phc4 tho georgetown herald wed nesday evening december 5th 1934 cjwsnapshotcuil i christmas greetings i merry ctalusm aaj hify new yr tuy fckrud cut wtiuay mptkol bot evtwry waajuj tftad out uaaig bi bw tfwtui carj pfo chapbdoovcrs hav jfrwl ra-dvaaug- evar ojlttry folk at ckruta tie for tkwy en ily i predate ciuuiaj card that ar 160 pr nl indmdual uatuoal ftkj rot at til sphaiv what ik purpo of a cttrlst- muj anyway t blmply uearry a bmii of thar sad fjoojwtlj from or param to anolhar it u at it bmt a vary fvartcaal ajrair babaket of yobnalf your k your family yur j w utytua u ikat part of yoar uf cab be anally uwl id ckrutmaa card trta imtllt u citlll lilt bo 6 tla tun ar raieay way of uciag uupaltou in grmuag ta photo fl is your town ere saoippd to make ftklf for you using ci of your ovb tupi they do toss lmuuful thing it will ray yoa at ltut to uvworu them or ya stay wtat to fee evaa more ituutdaaj ob or th afwpuat gratting consists of a card will a sjlapafcot pasted on it and a hand- wrlttaa massage balow nothing can be un baraooal than utatt tb opportunities for unusual aiid beautiful rards era endless its a thalunga to your ingenuity but no matter how clever the schema the siupahot itself wuit be good and appropriate yoa might us a nip hot of your family toad up in row f stlng the rinurt hut la there anything ckruuauuy ebojt tkit mo muh it would u far utur wouuat it to hava a aap of tha f auiy voupi about tha rrpla kargiig up thsl r cbrutm atocltajrit or dworetltig the trw or putting up a bolly svrall ca the front door a vuw of your tigfcted how car a wlaur altbt would hal a barlas card your canura cab do jtut about aaytfclaf you waal prowuiag oaly that you ghw it tba rtbt blad of to- oparatloa for luftor and alfb vuw outdoors ou a iuprwftaluv aim equip yourwlf with a fw of tb taatpbalv aaodara uspa of tbj pbotoftood and photo rain ito4 dornl forvwt that auto uad- lfku ran ba tid to light up intall outdoor aunvlaauy for brtaf urn axpoaura and m on but ramasobar that bow of all tlmaa your pktura mint tall a tory euit ba cuaxsrut and vivid tha id- la tha atoat lportant thlna with rara you can st tha pktura you wast go into aiatutlva iavaiob with your family now dlituaa idaai uwt tha tt and gt out your canura ona word of advua born ol ax- parlrnca ilmpla lda ara bet thay ara aaalar to aiacut and nlna tlnwa out of tan thay elicit mora ffottlvaly than aomathlna pratan houj or complicated john van cuiuumt centa4hile round trip bargain fares ulilaoa ftn i aaaulic cldllae ft brampton j geoigetown ud u chr tuo aahmiata bmampton qaimieh kiafiuslsatwpca7wfiaiiia8aul dortiab to following stations on dates shown rlfl utu xl klumcb ouuwrbmdnklj iwuu uu10vijrllrtwdjriililu north b sat dec ibth to toronto iajtft2aca canadian national j n a robinson i live slock dealer andbiileher norval l uvestocactsucianc all kd fully lflud phonei gwfgitawd 101 is better heat less attention ik vi lowestcost 6 john mcdonald queen street georcelxwn tb dwirtian u tmler millinery and furs fall and winter millinery at a bis reduction in price the new cossick sport turban and triangle scarf at gg set hau madetoorder furs i furs i furs all undi of fur coaut abo fur coati rettylcd and relined by expert furriera misses claridge hru blmjc umut g0otlowii oouooi text bludy l ah uty- au anvl unltt ood workwan that tmwriarfh not to b aalianwd hhuy dlrtdina word ol uutfc 3 tinothy 3 is lkaaow pafltlaoe 1aaiuiw 7 31- 3 aou in mm taka uy inutuot and u tvry powar aa thou ahall liw tw iwabm- mauww li 14 jua aunt ituidi of u u ltw a ura part of ida tauulauy eou- uuad of convartatlona wliii icdivw- uala and cauiai chata wlui group vy ollao a contract u