Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 12, 1934, p. 6

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page 6 the georgetown herald wedneaday evenina december 12th 1934 xmas specials fancy xmas boxes hunts moirs smiles n chuctcles 1 lb xnu wrp- ped 8de 2 to and over xsnaa wrapped m to 137s xmas mix hard boded candy per u 17 hunts mixture filled and hard boiled per lb 2ie xmas special creama jellui chocolate and boa bona our own mixture per lb 23c creamed almonds apul for xma per lb soe week end chocolates per lb sse fresh mixed nuts 10c lb 2 lb sse xtnu sloddnj and xsu nevaltu tu to 100 s coax halls curs afiirainf trtrr cuu tora 3vmi kuad fcakla and waicfa younalf think x xunali u w butaad cf l lick n nod riuu nwi u tu u you am atriva to uikl your fc rfoa tout th fauka of othar uua will dwarf uid khjrlnk low chid fro- fethjtiear w on burfatr uok whr you wuh h u aubautut for hat ataod aild and vaiohfd your- wit eo by longs confectionery oboaoattowh uabbaabbbaabbaaabmbbbaaaaabbbbbabbabflbaab chairs tables stands drapes rugs there ia many a mother and lather too who would rather have aome nice piece of furniture for the home on chrittma than any number of amaller peraonal gifte a new piece of furni ture or two adda new intereat to a room and alwaya of courae ehoutd make it mora comfortable we have a wide election of aeparate piece of high grade furni ture all very moderately pric ed newest deaigna and fin- eat worlcmanahip see our window harold c meclure phone s4 main st georgetown btf romance in sewers jj qvlf r v qw ef ciwv to li atur 27 yt ol vsltlng up uwi juvs wltfljwg yuin inajvtitny itktn i- fwiftj tfwai ftvj doaag thhrr oaj fl o ud oj tkfu all ihmw kit hund au ua kill tua fco kiuil owf v bck bet ll fc itnu k wit m tar lawttirt ill hu j fpuatiaa of hafam oa oj uw b twtr woturt wlo fwf kd bui lo 0t htt ol hu u av u soiflfl to imp tijjos aaj dv6l litaiu to hi ulll cakla alvd sau io qlw rait hi kill auw wa bora la uatokutdrt hrtuivt cod btot h c lo cmahj k woilf l uictualob uj twuv puca la tirf vcuuw loil aul u4l ui you muua t tfclelt u tut tfw lot tl hiuu ia wf a uiy patuai oj tk wwtl hoiimuj oax lol a llsjoo tkw xaa fwuc uuj tif aat j tjrf cltv uadkavtrfm v4 kourfd k u ll ttw vrf cejj b watchtj au kwtil blgb u tkr twir ui tfc rlfi avrvw ajabaf all w fj lurma 0t tato th nn uj ait lu htd a klr vartrty ol itt k hu wnovj l to m uauu hi otiwf cullfu ctttl ilu- luy tajm wucbfl vat lott ob tw uti flj h uia at uh uiiai m tin borttaa el whkli u tart wutl gnuataf sutli fyt fllilfff ud ktauut hv t rratfwj by alf irom cuk miom aftj jaafiit tlrf hniky cku ud ww ultlt tew tht itrf 4m ula tttk when yu tuh miuuy to th rtmaom and you just wim iks latt toalii ami bay antsatljiif yau bma tottlf hi ott to a it mi lm pltltmif call will awtld jwa ami wawy a kwi u hi ar aau a trah ywil haj tiaa lalaaaia a iaalr uaaaaaliar var aaat uajetikhm mflaa aa lqm w b auy aa buakaab look la k tptatol yoar dlnmw to ua bat al tatw ilaatobw athfefu ltttl aa ti balbo avenue now otkaoo looound uu lowpu awjw of luly i air araudai by riaiao t4t ttut htm htri u ana crousloa tutotliu wub ptid to tfca bw balbo avoou auatf indian f beau biwai f um ataaaj oavh wfab aa aiat a ahiujo baadtobattd uttu vltb a ulifaaij bur woj wtcribtd by jta toy aa udua bailalauker woli- vllu ns u u lay la bid with uvt lacanttooa tk ladlia vu cutttag trj to tb wood iwa a youao bear cub raa up to um wttb aa ty oa the covtrb aual bounty lor baart toaty fud ll wtib a blow w bu u tba cub bad tumly alia bra lu aiotbw aptaand tbt big bar took cos lock al bar cub and with an caraord btl- lam cbaroad tbt duo toafy uuraud nctpt lot bis lit raa tbt btar wu clot oa bit bttlt tn bt trtnptd ovr a dtadali la iba path at bt rm to hit tot tbt t- wat upaa hit oat uftbtnlaatlkt blow raktd bit back and tort of bit caatj aaatbtr ttrta- ptd