pa 4 tke georgetown henul wednesday evening june 26 1 935 nolato you kn tut wia you who so joo uw uodsd llw altar br a djmttl wu oem mahriosd you wui bat took w um dxwm 1 tadd with only the ughl the la6nui irfi id ttirit lrd tnaui ptiatl to sjaa- ward uuiotf intd that al ucm have eunvrd the lnautfu bear ing piawr uraml till th uui fau qurotbed thl tight light gve uwi darkness dwm r so pwrf far you ha bwud 6ut all fioif lory thin and who th djem tlaetf hit bunk fro tw you tea no tiara you fciiaaoaa fa soarta wtnc too had you orhlppd diem-j- tfit whvl too loo you worwhld dream-be- vdu tr bat yl tmmdm mi mmmr mmm vrmvimem orww blmd wti ftm rlfjrry cajtk cmiuhy pttoerr- stto acakjt bcojiouy armealuujcra v ataaiy a tti ftuub feautid xdo- tad uilk la a uaw ca i a loaf ck and the froual to tw al and pialy uft wr to eaa and tiwliii tbt fclinirf erf load utm and iui ou haw pfct hfrwab- uam lor the taforaiaj euawar pty fcted cefe and tea seup tur cup buiu o fcbflriaflinf tsa 3 cup flour twj eaaklchg podarf aft teaf60a salt vi cup swtaod fftflijrflalj 33 cup wala i i mi jwi vanilla cniu irlfrf fc i and buli- uiuli ubt and flujry add eve iibtly uaua bill flour oaoa measure add baking poor tad eh and tin again kiuod together toed tfrft1 atila aad wata aad add ajkaraauiy wlib dry ttiduu to butter ealatur uwt ubui anmoth add vanilla hake la gfsd loaf pn by 4 by s or aquam uan i by by i uuiiaa ta tafarat co ifrl cbru j for aunuui or uatu dotu giafefcar ruiaa 14 cup oonfmuooira u mvu cup tufiad wtvfaflaad aulk u cup frwh abwry pulp 1 lahlwvfffwi iirinfi juua stir alftd oorjaioiuni auar tola fcrutrd wwfariwd kdllk iot wiouch atrafrbartus uuouab 6aaa 4ir to euki w cup pulp add ob uooa julu to fut hu1un tht unui asiooui and crauy bprad ta cold caaa uaka coouati f coatiaf to ckf top and kidm of loaf eaka top of 3 ah lajra or about is da- a cup cakaa imj oaff i quart atronj black eof fa l cup taflad cortdaaad billk add muoad wartrfiaad aiik to aoffa cool and pour ow craekad lot sana f caraaul jaai wuk wabjpvad oaaai 4 lihhfrmit oaraul junkai foadar i pint alia l cup bipplnf cnta i ca vhlta i tiblaghion povdtrad auar uarakhlno cnarrta laaka canoal junut aocordic to dlraotloiu on patif chill tn r frlarator jutt bifora sarvtn hlp cup craam with 3 tiblapoont entity tube ut th whua of on aia until atut adding 1 ttblpooa of auaar gradually rud tnu into uu craam suit in cbarrla cut tn amall plaoa aarva on top of junkat vaal ruw a pound uan vaal dload 3 tum salt pork 3 f fhfff 3 cup tomato pur u cup plmlanto dlotd bali and ptpptr cnop th aalt pork and try it out drown th vaal on all alda in hot f aa whaa nlotly brovnad add th to mato julot ptulaato and choppad onion and aaaaon with talt and pap- par oovar and ui cook slowly until vaal u tandtr trantfar to a baking duh pip a bordrr of not w potato around th ad plaw tn a hot ovan 40 dagrau r for nf tarfi lst72s of a pmsunv dav raruut uy daar dauctitar you aakad m if x think your hu- band ahould ttay on in hi preaant potltlon at an adjiutad aalary but you forgot to ull m what h would dolfhi didnt you and ha couldnt vsry well com tcr juu now your brothrr sheridan aalary ha jutt batn raconiklcred o h movad into hi old room and brought hi wife your alitar ejoua uugnphad th ntkt day that wilfrid had jmt baen oskd a nw contract that was an in- ault ao your mother u airing out har room wilfrid nvtr could andur insult your titter francat you will recall hat ban a prtval tmratary bha wrota latt waek that if anybody thlnkt aha u going to drop to th laval of a common typut h it mlttaken ao w expect tier any day what with thaw and the younger children i imagine that a long a huperta tatary u merely being ad- jittlad h had better tlay an ad justment li nothing ilk m reduction it a hard for ma to keep up with tha new language of big butinau but aa x understand it an adjustment u tha equivalent of a raise of course ru pert wouldn t know that he has been working only since 1w he should ask tome oldtimer to explain what a raise is my own business it coming along fine it was for sale on the courthouse step latt friday but there were no bidders to the aherltf let me keep it that make the but month since the upturn your affectionate father exchange u kind aim to be kind said horace ttann