the georgetown herald sbdywhlk ymt oltniulcmtioa tlw georgetown honu wednesday evening november 21a 1834 1jw par i fa aowto x00 to ujla 11m gtorgttowti ttmld 1 kintal uotnbar canadtxn wtuy wwfetm cnjl iftm tu ludar4 tlswl pvumnwr and ueij 16i iu ar und ua4 pm- pmilxi it toronto w pfti sunday joi- kwt kuotir tad biv wujirt icr toronto vie tun u tust- pcir and i pusaor laar and mail isumrr fclunday ci nlw ui tad paaseujar lavu slid wibf f ne sduidle lxavk lm u 1ij u ukutosfotow iurf t4 an t- u ijw bj at int lit ua ilu tun i1lu ilk a dny fcuot buirtay iutunu oejy i tuiukuyt asial as4 uau- daa eafttchm atandaju this wh u low jv ktom directory lb hov uau urtucw aftj mimjuif mcb4ud ootarto ofik ghjy niuln hj u1u 81 kenneth u unodoh twu utumw ku rub rvu uoitfet uonay to loaa ott4 llalb mr4 moout aim w oo wd1ii scu llhiow tuiun ymin nutria 4 uouy u loan tupftoo m uaik ms u wukhov ban8v okaydow lawbewcs 4 cook butbtma eia u bif iil wilmwuill e fruir uiur lo ii e4bcu0 cook oordon oraydon u3 lula at north uramplon tlphon 11 harold k laawio loblxw building ilrunpton itltptiobm au p b watson obi itda omrgftawn one hour u 0 eic4pt tuufwliy altunioori a m nielsen hit vur pmtlct chiropractor xray oruguu thenplu laf iulllll obm tw dominion stora oorflaa bourn i ms in a clmfcl tfcamtv rtai imtf frank petch uoihuo acorlokntb hr ik o uiwuj iblua obdublum wru omrdtwn hrl rw ontmtnuiuaum monuments pollock ingham sucouiwi to 0uf wotib gait out dmiftu m ihihi won ims zniput our worif la ormavood uuf wvoy oru ttu eailli a ue uux inulmrh u la tti tu nmj 4uuu ua tjtj ii iiiuit u ujthuttlfc aiul ricjrr u iti autumn cloth-ul- ucu and 11 nuuiuiu loo ttu- nn mitolj utllu to atlnj uiatu iiti uuu tliiiu r io tor lt ivxju i i lluirf ltnatuij iu 1ui tfjut lu uliilj of u it tilul kill uoi llfcu l lu ani ifirm to tlw myfctrry juu tuuiit wilhlrul mum cuiutu l4- tiulllient ttul lrtkml in tlmii thliiga ttu ufkl aruuiul xlmr uitom of tlvr une hut ltur 11 f 1tu uinmon vu ajul nuin thtei esques1ng council jov jjih lull uirlr rcjuldr uuuu ajtct- l i uuuut a ulrwitrtunl th com ru liut moutl l iih uii j o ituuji k n llnu luwiuulnfb ci w sjuii iujuujui and w a wimu tit pr nt iunr ifirui itfriutirf at tlu mtinj lli iuuiuuj of lut brtlajf bvi rt4d ajid cuiflrmnl cumuiunlratktiu nv nud trora uis cjladlan l4tua arcrgfuwli j a lilu tucntary unrmpkfmtil ltllt uaiuli j a p xunjuilt dfpuly uululrr w l ult ajirlcullural dktruiu iloard und too o llrtittti u j canon uldrrd tlw ooundl and saw trtff ouuuu ot uj oit- tiib til th rmmvik crvditori ar- ranjrmrnt act iu j a latkjtt rr turtniatitf of a k wilton ox uovtxl by n a itntilruon ucondm liv 1 u uulltn uiat u trrajurer nay iv 11 tvlepnone anoounu 11131 uvt bjm 63 total 103 uuukl- tkiilty of oorfiftown to on luilf xhl- hion oouit cotti day ww to on half out nnt of hail umciam at s00 iis00 toul anoo h k- tlvorrinmi to imrchlng till at ra- vuury otare rv community build claim it m cuorn curru mlactuiti utvn iaoo n ii tnomnun ylct- lug juror 15 00 win iiiarkm w ifctlna jurors u0o i u urnnrtt irlrtuig jumn i50q ooanly of iuu ton intrnn on otfrdu county rata lldjl lurry hoorrt on atampa uw- caml uovd by w a wluan tfcondcd by n a hoblruon that lh treaiurtr pay rtirf aocounu jam ii vluon 1 cord hardcood tunpliad to u mclaughlin in ana uk uauluul milk tuppllm to l fiwrann in bw ii 6j wrty wmntaff tniiit aupoiid ui arthur korton tl w to wm alufl u4 total 319 wm bchtnlt flood aupnllm to wm alln taio to arthur norton 14 is total 115 0 wm doualai good aupnllw to jaa urathrr i1m1 d t a alio ay mrat upnltid to u lfclauahln mu to jaa uerrvrathrr 