the georgetown herald siitysurd yaar of pufclwioa t1tl evening february 28th 1934 9ljbop a aaw sxoo t ujla 11m cuorawlowtt hcnu ih i if u lirlilrf crr ruu tahl auiuuxi tuii piictml ud uiil jn i 1 id yttrulu tut ajxjun um tut inf far taccto rug tuw tiira hirwly w4 u1j fc4 kbctf at i la i in i au wm du v f taster sduaius h krrxcnv oct u lata low ojd au uui ib ux omly usrsim eraxiujio tos ml lomot kou directory ubok djob clajuort u wloodt hlhl hi tlhjirf tuurf fml can u uiu at ttot aw aminox ot urani ai lanoimmi blnbiir mmilr ftlry al yai mratfua u to lois a bits mu aus ewuaumi iinnoann iirimira miiiiiwa wauife a niiw w r a watton ocui umm tlafauea oou umu to a kuuot t afunuom a m nielsen 111 fw d mhu chiropractor xray dniclau tberaput y iitiint oom war tvmffilwi ata ow uidrti ua a am ni ii aim ma u frank petch ucvnud 4ucti0hk9b tm ik cwb a pmi aaj halu prompt baryta mum mm omfgauwn tlrl mm ommchaltaahaai monuments pollock a ingham tiftiiwfw to otlr j worth cult ortt tnajiie our work to oiwagooj 0attahef lei ste effttt sttar far th bv of jan bnn aft ehlhwri l paver erasing lnjggl t tljf uuaknka th toronltvabd th jun war llaaptul wbtw naarl jhobmnj pattatil are bow mub treated lor tht vlotl mej kim thrifty housewives buy quality salada frall fro- th gew when you sutftjaitly lm it hur birtkrlay nd you tin all her you forgot it and youv mllat apart 6t to a turrioh a lo ditune call will aulia both ef you happy lb tdiphooa u alsiys r4y a loa duueu cau eo9 u aa liaapu asd aar aa ulldaj axrtmj tlia ttrah look in tlta froat erf ywtf dlmtoay asd u how low iha rata ar 100 mua o ao for aa lillu aa so caua we do job printing wintc uxzr orr all the ilfitt oounuygld like uuxv ibr vhlu and lp th lafiu tnci uk watliuii a vaichfa vtu lup ttj wlour unum sj cuvuij and imuiitii tut froti mwj lugm ilulft or u wtnur lknc and kreu tltf bary jiit t1u bllihl and dcuijlkm jutjn or uie winur md oh fcion cti toon i tn uxiu wu1 rod ihtlx hnd t burud aud hvuw vdt grvxious w wth ruk vlii kciidiy haud t and iuk b urd vuwu 0r fjj if uauir ubd lo bow lbarf only fcwpln th tiolhj wath lh tnon ilmtuu and iddat lonru and i grt t 8 th lkjait 100 u- 1441x12 tt uuk and uiiuu ut and djau la lj kidj llut filio u ittft ual ho kcn twr ld u uwtv abd naubt but ticmi and bjiht rfln ocr our na iu tpirlt wijbout a raj of lijht oh tuay w then rafcrmjjr that hl ut umpr u bl joy u ru4 6ad but arplnf llkti iu nfavu iha tnovr illn b aivwrvoa u tlvr hctofl qurtw moy mobtu ytirrcnci hi not otih luptwtic but iu nrr paut un u at lla tnd ui uuj 4tit la a luuc tti aoop tft uy lunacy iu- licn a wdij unj jooy ujwsa and iutca lsr th uuici oay l oiuppfd in to nv cnu un iat aiur uw uxp coa cioted una uah ma a cup at lta and lnco aa u aaov ma auma dnouia- una cnt lu ma hktur u uu txaj ioictva and one out ana of tna unali diaca- inryra in tt aja uid fj over ftr anouvdir thi u vtura 1 iup all my llitl umuia una idled out tna dratcr and brought u ovr beiid tna bra it via lull u to top with luua odda and end brau buuncii cut ttxuuuy from a torn out tkuar mil ol bar oldar aon now a nun of twenty flw a curl of soften hair hoarded hn bis hair had bn cut or tna wry first lima all that ear uo and why shit wrong i aikad laming for ward anxloualy araot you wu1 for lira uutt ya bad tuddenly fuid with fears una lookd up quickly and nulled no no im all right iha laid wuto a cauh in htr throat iii jut ihi tthr lliud a tiny baby aock from ona corner of the dravar tjt rlnjtri touchlnc it tan derly and lovingly ii aa my flrtt baby continued lira llah and h dld whrn ha iu only au ki old a irar dropoad aa aha put her hand drrcrdcf to dry htr eyta oha nt on btlkjy trying to compote hrrulf u lint won tuppence ah nt on but ill never part with tt it a all i haw left juit out and a memory you iy you aerwd in franoat um the raataurant m aa ha tampled the ne cook a rlrat aoup vra air