buy with confidence tw vl vi un t ututr ihiuiiuimhi at k it auu wi uw tuu t ol rri utttcl at jsinvt u tmv t kviaimtrwtl to lw hwtr ttutli i lull it tfivskt t v siuti on wi tliv cat your kj1 wi vltt smit hi irtw aiul m lir through our ivhrivu vvxvrtt i hah h silver wk your dollar go fartw phone 378 main sirt georgetown mhaaaaaababaaahabbaaaaaaaaaaabaaaaaaaaabll i d a drag specials sm oib uijl ad iv waajnamdavs ft htk ktab amd toimday tm iwi rilxouui fob mix ui umaa lb outofu u urn sup lor lb wiia4w ujw bumarana for rruusaium ilii jnftut drutl aap uw ui uuk of ulznrtla it os ut uc naati tooth puu til uaut tuhula 100 tor ta roal toua tuwia 1 for ui just arrived raiau uiilu w cmcaua candim uuklb lau ilk um leav8 ua koub nuu fob developing printing and enlarging lrtfi iwt uw iw cuuti illl kllll tut a m t ifilii in nl nuek us tftf wto wik u m to w wahrf- aaamsutu auaa a ttotua rnlirm ai danns i d a drug store phone s27 nm o ww walaw georgetown halton county exhibition milton september 28th and 29th trials of speed ui paw iisam ui tau hum blinlllh j sum midway baby show potato race special calf club prizes uahv bfcciax pnizes ix ali olahhtw of live stock first clou amplifying syitem new special attractions bl adults 38e ktvui prauau children lfe a l uaonahb baeratary the georgetown herald wed neulay evmiiig september 26th 1 934 with the new wesunghouse tube tester we have added for your service the latest west- inghoute tube checker put out by the tube manufac turer and highly accurate do not let a poor or weak tube spoil receptions of the many excellent programmes now on the air phone us or bring your tubes in and see for yourself whether they are able to give you satis factory and efficient results we have the latest in radios on exhibit see us for anything in heating plumbing electric wiring or water systems does your furnace need to be put in shape for the win ter or maybe you need a new one we have a number of used furnaces of different makes for sale at a low price g r rfuckart pbouaslbw georgetown house 316 obm wllmuujvoa tvpcalr lulu ifcx to ur and ur v if vhll- twkl tw llillui ikuuil of tuaulry tu iuultm a uu1 lr aurbui aim norval litvtv ttt w tsiula tlujsll till huiuuy tiii mil hill lv tu 3 piu stewarttown lunnt wrrvln- hill u lutd in w jtuulk c1lunll htywajttowii oil lutuuy tlpt toui 11 am iviaujur tlu urctu 7ao im ivvsclur live iuv it w aluu ua of hruoiptun ashchove tw tvptm iwvtlfl of hie wo- imua intiuuu fca held u th itotiw- u u- cwu wuon ou tudy urikl itth llb a good ttudntv utl uar liitd hu ui uw tjdr tt ixjm call bsjlna nature quou lion ftar ui w1 buuiy lowly uumshu wr gtvn lu vrw n uiwr on our quuulun xit by ur wajik sludtvu wu toi 4ufalkui u turlf cloving wry tnurrktlntf and twipha wiowuw uo if uudlxwi ouiufj tlu liuj tluil uhm ww4 uv tiot o ay u nunr 4i4 uksrfl bkfty wol lu tt ijut our lntfl sy rouwd lo ussjy our lautllul tktf ur carvfully a u uul roiuea oil uwa surround ulu vr t fclad i to uui mood ol ourrlpk tusd ur- 1l pujtw ol wrw- antown at our urtuij a iulijy tuncit tfrwd terra cotta ur uhl uii d utfvuwy or otaco ha uunt a ft uw vu ur and urtv itojrt uccmlry awl family of irj plajw haw ttumd tbosa a numbfr from hr llrndikl ac ton yaii on wninuuy and ilrajnjj ion kmlr on iuuimy aod all tvw u 6oad urn ur r j airtnstr vtw ipmt u fw days llh ur and ur- o uc- kaovn and family at arton tuu re tumad hoo what murtt haw bn a fatal ax ekttot occurred on uain ul ivrr on itatuniay rnomlnt hro ur o- loam vu equina a pall of wurr ju- ttappad in front of a pauttiff car ttw drtwr luckuy nunard lo act n ttopnad and ur team wtpad wllli- out any urious tnjury ulu bmlui of 0orjoti tpmil lha 4k fnd wuh ur aiut