the georgetown herald wevjraeeday evening september 25th 1935 fkr d brill co phone 167 comer mm and main strata georgetown note mr george h joae apecul representative of tip top tailor win be at brills all uila friday with a complete ranee of ike new fall and wtraue- tamp and style for suit and overcoat mr joaee will give you expert advice and if you with peraonally meaaure you for your new en delicious frith rootling m efrv hams 19 10 to 14 lb each half or whole fresh pork hocks loclb with ta wjhifiail we- shoulder roasts 15c fresh stewing veal 2 lb for 25c celery cabbage queen of roses flour 7 lb big 19c dcluxb jelly powder 6 for 2se ubbvb1 lb 11a pork and bean 7c oold medal m eh ua tomato juice 2 for 19c quake com flake 7c oold medal table salt 4 for 28c grapefruit juice isc sweet clover butter 2 lb 49c we sell for cash phone af f 1di ttier we zbw v aje dutl deliver mmmmmmtmmmmwiwmmtimmiwmmmmrmimmm imaaaaihiiiiiiiiiimaiiiiiiihaaiaiiiiaiiimhhiihiiiiiihkibiibaiiii save with safety at your rexall store ajul tablet in to hi specials pat wedneeeay tbkreday prldey and retarday absouune jk i12j lire ale finkiiamb compound tie db chases nebve food tte backbite tablets uc uentholatuh boo alio he milk op maonebia tabs u for tie von eaa elweye ehep t advantage at year bexall btobe italian balm rmtlua lirlul tkla we ite oxbuby ahifhlhhll km u kim war akin un wllh ilasol tie sen mikntbal oil ua ue bikebh white uhinent milk ef manual tooth past lilt alee havebit aspttun ue ha robbs drug store pbonb newe imuht ik bun sew okoiuietowh ml wood for sale obolaa maple ijardwocj and cedar halle at right wieee otaer lata at a uoaft or atsw bohu phone aw promptly attended to a uvmaaroh wood for sale choice hardwood maple and beech mixed eoft wood moat rafjouable price apply juk toil phone ravv personals ur david crlebton left on monday to ocenmenee htj eourae at toronto unlvenlty dr j 8 and un moollwhrh of new lukeard oat vara ak vultora with dr ueqiuouah uiui a k porbea and norman grata of toronto vara vteltore wan dr and mre mcauhur on sunday ur and ura roy doner and mr and ura archie metier of toronto prat sunday with ura hebett oeiul ura prad areutreng attended the symphony concert at toronto lael thuraday tha rued of uu v ote- udy uua ena somenuie and mlee joan uoarua at olevelend ohio we gueet ol uua u u laweon tha work and ur and ura wm berber have returned homo altar fg two wmka holiday in montreal with mr and ura a m ura samuel ouuberg and deuab- ur linda uarla ol port sidney hue- take vtiltad at tha how at her falhtr ur uortj sua laat weak ur and ura o u barber itt rou a barhar and uua katalle bar- bar ware at wtndeor on saturday at- unduvg tha bahjarwabatar weddifif ur john n barber ratumed houe lau weak from a trip to alaake tad through tha boutharn statae ua waa accompanied by vi prnlay allan ol naw york city ur and ura uorria lulkxei u wrkht ura a uubbard and uaater tarry bludd anand the weak end at hoaul nay and yltlted tfa qulntuplau at oallander ura ii love of vaneouvar who haa bean vltlltn with her alaur lire a oolman and other menda left thu week for toronlo where ahe wui irkit before leavln for her hoeoe at the coaal patroneuea for st oeofee tannla club danoa on svtday erenlni are ura w o o thomtiw ifrs bar un wallaoi tboaqwa lira percy blackburn ura fved la uua pettil ur and ura toa orleee and alee pent tha week end wtth mend la detroit hah aa rotate of the anew bua llnaa thle free trip waa won by