page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 23rd 1938 the georgetown heratd sabacrlptkm rait 1jb0 per year to advance united states 60c additional single copies 3c both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested advertising bates legal no tices 12c per line for qrst in sejon 7c per line to e suhsequent insertion readers 8c per une for each insertion it in black face type 5c per line additional notices qualifying as comlng events such as concerts entertainments so ciety church or organization meetings etc 6c per line mini mum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted tree in memoriam notices 60c and 10c per line extra for poems birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad vertisements one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 25c for each subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald accepts advertising in its columns on the under standing that it will not be liable for any error in any ad vertisement published hereun der unless a proof of such ad vertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the henud business office duly sign ed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plain ly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such adver tisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the airhole space occupied by such advertisement j m moore publisher phone 8 georgetown picobac triendshd that im richer far than croesus wealthy king old old i envy not the midas whose touch turned things to gold i count not my possessions in money or in land in navies plailes or armies that move at my command my wealth is much more 4al than any of these things ips quality is constant and full enjoy ment brings i never have to worry for it will ai rwaysstay when other kinds of riches take wings and fly away this wealth consists of friendships the greatest gift on earth and as for other treasurers none can compare for worth they are my greatest assets these friendships true and tried that standees strain and turmoil the storms of time and tde that man is poor and wretched who is not blessed with friends the only sort of riches on which real joy depends through poverty and slcktyss through sorrow loss and pain the real friend never changes from year to year the same h w barker correcting wrong ideas of religion international uniform sunday school lesson march 47 1938 qolden text this people hon- oreth me with their ups but their heart is far from me mark 7 0 lesson passage mark 7 113 does the road wind up hill all the way yes to the very end will the jays journey take the whole long dayi essentials boll up your sleeves lad and begin disarm misfortune with a grin let discontent not wag your chin- let gratitude dot try to find things all aslcew don t be afraid of what is new nor banish as unsound untrue a platitude if folks don t act as you would choose remember life is varied use your common sense don t get the blues show latitude sing though in quavering sharps and flats love though the folks you love are cats work though you re ftorn and weary thats the attitude st clair adams she gushingly will you love me when i am old he love you i shall idolize you i shall worship the ground under your little feet i shall um em you are not going to look and act like your mother are you spring is just around the corner now is the time to have your car put in firstclass con dition ask us for an estimate work guaranteed gas oil and lubricants tires and batteries art scott shell service station at monument phone 161 georgetown suspicion sentiments 12 the more we study the pharisees the more we tecognlze how easy it is to slip into similar habits of mind pur nation or our denomination may become so dear to us that we are blinded to the merits of other coun tries and communions the phari sees had high standards and made heroic efforts to live up to them but in do so they became intolerant of others by magnifying incidentals to the size of essentials they became un able to appreciate the good qualities of others different from themselves how do we judge others do we take as our standards social position edu cation religious grouping are we able to appreciate the virtues or those outside our own set does the phrase the lower classes ever slip trom our tongues or do fte ever re veal our sense of superiority by speak ing even jocularly of the great un washed are we so selfconfident in our superiority that we cannot see our own peculiarities the pharl sees were so engrossed in their po litical and religious code that they could not recognize the moral grand eur of christ at the worst christ a disciples only ate bread without washing their hands not a very grave moral fault but enough to cause suspicion in the minds of the pharl sees points of view 3 4 there is much to be said for thi washing of hands cooking utensils and table linen lr the motive cleanliness and health the germ theory of disease lends added sane tlon to this but the pharisees per formed their ablutions through rue lal and religious excluslvcness when lhey went to market and breathed the same air as gentiles or outcast jews they felt defiled and would not eat until they were ceremonially clean again do we ever have points of view like that politically for in stance or denominationally at tht ecumenical conferences held in ox ford and edinburgh lost year thi delegates were at first rather classi fied by differenced in vestments but as they thought and worshipped to gether they found that their agree ments far outweighed their dlfferen ces and a spirit of unity developed the pharisees had much in common with all jews their native land the capital city of jerusalem the temple the old testament scriptures ties of blood tradition national heroes faith and even dangers these were great realities appealing to patriotism and spiritual devotion but the pharisees allowed themselves to be separated from their brethren by details that to us appear now to be trivialities such is the divisible power of a point of view lips and heart 5 6 hypocrisy is a spiritual disease isaiah exposed the inconsistency of religious leaders who made a great outward show of piety but who prlv ately were hard hearted and self seeking when the pharisees asked christ why his disciples did not ob serve ceremonial traditions closely the master recalled the saying of isaiah in a parallel circumstance this people honoreth me with their lips but their heart is far from me the pharisees were thinking of other things than