p4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 3rd 1935 uusctcx kkc1hji rmw ucad- kwo birr strrcttzm itvr 1 a note bwu duh that clu for lh uu of your fsvoril break fast food try u end you will b d- liihtsd- skksj vfj ltel 4 cud pol toutu 3 pound ml ground pound tail pork ground i a imiain 3 teaspoons salt usdiuns onion chopped teaspoon u 1 ublnpnoo chopped celery leave 1 cup diced celery 1 tfch choprp4 pariwy lesapoon pepper cup toniato ketchup tf desired cruajal ion toutws add re- m i tngrwilhiu and nils fcll wfli ttrmly into greased loai pan stilt tn hot m ism wre ft is tain u tea uud 1miu4 teat to uodr el 60 ftejree i and bake sun- uui longer lust frequently with a tnluum oi cup hot iur and 4 tsufspoons butter uvrvra 10 here i buttsr that irtlj sppeal to your fasoijy and to your guu a ii lilimpl to make end oh how dellct- ous- lsg ctu gsrhr 1 cup uu cabin 0rup cup nuitsd butler cook syrup until a small amount forma a soft ball in cold viur tlxs dwmi j add butur and but with rotary egg uaur until track and craajny uerve warm on waffle hot biscuits munins griddle rakm or gingerbread uefce l cup butter mawv gafjuwatca ay gtlji history a msde at th annual convocation at th ontario agricult ural coll sheo for the first umi a girl student rarrud off th frnwfij proficiency award in the grduuinj yar it u th elimjui ot a brilluij academic earwr during which ah wd the um of 119 atudnts tn of the four ra lils tuglna van der i toon of cavan ontario froa th proficiency pruv and tn addition riptiiivd the canadun rwl usnu- facturers association award for th bast thetl on anuosl nutrition ulu van oer llocro shared tumors in tht graduating jr with john dryden of urooklui ontario a grand too of the late lion john dodn provincial minister of agjtrultuf umu o 4j aso and a proaliwct tlgur in th tarty llfr of uw o c who waa aardml th charut ufoowan urmorul adicunhlp and trr john uruht ixhourtalp john itrynoldj of tew ton ootarto rwwud hooorahu trntlon for th utoowin vrits which go to th uuclmt aho tng th ba all round ability in aomd rmle ttanding atudrat actlvtlua and cooprrallon with uuov atuduj and numbrr of tr faruliy katifuuy ffjlmyayions thla la tndatd a aurpruf try whan untbdrcud guait artier tly will u daughiod orami fu ufftu i package orangr junkrt povdrr 1 pint milk 4 fl4 nawtona finl braak rig nrwtona into amall plm and place in the bottom of thr cuiwrt duha flirn diatotw orang junkjt powdrr in lukemarm milk and pour imnudlattly orr thr hg nrw- tonx do not outurb until arm about 10 minute- chill in rtfjiger- a tor whrrt manure u not applied to rtp- brrry plantatlona until th aprlng a rmrr crop ta alto adrtiabl to p- tnt loo lata a growth of cam am the adient of mntaic dlwaw u oak ing it advuabl to ivnw plantatlona more frequently th groser who la unable to get large quan title of man ure will find that ahorter rouuon and lend lutlf more to th cover crop and mulch iiem for each new plan tation may be preceeded for a aeuon by a crop of clover or autfc which uhrn turned otrr will leaie th toll in eicellent condition for the new plantation thta method of rencaal y rrry alx year lt proper grwn manuring coter crop or mulch and adequate quantities of oommerrlal rerillliera will render it poaalbl for raspberry broking to take u plan betide orcharding in being more or leu independent of the falling and increasingly eiprnilvr aupply of man- brown betty aude by follotng th rvctp below ta anotter way tn which a breakfaat food may b call ed upon after th morning ha gone oeanbu brwa bdtlf 3 large applet pared and thinly alloed cup grape nuu 13 cup brown augar firmly packed t taaapoon cinnamon taajpoon aalt 4 ublhpooiu butter 3 tablespoon lemon juice arrange layer of apple in greaaed baking duh cmer will orapenuta tprlnkle with mttture of ugar cinna mon and aalt and dot with butter repeat until all ingredient axe used topping with o rape nut oprtnkl lemon juice oxe top corr and bake in moderate oven u0 degrre p i 3 minute uncover and bake is min ute longer or until apple are ten- dar fierve warm with butterscotch hard aaucr