the above tn a eouar and tie raot held on aug ltth deny day ur wui j booty underwent at operation at toronto oenerel howl tal hut thuraday hie trouble le ooe of the eluuveffeete or the oreat war ha waa reported omewhet kaneeved today uu old wm gmi menda wuh him a apeedy reowery rev l o and lire whltalaw el toronto vlalted with lv and ura ucalueter but week ur wbltalaw la pleld becratary for the horde artm luahway rfranaeueat and both blm- aelf and hie wife were on foretan nua alon work for yeare in ohlna ur and ura oeowe burwell of hanuitott out uua uuriel peer of toronto matter june kaul of cleve land ohio mr w w hul uue wlnnifred stokee mr and ear scott of nlerar wile were vkitore with mr and ura t b tlill durhuj the week bally eet uiaaltiee oireelt uotl intereetlni end helplul eel vloee were held at all tutnle on the ltmehouee elreult on feunday when the rally day pmrrera wee reieeireil dorothy johutton norma w audrey ucarthur and bare arable kerr told beautiful etorter while ohudrene ohelre eeuer at jkumi and ohurchlu and the adult eheir at olen wlluanu halen llateihml ae bel and muriel btenbetteon rauw to duete letlle bweekhamer and e kerr reed the aetipture at and ur wm dowdy and mr robert tjlyth and the natter aave brief ad- aretaee on the theme vur tavlnv ohuroh a reel rellyinii tplrit wee evident which amielpaled edvanof ajocalnprvs ttda w blmm bctaa pwid day u the park or pud win u ll i tna hla ottkw troaa bavt afab to ovl wm wrd til tbaae tin i il kmdiy lt thai talr aovartaaaw be aarb kaort w bieid the wekl prkaai eehnd at oevawteana pair eat pae 4 of tbia lai iii pinnnrna a ruv at imp umri orf wj end tan oat owr wa- bieeu mutr aw oaonpra twaue chat u tld- ine a danee u the tma eo rndy ealn builitae kvut ue roewa ke the cramd aneak tne w a of knee pmliri obunfe wui boid tht lrnil we thaak all ihcae wba babe ktadly i iii it ibalr c i rullm u the uvd owue the peat kaaab oata to the wiollril dry illiar the crinai of tall aowo wul be fnntwihle bri t yr ilia j u li ih aatctf wuaa a i-tiit- to q i bet tne ri ly rrkw wid we dta- irtillad until turtaef settee ur all theee irlmdii ke the twhwa i lim of the oiaiialuiil awaaasll ou ax r i ii to all the as- a ihe a rngliir of beau baeaw wo iitniiea and ethr newe wwe wa- akadably trowj bd of thle baae rtm wut itvht beat mk- doit lnu the tittle ha a vr the eade of the bd u the hm pair day ooed beae l ouete htaos oafifaei ut u u- brfjqw i cmadaamle be aaahoa ha c kleetwie would eofimiate r yae- j of ue advt oa pae 1r ee ua a the recular w f the oaaa man laatea win be bald uvti at nee a kill rllnl itt u the rafutar ar illirj ef towa w aiieie taetaude wul we katd tn tat oaertjioi parka alaa aa wad slay oct bad at 1 body wilflfgi karlm pipe baad eta bald s aaaauur rv ulawi be the aef ory theatre oa thttfaaay cwi itul bee etatiia for neruoalara oa paw eetrlee ta early try the taataw awtu wiiit oaady tble wa foftu aenev ef the aalica nrkwd at toe bar pfa o pbaraaaey ltd phoae axl the iliilkia ef tbe oeoraaaowa ataaiball oak wul bald tn tbe weleraorke waudtpd tfaurwhvy twot lath at 1 pea all uu iniiriilnl liin elteod a atoue are wee etarlad efcea ttaathbore put out a tiyatfij atrew ateok aloee to mr bama on the ta uoe afaoee wuluuae on tuaaday afueneoa cra eujeeajuat ealartalnl cora peas and boauy bubloa ueal oraaa oom and avalea laahae re- faaeed thera at ibeoonaaetr and robba drug storec oat your loeenlpae rerenee ptpee tratea and all rapabe bom r l