea house dresses special 79c we are offering 5 ciojen of ladies winter weight bloomer ut 29c ladia rayon and wool stocking special 35c or3prfc 100 a very good variety of ladies shoe in many mart styles at 138 and 29s men a extra heavy weight overalu reg 95 139 men a ribbed wool underwear shirts and drawers 79c eun mena heavy flannelette night shirts special 95c a large assortment of mens oxfords 195 295 395 boyi high top leather scout boot sixes up to 5 reg 3 50 special 249 big special in girls winter weight combinations all sizes to clear at 69 our wmurtlng winter coats rkicd to u that kali ptc a aputtdid cyppohuauy for it uta buyer ovujchln o04own on bunday january 3ui lfrm uajry uf tberly ulowd wlf of pmlrkfc j cullm in twr iftth jr uckxnwev al erin got january lkf 1u4 john o uijunlwy be loved husband of aran sulow gmwily of orgfgtown aged m yara- thoutfiow in oaorferlowti oa bun day january list lam john a tumnwin beloved son of urs and liar- utr wiutim ttiouiwm in his akh ear im hi wo i am uccluhk u loving memory of wu- lum albert ucclaif who passtd a ay jan jllh im1 ood cl our lowd otw but w kw not wliouy what h has glvo ttry uv cq firth in thought and jwj uulf u ut laaiiwo wu and chlldivn- obituary mktu rifahcti j cium alirr a short ijlmt uary uangauv burly txlovrd wif of vurttk j cuutis piu asiiy al twr hoia mf un hahday lasl jan 3lu muud u4j lcm in ireland ofsd vs in iscf utr up tu un ritbnt of uort4ton lor ut ph 1 hui and a tsutbrd and ripoujd by all who kihw tur ikr unusarly dyalh u drply rtgirluml mh u survived by urr tsuabauj alio broovtrtt ami ikuia- n inland ulu- u mttcjjr of llqlr cru lluutui cuuiluj church jid it j- futuicl urvw oa twday muiuinji wu rrulac01 by luv lalhir uruuv uuj by luv uir ifo- crvwly tlhf pau kaffii mm uyo ollburw u lkryt thoa traji it cuncy r oului j iuf thar rt numnxi brautlful ttoraj trl byic lie rtnulnj wr lnnrd in clfnsood csmftcry h silver wbr your dollar goes fartw phone 378 georgetown tsitii aaaaste a a i 1 1 a prog specials ba r vldji aj la wtnirliy jam xwt daiiy star aaj ji lub y3utju fa w4i liat 40 ox idji ulatnl ou uau and ood uwr ou t bal lupatlca amall zam duk olaxt krutchcn fuh idjl uuk uatnaala tdaaal tabltu ts ftnum soap far u royal toil paper i f 1 warapolaa ood liver cit ilw ipana toout paau u klaanci u i far ta danns i d a drug store phone 327 roowi cs voca oaocu georgetown w dtrm rfamu joi1h a tuohlnon afur an ulnru of wvtral rt satiu a thptnptan youn l ion of ura thompson and lh ula wuiuls thompon luund a ay at hi hanu lur on bundiy lut dmtumi aj bom in uorgatom 30 yrara ago and a onr of our irfu known young nvd hr iu a gradajlu of tna vol vmjiy of torbii o and of 0siood hajl ii vaa a cuwr vloltnlrt and u lradr of ut otvirgali chmth choir waa nod oj lha only choir uadcr tn thla part of tha rountry to playtd a vtolln will organ and vocal ronpanlnvnt durlns lh church i vlcca 11 auo lad ilia ikinday bchool orthaalra for a numbrr of yvara waa awlatant uaovr of thi lorn luiwa ucottulr uanrl and in uoos uoya llajid and a number of orion lodjt iooy ouud iih rimirtihlf mualraj ability h a wr ready to uu nu uiei ti in thr l nt areata of th church and otlur local orbanualaona and hli paailng u a lltlnct loa cur tot and community it la sur vived by hla mot tier thrw ttatara and four brothera ura d p crtchton ooometomn un fluaatll ftalmoo dracbrldjic- ura llarold whaalwy llrantford oimet kay and waluc ueorvctown and h e of st thoaaaa the funeral yenerday aftemoon a larsely attended and afur wrvlct in lit ueom church oandiucad by ibrv ur thompaan and kv lit wgc th- rrmalna vtr tnurred in tta family p ot in olen william oai ttry the lome iliaaa bcotluh hand miu rrrnt and playevd aa tna rtmalna left the church and at tha brnvraldc thr nail heart ri vr ueurt half bradley