ofntwra cook for two yrara and wounded twloa youtr lucky man it a a wonder they dldnt hi 1 you give aaasaatmatt a man a job roul kara you do not fully raaltsa irajflramabter ha unortunato na o twa idrudad diaamaa th ajoriiy of whom cama rroin tna iidar ibat ootuumplloli and tbni out nail aao m 4 a- v llvl la pclfoclut va iu p to uaalat in tlila a klaaa daum a again jn lha in 11a whieb partnlta i to claim map far lu ownt hlldrd jmi whleb partnlta cotiauniltloh attll to claim many inuooant onlld r lu a and wan final too ittto oars what boaa on ta hospital la mannau anil hal bring- uaolt thalr mliaaj j sans georgetown community club makes its bow thu club haa been orffaniied to help the unemployed help them- elves anyone who wanu to help u eusible for member ship unemployed have free memberahip other make whatever contribution in eaih they deiire the club wiah to announce as their firat attempt to help other the orsanization of an odd jobs bureau we are prepared to secure men for odd job midi mi jew teslunooy coocaruntf htmaelf iauaaaaliaj tadfoa uaatcm iu ooldlh text cqbl unto bw all c uiai lilour and are heavy laden and i bill glw you t- uujuw 11 28 imxt paperhang1ng painting snow shovelling barpcntry chimney cleaning stovepipe cleaning gardening farmiffilip and any outer odd job you have charges reasonable noiw wed for werheii all goes to the matt doing the job when you want a man or woman phone the odd jobs bureau 16 georgetown a man will be at the phone from 9 to 12 every day except sunday wood splitting furnace tending cleaning cellars removing garbage polishing floors cleaning windows lawn cutting uiio pafioaoe i 1ft- 19 1410 ii jj u tle uxn tilu utb tta iwxrd at uod to clod and lu liji tud tvt llaf tiaan l knoa fiu- tllwrts ood whiun tita gis ouloo mirtilg iuw hiia s j illurd lokt-jui- 4ald fa civ sail d not a pruon timk uot liojj laxa a ci an ducu4d man vnting tj til i kim j u ik ui y pjjulwittary stui lw tid uuu tvr athruu jut tha piki- itux uo aii do auke a puon tatrfj irwi baf auka ft cage iluiaid uu u waa swing aa a jt and iiumuiit mede tl l icuiooa of lu tnorylin- tula mimh notvr may l tau truui fully tlial thougl l control my tutou itbcn more tuajhe lhan u wodd tha rk4 tw 0 otu ta lhlaklng of u on tnlafwiune will auhr taor ifum incarccratlan tkan a pruroncr lahoaa mind la staking on ukiutrung outuie th pruon aluther john ittr luntut found that uw atooa waiu c lh caiile i uacriaama did txiaka a pruon it rod inundd a nruon to u- a pruon not a rt curv tiun ubi abundant juatlfuatloo for jotjii dvipondenry lie had looked on jaua x the uuun pertiapa aa a foiu tkmary leader and buuad kua waa eacrilng in tha jordan vauy john had dupym no totrtt of dfeaiua tkit in i he pruon ha aikm hf doubt fully undng tla ductnlea with tna enquiry art thou ha that ahoud etna or do w look for another fajut aaj fifu m religion muat be bawd upon facta paith may go beyond tha facta but it mmt ao in tha duvctlon tna facta ndicate jraua had a itrong aena ol tact actualhia not flctlona ar hr baiu of roa faith 11a anaerd j lina queatlon blving tha truth tha vhole truth and nothing but tha iruth la nave a n ale men t about hla otk and left the conclualon to john the luptlita independent judgment ttve dracriptlon which jeiua gava of hu mork la in perfect accord with ihr prrdlctlon ha made about it in tha ynatioaix at naiareth tha program of ciiruta public muiutry may not lae born what john tha fuptiit n pecrd but jeaua did not muraprcaent 4 hat he sua olng john got hla answer without he illation or any toorlng of the fact the chruttan futth ieka ln illgatlun what la spoken in ue car may br proctalmd from t ho w topa penonal faith la only trcun when it u founded upon ronvlctlotu arulng from a knowvdg of facu orww ly cfcuatoa lftl the ooapra tell ua lui about the boyhood of jraua aa far aa our kno ledge r ena thea ware