those they spoke about whatdlsuested them feauysnujiot that the disciples were ceremonially careless hut that christ challenged them to a moral discipline which they could not face then- words did not conceal the accusation sentiment in their minds christ understood per fectly the actual cause of their criti cism and antagonism they were judging christ because his spirit con victed them he saw their divided lives are we much more concerned about what people hear us say than about what we really are tradition 7 8 a good tradition is mmally tn1p- there is vast value in the brit jsh traditions such as play the game or take it n the chin there are traditions woven into our folk lore such as women and children first that have often led to the nob lest heroism some traditions how ever become outworn and outlive their usefulness buttons are worn on coatsleeves though the reason slor being there has long disappeared getting married on hogmanay subor dinates a very solemn contract to a festive occasion certain religious practices are observed from which the vitality has long since gone we need to evaluate traditions preserve the good in them and break with them ruthlessly if they are out of line with progress the traditionof patriotism once led to enlistment of sollders for warfare but with modern mechanized military methods there may need to be a new tradition established against jnass murder the totalitarian state demands unquestioning obedience tradition of unthinking devotion established but followers of christ place the law of god higher than the law or man and hold rights of con science to be higher than social cus torn pious subterfuge 9 13 people reveal their teal characters in money matters they may sing patriotic songs lustily but do they declare purchases accurately at the customs office they may spend money freely on sports or pleasures but do they work free clinics or draw relief irregularly there has to be constant supervision to prevent short measures and light weights the money test reveals the character weakness in religion too church members will join in singing hymns full of passion for justice and broth erhood and yet irtdirectl lend sup port to sweat shops ad unethical trade practices jesus even dlscoiered pious people consocnt ng their pro perty to god in order to escape the natural duty of supporting their par ents thus did they violate the fifth commandment and filial duty gleet of parents was bad enough but to escape it by the subterfuge of piety was sheer hypocrisy it may be mentioned that though jesus left no estate on the cross he made provls ion for the support of his mother questions for discussion 1 am i suspicious of others 2 is my mind closed by a point of view 3 are my words better than thoughts is my social attitude traditional unconventional does the profit motive ever make me deceptive borrowing at the bank farming dairying stock raising and other lines of agricultural business often need improvements or new equip ment to stop waste and mate better profits good man- purposes it they have good se curity but not the ready cash they will wisely borrow agers in every lrae of busi- ness know where small expenditures would increase efficiency and profits if they crfn spare the money from their working capital they will spend it promptly for such business is carried on there is a branch of the bank of montreal acquainted with local needs and conditions ready to consider appli cations for loans for such constructive purposes bank of montreal established 1817 a tank whtrt small accounts art welcome georgetown bronchi j r mtxh manager modern experienced banking service tbt omtnmt cf uo year smnrtifm oprmtim coals of fire by florence marie drake edna may grinned a cheerful dismissal to miss cummlngs and ap proached her 10th customer of the day it was really miss cummlngs turn of course but it was almost 530 a j w 1 14day continuous driving test in which 7 7125 miles were covered by a willys stock sedan entirely with in the metropolitan area of miami florida has just been completed by buddy bolton with an aver age of 42 6 miles per gallon of gaso line accordlnn ta word received here today by david r wilson president or willys ovprland motors inc while the car halted for refuel ing the engine was never stopped during the 14 day test which was made under the official supervision of miami s south ftordla motor club an affiliate of the american automo bile association bolton who holds the united states non stop endurance record of 168 hours was relieved for eight hours each day in the miami test by cal williams the oil was not changed during and the official eerufloauon- by the motor club shows that only im pints of oil was consumed during the 336 hours of continous engine operation only 18083 gallons of gasoline were consumed at a total cost of 46 68 or 6 ioths of one cent per mile despite warm weather only three pints of water wem consumed during the two weeks continous running no repairs were required during the test the record achieved in this test which according to bolton is a new high for a combined endurance and economy drive is especially outstand ing since routes covered by the car were confined to city streets of miami during the season when traffic was at its height this is another record added to the increasing list of economy achieve ments made by willys during the past year records that no other standard car has been able to equal tests in which thousands of willys owners participated throughout the united states last summer showed an average of 438 miles per gallon and similar high mileage results have been obtained in a series of other official tests side in his rakish runabout edna may hummed happily to herself as she shook out the fresh cover rfdl apron and selected the towels far the hot applications she was comparing jo wi his florid face and wilted collar to crisp weh- btultjim nothing wilted about him no sir still cummlngs seemed to like joe kunhy world she was almost glad jimmy was not coming for her tonight she felt a shy delicious thrill in missing him tomorrow he would come all the more glad to see her since that outoftown friend kept him tonight the creams were ready and the violet ray apparatus was adjusted edna may turned to her customer her manner briskly professional good looking wave she noted with the instinct of the professional hairdresser natural too and then for a becond her hands stayed their brisk massaging as her eyes met those of her customer in the mirror she