the georgetown herald sbrfysetenib yw of pufctkmboo tb gutftiowi herald wadnewlay ev mine february 2 lit 1834 suopar b a4nc szo0 to usa ik gtcmbm hid k4 r cnjl tim table luai mi t a4 r u mill ttoiuujra aoll h to toreoi p tad kill feudi tufa ttout u4 6d fimnljif cm us ilu ul j um uj uk uui tut vh ojuv ww vono noaa directory uui bub i i hill ml lillihit rwim fuiiy tttim njj mil m niiiwii wiooixa bba ihimlft tuuii 1 061m w ural a a raots tuw uutmirtoic tel ekuixn fcl uxodom hi pit sua a m nielsen lu i gnmn x41ay bwutltu tbhnit f-fj- jiiiijjat fliwimftlm baahl ji m vui cbmj bill ft im0 frank fetch ugtutsa avotuoaaa otuluahim trj otwimwb urt monuments pollock a ingham iillmkillil ia oahv tt wdrtt gab oat nuijwi hint nuutw fimpmt eur worit la ow pit tit sun life assurance company of canada tphe iyert ti u ropaay fc 1fr9 fa fjjg nf rrmjilit nj eanstnieti e x it fcchwiiiito j- ti uiibwiii 6wd e puuta jr it hi tttidinj x is3 w b tb pvotwjog uw0 yrt pnyju fcriwtty vjporloicmjtutiuulfejukty fffi j f it t i j- riil ju tixb tjaw ul s feotaf iubj bij fc u irifcijt6 cvvd e wary pt vljoi la tltb tarrrle li sim lu cowuf tort a tratifcy ttirt duirliu llrf jp it pitl tidojrt tl fdlrf bmii tuti h4ow000 to eulkbou u3 lrtafciihi u-j- lut dwiif bar rt el i ll bu ijj out over i40iiomm nfitwiilwuaclinj thiii iwhjtghttij 1ltmbu tk cdcnp4bj tiwidj ll um iaatmf4hr sixtythird aauual ttepott 1933 assuslncss in romceiwt3uis till ua ibik tu uohhlituj wu u tjtiulkdtitlr fl tl i 1 wo h batiiii w it a im jilir bri ji i it ne assvuaxisa paid for income disbursements excess of income over disbursements hw04swt1 s12tj6l payments to poucyb0ldeb9 and beneficiak1e3 duriiif it iv 19u vtmlfim slaw orfulutiw kojw0jj assets tlutwus bfciji fitifiaafst biifrffit yall stiawr tsj tlktaii rtitaii 4j ciiwimiiiil tj a buhifaj mil cilllfi uts cibf if ftrt7i caa to kaaaj sftj ctlw i liabilities 609msjttl ulb t puaiiff til fy r it u tky i paidup capital t3oooo00 w uuae si wjit oldunlwjtlfrt ocount 1354247 bxserve far uproaalioa la bwrtifm uj rul nuu ftas904 9uhplu9 59517s ii41s0l3o sun kiife assurance company of canada the new way to buy coal blue coal and welsh anthracite oil oralh pw 1 w m irtiu or mm no extra delivery charges o mohvu mwiawoiw oikm wtlxiam atom kamob plllhil tutlml ww omk u mm oaimi a vut inn ll- john medonald kiiom uw omomakmuh nmmimmtnm give a man georgetown community club makes its bow thl club ku baeti organized to bdp iba unemployed help theto- aalvaa anyone who wuti to kelp la eligible for member ahlp uaeuplayed have free mewbertlup other maka whatever conlrlbution in cath they detlfe the club with to annwinre aa their fint attempt to help other the organisation of an odd jobs bureau we are prepared to aeeure men for odd joba aucb aai paperhanging painting snow shovelling carpentry chimney cleaning stovepipe cleaning gardening farm help and any other odd joba you have charges reasonable nona tued for overfaeadul goea to the main uolng the job when you want a man or woman phone the odd jobs bureau ik georgetown a man wul be at the phone from s to 12 every day except sunday wood splitting furnace tending cleaning cellars removing garbage polishing floors cleaning windows lawn cutting oi txw a furttlihd hurt o lewd i uy hot 611 0 txputelw but juai pulrt a rwittul but tht lov tfc oiapu thus thy dutob crmuocl ukl ca fail ultr caud but my uj chubbtn lctd bf uulifut wlwrtla jist fouu biiy fciwj sunt to um a iliiidiy furouhid hah sllb ia- 4owi vu rr kij htik lhat oajy tbm cjut fci r hjcllw hn- itur iot no un la kitila fttoad wiwn thin 4odt eouat your y it uicj no good to baiwr rouiul and gnuotjj tihia tad cuy tli tiun to jo u curt you ghf cut out your liuw biji and fctirfd uiy lul you to you u lal wy feiuit fln- tturt auit no gun allwbut it 1 boclud to 64 hij up ytlf lult oo toul thu veullft bid wtuu lroid uixibi ftt hi ri op ulnu tdut th bunb old boy whtw au tb uljfit llibli hla and whnlby tuk you bow you at jt ty iw twllo fim your mavrt fiuy it b buaila itt bofim mj or 40ld 0 hut twn you calto th otbar fouu alnt rauy pt to know th cid orti uufcfojii hauhavthm fruod uvy your own or tnlo 8o shto tbty 41 you fcoa