tkla km bit ua toaty kaatd back and luntd tntfftc tutlly at tbt btar wltb lot ui to which ht tafl ckoia tbt btar turatd tbt blow aildt tauly wltb a hut paw and wu ctotlao la aoala wbta tht indian two brotbtn attracud by bit call ruthtd into vltw wltb ouaa a vollty ol thota rtobltatd tbt aataul and tbt mj om into tat lanix incuease of g hawt bkom abath saau pfepemloa howw ow taa yaar twod iqluracy it tncrcailno to canada but only in proportion to tht lacrtait la popu- uuoa acctvrdlng to bgur audt public by thtoaaonloa bureau ol sututlca tbt caaiut la i0ji rtvtaltd that ibtrt wtrt 660505 ptraooi la canada over tht agt ol lv yart unablt to rttd or wrllr in addition thtrt wrt 51936 who could read but dot writ a gnat proportion ol thru would ol court rrprtunt children ml ttartlna tchool tht ctmiu of imi rvakd 615167 over tb ao ol sv unablt to rad or writ thdl year tht tojl populttlon ol canadi over th ant ol five yart wat 7730j31 uhtl in 101 tht number hud lacrtaud lo 9 303 371 sevenfoot skelbtons pound svrutoni ol indlani citlnutrd to hav bttn more than uven rt tall hav been unearthed by riplorcrt ol catahoula par- uh loultlana a acarch lor locattont lor ttiidy by memhrra ol th smluuoolan la- titut diicloud roffl 15 to 20 ol tbt vu- rnnt in a oravt on a avound at lartt lai like rhriatun and ike lonfa supper ooldtw text tor aa ofun at y l thit um1 tvud drink uila no v do h tht lord cualh uu b toon i oorlnthtnt 11 m ltfttiom kabaaok 1 oorluthunt 11 u34 ilfvad of thr world in miy broui win of hi toul in utrty aharf liy whom uv bordt of lift i- poko and in who death our tin ar drd locit on hi hrart by iorrorf broken look on thr- trarv by alnzura rd and bt thy frait to ut tw tokra ttiat by thy flittr our toult art tvd aa au u u m paul arount of tht uuitlutlan of ihr- lord ihithwr was writufl to th ociinthufti about u ax tn- ty ytan 1ur trt tat u wta i at an eyttvuhr bf th lat up- prr but ht nat glvn ut an fcoou that trtj forth lit fianuai fcdinlilft thrr hat bnn much thtokajval rort- troery rgamlns imt ticrmfnt but iwrhtia tlvt taoa helpful approach u to eik what j4ua tntrfwtcd it lo b lt icrww hov pay it uu forgh avert thipoknt hlniy and wip tpart- rrvr lt auo kjiw vhat an aid a viublt alm rould bt to recall an hu- toiie art ii iud a wry kimjil ob wt that ol brokrn brd to oni- mfiiuiratt til rrurlnxion it had jr vtouauy datcrlbm hlsurlf to hu tcikhm m thr- uwwj of llfr at th laal hjppr lk look tht bread an 1 bfuk it aa a fcuiwa to t 1cl imt hit body ould b brokn for tatwt tu purpftt of jrtm in tn- mitutin th ucraawql hit btrn abuikumty tulfulml at ar hind th fcorld bbry thltdytn rr- q irst and break tht bread and eat it in rrimmbranr of htm a mfiuui f urrirt u u to thr hrbtybi tt uood iymboal rl tlw lite jrait uad tht 4alcra- mrntil vine ai a tymbol of hit out poured blond and ucrlacitj tvalh in military mrmorttj ttrrxor rr- nw u ctfi mad to fluffl toultr alto liair paid thr- aupremt urtiar but a canadian onvrr of hih rank hi ujtd that thlt phrua ahould b rrwnrd for thr aartlflct of chrul olmr rrveral factora auk th tiratt cf chris unkqu ii vav up itfc j itf hn it vat man full of promlj it dld at a nimtnal though h wat innorrnt ii wa put to drath by th rrllalout lmdra of hla nation from whom h enuit i rtthtfully ha expected nrotlon tli amrramrnt u to romnvmorata hu dath and tnrreatlruj numbrra rwau hu ucruw at thy paruk of thu aarramrntal fatc wiushialuat n- in any confttvaatlon urf or unail th motlvm and mood of hot par taking lh tacrunant uy bt far uf frrrnt to on it la a high and holy hour and to anothrr it may b only rotittn ritual paul had duflmlly in rvplalnlrm th manliut of tht sacra mnt to th corlnthiana who had brn lnfluncd by th fratu of th mytltry niuaton vry often th wer rlotout banqutt and aoma of tt chrutlana lookrd upon th mmorul meal at omthlni almilar isiul had to how them