wada b- twfl talk and action but ui talk of jaua waa to uisu an act- it ud to ttouaht and to aotloa llr hloulf at- tacnad tat irtportanoa to iua ucj- inaa lar mora importiinca uian tasw oj hb fouowwa otirut udd uiu li fa to uar wtinaaa to tha truu- ta had taadilnj tnat u tu would umiwoms tna hutory of winhlnrt tf oily lhay could ba known and uved bow tt uachara lava bd nlty yn in which to foruuvu thair doctnoa but jua liad at uoat two or tbia ynir in which to git hu wnfr u to world ilia uacjdntf ara not out of dta and liu tdrtnod ramain an rimpia to uaxliafa ibl day t44a by fuum tl um jui aaw aymbou of spiritual trutna tn maurul timu lbad yau uiepa hora uitl monay toaxtt had aplrltual uaillcalua for ttra rwwnuy ha uuuttt by dat- aua liifis b luupla nonrlljtoua lo- ddaot to mgj t v profuund apirtuia nrtnilpu tula paratla of tna two nous may hava bn sugtrd otu of hit own rvptrtanca aa a carptnur 11a had two a houa built upon- thr aanda that tha tlooda carrtad avay and ba had known a houa built upon a rock withstand tha alnrou- 1u dar ed to aay that anyona who would build a ufa upon hu taacmngt would find that hla trulha want an andurtnji foundalton thu was a urga claim to quia tut hli claim haa baan juiu had by avanta anyona who will ba- tttva about ood and oan aa ctuui taa tauaht will haa a gulda to ac- uoa and a ooflatant adiicatlon of con- acwnca two aui oataa may kraduata wub apparently 4ua1 cnancaa tn ufa tha ona uvea prcdo- einanily for aatf and in twantrflva or thirty yaara rrtititi by aoma ap- pajuy unprbfiaaditatad action tha othar nayama ufa aa a oodelven truat and goaa on frota atrmsth atrflth bueeauaa and fauuraa ufa ara aodobi auddan tfcay ara cwurailaad throuthout tha fmn by tha undawlyla oonvtctiona hald tn tha aaer1 putea of tha toul tfaiiabk t kaaieih la a talnuur hroustjout avarj yaui bouant book and carafuily card in- dctad thim ua boastad that on aj aot any aubjaot ha eould prpam an addra la a oounla of hours with tha waurial ba ladcoluotad sudtwoly ba dlawvarad that thla nathod crtpuaff hla own craatiga powarm that ha waa faat uflowitnj an cho and 6tajtnt to ba a vole it waa a ctaat aumodar but t cbubaralaly ftava up hla aamarad caota and ba- can to chlnlt for hlatali and aak tha iruidaca of ood a aplrlt for aaeh ad- draa at onea naw power etuha to him tha aerlba had baan eopyuta thay did thair wotk tajthfuuy and wa ov much to thaea bur thay ware not craauve thlnkara jaaua taught fmra hi own asparueea ica parablai wra trua to tha aspartnea of other and by conajpondanoa to fact other mind could follow hla it la idle for anyona to try to achieve literary tm- taortallty by mare quotatlona btata- manta of truth coon et out of cute thla u on raaaon why old troths hava to ba formulated tn freh word ivofik twiurauon to faaaratlon jaeu knew tha writinge of tha old taata- ttaat but ha drank from a llvtna aprtaar not from a raaarvotr when ha apok hi word carried eonvtc- uon bacauaa ha waa not dependent upon praaedanu and authortuee but rather upon tha impact of truth on hi own toul ihj teaching was o duntrant from that to which hi hear er vera aocuatoaad that thay war satonlahad at hi taaordna there was novelty tn both content and ma- thod faaafcaa trabiw aata ui u ii u an udoa that only tha taufhs oas taath uor and wore povarn- mental daoartmaou of aduoation ara atraaatng tha mporuno of thorouaii tralnlna for nuulo and hjh echoed taacur in raoaoi yaars there has baan craat advaoo in tha tralnlna of hunday school teachara by sum- mar school and by uadarahip tralnlnf ciaais many eradlla jiaw baan won and oartinoataa jpialid a tare number of una testtsook have bean prepared civing tnformatlon a to what