po4 the georgetown herald wedntaday evening august 14th 1935 afe rvurthe the homenukcr utmiistw tu haauy uekl above layout shoot a good eroauaesctloo of what la t- tkg do tbtas tin summer data at tk alsoouuln i lute i fit ao- drewsby u kw llrun- wuk bight lady uuyra lin- sobr daughter of tbetr ilfl ihifm tbe gofereoroeneral and ljr juttborouib al tb con elation of ft drive from tr si tbe wh known 19 hoi cham- ploashlp golf tauraj of tbe hotel ctr shows that part of kslye cove dedicated to swimming wllb youngster and grown uij alike in th sparkling waler or tout to enler them int ii lalrklw uiuur sport tailing with alias us riot rsdniood daughter or sir u ii ami the honorable urs it ii redmond of uoatreaj tailing wllb her father end captain ut off ml andrew left la ulta ingenue auarbacb small daughter of mr and ura j a aurrtub of hew york all est wlui sped and tuckcl 6a th tiad of ketygcove tbe algoauln lloul renreeate just about lb arm of tumm day tajoytnset and i a para- dlj far kldsu and grown una too ua lalbtag la lb were waters of katya cpv and sua lathing on tb shining sand r two of lbs moat healthful t4 entertaining occupation of tloe wbo villi lba popular and smart rort to wblcb thalr rxceltss- elea tb governorgeneral and lady bstorougb bav given their pauxcxge of lata w a young man walked pensively into the vuuh pot ottof any u4ur tor eu tndayf ha oak th potimlitrea mo henry she rourd rather siwply tw rather strange ha mur mured ball to hlmslf mobbing strange about that young aa replied the pnstmiitr you hamkt anrd hr lait wtter ytl un smith stowing portrait of herself tn her suthtra arm twi u flow i lookad twoly rtare aa qutwt wocuurfull and ho u utf baby on your arwf ldy tfadin paprf wu a i nwr knawr that our rjuaa w to chudiih b aaya hf thai ahar th flamaa wtr astthapilibd u flj- erun puhd oa tba rulnj fv toj fcoura ijrv when arddctu or ulncu atraa u ii then you realize tbt full value of your tele phone it put you a instant touch with the doctor while yoo wait for him you call the drug store for flxu aid cur pile your telephone stand guard diy and night for just such cmergeodes between times it imoothes your path in thouiind way and makes life fuller and happier f z a crop report awtos u1 b found a bil ynop- au of uurtphle roorta rotvd at ttm iud oeac of the tttnk of uaa- uaj rroid u brancnae tuuue date of auguu ttb orop dfoidtea over the prairu provlnoaa vary pvauy vtu ruat ai- i eetine an uufiailaf porporuon of the wkl cwp ta uiruha and ham- katchean offf larva im of aj baru and aukathawan urft of uot luw hu partially tlll by reat raine wtil reduce the yitld oonfclovr- ably in quabu cropa wtth the oaouon of apolee and to aotne uten tobako are gaajfauy aaiufaetory wara y weather la neadad uar vaatlxv of grain in ontario la pro- ftuldg rapidly under favourable and thrriht will be gen eral thle w k- vail wheat u now vpaetad tn yield an average of froni 33 to u buihale par acre of average quality grain in the uarttune ifro- vuvwe cropa genarally are in good condition with aola profmlalng wall- in uxuth rvjiiwbtf cropa fatuarally are progrmitnj uualactoruy with indicated yttldi of grain good and of trae frulu aotnewhat nttow average ontario cutung of hvy baruy and oat crop u now tn pragreaa due to lodging- the crop la alow and dim- cult to handle beoond growth alf alfa 1 haavy paaturae i abma avcragv sean are making favour- abla prosreee and an averatfa yield 1 indicated corn and root continue proelelng- all amall trull are plen tiful apple axd pfttrnf are m- veloplruj wu llarveating of tobacco 1 now under way and wul be general next week the quality 1 better than for torn yvar paat v ik just what you metkb it good times are coming t for those who know travel values vacation suggestions montreal 3 days 10 tthilihting hotel and seala new vobk s days 10 3 in room umii iloul cuunt e thousand islands vuoll trun toronto evry day uult and berth rivliuvm 1500 georgiaii bey 10 wmk eaj oniia tnciudu alula anil but grand bend 7 days 1800 i la rmn inoludh heals and rooes southampton t days kincardine port elgin 1600 a delightful restful vacation at any of the above aummar resort includee hotel accommodation and tneals mackinac island b b