p4 tbe georaelowb tferalcl werweday evening august 28tk i93s a awaoraaa max mtayas btvltod to tfa tsfiffd pro hy affair thto day take ar of all i hv to rfck oto m tfa aa n to tmy any vmy abd u mou wlh make bn bruk udp w la u uy rtil ihgi lcd wfaatoa- baiall thou kot wl without ibm i could ul kjbcvd to boy ctf bornya bod ot aall ofal mv- to humu ul fciwi in failure mak to urea to u t m to way j trttftuifpwnirt to frirdd and drtun tnak m fair uphold hi la the rvnttvw strife ok m th trfljth to arorfe tod am in ih takiiu ptoc of life ob katp ta lord ui hccnl lun- author udkttoam iad b tlly lima on feta mortal laaarlewrt fittll lllf hat bb imtml dltftntf t ettkn work to kiaxioo abewdlnc to th titotarmll hwid lb rnfc- vtoa bnd carukd tp of pin for uliu th tka but tt r bwtud fay th spaitonta t varing of idotory ttmt th fasti j f h ally bnt iuhmim of irwifaf ud by toa of th touod hj th tmtkab uut- ul hi u hhadoar to trojuiiuy foutid u fc 10 th tolfearlna tefaktt u tiatltor ui saahoki toy fchdo end thou shall bafaou thy tu- bnj bt taliid ho abort ui to thy hut hour thy the sun dial mow of th madam gardva ou tiwufi utilitarian or other tut hrat th libtfwu hutchi say th myuery ptxwutod by dial s uw ahuticeily latlliwd gsrdaai th u ft wld rtn of tfcttc of ur htu enom fo fcbd ouimr faoambrf ol ul thimj touru blid bbfj oroua utohrrtua ihirct fcu c but uuau do th tun dliu- ifauritly hovir th inati to w ft fcllht awatua of uitrt la ih dil a ft tnmju of dmoreuao- u hu 4in oonvcuy md and at u0 ft mj tu and cut b fud uooa to h th um auotii ooiy a uuu vfwuoa fceoojin to ta wwn of th yj a awtto on i tun duj dtd 1411 4m tf a 4hdo hid- u uio duj jum um ft cloud or low bwj lhooh it uu a u1u still tetu y toon retaot it u ihhtlit that ui until of uu- uw tta by cloci tiilh obi into u to tewtad in ui thintroui cen tury w ao ffrvl that ui u ceo- tnwil tun dill buy kav filo from fliini jus u any olhr artid say ttk ouliuud and t oau alo uoui old aooutfti to twirt of lnurt a an i pfobuy th ium nooftj hav of ft aua duj ulng uwd u found in to blou it b th dial of aha ho beams lunf of judah in th yx hil uo in th tuyd cfaasur of ui ucond book of fcclnga w nd and h brought th tfiadow ud aupa buitward by hwt u had oa don oa th dial of ahu 1h vumj vwaloni th uurtyuhth ohapu of ualali tword th utat tacldttf athjafrfltly th ahador of tost tutrtry objwt polbly a pil lar fu aero ih itu or th palax ad ura ws rmkxmod in thli way ttutonoal rtfcrwnrv to dtotfwe who uwd about uir hundred on utw eunuon a dial th form of moh u not known that ai torn amuttaff unc at- 4ribuud to fuuthia ho dud about 1m c vhlrti would tndleau that uwful u thy muat hav bn dlala er not mar popular in uum ubbm than la th atrtdrat alarm clock with iota paopl today ttauuua uat h bn raihar happy ollitky wat if hia thaxartr u to b judd bv th followinf nrtw gods confound th man who first found out how to dlauniuuh hcur ooafound htm too wtio ui thla plao at up tun dial to rub and hack my day to wmch- adiy into small plaorat whrn 1 was ft boy uy alomach waa my tun dial on our aur trurwr and mora exact than any of them that dial told m whan twa pronar tima to fo to dmnir when i had aught to cat but nowaday why tn when hav i cant fall to unwa the sun five laav th town a ao full of th confound ed dial th ftmuat part of it inhabitant fthrunk up with hungtr crp along th atraat bo far a can b known wuh any dam of certainty th firu in em land war wl up by th roman lur they wr uaad by th saxon fttlu uur thay wrw built into th walla of cathedral and church thla fact coupled with th type of mariunt employed lead on to think that thlr principal ua waa in ahow in th urn for mas hnc the wrm max clock which ha been vvuubwvoffth ttaw friwnd vw abanab kvwry iot of ood a dumb ctakml wiko dsijadau to both animal ttd bird eahvtiie hkr lull frnxkal ui thir b4iirj mwoucdinc wul nnd b vnlnaaa woniorth th uouo ituh ptmi of th bhwuctiui cen tury ft klodrtd oand and aplru taaly jeiue canb ucu sn twk minuted 1 lwlly lunuy ico tkutb tun- rluiinil lrtud hiollu tfclllfu ctmik lliat tiif uk found tl itrtvhuiry wfbnt hulltjti4knm huttiauttmu ukaunutv ukwi tt- njtkjwl uik tbfvb- of tl iwtifuuriit uf llir inurttjr uta uj tuoutl tlu