Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 16, 1934, p. 4

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pfcs4 the gemg herald walncxby evening may 16th 1934 department of highways uoym vchiclx4 uauch to the careful drivers of ontario congratulations and a request thtre has been a gratifying decrease in the number of automotive accidents in ontario thefe were fewer deaths in 1933 fewer persons injured leu property damage the decrease in accidents hai been substantially greater than the percentage of decrease m registrations to those dnvjr- who helped in this improvement the thanks of this department the thanvi of every citizen of ontario is due and you have mine in large measure but we have only made a beginning despite the improvement shown there were 8634 serious accidents last year 403 men women and children were killed 7877 persons were injured by whom who were responsible for these deaths and injuries the drivers involved were for the most part honest decent citizens men and women who are usually careful who only take a chance iou and ihrn they were of no special class some of them live in your street perhaps next door to you one of them might have been you every one of these drivers is sorry now truly sorry but all the regret in the world cannot restore life or limb the habitually reckless callous driver is a known visible menace against him swift action can be taken but it is to the usually careful motorist like yourself that this department must look for hilp in making ontarios streets and highways safer for driver and pedestrian alike will you help this season more than ever before the way is simple the result can be far reaching careful driver respond to this appeal remember that it only takes a moment for an accident to happen one lapse from safe- driving in that one moment may occur a tragedy which the ohendina driver may never be able to forget every time you sit at the wheel of yourcar be tafetyconscsoua watch dnvesafely always all the way w1w15teb if toronto may lit 1934 lod tobav in yattaur prayo- t pryl guard my toocu let tv hfcb woid trata out by tatub b wrutitf and reued thar i f uad hot tnt too ofua f rtani toy up hard wnk ttxuy x aairthad tor toy pramlaat more 4um ana crid o u kn my ihlnk- tng pur then i cb hstd unworthy ihoujdil hrpf today x but infrequently inanagraal- d- uy uunking tally are our uaouskl controlled k fc rarpuv osiuj ood sid sj manifold llil loving csj will each wrong thought aclipaa no oinsorthlp li ndad then from word from out our ui choose chicks on results last year bray chicks won m per nt mora than fcelfl cf prtse money in a public chick rearing competition against chicks from 44 other hatcheries this year report to far show only u uray chick kat out cf amflmn of uwm brooded througr coldest wrather of pabruary and march and pullet weighing 3j lb at it weeks ojd what further proof do you need that it pay to buy xtray chick writ u for price uu or see the manager of th dray lutchery in your locality kjuv cmcl hatch 40 cvyr aw st cukrimi oa agsal 0 c bsowm nana eight breeds eighth year blood tasting sixth year oowmmint approval new beauty for your kitchen am better cooked floods for your table wrtff fufi new 040 series coleman irjslaofgfls ranges twmslssr majwwij burtttl0miguljorttlrttumlyi la th bw modem naasw you wtil find hsndsom da- aigiw and i ulsh that will add h brlgbtasa and beauty to your utehatit hw t task 1 aaiy to hv better cooked food for your tahui tit n cole instant ou jbmjftf are th imstt atwm aw msdel ail rang modsfe have mtmsld fas tank mad of patented mvwtx metal mat seld aad corroloafifoof aad uuy provu btodarti ga atrvk for coolo ug hiatt wfaf you uv amaiag nw bandablu bufiw cuta fol eom eoavufui pfovu ur hoji of fhvfcflif bml olvm v4b bt dutruv- ttuaii h par c sraatar baatlas afftcbocy a tiutj usmury bttj labor aavtujf imptmatl dbl yyp sakftty uruirto vlv yb uw dial ty carburtor varv fetvaa yon at yotar litltar tia ttoatdv vialbl foal coutrol it urodaoh c kutatitur frow aay tood trad of us- baatad tuotor fnl alak th tnauttf ou ttattgw aalav to otrata tbaa aw bafon w trw wm7jtji rjaom ouf stof e thi couman uuip and stovi comfany lml huwix euvuia see your dealer he d tli ere th orltuh columbia chaptar it ibi i a d el bld it ooa tftf of as mtios at ih km pre houl victoria rcnuy at iti