pago 2 tie georgetown herald wednesday evening september 18th 1935 quality it is weuimown faa that quality u juk tw rjiienlly unsated by store irt thl town and je- vrbere in order to hiatiiy high price silvers always houd for low price feature hlb quality roewtuhdiii of nationally advertised brand here are n few of the many wellknown and proven brand carried by ill nu back foundation garment weldrest hory may belle lingerie osmor wuh frock hurlbu1- shoe penmans uiulerwear arid sweater monarch knitted wear arrow drem shirt carhartt overall big b shirt trousers and overall these and manv other famous brands stand for quality we guarantee our price to be a low and lower than anywhere in town or out of town silvers dept store where your dollar co frtw phone 378 georgetown a a i norval store robbed ovaa mm woatm or ancaiv uk bjtoum wounrooo utitlon and stoaat ajuio hooios otkavhl lurjpiotfetk cto luiuia ocunly new frew the nyal drug store have you tried pe a sbaw cbowiau ffce csjfcst i sflsithsbii truly delicious 30c 60c 1 jo nyal white bronchitis mixture 7 ca me w wenmnwirt thla alitor or mity oolda atron and affatur u tor your hmay uicuu rob u ate i iu wau ittuaaa thiliwl he hra cmimi i iu ha ckioiu itt iiii a i week end horreiu b i eaatak isaaa tail twa nrtl kul drto aaalwrua fhiwpn have oub ooupons tliav awt vjlluaullk maccormacks drug store mb tr wa ptbw outoflwrn better heat less attention lowest cost muip5oai john mcdonald estate phne12w georgetown mmmmmmmmmm notice to creditors of tit falsi joiin allen qif- n uu the twuklb sf ks- tjwialwj la the oaaaty luhss itkuwat ltlalal all ivrtotu having claim atralnat the uuu of uu above named john allen aufn who died on or about th kkh day of auauit ibis at th township of actqum an required to tend to the undertlfnsd olicltor on or before the 11th day of october ims full fjarticulsr of their claim and any securities they may hold thecafar and take notice that after the itth day of october ims the execu tor will proceed to distribute the aatd aetata navlne regard only to the claim of which he then ahall have notice and that they will not be liable to any person of whose claim he will not then have received notice for the assets u dlitrlbuted hated at georgetown thu lath day of september ims knnvttsi u lanoook oeorejetown ontario solicitor for thomas hobert a iff en 3t ewoutor clerks notice ol first posting ot voters list velert lkt ims mtmlelitauly at ute teu ef oaergetewii caaiiiy at lulu notice la hereby ilven that x have compiled with aeclloiu 0 and 10 of the vote list act and that 1 have poet- ed up lti my office at georgetown on the uth day of feplember 1m3 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality for uembera of par liament and at municipal election aj appear to be entitled to vote accord in to the last revised assessment roll and that auch list remain there for inspection and i hereby call upon all voter to take immediate proceedings to nave any arrow or omission corrected arwrdlnaf to law appeal to be in within 31 day from the xaih day of september ibm sated thla 14th day of september ims 3b p b uajwufon olerk violin taught by 2 e carupbell brampton j m ibjjua bdtml apply st ibrsld mau b saturday f to the toectors of halton county in uy ltur uiu w4k i wtu wlui um ht j liuii ultfie on uu usura and la twut 4b wutr ftuh uu ftfct of lut urthe ca lbr uniil tutliuw man and ulor in ay cpfnlns bucr i reraued to your blind uut fact ual u iwn- ibhl aulu appeal to uu elactore la iav m pucttuj uuu he srouid hjai hlh urthe hghl or thfi it proailaiad tautteu for laruwn aiul iu luoytttwil lav ubor by uu uu of tijajh laritu our tiuaibf r in llaltoa oaulll the fipuu of uat ubm and w baaijd a lot about hw zaund uitur 11 uud the arttwr of lultoo to uae thetr crmim cbecaa ub ths to the poll slata thy votad and that never again would the farbure of thl oous- lry be aaiud to accept uo a pound tor thaua wea if saaotu a aept into por on ulu huh urtlt policy lti uuu sr raud aud w zealand butter aiaona other uuce wae abut out you urter lino the iwt of the atory vou have nevtr alnce had the t hi to txke 48o per t for your cream vou will not be aikad to take your cram chacil with you lu time when you vote when tr nnu proalj amits tartna flht for you 1 be iwve at uut time lie waa oulte atn- oaiw lie waj vuwtng w thrig the flifni of a uimoxialre ue waa a dliwtor of the royal uank of fvmji a difvttor of the xmparlal ou company a director of the oana- dian laflo railway ate lie kn b could make bt bualtaeta proapar- oue by mh tarltt and be apparatly thought uue proprtty would apill