aunhodun s day cruise 3500 meals and berth included mkhipwoteti island b 8 oaribosj er i b hhllei 6 day cruise 3500 bjeeis and berth inclmjed abk looaii bds or touriflt agent for particular and reservations and haltjotftat0 vacation booklet phone or write direct central ontario bus lines 1101 bay st at blow telephone midway 9881 toronto a p1ptv couaue cnineas dinnku a canadian iiotieea no matter how claborata a meal th might plan for her rueeta would tilll rail far ahort of a formal dinner offered to an engluh fftrl vultlna in shanghai a the bum i of an omclal of high rank the meal u a fiftycourt dinner in tribute to the weatarner a table- cloth traced the table and midway of the meal it we removed with a freeh one replacing it rom a tingle tervingduh in tn centre of the table each gueet terved himself with th boat personally rtaclrur and re moving- the dish for each court ttie dun h receive from and return to a tervant at thl meal the young- lady tasted oenturyold eggs aharkfln a vary great delicacy pigeon au chicken kidney iduckweb duck-in- blanket waffle being the blanke- lunflowcr and lotuiteed nut of every conceivable deecrtptlon rice tee and a tcore of other greater or leaaer delicaclee subatltutod for the western nngerbowl ware hot elotha one wet and one dry passed to each gueet during the meat thing b ws cannot extlain augustine said once if you do not ask me what is time i know if you ask me i dont know there are many thing which we are not able to put into a concise definition what u oodr what l tphht what 1 pertonalltyt what 1 love and wtlat le haur we know all these things and yet we cannot well define them we attempt it at time and usually grow somewhat muddled and dlaoouraged when we discover that the reality which we know elude u when we try to put it into words yet the reality i none the leu because we aannot describe just what it is even in what we ceil science this 1 seen the thing we call matter would seem at first eight to be most easily de nned and yet as we proceed it elude us to remarkably that we are com pelled at last to admit thai we can not tell just what it is the only thing which seems to be clear u that it i probably some kind of force we must be content to know many things which we are not able to explain and this applies to the wisest men who aver lived or who ever will live oral hpeedometeb fob haf rwivina among the reported new invention for motor cars la one called the oral qpeedomeier which operates with a phonograph attachment when the speed reaches 30 mile an hour it re mark the city speed limit has been passed is there a motorcycle police man behind you at 14 miles per hour too fast for city driving we hope youre in the eountry at 45 mile per hour your cor u atlu under control but watch the car behind the car ahead of you have you had your brake tested recently at to mph your neponslbutty is increasing keep your eyes on the road at 00 m ph are your insurance premiums paid to date at 10 mph you drive this at tachment will do the praying at u m p h someone will prob ably have tills oar repaired if so we thank you for the sole of a new speedometer to replace this one which in a few moments la golnsj to h along with you ooudck toct jua lovtvl umj- tli end rr uur and laxaru john ii s lisuladn lafuaoi lukr 10 os 43 john 11 17 1 hut evtry tuhur wlwn ci rut ahuut aiut krfaiulk up u b him m ii mirrly lumtu uiul i miw iwwl iwwiv por llwrr tlw iwuri ran rt vbii lyaw 4 ulr llwu v m uuium il ittl lw iiilnllr jt i mjn xlrtuiilly luutuukk mini lu luul i iwj ulrn lo uy tiu lirod tlwn iaj uiu- luifik luaiwt wltrte in jlut fuuiul u bilconu ut ilrtliany jiui uuikuv jrnsjlrm tlu- at ut tux ttah trruuimal jt art s umxl martlui i iiul lur hi- rr ui d iaaar w and 11 ry i in turn uinxl tiim in tiu uiii ax tittiniitl u mid lo tk jmtkr il had a ujir hiua k oilrn imu iltmtlurxl am u luy korriar a lurtl woman ftlih lirr iuhut aa a thru on litr lark hut w iut1 to rvcall that lu- nui a lionimakrr mid tlut tl riuiiir um kind ot ikmnr alien jeu u gtad lo u4t lt all lu itavi uvn incllnnl o dlvldr kjrutjiktiil into it lfary ajuj tlw uaiiliak suk ii ilulr iuwom urr tuctt i hat jru uould clauot ttum a place iwn lw could find rru end