to teach and how to teach it icnch of tha tg mlnlitry of tha ohrutlaa church is carrtad on bj nonprof aealonal volunuuy worker than la great gain in thla because tha teachers ara able to understand tha need of their associate whom they teach whan apollo an elo quent alexandrian came to ephaeue ha tpoka fervently ii may have been trained in a school of rhetoric but two simple tentmakera pructila and aqulla who were friend of paul were able to uu him much that ha did not know the roiawtlua f btady st tt the christian church la a fellow ship and one of lu duel bonds of fellowship la through study theolo gical collage teacher training group bible cussee and mission study group develop a ana fellowship in pursuit of truth the progress of religious work depends very much up on ujhle study a certain amount of critical knowledge 1 necessary por instance tha lie brow thought of the earth a the centra of tha universe whereas wo believe that the sun is tha centra a teacher must have a certain amount of scientific- know ledge or else the pupils will be taught untruths uuch mora important however la the devotional study of the bible seeking through its pages to feel the spirit of ood revealing truth and ranking the bible a book of life uuch good work in religious gfrhowi boa men vou can bo btttu bvv tat- fconlzimo vofjst local bimimtttlw s4km n uallm wb4 vx bby auwr vm caw oat it ht gmrtun the following is a uu of urchuit praiulqiil own agents and dvaiara in oinnlown c j uuck jii of til kind i u1u1x i co lftdw and 0rflta kumiuunga- lulownth uakajty ud ahd rates llaiulut vfjoral co cut 8oar uiul potted uanu a j ulackuuiin cnls fumlali- intfk iulaiiluv btoriv oroervrs j ilaiiaijtijjeihoa rplrtnj bailey lutou oaraga ii ilaiintl impleavnta v a 11kn1iah ac oon iuai uiu slid ljuvumnor j lulanwoilo wood w c liwiiufiy hour and fd 0x10101x11 ltd oiootrtt a k cluwwoarag ultoiya cljuuix1k ullurtary wu caltpliill rd j cain oaraar douiniom btoitea orocrt dayuowd ujloil car trucks and radio u uovix oarag ci lail dawuon cut oowrt ultoy oa1x luttutar utwin a ooldilall luax of all kinds w t evah8 ilfcaleitata aiwl la- suraiut a t fajtwell orocarto and croc- lury j fajllfejt yicjut and wvlc ua- lluu lyla fltancul iwiuly pallor uloiloutowh luuucjl co ixtiojirrowu citkauutv uoldln oat cajlc y ooldcn iurtr j u1u1iokb lulur oilman u uailty ult uolloa uantlat 11 w iuwton watchmakar and ewlur iia1julll h uakejiy brtid and cake- oixutoetown liersxir ituu inn and puburilug 11 llolmta bhoe rapairtng wu hurrtlan ilaibar huntuiu iwn uaale i1uoi1y 4i ucdowald tobabccoa a huux impkmanta win sung trau of all kind hi h p a uakjoiy urd and cakfia y kjuuiey insuranc long 11 oonvtctlowaty j ii uluoo barbr and beauty pajlor d uoata ftulu and vegetable d uuho woodcraft a livirjotjtonlt wood dr ulajolowtit vsurtnajy k u uujudon lurruler o it uuckajtt lurdwara and plumbing uaotl uaj1bzr bitop ua1ue lkav ladiv j u uaouxhzu i bonlaimbrr and coal it afjutclolent orocartaa and frulta ii uajlajlalllrocari and m4u dr utlnk dantlat ixacocrfuxaoub datuo btoile lfxkan ti co arooerle and dry dtl wnurtrtiqbphyilclan a l ucoilvray ttnamtlhtng and plumbing il o saclurztoma sairnlahlnga dr muaeh chiropractor drb faul phjiitlatu j h c netll tt bom oarage and service stat rioltajidfiona hardware rkady to to ii store a ronky llhoe rrpalrtng j reid ilardwara a robinson oroccrtae and gaco- lina roud8 druo btork btuloirro oaiiaoe and aervlca station wu buxt1i boota and ahoae ii gllvelt ladle and cant fur nishings v sinclair vulcanising and bat- uric j bquireb sarvtoa station baunders btork orooertaa il stooictoitd tailor cleaning and praeatng r il tlloujeon at oollardwara plumbing