over and we would all be proapafoua h did make bit bmineii protvefoua but the nnullfi ovtr pfooaae haant worked- ue haa made pauper out of the middle cuea imedtalaly aftar hi uetico be eaud a iiwhil fall afailnn of the bouae and pneeaded to carry out hi schema at uue teaaion both hi ibnneu and hi ont luutanant hu uinliur of trade and oommarce ui uarry ilitiae aialn ivpaaud uulr tilth tantf apeachia w were told that oanada was importing annually abffljt aoo yuniwia of dollar worth of manxjacturad good which should be manufactured tn and that if theae food were made here it would give employment to canadian work men and we would all be proaperou ao the tans war raised on plows from 10 under liberal rule to a total ot 23 lncludhvi landing charfea tax tc ouhmvatnra and harrow from vltj to 13 ifowera and binder ex to 13 hanneuue from la to 14 woollm blanket 33 to w in almoat every uutanoe the tariff waa doubled and in come lnatance trebled and all of thle waa done for the expreaaad purpoa of culling down our trade imports wall the high tariff worked and our import trade fell from a total of over 1ju0 million of dollar annually in 1040 to lea than half of that amount to 1s43 but there was one uunff which apparantly tr bennett had over looked and that t the fact that for eign trade 1 nothing more nor lata than the exchange of oommodiuee and we cannot sail if we wtu not buy if we want to sell our surplus of farm produce wheat beef eio we must be prepared to take tood in exchange for them the result was that cot only did mr bennett cut our import in hair but at the asms time he au tomatically out our exports in half ao that our total world trade was cut in half another result of thl policy haa been that when the bottom fall out of the prices of farm ntoduoe as it did in 1u0 the farmer was forced off the home time briwu vviday nlcbt and tajly saturday tonim thiarra broke lb lock on ua raur ckfe ej e- 11 uanihtus alor at morval and oole about woo worth of thj boot and the tobawo and otb arucica another burglary buvd by police to have bwu tuti by the same i ws at the uadoaraj store at aiurt lambe where witry wai tailed uuoush a window on the i-c- ond floor at ui rdx of the 4 and s23 of gtofrkd and uihuu wj uqud at the 4jmxm urns lb ojjt tulkia at inswwod and dual- aid euiiafliauule siort liwwoud1 et broken into but najthln ml d- at uamlull8 oore the amount of loot bitot haw rwahild tuupor- uuoo in a truck uu pouo twli almcmt th aur atock of khoa about forty pain wa ukwi lcthrt with tlottwj and a toniwwftabie uan- uty of u and olha t h i r i lumluil awping la hi rmuunoe at ue rear of the alar did not hear th robure exuuvauly an otijjfa3 gn4 like udowvale rourfry va uie c- ond wluun i wo yata provincial of- fuwre t if 0ii of uafanpton and jue alien of oookivule lnval laatad ue buritlajy at lidowvala and the hiwwoui bfaxuu and ptouuiij umorr tln of hamilton uvaulgaui uw horvoj burglary four candidates running in halton st k hoaumatt o latlkumoto lketoonhtmtctvoi vaiktv cam- bloatc t uuw umsyh ccr ktanoaild the ltm6fitruiloa larty coovrt- uon wm held at atikon on wonday nwht fcliatl lajre wnbrf of r tentative wt pmcnl frml uat dlf- fawut wajd id the county ool oouoa prldml and aftnr a thort bau4chctory th calkd ba the gauahlng for tomlnalke wha uae tollgmim tandidau wr miv cd jmtat waubfooke oajnruw u m uobuuon ituiunstoa ou jaoaka uahaiulne tlouon oo uk hvu ballott uf waldbnitfcf bee etlmliaavud and uae twiond biallot i ilud iniu utwn mr robtn- un snd oct lullaanun tne prm uig offitfr wa mllcd upon to gw the wading vou and the me j ram in favor of u uobuuon making him luiton h svrtyi candl date tnc in the bvtd in halloa ut to the prwfit are akottoe ouiuunvinarvaue hlkjltks cuuvk3tjllurl w w hdwcw juconjjwtkai- i iuiaw kttmic o y rtemwmicf scrvke atcui wmum the prtncs wtrtcun firvice club of toronto of frhiih cwpl uoiwy pmfcldtu aidad by the looal war w4 crans held a meaaorlal urvice oa tlouidey jiamoon firpt 14th in the united chukh own william this hu prdd by a paraade from the bridge to the churth ui by h-l- irnul bargeot lao jordj wbar after uu alnglng of 0 ood our help tn ages pau kev woo thomp son of oaargttown ud la piuyer and llfv o l utsphanion of t iftiikfhin gave a brief tela to the larpe amrftjnjui of vctajun and vultlng frtend ex plaining the purpoa of the wrrtce uie worthinefj of the act of sympathy and kmambranc and the value of true f rtandahlpi cmphaaladna also the beauty of world and takrual pate after the raadiag of the names oa the uemortal twbm which had baao rooted in the unllad church to the mrmory of the man