that thu wat a tacrvd mrmortal rtcalllrm tht taxrtflclal drath of chrut ixany mlnlattra hold a communlcantt clua annually tn order thtj thot bkomlruj mamotra cf th church may hav an advruat undrr-tandlna- of th aaeramtnt of trc lord a bupper much of th hln- fulnraa or tht aacranunt dpnda upon our own thinking whll par- taktna of u if w try to lift our heart and mlndt up to th lvel of chrlata loe and truth w ahall find bract comma from him to ut it u not ncuary u bt ptrfoot in order to partake of th aacramentlh flnt duetpl vcr themilvt faulty mn uut if w dilre to honor chrtat and to rtoelva poarr from htm to it tn hla aplrlt wr are wekomt at hit table spmlaal ix 1u the aacnunent may bt a meant of attalnlnff apirltual help orrat mora and pliitual force arc relaaaad by tntcutsent otmnonct of it bif- cumlnatlon help ut to pure evil from our uvea and it vulbl algn and cymholt make chrlata ptwatnc very real to in ohrlatunt ar in- tndd to row prooraatlvely and the aacrainrnt 1 on way of furthering ohrutlan arowth thar am aome people o alack about nllaiout ob- aervanou that they do not mak proatmt but eamat paopl wto try to e th inner mranintpi of thu aac ramtct do find u a htlp in culuvxt tn mora ctiaroctar and apirltual in ifftiu if w allow chruta atandardt to beoom authoiiuuv for ut w are much 14 ilkrly to bt judgad ad- gently baoaua character dvelopa cltueniup kach tlm w obaerv the lord a bupper w ahould ut a higher standard of dlaclplaahlp for ourulve and go forth ui put thlt rule into praouc a barawal u u soma of the oortnthlan reduced the aacramtnt to tht itvel of a meal paul aought to ahow them that it wat a sacred hour of rooucratlnn to chrut the sacrament ahould be ob- aerved not aa a duty or merely a rite but at an opportunity of apirltual fellowship with chrut it alto affords ua an experience of fellowship with other christians we do not have to live th ohrtitlan life alont othera are making the same pilgrimage the church u the body of chrut and tn aarrament vulblllty u given to th fellowship it it an occasion of re newing our vowa confessing our fall urei and tn humble trust going for ward in the confidano that christ t brace u sufficient for ua reverence lies not in the sacrament itself but in the worshipper oreat aoula km tn the sacrament or the lords bupper the sacrificial love of the crucified chrst qacttiaot far duaasli 1 what do bread and wtna symbolise to chrlstlanar 3 which ahould receive greater prom inence m church archlteoture the the orgin pipe or the altar 3 how frequently ahould the lord a bupper be observed 4 how doe the sacrament soften class distinction ft what la the truth in the doctrine of the real presence wood for sale oboloa hanhood abato aad baaoh btttad aalt weed ilort naaaoahla prion apolr jack tot mteaa m oawaalam v wood for sale ohalas hardwood buech and map at um per eofd uutd wood wjw iter eord rail m0 per ford- jt ttftat0foau prozen oktahio ptluit to go on makket ontario people will soon be able to have on their tables in snowy mid winter berrlea srown in ontario gard ens the prospect u fresh fruit all the year round and horns grown the possibility grow out of the en poriments carried on at the dominion experimental num on the freeimg of trawberrlet raspbeirlea cheirlea and eurrants- 6o suoofiisful have been the expeiimentb that plane have now been completed to put on the market mow cartons begmntog with this month plana are being mada to pock quarter million containers of ontario tender fruit m lftu the fruit look and taste exactly tike newlypicked bertiea it ha been pointed out that thlt development in refrigeration open a new outlet at fair price for imoll fruit at season when the market would otherwise be overloaded and that the increase in the lnduatry will tend to reduce the importation of small fruit la winter the guardin of allah y