page 2 the georgetown herald wed nesday evening may 30th 1 934 quality has no substitute salada tea frw hxm tk gaw am okxaxst thiotooux tfai tan small bot of book ft wil and itarfy she he br ori htuw loot hath wiedririg iwn wtwr vhallain lira bmp the farpurpld wlu 111 ood he cabin not tn creed lliit lu htm whet th firtri nod and where uv tooth wind od ovr uouaaiy twd in fciwi fend wind for oospl trxtj he lock and in the htaru of bwti k and what no man found in bock j b buckle m yky1 the examlnaltoa ol yafar eyes id dimin lh fiimf ori bj rcttu all i i m k wtw oymkt w tovlc tl twos kaoomii irr fr th bt 6 lmf5 timh6ee b g fc tfa huui boda out fcjrwfl w m faartafat ftj hlrm fej fcflcart taji tnd 1fieil o t wa1ker ro otxeeomief attaalomr tiifihrf i e tiibti eoeave tto noa o t tut wills or botcl lira aottikim tetfeurdrnd with worry and uw days im unb and low then i just clow my and in bunuiy bv the faraway hills of tirf thy tnofld lu fiv u1 auionwr boan daij wtn only ih cloud shado root in th lkr and wluu px of uw raoonray dtvdm the air faraway hllu of ivujbf tlila bwbiury my uj ftilt with quut olwa urviigth lor whalevtr mv coftw oiv tile yw hi ood ufchqut ttit iu-u- oi h air faravoy kill of bom uiry tj luly cream wanted ws rapadfuhy salklt cwa tuprntnl we pay expreu or transport charges- hiehest- price for butterfat five gallon and eight gallon una supplied prompt payment for each shipment writ for caru and full particular to bowes company limited 88 wtuinttoa st e toronto oru elelmelbas f special surplus sale s un vwtodle cuickb dav out i weqca old n d a umj u i4 mxhhm cuicuu nw fr uur iw il um bafcoaiw wcuh wkm ti uu j utfaonu 060 pw 100i brd rotlu end wui j itocla 760 1 started cudu 2 wju 200 rocm a all chkas oomsm twatnta rwl by hop pmuj mil t tevn uaodculm sffi and tncubalon tumutlrd i mum v call laawluuly or thw chuk chry u1 toon go at thltf pruxa j g tweddle tux ii remnce hjoms ib- j weiaibaieiaieiiiiiiieiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieiai n a robinson live sloek detler md batcher norval live fftooc trucking all lotuu cully insukti phonei gmrgimra 101 13 ullulsctho twt mxu vvy afun a ivdr of a ppr wulw ttt atuno hu nr4ir oa a on in butur lt cu u- papfr ruima il iiy it u owtlij pkltkdttvd drcafjjit haw any u in it haj a grudj- ajalntt hud u foil- roiird by tvrtaln irltfrdl uwo lw go into u onv and canuia ju ftutiuttptkaii a good nrpai rannot l uuat- rnd brlbkl caowd or punutd u muil ritruin a fre erfit u it u lo do iu rradrra any good at all tt muii lu ffaivnj and tnvptvjt it uutl loo aluad ucd shl uand it vu1 uu- and akrayi uua owuioo mart b ud not on tktthr u wul b rood or bad for oru individual but btirour it bin b good or hia tat many individual a good iwtnanrr rwa all lu naaura not jut on if aoa of iu rvadvra duagrw mm mvaivr u lorry but it cannot b bribad to he tray lha but tntafwu of lu eobinunl ty in ordar to hold ee mhiaibtr it may duarv uh a wan tody and agr with j uourrtw thu 6ut b ao btvauu a tunapir la a yu ii truu lu cwcuioea uu alaya bv bawd on what will aid th owirvlop bnt of th camwiimty and bring proaruy to iu rvaulhua thow ho duawj with th d- papr muat tvntttrtbrr that if thay could control it aally that othra oouvd alao th mpawr u ajwaya opan to nraa and codttanta on dlf- ftfeant toplca and u gud to grt thaa to rnlarcr iu own fund of inforsu- tlon but it raut alwaya ivmaln tr to dclov what wul ba tha baat for he community it uiwi any othr oounr would br a betrayal of public truat of which no tru nipapr would be guilty it la to tha nuru of avry auo- tcrlbrr to trtxut that hi paptr alay tndrpmdvnt no mattar whthr t agrfa vtth u or not for it u tha onr wvanon which tn ba uaad uutaotiy to fljht comiptlon and graft without fr or favour ho mattar what jfou ao aotaubody ahraya knrw you would- department of highways uotoi v8hiclcw ftffawcm an open letter to pedestrians are motorists right when they say you are more than half to blame while figures cannot he depended upon to tell the whole truth last years accident records leave no roam for doubt that there are reckleoa walkers as well as reckless drivers last year 2821 pedestrians were killed or injured in ontario in automotive accidents many of these persons came to grief while violating a simple rule ot