lira u audnaoa and family of the tr liw balxanafalj ur and un oakm of whitby paid a vult to thalr dtuahter itn luch ard tuaortul during uw iut rrk w ar plad to clcam lr and ura ibnlam of toronto who have com to occupy ttw houw otuu by ur thomai urolurr ur y w dhortul urs d w uouluan and un o aitkrn at- uindad lha eixoum of lulton pre bytarial hlch was held at uuton on thursday of lt vaak ur and un j a auaun of tot tenham and ur w it aiuttn of oakvlua wrs vultora at tlu uanie on uonday afumoon tally day umem will b held in lh uallftd church on sunday 10 44 am a vary tnurfctlnguheanl u balnjr profcentad by a numtkrr of the puplla of uw bunday fkhool all ai thou who attended the fctrvlc in ttu unltd church acton on bun day evening re much impretrd by tha addreaa given by itev ur paai more of cupar qazlu in vhlch he gave a vivid dtmcrlptlon of oondltlona in tha dried out area of southern tuik and lha deep gratitude of uw paopla for tha auutanos rwvlved from old ontario friend ur itobt ucenery u buxy build ing a naw alio i 9 bibiibayrgng a tubes tested free umehouse tha raln and rwavy dews are hav ing a wry beneficial effect upon tre growth of vegetablea etc and the ruwar gardens are looking better and producing nlocr blooms than all lummir we hope the frotu do not com too toon to spoil tha beauty of uw gardens the bunday schools are looking forward to kally day neit bunday bepi m and we hope there mill be a good gat ho ring at both churrhea to encourage the scholare rev ut durwul of toronto preach rd in the united church on bunday morning ut w oowdy has been making some alterations and repair to thu mill machinery while uw water la at low ebb and in order that every thing may be in readlrteas far tre spring work ut wm time hu had the electric tight installed in his home recently there are few homes in the com munity now that have not thta con venience ur hlohard uarahali and daugh ter attended the ioov parade lr toronto on wednesday nlafrt last alu the coneert held in the uapli leaf oardens after the parade it connection with sovereign grand lodje 1 0-oj- quite as number from our communi ty attended the acton rmll pair on wdneday last and also the perfor mance in the arena on tiday evening the fair was one of the moat euoceetful in lb history and everyone reports a splendid entertain ment and show ut and urn wesley uuiafof ty- ronto visited friends tn the vluage on bunday ur wm uarahali spent two or three days last week with hi father ur and ura uaatej and childnn of oooluvllle spent the week end with his brother ur lurk given was quite auooeas- ful with his horses at acton ftlr bringing home aevvral hnt and sec ond prises on his fine hackney ura s hill of toronto visited ulu o uarahali during the pat week while out for a stroll in the uooda on bunday ur nisirard uanoiull and tame friend came acrau a bush of rtupbarrlea with several largo rlpo berrlea on it they brought their troph home to exhibit as it la con siderably past the usual time for ripe raspberrtee ur and ura howard uartln and um have nuned tn our cammunlty living token the home in uia hol low recently vacated by ur and ura olbbe ura arnold of bchomberg who lioa been visiting with nor brother ur uooowan the past week returned home on saturday acton uetd hvcc pais pin weather and large crouds marked actons 31st annual fair held last tuesday and wednesday all the clauej were well tiled and the fair was one of the bast ever held by the society there were many prlie wlnnettt from georgetown and nerval district ura w o besey georgetown wae awarded first for best lady driver mr and uu wm wullouis acton were the oldest couple attending ac ton fair and have been