generous magnanimous if there is a boy tn school who has clubfoot dont let him know you ever saw it if there u a poor boy with ragged clothes dont talk about rage in hi hearing if there te a lame boy assign him some part of tha gahu which does not require runn- tng if there t a ttungrey one give him part of your dinner if titer 1 a dull one help him to learn his lea- son if there is a bright one be not envious of him for u one boy is proud of hi talenta and another boy is en- vtou of them there are two great wrongs and no more talent than be fore if a urajer or stronger boy haj injured you and le eorry ior it for- slve him and request the teacher not punish him it is much batter to have a kind heart than a great rut a widower describee hie second marriage a the triumph of mope over btperience tfc iwrlm btgiilaa el iba vfetw imi ef lie tj us imaelu hxka fott lakaa auj wr ham frtxiat tttmru dlw tns avaj vuia bow coum to lla al- lutbbf4a wills tbeaouiuimt aacurltl tkl e le 6sfwjfjw cwwd4 etf yauw ouh roir thi tllasutm or vhi pkovihck 09 omyahio offer 1420000000 phovince ov ontaillo tifyy and tuhtuiuru lwt aluus i iwuuluw ilslnl jiiiu- is lx iliir juiu is iut 3 imitiitur lalrl jiiiu- l vu in jutt is 19 r jtir j ir ff f llrfhtltt ijjmiuj ftlurtpal ami iiitrnsst paabl in lawful numy uf caiuda at tha anflh bahl of coumirrre lit lite olu of toronto hfoatfmlt ottawa mlitnlpg vuitroui llulifalaiul st joba cahaila et at any provuua of ontario racing ofuea at iba tullifa optlott eshomihationt aaoot asuot and iooo ttwe dwletura ar a thrrt ou gallon of th provlaoa ol oataho auuwelttfj by act oi tlw lrguiatur of tliet prour mna ar a cjtarga aa to priiirlpal uiul lnterat upoa tlsa couaollcutaj avvrnua fund of tha provliw aiul ara laauaj utuwaulbohly of stalutea of ontario 15 gorg v chapter so lsgaloljdmiauk lttgasjualy issue prices th debeatuna due 1w7 100 yulillng 2 1 dabolure du 1910 100 yuming 3 7u savrumj lgrt in met rau to maturlly to maturity where to purchase bonds t application for tha abova loan will ba reorlved by euty baacls of usaptfovlaea of ontario havlna oalra or ruayba wadaturaet to tha twaaury wpartmant parliament bulbllnfa quaana pasb toronto oolaiio lauftas dwbaaluma la bs tan wui w avallsms fr 4vumy aa w ah nut juaa w ifu ttta procmds o this fasua tejff uflfiaaef or tk pur mmftomad b fltaaaid art intituling government snua eucfc c oil age pmisioa mother allouancea svosplfaliaafioh chamiplomant relief ccfurafloh mntl generml admlnutratlon belle this to be m moat all wtlre tune und mm eure tkmt th9 confident aaotrn by purewen wilt be mmply revrdj utthubecur xeetchunrjjor progress buy tbe bods of iovr own province ftlm uimuut uhj e waaaaraf com i ml i it ts i nun im i vi i i j id s i in on in new mod lafotinsitioa for the busy futuur caaajiaa tarkeye fvae canadian turkey enter great bri uln free of duty prom uay 3 iftu the duty on foreign turkeys entering the uritlth islai will be six cents per pound in place of the former duty of two cents per pound it is announced the reclamation plans for the lid- land liarth in north york ontario will include about 3500 acre all suit able for extensive vegetable growing work was started tut years ago and an area placed under crop but fuller development was retarded by law suits with a settlement of the rlvtl claim it 1 expected that all the suitable land will be ittihaed beaarj bale te state according to figures just released from the ifolstelnvrleslan assoc tat ion at urantford all previous record for the sale of pure bred canadian hoi steins were smashed during the month or april a total of 1131 head were transferred on the records of the as sociation representing m per cent more sales than have been recorded in any other month tn its history united btatas buyers took 1040 head bringing their total for the year up to 3 4m and far exceeding the num ber shipped in any other like period a new record was also created when 338 change of ownership were re corded in a single day as a result of the tremendous demand both lo cally and for export prices have in creased about per cent and the majority of the shipment are now averaging near the 1ujw mark total transfers for the first four month of ibm number b11t head and show an increase of to per cent over ibm total