c iv2 tke gocng henvl wadneacuy evening may 30tk 1934 last three days of silvers great sale only three days left to take advantage of silvers sale values dont pass up the opportunity to buy and really save here are a few of the many items on salei mens drew shirts 59c mens bi b work shirts gg mens balbrifluan shirts or drawers 3qe mens drft oxfoda jl v boys overalls 49t mens drrsa sox ioc ladies full fash lot wd jlose 59c ladies silk drvfcws tww summer styles 2e9s luduv whit or ties shoes pumps 198 girls running shoes sues up to 2 laduv lrwu affcrnoou rocks 59c 98c or 25c 79c boys dimity combinations 29fi ladies cotton hose 9 pair for mens overalls 13c niouag a nimryinnv up the election date is now announced vjune 16th li 378 h silver ww your dolw gm fthw georgetown j sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj g liberal meeting u gg in the 6 town hail gua wllluu thursday may 31st at 8 pm irtamkssi thos a blakelock aa otktw ladies iwvtttd khhbebbahlliiililbbhbillllllibabbabslbhbiiailbbbba bob cwvrleb at ivsl latmortal llopliax uromtou oa tiatunuy uay lata 1w4 to ux and u l uivrw a daughter dlkd btatiiau a her home church fu acton amtprtdsy evening uay 09 ibm phoru a thornpoo widow of uu ut thonuia btsuiam la her 6ou1 yer piririifw atliu ih proof against light ningfirewind h permanent tuiuinif iiweitment ratals wuj tsslt aw wti ftrir taja in the twentyone year that we have been bulldlns preston stool truss barns not ona of thoso barns has been destroyed by lightninff oa are can wipe out a llfatlmaa work and livings ao that are is on thing you roust think shout vhin building barn preetoa steel truu barns ere absolutely areproof from without thy are lightning proof too when roddad to vlra marshal a instruction photon mil truu barns ere the etrongeet bam you can buy hid trustee are of neavy elructural alael rivalled with pneumatic rivetur bidaa and emta orn braced in all direction float baa a pleaaing pitch cornice ere deep and neat heavy factory built door with strong ouay rolling hardavero large handsome ventilator and opetiehla oabu window kaap tha loft cool yon ara kidged by your buildings buy s preston ktaaltniaa tiara and you will always bs proud of it distinctive in appearand tow la coat araetad by on of our craws in a few working days without any kaiaing be writ for our bam circular iftotffjs tuu sluj ttlaalhaujmaj lap vi aaaalh hilud uw n-tooaaa- awaaltua saauuir llailainaaaawj ttw uf njtrra manljlo tuj arriv al usux tiaw ail faad u cwvtujjy ii l a bravrly vu4l dwoactfiu but vtwn camtfuur oonibud unt u nauy juil blue fcdirtuwwta f icr ibury of uln h auld iiava oanr uurlng hu lna of tt coubim mui i fir a ttfunu thai u a giwti acouur cfiao ik u1 da hat iw thould law tuw lh ia fcnmu it hvdto tna tcty ywaw hydro contract fur rumj uwra u bpng r isuca to flv vir itlu u grtev uiuv uial ow fsrfcurs of this prov lirr ha- had to put up wth for many j ttia fanbrr moling lidro poser hu prutlcally ad to niortjftp mi farm for tunty ytw li oiorr o st powr tu- uw ur ban awr did not haw to incur uy kji uawjuy ur llory ht for ninny yrar bn a nuubfr of th gfurmmml and for lh put four tur ha bna prtmur ituraj un hav for yrara mada frultvii atforu fjne ihl ifijuauor hadjd it ccf nomination hosrf utatiutmjjotow or rtxzat- man tu camtmxkat a rpwntatlv vauurlng of aoan and maun ifom all ovr th conalltu mfy ktet trt lh trtiuvt ttwl ull- to on ttiuidiy mlumocai uay mth to nooilaai t eaadldal to run in th inwkiu of th ocv ui ifaluui captain kuiwr ihillpotl oondueird tlw tlrctlan prot4ilnta kour tnrn wm ncwalnaihl uniiv pj rioi of oikvlu o o bkwn of llurllngton a uactaren of 0-oaj- lovn and hourt ilfathnrlnahoa o i- tkuu lifcvra triiii and brtnd bflrr lrtif ktoaitu withdraw the tullou cr counlnd ui linn i by hi- wrutuwra and gava a uakurlty of otn to ur nun luatbcrtotura ur uuuko aa trudot of lh roit tuurncy cc oouncli than cod- vtiuj thw kaa tmtlng in s brwf tm rod urt ion he lnuauud that 1uj kuporucu voukl fa hwhlnd ur uauurtngton j lh cheat of th r4tvintkai and urid ry wlo td llajityi cwiflly lui lvd la ttt cok pruulidra u bote lor lh en- duiau- ur ilfiiannauui oin adj ow tciiwotkm btihavilnj fconw of tlw ruoa why ch faruing oozulllu riwy uuuld lrf lutrad in ui cck cuptalji hujpolt fjlo4l auang ullur thlnja iks uwd why lit ruv uan ukild u to ccjyvrm about th ukiutdual rwtres uuough iti uj iciuj ibquor toil gat wirfo both pr- wj sr wing urga4y baanrni by lh