uuullju t jnnluij billunuy lliu tui ui ur lyut ur a ouuury til llu- nulltidt a jury iiikly lo chitultu fubxa to t uucb bof ch tul to thto i aurk oly the brtthl faoof- hop ikl mou culniy be tfipirad w ti alwya toomlog unmtwrt ad th oid ooe dial ujia lh dl laws hm thla cfcmrful wi of phuoaophy uk uk u in th pm1 uu not oo th paat vout uf wlu b uof lmiirl and houra loair ual adnbonlllon u not ucklnf blouof uid tok and pkm on- fr hj and b aljiit watch and pray tto ftia ipk th truth or fa luvtu a coupl of ulltai hav ako kn found- uaa ua av tlm whu tlm uta- ai1 urn u noua who una to paat low hr rou may hat whir yu tut our 1u to but a day and ar but dital u a touch of louay nmui ta thu ont la u atofii at lht bv- fanglad contraption th thta boowa clockr i unit no ilangta ball and rt ch hour i uu of wry day hon but a villain will dfr m ui chaunatn uucrtuoa oa eaht ttis old maa da bllr knew the boy in th baigfaborhosd uowhal fiaor eufaorat aeikj to protect uealf in th wy wktb thl uul kuaift a cunning workman faatuoned ba to tall th lid of day unlet ft fool ehould tute aa 111 never o ftatry to ktudy natu in iu native unu mul llu to uawj watchfully olrr in urjiuuu aroatic kfliw lo ttuvqumluci ul mi ttour tudty iwrltt wlnuuu allotlwr vutaiv fur mutt frultk uiid ujy uu- tuinutr uf uolluij la rrqulfrd for tiu a hall minute fur vuy u ttrr ajut ifa grt ulttwi tuuf uiiutii a many tilauf tu rruiulswitlu r luuld with lur atj bull turthod our julrr doeo not 141 shay aiul fruii ait far lurd at ilk rluu and ul nnu liavr tlaiud uuifrd tlnnulmtjirff hul iui iflliuig pow- rxjtilrol til ultra uwd portly ilk f rult lilfh runtauuu wujyjk y and to watch the brvvlor tj miiu whhi uncofuefcoua of any ii could not fatar t dumb evtur uvtog ui rat- uvtty uiy wvt bmrt to be free and to taprua thrta in a raj waa to rob thee of their uxtli rlaiiu in th home of the wotiuworuu blitto wre rncourfd to come wluuii th hoa to iioy ui frwrxfalilp and rvenl of the houwhold hobut ndrwiiili would hop ui dinner tau frm of th crumb wti dorothy th dvoted uler of the doat wm fonflned to hrr loom dur tn ft lona ulne at ld a lavom itiinuw nuuluiuv tliat makm l ftxtd that took up iu abode in tir yu to auurr aut uuir rcofaa at nuht u prehed upon a eddl whir tan fruit a nail fro which ft picture hung midi llirrrby tluiutintf uw luvor ul in an eauult poeei ui port r- iwoduct wal th bfutlful uiwwruandina and tiliy w tiii imrclbw bollud fruit avmnathy which eauled utn uw vcui to uw with the rnolmi and huiand ih uvalu we ie the ui iruiu end urru aa a ccntrcj i ojent wr luir- thr advanusr rr uiuiulavulur utut inotlwr tluri l no relqii in thr world why our jrlly and ibi uirlvr utould nut iiuckivt whlu brrrlr and frullk arc in aioii torked to that tlvf mm fulka miy dip tlulr spoon lo urflr tvearu i nlhit all through hath iiuhhvr and woediorth lound grwt puaiure in iirr walking amid paatoral tcere to urr 1w are humfarr uf recipe for uutcatue ouuuyrraalftg or to wald and jitim it jou follow tlwn v allttl imiin 1ils in al irtte hkxv autw twno uarruge with thlimhl towd hi uut been declined luni japmw aoldier married an aauult doll fa liloned in brr uk a itue atran roftiano waa brount to uht fay th death of oorporal tuhal iuhlucbl dlaahwd veteran of bh miaawvohn anet war who till th day h died krpt ui ailent model of th girl h loit alway beld him it waa whll he wu in ft hoapital ausarlng frooa uuurue received to an altak agftlnei ui huulana ui corporal and ih lul met and feu in love their ro mance waa dooffted for vaeiux th daughter of a rtoh merchant waa ua- able to obtain her parwot cafaaflt to her marrying ui broken widtor on th eve of hie diecharg ivoni hospital ah brought him a beauti ful doll it wis moneltod after be own liken th oarporal returned to hi native vtllagw wuh hi doll and there th atrang wedding ceremony wa celebrated ii married th augy of hi beloved somewhere in oeak there uvea today a rather alderty woman th mother of five ohlldrwn her first name to vaeko the importation of cattle aheep swine beef pork and baron into bri tain during th time of oharto i wa declared by law to be coma nutoano and wu forbidden under pain of forfeiture cawhalf to b given to th poor of th paruh