from thl com munity who had fallen in the war of lit191t un wuuam bahu eiatar of one of the fira mao who bad bm lolled tn the wgiment earud the baauuful uamortai wreath which was placed upon uu tablet this act of loving imatrtbrance was fouowad by two mlniiia alienor altar which the lament wa play 1 by sir john 4uo- burn the latt imal and uevuiw by a buglar altar th hsnedwwv th veteran about m marched out of the church and proceeded to the home of ur rvd waavr where fel lowships war renewed and a picnic was enjoyed by the veteran and their friends wfiaryn tsnihstfl liuraaaifcl to the undersigned nd endoraed -tn- der for public building butllnaton ont will be received untu u eeleeb aeesl tbahauy ftrlsliir e laul for uie erection and completion of apub- tio building at burlington ont plans snd specification can be seen and form of tender obtained at the omces of the chief architect de partment of public works ottawa the bupervlalng architect 3d adelaide dc east toronto ont the builders kkcliange un bay street toronto ont and at the poet omce burling ton ont tfendere will not be constdemd tut less made on the form supplied by the department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank of canada payable to the order or the honourable the minister of public works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the under or bear er bonds of the dominion of canada or of the canadian national railway company and its constituent com- rilee unconditionally guaranteed as principal and interest by the do minion of canada or the aforemen tioned bond and a oerunsd cheque if requlrod to make up an odd amount note the department through uie chief architect office will sup ply blue prints and tpecuioatloa of tlie work on deposit of a sum of uojw in the form of a certified bank- cheque payable to the order of the xatnlaier of pubuc works the deposit will be ntaased on return of the blue frittts and specification within a tnotv li mm the date of receptlou of ten der tt not returned within that period the deposit will be forfeited by order n desjatldtms secreury department of public woriti ottawa september 10 1mb buying market because the price everything he has to buy oaily maintained by tariffs parmer represent one half of our population in canada when one half of ute buying public cease buying is it any wonder that we have unamploy mentf when the farmer represent one half of our populstlon it therefor follow that the farmers tn canada are performing annually at least one half of the work necessary to supply our human wants and yet our trade report show they are getting lea than 31 of our annual wealth until thl inequality i remedied we cannot be prosperous in canada ur bennett tn his radio broadcast of last week proved to hi own satis faction that he has kept practically all of his election promisee he is quite well pleased with what he has aooompliabed are yout your sincerely iiuoiiefl oueaver halton plow bovb selects wok intcmnationai plowino match a coaching practice and plowing competition wa held under the aus pice of the ha ton plowmens asso ciation at ouy bussells farm near hornby on tuesday of but week n o uoleod the veteran plowman of qalt was the judge and coach for ute event which was open to all young men in uie county under 30 year of age on the strength of the day work the following were selected to represent halton in uie xntercounty plowing competition at the interna tional plowing match at caledonia on october lath donald aljjabb ea- quealng township kay hlacklock nassagaweya township stanley pul ler trafalgar with craig held of e- queslng township as spore despite the unfavorable soil condi tions excellent work was done by ml contestants and local plowing enthusi asts are anticipating a continuance or the splendid record established by halton teams tn the past norval mb and msb w g- oolloi cwmkttb ooumcn webdoo a very rr event took plac at evtrstmo tarrace on saturday last hen ur and mrs w o oollop cele brated their golden wadding and were at home to over two hundred frtaod and neighbor from near and far both h and ura gallop are ns- uve of halton the former being born in norval and the utter in nassaga weya they wtr married in north bend nebraska where ura oollop was living with her brother and mr oollop conducted a saddlery balnea they returned to oansde from ne braska in 1019 and settled tn nonral where their beautiful home and ground 1 the show place of the com munlty they an members of the praaby- terian church and mr oollop is an ardent liberal they have one eon oeorge e oollop of montreal w