Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 19, 1935, p. 4

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p4 christian missions illi xjahmwm i world ud tamcl tt uail my omutrtf wuh litut uafiom tabaaok acu 1 t u ljx uchatatamd truth lay la a fcaiy bctet ouwi hi a taciwd lib b wfaiw lfa wwtd sou ch trbal tawngs to h am mai ol tbcui upud tta utur stands wuhjt i nr- ttf btili u fc tid bans bud white u th uf bied tun ih glow- ttief l6st tb spirit oroxist ou shed stews throusb the rifafailiijj a trait fcfid warn uw bu than uiid or md lord nw tha fautfteinr aupie u not ih cfaufui uuruuwct u csuuta tthoujht ld fcuary vu dyke tfca suprad daring ci that vyu n e4 to t amas- tng tss rlmn chrui fclvlc his faiwi toarueuaaa to the ejyiss ttay hid not zti tlucwivrt irani the hope of a wamwiai jwuii ti ftoa rasy eakad him when uiy mlnt fclpvcl to hat itelr uprtul tkx tuihiiml ua rbd fay giving thaai a wcild wide vaion of tau oon- oetlfld uub thty fc to 4uh wbirt tiwy aj tn janifcsuai worn tiw ile uuth would sptad ihfousu jud ud httuu kju to lb uluf- mct part i the uttl xl frttr boe pmad to susmpi to vu a toat oufut told item thai ltwy wold raoda po- ejisr ths italy hpirtt eama upon thm that this fwdjctioo eje ttm u prod fay th rccd of tdlmicxaiy voik la the am of uwafioaud la the cm oto- aete of ths twauth csciury has tad grwar achwtaat 10 rud the are rfrhrun uuaday school lo ow illty tiuiit cmnfr wjx of u fiiikw fa l uniud luo cw a thoitmiul tofijua and csnua loiwhfhii ah fa60t hu- tojy ha 1f tx 1 ai fint tfaa hy otulua ohukik faad to ba coauei vub tfnmt u tioaa th fil took toot tn antloott faf4 pavw gf b4fiy rifwyjittoi rau la tla uttu ttmth at antiota lfar j ikukiud afrvni taay bad oa oflwdau to foiw but lhy mi it peidszu4 utib an ta taully of iiniual ui dkriogd that tbo whfiriu ould tut bo afiud to mh timja ai col of tha ua w ad ti ajiu a ooaiaaiou uadal barrun w a bnua dowa fay fcitiimi ta ouul la canada udow jmaii wfc hu bad to adapt lutlf to tbo ofcpda of papu of itumy diaw ast nitvuitllltoa at lacuaa tft ctai i ium btii pnmuii la uuw tloma unaiiiai lu u ill loolaa obuktlf maim 6iay b ooftdnmaa in fly dina4at lininifrt oo y uua day inu m cot bt ootuldafd ahardihv but a gnat opcwfuinlly ibo oiuiita 1 doto auvtoo to lbj natiob la pftkidinj rauaiou avfem ta linjitf fc lusoonuci olb itrriw tand to thllirwa of ta aa timfi oftfia baad tkf claai liau at aihool and unisanuy cufluia loytuy to oiiittt and to canada lol- loiu wba oanarttan ohfutiini ibo uraetlsal ijttijathj by horn mtyw woril faf ha abokh ni flnaly ariabtbiiad u batab a baa for fofalfu w tto dumlmn of tt eacawtfaum var ifhlflih aad auit out to of tba tuy bau laadc thay m saul and tu wuu tha worit of hutatbs vu w eobarajauocj u impnrunt cat bit iaaa abould ba wt apart for um wwic of god foran tfuw p eartala dlitiiet a aumy eat taadi of ta vortt of blnljlatb and u vai found that u irtlaad mtnlfaw ra- oalrad about doubu tha nuabar into obtika ooibjsafad with miauta un utu eoiw a1iwmiw kw sura important u u amid tha fihantiflj eondltkau of tto twaatum oafitury to aalast tha matt iijn maa and vouao for uu foreign tau aloa bald u u a ciwat halp u mi- avnariai an pasplo of iduwftoo and cultura abl to alva anutanaa tn isany othar aauvuu than ohtikb work- a knoaudft of if bla cory ceuaao and intafbauonat nolluei la iwtlfll dr sl tuaauy jotuo tai mad mffliilf a tiiff of mdiaa rimwciiiy and oan talk with ht1m aa a wru ettlata la aarloa or lurlta to a doctor praachar wmll od ftafwfj4f all ta 4h1 vtoeal cimrhlimi 4 paul did hi gumlonary work tia- vauins on foot or by tiem aalunf thjfta lrrtncatotu mad hi way aem atrto ea foot ulialanarlm oa tha oanadlan nralrlat want oa honoback or on oxoaru tn tha aarty days whua thalr auooauon rlda oo tranaflontlnnm tralna drtw motor can or uaka trtw into tha north country by alrpiana ttu day of tha doc taau la canada u alraoat ovar vortim buuloo work alio la neatly farillfitad by modtro convanuacaa uafular boata tralnt uaki it ifohlbla for muhomrtm to reach their aalda wuh epaad and eafety cablat turhfnf and radio allow i aria to kap tn touob with tha hoou church uapuar mall auvtoea leaus if taojatian that was ones tnavuabla tbs urns spent la laamlni tha lan- vusfs may bs out down by eourta la nhonetloj before totnc out vttltori fjora nonohrlttiaa land com studsntj to wattam lands uad aoulamest may bs sent out for mls- sloa rtarp sod local drlntlnf plants ta soma eases may now ba us ed wis world has beoom a natsjta- borbood etui tha nnftnuhad