you tu ju uy tta fulia an- ohwairuwrtv uueh hu bmo vruun u tb tjwir huonii gn oo oo pcrtunuy w btm bun tom ttial it knack but one at tth pfoa door tjuulmb ud b bvd bu oa opportunity th en lbougbt l duoouruifl u undj to mibs iu put our tmhtn luck ojacur lb utx tbt ti tb on hlni knock oaau tbs idlo mjjr b tumsd on and t vul bo bur it- hapoluo iulkunt on tba olnv hind u ilmii uu0 w did not vau for opoortunuy but tumtd circuautancu a t found tbni to hi end tru b ownbot hi auric but thi vu bceaua of otbar quail- tu tn hi mijtup thr ar vountial oppottunuto on ektry hud for tb nun or vofiia vbo vm but mak than for hlaulf opportunlu tn tb otno for pro- motiao throuib imnroweuni of um vork v do oppartunitlm in uf for th crmuoa of hire in and ooo- untacnt btyond our fondut dnabav in abort opportunity tto oor within u than wttboul to djw tt latant opportunlu vnkb u all around us mutt sru dvw our t to a fivattr 1n of adapta bility paradotioal a it may mb contcntsunt llh our lot a ft 1 to- urfcru with profre toward a wild conientinrnt througn craxntnf tb many opportunitua for adranoaaant which surround ua it ha bm aald that vry aound rclp for aucoe include at 1 on common ingtftdltnt and tb enan who would find opportuntu nuit work for thn tnuulxntiy ralhar than alt idly fay waiting for that fabud knock upon tb door imlm t1lwwsnt forth haul l cbjtujtv iuh ooldoi itt hi bjrvit truly 1 pclom but tl ubouraa im iwn y y timi otw tb lotd of lb barvtu ttuu b wui aand tortb iacourir into ni jvii uau biw fl 7 w llbioh pastuoc uattbw u to 10 u u tiv thytiil uu 11tf vialuiial a- bem tbm ah nud wiui iurii foioi auonii and tu am iwvjiy iii laltlfcil iwiti bail lov tb ittip toy atcn o ocbiw and an- durt i lom tixyitll ut and tbuu liuut fro in apirit i to t to tiuj to know and undr uand tu mimij of tb uara lo ltou thai bur u and all ood y bbau by at thy o tmi f 1 u jiaii wot to ponu b did not bait for thafii to a toblbi in capernaum tu in touth with both reudm and trauiwijjjt m f wii not oonuat to wok only in thl on ualr and organ a tour tbroib out uaiilu lto oht to ao lb toipi ad in varlou aoceuhw but ii conductajd a diwtslflad tmlnltry la jiii iosiiuy pithjlbt uacbing and i till 1 ii f ijw f poucy to uu day tt tmu iiaw lul tilhlf frtf ta all tm irtaa ind hftallir rliurrfia and ptiabj laifbft luuftiat ttil doctor and bulk wo ln tn of mimionary aantc 1 aurnfuot obru- uuuy it ji to h to tb ftboto man la all bi uuhlpi mid ktt dittru torai of urnc ais bf ran- bluol a mumiaoarf earning culiuf tn afru 1 winning afnun boytoobrut a contact u uad and fiamaw a myllatliil tluottih farming but tb final oaj u obruian cbaractar flt rw ar ufihtui dtagwirafing tile ihrokcdupon taxtaysb thcn ar 4j00 upaxat and duunct govamsicnt in oanada oountlng in uominlon oownuwat th nln pro vincial oovtromaou tb county council th vuliff town and oily council lb bcbool board tb par- ub oouncu tb liquor commit tan and th othar oonunlon and t- up th do not tntlud th army of uunacton for uu and that tn noopr nor any of tn tndlvlduaii who ar on in vry avn of lb population tber ar canal which do not aar- ft hip or raft day tbar u harbour and dock itththwim and custom otnoaa port of antiy and port of dpartur many of thcta a neoeaiary a a cat would daatr thr tail or u ft itund aasw a umic and a painful a tick htadaob not vn by looking- cro- or by dodgtng on tn builn fild ilk ft rugby football playar can you cacap paying a tax on what yoa would buy or pay for w hav bsan mad atamchllckan if w kmp ft aarlnsbank anoount vet lb air 1 fre at tb cmrtf whan you aac fro air advertiaad but if you take a pouucml apoh a tt come over the air you pay ft m tas on it ono every yar surlsy it is not naoaatary for a legl- lator becau h i alacted to soma public body to think b must produo a new ax or a nw compulsory law let u try for bedrock and th simple life tfb wav back ifow marvelou bow myetertoualy unerring 1 tn instinct by which an animal return to given place or tb winged creature achieve their daullng migration dog wcilcb tad lived on farm iowa wa taken to florida in cloaed boxear filled with hoiuehold effects a dutano of fifteen hundred mi lea a few day