uo- oeorawtotm they ourray john st oa will be hutalled by a aslth and rlardier oat your nailer tn early goal raue the aouadld eoneart by te runidlenne aruat oeaoah ox the dnuad cfcureh uobdey itepl uader the tf of the vei peoplea soolety see rhleulare abe where la thle laeue ufatnrth te heukaa of tores to eonlrlmitad faud euh aa brat end eesend nrtaee for bad beef enamel 1 yeera and under at ooae pah thatr mmt wee unlrdenuonauy emit ted front the uat of eontrraatofa ta the prtee bal ahwaoo try thle natural narb rwaady wetnfea fty ta heettb flieniee the a fairtnee and eat- rlehae the blood fnahhaea and ta- rlaorelee oo recaaae aaakae a tdal tic meocveuaeire dray frtare oecvaetowti look for the ldjl ad as the oeoy star on sent taut and the tjiallilf talatreae ed faapt nth for a rati bat of draa aeaelela than aaleetuae your local ldjl druf rhore tar thtat miiw valttae o pharmacy lad phone ku tha ami me b the tulaawe of mr oec ourrle the cuavarretk hi4 he ww iiriihiiit to be bald la georgetown oa faapt pith bee been nftatnened to a attar date boa leopold meeentey wul weak ta oato wullama oo prfiky nltht mr ifarry ohu hae pureheeed the tatereata ef hie pertaare be the gol- den oete oafe and ta now owner of thu popular leateiitein ta oeetawtown llarry u an erranerit boat and wul eonttnue to eerve ble aieny eaireoa with the idnlfiil bode aratbu ur oeorae h joate ef ttft toe tailor will be at d rarth n oaw on priday beet thh ton are battled ta drop in and let thle expart ta mene juottner enow yea the laleat deakjne tn atyue and rebrioe lor fall end winter tsee ilreillaeenetu be thle teener ralirlimh tliilliil pblalalia about elabty eleolrleel dttetaboiofe froat ontario and qoebee were enter tained by bmlui tk stone lad of oao on weimetdey laat af ter an afteaaoon oa the delf ltake a banaat waa eerved ta the araaa mayor olbbone weleeaied the vteltore and the event uoeed i for all concerned i mealtaa be olaa wrblii u a pubtie meef hna in the haiiaife of oeorae currle ooaatrvattre r- in tha dominion aaeeuoa wul be held in the town hail olen on priday beptaniber ttth ai s pjn the meetliie aril be ertitreeiiil by fenn fufwo laaoeulay the miljfji and other atrerrbody aordleuy invtted the touowinti aivniionai apaolal prlate are otfefed try u bileetvdept store for rwwhpelltina at w pall pair at oottown neat week x beat buthel of pftliloee uanw hat value tate k buehal araiji red applet rentlemenl ahht value tied beet map ef reorth amerloe by publk school boy meter value ilia a bumber of friend mwie far eoue ehower at the borne of air w p bradley on priday erthlnr after en aajoyabla evetuar a buoit hmob waa eerred from a taatefully decorated table lire w a o trioupeon poured tea mr wallace tbompton ealee aaleen bradley lilt ploreace brarldrard ura bradley and idla marjorle oault arranted the ehower aeteje pair lyleftlh actoa pair laat tueeday and wed- netday wee fevered wtth wad weath er and wai a uetial a eraajatlrl euo- eeae tha proaram on tuaaday en- lue waa asood and tt a lare crowd ther ww a epleodid aahlblt m the hall and cat the maunde and ootnpfaltlotl wai keen afany y form oeoreetown and vtchutv war tawrent w coorrehilete the praal- dent and director on their aaoauent omfaiaat cmmsm onuamllce oamhle for ii oouaty to ttffi qxctor5 w halton couwtyi ut wukwattkm to a ymkx ur voii ua tad bvkjfoaf in hapgabl icjt fau ouiaafflmiaat fchdlu toouot osjavalaa u a- 1kuf tuy lo tiiasi th f1 baiiiil khkeb ui tv uaw ttwat tw