serve a 1 courteous chinese rfcl v g to utlkmq pjlj u i4g iojilr urrrtu u vrrr cxkdnud anj i ujim ioui niii oimjuh uluri nwnjjrfr t ilie niuf il n hual turpi mto wlmu kji on ioviii cm snafibv tiitt i r cjud il li j siktt odju mr j luidr ol oiunuu and occt li i it urn pi i ifl nttr aim li ilu u n i v pojur ifw m- j tu dm r i i rj i tur ciaud luy uop ndli kl i lo ulki h pp trtuiuiiue do we ou thr uiium ij it pujuic ol ku vullt n of the cjnu inquired vlh low vufifttat wulu it iisj- jjv blta to jadrrund llul rxitnful ai it teewd ikrrr lud twtfi tonv uiimcion thil tkr cumpjny prrtenl kj lwti qikaauxq lie muu tkrrlcwe aii um to i 10 tyaaj j to axciunruay him lo h pole ujlkirt 11 lwtilju ufl ud nd bovwj rujtlun they uicim ud uuulj giv own 0uf plfkie ihn 4 ridv t ikf tuuul ubw c ta ufitoutjy pioidd by rt ruetad intrwetor fhe panj vagan was bubrd up rul utth iwh howtng vui pol nvrt lite illrud uojixurs urp- tud tjuud al ike tutton itt oi ik wr ckuaed uith limplng a gaming moses leader and lawgiver luiuj vatfmm tiy ilckl ifl mi jy tfc im ooldof text blmmd u in n tlon whow ood u th ited pitted u kvodua 34 s- that ahould that jewuli and chruiian churchaa while a l ulkj ej iru- main nfilli o hi ik w upii awouug payug dmj wakfiul wondir if there were any prim lor itrrplrt endurance william illufchurn at huddfijwlj t iialcul uouli tn in i uju slue be undnl an operailon four ri hjo hlutlxim hi not hod a wink ol urvp ixkiot tjy he thould hiw did yrart rfoo kivlnj uben enouuh murpht to till u erdl pttvx in atirmpii lo indue date early blight op rotayocb a remit of immtljatlon mad by the duuion of dot any domlnton itxprrlmrntal farm the following measure are recommended for th control of rarly blight of potato ue only clean teed application of bordeaux m lit ure 4 4 40 ahould be mad regularly and thoroughly every ten day or two week atart- ing vhen the plant are tla to tight tnchea high thla deatroya th fung- u atrenirtlrn the plant and rvduoaa flea bet tie injury ahlch 1 an aid lo infection after digging th potatoa rake up and bum in top aa thy afford winter protection for fungu uw a crop rotation aa aucoeailv crop of potato tend to incraax th dlaeaxe avoid piling th potato lop cloae to trt newly dug pile of potat oes qksnapshot cuili vacation pictures land sf sag effar un- llmltad epporiuiihiaa foe anapamaotlna with th arrival of raally warm aummer waatherboautlful tree and flowara we begin to think in aarnaat about outdoor llfo ami vaca tion i auppo ono could ooni vacation without a camera but that would bo llko trylnnr to tall a boat without a rudder to aay the loaat it would imdi that aomrthlnff impor- taot waa mlaalnir whan planning a vacation you should took forward to tbo snap shots you are going to got for on your return to homo and work and in later years whoa your trip bo- come fond momarteb you can al waya turn to your napuhnta anil en joy your vacation ovur and ovor again rnapabqln pay dlvlilemla on your vacation investments in con- tlbuad pluaauro long after your re turn there la one important thing tn keep lu mind in vacation anapalinot- ing and that la tba varloty or light conditions you may encounter in your travel picture taking might well bo olaaaod in four group ac cording to tho oxpostiro thny nood and by adopting uv a utandard nx- posuru for ttarh iroup one that la in tcrmodlatu bntwmm tho almrtoat and longetit that will make a imtth rue lory oxposuro thora will bo only four ox- poaures to counutr and tlionn can bo niomttrlxod these four groups are as followa number one marino and bouch boohdb and evtremn dlitant lanil- icanea numhr two ordinary landwnnob hhnwhtb the umy with tho by that i moan not undur trees or the roof of a porch and tail ahadod nearby arenas thoao four groups or claaaea juat about cover the dlfforunt typea of plcturua you will want to take on yourvacatlou with modernday film and camera exposure problem havo been greatly simplified but it is atlll noceaaary to use a llttlo good judgment and not expect tbo impos sible from your camera there are many type of camera to moot uvury requirement