pbgb the georgetown herald wednesday evening september 25th 1935 serve the best tea salada esqueshig fall fair at georgetown friday and saturday october 4th and sth special prizes horses i siflcb high 6tw by t a bltkjku upp 3 btni turnout rosd 1st prise by l puck 1 kmt haw- turnout fclngu by r it arvwwn h i lfcdvt drir by alliance peptr co dusry ilorw tn llimw ui by w tclfig donation it u hosd lloftu t ux oriwraj purpose horu on rein by cole bros and soott donation ho f b aptaiuuraj stores on itetbi by john irving ullioa 1 w potato iu sm by d brill a oo cp ttsmo ko u 19 beu heavy tma on around including hmvy draft agrtctuiural fnl purpose ut eeoo lad ww on iliy article purchased from ijmry- lurrie cos aent a- d hume t oo ii bmi coll 3 yars eld and undh sired by brlhunt by wm ftjiinsii to be ductd on itti htvim f i u 11 biu otyublau uim on rui stinted to otwtims by wu uittlnnon ww to be deducted fwka colt fe off onetime blip 11 u t ttprtng oojt unj by prince of rnwuu by j o auhea to be deducted off lft tervtc lu ku 14 ladies paulo rtc ut by o j buck sad by w o tifownrtdi 15 airt or boy rid under u veers riding end handling haru considered 3 or ii quick milch hitching bore and once around track and unhitch ut prise by isrv kuala it di lady rider cash by society 00 cattle 1 ilut j4t6 w1 3 best rguured shorthorn rvmale 1 beat iwitftn evmau 4 best ayrshire ftnuu b bau group of 3 dairy cows ccnauulng of on mature cow one twoyarald helfr and on yearling to be tired by a punt bred bull a liverplated bhegleid reproduction entree dish donated by t eaton 3a ltd valued at 11 no any family hav ing von a t eaton prise at a pair tn lfcu not eligible hut beef animal 3 years and under by mivd at italligan toronto t beu veal calf by hmly at black toronto utet call ahovn by boy or girt ond tn lulton county w for calf 50 for ahoffiianihlp by dr pul u 9d 2nd by uilton llardvuv donation ko u w w m t w 4 w t w w w a 69 1 69 j 69 1 m 1 iu 169 a 69 u 69 1 m 1m 1 w 69 w s w 69 1 u 1 69 aw 1 69 60 1 09 1 69 s u 1 m i w 1 u 169 w 169 a 69 660 id sheep jm a 169 xll 111 xll xli 119 xll m mi it 11 oau it t su iwo of pint wool 6h0 not uu uuui 4 ihwol t mala a umalca by j beaumont 1 bmt pn ot una- wool aheap 1 ma 1 fmau by it v buradoufh a 69 1 beat pen of obeep anr bnad 1 ahear nun a awva a mk lamba by loiqa l uuulil 1 69 1 69 miscellaneous a 1 beat 1 iba butter in lb prtnla by b- d warren t a 69 u a beat iba of butter in nnnu toy f o thoshwmi 1 60 x a beat pair draeeed cnlekana by 1l o afclure cooda a 69 x 4 beat drama chicken by r bjlee a 69 x 6 beat dreaaed otucfcen by jainee oraham- 1 69 x beat pair dreaeed ohkken by ballon oraaet and butter oo x 1 beat pair dmeaed chicken by h a b x beat pair dreaaed chicken by ifarry kobertaon x bed tvtjm chleken by j benford x10 beat pair dreaaed ohicken tooda by j b af beat pair dreaaed chicken by h- it thoenpaon beat dreaeed duck by a u speliht bdt pair dreaaed chlckena by a t ramau beat a pumpkin fiee by j olbbooa beet pair drtated ohicken by arthur blackburn beat dreaaed oooae by t lfewicn narval beet pair dreaaed chlckena by p keraey beat pair dreaaed ohicken by thai hskee beet u doe white bleeulti 1 yean eubeerlpuon to the peel oaaetu beet u doe brown blaculta 1 rear eubeerlpuon to brampton ooneervetor bt u doa buna 1 year aubacrlptlon to the peel at it dee oooklea i yean aubicrlptlon to the brampton oonaervator beat doten butter tarta 1 yeara eubeerlpuon to the brampton oonaervator beat doeen pvult tarta 1 yeafe eubicrtptloa to the peel oaaatte s35 beat doeen butter tarta 1 yean aubacrlptlon to the anttrtw champion xm beat buahel northern spy applee by stone welllni- ton kureery oa j w bproule atent tlo0o worth of nuraery atock to be delivered next aprlnc when chceen from the agent applee to be deliver ed to 49 weulnxton st toronto st beu leaf of itomernade bread by ouelph outnuera donation no 11 31 ooueeuon ilomamade baklnx 1 varleuee by zeuera ouelph donauon no a 96 ooueeuon of paatry by j d uoahhur donation no 1 10 datplay of out plowere by a e wrlkhu don ho 14 beet layer oake by uathewa welle ouelph