the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 23rd 1936 page- 3 sr fordson tractor now on display mmmi 1iw evssttgskws ajbja otvthfi mimdlt bw tt fohdsoh mi a e cripps dealer in ford cars trucks and tractors phone 280 georgetown correspondence pasteurization ot milk tjie following- is from the honour able manning doherty late minister of agriculture in the ontario govern ment and at the request of the health league of canada la now chairman of a national committee on milk march 18th 1999 he me your ropes fretraps l awnting anow theyll all roll off a cfauidl b water off duck a back it ia good for a lifetime and ia sold by va with 26 year guarantee and this company iawell able to live tp towarydtw to that gua aak your banker s tat a yomwffl find titelap the beat raofing value you i m i k cajpst yon can pot it on right over your old xootkcoinbineesirengtbdtrabilhyaiidweauier and fixe protection cornea in largo easfly handled i sheet thewinuihmcloaelythqrepractically i invisible it isnnade to both council standard laiwt amm mtalitv send rldate and rafter and acorn quality 8end ridge and rafter meaanrementa for free coat estimate all council standard tnnunix now hotdippede gives extra durabib go ndge caps and hip caps are qvaneted after farming tntt tti eastemsleeirrodiicts iirss rw oat j mn dear sir the proposed legislation by the qovernment of ontario in favdur of compulsory pasteurisation of milk supplies is a matter of such outstand big importance that the jacte in my opinion abohjt this subject should be placed before the public milk all competent authorities a- greed is our best and cheapest food it is in universal use in all house holds i it is essential for the food of children in view of this milk should be made safe it is not safe in all communities there is overwhelm tog evidence that many diseases in eluding tuberculosis both bovine and human undulated fever septic sore throat typhoid fever and diptnerta axecarried by raw milk since milk can be made safe it is the obvious duty of governments to provide for such safety this can on ly be done under present circumstan ces by universal pasteurization ol all milk supplies the opponents of pasteurization us ually confine their arguments to say ing that the process of pasteurization destroys certain qualities in the milk so treated that it allows of the use of dirty milk that children and cal ves fed on pasteurized milk fall to thrive so well as those fed on the raw article and that the cost of milk jo the consumer would in the event of pasteurization be increased they do not deny because they cannot in the face of the evidence that raw milk is productive ol repeated epidemics of disease but they say that tuberculosis from milk may be prevented by the use of milk from accredited herds they conveniently forget that the ac credited herds will fail to protect children and others against for ex ample typhoid and scarlet fever un dulant fever septic sore throat and a host of other infections carried by raw milk they forwet too that milk from accredited herds has been known to spread tuberculosis and besides it wil take some years to complete the establishment of such herds in on tarlo let us examine the various objec tkms to pasteurization that posteur lzed milk loses none of its value in the process is proven by investigations carried on m great britain in the united states and elsewhere which show that school children fed on pasterurized milk not only thrive on this milk but thrive rather better than childr ted on the raw article the same results were observed in calves calves fed on pasteurized milk gained slightly over those ted on raw milk one cannot deny that in some cases rather rare one thinks dirty milk may be pasteurized and offered for sale but is not the same true or the raw article the water of our cities sometimes taken from sources subject loapolluuon people would hesitate to drink unpurlned water from ques tlanible sources but if such water is purified by appropriate measures does anyone hesitate to drink it similarly pasteurization of milk makes it safe for use the cost of pasteurization depends upon the quantities handled small plants the cost may reach to ed ltta5 keep myself uitetinu clean kruschen salts is the only thing that will do this effectively and not interfere with my work i take a large dose of kruschen every sat urday night and on sunday when 3 have no work to do the salts act on me on weekdays i take a small dose on rising it is necessary that i be on my toes all through the day and this is the only way that it possibly can be done via kruschen salts is an excellent re cipe for maintaining a condition of internal cleanliness the numerous salts in kruschen stimulate your in ternal organs to smooth regular ac tion your inside is thus kept dear of those impurities which when al lowed to accumulate lower the whole tone of the system carried on jointly by the economics branch dominion department of agriculture ottawa and the ontario agricultural college ouelph the technical work of the farm manage meat and milk cost project is being promoted as rapidly as possible this study was intlft by the o roil producers of ontario and was made possible by the cooperation of lff73 rar loca t all the cultural sections of ontario these farmers kept complete records of then arm business for the year coding july 1 1937 the field staff visited each cooperator to assist in keeping the records and again at the year end to check all details and to make sure that the accounts were complete eight hundred completed farm ac counts have been received at the ot tawa ollce and a representative group of completed account records has been secured from practically every county of old ontario along with several records from producers who sell to the whole milk markets of northern ontario towns and cities the field staff began