registration in the same period numbered 10234 head repre senting an increase over latt year of about 30 per cent craala far jaaur ralre an announcement of much interest to those concerned with junior aarl cultural activities was wade by the dominion department of agriculture recently a and class b exhibitions and to winter and bummer show to be applied specially to the support of boy and girls club work and to junior aetlvtttes generally the maxi mum grant that may be earned by each lair for this purpose l 1560 the objectives in mind in the pro vision of these grants are to supple ment and encourage junior activities as organised by department officer in the areas served by the fairs to develop new exhibitors for the future end to stimulate a constructive in terest in fairs on the part or young people tind their parents waede to the pastar keeping the weeds down in tha pas ture means work at intervals during the season if they are all to be killed if left for any length of time or even for a short time in favorable weather r they will ripen and scatter their seed this being an extra job for which time has to be found somewhere in the midst of the press of work quick methods are most desirable the tall growing weed ihould first be elimin ated wild carrot fern and ragweed which can be destroyed by mowing cutting grubbing or pulling olose sstematlc mowing probably aocom- tthee the most good with the least amount or man labor and if faith fully followed will destroy most weeds there are others such as hawkweed and dandelion that grow so low as to escape the mower one effective way to eradicate audi weeds is to apply lime and phosphate fertilizers to the pasture these help the white clover which adds nitrogen to the soil and auo helps the grass to grow dank enough to smother out the weeds boll deficient tn plant food cannot produce a good pasture t kui a beelety the advice given by john i clark at the recent horticultural conven tion might well be pondered by all of us as it may be applied to any of tha oirganlaatlattj with which we a con neoted mr clark has listed a few sure way of killing an organisation but fortunately has not forgotten some suggestions which a construc tive waytf to fcciix a booiifityoo not attend the meeting or always be late tn entering orttlda and nod fault with everything attempted never assist tn securing members tail ing ticket or acting on eommlttaai and only give adverse opinions re garding the work of active member always demand eonwhlng for your service and advice never stand for ofnee how to assist th2 booibtv- prompt attendance at all meeting and hearty cooperation with the oncei do satisfied to act on onrhwittaea and share responsibility of otnee advo cate service to the community rather than selfishly expect premium and personal gain from membership oo not decline to stand for election and be slow to resign when something rail to please hetxe every ooportuni ty to advertise tha society and epreat the knowledge of horticulture briikt walt hsraat canadian apple growers have over come many difficulties in establishing an export market for their product they were pioneer in accepting gov ernment grading as a means of build ing up a reputation for quality in spite of discouraging prices in the past few year the agents of cooperative shippers have pushed aalee on the british market and stand in a better position today than ever before in the season that has closed canadians fared even better than english grow ers who had a large crop that brought very poor returns lav a pulton who is the overseas representative of on tario growers claims that wonderful progress has been made in tucking and handling of apple in tha peal six years the principal factor con tributing to tha unproved quality and condition of ontario apple has been in establishing central packing house and cold storage plant tn the produc ing areas these modem facllluea have allowed more uniform grading and have largely mroome tha tre mendous loss n wastage that was ex perienced before they wetv mtwduo ad the elimination of numerous brands and the adoption of a few apwlallwd marks such a big o and norfolk has bean a progrlv liberty under la w i1mmsm 1 oouoof ttxt it 1 good bdtfc to eat nwfc nor to drink