of the photographer whether ho is on ama tour or a prolong lonel but no camera la capable of taking all types of pic tures undor all condltlonn it la true that some camoraa are moro versa tile than o thora one muy have an extremely fuiit luna which pnrmlta the taking or imapahota under ad vurao lighting condltlona and if it aluo haa a fast abutter you can toko pictures of subject moving at ex trema speeds other camnrau havo lenssa and aliuttom of various snoods to take ploiures and good ones within cortaln limits and con ditions almost every dealer in cameras and photographic supplies has print od outdoor oxpoauro tuhloa giving dotalls of oxpohures etc in the four classos mentioned above ask your iloalor for ono of those outdoor ex posure guides and thon go forth with your camera and toko the kind of prhpat j h0 proud to 8h0w tho toregrounil kumhor throe yol friends nearby portrnlls in the open shade joirm van otjimirr social conscience tusbulille tt owu to csolui u as aaurkaa amiis an ediioriil ttrtirr in th d trail pre iv u recounu ihai in on linohih rootle houw nily s ihouund people tt vlilng lor the ul ure pulure the proiectloo machine brow doun and the mnnmrtn announced ihjl the patron uould be relunded ihelr money at ihe bos oflue but there were diffrreot prke seat the problem aroae a lo various culm for mwuwtiuoo the bunaoer mertly put ht cuuomrr on their honor and hen the lul paynual wii eiade ihe receipt and the moruy paid out corrrtponded to a penny it la marked charutrrtolc oi the ituxdy middleclua boauthman thai he only wanu that hlch i hi a whole volume could be wrtrten on that utile inci dent to ahow how hlohly clvluied peo ple con have ingrained into ihtai a wui of personal retooruiblhry call it hoaeary or honor or what you will behind it la a social conktence huh tspulos why london police do not have to carry gun and rarefy even carry blulr and ahy old ulley the on criminal court lo all lon don only needa to hold session three diy week the oood liflollsh knows no higher duty than the retpoul- bulty of individual dtiiesshlp cot peal v sutt laated uoairul deauisl otft ildlaccaftiry a clik ta s tofitrrjl department tore was ftictd with a prohtrm when a 40yesr old customer walked in and askrd lor matrruil to mend luo shirts which had been purchased 57 year briar the fabric almost as heavy caova had been bouoht there he told and bad been made lohli meaiur by mr flm ojllvy wtl of ihe founder of a inn whtch bore hi name 4 the year 1876 when he was on ol the four members ol he staff the shirt had been tn practically con stant use ever since and alter all these year needed a linle patching they were not the modem ccut type but the ilod that ha to be pulled over the head tdcb handicaps trees as explained bva ktw gardens tt pert in the london times art inbu- enced laroely by ihelr position and the soil in which they are growing- the weather ol course la an important factor in hastening the fall of leaves but there are other circumstance w hlch combine with it in produclnnabnornul leal shed ding by many trees there it or example ihe lowering of the n iturul water level by pumping or deep dralruoe in the neighbor hood of large town which reduces the water uvtilhhle for tree then atmos pheric conditions may have an important effect on ihe life of a tree rendering it less able to withstand abnormal condi tions lkxsaoej pajxlao 151 st ood la not dumb speak no more if thou hau wanderin in th wil ovroe and findatt not falnsl 11 thy soul u poor loet ihsvom i thl uuon ha to do vlth th giv ing of the tn cowenandtnau on uount sinai u ahowa um aj th lnuder and latrglvfr of hi people ian stand out as tally ajeoong tn moit influential half doatn facri of srnbi lilstory tlu- lb was a tai udf in ipll cf lb impuuvvoam and tttfta of youth ttimucbout long years of udiutlan hi charac ter had fawn united and hu itf purpoi mad cuar hi tsik aa to transforms a hord of alava into nation wttr a soul thl h had to do without any of th modvra aids that tsentleth century atataioeo fl- ploy compare th sucnantio a uua- ujlni or a ifltler