uiucr lnuitatn ouwr wohji ti a harty uouor tuu t w frvtn uv for wuukivln alia tttfn tuck at itgui oo tr natluiui umjana of th co u llkrrbd our tuvwdt tyfcucd to a bun uhrtn8 frona fit urpsawdly liif aituk lum and rvoajdij twwi sul anally lh tauj attack com and he dura not wowr u ltua vx toil ti r ftral nt- odl of jj tha maii4lo tyium win not roovr thr coy at ptiating utr cu throughout tnr coaatltuancy and vul guo ali as opportunity to har it- la only now on i of an tweuon town council loan raoii uiau gcuooi at- cfcaftf uatastio actiom wi1x ha yahkm vo cguxct attcfct yaxu council out in ipwiaj union w prwty uay ui with uayor ou- boiu in th chair lurva claave and councluora cumin ingt parr uuck and uxandraw prvunt uovcd by oumminga aacondad by parr that accrui th loan from th ifjgh school uoard of thrir coun ty oram for iku leu tlooo which u icqulrvd for uay taptiuaa and agrae to pay back the tarn a rqiural and tha bala by tha tod of iftii car- rlad uovad by cummtnga atoondad by duciu thai th tnaiurcr pay llouung oomralrion lntrrt oo mortgage lljiiocajtud owing to th urgent naod of monay to mt bank damanda and dabeniurw inlaraat th grraur part of th awn ing vaa takan up in dlacuailng the collactlon of back taju it waa fin ally daddd thai a claan up of all arraan muu b mad and tha ooilac- tor waa inatrucud to iak drtuie ax- lion to collect umi a numhrr of propartua in town wilt b aold for ar rears of tajua council adjourned to tnaat at neat regular mctlng or at th call of th uayor baseball on uay 3lh oaorffetofm team playrd at oakvlu and wcr dfalad in a cloa gam by a soar of ft to at ocorgctown lait batumay th horn team defeated acton by a score of is to 10 on saturday nast jun ind oak villa will play a ratum tarn in town a am called at 3j0 standard time bedding plants window boxes hanging baskets etc barber floral co oeoboetown bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj when your radio needs attention pitamyutiittw that you tuwa a fully qualified tutuo svlce encbwur avalblib locally hugh lindsay mambaw vusa mmnijittww sank a otbl hmso service mwt atiwiioii- iabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbba1mbbbibbbbbbbbi laolctt uauzkal club klkct otmcemm th oeorffetown laituai liharaj olub met on friday evening uay isth in tha liberal kooma to form their cascutlv for the snsuing yaar tha following uw elected lion president urs john ucbean praildent uua hum kvana lit vicepraildenuulu iluda erwui jnd vloaprealdent urs edward gibbon secretary iflu uargaret ucdougall treasurer ura itaeold uarthau ur thoma dlokaiock ujj for hal ton county who at introduced to tha meeting by ur htuoy data gave a very lnlreallng aneech on tha pre ent political situation stewarttown th bt john avja held thalr flrat annual banquet in th town hall baturday uay 3dth which prove4 to be a great auooesa and wa attended by many visitor from other ayka branchea ur j r uroan was tha chairman and the programme opened with community alnging tha chairman a addrest was fouow ed by a toast to th king instrumental ulia franoes jankln son a toast to the church proposed by uiibert enstish responded to by key woo thompson oorgtown bolo icua wills prior a toast to the avpjl proposed by ura jenkliuon respondad to by ur tom ooudge bunguul in tha absent or rag o town lurriton past dominion president ini t rumen tal bob uartln a loau to our vuitora by wm a donathaji n ponded to by ii u lirown or milton in th absanoe of btan vardley llamlltoji denediouan rev r b boyd alter the banquet a short dsno was held tho music being mnplled by tha triple l orchestra of llnuhouse a good time was rad by all church news ghafla1 brav chicks fill the bill n u even mon nuuuuy to ba unful la ehsoiur jum elilok kjsilcktaii m 5 uk dlmhliw into ui au t jaoak ou ijssitlsrtjr tola w vwom una wallntttuiwl t tmt time nmv kaumullob ord ehldu u the bill to portmuon ektr i thuhuiirumi7 rtonjlnay visor tuur arowlh ut m ss t wrtlrror thoi your bv hatetory for pu- jjli jum prion lonwr iuuv chick luvciwtv cuyhini w clhmtitm oal atmi 0 tt bmow kmi mbht biwdtwdith vtw bloodtfttluweuul vejjr oommmtut the hew uanaoehent op hnttonville park trank tlielr oeornetown frlanda for their patronage wo want to oonduot our dance to please our patrons and will appreciate any euggeetlon you car to make friday june 1st bob williamsons lpiees tomhl bang pttlzch rob the lad1kb smooth l1oor smooth uuslo dancing from 9j0 to 130 xbt