s lb guae mr of ltoae brand eweet mixed nlcklea a baby show by miparlor n outline gold let wm 2nd hoe baby under ii monthil s 69 im u beu handbound bheal of drain la be bound day of ahow by u wullanuon m nddlere oonuet oldtime fiddler 89 beat dleplay of grain in sheaf not leaa than 3 aneavea aheaf to be not leaa than 6 so lauoeat pamlly on the grounde at judrev aland at sjo tut let premium ham baifta abbatora dona tion no 11 is 00 and oarroua donation no a beet ooueeuon of veceteblea eaah beet tt buahel bareet clover by uoriey petut beat u buahel alfalfa seed by peel seed orowere beat buahel atalke by p d salter hornby beat buahel hod clover by p d salter hornby beat buabel timothy beod by p d salter seetlon sfl 40 41 seed muat be erown in llalton county and ibm eron 43 collection of llomemada baklnjr done by lady in eemieetnir conaiatlng of 1 layer cake 1 pie h doa tea blseultj dox eooklee uj doe tarta donation no b by kreare ouelph 1 00 beet trained pet exhibited by country boy or tut realdent of llalton county by percy lealle 00 1 00 i 69 ifjaheet tvlnr cream for liat week in september hi s 69 a oo a 60 160 400 s69 a oo 0 69 1 00 409 a oo a so a to 1 so 1 so i so 1 m 1 u 1 u 1 u 10 69 400 1 to it 111 1 00 h 11 m 40 41 41 44 169 169 100 100 160 too boo 160 a bo 1 so a oo 369 960 1 60 1 00 369 1 00 w af 8am to be added to price of ewam 40 x4is khtv lot moow x beat loaf homemade dread oeotgetown ilerald 1 year x zuek mi doeen preah tget oeorftetowu herald 1 year v beet andneateat 1 u butter oeotigetmtti ibrald 1 year u beat buahel table tunupe oeoietftwa herald it beat trtrim young ooou hot leu than 13 iba cuh ail beat tdtmhil hamper snow applee by krwin oold- hael rout of beef value 1 jul article to beouae the property of donor 3 radio repairs tmhmub hugh lindsay hcmcz to credftofts cw tlw mmuis u joiof aixkm oit a1x uton havlflg clalaw agalnat the fauu of the aboe uid john alua gltfoi ho tlud on or about uu 36th day of aiijukc ifdd at the towtuhlp of atwitung are rulfd to tnd to the tindrtblad lueucltor bd tv btta tha lath day of oetetwr 1w4 l01 fetrtletilan of thet dalmj aud tuty acuriua lhy tiy hold am ta1ck mot1c that afttr the 1u day of oclobr llus the t-j- tav u1 prtcvfd to dlortbuu the fmld mill wing hud only to the tula of hlcb hs thrn akau have nou and that thy u1 net be uatue to aiiy peron of who- cuioi he will not thn have rmttwd nouo lor the eau ao djaurlbutad- dulyid at o4orvtovo thu lath day of tttfkttaawr xua tumtarzti u lamoooh ooith oit-rio- oktto far ttamaa uourt atria wmcztoamxtow l tew iuuu j uamjjaax u aimunr ubtf tb vwsfci a v h teg u tw cty ef hal- myrtpe ia utstaiv orvo- pur- auant to butuu that all perune hav ing fliirrt agaliut tht faitate of afar- gmrt udclnuy lau of the town- ihlp of ybjaiwlng tn the county of italian biniur wa1 uo dud on or about the wurterfith day of uarch ihe are raoulmd to oiumt full paruculari theteof to the uiuur- algited tcucilcn tor the adntlnl- atvatru of the etat of the aaid de- ceittd on or ttalore the fwjaly whth day of oaptemhttr 1w5 and hcmcn m wtitilnl orv kh that after the aald laat uantlonad dalt tha aatd adaliiutnurla will pro ceed to distribute tha aaatlf of the aald fctgir aiinmacf tha pertaoni en uued iherito havlnf regard only to the clatme of hkh ahe ahall then have reeelred notlot and ahe will not be liable for uu aald aucte or any part ihefwof to any pcron of hoe clakd tutlee hae not bea re- ettted at the ttou of duirtbuuoa dxnay at hnnplon tola koth day of nftifiaiiliit latt oraiial oraiiau tt dowysol brabapton ont- boucltors for the aald admtfualrelrtx oerks notice ol first postiog ot voters list vuv lu itu rr ibe t af owttuei cmuty af ualta notlot la hrnfcy given that i have compiled with section a and 10 of uu votcra lut act and that i have post ed up in my onto at o4wgtovn on uu tilh day of uvplwnber 1033 tha uu of all prraona cnutlad to vote tn uu uiuelcjpality for utaaian of par- liament and at liunlclpal hoectiona as appaara to be entitled to vote award ing to the uut revtced aiauaanunt nil and that auchv llet rcmalna thera for biaapeetlon and