taj ufatujy bvehd tout hriwtttf owtwaf ruitd sjej of feaufe hf vtwal cu waftty ikvrkl b- wuetttlvf lb vduf of rta 1vvm tmsxaa tn 1w ii- m e4 ymj tpatarwj i hii ut wftm tta yaafjfruritte m uwl tsrjtwhv taiaal ou uw wid ltaw rooma td tiam tjrfiriul crf t- u t i bwb1 la tfa- betas di rw us to 13- wtwt ul- -ola- fesrw up aucaf oa laaldt veweml bwttjoj crvw iwjurj6m ipkckr ua4b tat fu twua la 1w ufiaw um odfmyrivu- liffalftawll otvc ubwb w whl butlckf ttk 0eyuj ckf caffiwurls falflirtbii tfmacw la etudd- wi3rrd tte ijraullt tjdlivhj tftcw a lj lii4 fattrt jbtmtj tub mtryiumi k haailill taawif ivm uat atimtttifm itaau h ftribaf nilvafl waauriol or ijt tariiila tfc onrtjirwtih 06-ib- bbwbbbbi feall llreflllill 1 taiaf tjcw tiij ibi bvw ukf twit1 tlttt ytwolm taleacei int olajaatatk utw ijuatayfl tiiiii ta u uettdj biikd ii tii mrtd y ut cur veikl latvit 6t lr b4iwwj ttu th otufwat- tlv oaimftiiiut hu 6caa ittutiti to um u t7tw cat tltada uwium fcat ax uk rauia iitutwi u laiuttj oa bwuttdauf jibjalrtfl um da eisclfifwab tiaiuj owl tftlrawilmit fltrtwuiid j hlta bf lrty caaviaia 00 th itjliimt cat km aevlim t-ut- urr i ojjd uka ur ctautw to tu lru avbcaui uhl tvuy txkh umt ot- fiatar4ltt owttnuswt butalltcavl vuh h7 ifahlflad y tbau rvruj th iwte of china tin butter u drolki i ifkllr caiv-j- to uu you ou briu of bratum- tn bjajltjid htt hw si bulur tniews duty rr xim prtfl ta ijooooa i lower thin th wiamt of out cfrileailaa fauttlt ttl ctoabbwut oonrnamsii hu twouct d ltl fuutf avbd th daljtwjll with rabitue to bit buuew wiur dw ur ctbafor mim od thu qiuu0b9 it h or u b aofw for praueuon of butur u4 tulry prtouf vou atr fsutud to tow thau b or titwcoo dty ur fumroi ibiw r rjr- taet to to fistuiau ui bwutt tomid till till hi pft arwtav rjllkd ttl ft ejeiptnan in lftwuuff of hl xfciith ur itttv tuu eouu tut b rtnirtinilid by th bavata tad bmaua of thj h wbl to ut smy etirula ritnu of th ciaeutavvd bulk obd ph b i to lb natlmfl baualt am ta foro th taalt to kimodtr uttr paid to tfa ilrttsitratisrit u tijwund cu buuaul of tu u libd by th baaalbt you kattfat urk ur ftfaitlt if u tataviii you bofw auay oobejtbabjf a- took dulm twu iscu to lw u thu th tykitftm u foraiavi oould th lb iwoduobbf tal ta jitk us uuktr ttvibot tiurra kjlilljobjjlwai bjjul ttt rt froai ua to um frbta ur rjay wu in bfl thu ta uf otbw hriad ta otaiaoa am ut cuaw uu tj not th otwhravl oovttiifiual rbih a ch mdml ttel diduiuy aiaitiyitnh oor to lnu- iu wflawn- to elrtiiai of two th ueutot wtnt eaauntttiv rwji- ad haivdt mad th ooamrnaw luty hj th policy ud th iword ur ouavw tsfrad bmatloa la hi uu utur fahaui aa lnrttfau of duty u trtrat impljitiaatifi tftt infoiff tioa hkb h iv you oavid 4h um thai th vtifi of futa kttij- ot bad ton ii id tti otvoaau h th ohbh dkiid uadw th oottv4l4v ooraauat tad at th haw tabs qthnt tttitisa to cmmd aad ham woridana r avbl to punbawm chlliilum ptodipctj with wagm bmbo ta oavbavda ur cuaw lalxhi quota far your tof or- mavtloo ta rxifam of fuu tmch- but ta ta viartou yurs ataoi l do ur ouvvw und for forib stud eomlibf la duty fr or with mblu duum iiwpod or dot h tttand cor ta iwuouob of th oavna- deaab oriltarj9uui tukd awajfmr f 4ft t4rir you ar otitud to know bo- ion th 14th of oetobtr both wtr ovutookm th ekupif or oiuwa trj trvatu la uts th oaabaaiftauv oofhiifiuat arraf- ad fkkud tmaum at th oonfro at ottawa t our ttauiral pro- dtioti audi a liuabtr vhmt baaoa oat tie our fwitu such u appt tfuzba baauh