13 60 total tf 40 c oitiiun irooda iupulwj to u i uclaulllui i30t3 a it unii imlk uihund tu u m u 4 ilui tlfll a ia ujckuu tws to u lir uiuii ull i bh i ft 1 aajin tun cik f r m utlaujiilui till curiuvj 14u py i j ti o i w 1 v uu t tvui liv tumiiuu1 u in oil ci u wm 41 ulu i jin j j11 cunt 1 iutuan uw i u uinut a t nl iw j it fuuu ul iumujii ji d ii j ut s l t tjo 10 jrxl a iuftt to auditing c tctti i i i rf injj i j t lii r luu 1 i u i itiit utfc u- to tl jjj it uuhtl id li it tl uu ii 14 iw 1t0j in jmklr n 1 1 g i id uinill i imth ciu cti j uutto t 1 w li irii miiidm u h a utxuuuit ilia t ir ti4 tu i i i j a mji i lv tin uuit luiwiniu i tlitu 1ih17uj j iit i uij by l iliiuln u uul u bi w a w 1ph mat hi cilt i i iu jh fni uujuuj it ck iwr tuu i 4df t wltli c c hiili m i t i uivuu at ifc lit jik oojran it co 1 wrnu ud ui 1 tl trjutrt cj i u t3 i i m ilttn mxindt 1 b tl w murat tin tlu tr jur r tin lull bj j chiii s tn it ul tn bm i a j owitt 50t i jjj huij afinrultural hivut til 00 ainu rll kulr iwjtd illtyi- cirtcd uuth bf i u uulllh uooeutrd by w a wilan itvat ti r trautr pay luiaid ol htjlh ecuiit pr j j laul trruitnrnt vt inlrcllaiu dlirawa til ad wm h li ratio taatruj allan ilrwhuut to tcrcnlo icnral hou- a at nl ht q0cirnrd uotd by l u uulltn troondd l a itnbuimn that lent b trunt to iniroducf a by lu to rctnd by- laa no ujo and thai tald bylaw br no irad a or i turn cartlpd m il b w murray cotwid by w a wllwil that by law io n ind byuv no eoo liavna utn n td flml tlmr u no irad u ixound and uilrd limr and iujfd and tl ui tlw corporate wal xn attaclud tlirtr- to canted uosrd bv o w hurray uvnndjvl by w a wukon ihat lrar b brain ed lo inlrodiuv a bylaw lo grunt pir- niliiliin lo the lhtn and tmiubun to bono manty u itiwi the rumn mttfiklllure of llw tuntlilp uiul trat atd biuw bv no nod a flri tlmi canlod itavrd by n a lloblnuin mkuiulfd bi v i uulltn i at b itw to until t mrmujlon o ttu ht i ve in4 in a urrr to bonw munrv tu mr t in current riu lulllurr of llir lownt ilp ha vina brrn rrad u ftr t turn u n iu rt ad a arrond and third tlmr mil liatafd and ui blank fhud in sbith the aum of ten thousand dollar and that thr corporate iraj be at tached thereto carried uovrd by o w hurray wyvindrd by n a itoblnbnn that thu council do now adjourn to meet on tuturday ocembrr 13th it 10 am or at ire call of ihr htvie carried qalta proper mutrtu and hata our baby nam uandyf colored uald halludt wo named i im from ihr illbl uulreu italludt i nnrr h t i that before uald oh rm alnt xu iucr read llallud be thy rittmr fanti i h cryttl uq0 th4d a otir to aiul mu il moo til luilkl cm nucc cf mm and aut iu ii tni of 1 ifluill nor llut itr wm hi i at and oiutl nlntrr kcrta li nlo at inn i hl r forum ctf nrrralu dji fttr hm initt in ma ttnltlnj u i nod tiuili firtultfd tit ltj4gin li ati n 1 u- are takrn fmra th ir umuirr lonbouai and roru il coaditiord for tbo irimai ilit- tire tbiltrcn mkatr ri arahtly i trred lh er rttmirala vf hind youlj of ub mi at ilia of middle utr an j frtutauy ukm tfc yrara aw srll ntndd loetrd lae allothd anan of life all join to ihr tnrminrot of lylral canaifiao winlff porta dimag tbr wintrr uuaa cvrry wkkd ana lo canada la ae rauly actruille by railroad aa tn ihr uimmrr and aulutna moolha mny uilra of eoviorial biabte arr lrpt fwe of juw tnabl nj iht iurtoru4 lo warb ntlra toirna and tllua of lotrmalitioal repute u wiotrr aport reolna n ratty evrry sbere are natural titea for ablinf opr rial fur holey aaattej uiil cuilig are fnuod la cities lowe act many amalur rrntna shilr l bair rinla arr lrgiaa