in which th setour waa made and ui other half to the informer in trinidad west tthdlaa wheoc much of th grapefruit come to canada th planter hav to depend solely on rainfall orapefrult groard in the united ouu la oallioml and horld in thuaun in a and in rho4frtla bouth afrtoa to po- duoad under oantroued irrigation qusnapsuot cuil urd coming u and out of thr room at puauie and when uu windows and doors are md feet to keep al bay the luunj ixau if needs not fr the iaumk rage for th whale hmw u iwiiu new advertisements wui do all kind bf kcurfafaif kbd clnuuw of wiu buudmtf of csmot lut o w4u wluhlnat ef mapl4oil tortur of cnurch and cnaru tsta io ium 14 otfm uvaiulhh lilu lirrw iauto4 aub ta bi wium w imkiy in lui t ul ontario lylnj luvth iuj wt uf tlu- hiuli aibi uut la a ltivrv luuluttuij im- ikurwrt ui ui ituuluti iutuubrr is to mov iulti io u4h datr uululvr li i at piri ui ontario lyuia aouth ol im- frinrh and uultabu hivcrb oe ur 1 to novrwbir so luih dau in iliujvtf- nw arpo6to rtlllta frf drmhu to dig old tmi pjjji euuewa atd ckanad oa sfawt kwtica ftiao wblte waaldug and any bthee wrk dotw-o- i jme wiliuma avd 14 llir quit- lamb uul uiroueh th moun- uia wil irwjung bleat trtg meertrntra la ui folloetng utter to a friend b frale hto tazwr emotion wlwu watching i wandering at will a their natural surroundings at th wad of oowfaarrow writ a urgr tnop of dee wr moving slowly cr jintg attll uwei the fem i waa gtoad when our companions startled thil with ft whtotle duiurblruj a beautiful tmi of grave almpncuy ihouahtul enoyment for i could haw fancied that even uvr wuh m ww partaking ft tentation of ui mlamnrty of th clolng day i thuk i hav nor ptoaaure tn look- b at dr than any other animal nrnapa chiefly from their living tn a woe natural oat how iwrifilf and beautifully h eke- crlbe th ptoyfulneu of dumb ant- male i whi hto daughter dorothy wa an infant ah wa much amuad at m utu kttua which would uap up to eaich th faulng toavee from an eiaw bumh which hung over the veil of thir cottag at onumwe in ui inaptoed moment u post wrote a pretty pofm deacrlbuuj thl scn he picture not only the delight of u child but also th skill and joy of thr kutea that way look my tnfani lot what ft pretty baby ahow so th kitten on th wall kporung with ui toave that foil withered toave on two uircc mat ui lofty alder tree wow ah work with three or four llk an indian conjurer quick a h at feat of art mar beyond tn joy of heart were her antic played in the ee of thousand standing by cupping hand with shout and star what would little tabby car rir th plaudit of th crowd t over happy to be proud over wealthy in the tiwuur of her own exoreduig pleasure ho man had more tender sym pathy for animal eapedauy for those that suffered it hurt his unaiuvo spirit to see horse straining atretch- inf struggling with burden beyond their strength iii sister dorothy hto inteparaoto co eiprwi tn her diary helr onanea of thought and sympathy for auhsring ununola seelng some turn slrugallng under th weight of ft great load of umber ah wrot w felt oompaision for th poor hare that were under the govemag of oppression and uljudg tiarlly it to unpoalblr to make failure even tlvoutt you are a brtrtn nrr uu hie eiact iropartlone rail rd for hall thr riaxt time sprclhd lliat i all itj ii j 4 cup 1 lbs prrpared fruit 8 cup 2 loa sugar bottle fruit pectin to prepare fruit crush or grind about 2 quart fully ripe urrua- urauirr sugar and preparvd fruit tn lo toiye kettle mil well and bring to a lull rolling faou over hottest fire hur coiuiantty uforr and while boil ing boil hard i minute itomovr from fir and stir in bottled fruit iutin then sttr and skim by turns for just s minute to cool tllchuy to prevent floating fruit pour qukkly parafnn at once uafce about 10 auuea ifl fluid ounce each umv cwewy jaafy j cupe h lb i juto 1 cup i lb augmr 1 hottl fruit pectin to prepare j alee tcs and crush about 3 pound fully rip cherrtoe do not pit add cup water bring to a boil cover and simmer 10 minute i pur stronger cherry flavor add uespoon almond emrart brfore pour- ma i rtace fruit in jelly doth or ban and ujurrs out juice ueaiure sugar and juice into torn saucepan and mil bring