and ilnsmlthlng c o tilouptlon ai co insuranca j tofit wood a e wrioirrsutcher ntank o wittrwceracua and servlot j wiiiliauson barber dr watrion dentut dr wtt i j a mb wiyalcbin e e youno lunchee and tobacco education is aftwmnluhert by memory work boy and girl w uirde who team aev eral paalms tha lord a prayer the beatitude and the parable and certain great selected verse have a basis of religious knowledge thst can be worked out in personal experience uore and more it u realized that the future of a nation la dependent on religious faith uudy to anew thy self approved unto ood a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing live word of truth h qtteatleaa far dlsauilan 1 why is jesus known a the great tuachert 9 should the sunday school teachers be a highly trained aa day school teaohent s why is teaching the most satufy- tng mental process 4 which do more professional or vol untary teacher b how may christ teaching be used as a foundation for charaeterf tn the boy and obis harm clubs competition at the royal winter pair ontario carried off the trophy in the dairy cattle project through the majtfcaw dairy calf club and also the trophy in the heed project through the durham county boy drain club csfaztf bxoste aaamagekm rmotkmt kvobsc cttajloeat bed hbiwlcm aiwlu caurt ttd kim stmullnal u oiuwa yroai toronto evening tvuiprmm of whinday nov 3ath bntartlna under tha buhlrut ad- mlnulrrtd by the mtdlum of avld- rnor tendered by butlwrland cuddy giotfilnlon vclatiu and mu urs in- aptor brtun uw itoyal oonuaulon on price spread at ottawa ovrr 400 local chaln ttore matiaaen and as- fcluanu tndortm a rcmlutlon but nlaht eondmninii tlia trupklor and rfutinjr hu cumfi of alkorttoalght ond unethical paretic in the butl- riru- a humrdlymmmoned bwttng at orarue 11 all uai the open ionia of the maansrr who rpiwrukl ttry chain stoie tn thr city and vyjo poclally esprd thelr r4inuwrn ot the sltempt of ur cuddy to ac- cu tliam of wily thtewry the re solution which wa- oramd to prime ulruuer it u ilnnatt and tra rlialrman of ha royal co al0 roundly tin ouiinvl the sugz- tion of uie lniwtor tliat chain uw actounllng surras mid llwsl and unmhlcsl practlct iiaaary by uort cruuul0en wlui oru- lone duifntunt ho uvrnil thwi trjiw uw mating into duardcr lui lu klionuvi commenu fium the niur of tlia hall hie t-vl- diu citdluid to ur cuddy was re futed tpecul ileirnccfc tvlng madu to hu atatrmants that all ttww lutwr nukt u rriuoed by tfo managen thai due o economic lrfc4urt the local mahsuer rami kwrt to lluaj pnirtlcei to kwp tiu tttuk halanrd and tlut ttif pranice- of thcirt ljlu sa rtaartij to by ui msnagtr to cieate sn inria all the many tpfalura rj addrn- yl the minting rciuratrsl thai a ijjujrc drul to uu cutcmer aiwl honut f tahl were cardinal prin ciple ol tw buslnru it u telt uiai tlie mjui4jlon macur had craat- wl a uurk oi conjldctnc nmoiia the cuaiomera biul luul altritdy made iu erfft fit adervrly un tit chain starr tkulnes william walters a htop and shop lid diana tt r elrctrd chslnnan of the mretuiii srrtnd that the chain tlor mjiiutr ould nut i given s chance to defrnd thrmuhri at ouaiu an 1 thst the mreunf as their only u of rrguaerlng u strona prousu it has brert unla r crttl- ctun lie charged and if kat luu bwn said a ouawa u true uv clialn siorea would not htt ttourtuicd and survived we re all mtltled to a fair wage and thst whst we were getting until this inquiry cam along h want on according to ur cuddy ere all patty thieve and dlthanrst it u said we have to put our hands in our own pockm to make up shortages than not true it u said the ual are not ruht that s not true we have alwavs brcn told to give