wio tor any thii bfey thy broth uumblth hosiane 14 31 lsnaow paaeuos neman 14 13- 31 1 oorftathwi i 313 kry rod tht we shall our pilgrim ft wiu use aon wui follow wh w kad long as uf shapae ui hd d hjw a brothva care and pray ood to make thy read h day trfcc 11 in hotkey an uadpbe lmpo ut paoaliy upon a pur who tripe another la placae of pubuo nnmhy u te tvejulmd by uv to fc p tuiw and exit tij of outiutloaa tkm aw moral uuubung blocks which are vd uom dro fcatb oos of u u euocitduy eecid to tha dally haaard of uo4uco that we do ot ed addulofui temptation from our asuatnttnoh aifmym aw uafous to the who ue um of their own accord but the wkte- tiaraad habit of ireomg wade pow to upt one another the dauog hui has a wrue fxjd upod p6pl in a canadian wcwloc in bkh tu had uo no sale ol uquv by the glau for uuly tbniy ya br and wlxw parlors wm cprwd and lb tfrauna kabu baufc tn lent alioou owmuri it auaiu pitupj be bu aruret to call thlt tripping rsihfr than thsllng llwim llrkl if u alcohol u net sv dliacuu drug to auk uodwr certain clrcusuanc usiufe can vfodtx alcchol iuiout liumi j1 the prccas of fnaaata- uaiii kmtios sauiy and ouly a lw fcibjr ueae u r4ulrd to turn soft tdr into lard tuur ttiis u a wry pimidaiitlal fact a alcohol ha many vrtliy clukol snd medual uaa u no l a iimintii and a fuel lu hit of laxny a child ha udi iacd through food rapdjy taaud by arans of a iptm lajap ft would b s iwpoiiiu u manufacture a autor car wuhout the aid of lodue- truj alcchol yet bvrage alcohol ceo tusd by the drieer uay wrack i autcr car tn a fracuon of a aecond- ibre u th probleea to guide the in cnasiag brtuocial u of vli tiocfjii ehiw ratralning the danger- ouj use of btvaraae ipim4 in a hospital aa aloahoue sith jumpy rurvee was soothed to tlp by an alcohol rub the asieraal use ovar- came tn part the dsasge don internal tut the problem for lam- piranre education te to cultivate tn people gerierauy sufficient discrimina tion btwaen the uae and abuse of alcohol aimjui aaj batliaa 13u a pusallon frpuently askad u uay a christian drinkr that u a quat km that few pwple should pra- sueae to answer for another doxmatl- tally throughout the ceoturue there have been many people of noble christian character who were moder ate user of beverage alcohol tbey followvd the customs of their time and their high quality of character was doubtless mora tn spit of the use of liquor than because of it th present writer ha personally known thirty minister tn canada who have been discredited and disgraced by osssiv use of liquor not even reli gion can successfully remove the in herent dangers for some people tn th uu of liquor the real point at issue u how far the liquor question con stitute a problem for us the reall- ties of religion should make beverage alcohol a trtng of very small impor tance relatively will a sane person ellov gin to rrcclve more thought than ood wui the conviviality of social drinking be prised more than the fflioftshlp of worship wui alco holic intoxication give more thrill than spiritual inspiration t the king dom of ood is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy spirit we should try to see things in proportion th ttl f nslpfalsa 1331 to produce s highly clvulaed order of society our thought and energy should b directed chiefly to those things which are socially producuve and rewarding since iu1 canada has spent a billion and a half dollar upon beverag alcohol what have we to show for ttt stven uklng at full value the personal pleasure and social joy that tha advocate of liquor claim for it was it s7ortu this price especi ally during rive depression yearet canada recently reduced the tax on liquor from kurope while retaining the tax on the housewife e sugar is that farseeing social engineering a canadian provincial liquor commis sion chairman t about twenty unas of spirits and wins tn stock sine 1330 will drop below manu facturers prices tn order to clear them away for new stock should a liquor commission adopt tha policy of bargain sal the official statement continues the cteareifee sale being held to make way for stock pur chased under reduced custom and excise taxes which also wui be sold at towered price another province an nounce a reduction tn prices for liquor at the same time