i hereby call upon all voters to take immedlete prooeedlnga to have any tirare or omlatlona corrected awarding to law appeal to be in vtthln 31 days from the 14th day of september lias dated thle llth day of setteatber 1b3s 34 p b hannisorf crerk treasurers saleot land for taxes town or ocoboetown covttv or ualyon to wtp by virtue of a warrant laaued by the iaayor of the town of oeorgetown bearing data the 30th day of auguau 1035 e aale of land in arrears of ujtee tn uu town of georgetown will h held at the municipal ofnos oeorgetown at the hour of 10 o clock in uu forenoon on uu soth day of december ims unleea the taiee and coat are sooner paid notice le hereby given that e uit of the lands for aale for arrears of taxes may be seen at the jxunld ottoe the adjourned aale if any wtii be held at the same place and hour on tuesday deoember 11th 101s and it is the intention of uu town of georgetown to purchase at uu ad journed aale u any held any parcel or parcels of land if the prtos offered is leas than the arrears and oasts thereon datcd beptemher 0th 1035 p b itabjubon treasurer punuahed tn the ontario oaiette saptember vth october 6th and nov ember snd 1035 i treasurers sale ot land for taies vwnflhn or rewusfllno oovntv or walton to wit by vlhure of a warrant letued by the reeve of the township of itsaues- infc beartng date the ninth day of junev u35 a aale of land in arnsre of taxes tn the township of ifeque- lag will be held at the ootmou otiau- ber tt the vulsge of btwarttowit at the hour of ten owotfc la the ft ttooa en the un day a oeteber ua unless the taxei ha eosu are avwvnsf paid notstt is liafeny uvea thu the list of lands for aau for arrtam eg taxes has been prepared that ecptee of the aald list may be had at say ode thai the list of unde for aale for arrears of uns ti being ptbusb ed ht the ontario oautte on the eth day of uy ww oa the 3rd day of august 138 and on the ttb day of bepuamber 1330 and that tn ttafault of naytnent of taxes and costs tht lands will be sold for the said taw and 601 treasurer omoe this soth day of jung uta o0tto ijdaauia john tlw minuawaod hk sopla ebmim hwii tt- ttaasmy hnl ooldilf ttjct bjoed fooow hot that which is eru but thst fawi u ted its tht dottb sood to of ood but be that dath rru hath not iesti ood 3 john it lfcwosf pjlafijlo s john the beglk of atlf the l- dfttig the death of dwut the tng imng of ctom kidom the soul of forrlwiuae uu whol of airiflcf the pow of ihoucbt the life insphetlort of pce the dtiiijr of tirllw auh and taoch tnore is leovsf ciuklui a tttjj jk- tw uw i tu ummoa tor this wat u facie book of tht hw traturit ieuer on chapur long it wj wrlltm by jdin uu iodr tiaduiooally hld to be john the apoavtie who i hku lh kwr u vu of ws ftd vanc aae or hie poltlon as buhop in tpluaua lfc w liaould like to have ftukr ewtalu of the lifs of man ho j probaably the ajbtvt cf uu lelv dueipiw and wbo ud till uu uu tbeade of uu tlu cn- tury iouvij in youth as t of thunder he u nf kaoa as the apotle of toe la the fourth itmrt aod ta the lhfe epiaue of john love hu a tlhujh puce thie u a kgnd that frfteo john e loo old to walk be was ertud oa a umtchcr and usd to say to ail hcs tu ui fame one uutiw when auad toby he always ceid the sua thing be taplw that this ohrute tjaiehmg and that it auuih in thw yy utue john btfs an asspu of cjirwimf loe riaoailing inctdvote p opie and ttfiding wtriiji of ood will oeje the g intl m if this fine utter u a credit to john who wrote u odlt te due ejuo to oalus who ceiled it forth he vas a man whom john loj that tn ilulf u an index to his iharacur its was ufdfau in hie loyalty to ohrulun truth the hopueiity of his home was avmlubte for stfwngert and for chrutian wifclonartee vfao had ton out without any vuhte thini of uipport john ft the uh that the phyuotl health of aalus muht be as good e hie aptrit- uel health i pray that la all thltus thou maht prosper and be la bahii men as thv soul pkapreth of us would be glad to have our ptriu as hseithy as our hmue oalus was so robuu atruuauy that his soul health eouid be take as a parsnuker for hu