clarmr buck a ueaumont harold uanhail pharoa vonnattn wakefield pord ther wrrr many beautiful floral trlbutaa town council will aoaaow lia4 igantpftf iukhv arfouoid tow audltoau oouncll tmt in apbatll mttftat ta uonday wnln ub umx olbbocj in tii ctuir uav cba and ooua- cillwa cumnnlnfca exwlfcl klae- lareo and htidt p coartuunlcauloiu h rasad from w u uoouln kubli hcba6l boaid jnklna at lumly j w ktiniy lulnh k voun it co rank t olbba- liowd by parr ttaaad by cluw that uy law no 147 to autlukrta tb llrd and tttaaurtr of th town of ueomhsvwn to borrow lh und of lfty tlsouiand dollars to uut cunct t rtiditurv of tha corpofaoloo until uw 16m uua ootiia in fa oo twmd a nru uw carvwi- uovcd by cukiiuncs aaaoadaid b sprtaht that by uw ho ml to utb- crtitf lh iisid and traaur 6f th towp of oaxrtn u beh tula u mity thouund txjlli ihfl uttviu eptidlturt of th oo- soettuon until th 1u4 takoa tonw ut u now id ft ucond tad third uan pnd finally pi lnd that th 4wj f the corporauon b attuhad owf 0carrud uiatti by uaclawa twaarud by ipeitht ttat uy law ho to apiwlal an auditor for th toyi of ooa ifn to audit ifcki bofika b noe rd nm tlrae objtmml uovd by cwaw arofadad by oua inliic thai uy uv ho tn axvunl an auditor for th town of oo n tyn to audit isol booka b now rd a imond and third uid aw finally t xxard and u of th corporation be attartvd utu ud u bnm u hllad vhh hi nam of jnkuu ljrdy at a f of llwofl- oarrwd xuiti by bpruht amoads by o-fav- that jly uw ho 14 to fto- polat an asww for th town of wnrtown for lb yj ltm b now rad a flrtt unvosutted umm by uuck wcondwd by cufa mlnii that uy lav ha iu to appoint an auruor for th town of ovorf an for th yar lfm b nos nu a imond and third umu and ftnally uumd and th iaj of th corpora lion be attached thereto and the manx b filled wtlh u nam of w o uarthall carrud uqved by parr wocovd by ous muigi that br law ho to appoint u collecor of taii for th town ot oongton for th yar 16m b now trad a nru ttm carrtod uocd by ibum wooruvd by uae laien that oy us ho to apoolnt a ccllector of tajre for lb twn of oeorgeloim for th yar 1u4 b now read a aecond and third tlma and finally pautd and th uaj of th oor- ttotallon b altachad tharvto and th blank be ruled with th nam ot w o uarahau carrud the mailer of dlaoontlnulng in ringing ot th town bell dlfccuuad limed by uaclaren awanonad by cum that w do now adjourn to meet at the nest regular rnwttpg or at the call of th uayoroarrted juniors and intermediates down acton in two outstanding hockey contests penalties loal lfcit tfkuratuya cum for lioetrnelialt but acton wfeuen in second game laat night on tkelf own ice juniors took advarjasc of penalty to sweep tkroogh wilri wirt preaton inlernieltaua here priovy caio or tiiahna ura oeo wnggleavorth and family wuh to thank all thalr relative and frlendi for the kind ratraaalona of lympatry in their recent bereavement exports of canadian cattle to th united kingdom for tha aral 11 daya of 1034 amounted to 1 971 head oomparod with 57i for th ai period of lut yar ckdiiimkiaji3umvd w isajaj our adrtuwirti tuk uargauo katli eat autprb ajbaa braaj sjrtaliiil now aliop at carroua anj aav uonyi th fottowuf gooav wulb faaturftil a our alora uvtu tkuruky ftleuary 1 8 i a tomatoes 9 la peas r 2 t 21 clal aylaue ckak cu isparagus sr 15 rlil at law ffcn ire corn ass 2 t 21c ftoalalauw rartbh i takb qakty z uu xt gnll cvale corn v 3f 25e wu- auu dua wu beans 2 ti- 23c bawl ayfaaar taaaaa catsup 11c bs aum soups rdsl 2 15c s ay bur c peaches v 15c laaclar avum anariaj infants foods tu 10c special aylmcr tomatoes 6ife 25 saaeulavtaw qvalca pineapple 8 no s iu 89c salmon plums coronation finh sacbay 1lb 1ib 29 3 no s tim 25 16ox jar j cocoa bo i4vwni 19 comfort soap 10 b 35 suhtai brand choie quality pura mild ctsvar