married 64 years eiul n tuonths mite laerry did not attend tlie danoe oraai ooni or uunlon bolvee avoid this at daniii drug blow weanlsukmu to hmjoa ftxrad beumitnulee- ietrott uikluh two sviuht vhumm in timtniitonm iuiw biu uiu ah wabuujuu amu c ak til an national lxulhittum altoki itiajdu hakli t4muc faitt l vuam1hah u u44- u iiuihiy tfuiluruij umt a niluod ui iitiiltlou aiiua lul rrukt tvtuiii i4i uu m uf uie 4i luiiuii ul trupju and w l i l uu uuiu mht isoollulit luiuj in uuijmi iiun ut waurloo atul cuuuxuih nluitul kkuiililuhi al liiiiaittu ouruij tlu pet nff un uudjxd rum u utf cjjmti luiiruuj ul uu tciuiig and alur a it w brut uilruuuouiry rvmajt un juiuvd uu pitajrain 1 virjl uuiil4u by auon cut f4tu luiid uiukr uu ksm uuwnjup ur viiuil iluu wm liuluy iiijijiuuo iul ivi u wy ruhl lcrv hoi arum 1 4 uaiml f wnicti uu jttjuid li jujly uitkut an txctlknt pitrtun by uu ltuiu iiiili auudiijf lucd undtr uu- tthlr dunuuii of hjmunxiur ivmiu lulujutd mdiduu bluui v duutfl i m uuid 4 tul6ad w wodsu inuxuil uliu u uu- tunuilo 1k u a- u ugiiul triuuuat ban by bujktun dot prui lu cleua 9 ut wat ut loo mid lira pj-ui- lu cleue u lltiuiitu ilul llu loiuu 4 uu ul id ljj1 t vl ulu ulialijd uu iiiiuui t vt rtdjartlftort ui cisicu u uiu ilu- biud twui u twauu- 11i1 iuuiu ujul uiuoa nrvrr torced jul luvir pftlajiuu u uiaiuiluu 111 di inate and suihiumi pjngoa ttie tla ia pjiriue wilt n luud xpf- 1 ttrlikvlng lutcts lu fawq ui niui iouju uf mjjtii uumluta uial n a ixuiuajii dtilittt tu the caful l nwr tn lltnu of tyoipluuuc tuifor ur uy iiae brtadlh uf in iin tin fuluig and a mmjusc iw in luilit and aluulr and rtiyuiaiic 1 lality uuil u tutur uuui orches iul in lull ciuudul adagio oik i tir miulc luu uu- ittfaio and toner ly of oruan diuiulan and luhl atac juu utv cllannlngly fanuful a plcrulkl haiu aith many boy play tk uluu4 un ajul vul axe tin but luuol ol an orgunliatloi poueu of truiai pntloua itmi liv anus ourt by ilandiiuii luuuouiy and uindkam as much njujid utid apiiilclatnl uu pltck ttun calltd on ur wod en io congratulatfld the uand on tluiir aiileiulk acriecmanla during iut tar oeargrlown he said a htuiuiful toau wlih a twauu- 1 it lutul end uu botur uie uand ue utur uw town lo believed ue day coming tun there wul be a band ui cttry community and a town uould be rated by uw quality of imuir iroduoed lloya are growing to be tundunrn and the boy who b n unuplione will never blow a all cood things in life come i mm rnuuoiuil springs and musio lia u mlnutittng inhuence on the morall ty and tuare of all ur wodum uun introduced prof v thick- of waterloo whom he rmrd the father of uu amateur hand a relation of canada ur tliklc ald there tre more nd brttrr bands in ontario today than iter before with a cleaner tot r uung men and better type of bandmaster urn today played for toiuu- uiul there a a better tratrrrutl spirit among uicm oeorge- iqti bond hat made remarkable lirujnu and i the only band auc- rrwifu in one taion to be awarded flrai prltr at tto mujar funottona al- bo tuo gold medalt for comet and uphonlum player it took aa if tlie tout took the effort of the band t mutur nf courw aa 1 cannot under land hj this arena is not ail ed with cltlxen u la no easy mat- rr for the bandimcn and their lead- r a thej mut spend hours and iioun of hard mork we need music more today than ever before and we 1 ope to make it poulble that every uiy uihl glil will be ariad an g- portuniiy to irani 1u tontmiluutd iluuluuuur tvrrott aiul tlu hn- uia if uu bsuid on thwlr nundkl w hiui urwrd uurtas to go on to wnulrr achuwuuius il tald ji ulnunl timii id ur ivintouef lyv u oj- un xumjit to ttmuaj ltt and llw ly uf hiuhiht to be in