bodily health what wf some of the factors in uu soul health of oaiusr lis had the tptm of lov in his heart he bad uu erace of bopullty tn his hoae be was an active church worker he had uu frlendthlp of uu apostle john and ha was a f ollowr of uu xaord jesus ohrlu pbtrp lib ivauur eli it is rneuently said that u u aa sorts of peopu to make a world a cotiargauon is a world tn mini- aturt tn lu variety of human nature d4ourphee lovd to have uu pre- canlne in uus church la ails uin- would not heogniae the authority of john but talked agalnu llow much treubu ons pereon him with a auf inking spirit and a mali cious tongus may cause in any organi sation t in a certain community a man who had ben contentious in ports politics and lodges was tleetad to a position on the governing board of hu conciefstlon ms aisocutee were coopiratlve whan asked uu reason ha lvpued i do all my ngfaung out- uoa uu church diotrephes under took to decids who houid be mem bm of the church and who not be recelvad john had a very practical rule to guids him tn hie es timate- of people uu plain distinc tion between evil and food he traced all madness back to ood he that doeui good u of ood he that doeth vu hath not aeea ood rwywur and always a loving life is erideaee of uu preunce of the bptrlt of ood nmliu- ue tvsmfil u in contrau with dtotnohee was dsmetrtue who was as likeable as d4otrephes was diffioult what made the ditfersnee tn thaw two vitaf was it heredity home environment health pereonality of teachers or a dlrtereat type of religtous espcriencet here were two men in the one church both professing to serve ohrlst yet one was a dlsastisable trouuemaker and the other was ukad and trusted by eveiyoru under different conditions would diotivphee have been like de metrius and demetrius like dtotre- phest can we ever be ture as to what makes these basks dlffsrences in character niychology can explain some chsracurlsuca by vt p and quite often suggtet a cure religion dares to say that the love of ood en tering uu heart of man can change a bad temper into a rood temper a backbiting tongue into a charitable one an ovrraexhlng ambition into a humble ulflsss worker in other words by uu grace of ood and christian fellowship dlotrephee may in urns perhaps not to very long have the good attributes of demetri us human nature can be changed by divine love a ruats week 1l 14 john uu nder wrote to oalus the nioved that there were many ullage about which he did not care to write but that he hoped shortly to make a visit and talk face to fee ink and pen can do much but they ctannot give tnodulallon of voice gesture or answering and changing light of eye this is why there is truth in the say ing that a bell ringing pauor will have pew filling people a congre gation whose menuttfailp was built up from seven hundred to twentyfive hundred owed much to lie two min isters making ittstoral vulte nearly every afternoon year in and year out the personal touch is effective when the written and formal word falls prom a pulpit point of view visiting u not lou time a great minister aald that ha told back to people on sunday what they told him all week when a minister is in touch with names troubled by lalckneee unemptoyment discard or sorrow his sermons can hardly be ahttract uieontloal above the heads of hie hearers qeiilletii fee pijnmjnm how had john learned to tovef 3 real hospitality m is there real hoiplulltyr 3 what do you do for a man who has a twbt tn his nature 4 what makes a man truuwotthyr 8 how often do you expect your minister to visit your have you the flhiineae of chara cter that enables a person to go on and do his duty in the face of in gratitude criticism and heartleai rituttua- i ought to have i cooked for a camping party last summer insuranob aintopahlon me uad- am hut what u your age aflai antique i have aeea m waa ler auwitanw agent yea of mlhe but how tneuy time haw you seen them we must face facts and we must have a fresh deal stevens seeks a better life for the ordinary fellow to the electors of hloncounly wfcj u tfa taajew fdolkkml uetsa ol tit tuy