is ounces to thr pound and that the customer l si ay right naturally ur wall era said there were caw wlien there mlgtt ba un derweight or overwalght through a mutaka on a busy aaturday nlatit or uirough a teala msda faulty by w father conditions which sometime thickened the grraxe lie declared that evidence wa bring given by managers who had bean dltchargad probably for good reason and that they should demand that their own casr be heard lie pointed out that ctchangaa were made every day of- tm whan it waa wrq known that probably some of tha article had own uiod or consumed we dont have to do anything shady to make our stocks balance ha insisted and our livelihood u being taken away from us by unjust statements wllltam rloe also of stop and shop ltd said that ha hod always earned a rood sslary from tha chain wrlch had never been below u3 and aa high as 10 weekly if a man u a crook he isnt in tha butlne be cause we dont want crooks ha de clared the companla want hon est men and that a why were stiu with them news and intostmation kob til kw0y fauces frapubag te4ya turkey grower are now beginning to flnuh or fatten their birds or the christmas holiday it u customary to begin tha process of preparing the luscious turkeys for the nation a fes tive dinner tables by feeding them small amount of grain which gradu ally are increased until tha blnti are on full feed due to the targe supply of wheat available this grain should be used to advantage in the fatten ing ration wheat has nearly ire same fattening qualities aa com but does not produce the rich yellow color of flesh that yellow corn does it 1 important however that all grains be free from moldlnes and they should bo fed in hoppers to counteract cer tain disrate that cause heavy loss do not aonnne turkey for fattening es pecially if they have been run on a range far range birds cannot stand confinement drain claa winner the o rain class open to agricultur al societies at the recent ottawa win ter pair resulted tn very keen com petition among societies in eastern ontario where the production of high class grain has developed so rapidly in recent year the purpose of the competition was to encourage the society to foster the production of different kind of hlgn class seed grain by its member the renfrew agricultural society was awarded first position with a to tal of 4m point of a possible 00 the lot of peas barley alfalfa and oat each scored over 00 wheat alone fell slightly below this high standard the leading societies were placed a follow 1st renfrew society t point and pokenham society 430 pi 3rd carp society 4m point 4th vankleek iliu society 433 point sth drummond society 430 point petal far paajltry panning increase in value a an oooupatlon hist in proportion to the extent to which incidental bypro duct can ba marketed at a profit not only must the farmer sell all his good quality products at a fair price but ha must also find a market for a much bb he can of the unsaleable product it has been found that greater net profit per bird can ba made and a ahlshed bird of hner quality and flavor produced through cratefeeding on a ration of equal parts or middling rolled oat boiled potatoes and skuamilk than 1 tha case where oommeal is fed pota toes finely ground or boiled are prov ing aicoeptloruilly good for finishing poultry particularly when fed in ton- junction with the white grain and milk cratofed poultry offer a real ly attractive market outlet for cull potato her arms and legs immovable tea year widj sstaaausai to thu feoman it must hava ba like commencing to live u new ufa when tha began to ill her anna and w aaaln alter lhy had bn lialp- lfj fur ten vrura 