twaotr tint annual coavaotloa rramur xatulla loomd dl- iu from all over la proriac and many uiuarulaj vuit r prauat tb anaual rcduetloa la cot of irmnir railway traval uodar tb baadlaa of low aunuaar far will b put into rfct by tb cibadlan paclllc hallway oo uay lth bit according to offlclaj abaoaaeamcnt tb raduotd far will bar astanal limit and atoporara fort hop on tb aoutft bank of tb bvaaar rlttr qiaty mlu frou vucounr by to canadian paftlfia 1 puc br th alaubty ba moit lavlably tt dovm la a land of wondarful baauty rifr and lakaa aboubdlax la mini flab writ u- btona knody dltor of wuuro vutt rt dr prank n d oscbatafl laad r of lb oxford group mo- mdt i aiimcud to launch an other canpaun in wtrn caa ada thl bprtax oammiaein at wlonlp uay 1 ublm la ba- laa uaakatoob caljary ednu ton aocouvr and victoria and culmioallni with a aalmuv b o u party at lb banff bprlan hoiui early la june tb auccaa of low coat all-i- ubu tour id ibo cojujlan rock fa laitltutad by canadian paelfu railway il aummar haa prompt d tb company to rpeut the four flv un 1 li4ay trip dur ing tb com inn lummir ijicb trip affonu 136 mile of motor ing and tan ho mod llher eait hound from held ux or wt bound from uanff alberta at tb convanlenco of pasudsera a c ulsbton ludjk prcal dent of tb govnunnt art col lag at calgary who will again tbl aummar bold tat autumsr art acbool for aatoctad atudenta from tba provloca cf albart at tb katianaakla tud hanch aaar banff ba picked a locatioa iur- rounded by tb noat uigalfloiat of llocky uouafjun acanary vu kcau steof turj in a ouut and duty room thy lit ydd a cmtiiims noa or jiilt ing tand poflum a ului ihriiilw totnlu dry ilimtsu and grdiiu running lhrouh tey twkl lwd uii uulj qukawu u tlw call of hprtin uppers to klir unaiauj jmwa taulc fhouh tha ujtu pi- owr unjv mrtrtlartai and no b bkj ber roi uut in thu dauk lkwu fcuik a daw of hibthojta djvauu a tcdaj- ui this narrow cell 1 umui lim wui drtnk iily of a cihtury futw lij oikv tf 3 slittii on my luit ilrre in their ui and hoiis of owln ufawj in tbiir uulu a million rc iter i can turn a eamon wlih lay brtalh and in my hind a fofwt ua up uurul btun uquoat abvutiaxmo juf nin to koit inquiry from an adwrtult aawncy u to whwthcr or not iikly htomptmr taoujd ao- ovi uauor advmtuinf ton thl wa ttiitnltud tn orualo piobahly about bladautooasu- uut v k yiawwftoil advkno rfm to th low volum of locrnt hdvwrtiiia duiin th pi thrt iman and coium tfcu thl ad- wrtuina uay b aootpod by toany publulin in ordr to mak uwl uwtatmrs pajr their wy tlk ad vanot oonclud by uylaa 1 thl policy tiooal noo 4drtula- kt eori- tlnuand tany nenmncrs will liaw no aluruulv uaan to soopt ucuor and brrf fcdvsrrluin to luvp their tuanta operating and why not ko doubt thaiw are many pctu who will think th nw- papen utould not accept advsdtuing of tlui kjnd but would thus uw paople refuaw to do uuliwa with i brtwery or dlulluryt ttuaf for to tunc th bmrchnl would b w uiat to iio buun4 with a bun b- uuaal o owuad ot lwid u4 a biw r dlaukry or uaior ort wul any uknuf imfuw to u hi bmiwy what or vtatwr u b thai thy tank bwr and liquor froui or ethw frooj which wtno utou uadf moi much they wonv w1u th prtbiu- tion buainariiwn of th country w- fuia to wu their good to u fartoar wjio grow grain or grape that are lo be uid by th uquor wanufac- tuft to auny iwotuu doctors 37 ik of fat gone no wow st look younger i llow tduch younawr you im look- in r what khmui to bmur that o from xnir trwtku up a thl woman did blno x atartakl ukin icrumheo haiu th writ x ham tduod taylf by irl tna x am atlll torn down and hop aooa to b normal wthi uy bth haa fcruy lm prowa uy friend a auch a dlf uranof in u now i look younger and i htv auoh a fih look alway about uy fo wtlih x nvr uij to haw x tak my uuiai food but my ant drink hi th morning i uy luue do of fccrutelatn balta which x will neter be without- hint k til uk lalta in kcruaathaw kep the crgaju of elimination la parfut trim and to fuur a huur ant and natural ckaranw of ah imtotuln2 food reft n a robinson live slock dealer aad bnldier norval live snroac trucking all toaja fully insured phonel georpiown lol is roifcrri w atotif tijurtiho wh new row planu aw roflvd it u important that th root thould not be allowed to dry out under any clkumuanr it u i good prartloe wttfo oprtiln th paroil of row pant to