auant kara wr may however tn part rt conatrucl thu iwrlod from hint and allualotu found in tha word of jaaua if he plaed gamra aa other children v ruavn no way of knowing exoapt from hla iuu ng raferanc to tha children a name of marriage and funeral ttila allmlon ahowa thai ha had obterwd ttc ohudrvn at play probably ik hi mi ii had participated repeatedly in thu game which wu a form of charudot- caatem funeral nrv oclfrroua d monttratlona of gruf children hard to play u tha mourn er taking off trte funeral prooaailoo fluddenly they would chang to th gladneu of a marrlag ccraenony it u good training tn flaxlbtllty of peraoiullly juu uwd thla village pa time to 111 mi r air th tuiky mood of tha tcrlbra and phartsaaa who had oiindcnihcd joln tha bapuu for ba ins an ascetic and who alao condemn- cd jeaua for bring companionable they wcr llkt the children bo nould not tntcr into the game of marrlaoe and luneraa refualnat either t laugh or cry they would not play aa we become older and learn mot wudora we ecaae to lndulg in chllduh tulka paul laid when x became a man i put away chudlah thine cklllhk agkha uh jcau did not like to aee adull act- intf in a chlduh way but he did like to ace a chldllke aplrit among grown upo the learned vhartieea of jem tjcm would not uiten to him but the oahcr folk of oaille became hi dtacipa utile ohildwn liked to tear hi atory beggar and taper appre- elated what he could do for them itc la ion is more than matter of the intellect it haa to do with emotion and will alto boas of the trueat chruulan are aimpie minded people who may be fittingly daacrlhed a babe in ohrlit a highly educated cynlo may have a cutting wit and mis alt the poise and peace of one who uvea in dally fellowship with ohrut practising the preaence of clod and living in the apuit or love the real problem of education la to enable u to grow out of our child bhncai without toting our chlldltkr- ncu th lrpandlemlar ryeewmin 28 m in the engluh tranalatlon of christ a invitation to the weary and heavy laden the ant perianal pro noun la usad in on form o anotlter seven time over if we wrrr to uae i aa frequently a i hi we should be convicted of egoism christ use of the first perianal pronoun how ever serve to indicate hla sympathy hla mercy and compaulon visitors attending the church of a great canadian preacher remarked that tn the whole service the pronoun i had not once been used the minister effaced himself completely lie sought to hold forth chrm unrt hide behind hi master christianity dif fers from all other rcllnloni in that it 1 essentially a religion of a person christianity u christ in a wav that buddhism 1 not buddha buddhism can continue just with it idea but christianity depend upon the person al relationship of the believer to christ we and ood through coming to christ we learn love for our fel- lowmen through fellowship with christ we have a hope of immor tality through a desire to he with christ which i far better many have discovered the reality of religion by accepting christ word i am the door question for dbuueleti 1 which word but deurlbea what christ ii to you 3 how could jem tpeak so much about himself without fgolamr a what i your understanding of thla statement christianity la ohrlat f why should we guard agatnat mock modesty s have you found christ yoke easy teacher sternly thu essay on out dog is word for word the game aa you brother small boy yea maam itg the tattkb dot ontario legislature in a mur knon a the dog tut and nniit ktouctloo ad inuo- ducd by hon thoa u aunndy uiauur of agrtcuuuw to th on tario lsguuaturt pfovulon i made for owair of thawa in unnmnlwil jnitory to be pcd on the footing a 1 tvovtdsd whf there u muniripgj organumtloa in fr- with ksijcmlllliy of dog worrying of ibvrp- uubr the tdnt ad vbre uw tdunlcipai ofnlatktt and thr muakyiuy h pld daniaari tor ikawa