1 buffeid with ilia urn allfcm- alia vrtirj and had brn udiiddn tinea itoo i could not bow arm or ugs and luul to la led ilk a child every body thought i should be an invalid all my life i farced myialf to fljlu agairut it and trtad a number of different tilings it wa kruaclun that evenlually tvd me and today i corulder it i saving my life uy condition ha greatly improved and my limb ara gradually brooming more supple alrvatdy i can eat with out afjuanc and diet uyslf which i had not done for un yora u if to of the ingrndlenu of kruxchan salt are the taoit effectual kolveol of urtc acid krowm to madical wleuca ttjy kwlflty dull tha iharp da of trr painful cryital man toman thru into a harmu volution other ingredient of the halts hava a stunulatlag affect upon tha kidneys and aulit ham to enpfl tha dicjvd umllo ndlr thfougt- tha natural channel waxtu a uacat dlsui ay mxmwmmw w qraaa scai- u h ill i orew g ogj ruw far oauait walur a uuck orand uasbjc of uia indvixdent ordr of odd pl- low for ontario dlfd at his home tn tenfrw on uunday nov 35th it was i yrtu old and hla death w cauud by an ulnaa which started but hlumbr wlien ha was attending the kovcrwlan orend lodge meeting hi totonto accompanied by urs black ha was then on the but lap of a tour of tie slvtytwo odd wllows dis trict in ontario ur black vu bin in colbome one and spnt hl earl years teaching lcivuoi it later bicam an accountant and lived in a number of rauern ontario tounv in the odd rluws oeder be rou luodily from thr lowcu omca to the highest fib uataj pay jour its wur a smue sd- vum un kcrck 1 aluild low to said uij ocaaie- ly biu they insist on cash too bad about the uon tamar what la lie is so swelled headed over good press notices that he cannot gat his head inside the lions mouth walter this menu la tan day old- that does not matter sir we still have all the food rraocttammb to ujuinan uvfc uyocet pajtaiiitmm al tha annual eurtlng of uve 111- ton county llviwtocfc impfosemaot asaociauon held on wedtyetday of last w it was uwldd to undertake an eduoaoloruu progromma to eater- mlnata uta in liorws and waruas on rattle dr lionel stevsauon wo- vlnclsl zooloaut was uve cpacul tpeajtrr and during die court of hu buut lnltlng addrea outllrvsd prartlcal bvathods which might be used to fhtarmtnsla thae parasite ttvrry hortaman knows loo well jus what an annoyance and nuisance the hot fly is during the hot summer months oompanumwly few slataa dr thrvmson appamvtly raallsa trat l of tha easa of cehc in horua ara rauud by the bot larvae a number of horws die annuallr m every county from this parasite rar- mers from nasaagaweya township whrre over ko hors war treatsd euccesfully early in the year spoke most enthusuitlcaljr of tha raaulta lecurad- aroordlng to john carton wellknown nsssagawro tiwnshlp farur his tors responded to their feed tn a manner antlraty dlssrant to that prior to tnaimejsi luns wara made at tha evaatlng to hold bam msattng tn ach towruhtp during the waak of daeabvr 1mb thaa mungi will ba conduetad un der tha ausptoa of the uve math im provement aaaoclatton and will be addrwad by dr lions stevenson yvjlowtng thesa munj u u aa- prtad that aach townihip win ba or- iranlfed and aacfi farmer eooouragad to have hi hot a treated under the progrmmm tha election of ofbcare raaullsd as follows ivvaldent a o u bruyn lime- house vueprldent duncan oampbell uoffsl vlfepridant walter damnl ull- ton trrasurar edwin ilartoo uuton barrwtary1 e wuulock ullton dtreotora trafalgar tcrwnsfclpja wlllmott trafalgar township w ii ugsar esqivsalng towtuhlptho ftbl eaqdaang townshlpj 8 robertson navssagacwy township alisn u- hon kauagtwey township lcn