plun th root into water and wave v ther for uwrtl hour lawyra or anybody ur will ifujc to bury the punt root and branch lhtiir umuw it comf from what n uout uul for a tvw day- titter uy chooaw to call th uwovt and of th praxuc will fui the how nuuiy church would rfu to aroept uw donation of lh looal bivr or duuilert wty mlht w ak lh advanor thould tle nwtaapan u plckd out a trie only lndurry to th country refue wuitriit buiihaut our- lam chronicle uujlctd wammjt to vum1vmm amd cajtvjln canada thousand of candiaiu wuhlna to vuit iriend or nlauv uhr in iaurn or weum c wul bso- greatly from th announocsunt fay y itiddell rintrfflr of th cana dian pjfff mrlftktlrn thii ffolll june 10 to june o inclualw a round trip far on both canadian railway of on caitu pr mil will b tfcliv to woltm fr from all point tail of and lril windsor hult hit uaxle budnury 04r0i ooohtan in quarto and from tiilnru in quebac h urunw1ck itinoe edward uund and kov ttootla th cantamll coach aaounioa uo- ket wui fa food to all point ontario i of and inoudlivg pen arthur and armatroca and lfpnp ixx htpitoha b wan albert and unutto ooiumbu ou th other hand an aquai oppor tunity u pruentad ftitldtnu in wea- um canada by th aonounoem v tb akunk not tb king of tba wood sitd oaorg ccraath natural lat ad droning tb ktwanl club at tb itoyal york hottil ra eanily hold him up by bla tall aakl air coraan and b will become innocuou 11 dldn t tell th klwanu if be bad actunlly accompllabad this foat toronto got it full maaiur of muulc maker lately wben the moat famoua bandnuatari of tba continent assembled at the itoyal york hotel for their annual con vention captain chart onelll was tb president and they cum from all parts of tba united bute and canada thai oenta mil rata to ail point to laiiem oantda wtu b plaou oo sal jun a to june hi a vary ejawrou rwtum holt of 0 daya 1 aranted oo the aseurilflp tie- tau which hocvr provua that the going and nturnina ourny muat b mad over th cam railway xoept where th totejohangeablltty of ticket la permitted in the tni pool aonaa etopovers will b allord u itort arthur areutrooff and any point wt thereof tolnf and returnln on tickk lauted in itasum canada and at port arthur armstrong and any point eait gotng and uunilm on ticku uaued in western oanada- tlcketa will be good in coach but will be honored in tourist i leaping cars on payment of a auahi add mortal pas sage fare charge for eaoh peaanigvr tn addition to tourtu car berth rate it usual bsffsg auowsne will be nude a on ratular tuteta thl nit til of trawl whion will be stimulated by the centmlle m- cunions will flow not only from kas- um oanada vettward but from western canada to the aatt an un usual opportunity for school teacher and student owing to th convent rat dstsa of tal of th tkksts la alio presented with a crolot of op tions routes over th same railway the one cent per mil fare are thus not only offering an impreauw saving over the regular fare but will provide many with a chance to see those part of the dominion which would otherwise be denied them in cluding such world famoua am districts as banff lake xaxilst jas per and sxlnskl where many ssetir- i ion 1st s may be able to spend a por tion of their time every arrangement has been made by both railway to ensure the smooth operation of this excursion movement and as a development of th k excursion idea it l vpected to prove an equal stimulus to traffic c greater distance crop ewot does your bride know anything a- bout cooking auud the old friend meeting a recent groom well ha grinned l heard her calling up her mother the other day to ask if aha had to use soft water for ioftboued egga and hard water lor bardboued ottaa below will be found a brief aynopeli of ulsfraphlc reporta received at the luad oooe of the uank of uontreal under date of may 3rd general wide variation aa regard seasonal conditions and th progress of agricultural operations eut in the ovcral parts of the dominion in urltlsh columbia vegetation and well- advanced seeding reflect a spring three weeks earlier than usual in the prairie seeding u falriy general in ontario farming operations are 10 weeks later than average and termination u backward in quebec 1iovinoe ploughing has commenoad but it will fa two weeks before seed tng become general in th mart time province spring operation