ladies we oentai 14 pvob parking donoe nlttus watcb ritul wat a book your plcnle mow at wjttollvtax park liuavr new haiiagaasinl t h iscahesd w v harrla a and wherupuhue faaung has baooaa uj aroussd through th alsdotnga of the presmt gowrneant that th rrrmirr has dscldsd that this rtj u ould b rr4a- thf ar many other things to b twnd up about hydro wnal about thaadf is ur htnry going to quauh raisa to eon- unvrtt is h going to stop th plundering of hydro through th pur- ctias ot powr from prlvat cortpajl irs and individuals boas h appro of th payment of wjcmm to ur jolui alrd jr in connactlon with th uadawatka purchs by th hydro cummuaion in lfr and do h also aiiprose of the payment of lltftofio to tlu ssmr srntlrman according to ux it o bavffiy prasldant of the diauhamola company a a subscrip tion to the funds of th ontario con w rvalue party about tha tlm tha hjdro bouaht a block of powtr from that company if ha doe not approve of all oi these things which have shockrd the public contdano why u he silent about them th psopl of thla province have an investment of irly three hundrod millions of dol lar in lu iidro electric anterprts of the large it commercial under takings in the wand tods we wcru justly proud f h until rsosnt rora what would blr adam back buy and do if h er aiiv today t wr all know what will happen to th astern if it la not immediately taken oul of poutloa i pledg mytalf to help tn doing this if elected and i uuo pkmlg myulf to s thorough in- ftlgation of wtongdolngs in cop- ncctlon with th hydro and to a re pudiation of all improvident oontracta hiui have been improperly entered into th rate ihould b adjustad the uhrral party tajua tha stand that the water powers of this prov ide are a natural rtsouro owned by the propl of th provtnoa tha farm- era on the back oooorsslona haw a right to share tn this natural resource th abltibl scandal la fresh in your mind the facta are lndlaputabl i again prrscnt them to you so that you may judgi for yourself a private company secured these water power ruihu and proceeded to develop them ur henry bought u3amoo of thelr bonds presumably aspaotlng to make a profit on them an insurance com pany of which ur henry la a direct or owned 300000oa of these bonds ur ueighen a member of th hydro commission owned uo00h of lh bonds and companies in which h was interested held bonds awmimttn to 1313000- ttja prtvats company de veloping th abltibl water power got into f dimoultlas a rsoatver ua appointed tha selling prio of the bond depiwciatad on the market to so aa low aa i30a9 per share and the company were unahl to go on with devlopmni at thla juncture an application was made to th on tario government to take over the uork as a result of negotiation the uovcrnment headed by ur henry and with the approval of th commission decided to offer th bondholderi twenty year debentures worth toojoo each for the debentures of the priv ate company or doubtful value the government wcr immediately criti cised for buying debenture of a bank rupt company at far in excasa of their market price uany of you re member bearing ur henry over the radio at a conservative gathering at the royal york assuring u audience that his government did not consider it proper to purchase these securit ies at bargain counter prlc to use hb own words uany people won dered at th tun why these security holders should be singled out aa a pre ferred class who haunt had to ac cept bargain counter prlm for pro duce goods and aaeurula during pres ent conditional what the premier did omit to tall hu audience was the fact that he himself wgs holding t3o0o0 of these bonds these are th facta und uey an not disputed or ques tioned by any one in order to quiet the indignation which they created propaganda was atarted featuring the rugged honesty of tha premier uany of you now are doubtleui re ceiving free of charge a publication known aa the straight furrow isnt this going just a utile too far it la hardly complimentary to the intelli gence of the electorate to expect the people to cheer for such a perfor mance uany psopu believe that when the election is over th people will by their vote say that they demand a premier whose attitude in public- life 1 1 just a wee bit more sensitive to hoiienty new road pouov th prov lure proposes now to assume ninety iwr cent of the cost of tlw khige highway system this change will distribute more equitably th coat of our main