alter arriving tn in new locality ha disappeared and week later wa found on th porch of the tout from when he had been removed th dog had gone straight to hi destination though he had not seen th country through which he passed and had known nothing of the direction taken buch wisdom a thl t positively uncanny a bonny shepherd dog wa lost from hi owner and their car in the east and given up for rood but three months later he appeared at hi old horn in the capital of oregon staggering skeleton to be sure yet he wa there this animal had fallowed the sun to the wast for mow than two thousand miles over boundleu prairie desert across river and mountain range a true to hi course a the beam of ft atar the fame of it vent abroad th paper took up the story and ran catchy picture of the do while local author ur charles alexander made the brave creature th hero of a eplendldly fucuuttnjr book then a kennel wa constructed for the fam ous canine tn a plane where the people could see him and admire htm ft they by wsiklfif ltrough ft odd street ut happy zaou sm aeeo tbe 1 much more evidence of trf iiftrv tar suf fering and deepeir fca tn ft select audience gathered for ft oonotrt lec ture or tbureb eervlae few face are uen evpteeelng ukt beakedn con tentment and toner pete yet th crowd that jeeu a were much more bard ftneeed tmliga4 diseased and fearful ifany slave tt tut made clusec pay tax and th church mad thni pay lithe and no man cared tar tfeetr soul when jetue saw them be wa moved with compassion for then because tty were a sheep haetnej no shenhird- christ had coenel which h ulleeed would put gl ill file into those dub face if only ttey could hear tt be lieve it and uv a- th crowd made him think of great field of gram ready for harvest in but with no harvesters at work because of tb parable we often think of uaohert a sowers 1st u not forget that chrut poke of teacher a harvesters also twelv phrlglis ill i cbrtu chose tvelv difjp chuuy because u wa a convenient number lb group being neither too large nor loo small cut also because hi poonl were familiar with tb hlilory of the twelve tribe each tribe head ed by one of the twelve son of jacob no soorn need be poured upon that patriarch who lived according to their uglu but they never had the prtvl- ifiiiee of tt oisclput tbay ftnf their leadership by birth th dumpy by choice the ulbai iradere were fighters th dtclpli were teacher toe son of ltxaei had many juloua- ie u disciple formed an apostolic roup iuw with chrutlan love the uao of th tribe ware on the d fcaiive protecting their follower from attack lb dlflnle took part in an offensive of peace a rjfwplijr of service a teachers and nsaiars the leader of th twelve tribe depended upon tradition to preserve the story of tbsir exploits several of the die ciplee wrote of their experience and thslr record were preserved in our new ten a ment the contrast between uiase two group of twelve men shows that tb way of progress is through education and cooperation u ckrteiv leitaej iti 14 fw a ittr think ht hi church fwjf are inexperienced and inefficient bometlma ft superinten dent i discouraged at having to run u sunday school with amateur teach ers stay w not read between th line and see bow jesus wa hamper ed in bl work by rift dis ciple well meaning but alow minded i men only three or four of them were outaiandinsr wriiidlng judas i whose fame was an infamy of sham we are not altogether sure of th name of several of them ttey ask ed stupid questions and mad foolish mutskee and misunderstood their lusters purpose and spirit time and lime again they were tn christ school however and thlty grew tat moral and spiritual stature oredu- ally their uncouthneu dteappeaerd occasionally they said or did aome- thing that revealed their latent noaei- biutu clumsy and fumbling a they were it va to thee men that eventu- ally jeeu commlttm the care of bl mission on earth instead of lament ing the deficlenclu of our christian workers it l better to think of what they may become a trial mimiii lti s christs disciple canada uufft cut taxation hjatdszm uiafwfcuaiilxty seftttt uulcxxv on tkvlilmekntai dsuejului