orwd by do lh tosiikl- pauuy ha paud diriifcaa fo khimq paiuy u outud to hwr roo the owner of th dog without porvttig that uie dog a vlcloua or stxuuoauj to worry ing uuep in th portion of ui pro- tince wtwr uwr 1 so uunulpaj organuatloii a kfr- otur can only sue tha owner of lh dqg for any lliffllhl tdatauard uliou hwp onyujg and h 1 tiill sub wt to uw otjaaunon law rule ttt nv act p0- vtd trt ttw uvtmi of the ekiaf ahaj be ualu to uae owner of th ah4p lor amount of daugag and it vul not u nciiry tn any txtico to mowr such dmags4 to prove that the dug wa vtctoui or uxuiozcad to worry col auniwly also introduced the community hall acta wtuch pio- vld that where the tagusiute ha aulated a etunlclpal corporalkw to bjiit a corotdonity hau or wjwu an athletic ruid thai such hall or field snail not b told without th approval of lh toserrraaoi- a th act no stands such hall or atld may be aod without conuni of the aoimani and it 1 fell scan ohmk against this ahould be made the eoioeiutm on oame and flah under chalreuiuhjo of ooulur 11c- laan coos stglintnn toronto dlvtcud lu tartngj into diferwni autcu- the petition for greater proaaalian of the miiilnry uhlng that a fuj use tuogu be apnolntsd to study the problem it waa also asked that lh provlnot b divided into eonee a to fishing period various hunters aaocialione wet heard on the queatloo of uae of the dog tn deer bunting dtvlovd optn ton were heard bolr for and against the issue but it la likely to be brought into the house through a bill to b introduced by d j taylor lrogra- alt north orvy balling of ducks and gi was atrongiy onpowd while a fifteen day period for uartrulge shooting for deer hunter waa alao asked a rwquett for a goarruaent inveail oatian into abuse in the building and construction industry waa made to the lrgslatur by mussel hesbltt kb conservative number for llraoondale lutrod now used llr hesbttt term infernal and criminal in con nrctlon with certain general con true tor t asked that the tabor com mtue of the legislature be called to probe existing conditions which he claimed were recponalbie for pushing aubcon tractor into bankruptcy throwing men out of employment and generally creating chaotic condluona th practice of the large bulk con tractor tn peddling contract was criticised and t alio urged a mini mum wage lav in the building in i dusiry ontario a child welfare lawa were discussed by lion w o lfarttn ulni tier of public welfare who rxprcased the hope to the legislature that the day would not be far distant when these taws would be consolidated tn to a children charter or child s illii of right hon ut uartln gave a comprehensive picture of th gov rmment soda welfare legislation pointing to the children protection act under which since ibm wooo children had been nude ward of children aid bocleur and under trc adoption act qhoo children had been adapted into fine ontario homes and given full legal status with the famine fllnce introduction of the unmarried parent act in 1031 about 91 000 000 had been collected for the support of thetalnfanu thus reliev ing the mimlrlpaimu and philan thropic societies to amarge eatent air uartln expressed opposition to the tuggeitlon that the juvenile nw and laf rjgnheuioii for th buy fi tu uaru tuvrtw fw glui canadian tluyabean limiud uiiton odl roou to uvc ooiuu uaruting hoard that lvi uv u flnile majfch for at last lfoxjuo juojtoo uithcj cj umaugron soys uans fjtciuiiw of uv mport drgianrt uw kuait bkali i huj h juwt the oiiowtng ri tw acre for ulttj ax feauwrful ivoxrmernlitiit lad ou cjtperuiuul by the vld itujrlandry vuoi u utf oominimi khpjjabaalau katou branch oats 3 uuhela foil and siirmg wheat 1v busikoi bauwy 3 buukel mlad grin haruy 1 uujui oau t uishel pa ikive slae 1 buahels pj icnau m 3 to uutel buoawhai iw to 11 uuji-j- ccfll s buahal bhg 6 to pouul pajtaloaw to 30 bus iwlj