ran trfploy th press th radio th uhool ayslted orgaalvd government ftlotc had to aclileve bl end by personal influent and a gradual etlsbjuhlng of pubuc confidence ln 10 tnleruy iu auc- tfa may be meaurvd by th plax ilu two giwn to hloi in th the main motive of hi uf reiulou hi woeb ha rvaxhad out into tlv field of govhiimwt tthua jid even saiiliatlon th un coni- marvdment have been hi bionuawnl pesfcjtuug tiwhigli tti itebres propte st their ftr liae flint agajnat ldoutry lous ea too wle a man to naguct con crtte and objectlse aid to th ere lion of a national spin it anofc to the people and on their auent lo hi plan ii wrot the od whkh h iuhd them to know and obey buut an slur under uount fslnal wtui tselve pillar rrpeeaentlng th twelv tribes of lusel its conducted a nub- acrtflc to mall th occasion ineowrsble it read aloud froea in lloolt of the covenant and tprtnud tt blood of the aarrtnoa upon th people ucmt kn itov short la th memory of people rw ranjti n could now ull aocurauly what han- ivned on armulio day ilt u4- hod of unifying a nation or an ta pir may change but lhy are mil used vr the luhu asrvlom of klb3 oeor the stlh there irss an f- pirwld broadcast a grat pubuo procetalon public urvio ln wait- m najrr abbey with photographs and moving pictures widely dlitribuud in modern day leadership tuptnd wry largely upon th ability to catch popu lar imagination do dramsu thing and get effective publicity without ap pearing to b too anxious for u tu las ii on cannot know for sun tt source of th ten commandment and lev ill a i uuutlon laid down by uosea there went human and dlv in elements hi it- it was tn put du to th character and sthloaj ideals result ing from th long yaara of thought of uot as a ahaphsrd and a leader in th wlldern hu experience tn th palso t egypt may hav auggwtsd aoa nrtnrtnua other prtnclples had been workad oat through the history of hi own people and had been disserved by tradition uonothoum which vu th unifying principle dated back to abraham y4 when all trre source hat bssn au gested must give full value to th operation of th spirit of ood upon th soul of lioae a h formulated thu code th hlbl record glvas practically full credit to uoaas and to ood but we know well that no such brest achievement th tan com mandment can be solely th work of on man th hebrew raos helped uosea to produce th law bhiials 1111 th great characters of th dlbl demonstrate th need of aolltudj abraham and una bad long stretches of solitude th pwlmut and th prophets took urns to b holy jesus went to th wilderness and paul into arabia lfosss had hi for ty days and forty nights of solhud amidst most lmpreauv toenae footprint cx betray criminal to ttpris crlmltutui ba limud lo giurd sjcklnut th hititr print fywrtu now ibey tiuit l- rirvlul ilwl iulr tuia ieulii tit twt lulruy tlui tlw lu irvil it of m tout rvu 11 fbe dvt- tltt mutti lie tun i lnflfy u ftx t uiut ilu rovr itu eiwl riiii rv4ixiil hf nun ly auj pntillurlt in wjii lit 4mii lell wlul uvr ihe ribilnal baa uumllnu u ristil uelbliijr ruuuliyf imt mallltut ltwunl lfati nlryurlliun thlcy lav bvu tllitnvhl diirtuir imfallsallon leii i tin iiw uuhbul of iru kins dowtt erifailnala it la fue latauv aev uual in 1st tcaw urtjj wlib the left l lliuu iim rltflii ibimjcb it u geiwrumy lvlll itu ib uuuim of lb rtjibt uti urv faimnjxfr aj ilal lbefuev tl 1 1 tun- sirltu la tukva with tl right i kugltlt4 nirl alwua luro tu tl hit i ho trjltirf to run sh ui1 id ttt kiksrvx ibvy run lu rtrelm liul thl ru uf lornlng lu ike right buljj guud evo wtuo 1 1 v siv tusk hf ibetr ram stung rrotiiuj blrvetn sad ilirbt ruu if e uuio uatling uoeuisll looim latk he himu pluta i tlj fuut pull to ibv siiw fc turu bla bvud if e tuan f airsg beltfbl balks with fchort tp be is e rtxiniryuiad iimi tu inevtliig bjtnll at in hi slh 11 isiojr b timunniaii uud tn tuumtb rftsile wtff slrtdm out lesu furrutl id tin 1i li iuum ubxuliuv uilln ibtf leul irui uf nut tujln your lilts muw u mil i il ittu tr iuy ejnr aktl tl prufrwr avtlt it a uvo aduulllug s iusbj iru hj sve ibv itilute rtpllmj urut