Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 23, 1935, p. 4

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tv4 tbe georgetown herald wednesday evening october 23x1 1935 buy the best tea salada ykyl have yoor eyes examined tulyr unlike 6sery kxtvu m t suw wfttei aw euurtu w lb wy fed- faiw hj lock up v down in or cut tulrr tmiw mmi hi prim ud or uid al th uut pstie ill e 0nd ha bt uwai fro uiuuuu tulyer utn lor ih tasw pric u si o td ttargiuo v ouadplx o t walker ro orrtmmlwr kyuioutt ifccxajllai i fet y u boeuws bkuo ifou or iij u i 0 ra h llnh o t wjaw ts ue tesvi i please ship me a crate on thursday filnfl to uw 60 f at diittfl i foffl iowfu find b pfololu to ulihf wufhom dlfct co tbdf cuabii id l f fftwlnittftfti haul tad th brfi grub food sunt or good cuttatatrt ttptculjy of th poukff firmer silling by tebahoa u prcjtobl far both pj th farmer grti tb barf pricu tad ditto chains bok predates bttuei pmlag joa within vale rug of pv pdw baycrt th ubpboat taaktt u pouihu tor others to reads you qulddy rtpcgntidwj of rholeuu product botuu now do mow of their toying by uloboac if you htv bo tdfboo on your f arm you of ua mlu huilnw ooporoiakk and too your 1 tatty b tkprivd of nosy cfljo- am social ooattcti install a telephone today llwliiw waaaas raatua we bwttoulnj to hi friend about hi wifes uadnesa ffiiti io uujr h said ut women puu pop corn in da panrafc so theyu flop owr thwnmlvm canadian national railway ifatatfn umehouse crdd out last work th obi lookout club ol th wubytarlan church are puniun pi social to b held on tueulay oc tober oi urthr nolle u to b found lawwhr tn uil uute tti with una corner u ukln 01 quit a dlhcrtiit apocartnoa and whn work u compleud it will w a wry fftrat impfovetnrut and a much liltr ot lor mmtrau die fcidc road to uw wa ol tlw vlllase u oohi to tmfti and a vrr conudroue ua provftfunt on jlv old rod tlw wuh of ukc lyfulmtrrtoji cliurth lujd ulr rtoular bionujy bwuiiff at til home of un o cau on thurvday evening oct lgot a very taiuartory rrport ft mad of lh bal of clouilna vnl to ttie tlh ronto lmiyurtal ond ioan wvre biad for tlkr uiankotfrrtnj mrun- to be held about uw mlddv of hov- kkd lnlrt u uun by ih rutor in ulis wara on tlktlon djy otallulca lhow it to br uw ura vol pollm hfre untc uiu pollinj bootli vbj opmed on uoiuuy uomlna lira vl hvr man and itfr lathrr ur w lurdin ol krtn ataud on a uolor trip vult lirf auur totae dulanrj nortli of uudbury ura uumaury and frumw vultrd ur doughty on uoralay ura uuu and luuo who liave brn apndinr tha auuidr twr tumm to toronlo thl wk we hop hovr to a ltowa ono in a bhll durtii uw wlnlrr montha lr and ura htfaxt wruht of faauy biovvd uu wk cd into ur iciiidya 1ihw rnuy varud by ur and ura olbba ur and ura- we- ooedy cnur talnad a fw frwnda and tuutibort to a brldf party on wdnday rvrntnz lutlautf tntrra of uw local wo- nuni inauluu ur wu uuia of toronto won uia fnurraana prlu and ulaa oudya paclrr ui udy prua uua wtnnlfrad 1na ol toronto tpmt uia ynk and with hrr alurra ura oai and ura hwton ur and ura houtu ur ttukoai lva and hit eutther ol toronto sunday vuuora with ur and ura o oaia and ur and ura john ktvtob ur johnsona alatar from wuinjpr apiu a bv day with hlas tha uiur part of tha fc on hrr rttum trip to wlnnlpaw- aiur prndina a tw daw with her father who waa mart tnuy raoowkd to ba rtoovm to hu own hoaw after nndtn- acvaral mon tha ta detroit takinjt traimnt ura johiuooa uooitr and brother fronj pauruo and ur and ura v uall ftooj urantford apent uunday uh ur and ura dohtuoa tha ouu rrou toronlo called on rrtaoda 00 lutukuy ur and ura a j fcrttuiurtt ao torad to oajt on uosday to alttnd tha funaral of thalr ooualn who haa ban ul lor aotna bvwtha ur and un wta oowdy irwnt tha k and in toronto vulun with ur nd ura a uoott and ur and um d u ooedy wa art gud to t