c l camualtc w nont wnt a dicutosiup in caned we dont want a hum or oeroiany but r renr cohudl under the gat lot ve are i year by uld c il cerluie pneident of ooodyear tire and itub- ber company in addreiiing the sbsre- holdere of the eoapeny tew 0nsjdaie ir 1 tjcf ieii ht and bto bulion viikh u uiag added to earry and the bill ba to be peed by snuii pereeou of our ua and naif million popi kvery dti n ha is leeponsibtihy pethape kreauer tods than wr u- for in hietojy to aait eoerameau and see to u ttat they ejovernsd in such way a to nuke uiiinee and living condition pomj i drng attention lo the fict that tax pss by the oodyijf cogrqeny in iku amoudud lo 1lj per cent of fsctory cost and about per ohu of tou sake ur cautlsie potntd out that thl recurring charge constituud a formidebw barrbcr to nort tied a try contidrraic proportion of uj obugstlon now bearing doa upon thl country wrr lnrurwd too poutlfav vftthtr than from national tticeujtw dcured u csrluv ueny hundred of million of usee obligation arc due to th ptction undr national buhend guartn- u of a third traneoontlnsntaj rallsey polulta1 cafmand tn wes tern canada reeulted tn the itudione bay iuuay of slmuar political crt- itd a many eiptnslv urmlnsl luxuriou houl superfluous eua- ihip and an unneceuaruy proiond ocwratlon of a merchant marine th burden of ail thee their up keep uuft charge main tea no it u reflected daily tn heavy ctar- against bus true agriculture and ail enterpru in the rvtf and tery mrlously morte tte competi tive tfport poiltlon of thl domuior on thl acoount they are at this very time contributing importantly to un- eenployment the load on the cana dian taxpayer i still bs th neighbor hood of on million dollars per week and thl ha ft throttling eried on buslneu and enterprte lople of all sections and ciasse should resolve that canadian nilroad must without undue delay on a selfsup porting basl even u to do so mean e service curtailed within our mean or fatrisoiidaiion if the present federal syetem of th i mutt be t sure ly there t some way of reducing tgantic cost why should not tb lous of common and tb benau u well a th rvovncial legislature be reduced tn number to onetali or possibly to onethird of their present nimeruinbi no company however aint kt ttt sstjtu t insuie the club room at the rink atv bncbee in a row wiifit iiiobs tn tu uiatcit the game wtn wrlu of smoke they bkr and if you really am to uam i n fine jh of the play doc t shou your rock jtiit stay in side and hark to what they uy ho light your pipe and take a tnl wh1 u u warm and nice whir better game ar ajwaye curled luaa out upon the ice lor soon jouli hear uee narrow saw 1u- coatlag drmfu too taid not no aunt steep hist iea it a iu going to gt the gujd- ay watch that guy tb twist h in il deliwry 11vu tie hunself into a knot if lie should ttraw the tee lus widv wa aii cb let tt log itr mwr got the lrooai hi ere no escuu to uu thit shot it uiir had lou of rootn no viuu h playing ttuu anot for what can lt be stoutt it ought to have a running shot and ulkv the rock right ouu lieu never get u with that iae well look at what he struck i it- got u after all but then hi- bed e lot of luck- ifut taten ttwr meft u called to play ttu- cufur skilled and u tiiry tnaka the ry same a thai they crtuclse- ttwy bnd u lake but 11u1 skill to dujjpat advice and play a scientinc game wthm they art 011 the lor and a pas along life way and a w beer men talk were ajeeye skulful when we throw the other fellows rock this dupoaitlon is not strange through life it much the same were always wisest when we skip the other fellows game dont b too solemn th only thing that never grows old and useleea and unrwyiiuir 1 ft joka first they were learners and then they became teacher from being follow ers told to come they became mlsslon- arle commanded to go forth ofarut spent much of his public ministry in the training of the twelve lie did not put tt truth into books but into live ill method proved effective m oanada there are approxlmeuery on hundred thousand sunday school teacher on out of every hundred canadians 1 sunday school teeohar in recent year much effort ha