i tfclnk id like lb umju iu9 it two ttutuund puunda it la 4 mi thai a rwdblng lb prvfmoe rsrrlnuily reuuirkhl hul wuuljut you like lu watt jus btlialirt yjr and tuakr ii four ibousaiult juat think buw rub oud l utiy ytni bjigth te a king if uu llhtt i itmt kmir sa id rerv abotil w leg a king the tuan said ttutnutitful i hut it dew njinl u imiwrrfol kiiili eumieyl well i think 111 wait of roerse ymi llll uld the pro- fmuue there a giuut uaw id ynu i sve ciood day to you iuy man t iii ui cur hat i my lilui the fimir ihoossad poiindar hjltle asked s tlw tlont thuut on ihe ilwrtliig eretlliir nwh my child i th pnift r rn i cl vtu li itl illy he ii y i nil dmibllug it mil lie tile tou see lie inuya worth while uulllng aniilber yebr to get llre sa biueb awineyr imese rlsej t tt the dlfee iruiuinly tulletl the loon is uf the umi 01r1iiilt tilnu to iux it la an ubcoiuiu nl floe alter u its nam lodlraleu mii la an exrvllenl hyve aa well there la the one till uf slpuet to b bad id buullug a kxn ua a lake end that l ihe unrertnluly of juut what lb bird will du il may rlae uff th valer ami ueek les dan geroue waters or ii may dle bemuth the mirfac and come up uboul ntral hu ml red yards the illrttiti u tin an uncertainty fur a hlrd uuea do indication as be giua uiulrr ili water whkb wuy b will awlai the u n ii l solitary hlrd usually nrr mure than one wlr inhimtlng a nutll body of water the frmule n mlly lays hut two or three efftra tlurlu hie breeding season ami fur dial reebiii th dlvtra ar not very uuiuemua thu day uount sinai u a plant ol wnil thal lh a wonderful light iflscu with violent i jia h lightning and thunder storm thar ind thereof ih bss u huloey th eraaty record of enrtent luhy ion going back to tuxxuthki u c ahntr hat beer mdde fr in thirle uiul from bsrtey and spelt wn eitenalttw ly drunk there exen by latuireni amt by woraso to the bsreiu it nun wwd in medlrin in iuhhn hih tait and had spire and hi iter i tin anh- stances added tn it in abykulnu and yj nubia llerodotub and uirahn utih lvel nn millet ihey ahui nuiile tdaincd bdains so far the world liaa been very coney of brain rtprclilly itcudemlc brain but perhaps it uuulj du no harm lo give them a th il at le isl it m iv be suggested that induhry has pointed in way for the but ivto tkc tdes hi seen the great commercial nterprlses of ilu nation drawing heavily ii vm the universities winnipeg pre press cod hag e op women on the farm there la a good case for suggeittn that everyfarmer and hi family are entitled to a short holiday each year ln evidence given recently before the royal commission on wheat harm ing tn australia many farmers spoke of the courageous aupport which had been afforded to them in their fight with adversity by their wive and daughters and the commission feels that special reference should be made to the part which women are play ing in maintaining the industry dur ing the time or depression on the uverago their work is harder than that or their sisters in the city and the activities or various organization in the different states of the common wealth should have wider support in order that the home life or the wheat farmer can be improved the above extract from the report of the royal commission in australia applies with equal force to the women on canad ian farms acoondlng to the latest figure 1b3 per cent of the population owned motor vehicles in ontario in 1mi and in that year they contributed km- 1m0t0 or 41 4 per oent of the cash revenue received by the ptovlnm la the twftlvetnooui pftrlod uosea waa alon not even his bro ther aaron nor his mlnliur joshua was allowed to accompany him out of that tolitud cam such a tlron purpose in th soul of on man that lie was abi to communlrat that pur- pot to his nation and through his own nation to other nations can u happen again th nations of th modem civilised world are wandering in the wilderness will thr aria a leader with such powar of insight such fore of character such a com municable sens of th presence oi ood with htm that the nations of th twentieth century can b unified and the