that ur uc- oowan u ahla to ba about aaaln belalimxzm feast inumatlonal tvtnprranoa lmoo treasurers sale ol land for taxes town or ceoroetowv conrrv or ujuyon to wit oy virtue of a warrant uxuc4 by tb uyor of tha town of ororsetown baaitng date tha 30th day ol august latt a taia of lanaa in tman of tazai in tha town of georgetown wu be bald at the uunlclpaj office oeorgetown al tha hour of 10 o clock in tha forenoon on tha loth day of december itta unless the taiee and hotlce is hereby blvcn that a list of the lands or sale for arrears of taxes may be seen at the uunlclpaj ofnca tha adjourned sale if any will be held at tha same place and hour oo tuesday december 17th 1033 and it is the intention of the town of oeorgetown to purchase at tha joumed sale if any held any pareel or parcels of land if tha price offered is ue than tha arrears and costs thereon dated september ath 1u9 p a iiajuufloh treasurer published in the ontario oasetu september 1th october uh and nov ember 2nd iu lit carelully ulectcd coke ecreened to exactly the right lie thats why hamco blower cole la being eiyloraed by thotkonds oi householders throughout ontario this allcanadian blower fuel creates in intense steady heat easy to regulate in furnaces equipped with a forced draught because ol its ideal size and superior quality hamco buckwheat coko is recommended by tha makers of spencer boilers usotho beat particularly since it saves you dollars every month asaattr eel will war your ssaw st a lows mil it eti oiler wrw ujealjog lower ooldcn text w1m u a uockar urotif drink u raauig and whovo- rvrr u daeivxt uittty la not wuat rovrrbs 30 i lljuiow iaiiiuult dankl 6 llsi lkaujr ol your na faith i kept uw track wliow wjiaipaact liorw uy ormfui had albuiau pent i rould not hit your rye if i tum- rd bsuk go on i wnt- dacauia ol your uxcrna 1m z held my path when uiiurrd worn and blvdlna in uu flijlit low rould i mrft your triia ryra jjlajoiiaf wnttiit fto i ktpt rljlit ik nuu y uhdiainiiir umm luvf ikixti wrlltrn f ur uu in ikuidiy uluiou i jul novelty u alinoa impossible ttiaf ihtre nun mrntluerd in uu umm i iorr may aujiiu prartlcai truuu uanurl u silluig to uurrprct un kliitia dtani ujukti rt weird ite wa iiu workliia for ivolll cjranld uiai uw ujr of liquor u n4aulhd in ao- itiej cuiuim hi uw texfrn otld uw plain fact u that uw dmuiaj pr orlilnd uy liquor trafnc u proi uankliuj liaa to be taugtit to drink tind emxxiaafd to contutua tuuiluna u ui pf ndluir of tnlitiona of dol lar fur fulvtrtulng racttuclladiuuar luiaftx ut glory u nian at 10 tt a hulily iraliud ifconltolnd man or woman u a btorloua ulbula to huaiajilly but btun istlfconuol and louumlual giap are lou man can alnk wry low nil trotuiurmauon uquauy hap- prna wlim uliuant uoaouv culu- valxd propl ytrld to lnuaiapfrano wllh druaia drink or rood and 6v4ta uirlr poirra ibujiaraar cam to a ihjjooa by tn lurhi but in a drunken faut he drank wtna from ui aacrwd gujcta ol ui umpla on baa only to hiiro to in convcnauon of peoplw in uulr cupa to know iior kwitaa lor tha unculua of hftr u lol bo much vufulrc aiudy haa loin given to tha alcohol qiiaaloo in ra omt ar uuu w oo lcnr hava to depend on ori hand judijinait thr lolkminj quotationa ara ujun from a rami book cntluad alcohol and mm- tha editor u llawn tcriianon ud prwf xnavutuu ol laabuc lualth oolumbla unlvcralty tha tajuociata fdltora ara ibriry a chru- nan ujv harvard utuwrtuy luld hunt uj harvard unlwrauty ax- uiur llunur iejd rjua ki vok ufa inauimnoa oompany cbajut o lktj lu- ooliubbla unlcnlty wal- tar it utlca hi d yau unjvanuly cnia o uuuaaian uj itoc4illr maituu lor uadlcal ujeajxh iryota auch man u uua a baianond judg- mant may ba expactad in animal eanerlincnta loafcon unuad deaas of urea t of aloohol rraulta in an uicreaaad mor tality and actuarial tahlaa of toaur- nnpi