crnii fata irultiltf too uu toliojjto tmiaa boliy mtlihii nfurr hkat- inf roaiprlltiooj uljuoir4 roa liate touediar proctuioaa tad firrsotu duliy add rratly lo itr ujovmeol of a caaadtaa staler vjtao tbr katlonal pu of oaaad iwiartuirnl of the interior cltlava ill ladly supply laformatiob pee- laiaiu lo aaadvli wtaur cpoh altraciloae kjetj iuwji tin you duln t no to your lodtit nuttliu lust nlartjutfuit itufua no auli we dune haw tn nosponc it iuim llow ua thatf hufua oe orund alllierful imlnclble uatt uuprrme uruonqucr- jt1 itiuulate done got beat up by hu lti maiartklai new tuo trumpa aire paulns a church tn front cf uhlch u notlrw a du planed bale of work one turned to ire other in amaar mem lumme mil ho aatd they are telling it no rheumatism 5 h1ih1utiuu hciatioa 11 mihoo nulcily rrllevrd by ilili nc irralmrnt h hnnim nun utore rumacaps s tub mk ww tftss if ttu baric did not stow on the tw uu tree would not stow in uta i first dum the btrk doe on or two thine whioh aw useful but not very important the outald of it u usu ally nratty toubh urux ha become mora or lau daad like the outalde of our akin to that thing do not hurt it and it protect the llvlna part of the tree tiulde the irulde of the bark la the moat living part of the tree we may say it actually make the tree all the frrowth of the tree in thlcknau la due to the making of the wood and it 1 the oft living part of the liulda of the bark that has made all the hardest wood of the blggmt and hardest tree trunk abo there are channel tn the bark through which the aap of the tree run in much the aame way u the blood run in our own blood veaula leber uv mur on ktumlng un iduruiiy could not find her huaband in the waah- kouae ao ahe called to him to be an- awerad faintly from uuitair what are you doing up here patt flhe auked piainune the marmle why did you take the tnangle up sure biddy bacauw the paint wm up brv sale of first class baking goods wlfflm keal ilillaruti feuu ajtj nu4eull free ike eartk 4 eonure aaj floe flour pur larj ey tkuf reaijy far ik mjodleti of tkua humi taeouf rwil b i ikaw lewml pek w kaahlly ufhi m- uvlie your kapw nrr r- lifebuoy soap r hullliy ub 3 220 lard flour cocoa coconut fin pur lib mtpl lif pbg illvtr stir t4lb pin ptitry bf cwni flb piclln tin hiiiri uhiiim lb cookies- 2 27 honey pickles li beans nw puf clvr purbw ilua w2t 14es ur 25 ct pwb aarir 5hb bound dbv milialgintdasfill nniiiin nnv v fcefli trvbvon dcahlff t grapes wswtr wed tbur fri llelb ih main street phone 357 georgetown thd otrulun slewayj intermaluiul imllwem uuuy tukaal l4a oolden tfxt well done buod and faithful urant i ou haat bwn faltliful otrr n few thins i uiil aet thee arr many thlna- en ter thou into the joy of try cord uatlhew 13 31 lesson i aim a at uatthew u 14- w ije chrut t and all thy life uiall b i a ilia h ay of doluirv a itoyal itnad rf c dly drod ooldpaved lth h etrkt charity live chru4l and all thy lift 1iall tn a awoet upllftlnjt mlnutr a aovlrui of he fair lui m1i tl jt fruit through all rtrmlty john oainlam truac u 13 we all like lo trusted we can not do our bi uik if are du- trualod but t mpond readily to ixiniplime truat the fact la that we hae uild tru d moa than ao us ually rtallie nod luv n imtnd unat truat in lu l f la a fruit rrcihtd nun ond all our potr and ubll- hua bai ufii dertvtd from mm w hnld thm at hi ftlll and not ut ur oti dicrftton it u ii htnilthy ittllude of mil d to afcjutiw that ur irt ateaarda on bt htlf of oud ttie pportunltlrh a hac iiijod ravt i nt utn of our on making but of ilia lh touluii property rrsuterid n our imm