increasing the tea on motion picture theatre and reducing the grant to schools can we affirm that these pallets seek the highest good of the greatest num ber th ckfifcuaa saetive t13 christians get a sure uad as to this vexed question when theysdew it not a a simple matter of individual right or personal liberty but a a question of the highest welfare of other paul worked out his principle from the problem of eating meat offered to idol many gentile christians had no scruples about th matter but the practice offended jewish christians paul claimed the right to eat what he wished but for the sake of others be refused to exercise hi right there are exceptional people who can use beverage alcohol moderately without any apparent serious or immediate harm but when beverage alcohol 1 a grave moral danger to ao mny thous and of people many christian vo luntarily become total abstainers in order that their example may be a defence not a danger to others a motorist who had never imbibed to excess learned that highway fatali ties had increased fortyfour per cent said of ris own accord ill never take another drink a long a i drive a car ill principle of decision wu not abstract individual right but con crete social welfare qaesllenj far rermtlia 1 have you the same attitude toward treating and being treated 3 what would we lose in a world without alcohol 3 how can real religion supplant the liquor habit 4 which is the stronger argument the waste or the vice of drinking 8 is the christian standard too high for average citizens step this hat been made possible by the local organlaatlon which shipped in regulated fashion to meet the market demands an example oi this was the holding of starke and baldwin until uay when they were offered in splendid condition and rea lised aa uuoh as u ahuiuig per bar rel cooidnolsewa botionon hafhandtwera hejplae wkb pbwrmaksm at one ua she thoaight ah would lot the use of br rint haul but a moling in the fond of kou- thm bails put her right tgala i s sure in a bd state fcb writ in fact i touid bot do my houm6fc i wu so bd with bu- mstua in bay arm and hands- i couu not swp at tughia and i thought i would low the uw of my right hand i could not hoktany- thing nor could i avw a fauitcsi fan uy aim would go diii i w ad- vud to try krrfha abd bulde of thr wks i foad fcuco a cha 1 have lupc on taking tt and now i utfp all tuht thanxa to ktrutfcki help and uw ur j h two of the ingmkliriu of krwtmk bali haw tr power of eiaaojohig unc ecu crhual wfclth are uue for rheumatic agony other lngidinu of the salt auut nature to fipel itut duorad crystal irkuiah tli nalural channel tourist business hnllllrii k4 if ju vu pi dl uewe prejafarf la rxftijtuiaj k4mj tauuai suiwfcl ix u it iuii pfotrd loaull a u aiubd ljuivu bud is kat sddftaj go n ut t ujumu luwwtt lie tul looui lf4l iii hi piupf ptitt kv btat e4 vuj lu n m j u vftolb j liv two uivrufd avej irua whbb pvoie la every lui ui ik poaunloa uy t huubl wtvu ms ctut pujiud uul llul la ifc oooj wat tj xtyi ita uuuwu ajni iiai ikwaouu to cju in ivli bcj vijouiuu it fxiild uul funkff ikii ikrfw tr lyu4 iv tua uj yurtut tu it riu t ol clj iihitikia la 0t- vj and wthutjtao ccwauttllng un thv ajurxk tw ottite lounul m4 tut la ihr co tig butuuu la fsa- sds tlue la nlui casual orolutt6 ar icrt1dtfian uiltr aforl toe tvr been aasde to kvduuu tta bundede of auu grauoe sxrusa caimta vko isiertsud tn icurtag ilun ol due buu use for tktlr owo jurttcuu kxsuiua quebec aed mrw bmsjattk ae wll oroadxed to ihla reapect sad ik results seoseatly have beea so eacourtgtag npft la both peovuues a tkorozguy tuldca ike ldf u has been auojfud dot lk doala- lo gowroiuai a3jhl uke tks uuusuw te orasauum e ofeefoj uuuut advenuiag lajspsiab sxfoss tke border wkiee 7 pee cset of our oueue coau tram u te aqlatd tksl two a moditt caaipauga wouli mtull la ike vj of muny whkn to ikls couatry aad glv fauyuei to ikou- saads- oaseaj ol comuuaitles peovuuts tad orosfuxaibmis bow apeodum awoey oa lourul pubbciry it is ibouokl atlgki be educed to cooperate tl ike doaunlnii look tke lead rcyii cxi heads irish fascists gettera o duffy leader of the blue shirt movement la the truji free state an arctic crusoe baseeet piciie clad b saetaauaa bailkb lboe lee fasaaans a straooe