blouom rowntltees elect 4 arrollm liiiiited tomatoes lettuce main street 2 lb 26c lemons 2 for 17c cooking onions 23c do 10 lbs 20c phone 357 georgetown the boa otto handed out marly uar locau uiu urvuig loa uckeu lut thurulay night when uu tlmr acton lnumudulsa invaded oorgi ttw tlilrd turtod town and after 60 toinuua of hectic hockey taanfi to take a two tjoal lead over th locali ttie irore being 7 lo 5 par lout reakcn or otlur the loca aagregatlon alaaya play their lett liockey againu iijtr rival aclon and laut thurvsuy night va uo rv cvfion kvery tuo pi like leata kf to the csctawlon knd the rvtull la ft it flic of ivockfy and cue uut l ell tsorui watching it a a ftu and furious game vlih p ay fairly clean although there erc ii penaltie handed out fur minor ol fenco play rud barely cottuttrnced wlun an aclun player wtxi to th cooler fur utptitiy toil and wtud uwu lock th puy in arovnd live vlauun lut ajul ui a uibjilui wanl pdjum out u froia to tcit wto tahgi holm the tlnvl counler of tlwe evtning uorum ujid tusu then tlfw tiultlea and wtlle uaty gvaoad tli pvrutlty tmicii kanuwr fur actui everud up uu tcrunt again bsfoir uu end of tivr period kantner nunr dtrn fruui its- uffrw u put actun vhr up at in end ol uw fraac acton aialed til uond atania wltr a new gualltwiwr uumt lubtuiiuing lor itoljjway who auhetd an acuir attatk of uulljcaalou and had to t lur icr like ba 1 a i of tlu uatnr lturna wlto u only a juwnu pud trlluantljr in th net crlppa abain put hi uam en even ba when lie tee ted a pja from tcu in fiool of tisr net axion playing one man ahort u lurton ttun put ih homaaiera in objtuary uiua kk1xie ousvs afwr a long lllnaa uua kalu orleve pauad away at branifom ho pital on bunday laat dcd waa a daughter of th lit mr and ur alexander oruv and waa bora georgetown wher ah grw up young aomanhood porty two yar ago the family mod to nrantford where deceaud ha alnc raaidad- fib l aurvlvve by thrc auura ura thonuu lleld klncardln ura m ikott brantford and ura john hlo kell llmehoua and on brothar wbh ortev of uranuord th funeral took plac on tuaaday when th nmalns were brought to ocorgwtown and in terred in th family plot tn owen- wood oemetary th wrvlc bitng conducted by rv dr howard of icnoa prwabyurlan chureh thoa vho accompanied th remain from dram ford war llr and ura wb oriev uuaaa ula and kdna oruv ueaira harold lftonard and lorn oriev ur and un ifman un uountatn ura donlnn local council ol women the annual meeting of th local council of woman took plan in th library room prlday jan uhh- th prealdent ura uatkaml praildad th treaiurar gav a aplandkt report of th yeara finance raoatpu for th year were wry gratifying moat of the una being givn to central kellaf child wlfar and dental work- alter lettera and communtcallonj ucr read and th reaular bi being completed ura nodwili took th chair for the election of omoira prealdent ura j d uackerul lit vice prealdent ura w whit me becrctary treaiurer ura l dann correanondlng tecretary uu lowton itecordlng secretary ura a roller convenors of atandlng commltiae art aa follow laagu of hatlona ura hutt urntal lfygln ula o voung cinema and printed matter ura w wniima law for women and children- ura c hay lucrcatloo ura w nodwell pubuo health ura a a parr oluunihlp ura j d kelly after th election of officers urs uackerul waa walcomed to th chair again and thanked all th omotrs and commute for thtir aaaiatanoa durtng tha put war a very hearty vol of thanks olven to th boat ulu uurlal thomruon and urs parr afur which the meeting adjourned to mt nkt month at th horn of ura plir uhen the reports of th standing ccmmliteea wilt he flvan w 1l united ciiuuch cboib elect omceks the united church choir met at the horn of rev and urs riumey rn thursday evening january lilt