otampanlea ahow camjly thai heavy drlnkcra hava a thorur apan of ilia loan do ttatilntra oo lha othar h whan wvmyi la ttf in what ta oonaldercd moovrata amounta uia eanerlbatnial raaulta in anlmajj are quite different u would watx uvea tn regard to both raautanoe u infection and length of ufa thai al cohol taken over a period of lima acta injuriously when tha amount taken la larue enough to hava an injirnig action but whan taken in amounta under thl ta without nvimrahla in jurtoua refect la well known that there ara markod variation in mpansa to al cohol in dlffennt individual and in fact in the unit individual at differ ent umca ttita la due tn part to un even rate ol abaorptlon thu aloo hol u abtorbed more quickly and hence cornea to the drain in greater concenuaiton when taken on an empty atomoch than alien taken in meal kurtlur temporary mental state auch as emotional excitement and fcoroe form of fatigue may in create to a marked eitent uu uuoxi eating effect the mellow poet who alngt u laudatory trim ol the snips can hardly be ealktd an unprejudiced ob- aervcr nor are hla itatemenu to be taken by the pharnucologlai aa addi tion to aclentiflc lore oontrarlvtae uie horror ol alcohol drinking aa sat fotrh by a fanatical prohlutlonlat are alio apt to deviate from exact lacla the reputation ol alcohol aa an oppetuer ta baaed largely upon tha e fleet ol the cocktail ixoat cocktaila contain bitters in a4dmton to alcohol and thaae ara uruloubtadly of aa much importance tn solmulatlng tha appe uta aa la tha ajcohol ttaalf the paychlo factor ta of auch bn- portanca in normal dlgaauon that one cannot overlook ih attendant piycho- logto clrcnmafanafi for tha same in dividual eating uw tarn meal alone will not have hla dlgeauva apparatus function aa well aa it would under a plejuurahle environment auch a convivial gathering about to fl t of all chronic alco holic develop clirhoila of tha liver and tha condition occurra with greater iruquency among alcoholics than among ahttalners and its prevalence haa varied quite comutrnuy in mod- cm nations with the alcohol consump tion ol the population falling prompt ly with any marked radutclon from any cause in uu uu ol alcohol and aa quickly rising when the consump tion of beverage aloohol ajpun rtaee alcohol in the form ol some type ol beverage haa been known from the earliest time each country having some national drink ccrfiulnlng it no other poison causes so many deaths or leads to or intenslaea so many dis eases both physical and mental ai doea alcohol in the various forms in which it is taken qsaauaaa far dtaetaaalaa 1 li than two fifth of the people now altve use beverage alcohol discuss this statement 3 why has public drinking- by wo men become accepted social usage in canada 3 are profits urge on alcoholic bev crosest 4 are parties dull without liquor 5 what kind ol temperance educa tlon do you suggest ham co i five titctr fit lit ktll liai huih1i jbatn mcdottttld efetate hamco coke soli bye x b lturttk sot rucue a agar aclott ball1nafad crowded out lost week uu eva ainculr ol georgetown spent the week end at tha home of ura j v blnclalr ur j p klrkwood attended tha young people- i tall held at oakvula lost tiaturday and uunday ura john uckechnle attended the harford kirk wedding in toronto on saturday a blruvdoy tea under uu auspice ol the w a was held prlday evening in the church hall the tables wan very prettily decorated in pink and blue and held a bounuful supply of good things to eat alter the supper hour uw itev ur foreman acted as chairman and opened the program with d short address on the work the united church has been doing in the past ten years a short play enuued uothera old laotne was much en- joyed several musical numbers uien completed the program now ur smith will you be good loot my husband answers to