hlghwaya ur henry now admits the present tyetem of charg- ing part of the east of the kings hlghwaya to the oountle through which they pais u not equitable where has ha been all these years while he was ulnluar of highways and uter premier if he has lust dis covered now that the oouuum are paying too much of the cost of main htghwoyi ur hepburn has promis ed if elected to charge th counties nothing the government la now eol- utotlng in gasoline tax and beehts fee over twenty million of dollars annual ly instead of using this tavoney for highway purpose and twliain the counties front th twenty per cent highway tm the mooy hag been ui u4 a f lrtk uiwr kt wujk tw caamjb uastag ua ii tl rv w o a thomarfu tucvor tlrki sunday afur trinity oajllght- bavlng tuaa holy communion t un bunday tithooi 10 am holy commun ion 11 am- kvn- song t pm oont forget to turn your clocks on one hour on saturday night ut alt cater gba wittily kirst bunday after trinity daylight raving tlmeounday bchool s pfii cvrnsong s pm luv j c wtut of toronto will prfaxh in lh uaptist church next uunday morning and evening frty1r school 10 o clock sbty ores clsahlt prtday night 7j0 pm dvouonj in honor of barred heart uau bunday 9 am daillgtt bay ing time 1st communion ciass will rrcrtve holy communion kmb prwytaaa caana rev or a l howard uuuter bunday june trdal 10 am bunday oclooi and bibl classes at 11 am uonung worship at which tha sacra ment of lh lordi buposr will be obterved at 7 pm evening worship on friday uay lu meeting of fieulon at tad and preparatory service at i pro bunday service on dat rd for other purpose this county of helton has already three main high- ware crossing it and u bearing an unbearable burden of taxation on ac count of them it is proposed now to build a fourth and aa a last min ute old for vote the government 44 mlta at last that the pretant ayatam of taxation ineultabl and prom- uea to reduce the charge to tan par rent rvw of ua atop to think of the amount of money collected through the gas tax i have not had time to check up th whole county but i have checked carefully on of the towns and i rnd it paid hut year in gaa tax over t36000uo how much of thla money is being spent tn your com munity and how much of u l go- ing to pay talarlaa of irv3m per year to heads of cnrtimliitoni who as only doing part time work how many of you my readers are earning four teen thousand dollars par year how many of you think a chairman of a government commission ahould be re ceiving this amount per year when the same man la already drawing sal aries as president or director of nrrr- ote concerns and drawing down targe aalartee from these eourcest the lib eral stand u that when a man be- comea a puhllo servant there ahould be no interlocking directoruiea he ahould serve the public solely th question of win wage and unemployment insurance will be dis cussed in the next issue t a ulahtloctc tour baixot pott ujuuelocb ibhbhumhhhhbhuiih blakelock x rnlbbbhbbbbbqbbbbi 1 kings special sale gj 1 i b 5 for the week end menu khctu vnuiuutou kuanu creamery buher 2fts 2 lb lor 45c csoie prime qnallly bel boasts ol bed lux tauty polboasls 12c knmp bftmls o bed fmimh muikst ob wt boiling bed prune bibs ol bee he lb 9elb 19c lb best qualify milkled veal choice roasts ol veal hclb fresh col veal chops 10c lb cbolee stewing veal he lb veal shanks 8c lb uhut uluvut pork shoulders isc lb oooa quujtv hjikhhv pork sausage c s2 lbs 25c fresh lake trout ceoau n i q i pmii uu u fftml i u i iw tub ml u picnic hams 17elb hiuh rw cottage rolls 18c lb we1ners 18c lb headcheese isctb i pboaes wm king prompt delivery bbbabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbababbbbbbabbbbbabbbababbbbbbabaabba bowling the georgetown howling club a announce thai the orwn la newmemhrrs wishing lo johi will b- heartily welcome there vtll b a iclni oprntng with th ladtfa on rrl dsy ewntng jun lu draw will be wuh announce thai the orwn la now oprn and all od member also any made at s pm sharp 10 onl jitney oood prisea iufr4hmenta fctvtry uonday night u mane night com and set into lh game on tuesday tftamoon june un at i pm th ladua club will open for the season we vould like to te ail th old mambvra out also sn invita tion is aitandad to any of the ladies of thr town who with to becotaa mem bers of the club oott hoxaj oeo a ioa tu dlsugulthed guest at the ocif links last balunafsi ur uldill and ulae j lindsay of