after ft short practise ur rumley took tho chair for th election of omoera the followtna ohicers were elected honorary president itr rumley pretldent ulia ruth kvaiu vicepresident ur wufred uiue secretary treasurer ulia uadelelna fvwtn llbrartan ur jack lfacumn asst librarian uus ulth oodfrey oown matron urs vartnauer boclal committee u lis harruon utss hilda erwln ur laird thanked the choir for their work and cooperation during the pan year and asked the eholr to give the best they had in tha coming year ur laird said that our work wu not simply or praise and glory but for the glory or ood and for the filling of the church wrvloea with praise and worship ur rumley also enok word of e raise and encouragement to uv slrd and the choir for their faithful work in the put year a short time wu spent in discussing puni or tha future after which de licious refreshment ware served isr laird on behalf of tha choir moved a hearty vote of thanks to llr and mra- rumley- for th very enjoyable evening don bk laid up with rheuma tism backache beiatlea ufce ru1 aoapfl dahlia tdjl drug tltoh a penalty at u by far th imi of th bamr villi acton trying i mt ind uzaln to get through th m 1 of le tic ui the local- the lonv ium ifcoinj at id final counter ij mad t cr pj who atukhandud lis t it oh use dtfenw and shot k dux u ilnd hclovay who didnt lias a ft iiaf to tiiw h a juat a nisutr if worviovi puyiag ilfj nir tsine irnm un on which hy li u ttji uuu adotl haiwlty ot put uw blur line for he hrmaln dr ul tlr gative tlu auuis uf tlu- njrrw was utuloubt 1 luf t aidw n in thf net for th loeala mho iihid a bait j up gam ttat mi cil h ojmi lunud in tn iiant of l rt atun uuulandlnj pliivrs re iirry ujul alniu tij jt twt a johnny jone of oulili vu rvfrnd a wjua and ku- usnu to use unufautloji of ott lirton fi icnnrtiilm kii th loeaj urn at l tu arena hrv no pvtday bit t rb on hand for the tt gkme t f tu fe4 n sa oeorgetown rhirw f r a pjata- in the plsyomv dtpersdi t i thu game wmbaaw crjj ofuovkl contasl and pfeiuto ol dipjooiaj the lead with a nit taaj from lum i uit o tike w ruing of prtday last wu isru hit lligf bchool oratorical con til ttscrr rre rive conic t an u and mir ttu ttre all comp tznentad by lude on th acelwnce of their mu plu tai given to ward u rn crew a penalty mid irrry iwuj up the uqtr tar uwj vuilor at uar end of us uoiui prruxl u sfor stood j j i pensjilea for oeorgelown in the tl ud ptiuxl aim ttsf gam for acicu wnil ward a cooling off in uie penalty boa terry tuck advantage i and unaahed through with two iiouls for acton uaundera then scored for th locals but it wu not counted u play had been called at th blue line it tu hoevrr awadsd for ills ef foru bcfuie tht end of the period when tve tconxl on a shot from the blue line auiaiw and uorton scored fur live vuliora al luu um the score itood 7 to in favor of acton itictianuun in live local net was out standing for 1 u mrvvllou plays while lou and iripp acre stars ou iim fiont line k turner the sturdy m pro drl t cemun a id retry at ecu tre crc acton bcu kontner and irrry scoring ft of th visitors t goaa ihe leam ocorgelown ooal ilcharcuon dc fence hall and uuggall canlre tost wings ward and cripp suhs uaun dera rildile o horton j llorton acton ooaj hollowly defence kentncr und olbbuns centre terry wings alnslc and uorton suba waj teta chew huh man aibao and burui lufrrcr uoblry amuirong toronto ceifteb aftao fuller gum the ucorbeiown acton junior af fair was a hard fought game will close checking lou skating aud u played before a good crod of fans ul the anna here on uonday night aluiougn the wealhcr out aide wu very mud tlie ice wu in cxocllcui condition and both teams waded into each oilier a those icama generally do n liner team wu dliry to give the olher a break and