to a boil over hoi teat ire and at once add bottled fruit tvctln stirring constanuy then urine to a full rolling bou and boll hard minute remove from fire tklm pour quickly parafnn it oner kf alb ahtnf in nla uu flllld oun ing driver wot ordewarui avpertonoed that deep sorrow of heart which ao many have known when death robe the homo of ft ravont domeetto pet ii wu deeply attached to a dog which belonged to ur hutchinson hto brotherinlaw and at lie death h panned one of th man beautiful memorial poem in th kngllah langu age h enpretf th thought and feelings of the bereaved household we see ui faithful dog in u declin ing tlaya feefato and deaf too weak to aland against th slightest far and ready for th gentleet stroke of death when death comee all are moved to tr a they realise the grealnees of uialr lose ood had endowed their pt with a love and sympathy that wa most intense a chain of heart feeling of th mind a tender sympathy which did the bind hoi only to u uen but to thy kind itonw if w wept it was not don tn haml our tear from passion and from reason came and therefore ahait thou be an honored nam william wordsworth ilk hi fam ous uterary contemporary and inti mate friend sir walter bcott did much fay hi life and work to win for dumb animal that aanu affec tion and rreeuom which man himself enjoy arthur lledley in our dumb oapsrtuflltim ir uhllmltad oh labor day for eterylsluhg aloture aueh as th abev rb hard to realise that th good old lummir time has rushed by ao fast and that we will soon be enjoy ing our last holiday of tbe suromsr season labor day but ovoo tf it la th last its almost lb bast from picturetaking angle tba ftbov snapshot la just one eunipl and there are countless others as there is such ft variation of light ib different locations it is dot poaalbl to give any set rule for diaphragm openings and shutter speeds vtor instance whan tbe above picture was made tbo sun waa shining brightly but the plcnlo party was shaded by surrounding trees tho snapsnootar with a fold- loir camera got the correct exposure- wbcu be set the diaphragm opening at b and the abutter speed at i2k of a second but suppose this was a bescb party notroasaretieartocait shadows but instead the bright sun light is biasing down on tbe party and addluonal light is roftectud from tbe water and sand thau whutt vou could then sot tbo shutter speed tor 1100 or a second with tbs ftl diaphragm opanliiff this set- tin of tbe diaphragm opanlug and butter will serve two purposes pjrat you will hav tbe proper ex posure and second at 1100 of a second it will not be uocesnary for your subjects to hold suu whu the plctur is snapped if you hav a bog camera you would open it to tba largest stop for the picture above and a smaller oat for tbe beach picture although the principal rules for good picture making have from time to time been given in th snapshot qui id some readers may be bens- attod by a review of few of them if there is any doubt always glv a little longer esposure avoid prominent straight lines such as telegraph poles and tree and horliflna which seem to cut the pluuro in half never allow the sun to shin dl rectly into tbs lens of your camera or there will be a flare of light on the negative do not try to crowd too many ob jects nor too much scenery into a picture blntplleuy to tbe keynote of art in photography twothirds land or twothirds sky makes for better composition in a landscape photograph than onehalf of each with ordinary cameras fait mov ing objects should alwuy be photo graphed with the most rapid shutter apoed and tba largest lens opening with thlt review heres to more and better pictures over labor day john van ouildhr uilku and wileil for huileh the young sirens of callander nn certainly doing their stuff at let est computation they were luring tourist off he beaten path fit uio rate of 10000 care a month every tlm the smiling quintuplet are held up to the gate of ttte curiam throng beyond the wire fence which sur rounds the dlonn hospital it meant that the fame or the youngster spread still further abroad and more and more tourtata may ba en pec ted it means money for tho provincial treasury too if the estimate to cor