robinson cnuo who tivta oa the ahorte of the polar see le rtcalled by alfred m bailey ta eome alsskaa naunlicences appearuwi la natural his tory publiahrd by ike american museum of natural history la early august when king heat siui holds sway benesib the arctic circle the advance forces of king boreas beotn to cover the arctic sea with thick tubs of ice craihlno this steadily locrtatiim ice barrsoe through high winds and thick fog the ccuu guard cutter bear aghts its way to deaaorcarlon point oa its last sur vey of the season as the bear probes it way uirourth low hanging clouds a tkot le heard tn ship cones to a swift stop ss reversing propellers churn the se into ice kecked form presently a uhsleboal creeps out of the murk it proved to contain a bunch of ostlvte and a chap runed lowen who wss dress rd tn skins of the mountain sheep writes mr bailey lowen had been living along that part of the coast for aeven years and was now detlroue of a little white man orub in exchange for skins of the arctic fox he was a rather unique character who whited away the monotonous hours by building igloos along the coast a prac tice which thr natives soon learned to tskr advantage of by following him and taking potiritlon as soon as he uhandoned them rainbow trout in hast in the past year or two fourteen nova scotu lakes have been stocked with rain bow trout by the dominion department of flahertes through us pish culture branch rainbow trout are fine game flih but they or not indlnenous to the mari time provinces ten ruhtng and observa tions carried out by officers of the pith culture brsnch have indicated that the rainbow put into the nova scotia lakes are coming i img well they promlte to become un important addition to the ang ling stocks of that part of the world a onutrliir orchard p a- good prederictoa horticulturist has taught a single upple tree oo his farm at kbiaclear parish york county nfl to prow 116 different varieties of apples axuioiie variety of pear by means of care ful grafting it it lust a hobby with mr good but his one tree fruit orchard has become famous he began eight years ago to grail limbs from various upple trees to th lout trunk of his old wild apple saother tree canada as a producer in the production of newsprint paper nickel and asbestos canada lead the world according to u report of the can adian government department of trade and commerce tw dominion occupies second puice in the production of gold and xlnct third place in thr output of copper i fourth place in the prodiictioa of and fo waatat the product 5k save your eyes exaatlaee tulytr leaae unlike oaarf stvu xu lij aee la bite wo aw accural to the vary tdj bowr you look up or down tn or out tulyw ian e are rdud la prtot and are told at the taee price all orr canada te gt them from us a we ull tuiyr leciae tor the same price aa any uia in tuonto or oulph oatwujcrplo orroiixmlif1 kvaatoanr trxciailar wke te u aoaara balo htoaur f1ta tin i wf rwy aaiiaatil cv re kmay h o y wskw al u eatw b lbvaktaa poti u tw uae jdie how long u u since vou ww tn court betoret pruooer twenty yean your wor- ahip- juda and tat haw you bt dolog sii this ut- rtiooer twoty wara special vacation fabes u umiuu tffcj bfc frua tlj bf 111 uj m96l4 ee orrf i likwm am tttk ujudfbibal f 6 laa u tlri v e low waottw ruu ooua frtdt flau to 3 00 drftltlna up to uoadj b 0ullu mi ii day mm ta utrtmm kcwiuaa ha is luij1 luubuuifll m is day rua u a tutv mia u omtxr luces csuura liusieux sttculi 6uumes tuom u omuslo omiu ud ut uiuuj 8uii polala iu 18 stplxl traveii by tbk ur aaml ttoal low un wmmkhmeia canaoun natoml helottaoata it u the rural district out on spprtuu th value of good tutci buura- the fsmuy next door may iu a ku seay but the rural dwlwr know that they stand y to lend a helping hand in any ioht aenry they wui be thereto com fort one tn a bareewevfit to uad kindly aid in the sick roota to und a wtlung hand at the sawing baa or th haiwat ooe auy not haw many frwndj or neighbours in the country but they are trud and true th hepcawt moswnis of farm ui are those soeat in the company of the folks from th next isrm or the next ftftmi a farmer once explained to us hw philosophy of life t taw alssya uvd in the country i hope to die tn the country i haw a good