luruipa 3 pound rwpe j u i pound tm hwlg aaiib arocptug the uivitatiwa of york county uabwisn tn rvont cooven uoa of tftr ontario koataaj aw0ci atlun decided to tiod it annual match at luiyiaj neit oxioofr it waasut thai like fl4owlng buloli ut the ycwk distract was held fcittuy uhe hundred ears ago the alle fuj u uw twazfv farm uaryvav onfd by a p ooonnoa iiundred of puvmen including many with m umauonal repulation wui participai tn hi- conutu wtuch will include ery claaa of tractor and uaa po tng car u tke ua natural incubation la atill itird ta u naively en the farm for the hen can do good if she i properly looked aftrr however if the hen 1 to be urd for incubation a that the gets a fair chance u t several at a us in clean nest preferably in a awe uu room or colony house fie that they arc free from lloe put fwl and water in the pens and live them well aelected eggs by tailing out the un fertile egg it may be poaulble to transfer the remainder from three hen lo two and return ihe third to tlwr laying quarter when the chicks are hatched it may b that one can lake care of them ail keep the mother and her brood sway from the rrst of the flock in a sanitary coop nn clean ground- court age be increased to ii ysars pointing out that while there la much to be said in favor of that move yet at the present time the industrial schools of the province have no fact lit es for proper training of these older offender consequently sir uartln opposed raising the present maaimum age until there u provision for the segregation of those who have reach ed is from children of tender years ontario t social services he pointed out are more advanced than those of any other government in north am erica and durtng 1m1 free service at a total coat of almost 1130 000 000 had been available to the people tuulimc like golf ih cynvcattational oiufjc curling one of the great winter port of canada is nearly a mucr a languagw a it 1 a sport a know ledge of live meaning and use of special terms i a essential to th proper playing of the game a they arc to golf state the tourist depart ment of tiic canadian national llah- ftsys in curling a tournament is known a a bonsplel in throwing the stones or irons gentle curves at called for by the skip or captain in baseball theae would oc known aa incurve or outcurve but in curling they are referred to a in- wlcklns and outwlcking in ctrr ing a broom la a besom and to sweep with the broom u to soop tt up r after taking out certificate and do cument worth over 13 000 from a safety deposit box at her bank uu llose anne laverrlere of blddeford maine a passenger on th canadian national railways left the packet containing them in the ladle wait ing room of a junction station bhe reached home before missing the par cel and had then no idea where she could have left it fortunately the packet was noticed by a railway por ter and ultimately restored to its dl tressed owner the documents repre- scntrd all her savings without which she would have been practically de tltute ofcurt pasivee over tatuiy ihrr per cunt or one it out ul utiy four of the unproved tmi in uaiiaio la tn natiurv a a i h j looma ol uac iu i a una led total return on pasture i tne j aim ul lit stock and their iiuducu 1 1 can the month of june to c ourr la approximately atouooou ol uu twuu00o0 u derived from uairy produce result of cxperlmesu rave hown lhai by proper tnanage- n ni and improving th fertility of the toil return can be increaaed from 100 to 300 per cent on a very large proportion of pasture itg ryagatcen ortaaus itopr twin raiser from li cmiaxto coudtle weal of lnjyw and aldington met in toronto re cently and undertook the formation cf an ontario uwlne producer asso ciation omclau state the organisa tion la purely for the benefit of bog raurra thenuehc and ui organisa tion will be entirely in the hands or live