rect uut nearly 13000 a month in gasoline taxes to being paid by vtol tars to the quintuplet home then 300000 gallons of gasoline are being consumed in that period or an cell mate 04000000 miles travelled that means 10000 care with an average trip of 400 mite each that to really not too high an average per trip be cause many of ute license plate carry the name of california and florida and tens and they all go up uu north day highway for uie express purpose of seeing the babto like the little girl who was wont to tote her whereabouts canadian hour occasionally loses its identity practically all of the hour imported into haiti to of canadian origin but the greater bulk of it being shipped to iu1u through united states ports to billed as a v b product wifeno henry i dotit think manicurist should marry a dentist man and why notr t wueu they fought it would be toot and lull pies buikfc s cutis il it- prepared fruit flj cup i3 lba1 augar cup vinegar bottle fruli pectin to prepare fruit pit do not preli bout 3 pounds fully ripe pluma- urlnd or chop fine- add 1 teaspoon each cinnamon clove and allspice or any desired combination of spice llcaaure sugar prepared fruit and inrsar into laige kettle mix well and bring to a full roiling bou over hot t rat fire otlr constantly before aiul while boiling bou hard i min remove from fire and sttr in bottled fruli pectin bktm pour quukiy puraffln hot relish at once uako about 10 steaie 16 fluid oun ces cexh havu advcbtiuino iu buf medium p t ulna advertising manager lit ui qrcenboro no new record says it to not unusual to hear a man say especially soma man from hit prolcaalona that he doe not behove in advertising the use of paid news paper space u termed unethical and wasteful whilo i have oiwaye considered nespaper advertising the best means of securing paid publicity my defin ition of advertising l brood and all inclusive to me adverttsina le any thing that brings merchandise or ser vice to the attention of prospective client any man who doe not believe in advertising if he to consistent will avoid the use of sign uttering on office door display windows and will discourage word of mouth praise of hto business skill or tnuiworuilneae he will force people to search him out with nothing to guide or direct them when you say all uu to such a man hi answer will usually be norucnsel in truth lie 1 really ans wering himself and doe not know it for nonsense u the right word to use when a man tell you that he doos not believe in advertising no business practice in america today to batter eetabllahed than advertising advertising i a necessary public ser vice it l uie cheapest way of spread ng bualneas news and the spread of mch news is essential to both con- turner and adverttscr oood advertising to neaa in the trur lens and being classified as ucaii it to welcomed by uie reader ua helpful and informative and to re- ognuwl by uu alert merchant and biuhira man as being essential and i nrciumry part of goad service muaiiihd uu- uf uu cenduu ha kiul lultwaik tuptrfuur 11 l juwtsjur w ikpiruiur li to hovfotur clautu hajuaohs llu ir u a lud usjuji ihrouir- out uu ur un wucd uucka biiu iraiw iiiiuw wlluu uodtl up- 4iul puivtr huek uuirtj and ocidn itovrr clrrtiur and leufr vuoi- itt avuecu uowltlirs mjux oy- lrraiclvfr hielarupt tuuu burl- irda turiutuiuw and all th shure irtlit uut provktod wiui an utun at an ui abuvf uijhdux theft is a cloud xrauji uiruugh- ui tl rar on uie following ituu- jame birds auk auktote lutums railmare riannete ari ouluvmot ouito htona jargvr looru uume wi lt u uian tihearwaurb and tarne nd thtre tt a ckwd araun uirough- ut ujt r on uie folio ins uuc tivorou bird bobolink cetbtode cliukfcdw cuckoo kuckere eiy- citchrra orrwjwek hiimratrtafalrd tunguha uartlna uvidouika nunthawki or bull bat hutheixha onciea itoblna bhrlkee swauowb bwlfla tanagrn titmice tnruah vlrroe warfawre waiving wtjp- poorwula woodpeckers and wren snd all other perching bird which fred enttrtly or chiefly on insect no person shall kill bunt capture injure take or moleal any migratory game birds during uie cloud season and no prnon shall sell mpos for sato crfer for sal buy trad or traf fic in any migratory