at out ibmllfaw-iur- ad pud sueb a txui wood nnv ttutal ptouota ate enter orat i duty rro thai treatlai taw duty iva anttano ta ematr product into onat brtula and th ethr paru of th uaplr th dream of afltaplf bulldar had bon kliad and h oateawvauw party had dona atattouilhg which bo other party had w atttittptatt oood of a foreign eouutry uiut howaver nay duty a baml of ujtj or a bvuhl of wheat or a pound of bacon from ilaltoa en- tar tttrto awal bttaln duty free but th iuu aiikla from th united kate or south etaurloa or aom other oountry front ouuldd th fca- plw tuuti pay duty that five th oanadlen utnaur and th oiuiadlan bamlneai uan a pterenoe la th an- puw ttulrkeu and ft larger chanoe to aall hi toode than aver before that ateau a pretty food thin for th oahadlah fanaer or th oainidlan bueiaem uan yet ur kim and all hi fouowen but on voted ittliut thaw traatle th liberal party lt pledced to end uuw tretlei at tboe twatle ar only for a period of bv year they auut ba nnewed in wrv who hill wutw then tha cfcumauv ctovemmeiit which riera- uhftd thettk or tha lfcbftrj m which te taledted to end themr that la a atrtoue ttuesaktlon and you mult daelde it ou tha 14th day ol october vol for youiawlf and not for your party nest week x will teu you how tha treaiie have hekted oanade they have done uueh wr you and they are part of the ward of the oonurvauve oovtrnwetit alooe lftw your alnoerely fwdmo ahmod cbmxh buxtdm swciaajl levkt wa tlm ooobv faioa of liau aalaua4l chuaxh laofvdft of ummwlbmn avu uarlcfid wtttj th bnamd fcuamdard divltag hcrwk hi llw unllekd chiuvh juetmt sjarwrfity aratowta wr- pfttdav- taet irtflllr tltril llllfre lltbs oauvtlvtv bajtiuiuao bjttitatitfatl jtafi canadu auid ulitthl tl tflbdeai wbtv ul ovod tkuktor of lb tiauixh waj the piwavch and dauivctwi a va laijau4 tiki imlnng ad- dnata u ciatm a hi umi umu 16th chelp auul slu wiw w t taot itlim hlj tbctlj baloaf tu ocat1di of ifvelr 11 wa14maiaawd tb hattoartref ootifreaj tiettjacode taot crd jrrtejliea of am but od tb cortqaemt u u- rvr u lb ditiifprr tij ifartma of lb buelu ofvamjaol thlxkeffh whkll baaxo lau faatvjjawi glulartton uenua wlamt doi b cttiejiawj but tjglnjufsd uotucuawi u dabvutrw mmjia po ftt faatyaajtaad it faaajma til taieuk of btusyla cuifelav rw b ujiurj by puriiy of lif awjeajuau troufcaa loa uiay fmmll amjfjlfj fcfl kjjfaiiflj aou hi f 4t ticij u wu htad auid gootlwul to fljj th traarvlfa thfouajhaxat wl tducu athd by au pj oa lhtr ftum to th fl hau a tealky vol of iheulkj ptuaefd by th brtxaoe to tu tfiadcfd ui 0rn tor hi wry 111 and much wfpbtuevlm idifwll g violin g tauabt by at g e carrrtaull bnubptaa g liltln til i apply at herald omoe oa bauuday week end specials thursday friday and saturday sox hose ltidae fuufeujuorwed pure stilt hoae udxe- kncolengtri sjk hom ladic pure sjk horn ladle ceuncae hoee only ladies liele hoee ladie cotton hoee golf hose boy golf hoee 35c lor 2se fine wool hoee 50e for wool sox mcna wool socks heavy rib white toe and he only 2sc fvleria worked sox 29c ktdsuppfk udiea kid strap shoe si js uov kid tie 1jb ladle kid oxford 3 so for 2to simplicity pattern 18c atwu for langlevs cjoaaar asd draw we deliver 88c i rtv a 3sc a 2sc 1 2 v- ibe e 2sc for 19c 38c mcbean co phone 64 georgetown evaporated milk fry cocoa ft 19 cla9 scos jams frcsii ullltd frkmh mil4tu aaaa rollcdoat725 surprise 5 2 new seasons j j mmcmeat 2 25 delicious christies apple blossom ro biscuits fftssh fruit