manager of the chemical division ute ojl the deuclou fourstorey wadding cake waa cut by the bride of fifty year ago and served to the numerous guests who conveyed hearty congratu lation and beat wishes to th worthy couple as they sat aide by side in the drawing room th home wa beautifully decorated with yellow roses mums and amllax those assisting in the dining room were mrs oreenwood brampton mr w o ucclure uu pleasant mrs van busklrk toronto and miss prairie uagulrr norval urn l webster poured tea little mus connie oreenwood sttended the door while her sister uu doris looked after the registering of guaats entertainment was provided during th afternoon and evening by mia msgulre gold medalist violin selec tion mr alex watt of brampton vocalist and mr and mrs oeorge oollop jr of montreal instrumental and vocal selection on saturday night mr and ura dollop entertained the member of the old tym society of which ur oollop is president during the even ing the member of th society pre sented mr and ura oollop with beatuiful illuminated address the members of the preabyterlan church preaentd mr and ur oollop with a beautiful coquet of fifty yel low mums the herald extend heartiest con gratulation to ur and mrs oollop and wlahee them long years of eon- unued health and happiness w ct u rvtday afternoon last at lb home 2t us walur pwfc kiag uu w c t v aw to raavuoi woik fcj- lowing the vacation psrtod vta praid4it mr vannatte- barmty wl- comd sil kmot fatpklauy uie tww maanbere visitor and two ho throush litnaaj have been mth mw- d for some tcvonth from our cbxle uias coventry autal by ura rseve coodhjahamj the dawotlonal per iod- the study jaatus and ourajw by wuawttad as continued uu months sujjkct wing the ktadunu of jsjaus ibre th writer tiearty showed uwt lb pltture familiar to ue vt jaaus a the man of borrow pr- saalsd by artiua and poet has over laid the portrait of the man of joy portrayed by the eopl writer jtu attracted the comiiaon people the mouatra with their utile chudrn the pubucajas and sinners but arouanl the crtucum of the longfared pharl sa for hie laxlt of asreuclam durtng the buslneas period two ap- polntmrnle of intsfvat were made- mr hector bird as supertnuniwnt of yvmparanoe education tn sunday school and mr h il wruht a pianla to succeed mrs a j oxelij whose ramova from our community i ao much rgrud by all mrs vannatur and mrs marshall choaco dilagsta to the ptovtncbu convention u uarrte oct 1st 4lh the program of the afternoon wa moat inutwung and helpful mrs buphenson of llmehouse was the guest tptakrr and gave a brw talk on pvacticaj method tn child training quoting extensively from dr ksy o butts books on that sub ject which were published some year ago by the parents assoc tal ion new york quoting tannysons words flaulmowledv sauivvfaaot self control these three alone wad life to sovereign power th speaker tm- tvetted th thought that only whan such lmowtdw revereno and con trol are the ottsprlng- of ood know- etdje ood rexreoo end ood control can these word of th poet be true til on who said ail power 1 given unto ma said also ol mtn own self i can do nothing to bring uu child to know rever and give loving obedience to ood should be the par ent supreme aim ur speight expressed the thanks t th gathering to ura btephenson mrs peck and also to mis betty snyder whose cheering miaasje tn song added much to the pleasure of a very worthwhile program the nut meeting will be held the home of one of our outpost mi brrs mrs archie kerr acton special week end f m ef 9 q prices at urcciai halk rlia bo cooking onions io lb jh bag 19c kktmt iu1k creamery batter 2 lbs sic pvfax riu tw h iilnllll miui 23e sfcoh rib roarij 17e pot roasts ibel boiling beef ltielb spwlalsak of choice young lamb ctofce lac of lamb flahk of lamb for stawing 10e- lamb 13e ra cmt loia atj hi lamb chops 25c cbofes roaau ef veal a i i aw a- i lead stawfci veal 2z6c rrjaa cwury atb sausage uirt ifa 2fc 28e fkioa sausage j had 18e fc seeautf rsbtt ef hme beef 16c ft arccuu titr- brisxd aj ptite betf f r eef lie iv motfcc parkct tea yellow lab 2sc pkg luii miu bvuj cum imported sardines 2tuu2sc ttmt llilia bul plain dark malt special jjcfc s k ha 116 fancy red salmon 1 jelly powders tall tins 27c 6 pin 25c nwrb baj tllla lubw pineapple 2 tin fe23c fresh haddock fillets 17c lb cboke red salmon steaks 18c lb special sale and display ot maple leal ffodacfa tiilbhoav rmidv and utvaoav lucky number draw 100 prize in maple leaf products willi each purchase of a maple leaf product a lucky nuuber ticket will be glnd phone 27 wm king ph delivery