farmer aims of the aasoclation are to an coarage the production of high quail ty market hog to endeavor to statu use production and marketing through out the year and over periods of years uul to promote better marketing con dition ur w p watson uvestock branch has been loaned lo the asso ciation to do organiiation work it is planned to hold me ling in each hog producing county for the purnose of forming local asioclatlona luargajais cheese predattuo announcement no recently boao made by lion t u kennedy ulni vcr ol agriculture for ontario that a bcdcral ontario cheese poctory pal- rru association is now rxlng formed winch promise to leatore our cheese export and largely increase dometl coiuumption ana production mr kennedy said thai the new or ganisation ha the support of the oov- tinmcnt which win aid it financially in it early stage the movement he added would be backed by the whole nurgy of the ontario marketing board and the dairy branch of th ivpartmenu oentral office of the ifvlahnn he said would be established in belle ville if declared thai about 30 on tario counties have ymynit them selves to the tohame ft til ing oppertsullfy according to a a uaoulilan do minion live stock branch there is an excellent opportunity for groups of farmer in the vicinity of toronto montreal ottawa winnipeg moose jaw uaskatoon regno price albert calgary and edmonton if they could be interested in lamb feeding at these points a supply of feeder iambs is readily available each year if group of fanners undertook lamb feeding the freight from stockyard or abattoir to the feed lot would be re duced the making up of carload of finished lamb would be easy and loch group of farmers would benefit by the experience or neighbors thoue- uuda or sheep raisers in both eastern and western canada could increase ivtunu from lambs by resorting to careful selection at weaning time mar kutlng only those that are nnlshed and of desirable weight and putting the balance into the feed lot for a short term feeding period eaoix collecth babbit tttapu nine rabbit traps round in the nest of an australian eagle told a atory of the blm a port in eradicating the na tional vest according to information reaching an offlctal of the canadian national steamships the wedge- lolled eagle or australia is one ofthe largest of the pec with a wing spread of ten feet or more dclftrv c mm m mfatden seeds onl j hupauli wui iu 311 on ntti trnti tcw wj aeboplane and day op judomkny when the first aeroplane was teen in the hudson bay district says an engineer of the canadian national railways many of the native inhabl- nnts thought it the harbinger of the day of jiiagment and waited tn dread to see the heavens roll up like ft scroll the machine oddly enough was carrying a missionary to baron land chrtstian doa thou awe lbn on the holy ground how the hakkt of tukir cocdpas lb around christian up and stall them counthj gain but lot fimii thtj by the meru of the ikojy croax chrutun dot thou fwl thwoi how they work within btrtvlng uitaqihig luring ootaluv uuo sjo chrivtun i uge nwr be krncbkt win ll tuvrwth to aatjte um through thy untid faoi clirutun dost thou hear urfw how tliy tpeak thw fair alwav fau and vtgli alwaya tatch and prawr cdrutlan uumr bodily while i uatbe i pry iv thaui fellow battle nwtt siiai end ut osy wu i know u y trouble o uy servant true tlvou art very wary t waa weary tea but that uul shal nuke lhe hfctt day ail mine vn and thr and of sorrow until be near uy throne one oekay aim tlure is no chance no cwtioy no fate con circumvent or bindafr or eoolrol the firm ivsojv of a duraind aoul ouu count for nothing wtu alone 1 great all thing glw way bafoe tt tood ear uu what obaxacle can stay th eavghty force of the sea klng riser la its courw or cause the ascending ori of day to wait each wellborn soul must win what it deurvw let the fool prate