uak re mains to aaka tt a christian brother ilood hfliere a baerauue u tbara is a world wide war tolnf on between adanoe and auperuluoa sfi- sionaries often have to feos the crud est forms of wltonerait maaio ant uaesetltloa dootora hive to teach that dlissis ts due to verms or bad sanitation and not to the infer of an evil spirit it takes tline to win lauorant people away itoci the eharms of e madklne min to obedt- aoee to the laws of health and the modem treatment of dliease edu- oitlon also has to wage oorutant ona nist between wtutt his been and what outfit to be so great is the suspicion of maps motion pictures and oheml- oil laboratories the full f oroe of itoraaee and superaulica is faced when a missionary tries to tell of the unseen cod and the love of chrtit to break with tradition u very dim- eult for people of aneleat cultures the story of ohristlan tttfint is a long record of martyrdome now hap pily leatenlnst paul suffered ehlp- wreek imprisonments and beatings for the sake of the massage he bad to give but it has been by such devo tion to truthi that the fog of supersti tion u gradually lifting qaestleeie far dueaeiieo 1 how could the whole world be evangelised in one generation x should oanadlan churches spi maw for home than for foreign aftstiosr 3 why are universities and colleges wood recruiting grounds for bus alonariesf hie georgetown herald wednesday evening june i9tri 1935 husband whose ebanou aa candi date had seemed very poor darting x haw been successful to the elee- wife uureduloualyt itoneettyl uiatandi otb why bring thai upr for the best work at the best prices call fred sinclair vulcanizing repairs tires i georgetown opea 8 iu 9 pjb phone 26 famous fott fair dealing fred sinclair vulcanizing repairs tires georgetown opu 8 am 9 pm phone 26 sensational new low prices on seiberlings remarkable new standard service tire hnn tough rug4 uturt looldjif cmt smlrnitiag u u kb ujuu 4uadout in it ixtu tuu- lor uluif afty am coalok iu uud u il u ai thltur ui4 iu ixaiksa u froa t to 10 6aptr wocdirful vilu utt uu u0c7i b surjliid sctvtte lot ourul btton ou uij cmi ujw for your car otbcr murllm tlru all hilda u butt all pvahmm bud ta a t ry nwl cous m wo fizz flail- nr 440- 21 6 35 4 so- 20 690 4 so 21 695 4 75- 19 775 500- 19 840 5 25 18 940 5 50- 17 1095 7 8j0 860 970 995 ii 60 4r 8 50 9 25 950 1050 1125 1250 13 20 1150 1275 1400 1550 1610 my 10 75 moo 12 25 1325 1475 15 75 m 1525 16 50 18 25 1950 1345 1455 16 20 1730 imm cubjttt to tfcu without boum smerldk and oooovkab ttjutd biwt tai aatosd una tlha or wiurij ear irka art fuataiiuaa lor a pwiod of t4lv nobtha aala all road harda and third llna lira for a partod of ata aoatha w cam authority to malta rapalra and adjuatsaeta to tha full aatant o tha mturtrtrwo hdbszh yuu tous cow liability i oo asd tha oooo- lubrication correct lnbricalioa is tie most important faetor in tie operation and upkeep ol year car dont gamble be aure that your cay is correctly lubricated trie aure way ia by following the check- chart service system we uae the right kind of rrtak we have the proper equipment and we know how to lubricate your car safest -t- batteries exide and clifton mtuarlstru a ivkr aw mmtteeg sitrelaj cww im tedmirmmst no 11 no ss cl1s vx 13 xt 15 sso 650 800 1000 1200 you buy a battery to tuvt your car therefor make sure e bat trry you buy lias cold weather tlartinf ability exide battrrwe extd the speci fications laid down for win lei starting exide batteries are correctly d- tigned and properly made by a firm who has been making batter- ies for 40 years ptw ilibmt to thin wttikkil broui a model to suit your car vulcanizing our tire repairing dejsarinmnt u awj to nocw la geoasatown extwh wctcrriarurjp the beat material uaed trmt trtoiuy can buy evry ob b fully guana- td ii pays lo us enarc0 motor 0u tb oil that pub m protecting fum vt the worldng part el your car let ua change your od now and put in the proper oil of the proper coruiatency for your car and for your own particular type of drivinff gb white rose gasoune we recommend while rose gasoline and enar eo motor oil use them in combination wbtu the hotel clerk tells you he his no rooms and he wicks to his story and you hive to stirt looking for something else dont blame the deck resolve instead always to long distance ahead for accommodation night rates on anyone statlontostatlon calls now deoin at 7 pm dominion bay long weekend fares fare and onsmtuartut for round trip batwaaa all point la cauda and to