soma fine dc lenslve hockey wu witnessed ai timet th locals piayod wall up live loc when ucy got going and made oil ban uar atoppjig many plays thai looked like certain goals in his divt for th rubber the nru period saw both teams rushing up and down the ice la raiiur a disorganised fashion with alcott in th local not having to extend him self to kept the visitors from scoring in only tally of th period came when uaddall took his own n bound i rom the boards and closed in on oil bcrt to score acton were handed two penalllcs while the locals received one lam tied up the score in the sec ond period wlrcn the locals were shorl- hanoed wivreler receiving a penally acton then put un a few power play und brush went in clcu and scared on ft shot that gave alcott no chance to save illchaimson drew two penal- lie and uorton for the visitors one when a fullc affair flared up but was handled very efficiently by the referee acton went into the third canto one goal up the score being a to 1 the locale pressed hard for the tleing goal und received their break when uarso acton main stay on th rear guard vat given a penalty for crosscheck ing nuuiali took the puck from the faceoff and put his team on even terms when lie slid in a ahot that qubert failed to turn luddall who has been playing a brilliant gam put his team ono up when h took rich unisons pass from behind the net and beat the visiting goalie cully th local boy then clncnod tlie game when lvwhurat scored from a scramble ui frotn of the pet acton then play ed evry many up in a deaperato at tempt to score thalr fast skating and indivldsul rushes wcro outstand ing at this slag of tre game and in locals were forced to shoot the puck up the lc to relieve the pressure however uarao found the way to the goal mouth and scord in the lut fow scoand of the period th score al tu end of full time wu 4 to 3 in favor of qeorgetown hlddall and richardson or the locals played brilliant hockey while urtdley on the second line turned in tome nice efforts uarxo and brush wore the choice for the loser the teams georgetown goal alcott defence dcwrurst and crichton centre hld dall wings ucnaliy and richardson sub wheeler bradley louth and collier acton ooal outwit defenoo tyler and uarso centre kiooiiey win u urush and uorton sub uar ul ucocachle lanll gibbons und woods i rcjeroe h tcasdale brampton th lbtrwduf gam in acton well georgetown suro took acton down a notch or two lut night when they defeated the sofar undcfulad leam to the tune of a to l in thalr own ice palaoe it wu a good clean gams wlili ooorgutown having she penalties and aoton ave all for minor offence the nmt period uils score ess and not so exciting with both teams play ing a defensive game it wu just a matter of getting lata the second frame to sue which team would turn on the pressure the second period was not mush uter until king mads u nice pus over to tost who hipped the rubber in the aoton net to walster the ant counter of tlio gamo play speeded up from then on with fast skating and batter allckhandluig acton aiuyi counter of tho game came also hi tills period when a scramble wu started at the georgetown not and alnslee just managed to put the puck ovor the crease of tha goal bwatau for ihfaice uujjonald and tb acoi d lo iu jen fvana the judawi ui sir ihurac ough ur wauon and ut c ii uaiyfoot dm lci uuahlp prlica were preiant- d lo arthur dayfoot for th upper iiclkxil siki oavld crichton for tb uu r bctsool uiplatnaa er son by violet dkk iliijukil nonsohsn evelyn itartwall ldith uulllvanl doris oreen uona lkimgeour llemlce use donald kal uiynard john uaclaren david cilcjiton lu1 urcumbrr wrcy euu tin duncan will lam newton char lea ikoit george tkott luwrr bchool honour caklflcau fttrv won by uary rvuer kathar ilrul