world be given stability peaca and plenty ood a power is avauahl for the present crises wrat is need ed 1 a leader completely surrendered and disciplined that he can hear ood a voice speaking and transmit ooda message tn a way that th na tions will know it la an authentic word from ood it is sheer atheism to doubt that ooda spirit can lead nun forward to th creation of a worldwtd brotherhood in christ msottaln gury isls there t a strange ccrrespondence between the changing phases of na ture and the paiiing noons of th human soul the peopl at th foot of uount slnal remembered long the clouds and shadows the glory and fire on the top of the mountain of course the really important thing was what was happening in the soul of lint and tn the souls or the waiting people nature la wonderful full of symbouo meaning and poetical suggestion but it is the will of man convinced of the truth of ood that is the supreme iwwer in social and religious progress the plain truth is that uosea has given glory to uount slnal more than uount slnal gave glory to uosea the man was more important than the place a study of the uf of uosea brings to us the same conviction as does a study of the life of christ that human personality is a supreme power when it becomes a surrendered instrument of the will of ood dare we pray tn our troubled time there may arise one man or one woman or groups of men and women who will be able to bring order out of chaos be- causu in solitude they hear the voice or oodt qtseausba far n i in order name the three greatest living leader in world affairs 3 what agencies create public opinion todayt 3 are the ten commandments out of dale 4 can patriotism be limited to ones own natlont 5 can one man do for modern hu manlty what mote did for hi na tlont a beverage tart it u suilil hint tner was the usnsl drink nf the oennuna and pliny mentions the uw or li in oaul and hnatn he write they enipltiy ibe foam mhlih tlinken ii the surface aa a lea en irilwm hie flrat reference to beer jmul tur luiu tag purposea javau cltqustt bui agv algbl ninl hi- mer rltas bth age ave had trnm up lu hed after bidding mother mnnn gruut night almost imaiettlulebeniimhi of dlaaenalon penetniled li tin below and mother twilled furlh calm the storm and learn lis rouse well mil celled me a vrnli for klaalng ulss harne good nliiln the small stelae explained rltiillj ami he said girls never kud iilrl the just kissed hoys and i mild ilnnile younself hill she ended trlumphum ly iilrln dnn i klaa hoys hij jim let the boys klas them bk fee us far wuaw in the will tif u limn ulm ill it i re eently in hjlnt vu hnutti uultu hi left bis wlilnw ft hliiillngh m iuy a tuwik id which in urlli down ull the lit a she has told iim tin will hu he n liroken by the exit utorw ulu finind the ullegutloiiw fulu die tuai i i ilia slate hi thnv of hit foui eti th inn hut the exeuiltum imvt pn vliled himlect to the uiiroiil o tin ionrt itiut tie wlilow will nseue inn- thlnl mi i enth i hi id un iijtiul shure nf thtr riluullider ontario motorist contrtbutwl 14140 out of every 1100 cash receipts col lected by the province tn iftw an in crease of 4jw over the previous year of this amount ftlajo out or every 1100 represented gasoline tax while the balance represented registration and license fee comparisons in the provincial fi nancial statement of the hut few year prove that out of every 1100 re ceived by the provincial treasurer motorists paid the following 1w0 go tax 11870 licenses and registru- ions t0so total huo 1831 in the asjne order ajold tobo total smw 1uj mto 413 jo total bum ibm mid iiuo total auto iom ufljd lis 80 total ml 40 these figure show that the ffsio- line tax increased from 187 per cent per 1100 in 1mo u 39j per cent ln 1w4 while revenue from license and reglktratloft fee increased from pj per cent per 8100 to leu per cent per hoo net that stbid of hsu i know an artist that painted ft cobweb so real a maid spent an hour the jersey cow mistletoe sayda trying- to set it down sybil bred and owned by tt j ora- florry but i just dont believe you ham georgetown