as uoa- 1l if slto keder of uu tfetttittenutioa pmity twoi it uu vital uku le sodoravuiunt of uu umumd1c policy of uu past namely corusntra uoa of eontroi of credit finance tn duury and conaeai in the lunda of a wry limued aumbr of cupora ty ttvf individuals or riiimrllrkn of uu dtaeratle prtncipu of dlreotlni our toaaviu atfalrs in uu lnlereij ol uu popu as a hoie laoid isiiiilniihr that brlillant boot canada nrt gornaorarej in a rscent puhuftatlon said tbere is no trfmtg atill in ill s we muu face acts end e muu have a fresh dtaai oapltal gu too much out of uu pool tabor and brains loo uuie that e muu t titsditiitilr ajig bttvens are in agrcamrfu they dhwand a better life for the ordinary fellow while w u mpettnt king lrader of uu uiwral patty contents hteuau wih rvpaung worn out slogans of an saruer generation with emphasis on liberty itx btnens warns that ry liberty without sotkalfl ub- srty le a sham while rt hon ft b dnuneu pro claims the old order of obipiullsni is gone but hesllilss to creihtsws uu task of rearing a new social uructurs ur ikeas camee out boldly and courageously or new order in shkh uu stale launchtu a ooncreu policy of wafanorritc security for all ur buvens envlugea the fight as one in which the common people are arrayed egainu orttanlwd iflnance 1u regards tt as a revolt of tmeli uadeemen and the primary producers who have become intourant as social atacurity abbe away he points out that cccacwntralion of wealth has been going on at an liureaslng ratio during uu uu fifteen years is now recognis ed by a great majority of the people for tautsnor the farmer finds him self confronted with highly organised and powerful corporations with great capital strength rtminajtra the nv kst f or his products when ha ready to market these products he finds the price is set or him in uu great marts of canada without his having shythlng whatever to do with it in other words he has virtually lou his bargaining power again uu worker finds that he has no opportunity to secure work lie knows thst when there u a large sur plus of labor available many power ful corporation employers take ad vantage of this situation to reduce wages in other words they exercise an arbitrary control over the worker lunce his conciuion that ooncentra- tration of power is inimical to his in tercet his tendency u to revert to uu strike or else he le attracted by advocate of revolutionary measures or complete btaie ownership of all ecwomlo activities the independent merchant and email manufacturer class experience uu effect of thle coaxoen tration large ly tn the over riding power exercised by greet merchandising lnstltuuona their capital structure and mass dis tribution enable them to dictate to the producer be he farmer or manufac turer the price that they wul pay or the goods and by a very skilful sys tem of discriminatory discounts and destructive oompsution they render the smaller distributor helpless tn the face of this concentrated control in the realm of credit a great mass of uu lurplus wealth of the country surplus winnings of private indivi dual estates of persons daces ted and other b of wealth has been concentrated under the control of a few urge loaning corporations the small borrower find himself confronted with uu most euburary control of credit and finance to a degree which makes boirowlng almost impossible hence the drying up of initiative mng the smaller produc ers and distributors these ulust rations will serve to ahow how uus trend of concentration u affecting uu welfare of uu people as a whole it must therefore be obvious that imorganlied farmers or labor which u oiganlsed under the labor union system in a moat imperfect way or scattered individual merchants or uu small manufacturer and others such as uu piofesslonal dais cannot pos sibly compete with uu highly oroanii ed tneuituiions that control great capital strength the luconstruotlon party holds it u the duty of government to fcraiuate such uws and bring into existence a form of administrative organliallon as will hold the balance in equity between uu great mass of