uorotl y uclmtock prank bolr iuuarii luuan and harvey nurs lo form u and rutli lindsay wlulsa lullmer uarjorl evans uargant 1 tuns pranc deans uargaret urown jiul don usury tn rorm l the btraihcona iiiarkamsjuhlp mxliil u a on by vtrnun uccumbar the rugby challenge cup donatsd by th members of the board wu preheated to th oarfjtown high mru4 hug by team thla yaax win ncrs ur alfred uykcs reprasentuig the club ul ucal numbers were oontrtbuted by mu uary peller ulu either brill und ulu uarguertw ucuastar ur w v grant chairman of th fkhiru hod charge of th preunutlons public school board the public school board held tu iu at mar ling on january 17th u un present j d kelly b iltrrucn dr uollop il dlckl d p crichton und ura p w cleave th following appointment wr mule chairman j d kelly property ooenmltle harrison crici ion dlckl tlupply committee dr oouotx uta clcu v j luprelcniallv on public ltbrary uoaru john ucdcrmld urmber of untranos board wai a ryan atirndanoe ofllccr ura o preura bchool nurs ura in parr the board wtu meet th second tuesday of each month reports were received from tha rco nurse and attendance officer accounts passed liyttio electric t jt uccean at co im u w dann mo it il thompron t co 163 ladlut au xi li all v to canadian lfccion ixltt otxcesui the cleotlon uf officers far the year 10j4 of me ladils ausiuary lo th canadian legion took place on jinu ary luih u follows lrcldnt ura p bralsby ui vice president urs j blair auul vice president urs j shep herd ucirotary urs t grieve riuiaur ura ii perry aaalslam becrctary urs b araane lxicutlvc urs c btacey ura krnuhead ura b prone is un il fct ephenl convenors mr w roney soclaj urs e umuon sick urs b ludley property comrade a b parj took chart of die election and com dr r lesr- month and cam e e young acted u scrutineers zone representative ura o potter of brampton ably installed the of ficer a delightful banquet wu urved at tlu clow by tic ofacert council minutes of 1ui through the courtesy of ur john murahol tlie n rew nt clerk of nasia- liiviju townsliip the fallowing min ium uf tlie council proceedings of 1u4 aru publlsled llicy wul be found tn- ttriating by our readers and a eom- paruon of tho changes of a century muy be made at tlie town meeting held at ur jinn tiherwoods jr on monday the i h day ot january 134 the follow- uiu mm were chosen to omce vis aksessors bamm 1 taylor lambert iibaroo collector samuel taylor l own clerk bamuel taylor pound kih per william whitley fimn wardens ellas euterbraak putrt llutcheon ath masters john black wm w iltlcy jolm yousrt isaac uarvln frincla walker jamas hunter mat- thow eutcrbrook william martin tt ormu ross john henderson an drew murray duncan campbell dun can mctovlsli donald mcgregor john mc kirn on william knowlea david agnew robert morrison henry held ctinrle king john kerr hogs and ponces burrs and tr titles iame us uiwocdlng year nolo 1 ho years business wu all completed on one day canadian apple were ekported to tlie united kingdom or the week unding january 11 to the amount ol 77 167 barrels and 33 70s boxe on w- crenae of 37 per cent on barrels and a increase ol 30 per cent on boxe u compared with the previous week movement or wfiio barrels and 4j334 baton theatre friovy jmotuury 26k 4 devils in love w tmmt 4lt- shr wuh uba assjj fcsbjw lfrawa baukxvmmal itaarriwat lantu voahvg and vutw jwy comehly wey of all freshmen fox new popeye cartoon season grettmfli saunlay jan wtr the telegraph trail ft fw o wwatavw wskumg buctaw u j critaama fail at aahlaaat comedy the entertainer cartoon bosco speed kins sport around the cotenckr ullev at s tuesu md wml jan 30 tusd 31 w no angel faakiaa iauimis hmu tftytlas mae ukht vlui a sii 4rfc u clary orattt technicolor musical hello pop dinnerwore n a robinson