or tmnk balance hand tu in our a n tut an but temporary poealonfc loarod for our period of it only 1 lie niiauru of rcaporul- iillty u not tie wiuir in nrry cae vmt hiut fiv i tahnta utlwre tvio rno ul nt i ut aj may bo equally bf 1 in the uae of thru endow- rn t they hae rocelvnd tte htat- i of uinltn u not rry happy but i ny ikopie of ateraai- ability have 1 red tfrat aervloe by their fldel- and unaelfutuiu thoe who pium- worthy of trut are uauolly ruatid further truafaaftkliiaaa uis the teat of tritorthlwwj u not ubulty to much a raltabilily cui- trwu can nerr tako the place of integrity wo only ate our time by betiifl jmloiu of uiom moru btftcd than ourtehe the thins to do u to how arealcr flduty than tie clever in thla parable of the lulcntt the different servants erv not rated by their vorynifl ability but by thnlr do utcv of fidelity ttu man ulth two tjilimu ttaa proimrtlonatcly aa faith ful aa tle mun uho had file talents and ho rooehrd proiiortlnnatc re want for the iuo mado of hi trut it la a ffreat enoounibrment to thaae who are ottciulituf aohool to rcfiurd their opportunity of roootvlnii an ed- wot ton aa an investment they arc making far tlie aervice of ood hlacklna in uudics all be utn to be aloth if achool uork u done in the npirlt of ttewunuhlp ufore ood if our aptltudea urc not iilviioimmi in youth e true hem puh in under uround ravea taut pocr of aluht bo- caiue thty dn not uw their oyua ttiau who nejlect uohlp for many year loao the rapacity to participate in wcralilp ttuue vvho bury trelr tuunt tn the rurth find that wlien they uuh to uw it it u not there the only nay to pre erve it u to ut it addihl reporulbllltu a come to thoao who prove thomwlu trust- vorthy retrefja 1913 all mm may be bom free but they ure not bom equul tltcrp b u gnat titrtad in ability juu wty ttiere tliould be urh a dlffetvnco between five taltnt und tuu talint men wo do not know but the everyday fact of life bear wltncu to thl proportion one btatohmun can rutch tho poiwlar fancy wherry another mun luniwt ilii eot elected in hu own oonatltu- tnry onu utitur can produce col umn each day thai wiry mnvipapcr will bo rtudy to ayndlcuu whllo otlhn have tlutr urtlclea returned invariably in rclbjiun hero have boat five tulmt nun uch as paul aubtuilno luther knu wcalcy while tl a majority of christian uro furiioitcn ahortly urtor death vot in luruu duatco the uqrld work is boluj curried on by average people the uenluo rocclvo the hlgl re ward but overuse poopla lutve tho uitlsfactlon or being useful in fact a tuo talent man receive hliiltar proue for bclitg faltliful with only moderate ability and lucking the inspiration of the larger reward that bon to genius alibi ttt it lu a weakness tn human nature to be fertile in producing eiwuiaa wo blame our herodlty for our fail ure or we find fault with our en vironment for our lack of tuogreij we blame the firm for which we work or tlie frleiui with wliom we bauvolate or tlie govlrtiment under wbjcb we live tlie real cam of trouble within our- uuh the man wtui the one ukui u dlwouraafd becauw lie did ikji rtcelve five or lo ulenta but he could have in vetted hi money a did he other two sum luhly fav orrd servant at prewnt the de- iiruslon u being blamed for every thing that goa wrong though it u not alwaya guuty a man who wakened up and aaw hlauclf a he a as aid uiat for many yeara he had uvn findnj fault with the church uju he dluovered that all chat waa lie nutttrr with the church was the individual and he wa chat individ ual the real trouble with the pun ur one talent was that he did