uu peo- pu and powerful corporation which control credit industry and commerce m other words are we to continue development and enlargement of the autocracy of wealth at present con trolling cjejiadlan economic asalrs or are we to have a truly democratic sute where not only tn the political realm but tn tha economic and social realms as well the will of the ma jority and uu welfare of the whole take precedence over the selfish am bitions of the few the day has passed when the only ftwetlon of government was to pre serve peace order and good govern ment on tha contrary it u equally the duty of uu sute to ensure for its people opportunity to secure load clothing and shelter on civilised scale and win far them as well op portunity for oultural development and reasonable leisure canadian farmers support stevens ktaiue beaefili already gained will t trauej under a jgreaelv cetirtfoua leajenliip of a mart wbo darin tlw feet two year kaj proven hiawf to be irar fumv friowl hon h h strvena leader of cunadaa ron truction party and cruaadf r for the underdog haa truly earned the support of live farmera of canada unlike many political leodera he haa acted while other wre content to talk champion of the forgotten man he ut out aa a member of the government to right the world of buaineu through institution and direction of tha maaa buying and price spread investigation he served canada welj but to the agricultural me of tha domin ion his effort were a real boon through stevens the calcium glare waa focttf- ed on the packing tobacco and canning industriea to the great benefit of many arming communities he demonstrated the urgent need for curbing legislation that protection might be afforded the farmer and the small business man and when his demands clashed with the antiquated notions of the old diehards he took tha bit in his teeth and went it alone all this required courage it demanded deter mination it was uispircd by a profound desire for a square deal for ail stevens more than any other rnnmttn u fix ed with the necessity of checking ruthless business practice he holds it the duty of the state not to control but to regulate he sees government tn the capacity of releree demanding and insisting upon tan- play ready to check and penalize the foul player and able to do it because of the penalizing power gov ernment can give itself at the public request every farmer m his capacity as a small businesr man should and does welcome the advent of a doughty fearless fighter one who envisions government in it proper role and who is prepared to institute the change so essential if the dogeatdog ayatem of modern com merce u to be choked in time sincere and honest in his convictions hon h h stevens is aware of the handicaps under which agri culture is bogged down he is determined to right those oppressive conditions which have been such fac tors in creating and prolonging the depression stevens appeals to the farmer because he say it can be done no evasion of issues on his part no hiding behind obsolete constitution and befogged con stitutional lawyer hi the will to do in marked con trast to he who admits reform is needed but difficult to evolve knowledge and conviction go hand in hand knowledge bom of trying times create conviction that the hour of protest i at hand in hon h h stev en t seen the medium for effective protest canadian farmera weary of a losing fight and the inepetitude of the old pohctical parties both liberal and conservative are with stevens because he typifies a new force in the political life of canada and arrives at the moment when all are gripped with the failure of the old parties who tied and bound by prejudices fear and unwholesome affiliations lack the energy desire and ability to func tion as the great task demands stevena know what is needed courage the enthusiastic zeal of a real crusader and the will to do combine to make him the man of the hour to whom countless canadian farmer look with hope and faith confident that under hi leadership agriculture will once again become a prosperous industry he is himself a farm