to collect re cords in july 1937 and completed the task in january 1938 the farm account records which have been assembled provide detailed information relative to milk product ions costs along with a complete statement concerning the receipts and expenses of the whole farm bust ness it will be possible for this rea son to prepare a report concerning milk production costs in all localities and forall types of markets and also to present a lull statement relative to the success or otherwise- of ihe whole dairy farming business on each larm the farm management phases of the study will provide information relating- to production yields per unit and will be particularly valuable as ah aid to dairymen in increasing the net revenue of their farms instead of more people per square mile the world needs more square people per mile about all you can say for minding your neighbors business is that you never run out of something to do maybe we do vet short weight for our money but the grocer has a long wait for it wvfs triad eietyitdng even soing to bad aly but ideas dont seem to come any easier oranges medium large sweet navels special uiw price cabbage new hard beads nloe and green i lbs 7c spinach 2 lbs 13c fresh and curly lettuce icebart nloe she bmb c head celery stalks 2 for 9c tomatoes firm and ripe 2 25c potatoes 2pk 25c good mealy coehera grapefruit texas seedless medina large can eat wtthoot smear 6 lor 25c carrots 5cbdbch new nloe sbje carrolls travel made h1h constipated salesman says kruscbep keeps him 4 his toes j am a commercial travejer writes a corxespodent and due to endless travelling by train and auto- mobile i and that i become consupat- cjtsnapshot cuili i background trouble k one half cent a quart in large plants the cost is infinitesimal this cost should be assumed not only by the farmer but by those benefitting there by namely the consumer heretofore protection against contaminated milk has been given to the people of the large cities and towns while rural communities have suffered from the epidemics carried by raw milk it is time that the children of our villages and country side should have similar protection there are as one clinician suggests three things to think of in relation to the proposed measure of pasteuriz atlon raw milk is often dangerous t certifled milk even if entirely safe which it is not is under present con ditlons impracticable pasteurized milk is the only safe milk why not have it yours cry truly manning w doherty it is well to be a leader but be careful what you lead the fellow who pulls on the oars doesn t have time to rock the boat someone has probably told you that a masse use lives off the fat of the land if she ft ashes dishes far 5 a week that is servitude if she does t for nothing that ib romance wasted opportuntles are usually found on a bench in the park or nagging around a pool room a few may begin at the bottom and rise but more people begin al the bottom and stick there the sky makes an excellent background for pictures of people but dont tilt the camera too sharply in the winter rime when many pictures are made indoors wallpa per with a pronounced pattern spoils many plctnres that otherwise would be excellent too in winter work outdoors many amateurs overlook trees behind the subject and obtain pictures which appear to show bare tree branches growing opt of a per son s bead the best backgrounds are neutral they may range from almost white for a brightly lighted cheery effect to almost black for an effect of dig nity or richness but they should al most never have a vigorou pattern or ibo definite a character q their in your snapshots of people do you ever run into background trouble that is do the back grounds in your pictures tend to at tract more attention than the per sons in them this is the case in a great many amateur snapshots and the reason is simple many snap shooters con centrate all their attention on the person or persons they are pictur ing and forget that there is a back ground but the cami ra doesn t for got it obtdlently takes in every thing at which it is pointed the background is just as impor tant as the person in a picture and should recehe just as much atten tion particularly does ont need to take care that the background la not obtruhe and dexs not steal the show from the pe son pictured in the summer time the worst of f nder in backgrounds is spotty foliage such as trees or foliage with llpht shining between the lenes backgrounds of this sort tend to show up as strong black with splotches of strong white and prove quite distracting outdoors one of the best simple backgrounds is tbo sky to obtain a sky background it is necessary to u9e the camera fa r low and point it slightly upward do not tilt the camera too sharply unless you want our subjects to appear to be lean lng back a color filter used over the lcnb helps to give richness and depth of tone to the sky 176 john van guilder muhs old cofcay hfepu syrup 87 ayu omwio apricots nii 15 bassttts lta allsorts i 29c caerolli fuvorom coffee tj 89c cotoii gold tip xea m 31 evfca icil fufrfmmldi fig bars 8 raisins ivf 15c 85c cocoa iti 25c hltartl bm pmtrf lud cherries viti 14c wk i pears 3 is ii 85 5al utd plums 3 n in ss pudding 8 17c ktaft mind whip 19c hnt tewto soup 8 ii s3c sluw rlbbm pi pumpkin nh4h 8c avumi otoic tomatoes bit 9c ayhmi colmkbu lud raspberries t 15c cwni ccd spaghetti sin ii 15c cd cot starch r- 9c ayhtmt tomto juice 3 k t 14c httx sud vinegar 8 t 25c mm flmti 1c si soap 3 o 11c j5c avutr ty g al asparagus tiii 10c peanut butter gu 19c powder ii- 83c bv beans r d 10c t aylnw homv dm w peas i n 14c vylmf swmt hmy dnp corn 8 titi- 17c aylaw goldt homy dra corn n- 10c magic baking powder hadd1e 25c bad fkk sardims n 14c fund tuna 6th 15c meal pbitr 29c cw dwtfafc mops u 49c facial soap 3 cju 25c haws apok vax lifebuoy soap 7 l ssjs fn delivery