most anv name x called him ewrvuilns before our separation lie is bald- headed short fat mid dumb true american type of tit model hus band pindera- keeper uiey smith the new ford v8 for 1936 why gewiey tbj ww feed vf tar l3t what li otcut ut oi eoure u b eeseina la tba omptu ecsr bald b aeifl th vt saofa sine fo j oaia ii evedlabu ts 6h esi uaes aajittf is tss ooclocncal cas ccnw wtih uwt eyusubn lb rorj vt kes bsel ufumwal tetgfaa d uw uciilt ead rwnuibu lis tawwwaa lar 1j yea usy buy s on 6es tabic tojuno pojntat scans tpttiessf eurvwrtlastt ua- lu vujs tha car tbrewa ta exit ahw att b u uta attaa yets buy ttnea yu buy a eccrtlledoews put use sagta bswt ofltr staatf pohu acvattt tks ha haavi w taucfa man bettsutthil tb ht4uliiii9rtmdsyfpmloitw4o la dltta3awcti9 w radiator cfrlh tlfin the co a uooth fjrrac tluri ar tnricmlry lapnealv to bacura o targrs wuh a td oar hofu or ooo- omtud baiiind drcultxr fjriha basuath us kacljjcaap nw 6tj whaala fort uranutery orwoyi ol slrua quality and iccllflt tafeuu rtcb tmd wulurinn trt appolntftwata ol tb oar bar a now touch ol renol thr u no quastloh about 1h bciaasad my d um rd v8 lor iwfi lit btj pratiltai fhtter many iproummta hay tih wacf i54asuq to triad tkiaiar by a now tuar- idg yw ttalo tb coolinri ayalai tit- cuabrlsi a oouc ol water utrougb a bw iccigr racusrtor kcriural uteravo ypboa tactioa u oaaiaud by two cn- trifuaij wcfur puup nw atyl bood imivt psirmlt a rapid air bow around lb waom eoarur qujur ajdfnwr ol ford nacna th oot abitt uvar now tnmla a abortsir djat one tkm ttao qualtttam yog wont jm ewawa bafowa tbt uop th car with ta and cssttajnty ford superdaiaty scosm ol tb loog utd loot proot wv4iifllrol dasalaa tiy a csf titjy ta tb auctri- caliy waldstd gauln tii body s ctas afl around otdo wvtra cost rtun- dmcto haw wrha araulu uttara b oaus tkl qioh bos prolacted tb safaty cj lbif icanih a rr yoa can cfrfn icffrvoaf slrom ts day ti you uw la city or country 3bsmdy bold tb road iapoode io th dii9a toucb ua a wu boind bo- vou doa i bom to pub or flobr tb tord v 0 drivar and car ahy tm oa umu ol oood tifirwsfrnra with eocb ouw jlh aaajit bcai wucfa ta do with tb roornin ol a car vry uuch uuul a loatj a3ln us up car tpae th coaipact vl ftaola prmlto laucb ol tb ordinary dqjd spctc to b iiad by pasanara it raly ta a great car la wswy a this 1b36 ford vblh linasl touat mct dpodab ford car vr buill gt complet dalall at your earat ford tuour low ford v8 prices tudor fjadan fata rtsrdaw 8aun 3s3 dclutliua4lariwwttrumuaa t7 cupa3wtaataat733 coup 8 wtruuva niaphaaton 733 cahihelatfslu ruwoju saat w11tudthjlftijajiubulit in tounlo riso rordor teuhn sadan stth built in trunk ttto r ob wumt 01 wu rt s ah tu v bf nw kal- talj adminihtratorr auction sale of heal cut ate fahj4 btock amd iukxucnth iioiihehold ooootl and itionittlu tha undersigocd has bran liutruct- ed by henry ohortill adniinisirator of uie esule of sluksrj oawaai iubshlil lata ol the rnwnahlp of esqueting in uie county of hal ton farmer daossaa- rd to sell by public auction on tha wi of lot no w in the eutiui oonwsvtlon ol tn township of ks- ouealna on fsuday ootobu uih ims at ute hour of 109 pjn th following property rktal erttateth weat half ol lot number thirtytwo in th alghui concasslon ol th township of ea- quaalns in uie county of helton thr aid real estat to be sold subject to a reserve bid cattle 3 poll angus cows with calve at aide 3 durham cows with calves at aide 3 durham hetfirs wlui calves at side 1 black steer 1 yr old 1ujabbbi black horse 1 black mare matched team hay and orain luy cat barley and wheat luptauazlnisuasseyhaitla seed drill democrat buggy hay rack stock rack wagon and box binder mower land roller pteury plow four- section harrow uluvator daerlng hay rake pair of sleighs and bottom fanning mill 33 ft udder new cutter uelotta