gen etally are only beginning th lalrtes are making ft fair uart a regards moiuure this having been above normal in the three provlnon aitliough tubtotl reserve are still lack ing over large areas of south and west central baikatchewan and in uouthwvstern uanltoba present an- dlcations on the pralrte point to a reduced wheat acreage and an in crease in fodder crops in ontario cold weather has taken a fairly heavj toll of fall wheat necessitating tnucr replanting ontario seeding will be fairly gen eral in another ten days sleaaowi have been adversely atfwtod in many districts and new crop of alfalfa and clover have suffered an abuiuunoe of snow in the eastern section of the province maintained soil in good condition and drospeot there are reasonably good oenerally the aoll appear to contain lufnclent immedi ate moluure but warm weatfcar la badly needed tender mariettea of apple tree principally baldwins were damaged others wintered reasonably aell peach buds were damaged pear and plum tree came through satis factorily vineyards are backward but generally withstood the winter to bacco plants under glass aw back ward tobacco acreage in norfolk county will be rodueed approxunaucly 35 mhjyu afmscas wvrtowal pasut a aj or two ago x bad the good fortune to be in jufiaiuwuirtf during th tint animal wk orgnhwd to that cuy judd by amrca0 stan dards th eiperlmani was a modast a store was taken tn one cf th main uioroughfaree and pooeri and slogan drew a rgular atream of vlsllors every day inside the store rahibitlon had bo arranvad charts diagrams ploturwe model cspressly it- to ulustrau som local nd and slepl atvhajh to appeal to children ierhaps the moa inieresllng item vat a humane dawlo for alaughurlng cattle racafiuy tn- vented tn pretoria on the whole however the real value of the watfc lay not so much tn concfu achlee- msni as in th vdenoj st afforded of wldsaprsad interest an intsrasi lhl has been vigorously fo4srd through out booth africa since th kruair national park was opened to the pub lic tn law th story of this vast reserve u a neglsctsd chapter of ttoulh african history th struggle of a few deter mined mtn to preserve a great natural sanctuary where wild life mlht roam at urge in ahsnlut freedom- ror more than twenty years their plan wr threatened with diasstar oome who oppoud them dctard that the lion were a menace to the country others regardad the aotame as a poor investment others again ar tn favor of fgpioutng the tima aa a pubiio hunting ground u ws not until lui thai th reaarv was pro claimed a rtal tonal park by aot of partiament and put under the man- agement of a niuocai bosm of trus- a decisis lnflueno were the railroad author who tad insti tuted a urisa of tours tn the area pioneer train soon bscam popular and sightseer returned with a new- round enthusiasm for wild ilf as on booth african statesman ha put it lh belief that their u apart to th killing of our btg gam 1 glrtng aay to knowledge so quickly brought horn to everyone visiting th park that to shoot a wudabsast or roan or kudu confidingly staring at u slayer is about as sporting aa to shoot a tarn os tn one a back yard the kruger national park oovtr some g000 square mile in the eastern transvaal and is therefore about twice the sise of yellowstone park or roughly th area of the four uiwatt parks in thl country a few jrar ago it was almost inaccessible today a visitor can leave johannesburg by evening train and by neat mortng b can be gazing on a part of africa as primitive as it waa before the whit man set foot in th continent ttven th most wson4 tourist finds a thrill in sitting comfortably in an automobile and watching herd of wild animals grazing peacefully by the roadside it is impossible here to alv any idea of the denlaens of thl backveld arcady which are said to in clude 600 fully grown lions and nearly 1600 buffaloes antelope alone are believed to number 130000 of th th wildebeest are the com all bird life finds sanctuary to th park th vulture as well a th tag the stork egret and all kinds of water foul the rarity of human habitation secure immunity during the breeding season nature u left to strike her own balance lions are the only game hunted by the ranger dont fire at any animal in the park although it may be considered vermin outside there la no vermin within its boun dsrlss