heed lettuce 10c bead cooldna oitlons 805 big sse celery 7c beatci lemotu 29c dot heinz larre bonla ajrafc ketchup chipso soap flakes unre puktft snull package 2 35 2 15 dominion stokes ixalmazo new large sizes nail pollih nearly twice ah laucrs now 25c oily polish remover 4 times a lorgt now 25c new low prices mttcontutks drag store oaatfeu new e4dvttlsement3 gth waated to care for amall child altcmvoons and evenlnce call phau lit oeorte- towti itp llewwikeeeer waaie oood houeeltaeper turtuanent am ploytuent to right party apply by letter to do lierald oflge it uaw le meai tteven raonu and ma rootn all wwivthiittioe elmltia flrenijam nar lllmb school aptaly to ura -fxeaun- dari ptumu fclall waataj oiri or wooian for iwrijrmi houi- worlc apply by letur to box 8 herald otace ttp prjuttavtaf fsw7 bat oood lifted fumac for eala part caih and terms to iwponvlbl party a hyde otvotvetown rr kat three bright urge rtouulteepuig roonu with window ehsde and flx- turea near paper ulll apply to box j herald oinc itp waatej new ceupooli dltche and drain to dlii old ooupoole detarna etc cleaned on ahort notice also white washing end any other work done- dathnom outfit ooitiplcvt intfillm at lowest price jam wllllahu uok 150 qeoriwtown if wood for sale otolce hardwood beech and maple at um par cord unfed wood litm wr cord bella uu per oord jt bxakdirobn rwaae ml ar ttu o township ol esqacsliib notice op ooubt or bbvuuoh- or vonote ubt notloo le hereby ttven that a court will be held pureuant to the voter uete act by in honor the judte of the county court ol the county of altou at the tawnehlp ball on iday the 1th day of october ims el 10 am for heerlns all com plalnl made eealnat the flret and eeoond parte ol the voter uetof uui uualclptmy ol eaoueelnir for 10s5 dated mth day of september 1h9 lu brmrwrr m olark ai taemabja pwetwrv tbrldiclls ddreteed te the undarilcnad and endoraed ren der for public buudlne riuriintton onl wul ba received until u aaleak baea tfcaraday oclbr uu or the erection end completion of a pub- iki building at buruniton onl smane and epertflfettnna can be teen end forma of tender obtained at tha otflcae of the ohlel architect de partment of public work ottawa the sunervulna architect m adelaide bu eaat toronto onl the bulldefe ekchaluie 1im hay street toronto onl and at the pott omce burling ton onl tendera will not be oontldered un- leee made on the forma eupplled by the department end in mh with the oondlllone aet forth therein each tender mutt be anwmpenled by a cartload cheque on a chartered bank ol canada payable to the order ol the itonourehle the minuter of public work equal to 10 per cent or the emount ol the tender or bear er honda of the dominion of canada or ol tha canadian national hallway company and ita oonautuent oom- rlee unconditionally fuarenteed at principal and intense by the do minion ol canada or the aforemen tioned bond and a entitled cheque if required to make up an odd amounl department through the ohlel architect ouce will eup- ply blue print and ipeclnoetlon of the work on depoelt of a eum ol mono ln the form ol a certified bank cheque payable to the order ef the itlnuter of public work the depoelt will be releated on return ol the blue brlntt and wl fiction within a taou- i from the date of reception of ten dera if not returned within that period the depoelt will be forfeited by order h defljanniks secretary department pr public work oejewa oepiember ui ttaj j