owner haltons candidate e robinson i a fruit and vetibw fro of the ilurunslon duirk eture he has fsrmsd or the past fifun r- 1iu npetietua and tnurts have bxrn wtd and rwl kor tvaty- fie hji he was an active nswa paptr man tn toronto and thus h knoldg of town and rural prob- uens following four yars snrvlce with the cwrwlian artny thrw years of ehkh r on aeuw tmrvtce he wm eutvtssful aesame for the masali ton board of kducstion retiring frose uu uoard when he lou his nsriderilal qualification thfousb rmoal to hal loo county as a firmer be has bea mot ac tive tn promoting uu welfare of the fruit and veuble induury having srrvsd as pfmideat of the burlingtoa- aldwtjwt rruli and vgtsue oos- ere abaocutioa as piaiit of the burlington asparagus ofo aso- cution and as prssldnt of uu on tario arowere uerkths council uu organisation entrusted with the task of improving the dlurtbutloa of fruits and vvgetables as president cf this onrarusatlon he prospered and present ed the brief for the fruit and vege table industry bwore uu price upreadi and uue buying rt mulling in a thorough probe of the relationship of the growers to the canning jam and ftrtlllhr industries it was at this time he became an en- thuiuslic admirer of hon ii if btrvens he served on uu committee ol ten repreaenung canadian agri culture when uu fight was made at ottawa two years ago for a taarkst- ing set founded on the british agri cultural act a fight which reultsd in uu adoption of the national products uarkeung act ur rcunson is widely known as one of canada lee ding sports ofganl- aers 1u founded uu lfwli otymple club and was first pheideat he has been a member of the oaaa dian oiywpu committee for many years serving a secretary part of uu e he was mensgrr of the cana dian olympic track team that went to amitenlem ilouand in ifch and manager of the canadian team of 100 sthletes thst attended the olym pic gmmee of 1313 in ioe angalee he founded and onraniied the british emptr games of 1030 has served ae secretary of the tlrtush kamptre oamee association of canada for the past iix years and was manager of the u3 canadian athletes who nnatiiiteit tfl the 1034 empire oamee ta fjwdoa engund last year such a wide and varied experience provides uu reconstruction party candidate with bstsagroiend that should prove of real value la repre- sentlng the people of helton county at ottawa party policies flnmstlmes in order to get a true pervpecuve of the pedicles of the dif ferent parties in canada it u well that we look from an unbiased view point uiat of the press of other countries several nonperty news- psperi have reprinted extracts from tueh ources we quote from a bos ton paper stevens lucunetruction party u the utest thing in political partus in a country where regulsilon recon struction and reformation are the password to public favour such leaders as premier h b bennett and tue former oshlnet liinlster 1l 1l steven are converts ta reform while j a woodsworth head of uu leebour group in parliament and founder of the oop has been a con firmed social 1st since war days v la uartwme king leader of the liberal party makes no preten tions of being a reformer but rather conde every totalled radical pro posal as reactionary and lmhifi straight to paeclsu or communism and the destruction of democratic oownunent he looks rnfe at third parties m general and the stevens party in particular perhaps his attitude u dictated to some ex tent by sppkheuhon thst u no oppoeluonpariy talking simply a true picture of the situation as it faces us today when we look around us and see people suffering in a country so endowed with everything that we could possibly desire does tfackenile king tamestly believe that ther u no need of any nrormsiionf u he blind to the suric tregediee taring him in the facer le he deaf to uu call of suffering humanity or u it that he just does not care and feels that he wont be uneaiployed to why hould he worry possibly he u thinking of those pleuuretrlps to bermijda which wwild have to atop if he reformed ass join in the fight for economic liberty vote stevens