cream separator whlfhetree neckyoke araln bass 340 lb scale set double harness set single harness houtlehold goods and torn- tuh cook stove extension table cupboard kitchen chairs organ coal heater parlor suit bedroom furni ture bedding dlshee and numerous other small piece of furniture tcrus oi- oalbneal estate ten per cent of purchase price on day of sal balance within fifteen days terms ol sal ol other property ex cept real esute cash kar further particulars and condl tlon of sale apply to lerov dale kc oeorgetown ont solicitor for the administrator 3t pllank 1ktoh auctioneer notice to creditors of th esui l ocoboe leonard wattion ute ef tha vawtt 9l gaargatawu in th caunly el iui- ten retired fartusr lueesaed all peitbona having claims against the estate of the above named oeorgo leonard watson wlio died on or about the 4th day of october 1d3a at uie town ol georgetown are re quired to send to uie undersigned so licitor on or before tho 0th day of november 1035 full particular of their claims and any securities they may hold therefore and take notice that after the 0th day of november next uie execu tors will proceed to distribute uie said estate having- regard only to the culnu of which they shall uien have nouce and that they will nat bo liable to any person or whose claim they will not then liave received notice for tha assets so distributed dated at georgetown uila 8th day of october 1m3 kenneth alurnby lanodon solicitor for james victor watson and oeorge gordon ui executor thereof at glen williams crowded out last week ura hearder and son of laurel were visitors her on uunday uu guest ol ur and ura llndley beau mont ur jotpeh doaumont who had been atundlng th provincial synod tn ortlevlll returned home on ttiurs- uia res ucuenemy wullanu and ulsa ida represented tn local branch of tin ayia at tlie iv1 dtantry and dhtiict teocal council mrttliik lit mono mihk on tiuhday rvinlntr un jimro norton mho ho been m ndlnj a holld ty in ii milt on re turrnd home on prll a mucellancou bhovr n tender ed to ulu luva ilrocklrbank by frlrnd and employ rc of the urau- mont ui1u at uie homo of un john garvin on tttctda evening the bride tobe received very many hand- home and useful gifts on uanday evening the lta lsodjir met at uir home of ura wil frid pnbton and prcscnuyl uu uvtl urocklebank with a ptrwnt in view of her fcjnhcomlnff marruge the avja held thetr ieuur miftlng on uonday evening david hell presiding tht evening was sat apart far aork the convenor balnj ur john hepburn th a y pji has decided to hold a euchre party in the parish hall on friday evening october 35th the georgetown herald offers yon a great subscription bargain hut- saves you money situ jneil tcu ueanlinui etyvytneut hera it a teal offer that will save you money give younclf and your family laiting enjoyment and antartalnmant tha whole year through m this i all you have to do select any s of iihsl famous maiiaiiuvs and you will receive tha whota 4 publica tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon here if the amaxing combination low price f current ttjautm 1 y r o macleans tl yr oiiulairt lyr csnatbar lyr nalleetal hew levhituy wdrujitslljr caruutliri herilculura ndltemmaaiina lyr our guarshlta to vdul this wonderful otfor ts avail- oblo to old and now subscrib ers to this ncwipapcr xve huarantca tho lulmlmcnt of oil mosazlno lubicrlptlons and you havo posltlvo auuranco that this sonorous offer ts oicactty as represented rto- nowals will bo extended or full term shown wajsi mail eowoh todav plcaio clip lilt o uaimiliuil sftec ehecklkn 3 publica tions desired mil out coupon carejullu uentlcmen i enclose t please lend ms tha utroo magazines chocked with a years subscrtnuon to your newspaper w name btneet icowm and provinck

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