ituu if u candun kiaikl wul till uun prwnud tlu tjiu 1 1 aitd tntiu wun sj waleibso uujj1 tilkal a takmi uxuir jtiiitli wuhm ucond prta ultir nuxlal fur txirrut tolout uoaut v otrur ura pu od evdal claruaut tauitu ouur ixsnluu flru and uiud prlatj l old und silver budl uir trutiiajie ujol t tu- tiileld waa prrnud to ur artt ur lufwrt prrklem of uw lund and uie tofdals to uw lund ur wodon uuhi introducird ur u i kuk who pnwraid uu cup and 1 udau woo ai toronto fcxhlullun itr yick congratulate lummafcur ivrrntt and watr 6f uu wnj 1 n ttu tcarodld iaitrfci ttu bsaead t c said wae a gfat eit to trj town ut worthy uu tuppoh of every till n 1u iat drltghuvj to tiave uu lnor of prrtmllng uu troptusd lo tlu boy wtw had won faue tor tvporgetown liaiul wldent itftwt klwj ttu- cup on lstuuf el the baokl- it iwutalkury bold bdal for tt tunut playr w oul cid tdesdal for bru vuirf- tiuum player vur following 6ieatrfr wxe pw- ontfd fciut titfdals uandsuuter a ii ivrrott ii mauubury a blfikfaon w ueiulkam r laiuuuirougb r kxtup j caer o thgjjme t kaum w oil u ii tnotapaon o huputon i luuingall ii whaaler h uarcii- nirpi h tul a iuv it king f klny a norton it nortoo u mid- dalt w tall o urjedfard a itriwrt j luuphtrd wrodent itfrwrt uuuiked the clu viu for the plendld support uuy had uhcii the band 1tuy bad oart- id this year to win hmtii what uj hod luat and tliey were tuoosajui ttunk to the tpleudjd wnk of uult lundmaiier ur lrrwu who tad the lof and rrapnct of every ibjaaher of tlu baud on behalf uf the membrt of the iluul lie prrtenled uandmaatfr wr- rut with a beautiful baton a a tukrn of their etleem and astuon ur perrcu unked uut donor for thru splendid gift its had endeav- ond u do hit tiart but it was the lojty of the boi uiat made the band and all dcrvd crwllt ttiey rre the deaneu and finest bunch nf men lie had ever aatoctatsd with ur o btapmon snare drumta tis awarded a pair of beautiful drum stick for being tha bast druni- nur in u ruu cotapeullon at to- runio al the elate of the program the whee of members of the band urved a delicious luncfeun to the guests of the cvrnuu tlvey were accorded the thank uf all present aoip a suocatful field day iu held by tlie ladles section of the oolf club on wudneaday kept tftth the prtse winner were winner of shield ur wuloughby itunnerup un pleck winner of cnruolaiton uus u wuloughby hunnerup ura oomn driving ocntoit flight 1 ulsa u wuloughby right ui lurber fltglu a un w ttoimjmon approaching and putting eontetr mr puca urs uckay ura uo- keiule loaett grou score uxa comn uraeu net loore ura nod well uia rat wore of hole 4 and ft ura wiliougtvby lowtt soor of hole 3 ura oold- ham lnweu score of hole 0 un llle tract number of putts ur uc- derm id hidden boore ulss itlckey choosing a whc evabgehsi aleunder tonie ba nf derail will addre a great uass utetinq ui the daptut church ueorgetown htndav hcpt lath at 1 pjh iu cure and hear thu uddresa at 10 jo subject the secret of hap- py smiling groalng christian ber lin for everybody t pm the 3 wa of thecrou and story of ul trouer coaverslan pietarea pfeaettlag anj hearty ting ing iwttsvul ctmreh tub asi best wk watch our window for weekly le cream specials longs confectionery s hinlons gift shoppe jewellery store removes to a b wlllsons old loeallom in ike mcgibbon block main st next to hotel on october tst 1034 highest quality goods at lowest prices repairs this month special prices mainsprings 75c cleaning 100 stop look and listen before you purchase a new or used radio let us show you our line several leading makes to choose from cash or terms yowi old iiadio taken in at a pair allowanoe see daymond bros roney block georgetown or at 