prerc would re find ojr table talk rongmlal and uoum p care to miwtf our family lprre to hu gajat ttere u a much aud motto chrlu u lhr uilwti oumi n tbu liamr it tan b mailr- vrry tru airfrtton we may run rv ctirut a ttu unwm qurti in our hrans and make our inner litei hornr ui shkb he conttantly abldci teaamafiawsj st ie tlirre u a rather outfeorn wtttlctun ujt one souid prefer uartha before i dinner and uary after dinner but uary and martha had to uw tn the tame home tojther throughout all tra hour of the day llerwiuy may have had tomethlng to do with their diverse temperament one being like her father and the other taking alter her mother education may hat baarti a factor in giving a different bent to their minds or deuberaie personal choic may hae made one develop e mjaucaj attitude and made the other a practical person ouch dilference may be awn in almoat every heave initeed of regarding it as a family disaster it 1 much vurr to regard these endowment a comp lementary and a keeping the family outlook tn balance life mould be very monotonou if our temperament re all similar it lends variety to family life and prepare us to meet the msnysldedneee of human nature in the outside world we muit of course learn to adjust ourtelve to one another to that there u no frlct- the suter who want to hem stitch muet be reconciled to the tuter aho wuhee to paint landscape and the brother mho ukee to do wood carving must good humoredly accept th brother who spend hi tpere time reeding economic os tkiag newfkd n 41 u there ha been much discussion a to the meaning of the phrase one thing 1 needful bom think that jesus meant to tell usrtha that one duh alone would be sufficient other take it to mean that truth and spirit ual fellowship are more essential than hospitality the meal would soon be forgotten but a truth lodged tn the mind would be a permanent possession the lesson for ua la lo preserve a sense of balsnoe house hold week need to be done health and eten lilt itself depends upon cleanliness the point is that routine- must not be allotted to take the place of th higher life of the soul we must distinguish beteen the two points of vtcw that we are bodies and hate soul or that we are souls and have bodies if we really believe that our human eplrlt are akin to the divine mind and that our bodies are temple in hlcl- the holy spirit may dwell then we shall do full duty in coring for our bodie but only that we may be at our beet to let our souls become full par many people life ha become so cluttered up with thing that there u neither time nor strength left for meditation prayer or purposeful planning uany christ um affirm that a time of fellowship with christ each morning enables them to accomplish more throughout th day as art ef raltk n 11tl again th difference tn mood and temperament appears when jesus returned to bethany after the death of leuarua uary eat in the house but martha went out to meet llim uartha hnmesorrow turned her to christ not away from him what comfort chrut gave to heel it told her that her brother would rise again and it was to uartha that he gave his great word of immortal hope am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and who soever liveth and believeth in me shall never die lleltevest thou this there is a marked contrast in tho conduct of famine at funearls where there le no religious faith or merely nominal and formal religion grief ts frequently boisterous and un restrained or else unfeelingly stoical but where the living christ u known there is deep felt sorrow but there is control restraint acceptance or oode will and a hope of eternal life christ presence in a home uplifts both in life and in death in joy and in sorrow keeeettulstee in christ v u these two very human sister dif fered about the serving of a meal but they were united in sorrow and at the end of the story they are united in joy after uartha had made her great confession of faith staling that she believed that jesus was the christ the bon of ood she went and called her suter secretly saying tho uaater ts come and calleth for thee the two sisters were recon ciled in christ our uaater is still doing this work reconciling estranged people and bringing