chls- nelson township walter raadhaad nelson township john pattlt esquealng township waslay uur- ray visitor llow much do you earn here clerk to famous lawyer ii 0a69 a year gl par weak in raady cash and th reat tn good advice ixariagar you raottved a great ovation wtan you lift tha stag they are still dapping what did you say to thtmf actor that i would not go on with my part until thay made las nolsa g sciatica s m itvuacaptl clean uk your w yum of uric add rlwvlg i ilheubuttlun and llclatlca i kofcayy bat to sfoslf rumacaps chas dawbon florist cut lowers polled plants and floral designs pkone 86 gof rlowa floral designs uuu mfwf i 111 twwkfe t fchiinl raicu beuomaais hugh lindsay la u ua budi the georgetown herald offers yon res i joj nt ufyn moncyvmailbqx here is real offer that will mvc you moitoy give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment tha whale year through thia is ell you have to do select inv ol llusi lummis muiiiiis and you will recesva the whole 4 publica tion for one year from the date we receive the coupon here if the amazing combination low price miclaanf buwi 1 yr qcjuuuina 1yr qcanadlin 1 yr nidoiul hania manlmy 1 yr qpidotbl rvuw 1yr cinadiin hariicubum and ham magatlna 1yr our ouarahtm to van i fali woniurful outr u avtll bla to old ftnd tuw lubicrlb n to thlf newttiaptr we guurtntftb tbs fulmtnunt ot all nuicazlns luburlptloiu uul you luvo tmmluve tuurtneo tlut uui genorouj otter u uelly u twrtunud b nowau will bo uttmdod for full trm ftbowd ll cowon todav he- puam clip uh of mapatlhii attr cjieckltto 3 publlco- lohg desired hu out coupon carefully aentiemen i enclose please send me the three magazine checked with a yeafe subscription to your newtpaper btntcr oh rpd town and pflovince tog ioo in wxhyut it will come a a surprim to mauxy popla to uara that tha zoo polar boar deuat tha cold- during the winter month thay are probably tha dirtiest animal in london nothing will indue them to uk a bath nm tha temperature fall below w da- grve and if the water bear a ooai of lea thry gingerly msit a circuit of their tanks with thair backe to wards it trying tha to with thar enormous hind feet in winter all tha elephants ara oltd from hd to foot ttuhigh an swphant can ba acclimi- lud to an fcogluli winter tt tough nan resilient akin quickly cracks in cold waihr dirt and hisct boding lheir way into tha rwira cuiulng tndl- duconifort- a few buckau of oil oblvlata this and until the lubri cant loaka in gito tha anlmsj the uppeamce of a glganuc brodae statue hew atvliktlsment3 v ktma on lialf of double hou on uur- uotst fit pcmrfi on dc 1st apfjy tvlephona fcj r 1ft orctown tf ye su4 aparlmant at saptltt church br- aonaga apply to w y hun ht oorfatows oordwood cut into stova wood w tha cord at raawihll pwlo say utaphrl oowtwa if tfil wrilajj will pay food prtm for fcorat to- luid cattle or anythldg suiubia wf fox mt al gay uoa pbon ta madlauly aa kbaal must ba tn pa- ffcct fondiiioa vajuia4lr pqi find ihone r ii oorttowii w baia au bahey vad co your oat and baruy vfekti will tas douu u hlgtr in prioa aad prited low at pom par bad bulk w m urowne as oo hor1 w sinftf- swlng mictlri afot j j h jordan msatmt walffirmlthf jwlw phone 11 wood for sale cheko ua1 iuw64 fc otdit kuu u twbt cilia onbm bo u a ttufiu or u u hoao irtxk ww orooiii y itlwwwi o a uvuotioia n9 tettooolt dulm0 fcfid tfal to d4 old b li cliloa cuand oa thoti ouu iho tili ha wllliibi boa if wood for sale oholo lunisooa utflt tad lillli uljud ton wood uo4 uateote ptui aeoly juk iwt man kn cwcrfoo w wood for sale choloi illal00d bjocii ad uul t um par cord uum4 mod im ur eord tuu mm s ttwi i suaoaa hunt us tr mil j farmer