been devoted to leaderahip training only the taught can teach teaching skill may b developed by training and practice kvery ctirlsttan should be a missionary if wa have a message we will be messengers it 1 not neces sary to go to foreign lend to b a mlsatonary every sunday schaoe worker may be a missionary it 1 the whole duty of tt sunday school and th duty of the whole sunday school to jv the whal gospel to th whole world a epoedlly aa posiml qnsahflta far dleewsleti 1 ifow did jean train hi duelpleat 9 to which disfitpla would you give arat plan for eolclaney and innu- enee s i thm atlll a place for lay preach er what t the motive tn freely ye have received fratuy dwf ft xi there any eeeatrtiai difference be tween home and foreign mwtioaar 0rbr which oountru would christ i tai iba sjrawaej ewb4muw todftyff urge could be property hendud with a cumbersome board of director ag- grtgating over three hundred men be tween tb yeara utl and tmi inclu sive th ajiwjuaw oanadun covern menu have expended lisaoo for every i100a9 of income lb difference be ing added to debt d aggregate governmental financial obligation not iphirtlny miitlp now ft nwnnf to ajwrtf q94 oneejusrter m of dollara i tt too much lo tope that th country get abreast of present con dition where tiiisfraiii tn many line ha become nationwide and have tb leguiauv control of that business mad federal instead of provincial greater protection should be afforded the public who are tnvtted to pur chase securuiu and do busineee with comparuee tn th granting and ex tension of power to corporal enlhle buch protection could be gives much more adequately if tb issuing of such letters patent and the administrative supervision of onmpaniee were vested tn a single authority which would have to be the federal parliament and government the industry may be properly organised investment ta such industry made by tb public may be safely msnaaed and returning a fair dividend the public may be well served with th industrys product and at a very reasonable price tb oovemmrnt may be receiving a utle- factory return tn the vay of taxation labour may be constantly employed at fair wage all thl picture can be changed and a healthy condition of affair tutied into ohaoe by a oovern- ment twfmhfiiinhf chartering ad ditional companies to engage tn the uni line of effort tb result 1 overproduction towering of prlose under oast 6morailxetian of the in dustry deterioration of th quality of it product reduced wage loses of dividend and capital and th wiping away of the source of government taxation also there may be unfair prao- ucee in busineee and such practice white euphemistically called unfair are really dugioneet and destructive the time ha oom when there must be such supervision aa will detect and isolate them mat them illegal and punishable tb responsibility of government grow a well a th re sponsibility of management the united state oovernment is lnlttng that every branch of indus try organise within itself and estab lish aound prtntplea just not only to th induetry but just in wif way to the pubuo and to it working men oovernment authority then passe upon th talrnea and wisdom of thee plan and when adopted they be come effective and are enforced through oovernment supervision the oomblnee act of oanada operate m lu main feature directly against th public inurest th supervision of oovernment exercised a it i from the etandpolnt of th public should extend not only to th prevention of unfair profit and unfair combination but to th prohibition of unjust and inequluble underselling practices be- because these in th end are produc tive or chaos and unemployment and result injuriously to the purchasing public sandy llaepherson and hie wife uaggle stopped in front of a restaur ant window in which wa hung ft card hearing the word luncheon from is to 3 pjtt so well have our lunch here luggie said bandy two hour ataady eat- ing f or we each t no aa bad aje ma uim uaj iml ik free ontario legislature an attack on mas buying by de partment stok and radio teotorue wa made in to leguuture by f j ucartbur conservative rnsrinswf for northumberland in speaking