ibbbaabaabababababbbbbbbbbabbbabbbabbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbbbbbba sciatica 3 5 iftllmaoarfl cucanbk your system of uric add relieving rheumatism and sciatica kg stobtti dstuo btostst s rumacaps 8 aero pabsweix to rbv and flt kastvxs the regular weekly meeting of the byjpu of the bsptlst church ae tna was held jointly with the young womens mission circle at the home of mr and ura wm tolly brook avenue on ttiesday evening rev a k easter resumed his series of talk on th life of abraham dur ing the devotional period as bev and mrs easter and child ren are leaving shortly for yorkton oak miss barbara plank on behali of the womens mission circle ex- pmsed words of appreciation to mrs easter who was the founder of that organisation mr chaa landsbor- ough president or the young wo men mission circle then presented mrs easter with a beautiful leather purse as a tangible token of this ap preciation although taken completely by sur prise mrs easter made a suitable and feeling reply and gave the mission circle a few words of fmoouragoment and advice for future work on behalf of the dypu ur stanley grippe their president ad dressed rev ur ussier ur charles landsborough then pwaeuted ur ttuter with the boos m the tftepi of the master by h v morton ur easter also replied ngretclng their removal but feeling conviction that their work was lit their native heath in western canada the romaloder of the evenlug was spent in knui and a social time before departing a bounteous repast wag partaken ofv vtto pro glen williams mr snd mr lse ashford and eve lyn of lanrasuf war visitor at ur and mrs xindlsy beamonta on bun- day mis ethel brennan of bowmanvtlle is spending a holiday her at her home urs prest and baby jim of hamil ton are spending a holiday with ur and ura jack mry the ilarvest reatlval servtoe was held at fit albania church on friday vetting and continued on sunday af ternoon the special preacher on pvtday evening was the rev ur jackson rector of morva and on sunday afternoon the rev artffsn thompson hector of ifoly trinity liamliton waa th preacher the church was beautifully decorated by the ladies of th guild on monday evening th aypjl of dt albsn church held thalr election of ottoer those elected for the en suing year are patron rev w o o thompson presidentdavid bell vicepresident ida uouenemy saoretary euchard beaumont trasureruary bludd supervisor of junior branchun williams kktecuuve committee mr a beau mont emu garvin and jim clarke jleprentauvee to local council mm wuilama and mr arthur beau mont ur and urs il p uoauvray and joan and ut w a uoquvray of toronto spent sunday with mrs uc- dure week of sept 11th ura undley beaumont returned to her home on bunday after her visit with relative in laurel ur and mrs a u bllurs and son oordon of bault ot marie are visit ing at the home of urs filiiar par ents ur and ura jos t march- menl uu bessie wagstaffe was removed to ouslph hospital on priday for an operation w are pleased to report that she 1 improving nicely the ayjjt held a euchre party tn the pariah hall on thursday evening prise winner were oents 1st cyril clark snd john llepbum consola- i tom illu ladles 1st mrs ohriitensen snd mrs diokensen consolation ura appelyard on pvldsy evening the liberal pro gressive dub held a euchre and dance in the town hall ttu prise winner at the euchre were cents lit cyril clarke consolation trevor williams ladies it kfr ohristensen con solation urs wm bennett there was quite a large company present and a most enjoyable time was had by oil ejun a degree of doctor of theology has been conferred upon rev oeo aluun pastor of claude presbyterian church by th national blblcal seminary of the dtratoar of erin agricultural society are allowing certain apace gratis tn the agricultural 1111 for the use of the merchants of th village of erin township and ertn village only for the purpose of displaying their goods and ware mrs wm barbour 10th line suf frad uocration brulsrs snd shock when she was losocaad down fay a cow tn the pasture the other evening mr barbour and her baby had ac companied mr barbour to the pas ture when a cow with a young calf attacked uie baby and tn saving her child mrs- baubour wa quit severe ly shaken up it taking four atttchca to close a wound in her forahead mrs wm nuon of detroit has been visiting with her son ur hor- man nlaon and ura nixon ura jennie hull ha returned home after spending a week with dr and ura hutchinson u brampton w are pleased to report that ur daniel perguson who has been under going treatment at th ouslph cen tal l capital 