safety crossing a street hetueen inter sections crossing diagonally at intersections crossing against traffic signals hitching or coming from behind parked vehicles of the total number 1107 uerc children plaingin the street records show that in many of these cases the driver never had a chance accidents huppened v hile he was doing his hest to dm c safely this department is more deeply interested in making the streets and highways of ontario safe especially for children than in any other public duty the conscientious motorist hns been appealed to in many ways several of his privileges have been restricted in jut effort to make life safe in traffic fur ulli know that this appeal to the pedestrian will find ready response among those who walk more often than they drive and especially in the hearts of fathers and mothers of little children will you cooperate will you help to stem the tide of needless bereavement and suffering by observing the simple rules of sate walk ing that make all the difference between safety ami the jeopardy of life and limb and you parents will you not give ur children a chance by teaching them the need of care for their own safety i iinisteb toronto may 7th im the tine stmruihe op voir urc la ualllng for you goodyeara new pathfinder tl lim yuu are shown tliu new tire you will conclude you are loosing at the moat rineitiwe tire made youl aae a centretread pattern never cquullrd for firm traction a flatter tread and broader aaaaud euoulilrra llilcler rulilirr to irwe 2s more tread wear than formerly a tire overslae in all dimensions the handsomest and by ull odds tbe beat tire la its price class dut what you see la only half the story the inner carcase of tbe pathfinder b actually heavier and stronger than most lopprice tlree of otber makes goodyeaee exclusive siierlwlst cords put alnewy toughness into tbe pathfinder which yields rratrr mllinr tiro cord breaucralrlpa under tbe tread sometlmee called extra plies price on the new pethfiudcc are not higher but 1056 to usb fairer than tbe prices or socalled slandurd llrco in fact they are very utile higher than the price of risky fmirgafn tires see the new 19m pathfinder at your dealers today see tkenew pathfjhdeb annapou8 valley affix hloueiou fehtwal tha foufiiuw and hlatory of a coun try preunlad in iuaant form by iu own people thla u the fccynou of the djtunallo pageant which will form one of tha feature attraction of tho an napolu valley apple ulouom fvatlval to be held in ksnuvlur tho heart of the apple country on june 1 3 3 and 4 of this year olooakap the mighty deity of the ulcmac indiana abori ginal inhabiunu of nova scotia u the figure around which the pugiant eentraa vrom an elevation on a mag nificent atagc letting reprracntlng blomlden on whoae muty height otooakap lived the indian god will watch ai the evenu of nova bootla hulory from the tune of the chhul- roua and oourageoua de monte to tho present day poe in review before him thia pageant u a aiandord feature of the apple dlauom festival and bid fair to become aa much a part of ifce life of the people a the oocr- amergau play to the natlvea of uie little oerman town there la this difference while the one ropreaenu evenu which arv part of uie life of every civilised country the other u atrlctly a presentation of the folic- luro and hutory of one region the re- vlved inuttut- in folklure and his tory together with the splendid poul- bllitiea of presenting tn pageant form the huiorto evenu of the apple coun try led to thl pageant replacing thr equally atriklng one presented last year aymbollc of the apple and its place in history the art scene of this yeara pageant ahowa olooakap on blomldon looking down upon tbe valley a ha watches dauuht depleting the mountains the valleys the rivers the forest the tea breeaea eunahlne ramv mow eawry ciuuotriitlo or the province appeal on the stage and under colored lights preuut an allegortoal ballet the ligbta fade irt the darkneja a trumpet aounds ahd the ligtu ma on again to ahow a scene at the court of king henry iv o fvanoe durlrig which la give to da mont poulrln- oourt champlaln and other men with tuuu fsjnous in both french and canadian history tha royal charter pcrmittuig them to explore this new country again the