waldo thayer at i i i ut gbiwfruut utro tan lru- iiii tl rom thr uall iitra iiiiiij will i uka kliltn thfvtry utui hi hu- iriira sttwl wrtasl t ri a bt ll l ll 1- a t lawu lludlt utup arli i rtnu lt rumjuib of jjflu of lhw iiuviikh iuu k brltt utiuldly iiiwurl lllmr1 aar auuxi many ruahln in i ju taaikurnd rt air eadgaaard hn li nauiv si lb ahtdiw far of ltull khjd ur rw tl trjalal la 11 i nultl tirixulln sitdly utuo ua i ii utl daiitin a mulil titwl tur i ii bvatbvd lila lart iuujw tlurt ljib t2ld hi litlv b claajfa of i ii hwtil- it klin rsl1 tola latvla vuil bl l ui ttal oil 1 l- uniriuur4 ubi hut tvhlrfa baiv nrvu ufifv fcv you taking oltirr ijtlis wvilajt to aiotd lit- lnvvltall i akni tkew patt a i b ju1 rrou and dwoulloo tuut it all uijdjuu- ulllrvd brut fcrwarrj a mitt rwarcr fit l of url ii ullrb laiig ltwn i tbeiu lur ol wat ibivhwi rgr tjb th itllfd u ilmii ft at iay lupplu d i n 1 eo tlil1 v u fl tun il g lack to tor iukbl ir veal th niao apek wltb av i hath r b1i iloo hut in ualhu sjjamy if you aur b want o barfar ilulsl khan u a languid cmmtos ba la iuamlng tphf ttr 1 ajld i hf toakad cpoa 1h te of you taitbr atd fcm tb ronlvuttmct or mcb u k tn tail fairlalivd ttb ja dpat kiwr uh auomm- tbo ba a far be bfiapi fa you lh but for yoar ft aa1 aw tb ubht radi by ry for yon into lb ralra of attreal truth u at aa tod ttiv spirit of allah aloa llta aa ifay it h with you r iii cblo sjhii upnn hit hj and thus b rmainnl alltetly tmill illl4rd sailed m rwiowfil oavrialqly lho roa ad rnuad bf way to lb doc it epnv ea tb afitinotu thmub which ah had rata hla o- tard pausing for a atnatot u hllak at tb ahnck or ttrotija 1111 a dnita 0 tonr noita war walltag tbty all awowkl quite at bets uu drad aotad obwrrlng too tk souirt apptrl whlcb puloly tadlratd walth- tb eat forth late the ur aad buatlt f ii oil j wood bouwfant has- tad to tb nart da war aad uupbeoad tlary tlatan ali htbbud asxiladly late tb mouthpleca aotmag woad- fart hasptoedl pa gal web t door aft fweeada alunr what eo aarlb uai wgea la bewlldtrmtot but uudrw etu bt snort with nr mtod tn on my ety bow to se yea and th yoa awry thing ita too barrtloq robtl khan atond ip u ut eater door cloawd bthtod tht ut of hit pa trooa htrolllng to th wall b pulled a cord that hung behind tn drtprta ttity slid asld rereallng rurulntd wlktlova and a nmnhir of tltktrlr fli tuna ii fllrkrd a twitch and tb bulha tprang into life shortly th door raoptntd a man in hualueaa anlt and small black tur- ban ram in tho cryatal gaier was tented holding a smalt mirror and i imttly pi in king whlskvre from hit chin by tb handful lit tinft ef itttln to th oilier wu radiant well jim nld hoy b rrled it hanndl hh ram at last so th aai finlahed th fellow halted fixing at him loouil1 your trfr he aaktd id a sat folc ytpl flfil on today 8h nvf had a biisplcloa and she twllwj eterythlns whol i said right slnng ltd happen sooner or utr tlldn t i she wsa alwaya craty about pvychlc atnlt i knew all i had to do wsa to get a reputation and shad b hooad to cena but look hr dea tb eun called jim protested your aurely not going to throw tbt thing ever now just when youve built it up tnto the big mootj thick ef the tlm and work yoor put in don johnson ahd tb last of rubal khan dropping th motley hadcloth to a btap oo tn tloor ilta blond hair wa tousled abet twinkling dsrii bio autee youre forgeltlng k r- eilnited that it wat all for on par poa only well that a btao accom pllabtd and im through think 1 want to go oo listing like thlt whan i en bat aolt job menacing mil dred id plcturva net much why i v even phoned dealer to rem get all thlt truck tonight hut ni ilfar llury waa saying almnlj rnnl underatand why you n fllvliitf up iterjthing this war juat bit una mini rlillculoua drmmml up full i iittflwil ou tn uayb you hat ont biitti ii hit parte ao far hut thirling