live stock dealer and butcher nerval live stock trucking all loads fully insured phonei gwfetowa 101 13 mm mmm 11111111111111 aus at meeting of unemploved men a meeting of unemployed men is hereby called in the town hall georgetown wednesday jan 31st at 8 pm we would like to ae preterit every man who has no regular work the purpose of the meeting it to discus ways and meana of helping ourselves in these very try in 8 timet the proposal to be laid before the meeting will be that tome kind of an association be formed the house businesj and industrial section be rnvaated to see what lund of work can be secured and distributed j amonfltt all and generally to discuss any plant that can be put into effect to help each other through these j difficult day j a jjstb ss savsjujjv-ss- fresh lemons per doz 1 9c large tin red star brand fancy red cohoe salmon 23c larfle tin fancy quality keta salmon 10c crosse and blacltwells branston sauce 10c 3 tins crosse and blaclcwella pork and beans 25c large bottle crosse and blackwell s 1 omato catsup 10c i lb tin blue bird fresh marshmallows vl lb tin blue bird fresh marshmallows i lb of nu hit blend fresh roasted codec and i gift tumbler i lb pits westons english quality fancy milted biscuits crisco for frying for shortening for cuke making per lb 21c 6 pkgs honey drip jelly powders 26c choice fresh fruit and vegetables 29c 17e 39c 26c a e farnell phone 76 we deliver spundid evoftram by lion boys band the qeorgetown lions boys bond presented their first bunday concert of the season in th oregory thcaire bunday night under the direction of a h perron bandmaster of the lome nine scottish regimental bund llvcy were assisted by local talent and all combined in a program that de lighted the large audience ultat iu the tie that binds was played by the bond during the even ing in memory of ur jock thomp son their assistant bandmaster who had passed away during the afternoon mr w h long was the genial and capable chairman of the evening and announced the program m follow hymn au people that on earth baud march success band olurliut solo barcarole dick rlddall comet solo tho rosary joseph wucok saxophone solo whispering hope boh ucuenetny vocal solo sylvia ulu uary fal ter accompanied by ulu j uodou- gall walts annette band overture bright star band vocal solo tyooi ulu dorta beasey accompanied by uus u how ard piano vtolln obllgato ur w voung comet duet llfes dtvam u oer buster hole and charlie carney comet solo drink to lie only pred armstrong hymn blest be the tie thit binds band cornet solo believe me if all those enovtrlng young dtirnu ocga long murch progress band hmn hock of ages sand ood haw the king acton right itcvtrcnd dr t albert moore uas tin iiucbl of mrs h v moore at mooircroll during hu visit to acton on timidity uu uittu tklvood of calgary who u olundlng university of toronto tiwnl thr ucck end with her grand- motlur mrs a e nlcklln mr aijd mrs ttllos btotham br and xlr and mrs buas buitham jv of torinto vulud ut tlio home of mr und mn ocorgt ld wards on bunday at tin unural hospital toronto on january b 1034 tlere passed away an old nsldont of hulton county in the in rum of riiur james hou deccas- td uus bam on tho old homestead jot j fourth concession esquoslng wiiero lie iptnt the greater part of his lite borne liar ago ho and his wife and two chililrin moved to toronto ofnccru for aoton pair board for 1034 were elected as follows president j p robertson pint vice president v b rumley sicond vicepresident o w mur ray directors w k arahnm o a dills w j patterson j m mcdon ald j j btewsrt w j aldus oeo bomervllle r j kerr r j ramshaw 11 i o prater j a mann w o moffat l o johnston j b tvawn d mcdougail r l davidson a mcktown o woodhsll bull john ston archie kerr and d d waldkt