eartalodastiaauou la the united slats tickets good eolng from noeu plhbav junk 2trj until 3 pmt monday july lat bbifjhn luut bavin daatlnatlon tut laur than ktualakt tuuday july 2hil tullmattailduur mlrdrrlutrl stmclal fatl i adlak 80c cflsmr 3ba for paw tuutfurihsrimfonutliah apply tkkit ajuhu mi canadian national uebchaim ouiy ookvodooa nrnlasi a ltu btiiis at tu bj bus wr- d by tturchabttt tn cnull autrlsmii town ud io ur auowsufuhy 4usjj dlrjt iuiif cobetm tao haw mafrtu dacrtotlsur buniaandutfi mjlhia a elrlo ordlnum hu ba punil virtually outuwia this muhotj of htllbt and aluwiab tt has been auacaad fay timet umag eou- panim cm uw croundat that h taiar tfu wllh umlr ijututlarial siahta co far tha ofdinano has bun bald valid vcr uvaral yaars aurchanu ta ths butu hav twen iwutiac to havs thata ddor4odoor padlara taxad but to far without iwult as meacurss adopted hsva tranicrasud on cotuu- tuuonal lifhu and rullncs raxardlnf tntsntau trails and hav bn thrown out by ths aptllat eourta after a canrul atudy of tha problsta thlj town hai lad ths way by adopt- ln a law which hu basn uphald by tha umud butaa circuit court of appaal tha saoond hlabatt court tn tha stataa and hag provad bnparvlous to all attackj by ttxma earrytn on till typs of isukhandlalnf tha infenujty wuh hlh thaas merchant havs formulatad thla nsw tnaasura is auat lntarcsunf ths to vulnsrahtllty of ths movs dapands on ths fact that it carafully aldattapa tha laiuaa of taxation on which thay wars formerly baauif thalr attacks thara la no wsntlfrn of special taxaa tn ths new law and indeed tt does not even deny tha solicitor or pedlar ths right to do buslnaia in ths town it merely aatahllahai tha point that hawkan aallcitora padlara and itinerant mar- chants are cotttmlturii a nulianos and must not annoy tha ratdents of ths town by calllnjr at their homes tun- leu thay are invited they are free to call at any horns provided that thay are requested to do so the eourta rultns on this question that a town ha ths rlfht to declare what shall conttttuta a nuisance and to take such maaauree as will prevent tha aama li expected to setahluh a urecendent which wul be rapidly fol lowed up by other towns to ths ad vantage of weal mitfhsau dyoode review h ere an dtin ere rlcovland goes in ftoat ho raising scotland ts coins in for railing pigs a hitherto irish industry so far aa tha british ules are concerned and for eating bacon in place of ham do mestic production however la atlll far from meeting requlwrnents 10 bacon u imported principally from denmark although canada has a share in ths trade occupying fourth place accord tng to tha agricultural depaiment of tha canadian national rallwaye the irian jtvss btate ranks second ths netherlands third with canada close on her heels and then eotnes sweden the united states ts ths prlnclpa luppller or ham to tha bcottlih mar ket followed by canada and the irish was stats poremanllj what are you dolus jlmt 8ricliyshsjuenltt a bit of pencil vwemsn yoult tv tha uhloi sa me lad la mi tort sf6sr thstfi a mrpentarw job two or tarsa ttmee as much traurall this yar betwma april 1 sad uay t oa tha pralrua aa emsared with tha aama parted last year makes tha outlook for the 1ss8 karvact elmllar to that at the earns time of year la 1111 whaa tha largest crop hate ibis was reeonud etataa t b acha- scfs gabaral agrtcaiidral areat of the canadian wdfie ilauway h the weat lsoasrd j pohleiano trsvet- lleg paaaaoger agoot canadian pacific railway with headquar ter at new york waa rsouiuy sleeted vicepreiluat of tha american auoclatloa of travel- log faeaeoger agsnu of new york ur poblmann has baaa a member of tha assoctatloba aiecutlva committee for tha past year note saskatchewan beglna dlstiogulsbatl itseir recently by staging a chinese ilandarla dlo- asr dance aald to ba tha first of um kind oa this continent aa state decoration there was used a hundred foot runosr and side drapes hand made by chines many decades a no and insured while in use at a valuation of u0m the orchestra was la chinese dress and provided muiie with a decidedly eastern back- around advefrnse it pays notice to creditors in the hiatter af the estate ef john heoonald uu ef the tewa of fueifetewh la the cseaty ef hal ul ceal ssrehaat deceased notice is iddleliy oiven that all persons having any claims or de mands against the ute john mcdon ald who died on or shout the eighteenth day of uay lou at the city or carbon hill in the stale of alabama one of the united states of america