wait a minute lumrad h until forward her eye dancing luiiint told you the big acrtt thu rliluiihiua ftauf it km lilmaelf i ntouulud him th lualunt i um in atnl ii lml hunch of rtth uoiuimi win- uiiti tn im hlut rnnat in- iiuikliiu wtiu of money 1 think l umil to u on lriulliiii u round btiiillow u hi n i run lhi on that uhy i ol hfi htm in ho- llrat place bin iiitw itw uiuldnt work he filthy ganges east ts east and west tt west euttoptlan wwtch hrjde by th tiaa i ca to tutvuvc iddia i knw many ittamt pnojully paroplt lilt outwlvrs cuv frtlfcitiud tawd faad bra ulko ttawd jui lil ilhoq4u gl v4i odaus ol ulaoait aind uu vtruiut lafiy ol ihtai ui liurop sad uho vim- ut lanuliir with uufoofaiil bur alur oiui aliqfhb ut fiild poilucs ut w uufulvra lo knd tufh puylr as tlrw utmmj tb dirty pikylm ol tufut and lo uv thvio towij down to lfuoasf- louu barrtbl tdolt hl vlih wi se auuiutu kkalltrtrm iparwfur bul ny anutiritwnl uukiud kjo i turtvfd ai lb holy rlwf cuvki ccjoi ua wrtus lo tlrf ivilrf llovcia uudjpu llkf kin ubo yflktw vura wbijl by iwrurrt bavoawa 01 point vidr nwr ibui i ixoux aind u u iusd wltb uj bind ui llih 4nd latujaliails thou- ioda uut- la u every mcnin ad lja tw palqrta j1vi 4j ucuttavo- i 4ada ol thoutamli tby tod iovuaw a thukjy ort th ti baaakj thil th p- tng tauuruit coj lh tur ail tb ciib ol ug ury u tbw buo lh uav ilodlat cl aad wimtqt ar 6m4 hjr tb boly rivr od uw iuoc thai towt a u a atofiarf tho au wribra tdo- ail th podul -rh- iljuli wlruta iwarv iiuft a tk boky ulm k buj iky caa go wtwo they l bth ap- iwoarfhiko- aad vy cm cf tht kiiaus ikt bvajo dwcud la ilqla4 tty jf miulimia la twry rttmt tutpt rki ihy sttu ftha bviuau lki li to uy ma who ay hav auluuld a toaiplit lliifca tdvcailon but who boa th uis itauza uuffy lorrgl this u ioaij illiutun ol vhy ikftih u this duty difcjmjmg wir tajftv d wu awry kud of orn iwallovlng w t ll ll war vtu to iwj tvajry duw uj o cu all ut uvajuu of th aiiohl etuatat saj kytyrruc knoudv ikj vu ptatit ud udla u ua utl few dacada asticj at u wau rv icdun doc lori bho tuv tiudud u kuropa unl wrtiur and udua auiui who luiv uo uwia4d la kurcp4a hoapiuu aiak bach late th uabouavld llih aad loulou cf lb oihu if thy thtue lo br uatloned la nr nmatt tpol whrrv iby ar oul oj louh wtb fuirofxn taihod thla u th only etpluuhon why hr wavur ol th oauvot no only u dr by tjuvra la a aomtnl ol ecu but u tomldjrr d towvytgit reaudy and tnvaitubl cur aad u fchlprd alt ovr india negro tumlrib white tintr i nw bruoa avoai ailsai ltoe rti hauaa- a frtohuatd oopouod liutian wqto whot ila titud whll aft h au a uoou bul waited lata a r4ortawiifti uaivrtlty wticj achocj knic al chi caoo to ut staac thtmla if kl caw povt a race caa cbaao iu colour whu spcuutu tunud via vlolri fya oo hi bod aad pjotcqraphd th ploaunxauoa ol tk ntgro i tya cbtaaut tfudud aaaaetft of th aut ht au tk auari of th klua back indt yiranaj djaphia a 17y4rcjj col f pltafa baattk tainftalt waai it bttag floe do why aft nialimm by two sua spadat- uu h ai pfoaauettd th ma naiaik ski ef lh caw of toul ifamiiue ol tuorott le iaodra totc9 tbt atcrri ta doctor utuutfel blohl br in n chtyd nut about th uu of a rtaall bucity which wat tsat to fuld buuuk lor clalacau6h sj aajvu tht aul caused th halo puater to chiaa feoaa coal black tuoro at ptptra brouobt tram halu by hu lyawdiaa coav ptaloa r hniri chaoah port aa vrtoc nrwapr piraua stuttxl ii ii wat th aut it would bt a rauvk- abl ditcovtry lo sclrec aad lo tk black race u wat held and tk aun with ouart nuu mlfthl lad klauilf a auuiaaalr ovmloht dauphtn lived with lit wlf aad thret bona nqroi with dp eiarild sklas ui a rural region h wu alkno leoai tihau and hay icwr and want into tht lungl qthra ouart aula roaaltd them and at thrn at th herb docto dlrtctrd it became quit 111 developed hloh frvr and his body pufd up lau btilots covered