recognized her now of course jims girl back homel there were pictures of her in that old album of his taken on canoeing trips on picnics at ball games and at the county fair jim had told ed namay something of their times to gether she was suddenly certain of the identity of his outoftown guest live here she ventured trying to make her voice impersonal like that of a masseuse talking casually to pass away the time no i ve come rather far she confided for a very special oc casion edna may bent her head a bit lower she was glad that the other girl had closed her eyes and could not see the dark flush that reddened her cheeks customers sometimes waxed very confidential especially about very special occasions the little beauty doctor fairly prayed that this one would not grow con fidential about her jim her jim i what a fool she must have been to fancy for a moment that he had forgotten the girl back home he had jested about the old attachment it is true and she had thought well she was anyhow doing her best to make the other girl attrac tive for jim jim who had poked fun at her little beauty parlor who detested the artificiality of it even while he applauded the spirit of independence that prompted her to carry on jim who hated any pre tense or artificiality m anything or anyone sudden naughty thought pos sessed edna may she had nearly finished the massage the rouge pot stood there close by a tiny daub of rouge there near the ear where it would escape her customer s hur ried inspection yet would stand out a telltale against the natural coloring of her cheek edna may hated herself as she whisked the powder puff over the other girls skin leaving a malicious little smear just below ihe ear out of range of the mirror yet some little imp of jealousy urged her on and the thought of jimmys avowed dis gust at the use of rouge a second s suspense and the jrick had passed her customer was out of the chair putting on her wraps at the door she pausecvwith the same tflendly smil u b the georsetown herau j st hooks publisher m member of the canadian weekly newspaper association cnr time table standard tune going bast o and mall passengers for toronto passengers sundays only goto west passenger and mail passenger and mali passenger a passenger bunday goto nflcth mall and passenger 740 i 40w- 640 jua 917 pm 713 pjo 834 am 334 pjxl 652 pjo 1225 am 1119 pm going sooth mall and passenger mger 84o am v i time table gray c0acb lines q coaches leave georgetown a 7 08 am 928 am 1228 pm 4u5 pm 700 tun sjs pm westbound to kitchener x 935 am c 235 pm xb 850 pm 1120 am a 445 pm d 1135 pm x 155 pm x 7 00 p m e 1235 am x through to london j a except bun and hoi b sun and hoi c sat d except sat sun and hoi e sat sun and hoi bus depot w h long directory leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba barrister and solicitors georgetown ontario office gregory theatre bldg mill st kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary publw first mortgage money to loan office main street south phone jj8 georgetown ontario divorces steadily increase divorces granted to ontario rest dents have shown an almost steady increase since 1913 according to sta tlstlcs released at ottawa in 1913 there were 20 divorces last year ontario court granted divorces 607 pinal decrees given by the benate increased from 20 in 1913 to 207 in 1930 when jurisdiction was given on tario courts the following year dur ing change from federal to provincial authority divorces dropped to 90 in 1932 the figures resumed the steady increase shown prior to the change of authority there were 341 there was a further increase in 1935 with 463 divorces granted in 1936 519 final decrees were secured by on tario residents the oc is very special she saicttfoti may be inter to know that i am going to be mar ried tonight she was gone edna may leaned against the empty chair her world very desolate the thing she had done was petty of course and she felt helpless and childish before this new turn of affairs thinking to stop wedding with a daub of paint wearily she went about the routine of closing shop trying to picture jimmy married gotta out of her world why it would be like losing her ballast in life like losing everything in her pain she had no thought of blame for him yet but only the knowledge she had been petty and that now she could never make it up she avoided her own gaze in the mirrors that were all about her yet that would never do her self respect was more precious than any thing else for she was the one per son whom she could never escape she must phone jim what she had done he would never understand no man ever would but she would play square this test tune with hinv hello jimmy yes this is edna may t called you that is i want to tell sou well it happened this way i shecame up here jimmy and she told me and i knew how you hated such things and i just couldnt help it honestly 1 couldnt what tired no i m all right i tell yout i just want to tell you how it hap pened jlmmv i can t bear to spoil jour day if you are happy and what crying no of course not it doesn t make any difference to me only i just cant bear to have you think what hysterical go jlsf f and go to bed theater to- to 304 but increased to 356 in 1934 mnf 5 ho morrow nigh tt but jimmy how can you talk so of your own wed ding not yours you are best nan ooh jimmyt w c grant barrister etc offices mill street s georgetown erin phone 234 po box 186 raney graydon lawrence v cook barristers etc 1 465 bay sl toronto brampton oni i e praser raney kg v h edward cook gordon graydon 333 main st north brampton telephone 792 harold r lawrence loblaw building brampton telephone 643 r r watson djs bld 8 georgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j e jackson dentist xray office hours dally 9 to 5 evenings 7 to 9 a phone e4w georgetown frank petch licensed aulhto for the covnues of peel and hahwa prompt service cheltenham 26 r 23 georgetown post office cheltenham monuments pollock ingham successors to cater worth i j cult ont designs on request phane 2 inspect our work in greenwood cemetery a m nielsen 25th year of practice chiropractor xray drugles therapist lady attendant office over dominion store georgetown hours 2 s 730 930 pm 1 1 closed thursday phone umw watts don t judge a married mart j too harshly because he flirts with a waitress i catts why not watts well he may be only play ing for larger steaks t7 socialist father what do you mean by slaying truant what makes you stay away from school class hatred father