on the upeecb from the throne daabate and tie rvpmsrd the opinion that tb uuven commission at ottawa 1 on of the greatest forward step to mow the present situation existing over masebuylng thl responsibility rrsu on the conservative party and he felt the party shoulder are broad enough their courage high enough to stand up under th load and to see lo it that all cl get ft fair and sauare deal 11 elu asked a fair prlo for th tomato growers urging that th can- ners go into confrnee with th grower to arrive at some aultabl arrangement unlese thl 1 don he said he intended asking for an inrwtljitlrn into the fppg tniliie- try farmers are not complaining of their tnurest ret declared uj uo- artbur a some would hav n be lieve farmer are not asking for preferenou or charity all they want l a fair prlo for their rwmmodhase if they get a fair price they will be able to pay tax and inter niea oovemmenu have gone to a g deal of troubla to find market but of what use are markeu if they bring profit to the middleman and not to th producer i want to th far mer gt the benefit of thee markets th agricultural com mil tee of the legislature met ft large denotation representing th vegetable ofowafa council who discussed verloo priiise of their proposal for eompuleory gutratlon of all fruit and regetimi grower end also a licensing fee th fee suggeetfd wa tl lo u depending on the amount of land being used the fund to go to th council to directly aid marketing a aub-eom- mittee wa appointed which will later meet the orowera council to deter- mine what policy shall be followed and a report will be made back to tb main oooamute a measure seeking to have dtvoh actions heard at the residence of th litigant sponsored by w e n sin clair liberal south ontario wa left on th order paper pending report on thl and other issue such aa col lusion perjury etc arising in divorce action 1 received by atfjorny-on- cral w il price from judge of th supreme court under present con dition many are taken into other municipal ltk rather than hav ing them heard at the place of resi dence of th litigant while speaking on th debate on the speech from the throne ur sinclair reiterated hi stand taken tn 1933 when he offered fin- and cooperation to those who are trying to help the people ur sinclair aald he had been charged by hi liberal colleagues with political bereay in view of thl attitude but he tnaleted that no public nun could refrain from helping in aiding recovery to normal condition if i wa misjudged my th is clear lie said if i erred it wa because of my judgment when th ship u in danger the tradition of th sailor calls for the safety of th paa- lengers first ur sinclair strongly lupported th inter- provincial conference recently held under direction of premier ben nett of ouawa and premier henry declaring that reauiu from this parley would mean the olvency of canada being guaranteed by an- urlng the solvency of the province he urged the various provincial gov emmenu of different political ejttf each assist the other in fighting ft way out from financial dunculilag and present conditions the report of the liquor control board for the year that ckwad oct 31 last was tabled by attomey-oen- eral w il prlo which showed a da- crease in both sale and profits th figure being a new low in th history of the board sale total led iscuts- 347 including those from th liquor store and brewery warehouse while the profit to the board amounted to the legal bill committee of the legislature presided over hy hon charles uoorea utnuter of iflnee heard th charge made by mfgltttah uooaughrin of oruiia as to alleged trafficking in offices in eoetriactton with the government move to provide a compassionate how allowance to the magistrate hon leopold ua oaulay minister of highway acting a government oouhsel examined erai witneaaee including l a uixoip- hriea kxj acting dputy-attorriy- genaral who disclosed that there aw many precedent case that arow a far back u lam during liberal cov- ernment when elvtl eervanu occupy ing auch positions u eheritf erowrj attorney clerk of th peace eta had been given such aikwaueaa by hu tttettttttd on page 4