not try hu txcuu was not genuine it was only a aubterfujie if he had devoud half the enemy to work chat he did to tnvtnung flumy eacuua t nvulht liatu auourcided it 1 eapecialjy luoluli to oflrr our lame ailbls for tnoruj failures- true we have evu lmpuu in our nature but we may ovlrconu evil wltli good tlie fact mat ao many people ulumpli over umpuitlon ahowa us ttul we too may triumph if we wui top wrining and put effort into life one cannot drive u ruul with b aponge aturaallraa l u to a very targe cut em we moke our un world ttun la a law of in iirastng rvtums tlioxo who devcl oi tlvrlr abilities find ihat tltelr now- im uicnaw rapidly one pleoe of uurk well done had to a huger op- jiort unity of service there is also a liw of diminishing return ttoe wtu are slack in their work discover thai the ooors of opportunities close to them thl principle la true in die financial world the man who can save on thousand dollars can make the next uiousand dallare morel laiily whereas the curse of the poor u their poverty the principle works in a aimllar way in the moral realm the man who conquer physical umptations develops power to with iuuid more subtle spiritual tempt itou he meet life at hi beat rath- ir than at his worst many of che laur invention of thoma xdlton dcticnded upon hi earlier discover- ts bo in our moral ttruggt each victory will help you some other to win to him that hath shall uiven qwillini fee dtmkule i if people were aholulaly honest would there be any need of aud itors 3 have wn uny cause to be jealous of gcnjusf 3 will people work hard without the profit motive r i do our ukculs deoleve any person other than ourselves a if money make money does flood nesa tnako goodness news cubiouities several very uniuaj event have been reported in the new of thl past uook from around thl district ays ttu sairgu kewreoord and are worth making a note about por instance there la a report of a man down acton way who hurt his knoo about haying time the farmer worried about it quite a bite for lut had ulfalfa that he wanted to out tho alfalfa remained uncut in spite of hl efforts and it went to seed- ii ctu it and threshed it then alfalfa seed l one farm product vtry high in price thl year on account of the scarcity of the crop and the farmer i said to have obtained about uw tor the alfalfa aged from this one field as the proe prau saya tl unt known whether tie 1 stlu lying awake at night worr worrying over it sunday niuht wind was strong but llioo living in ahaiterod positions probably dont know just how stroni it really was a cur coming north in to pergus when the wind got in un dor tho fabric of the top and strip ped it clean off tho car leaving only tho wooden rib parally a pcrgu man toacltlng hi wife how to awing for a drive from tlut tee on tlie olcul nolf coune did not know that tho lady wo standing o close behind him and his swing back atruck lur on the jaw knockhu out aoveral teeth and cuusliui tevcrc injurui do you think you did any good for your circulation by running a contest for uu largest potato in cite country a friend asked a country editor x do not know about tho circulation re plied the editor but i tiave two bar rels of samples in my cellar dodge olty kan l alone t1 ottm spodls it wufrtd evuton ottawa nowaiwr w the cluun store lyu bwti on tr spot owe last wtvk ox tn days- uooe uilylocklng farts liave roue out until ins other bid of the story has tvmvvd twjusj prootuicnor there is a dsnaer c rushing to luuly and unwarrunlsd coiuiuuoru twti the autlir cf the ulvoie prtc4pa inquiry ur ietns trrtni ineluud