1 raoovertncjbdvoeata milton convicted on a charge of counter feiting fivecant pieces joseph rstd of bronte was sentenced to eighteen month tn the ontario reformatory by uegistrst u j o bull prtday af ternoon burglars are continuing to rob store and garage at palermo plrsi it was the general store the post of fice and the barber shop and early last tuesday morning it was the gar- ages of john lee and anson lucas oasollns and tvo auto robes were taken from ur lees car it is thought the robberies took place be tween 13 and 1 o clock because mr lee thinks the thieve tried to enter the house leaving when they knew they were heard tools sweaters and working cloth were taken from mr lucas garage constable patterson of bronte t inveatlgauns archdeacon mcintosh of dundee was uie guest speaker at knox pres byterian church hare bunday on the occasion of the annual church parade of zone no 13 of the canadian le gion rev canon naftel and rev a b irwin took part in th service several hundred returned soldier par aded from ute high school grounds headed by milton oitlsens band to the cenotaph where a wreath was plsoad in memory of their fallen com rades by captain bud mcdonsld of aoton commander of zone 19 re- prosentauve of the legton were pro- 1 ent from acton oeorgetown burling ton oakvtlle brampton port credit long branch new toronto and mil ton post zone representative pres ent were dr h it adam long branch capt woc bine port credit and ueutool o o brown oeorgetown cuampion gregory umehouse mis margaret lull of hamilton spent the week end with mr kobe lane llmehouse miss beatrice lane spent the weak end with her brother arthur tn to ronto titular the auspices of the women association of umehouse united church a very happy evening was pent at a corn and wemer supper and entertainment last pvldsy even ing the excellent program conalstod of vocal selections from miss betty bpelght and urs vannatter oeorgo- town and rev k u morrow aoton and misses muriel and isabel btejj- henson umehouse violin wleouoiu by mis helen zimmerman aeorga- town nadtng by ulsj m orindeu llmenoum and a most wtareatlnf address by rev pi morrow klecsionb ahead bulness men are never very enthusi astic when a general election loom ahead they say it makes for un- setuement and uncertainty bad for business that 1 perhaps true but compare conltlon under democratic government as we have it hero in canada with those in countries in whlb dictatorship of whatever kltju is in fashion with newspapers under rigid control or altogether suppressed and all sources of general enlighten ment in the hand of a desnotor an autocratic group the individual elu- en count for nothing at all in deter mining the conditions under which lie and ids family must live ills ap praisal of the significance or events at home and abroad must he made up on just what the autocrats decide he should know how blest are we by comparison how nealous we should be to exercise the franchise we have ao that those elected to register the popular will in lagtslsuve enactment wiould be uie true choice of the great body of elec tor good cltlsenshlp may well be stimulated these days by quiet con templauon of what we of the brit ish commonwealth haw thug fay es- capedvttio blue bell theatre friday september 20 public hero no 1 iruu tfc l a war a aujifa oartia i ba m cartoon the moth and the spider axe me another fox new saturday september 21 the keeper el uw beee fcr omu hlrmlua rri uarriar nu hiwihta aaa tuu raiw gang comedy anniversary trouble chapter 10 the low of the wild athsir u iml tuetday and wedoeaday september 24 and 25 the wedding night aa myiuil ailnatar tail wv4 on a waddino niquy lurr tag gar oufir aa aau bua comedy one more chance sports rugby watch our window k wtimv icg tuui innui aw cotmrnoaiaaxs this week tropical froit smtfae 10c longs codleclionery ss specials fob wednehdav t1iubsdav tuoxx amt ufoadalt epuim fuiu t ui nc ulunl oil 16 u 11a daua kuuy rute itt ufbaay hoap s for itc lu hoap 3 for isa uubara ii t n pilla s4a vuallaa llalr taala ua wtnrarttla 13a zaaibalt mo aiia ua kajl braalu for to aavta braakaj 1 valua u rackat otmu to kakaw jar uan 1 doa la caaiataiilaa atiaakataal ua llaaallal cauaa i lb ua najal ua and tea extra special hot water bottles 33c 1 vaar gaaraataa special iulroduclng ike famous belly brown homemade candy s0e lb ta pavorila candy of laa natlaa try a itaaaj tab maaa vtstmlie ysur ld dr rj sltre every bay uw men preflohiltlona aoooratgiy dlflfknaico gcorgclown pharmacy lid phone 232 georeetown ida drug service we deliver georgetown fall fair october 4th and 5th