euno the park was opened to the public about 500 mile of automobile roads have been built and pontoons provided for th river trame thl year a new road traverse th whole length of the reserve from th lim popo ntver in th north to the croco dile illver tn the south tour are made under ordinary holiday condl ttoiu in various tactions of th park rest camps have been astab lahed ftloit of these consist of thlcbwalled concrete huts with thatched roofs plainly furnished with tho usual camp rqulpnunt at several camps trading store sell a wide range of provuion each automobile 1 allowed one fire arm to be used only for selfdefense the bouth african game reserves are open to visitor with hardly any restrictions among the other re- fcerve in th country is the sontebuek park about a hundred mllm cast of cape town founded to protect th bontebuck sometime called the pled antelope from threatened extinction in the kalahari national park the gemsbucb deploted on the oral of arms of the oape province and the springbuck a national emblem arc found in large number the adds euephant reserve is reached from port elizabeth other reserves are located in natul and the orange tree btate itobertson oray in our dumb animals molstum in the suas lht has ueu lot during the winter umu hybrid ua rot should fa plsntd about 11 inch apart hyhrtd prp- tuals two and a half to thrat feet and the rugcta hybrid the most rots and other largrowtng hardy sort about four twt apart it u nscery to prune back sewrely and the buh should be planted owp enoocb so that the point of the union bitaa gtock and acion l from two to thrw hatha bow the turftc of th ground thl u important be cause lf the union 1 at or very near the surface the sun shining on it harden the wood and prwenu a fie circulation of tajx which is not de sirable a a trog vlaorou growth necestary for bast naulla itosss hi an abundance of moitur and thaf surface of the soil should be spt ioca from spring until midsummer after each rain the rote bad thould be head or rakad leaving a rather loote surface or during a dry time if u is niiiry to water the rose the soil shoukl be iooarnsd alter watartg it u better to water rosw thoroughly oeoasionally than to give them a light watering fiaquenuy seed seed timothy red hover allalia mauel and turnip seed tt hctl tmcuimua fetid al kiglii ptieia also all kinds of garden seeds master chick starter and chick feed georgetown floor and feed mills w c bessev amo oaumza oh rutl duiocuh cuadua kawusi sad dntii la ufctlr pnoir m4 u1 b a mtu 4 th uu dlwu u4l wrvlu oa th irwwwuiftrthl tnliu of th runmn nwiooal hiilji owwmaivlrw vlut th siwllllrei ol we respctfuuy ioltil yxw omu smpirvwila we pay ekprrsa or transport charses highest prits for bulterfat five aallon and eisht gallon cans tuppuj prompt payment for earh shipment write fw cans uj full pahleuian to bowes cotupany limited 88 wtiiiiitioa sl e toronto oat one of the pleasant episode ol ui la making- plan to spend money that you never get la cart aarrie ea these train ttatsd w w ftnda oensral muptrlnun- dent of aioping dining and parlor car auvlos oa the hstional aystem 6aafooda from lh leitum pro- vtnoca meats including th famoua ontario iprm lamb bashwatar fuh including uw winzopag toldayai and fruit from the urttlma qubo and ontario and the famed ofcsnagan vaury of krituh oalumua will all be faeturwd la these plate service sal at aptwoprlale ssijora rouruc trom the imkad states whan they board our train at border points and visit the dining car wui and fnah broiled lobster smalts baby mackerel and ether favored seafood along with potatoes from prince edward island apples from hova scotia and bhsaberrwu from the uart- time provinoas all wtu piaoaa cf honor on the menu wh ltka foods are at their bt u imndan eon- tlnueisl oommentlng further ur swtnden said th changw to tabl diuu ser vice will he carried out with wetry regard to the high standard ol ser vice which has anray prvmlld on canadian hatlonal dinar thar wui be no letdowa la giving the travel periect aervke hri to infer- mattca rsmhlng railway fifrvlih the armouncemant of tba new meal aar- vio ha been vary favorably laoatwsd by th travailing public market quotations at uoiittona sruto a new high speed telegraphic ubksf service developed by engineers of canadian national telegraphs able broker a thousand