at tuu to iidinn departisunuil and chain auirs vti us without ducrtun at ion to todtdn tly ufo wtdeli tliy rprfwft u u as th rpr inulble pfwctltt of tvrtain individu als in order lo ki a fair and open mind on the ub it may l vwl t i divettanjle uxor of th ijun facts and t ttud down lwlow ote snotlr i the growth of chain stari in the tost cucwle has ufn stlly rud itiu growth las bm accooiplldisd in a futd where tliere vas the khn- it foaiprtluoi and ui width live tn- dtvldual ruur was well suautjwd lh inffimc la uat lte chain txa bouta sonujiunj vhlcji tlie con- imer owlrvd otlrwii they tnusx have fatlsd x the cralnatotv has fcucrdd hi many tnslriwwe tn iwactng he price urid uthmi th sua paid the pro ducer lutmir nsherraian mloufac- tuir cte and the price charged the consumer one fcrowry chaui ha uvn able by modvrn tuercrandlslng mstliods to sail foods with a mark up of only cutit or nine per cint the eld average tn tlie small rvtall brocry usad to b u to 0 pr cent in other words it can buy a commo dity for lioo and ul the consumer have it for l w and euu maa a pronl on the tmniactlon under the old syslem that article would haw had to be sold for has or ttve oansunwr sets uve ism article and gma u freihsr far a considerable rr d action 3 boa- chain stores tuive evplolled thslr ability to reduce the prtre spid by hogflng too much of the savtng for lhsmsdve and by taking too much out of their employs abie co undwrull thslr rivals the individual rstallare they have gouged out too much in the form of executive salar ies and ln profit on chain sent over vn million dollara to its par ent company in five years including the woru yr of itw deptcsslon one chain store made a much in profll as che total sum paid thslr aile fctan they could have doubled tf wagas of iheur help and slut bro ken en they could have paid 60 1 higher wag and still showed a profit of sewn per cnc on their turnover 4 while the chain store thrive on wall margins and quick turnover tr tda that they make only small pro fit on ail article ha bwfl thorough ly erploded on many article their selling price i over double their buy ins price i at a time when all canada has been suffering severely from the de pression with privation and even starvation evident here and there some of the chains ti9 made in creasingly large profit 8 tho wages paid employee par ticularly sale fllrta have frequently been o low as to break the minimum wane law in two or three case the wau are appallingly low for depres- ion years 7 in this connection it should not he forgotten that while 1040 week for a salrsjlrl average for two or three stores is a very low wage the prior of farm products in ifttt and 1033 wu such that the average farm only yielded about 914 a week to the fanner and his family and ttul adult yttk lkagttf of nation g a yar ago the outlook for the league of nations wa dkcouragtog japan had walked out the league not lmuu abv to bnpw its will u che da put wltli china germany had uho withdrawn and so suh the duarmament conference from which to mudi was hoped just at the moment wlcn the plans that had un pfiparlng for two yan wre nody to be oonldivd the lgue dujrdttd o tlie dwappoint uifi i of it frund and the ltlj lun j its enswns tv r nip var ago uv war that to riul wars was ugvui today ur find loyd ororge dicrlbing che wcild as a junale and ova nailads pruwllnj tbrour uuirung und bar tng their uui at une anotlvsr we imhw it u not so bad ss tlial bu4 si any rate tsrt and sumlclons ax making tl qj all jutdp nfto tan igo lhe uague of nation was fontim to be a towttng ground