ontario ha oom- why nott artist have beeal plated a s year old record of tvtso lb known to do such thing of uuk 454 lb of fat with an aver ye but not maidir lua teat of 4ju in ms daya umerousancestors oml dmu m lo wketwe all w ne ibltul i lave norm uoad u i lit veu lnuoj of uusviuy norniun uncesby iv ubo t llwir luulis luck to ihe ijy ol wil l oi hw cunuurrur ociually jve only iim- di luuttuii of druetulihg t mii i itavy inu uf vuiiiiu of urnelouy i im ttinmlivj lu i od nja presented by lird b hjuii euunent aiil rofiologiu to llruln j uitxip of liriiidi uunllui fcl l ur tur llirrr it not ite inuurd ti siol ynuiar nonun prdiuretf to esluence and even these uijt oj kuuridied mitt bravely u really ike prudimls of a sucessa cf sulndcrs unj heraldic pedjiera who luve ttfn to buuiievk or leniurtes bol llw ixt luurys hwheluus cour aey moulin 6ad kcuntoouery ouy jitept tlu ihrusi passively says the to olo itugjui tn tomaumiaq upon luj uaulu s stiriueni tlu who be lev tlui blood udj froa cojoylfig it known uipeiloetiy indeouly towur douldpo- wu ite specul virtue of kvlcg boled lueuod in uesdy xlttim frou tite day ulten willtsn undetlail vtveasey asay uiu find supnurt lu thel churn lo tbl miauut of oioy a nuihfoaluuo hmm cikuuud lltt saosl of u ruve liad ubuut 36 otnarauoa cj onceuofi since the djy ci die amt wiluam wttb tlu bgue lo hjjjt be recalled ilul ecb person hs twke as nuny ojondparenls put at a fjj lll the nunber of aruetior doubles wtth a sb qyiierjllon so he vorked on to the suun- uhlng fuulsg ihjl eth of uahuhsd asore i tun one hunded and thirty lour sulua sruestoe sloe ibe days of ibe tiotma conquest irua thl lu coo be dtfw0 tt coo- iuiumi that each oi u u the oulcoas of something sare dun sistysevea aulhoa fflirtuar alluce lo thai pirtad cer tainly the sisihrassucsl probsbuuie s-j- orsl reasruleu of the vtevs of lofd rso un tht few ivtusher can be denied tl ut lo baul thai ihjy liav si bast oa hfotwun bsoo tuitlng tai place la that humiitlumuiticblu tsojt iw urelliili dscej fq i gift with view to increasing interest li ca hiisortcsj bsckgrouod aed pe serving tat all time the monuaunt and aumorus of the post the historic slut and lilonusuqis booed of fin he sueks site and cosssaesoorate persoaj and loci- denu of n mortal issnortsncs by tb pitting ol euitsbl ubleu si ckferefil places tb riimatnlf lisih yise sine 1019 tti lloird the euesbers of which are rcogoluj eutbort lies on the blstory of canada kas to olsws to take under taatllmiiea ta sites sad prcyowb subosirud foe u view aaung the uus recseuy ssstksd sw one al vancouver bttua fvlitj sj com me morale th public service of cast geofo vencouvwf who la 1192 ire sod 1794 carrtsd out the svtl systsmdc tsplorsnon survey and chsrusg of tk paclbc coast and ai new wasbmhufaie brttuh cohiiabla to suefc the bibi of od of the largest bmblstorlc ssiddd oa the poetic coast oi cansa boa tad atoa issplrauau found ta irkav tbrowa sucjs kakt upon th culture statu of bbl toeic sua la th vicinity bflllliant canadian arthur beverley baiter appaeouy believes that in lie a sua should play many port tn fact he wrote a novel the part men play before ihe great war he waa employed by a musical instrument house in toron to wo tenor soloist la one of ih big churches and in hi spare tio wrote stories for several ntht then came the war in which he took his part after the armistice end before he left england lord beaver- brook offered him a position on th london dully e press and tn a few years he became editomnchlil resigning lo oln the xecutlv of one of the big british dim companies uffbtbb aspect op fllunghal nun life la regarded as worthies lo country especially at the present moment when one i murdered he la murdered that is all and nobody cares to and out who did it or why in act on haa only to read ihe vernacular press of ihl city to and that there is an average of tuo murders a week atony of the bodies found ar not idrntleed they are sent to the morgue and then given burials by th philanthropic organisation and there the cases ar hushed up no one raise any complaint about