mllrt from the markets to receive quotation sooner than the man actually in tat stock exchange quota ions are pun ched on a typewrlterllke keyboard which are repeated almultanaouily by uachmea installed in the broker of fice and often before the attendant on the floor of the etuhangv can list the transaction cm tho notice board the new ticker service believed to be the fastest lit the world u in truroa lng demand and machine have been butalled in brokera offices tn every province of it dominion hut newasuhftl tm canada hjltl i ghtti i1u the first newspaper to oanada was th uallfax oasatu first pymilsned la hal which preceded it first print ing wee by one year butausd also to if l if ay quebec oily ha the dis tinction of having the second oldest newspaper the quebec oasatu started u year latar the province of nova sootla haa the honor of hav ing many oral things in canada som of which were th first to north america the first stationery steam engine in canada was nitailfd at th albion ulnee tn stauartan hi in lt th first highway in north america was that at port royal now annapoll hoyal n to luft the first wireless elation to america was at qiao day na to imd will tsovbur twelve eurclscs for strengthening th will i smile when you would rather frown ay a gentle wont when you would rather speak unkindly do a kind dead be it ever simple when you would rather tak your ease a think a good thought when you would rather do no thinking at au tvse aomethtng beautltul to every ugly thing 9ytnd aomethtng tourejung to every duagreaabl task t speak only the good word about the who orosi your path a deny yourself some ituie thing each day ft deny not tome love even to that brother who has offended you 10 be patient to those moments when the soul la sore beset u be joyful oven to the face of sorrow and misfortune 13 olve thanks to ood even for those things which try your toul accidents a oo during the month of april there were s 444 ancldenta reported to the workmen i compensation board as compared with 406y to march and j 04 during april a year ago the fatal accident numbered 11 as com pared with m to march and is last april the benefits awarded amounted to y0i34m of which uooifll was for compeniatlon and tsou334 for medi cal ah the benefits awarded during april a year ago were aminaifl chea pok cash the knot was tied the pair wed and then the smiling bridegroom said unto the preacher shall x pay to you the usual fee today or would you have me wait a year and give you then m hundred clear if x ahoukl find the maitiag etate a happy a x eatlmater the preacher lost no time to thought to hi reply no uudy brought there ware no wrinkles on his brow bald he ill take w how summer millinery tba vcy uutt uyua a cftiw hat rj-to- weur lsajsoraa aad fancy mohak brtuj at loweat pciua misses claridge herald block uttif cat4 not all ake cttv ttickrbg uosl cxmindenc game are suppo- d to be played by smart cuy chaps but her is a story of 000a whan the shoe was on the other foot aa told to th financial iosi no fool wa the gentleman claimed to b from around uxorldg oct who recently m meted a downtown toronto rcstsurani uf p and two businessmen of 3 caob blantanuy arrayed in hi best cloth es and obviously the wuishushed farmer he enured the restaurant wben most of th tables were lull with an aftrlhe- theatre crowd shyly he slipped into an empty chair at a taul occupied by two builnesimen artfully the outof towner started a coiivcrsatlon frankly admitted ha waant used to eating at a cafe at that time of night but figured a snack at night was mighty appealing by natural channels th conversa tion turned on the relative problem of city and country men the busi nessmen expressed the opinion it waa the neceisity for continually keeping the brain alert whipping fagged minds into action that took it out of the city worker on the farm it waa just a matter of fagged muscles which a good nights sleep would elesr up the farmer disagreed all this talk of the slowwitted farmer was so much applejack lie figured that it waa just because the farmers brain was not over tascd that kept it clear and alert long and interesting waa the debate country vs city brains plnally the farmer indicated the girl cashier busily ringing up change there lie aald waa a girt trained in the wiles of sharpalsrs she surely typified th