1m qiubu hl kari awljui phone 60 finest quality meals at kfalfls choice tender beef prime rib roast ztl 18c lb choice rump roasts 1 3c lb sboejder boasts ol reel i lh mealy pot roasts ol beel iajc id brisket or plate boll 9c lb short rib roast of beef 14c lb lean brjaektt stewing bed 2 lb 25c special welumotum luuuu creamery bailer 2 ib8 47c mciw pwlurs orange pekoe tea vi lb tiic s0e gtlumnlocd quality llrf ml iii sausage 2 lbs 2sc prime milkfed veal fader roasts ol veal 8 1 sc lb fresh cut veal chops 19clb brooklleld loal cheese 2scht cu s8anu pork arid beans no 2 tin izc each genuine spring lamb legs for roasting 1 9c lb shoulders uf lamb 12c lb funl of limb 0 1 fresh cul tir fw slewias ufflb chops cooking onions lo lbs 2se new cabbage lart kur sc each phone 27 wm king prompt delivery mhhhhhhhhatt8hbbbhhhbaabfijhgmmrirbbibbhajbbbbbhbiiabbabhtthhbh wtu at the clo of tha vacation period tlu wotu met tuay uept ltl at tlie lunne of ura w o uarahali to open uve aorfc for the fall and winter tha devotional pirlod d by ulu coventry remlndad us of the ntwd in our cork of ood ffujdanos and tha nouliy ox truat in tha obedlancv to lum who la abt to bring good run out of twu as tha provincial comtntlon lake plaoi aarty la october it ira thoughi datlrabu to aarait tha report on uw finding ol that gathering before making any new plana for our local work than nrtaldent ura vannat- and tha utl ttupu un a kaawa vare ppolnted dalagatea to attend tha ooawntton tn btrauord oct 2nd to fttn un w fihortul waa reappointed u uia wotu reprasantauv on the looaj relief commataa on turn of information which re- nelvad a hearty we loom wa uo arinountwinant that the money for the tuck uasmortal fund waa tn the land of uw county traaaurar tlie interest on this fund provide for the porchate of medal tn uw an nual oratorical temperanoe oonteata following the buiirmh period a beautiful solo by un enalaen a pleating red tat ion by ulu evelyn lloney and a temperanoe reading by ura clarence uuck uppled a much appreciated program live october nwtuig vlu be held at lhe home uf un o duck ouelph at ttttttllttiitrttrtt sasit3j332 j4jh3333a3a3 cr5ry theatre friday sept 28 youre telling me uurbu fuvrcoauj tfurlili w a tuui bteur cnikw al j- iuvk comedy beer und pretzeu cartoon lions triend scenic cannibal island fox news saturday sept 2fl the thin man mjurr kury iui uu f usrlu aaj uirtlu uinta wuuui inraill aaj urmi lt willie whoopcr cartoon tic cave man the last chapter of tlie devil horme hua at s tuesday and wednesday october 2 and 3 jimmy the gent rcattsly a naw nuaat ami jam cagway rytag ubi galuaan buttrr kcaton comedy allcz oop melody master a jolly good fellow couino vary uatwau 0y- wtlli j c rrwti ffn 1 1 1 i rt 1 1 1ttrrrrt carrolls lihiyiii tf ntm bmly uijji ttwiut f mi t fa la tumv awl mjuartlaa al aw an wjali- omimv rwcraaaay auvt taslfbst shortening dosik i fc 10c new sugar cookies lb 10c heumanns uui riuon mayonnaise i wf 19c mufkwkk sanowkh sardines pa m 5 tws fi3e fancv sweet shelled walnuts lb 15c bthidena nutuc r cajmutiom 3 1 tins 25 frys ltlu beehive pure corn syrup r crawh brasul sib pn 35 peas itanhoso stvt 4 fi tins 21c salt 8 casiow 13c crisco sjc certo aomi goc jars ciown o ccmofla doi ooaaaj1f3 vinegar pickling laluwl4lmjuillvivc ayliatar natural flavar soups all varieties iml otkuii 3 23 tender golden wan beans beaver lihusuu bread 3 na t tins 25 p g sflcial hkis chipso i 1ft i cmau ho i oc roli toaf ku toaf gold 10 33c calay lrwiwfciwajil clj i tj faacy sglwoh 1 12 spanish onions 3 lb 20c cabbage cooking onions 10 lb 18c cimvto i rkbou cheese lb fif ffl85sez2ezm he head phone 3s7 for free delivery main street georgetown i