obalgh 8l oisrgiuawi radio repairs yea ara bsvllad ce eisae la aaj talk aver far haaue f- i tha adetee af a crajkwj kuaie barvlaa atagfaiar 1 ywan faa ike vaduall fftfizi for sl oo wihialiy itrtinlir u ur at l pjn- at tha harwnaiur manlion- d farm iter wul ba off ard for sai by public auction by john a hiwi auctlonaar the valuabla huas of tha isie wuiaaa t daagaad this farm oonsuu of lot numb t nonrasalmi ft tn the tordahfta of ha- quaatng in tha county of stahon aad contain 00 acras mora or it is situat about four and onahalf mil from tha town cf uiuoa thr la a new brick tnomad lous bank bare drive shed and other builctta good wan orchard and about 1w acraa of hardwood and other bush oo tha property tha farm will ba cold aub- ect to condition of tale and a re serve bid 10 shall be paid on tha day of tt sale and tha balano with in d dxya the bckiaahold furniture and farm implement will also ba of fered for tale fay public auction at th asme time and place par further rjartloulara and condi tion of sal apply to the oualph trust oomnany oualph adailiut- tor wtth the will annaaad of the ha ute of william nailson rtfil or to oaorg k ktuiott uiuon aolicuor for the said administrator u notice to creditors i th baattar af tha raatat af lajts3 cuauatorhsts cooat uu tf th ywwhla af baaaabsg b the cmktj af staltaaw imr atoaaaa- sd notxob 18 itzrzby given that all persons having any claim or de mand against tha lata uue onru- topher cook who died oo or about tha twelfth day of november 10 at the township of rsqtvmlng tn the coun ty of italton and provino of ontarla are raqulred to send by post repaid or to dalivar to tha undersigned soli citor herein for helen uaruoook and uabsl uay dau eucutrlou harain for the last wul and taatamant of james christopher cook parmer de- coaied their name and iflflmsit and full particulare tn writing of their claims and atatament of thair aa- count and tha nature of tha eetxiri- tle u any hald by them and takk nottoe that after the twentysecond day of december ibm the said helen laarta cook and m uay uetta will proceed to distribute the asset of tha said nm mfwg the person entitled thereto having revord only to tha claim of whleh they sliail than have had notice and that the said exacutrtosa will not be liable far the said aseete or any part thereof to any parson of whose claim thev shall not then hava raoalwd dated at georgetown ontario thla twentyoral day of november a d ibm waw lejtoy dalb at solicitor for tha said xtfwrtrwa notice to creditors in uio wmtir of tlio biuu of unon lukdino utnai twm or oomfolbttb a tb ooos- ly of ualtoa ohuubum imniifl notioe ib iieredy oxven talt all twroona having any culnu or d rnand osauut tha ula robart hard ins who dlod on or about tha euntaonlh day ol ootobtr imi at tno town of uramihan in tl county of peel an required to aond by noat propald o rto deliver to the under jonad aollcltor herein for uaude welter and ida uay hardlnr the exeoutrloee of tha but wul ud tm- ument of robert lurdlnj cuutu- nuin deceated their nahua and ad dreuee and full mrumuara tn ml ins of their culnu and etateount of uielr accounu and the nature of tha eecuriuee if any held by tnem and take vorwctsust fur the twentyuoond day of tfnfr 1034 the laid atoudealurlissllda uay llardlns wul proceed todletrl- bute uio aueta of lie aald deoauad anionir the pereoni enutled thfto havuuj retard only to tha elalma of which they ahall hen haw i5d njs tloe and out the aald uuoutrloba tu not be liable for the aald aaula or any nart thereof to any nerua of whole claim they ahal tnthan have received notice l oeorcetowa cutarla p0- l day ef h6mbr a u 1b34 lahoy dalvl i tmuw fas tha miashttkim i