city brain yet he waa willing to bet ia with one or botl- of the gentlemen that fanner or no he could give the girl a one dollar bll and get her to ghe him change for a 110 bill interested incredulous the city men agreed placed their 110 on th table with the farmer wager carefully they examined the ii bill he was a- bout to present it wai genuine with this the farmer bought a package of ctgarottce from the girl when he got hi change he protrstcd lie had giv en her a 110 bill and she had given him change for only il where was the manager t but the girl was no fool she new she had only received a 1 bill the manager hushed the apparently excited farmer ivreua- slvely he told him they would count their cast- that night and if they were over tlvey would be only too glad to give tho farmer back his change un til then ho was sorry but they could do nothing the farmer agreed this was fair cnouul the busineumcn delighted stsrtcd to rtacli for their wager but were premature tho country gentle man hud returned to the manager lie hod just remembered he aald that that vtry mnrnlnu he had been phon ing a friend who gave him the tele- fjirrne number of a girl to toronto laving no noiepaper in hi pocket he had scribbed the number on the back of tho 10 bill would they lust took through their drawer and ltthere was a 110 bill with a telephone number on it lie u ought it was a lakeside num ber it would prove hi case the manager agreed the cashier looked the bill was found the manager apolo gised gave the protesting farmer cas hier a rook and returned the right change the farmer returned to the table collected the bats and to due course left the restaurant badly puttied the busmessmen did not reallui until much later that their friend had a confederate who had bought a packaga of cigarette at the restaurant with a 110 bill that after- failly joyful lws rheumatism rlaujhhim when a man so crippled with rheu matism cannot go to his dahy work and suddenly finds a swift powerful yet safe prsctiptian that driva out pain and agony in ti hour you can imagine the jubilant hirtnliaa of the whole family ai dad bring home his pay envelope regularly again leading druggist everywhere call this grand prescription axlb4suj and think ao much of it mighty now r to drive etc uric add from th system thai they are recommending one ale bottle to overcome rheumatic pain and conquer sciatica neuritis and lumbago catcihno buckztt this week we secured a copy of the old home town paper writ th stratford bcaoonlurald for a anell we looked through the name of people who had been away for kaster and the from the outside world who had been home but that was not at all satisfactory there were ao few names which we recognised then we looked over the advertising columns but tho name of th mer chant were different only two did we see which were the same as they used to be when we went to the store with the coal oil can the store keep er tn those days used lo stick small potato on the spout to keep the oil irom stulling out but of court that has nothing to do with what we start ed to say there were three or four church notices but the name of th preach ers were different of course mini ster do move about considerably that u to be e3ctd but there was one item in the paper which sounded like the good old days it mentioned no name but it aald this some of the boy are busy to th evening catching suckers in the creak we are glad the people who are running the paper today put that lit tle piece of new in it it was some thing to tak hold on li showed that oil anchorage and connection wltft the place had not been severed they used to cater suckers to the creek a good many years ago they are atui doing it the creek the sucker and the habit of the folk have at least remained splendid half holidays auuton arthur acton beeton bolton brampton crec more drayton dundalk durham krln plesherton oeorgktown orond valley ilanover kincardine liatowei uaafotd sillton uount pcreat orangevllle owen sound palmerston bhelbume blrceuvule thursday wednesday wednesday wednesday thurday wednesday thursday thursday thursday thursday wednesday thursday thursday wednesday wednesday wednesday wednesday wednesday wednesday thursday wednesday wednesday wednesday thursday wednesday vpdsttssi whete

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