are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the under- signed solicitor herein for edna a cleave and uargaret elisabeth uo- uurcny the axecutricce of tha last will and testament or john mcdonald coal merchant deceased their names and addwultuf and full particulars m writing of their claims and sutements of their accounts and tha nature of the securities if any held by them and tajce nottob that after 1kb eleventh day of july imfi the said ettscutrlces will proceed to distribute the assets or the said deceased among ths persons entitled thereto hsvinh regard only to ths claims of which they shall then havs had notice and that the said ujecutricas will not be liable for ths said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then hava received no iiap 08 ontario this twelfth day of june aj 1035 h boilcitor for ths said jsooftricca wood for sale choke hardwood liepw and huah mixed soft wood laost rssaonshla prices apply jack tost phone msw ocorgetown tf wood for sale oholoa uapla uanlawki and oadar iu1u at tuht nrlaia cxdara laft at a utunaa or at ur boat stun ur nranpuy attandad to a uvtxabtonf wood for sale choice hardwood deech and lfaple at uj per cord ulsed wood hs0 oer cord rails tlo per cord j astannvoao i ar taij oser warrix ideal 26382 the property of a luwson a son hal ton enrollment no i10s 3nd class form 3 enrollment certificate of ths oanadlan olydasdale warrbr ideal for a u the highest form that can be given to a syearold inspected on tha 3sth day of november ibm be ginning friday june 7th will bs at james dames lot 10 con 8 esquss- ing from 10 to 9 oclock and from there to oeo peecocka lot 11 oon 8 trafalgar from 3 to 7 oclock re turning to his own stable until follow ing friday tv mil lis payable sw us vbs u rer the mih year bs this dustel we are selling and erecting for eastern bfael svadaets sysstsa also- beauy bns geaaa rarsw and the depencabls euinnlfliat or cabuf fob uqtfltnlno comtsmjl rw sallsfaaury werk lala to gilbert sinclair 0h k t man isji qlsnapsuot cuil although june 21 is comldsred the flret day of summer it ums that as far as the well known public is concerned summer is si ruady hero anil the seaian is open for picnics weekend tripe vacs tloni and alt activities classed under the ffonorel husdlnsr of outdoor flporu heading tha its of summer actlvl tlos however should be snapshoot log for picture taking with tha mod cm day camera li one fascinating hoalthrul recrcatlun that may be en joyed by the young or old sod we might add rich or poor or todsy cameras are available at prices to meet the cspaelty or any pocketbook sad good pictures can be ukea with sll or them another thing la fsvor of amateur photography aa a pastime or hobby is the fact tbst it is not necessary to be an expert to get pleasing results for moderudsy csmeras and film have been materially elmpllsed for the snapshooter lata spring and summer offer great possibilities for flower ami gar den pictures from the first appear- sues of the colorful crocus through tha seasob to ths arrival of the slant chrysanthemum in the fait tha flrit rule of flower portraiture 1st avoid harsh llghtlug by this i mean that flowers seldom mska good pictures under direct midday sun hiataier offer ii- llmhed owertual ties far unusual sewer pictures ths light bstwssfl uo and three ta tha aummer u so intense that you get an overabundance or chalky blghllgbu and laky ehsdowa to catch tha subtle beauty or tbs color ings in flowers it is much heller to work under the han t tng rays of the sun la aarly morning or lata after noon you will doubtless want to uka closeups or some of tbs flowers if your camera will not focus closer than tan feet or thereabout gat a portrait atuchment a simple inex pensive una tbst flts over he regu ur less with it you caa get very cloaa to your subjects for atrlklug and beautiful shots hers another trick to uaka a particular flower or plant aund out vividly get a big sheet or gray card board and stand it up back of tha flower far enough away so that if you ar using direst sunlight no shadows fall oa tt to ateh tha color values of flow- era youll need to uss the new super- sensitive panchromatic film lw chromatis mssns tbs fllm is capable or recording in monochrome or course a wide reuse or colors your phota dealer will help you select ths best film for your speeul needs and you will get snapshots to which you can point with pride and say i snapped that one john van quitdoft

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