lights fade to come up on it scene showing the hbtorto order of the oood time at fort royal in diana alt about the floor amoklng their long pipe members of the order gather around the table while the rooa 1 brought in ceremoniously to trc strain of ancient french music pluyd by a fiddler teated high above the table ncit to uerrio england in the days of charles the first where the knlght- mg of air william alexander a tiu- lint knight uaronet of nova bcotla will be shown in all its pomp and circumstance v the scene which follows will present the moit orraantlo and most tragic hguro in nova scotian history ma dame latour obliged to surrender her hiubonda fort to treacherous daulnay cliarnlaay and forced to stand by helplou while cttau tay siiamelesly vlolatee uie terms on which the fort was aurrendervd to him then oomr the end of fivnch 00- cupatlon in acadlai colonel francis nicholson the flnt british oovernor of nova boatu takes port royal from tho gallant bubercase a brief but impressive scenj in whlcli the white heurdelbt flat of france flatten alowty down from ua proud poaition at the top of the matt and u replaced by the union jack while tlve strains at the hymn of tha uarulialae fade imperceptibly fatio rule orlttanla diisolie into scaue showing a herald ivudlng the pro clamation of queen anne to the at tiers of nova bcotla next comas the deinrtatlon of tat acadlanj in which evungelme takes an important part tills 1 followed by a ballet or the suruhlni tbe urates and tlie raindrops the last oene of tha fafteant pre sents the harvey home introduced by a dance of the autumn wind tbe leaves and the baby bnowtiakas ttien follows a farmhoutf bcene wttb old songs from nova btla after an apple ballet u presented a tableau ol caiitoderauon whea five pwvldoai of canada welded themselves together to form one dominion the sounding of the last post clou a reminder of the tragio days from 1014 to ibis the pretentation closes with sv page ant of nova bcotla and her eighteen counties supported by hope amibl- tion religion knowledge and in dustry the entire cast takes it plane on the stage a ballet by all the dancer is given everything is not finished when the curtain falls thousands of nova bcotlatu will return to their homes with a new appreciation of the story of their country and thousands of visitors will take away with tlum on understanding of nova bcotla a feel ing that they have witnessed indeed the romantic story of the country from tho day of the mystic figure of olooskap wrapped in the foga of lofty uiomldon to the present time which ilea so clou to the future hhrclmllfcuno decunes attacks on motorist who liad given a lift to hitchhikers have been re sponsible for many a deserving chup bslug forced to walk borne motoruu lioadfaitly refuse to pick up a atran- gcr on tha highway though some of the foot travellers are really nno fol low honestly seeking work or trylug to get home after being stranded in fcomit strange town tlie american automobile association reports hat hiuhlilklng is on the decreau in the united slates and adds several rea son tave been advanced for tlie dim- intutlon in the ranks of the knights of uie order of the thumb many mates adopted stringent laws making u an offence to aouclt tides motor ists were alarmed ai a result of a series of sensational holdups at tbe hands of desperodoae msaqueradtngr as innocent run of th wine huchhikera tlie wiutagnet with which motorist at first gave free tniuportatiou led to a regular invasion of the highways until ear owners got sick and tired 0 the praxtlee and became hardboiled as a result the hltchhlkeri swarm ed back to the ralla makes ironing easier cut mwgximq time ommtkidt every woman owes if to herself to tiavtj one of these irons that uvta hat hiabji wftngtb and give her more leisure tint wilh a cotsaun vou can do your iforuiw batter easier in h i tiroe siul ar a coat of only an hour the colsmsn lfgau iutowv haau quukly ileat may be edjtuted for light off heavy work sole plate is tapered just right for eaiy ironing utuur buttona under pleats and along seama tha always sot point grtculll tapered slips easily lato fasrtthoiict rffsgh the coleman laup stovb co vtv toaohto ohtauio sji ask you ft dealer advertise in the herald it pays