the failure of our police to ufeguard the live of the people prom the shanghai chins critic why baciielobs exist there are 372 206 more male than females in the population of canada according to a return ut completed by the canadian government bureau of sta tistics uoron roads in canada motorists in canada can travel on sur- f iced roads u total distance equal to near ly our lime the circumference of the earth utld on unsurlectd roads more that 12 times that distanc radio repairs yj are bsvtuj le eaea la a it aahrle a sralaej suaie arvto staaliisar i year fer us hugh lindsay la uk intw wood for sale oholm lumwux dacch ud uwl at iu0 par com illiud wood jjs0 oer eordt hiili ttm psr card j bmjaiorowa muw 1u r ttu atti4 wood for sale oholm hirdwosd ibplt tad bewh mliwl ult wood uot ntuubld wl auply jitk tajl vhou ulw atatttlma u how to make iced tea salam have vour eyes examined ljt sluiuwr you up m doin ui or wil tuill lou ui nduccd in via m g ujd at lljt uim prtu ell cinsat to u uro from u u ii nunr truu lor ih uw aiutii ts wir in toronto or ourloli ix m maj o t walker ro ovohtrtlht lvcwiaut uhcihliiir buuu wl b al b08lih ohio ktomi owius ik ooj vt i hwr bl or t u ii o t waltrr al u ta u bitmifua the coal business of the late john mcdonald will be carried on by the estate au ow plued u a oe will b aptwuuj b1 promptly alund to please note ptlca ulvanc july lit i0js queen street georgetown clearing sale of all sprin millinery 1 i il r i t i for this week prices from 75c to 200 misses claridge ifcnu biod gwgrtow qusnapshot cuil j let the sun work for you many or yon whowsnt to take your phntog raphy ssrloualy and ist aom really attractive artistic picture would probably lilt to have soma furthar information on proper lighting id tsklns snapshota the uihtlost of tbo sabjoct ha so much to do with securing that qual ity often roferrod to as atmos pherv in a picture thtre are a number of way in which a photo- grstlh msy be ghtm apparent doplb or third dimension taking pictures wbon there aro long ahadnws get ting a reflection in tho foreground using strong aldougbtlng or back lighting and timing the eiposuru just right so that ihe dotal of-ob- jocta in shadow is not btnckod out are precautions that contribute much to tho doatrod effect suppose wo consldor each of these separatoly bbadowa thrown in long drawnout splotches across walls and walks makes one eel moro than anything else that be la looking mo a picture instead of joouhj oh a flat place of paper carrying imago of recorded objects the foreground should bo well broken up with shad ow so that there is uot too much contrast between it and the rest of tbo picture when a body of water can be in eluded ai part of the foreground then tbore are really wonderful op port unities for adding depth the re flection will carry ones attention back and away from the foreground and into the picture and lead to tbo principal point of interest the only precaution noceaaary when supping a picture with a fare ground of water in strong sunlight la to watch that a awutl or ware do not throw reflected sparkle of light upon th lens aa that may fog the picture along the roads and trails through forest where long spears of sun light pierce into tho shadows tbore are unlimited opportunities for striking picture wltb doptb if the foragrouud vour picture i not well lighted and you want to got the haft of sunlight shooting through tho shady parts of tbo background an eiposuru slightly shorter than you would ordinarily make la ad vlsabts dont just open your camera and shoot wbon taking pictures give your subject eomo thought aud tn doing so you will be rewardod wltb pictures you will be proud of and they will whet your appotlte for many more snapshooting eupedl tlon viewpoint mean much and i an important factor in picture tak ing it too ha much to do with the perspective wo get in picture if tbe perspective i uot pleasing to the eye it will not bo pleasing in the picture so a i havo aald before study all tho possibilities and auglea of your proposed picture before you snap it john van fjuildeul