with rd salotclua at tht ikk- aeu left him duphla ducovered bt was practically wtuw alphabet lacxed lbtte0 th uttr u a coaparauvy eud- m acquultion ef our alphabet its advent dating back to about th middle of th seventeenth century la knatand- al that tlm peopl used to add a 1ml curlecu to th i whenever it appeared at tht anal witer in cevbuutiont ol kuaaa buiohalt such at v for and l lo 12 up to uu tlm the was no utter tb ut ter i served for both tbt vawel sound at la th word tee and lor th consonant at la the word tot which wat sptlltd tot because of tht confuttea resultlnfl from tbi drcuautartc there rsuhd an eaily eaaaial of aimpused ipeliina- tht i wat adopted lor use instead of tbt i whenever it wat sounded at e con sonant however at ut at th bqtaninti of th nineteenth century both v and appear la johnson t dictionary at oat tb hick town a hick town t a place where yoti say olmme jones store and central y lli phone ha been took ut thby domt sound anawak- in tbt moscow lxilly newt various ut ters are ackaowltdoed fecta frttods ef tb sovut union wumag tbt paper btny returnt- ther art wrllert froes nw york cmcaoo london oslord unlver- alty but non from canada ivrhtpt tht uuon oiven her wat salutary however what will particularly loteeest our reader u a utter from the canadian miner al suhklno la tbt levtr moscow coal basin tht eve who stab tht utter ar john gtvrelka michael ztmick bill saoedin slephto kali and loul kanxt nvrnuk good old anglo-stauiivcaaa- diannameil ther a nlftjer la tbt wood pile somewhere tbs orntuattn pudot thetntelv to continue oar ttfoeu to teach th russian comrades our auihodi ol work and call upon til other foreieja worker tn lh kovtl ualoo to otn our tcampu kl thorns tlesesiouratl giant snapihno turtle a tnapplnj turtu bitweto iso aad 200 years of eo was caught by h vunn ol hartny min in tht souru river the creature meiuured 26 tnchtt long and 10 inches ucroea th back u wa welphed by a butcher in harrnty and uppetflhe sctile nt 41 pound the second estimate of wheat pro duction in the prairie provtnoe for ibm 1 two million bushel lower than the preliminary eatlmaie of see mil lion bushel made on september ilth last sound gold mining aharei ore in the buying zone but careful selection is essential we have compiled a list which will be mailed on request amos barber co member toronto slock exchange 2s king st west toronto ont telephone elgin 3106 i 25 yean intimate and active ex perience in canadian mining neilsons chocolates in xmas boxes frod tsoctosxso xmas mixture and cut rock ca4 rjfe teucco poudxa ciatt llgturt cigarettes and cigars in xmas boxes from 88c to 240 i e e young pboaa 161 main st gaoftaiwrj aa the gifts parexcellence vv hich would you rather have a chance on a prize aomeone viae may get or an honeat d count of from 10 to 25 vo on your own purchaae we think you would lite the latter ao here ia our bift to you a aaving of from 10 to 25 v on all jewellery gifta or dered through our catalogue satiafaction guaranteed see our complete line of wriat watchea on diaplay we admit they are not the cheapeat watchea on the market but the beat value you can buy in each price claaa we know our watchea j h jordan phone it georgetown m htflmfaja itabatt millinery and furs fall and wlnur millinery at a big reducttoa in price the new cossick sport turban and triangle scarf at gg set hat madetoorder furs i furs furs i all idnda of fur coau auo fur coau rettyltd aad relined by expert furrier wwaraaliiiii misses claridge herald block upauir georgetown better heat jess attention lowest cost lfaewcal johia mcdonald queen street georgetown n a robinson live slock dealer and buleher norval live stock trucking all load fully inaurad phone georgetown 101 is baaonlaiaaoaadaamaakxabaalabamaaakaattmiaaahttaaaaaki

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