farm a contented fsmuy and good neighbours uy riatghbours are ray bau friends i know that wbea i am tn nsed they ul help me tty haw stood by m tn the past and i hew stood by them i can lose eboat anything i possess but if i still haw muhboura i wui sun haw plasty notice to creditors la ute aaatiw r uw kaaate f ioetv aabomalxt ue l isi yewa u cr ta tbe ceaaly f ktat- tea ceal alweksw giniiff wotioa is itkheby qivt04 that au parson baring any claim or de mands against the late john itcdon- aid who dud on or about the kigbtseth day of uay lata at th city of carbon 1u1j in the stat of alabama one of the united stale of america ere required to send by poat prepaid or to deliver to th under signed solicitor herein for kdoa tt cleave end saargarst kusabtth uo uurchy ih cxecutrlcee of the last wui and testament of john trrwtn coal merchant deceased that esmee and address and full particular u writing of their claim and ti of thstr account and the nature of th securities if any held by thsm ako tajcst n0tio2 that after the eleventh day of july iftu the said exeeutrica will proceed to distribute tha asset of the said deceased snsobaf the persona eotlued thereto hsiing regard only to the claim of which they shall then have had aotiae and that the said tsacutrtcee wui not be liable for th said asset or any part thereof to any person of whoa culm they shall not than have racatrad tto- tioe datsd at georgetown ontario thl twelfth day of june aj latt at solicitor for th aaid tbaeutriea laftoy dalat citsnapshotcuiliv i make your pictures sy jb i something alwsy neve your subject delafl eeavsthlaa hohdred9 of thousands of juve nile story books are sold every year and the onas w loved most la our younger year were those tramv itted into picture because they bad a human appeal all through oar live we retain our interest in pic ture atorlee it la this appeal that takaa us to the movie and cause u to look through tbo pages of dally newspapers and magaslnes for pic tures that tell stories of human ac tivities but when it comes to inapahota so many easm to forget bow mucb they enjoy looking at storytelling pictures they pick up their cameras and just shoot seunilngly satisfied to get any pictures at all aa it wa la the old days of you prase the button and we do the rash there te a better way to take picture if you want to enjoy some good laughs take a look at tome of the pictures la the old family album or soma of tba snapshots you took aov eral years ago there you will prob ably ond eotue perfect exantploa of record pictures picture of uncle charlie or aunt lilnnle in stiff pose against the trunk ol a tree or with an unattractive garage door aa a background dont take pic tunes of your friends just standing looking at tha camera have than lighting a cigarette reading or doing ioma thing to aeaaon the picture with that human interest touch that ahould be la every fllu you expose you go out oa a picnic with your friend what do you dot the chances are that you dae up the gangv you anap tba camera aad again have just another picture whaa tt would be juat aa easy to have tha crowd enjoying tha lunch and perhaps one member busily en gaged la tha act of exterminating a luscious ear of corn or doing a boarding house reach for the po tato salad if you were making movies would you take foot after foot of film with your actors doing nothing of course not and it lent a bad idea to think of your atlll camera aa a movie camera aiming a drama get action and meaning this means that you ahould think before you shoot the two plcturee above really say something jacks picture with hie bicycle tell of chain trouble and a delay lo mooting tbo gang at tba vacant lot for a game of basehall while diuia la probably telling his young girl friend about hie great ad venture aa a sailor of pirates gold and pieces of eight la case you have never given much thought to this before juat take a look through a newspaper or uagailua aad notice which please you mora pictures of people mere- ly looking at the camera or pictures of people doing something humanly interesting and significant chance are that tha storytelling pictures will be your choice and youll make up your mind that hereafter thats tha kind youll aim to take good luekl john van rjuildttu