for tlie nations to eaercla all toal farrr lo prfvotil wars and to uj- nuta and further every man of btuinojuw underuanding aiibong lie pfoiili vrt tudsy itr and lose- turuy fuve uiyd ovmands tor analw tal cuuwr uwai of djl- re and agbrealon chan ever bfo ren urttain luu liad to realue chat duarmaoent by exaple u a policy 1 1 folly hut for all tlmt the uagu lus tirfid arvd suidid its if tm u mbie crtss of a uke character ha l kuro aflame tn ll have pass l theu first white haal without tbe urrude rtux our ktouth abnrtean war has two halud by a feaaiial aarfaient lo nfuse the trmfflkfv fj war tte eyr of the world hate been opened with a shock by the rvwlai- km of live gnat part that che sl full intrrrsts of uve manuiactufa of arms lute lusd in lhe nursing of wax- stare and er renditions ttve unit- a btatrs luu jotnad the intrnatloa ul lahar organiution which u part of the macjunrry of the lau ituula ijli brn admitted to the leaaue uore than ever before doe the league of nations deserve and nad the respect and support of all chlnk- uib iwopis for tl lute the only kjsttv yet tlevunl of world eooprptloa ao that tlie worlds work may so on tu peace and security woman llut didnt i give you e cake last wk tramp ve ma am your cake gave me no trouble at alt i usad to be a sword swallow er fishermen u ha been disclosed in the ulevens inquiry have ban working for a utile a hw to 1360 par season the latter sum being lau than w a i it ha yet to be proved chat th cmtortlon and wageslawry oooiplaln- ed of ln the case of chain store ha not been equally prevalent among small retailers although ln the latter case there ls more opportunity for che duplay of humane feeling by che employer toward his staff 0 bom chain stores have adopted the vicious practice of paying a man ager on the boils of per eenuge of tironi made by his store thus invtung um to slash wages to the minimum 10 without chain and departmantaf stores the consumer would in many parts of the country have to pay con siderably more for certain article and during the depression few bud- bets hava been capable of being atrrlchrd so as to pay higher prlcea tlirt are some of the outstanding facta in all fairness to all partlea they deserve to be considered to gether rul- vu gfcalij m be sift have your eyes examined tulyer lens unlike ordinary leruee are accural lo the ry edge whenever you look up or down in or out tulyer ten aw reduced tn price and are sold the tame price all over canada bo tt theth from u a we ull tulyer larue for the tame price a any one ln toronto or auelph o t walker fto otomttwiy twmiait uhtcuutt mum feklwu stojasvi dbuo to o ut itiigj wi liiihy w hw y irnall a 7 wattw ii kie j istaayisyaatsimnnbpnajttipj m tit murnitunstra i a lazy liver j csu easily basalt from a lleary uiatar diet dent siftr irea eeasfant bfadaehe butoaanasa can- stlpatloa ceaud engwe tte parkes liver tone u ft hnuu tmtmun aiu will ft akk nlbl it aua abb ui ilhurb in lu wnfc ft dl4huaa aa bold fw r i ftn 9 1 uu robbs drug store phone 76 goblown ont bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbhbbbbh n a robinson live slock dealer and butcher norval live stock trucking all loadi fully irutired phonei cuonetown 101 is john r bakseit oeo c lawun0 ucn wlu go to convention uavo with ilio very lfit of intention ol at rarely da we look for touting at ban out awlon amos barber go member toronto slock exthane we extend to you an unexcelled urvlce in lilted or unliited itock and bond enquiries incited on any inveitment problem canadian hank 0v oohneiuie buiutlno tokokto i itxepuon klatellm