love into homes because he daells in tho heart ot member of a family husband and wive parent and children are beinc reconciled by surrendering to ohrbu and then discovering that ohrtit en able them to lovo their friend even their onetime enemies christ love for uartha uary and laearus left the three member of the bethany home loving one another questions for dueusslen 1 how doe christ enter modern homes 3 have you mode a study of moods and temperaments 3 are household and business re sponsibilities overtaxing ua 4 in time of sorrow how may wo get help from ood 5 have we any resentments that christ cannot remove uowr nua oria an phclaaj offer the iute last winter five tow otiawu tlw l wu kpavndlng tlu rvrnliiff oul but luul to rmtum to tlu chauati for one of uuw broad tumh atul im i laving il own dauf- if ui- uiu twrtlrtiur rwnlng lw lisd lullnl u urn tlw driver dldn t re- o lilt fan ut when tl r lyrml i w l oil ui tlu t hulran itr ajkvl lilm ii tu uixibl uult i him uiul take llmlmtk i lly lliwrvrr uu- tllwf jill he oiiuint ui h uh i i ii ik rultl luuiu u 1 11 n to lliiiiu 1 lc i i i i 111 ii luiiutly iiiawxl hi pi nil r u tlu lli thai i r iunli i n iiiur ii iwruir thun lli lm it uiiu ii i i i l u nfnitit mliul uiul a pleasing feature of the coiiodlon egg market in 1035 has been the ac tive retail demand report from a large number of centres indicate that retail soles of egg have been more active during the summer and spring of ims than for some years paat the weather for the neut three weeks will have an important bearing on the ultimate yield or the bokat- chewan crops which have been affect ed by rust and drought in manitoba only a very light yield or poor qual ity can be expected from the 12aooo0 acres of bread wheat which have beet aeveily infected by rust mm un liiuft ll uiul itlll tl y lo nul i liu bill b tuutaful uw iimjii 1 ml a u u huur i lilt tlu iuwm r i lib u uiul ini lu tiutl v4urd tlllll lull ujlf lilt leruuiil uiul liuxaik lui tlu n rutrj i hit umu nuue lib m iir la uiul iuj lu diiturtmd liu miiiiul im aimujtn rit tax miitonw ill laa uiul autrlm pullniaii 1 1- a tav on safe doiil imjh lav 6n clrhu lu srute uorroid caaji and lwn ttity iar hu prrnujory note rujd las and a ixhaoj tas made i tin sad and blue hi had in tuke u imulatt uiul lw inurul it uw tuvid toot a clotliliij tsx nrur krluted iiijd he iutid jii fciuiu and bait liu tair on rljar and beer end ery thing lc ote hut now alas all ovrrtaird his soul lis floan it lair lie it up or don lies sattsnsd fur hell and no tasee tlu- re to thk blimwii or atamstlmd vou talk of your t d of teltk and plan for a hlghaw strmin vou doubt th food of your pautuw vou hsmp up the measuro of grain vou drew on tle wit of the nsilon to better the bam and the pen hut fcmt are you douig my brothers to ui er th brd of toijj vou uaavt of your uortans and here- fniia of i r fcotrh of a calf or a eolt an i tcti at die scrub and th uon- unl a trtiy a fool or a dolt vou rruntun tlu- point of your road- mer j with many lreljre ajui wlirn hit uh are von rountinj uy brother m i h i tlf- mblrrn of men i i ulk i mjr roun ciuorrd tttly votir irlftr ut ijiaiuly und utvatt li ue o all be fill ui your ftulu j ion uy uk llvalc unsortliy or weak ii it bliut of tlu- uork of ujr hou-e- ui1t 1 uce and ml if are often th caiue of poor eoa production during hot veathrr body lice can be controlled uy the use of blue ointment applied beneath the tngs and around th vent u if feeding otf the bird et ulgrt and living in crscks and cre vice during th day hsv to be treated differently ordinary coaloil will kill the mite but as it evapor ate quickly the efforts are not last ing an eicellsnt paint to apply to the roosts and nt boxes la corapoted of one part crude carbolic or possibly better itlll nicotine sulphate to uirw or four parts of coal oil or a mixture of coal oil and crank cose oil the dairy industry has become ue most important branch of agriculture in the united lltate notwithstanding the fact that production la almost entirely for domestic consumption the riporta of dairy uroducts being comparatively insignificant dairying uos the laat important branch of ugrtrulture in the united state to uffer from the