game bird at any hue the taking of the neat or eggs of migratory game migratory inwuvot- our and migratory nongam bird to prohibited thr killing hunting rapturing tak ing or molesting of migratory tnsec- ihorouk and migratory nangam bird their neati or ecu to prohibited the iviupkikin uf migratory gam bird kllkxl dor in j the open season u allowed in ontario unfil uaxch 91 rcllobiiitf open arjuon vm uaa4 w ij hioelc kboatttlv we vul pay uu phone cmll w rtn 1 0cb- i tom good prtoee paid foe ho a i iuijurd caju etc or auythte auit- wu for fo hmi but aniamo muai u fancurd luumjatcly t be of i cutlwbuv and kwft fal phr4 ctwfatlart i vdruulter r wood for sale fuul u twbt mm onw un u h fcl iky tiri hwiiki w uvouifrtekf good times are coming concrete wohjc i aee pr4 u dj vork of ail lu4 awltasia tlml tra u ctars tf kail rwmdt ftythhi b tkie un kal- walur teorg m oeofftfl 49 tf for those who know travel va1juz3 vacation suggestions notice to creditors of tk euu wf jamus kutaifjl- fttolb umimav ui wf iw tt w- wu wf k t ji u tk mma u haiurt fajfaks iruwa all ptejifiohd havuig clalma ageinu th uu of ui show named jem huuuword lbutoay who dud on or about uu teui toy of july ifcu at the city of ouelph sj i4ulrwd to aend to the uwmignad solicitor on or ufore th lith day of cwptombtr uis full pmiticutore of their claim end any aurttto they may hold uvrrvfore and taks notics uvat after the lith day of lsplamur nest th exe cutor wul nrocaad to dtotribut ui said tetal having raaxd only to th dalms of which they then shall hav notice and that they will not be u- able to any peraoa of whoa claim they wul not then have telvd no lle for th ato u dtotrlbuted datkd at oirvaiown uito lilb day of august in kufwxth u lanodom boucitor for jesmto kluauth linctoay and j gordon huuterland ud uve lecutore thereof tt duck inclusive of mergansers la orcut is brant 13 rails coots and ualllnule u in the aggregate wu- ions or jack-snipe- 2i woodcock s and not more tsun iu woodcock or iw duck riclusivo of merganwrsl in one season owu ana asallaseee the uui of automatic t auto load- lng awlvcl or machine gun or bat tery or any gun larger than number 10 guuue u iirohlburd and uie use 1 1 an aeroplane puwerboat aeu boat woundm uve birds e decoya night light and shooting from any horu drawn or motor vehicle to for bidden isrsons using blind or decoy for hunting migratory game bird are urged to consult the regulation for detail of the restriction upon thl method of hunting tl shooting of migratory game bird earlier than sunrise or later han sunset to prohibited the penalty for violation of th migratory bird laws is a fin of not more than three hundred dollar and not lesa than ten dollars or imprison ment for a term not exceeding els month or both fine and imprison ment parental donttt we pat to parent uie following code oarnposed by a noted child psy- choioaut emest r aroves it com prise u iut of don u covering error into which mast parents rail hero they are dont hurry your child adulthood is not a station but a process of grontli the child 11011 ul not be rushed don t use your child as an outlet for emotions you would not dare to ixpreui to your oquata don t expect command to function in tho place of comradeship child ren can be led not driven dont he to your child or permit any one else to do ao deceit will come day como to jdugment in the rhlldi mind and respect will vanish dont use fear as a whip war makes slaves dont stress uu weakness of the child he may develop an inferiori ty complex or search out your own weakness and lose hto admiration for you dont tell your child lie cannot res- son he can and will if you have the vvlt to be reasonable with him don t iu your home crowd out your child beufied furniture and occa- alonul utter make a home out ol a house dont play the tyrant just because you have the power home d b vino o fsltffl drying cr dehydration a it to call- ixl of fruit and vegetable to a pro- ecu by which moisture to removed from food so that deleterious organ urns will not grow th flavour l somewhat changed tn drying and th vitamin value ctoetroyed by lone ex posure to th oxygen of the air therefore say th circular jut is sued by uie dominion