toronto spent sunday ft uus und aaya horn uev ur altktn u attending c fervnee at brentford this week ura attken la spending a few days with irunda at wkrmo ura c beewtck u pending s few days with her mother un allan of aoton who u seriously til a speedy recovery u hoped for ur t tumshaw of ulllon was in the village uonday making arrange- menu for a public meeting to be held friday evening in the inter of ur blakloefc who will addre the meet ing the women a association decided at an executive meeting held recently to hold their annual garden party on tuasday july 16th the happy helper ulsslon will meet in the church on saturday afternoon a good attendance of members and visitors wet at the home of ltr h hilts for the uay meeting of the w u ura 7 w hhortill presiding committee ware appointed to make arrangement for the sectional rally of the hakon prasbytenal which will be held in the united church on prtdey june lath with a morning and afternoon aaulon the dmle atudy was given by ulu e uckey and uiu d ililta gave a very helprul outline of a portion of the atudy book living tsuiae in china urs hobl uoknery the dalegat to the pivtbyurlei at waterdown brought to the meeting a very interesting report which was add ed to by a number of others who also attended ura j allan gave the watch tower the june meeting will be held at the home of urs d ru- teu the rev ur uoyer of preston re presented the ontario tmpernoe evderatlon in the united church on bunday morning and in the whit church celadon in the afternoon his rousing spneai to both young and old on thla very vital question ahould result in definite action to oppose any effort to increase the apread of in temperance a 1 1 imxrrttrra jmj txtc build savingly there all the difference tn the world between tha mainten ance cost of one building and another because there t an equally great difference in the lumber of which each la built our better lumber will build you a better building a pre ferred investment an econo- nucal building to maintain i tuttwy to oecewtowb uihoa and sur- roondlov dlatriou georgetown lumber co ltj georgetown phone 280 n itwh itrrrrrrm acton pfaooe 120 mrmrrrc i inifi 1 1 etc interull woodalwk pwji centaiiile round yrh bamain fares sat june georgetown r biieionltiiiimuca7t canadian national parts train ihurmalum tiekttt from aamti otrtyt aoent tv tvtm aoatt ui ii qrlcory theatre fuy june i devils mate thum hurr uuubr iuntmjl rw uluauh cans comedy wild potiea fox newt saturday june 2 bolero a staey f a aaaai wka ratb aee wiasia as raagi la ike laaier la um oarrtag oaerg halt carl laaakarj and uaur uaag ilk fsa aumeer pope ye cartoon rock- bye baby chapter 9 tarzan hiltaas u tuesday and we juae 5 and 0 the house on mih street a fssrtaatiag sury with hay ivaaeia cleae kayauad sag harg u ret uaasay comedy cold ghost scenic dutch guinea musical jaclt dennys band dinnerware hits eawiag darlag jaae qwea ckruiaa- with oru oaeaei hastara iik uukarg auhlutsseaa oealh yakas a iwuay- farmifij sf ism aiaaliil ytfclwt irttttttr ir ctrxlcrrrzrtxseeeesxrnu trmttzzkizxtzzil i da a drag specials bix oib ija ad in ucdneudavy star uav wit and tihtuidayh tclccram uav 3iu tott rtll uftt a jib c tahlcts kleenek ttuue ulneral ou 16 oi infants delight ooap dodda kidney p1u outicura boap t for tie lie idasal tablet i4 for ate beef iron and win ullk of uagnril 15 luvendrr bhavlng cream u old laiuu heeitr balm 3se da thing cspa he 4jv danns i d a drug store phone 327 w ooa com georgetown ice trays dont stick in the fri6idaire 34 automatic ice tray rcluiiiift it jutt one of a luit of fijturta by which the triguljiri umiktijnronvtn tnt rtfhgirdtors intirtly out of iijil ix f roiling for in iunrc ibuuinnutic ll frciree wot let faster it has s tnii miaidaitl j4 uo0il actually uiu uis euie 1knv thaw oni ewimarv iulh clever utility ibitet which groups urull futlagcs to uve pare it h mure room for ull boftlci it itjt the sena- shelf for turrjing dtihca from refrigerator to kitchen table seviral niotlela are finithed in lifetime porcelain inside and out hive double capacity veg etable i lydrjton tuvethilvcs adjustable up or down but you cant poulbly atv priciiic how greatly electric refrigerators have been im proved in the crlgdhire 54 until you ice a demonafrgilou won t you step in tonight t madt in canada by prtgltijlrt cor rotation totouto j n oneill son dealer or georgetown and dutriet hionk ii a ainiiai uotoh riobucy