depression hubby icnrr thr phone la that ou dear im afraid i wont be able to get home to dinner tonight a i am detained at th omce wife itn sympathetic replyi you poor dear i don t wonder how you can net anything done at ail with that orcheitra playing in jour omre u mere then i can see h ere on dthc vim percbarob stallions smart ly groocjod cavalry charter of th moudlvd pollc racing and pacing boraes and raounta trala- al la jump tag and for tho buot lag held mingle at th village of uootsballo iu oa the nortk tbor of tb ottawa far lb an nual oalffnlory club horao elbow tkle cumtaer during august 1ft it tbortttay to uunday a moslcal rid will bo put oa by the stays canadian mounted polks tb vest is under tbe patron age of iii kicollcncy ibo govcraar- oeaersl and t ansdlsn and amer ican society folki are eidccted ts urge numbers tnjolni m short slay at the banff uprliuis hold on hla way to taking up bl post in lanadaa ill cicellcacy t alalsudslra japaass ambasssdor lo orsat britain ttstsd to an lotervuwer i prefer jum to enjoy mycalf ins to forgat fur a fuw hour that there are more arduous duties then tbe rontamnlation of this lovely place addretslni a gutlierlng of the notary club uf lclorla at the kuiprcua hotel recently premiar jocpl a i yunn uf australia pointed to tlin nrlllah frnplre as a great force for poac and urges canada to cultivate a tuuro favor able trade with hla own country laat year ho mid australia bought fruui t onada lll 000 000 worth of uooda whllo canada bought frmii australia only m- mcl 000 worth ibe alcouiula hotel fit an- dreua by i tin hu new llruae- wlcb oiuiird for tho tummor sea son st tho mil of juno and la bow tho coiitm of mudt holiday acti vity their ixrcllonrlv the gov ernor qoneral an i lady bessbo- rouuli were uiuodk the guests and tho fiiinnua hut cove bath lag biacli lu bkuln as la former yeara very ntirmlnr with the rhllilren iuki dm you liter sh willi tho inrrmelnff popularity nf icqtlon ilii on llio oreat ijiuib tho cuiiullan pnrlflc ha cviiunded uh tlrtnt ijikou atosm- bli p pnlco m includo calls at port arthur on tutthiund voya- gea pa vrll aa emthoutnt tticflo hip tmvo 1 okflilod with deck urmtrtii inrlmtl i quoit thufflrh mil and di k um dan cing and immlc tnliu iiloanuro to the evening linum llm arhodule mukas it pimltilo to tul o an en joyablo wielta trlt mi l nit either way with ovornlulit ntoi ut both end port mcnkolt and i ort william the morlllmoa nro again this year altractlim a lurro number of inurluta from canada and th united btttios acrnea tlto bay of juilily thoro la a very pleasant ateamer trip from flitlut john to dlgby where the plnoa hotel is located ami from boston to yar mouth with its well known lake- ide inn there are rounlar ssll- ing alio the cnrnwallls inn at kentvllle is a thitcuuu centre for trips to the famoua i3vange- hue country around grand pre august i the peak month at- tb uinff bprlng hotel whan between august 2831 golf awa- teuri of the world will com pete in tue historic wince of wales trophy and the wllllngdoe cup the course a mils above eslovtl and set la tbe midst nf onto or tbe most glorious scenery on tbe eouuneut is tk locals of the jslsy qusnapshot guil i dont cc embarrassed uii ftiit ii rrvaulil in itu round up 1mt truiuu tlu daujtufra of men and ttai t vi lo llitr yiu iruuvuti4j iiu luiila fuf ilfovallltf eurn la lour ma ik tu itu urr in hu ii jtuna tii uu utj tiian your lrand on a sltrr i tu toojlilreduuat u our iauhavord vr a i utile aikl laauutv and pen hut talul u yyur word foe thr home- sirad aitrr you brvtdeu of menl jt trumbull a baetliod of producing new quen uf u lo ulaaca full staft of loun- dstion or new comb to the centre of the brocdnet of a dwrahl qusm end to satch thu comb daily as soon a eggs are found in it brush the beet frooi the ccasb and place them tn a colony that was made qiusrnuus and tarooduss an hour pre- vaousl ma or tsehe day later ripe queen ceil will be found on thl comb this method ensure that lar vae of the right age are mud and tut the resultant queens are from good hock treasurers sale of lad for taxes town8tfi oe stuirssino county of ualton to wit by vlrtux of a warrant issued by tbe reeve of the township of keua- ing