department of agriculture on home drying- of fruit and vegetables drying should be us ed as a method of horn preservation only when home canning to not prac tical there are three method of drying namely sun drying drying by artificial heat and drtying fay air blast oood material must be used to obtain good result and th advan tage of drying ii in th fact that leas atorage space to required bacauee the fresh material to reduced to al most onequarter and that dried pro duct may be stored irutofinitaly without clanger of snollag in th cooking of dried fruits and vegetable tt must be remembered that the water which ha evaporated from them must be restored the dried fruit or vegetable to be cooked should be soaked overnight in about four times as much water a the bulk of ui dried product they should be cooked in the water in which they have soaked using a covered sauce pan and alloaed to simmer for c long ume sugar should not be add od until the fruit to nearly cooked in utta way uie flavour to better and leas sugar is required these and many other directions will be found in tho circular treasurers sale ot land for taxes township op emufcilna county or ualton to wrr dy vlrturo of a warrant issued by uie reeve of the township of kqua- ing bearing date the sixth day of june loss a sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the township of kaqu- ing will be held at the council chios bar in the village of fttewarttowa at the hour of ten oclock in the fore noon on the tsrd day a ttctifcsr 11 unless the taxes and costs are soa paid notzoe to hereby given thai the list of lands for isle for arrears of taxes has been prepared that copies of the said list may be bad at aty office that the list of lauds for sato for arrears of tax u bains bubusb- od in the ontario oaieiu oa tba oui day of july 1010 oa th lrd day of august tun and 00 the 1th autst september ibs and that la default of payment of take and ooeta the lands will be sold for the said taxes and coats treaauhr office this sous day of june lis ttvaetirst one of tli most important of all tli factors bringing about th alter nation of prosperity and depression tay th dominion bureau of btsito- uca to ui output and value of agri cultural products in a country such as canada where agriculture occu pies a large place among th econo mic acuvlttoe of th nation th crop yields cannot but affect th general trend of business th workman waa engaged in ex cavaung operations tfa curioue stranger wa looking on stranger what are you digging fort workman looking upt uoney stranger surprised and when d you expect to strut tif workman a he resumed hi toin saturday bom women can remember tfihi husbands first kiss whu others can t remember their first hi montreal new yobk georgua bay 3 davs 10 3 days s10h 10 including houl and ueato amuwmsnl t in toea umb 1101 c41n4 tu thousand islands vu c h- l rc toronto ery da uul ud bit luiuu 1500 grand bend 7 days 1800 tl a 1 ihcluda mail 0ad roas southampton 7 days kincardine port elgm 1600 a delightful restful vacation at any of th ahoi piwwif raeorta includo hotel fwfftjdjhvftn 4 tnlili mackinac island a n tuxrfocuh 5 day cruise 3500 uuli and dirts incliuud hicatpecstnl uuhd a a cwtud w g mbh 6 day cruise s35m tutit ud lurtli huluiud abic local oun oil tou11ibt aoeht tux paiufuto uul rturvatlonj uul luajtratkd vacation nocucurr- itw o mu diict central ontario bus lines 1101 bay st at bloor tdepkxui midway 0881 toronto georgetown fall fair october 4th and 5th jura jia iniimta mm m a a m a a a mjtmmmjnmmm m mmmmm our business is printing i letter heads sale bills catalogues booklets office forms broadsides show cards blotters stationery business cards prompt work low priees when you want printing you naturally want good printing promptly done at fair coat that i tho kind of printing ws are qualified to render we have modern type face a wide election of paper biocicb and layout luggeitioni which wlu enable you to attain real quality character for your buiineu or enter prise be the job large or small we can serve you if you will phone our representative will call and if you wish assist you in planning the work to be done phone no 8 the georgetown herald