of luck the for tunate i he whose earnest purpose never twervf the one great aim nkwkt fcttlkvtt prum august 1033 to end of janu ary 163 1110 vcxiels poatwd through the panama canal paying toil total ling iuw11uj0 and tn the same pei tod of 1c33 33fi4 vwsael paaud through wuh toll poymanu of glo- 030alj4 accoming to an ajinounot- ment by the unoad bulas war de partment made recently in ffr there are no toll chargwabl for paxiage of vessel through th canals eg the r and the coat t born by the canadian taxpayer a if prosperity 1 returning it is in spite of retarding sadly retarding atlon was the atatement of tur henry drayton former tmntfi finance minister speaking rwcwntiy at the itoya alexandra hotel wtanibag in the campaign of lh cfawmian chamber of commerce for sound pub- lice finance and th neoasauy of re ducing federal provincial and munici pal cost twelve day of sea and sun on board luxury transpexflo llnera and twenty four hour at the mid pacific- playground of llonolulu are featured in an unique vacation oflerwd by the canadian pacific and canadianaus tralasian line in may and june this j ear a low rate of glfto haa been get for the round trip from vancouver and victoria prise totalling tl 135 war dlitrf- buted to the winners of th qusbs international dog derby decided over a 130mile course tn the three day race february 3339 li attracted leading ro ushers from milb and the united bute the flrtt pels with which goes the holt renfrew chal lenge cup was for 1333 and there were nine other a making dream of crulaln the oreat lake in hi own craft com true r e larmour retired ojmx district freight sgent t now building a twomasted schooner in which ha and a couple of friends will eenbark in the spring for a long cruise a speed of mm mile par hoar was attained by dtck ball and bui trover of the montreal 6kl club tn tha flying kilometre ski contest re cently staged for the flrtt urn on this continent in the laurcnttant just north of montreal whlah have been the meoca of skiers from that city and from the eastern united state and ontario during th current wtn- w1nteb uleefeju do not feel cold uatueu th marvel 1 thai nibemaung creatures can survive so long tn foodies slumber though they con trive comfortable beds yet cold doss not appear to be any great import ance cold appear to arrest ail their vital functions the temperature of thalr iwplng chambers is only a degree or two higher than hat of th outside atmosphere if hundud while asleep their battle are not warm as on might expect but cold to the human touch the colder the weather th mora deeply they sleep a mild winter 1 more disastrous to hlbematon than a severe on for they are then liable tq a fait awak ening deceived by soma temporary rise in outside temperature they may imagine spring ha come and after emerging into a foodies and wtniry world and unable to go to alaep unlxi they pay the penalty of nalsuke with their lives the winter whether sever or mild win neither kill or disturb th great majority of sleepers they wui be quite comfortable though unconscious and they will not stir until tha rarth u one more well wanned with aunahlna until the intmstigta anf bird ana luting in them in the spiring warning young men remember many ft peach bu a hurt of ktoxt to seek captain tidd8 ttfjuscate a company ha been formed tn vic orta british oolumwxh capital of tloooo to fw th treasure of the pirate oaixaln kidd wpposed to he burled at oik ismndl nova bcotl state the rndiutru de partment or the canadian national railways while it 1 doubtful wheth er captain kldd ever went ao far noru- it is known that othw pirate often vulted the rielghborhood previ ous efforts to recover plrt tnttura from oak island have not met with auccesj owing it l said to wgtaf from the tea flowing by a channel over th aatua spot whew tha treai- u u beuattrl to be burlfict s