beartng date the lusth day of june low a tale of lands in arreje of tax in th township of kuqu-e- ing wul be held at the council chsju- ber in the vlllag of buwarttown at the hour of ttm o clock la tbe fore noon on the fckw easy 1 0uw 1u unleu th taxse and eoste are aoacsr paid notice u hereby given that tbe list of lands for tale for arrears of tales has been prepared that copies of tbe said list may be had at my omce that the lut of land for sale for arrears of taxee 1 being pnbush d in th ontario ossette on the eth day of july 133 on the sxd day of august iftu and on the tin day of ueptember leu and that in default of payment of taxes and costs the land wul be sold for the said tax snd costs treasurers oflce this soth day of june 10u oeoftob twrw treasurer dt let ceewde itrttrfar with your pktur uklg fee tkeee see tee taay ektur psalbllitla to everioek every day w team more aheut amatear photographer aud sur prising as it rsy aivam fled ihst maay fl soaiahst cenbarrsixed taking plrtur tn vlaw of lb pumtr eye tbey shrink from th amotion thay erroasoosly lallsve tbey at- tract to feel thst way is really ab- urd that trpe of tlfoaslountvsa will b lb eaus of your mining many idlsreetlng plcturea you rsn rut assured there is no thought of ridicule oa tk part of i ho who may be appsreotly vsteblng you tasp a picture nine chances out of tea the ipecutor la covlone and wtshse b owned a camera or bad one with him thar ere llmee however when yon may want to ronntal your ram era and yuur action oi much aa possible not because nf emharraa- ment but for tbe aakn of an noutual hnman interest picture everywhere you go in a city whether it u in th park where bablee are perambulated by their nursemaid or in the gloomy slum where some immigrant mother hang out th family wash whll ragged little urchins plsy perilously on upper balconlee you can find dramatic ttory telling pictures as you walk through the street and parks there ar countless opportuni ties for snapshot that are really unusual and such picture breath nw uf into your snapshot album when yoa com opon a good pic ture possibility fn th form of a per son or psrsone tn action that te tbe tlm yoa want to conceal yoar cas ern and istestiobe a much ae pos sible for in get th beat results your subject should not h eonscloo of uur prrscnr on approarhlng sucb aubjet t it u lu tt t aut your f u-ue- log sale at a diatom e from which ou brllrli j will get 111 beat re sults judur ur lbl and properly at the diaphragm and ahutti r speed uben you ar all set approach your pn y quite oonrhalanlty and when ou rearb the proper dtslanre to take he picture jou are after hoot with tul further delay and youi uniuipertlng vlrtlrn will have un knowingly fumliued you wllb good anapabut material tfala kin i of anuteur photogru hy csq b employinl in f many places this is ipclatly true in thr sum mar for if iher le any place to gat informal cundld camera picture it isooplmt m at your local twlmmlng pool or the favorite old awlmmln hole at tbe seeihore or iiimmtr re sort and epeektag of summer resorts hsv you noticed th number of ns tloaslly known peopl stage and screen stars member of socially prominent families and even great baalase issdera who ar pictured in newspaper and magajlnes wltb their camera in action it ha reslry become tbe smart thing to own and e a camera so sally forth with yonr camera with all the abandon of a sailor strolling with on of hla many ivm heart and get the kind of picture yoar meade will ulk thont and praise john van ouildhil i-a-ei-r- m 8 8 8 8ua ii i our business is printing letter heads o sale bills catalogues booklets office forms broadsides show cards blotters stationery business cards prompt work low priees when you want printing you naturally want good printing promptly done at fair coat that is the kind of printing we are qualified to rendbr we have modern type focea a wide selection of paper slocks and layout auggeationa which will enable you to attain real quality character for your business or enter prise be the job large or small we can serve you if you will phone our representative will call and if you wish assist you in planning the work to be done phone no 8 the georgetown herald