the georgetown herald wed neaday evening april 6th 1938 page 3 snapshot guili the camera fn the kitchen 0t yotj ever carry your camera into the kitchen next time yon want to take pieturea indoors and ran oat of subjects try exploring the realm of store icebox and pan try its a happy honunggronnd almost eterythlng in a kitchen la camera subject the lceboxand the china and alaminnmware are a mine of stlllllfe possibilities and there are opportunities galore lor offguard pictures whenever a meal is being prepared the mixing of a cake can be picture if the big mixing bowl la snapped from a high angle with two hands busy with a spoon in the creamy batter mother breathlessly testing the cake with a broomstraw is an opportunity for a candid shot there are plctureflgeneral or closeup when the cake is betas iced there is a splendid closeup in the cutting of the first slice with the gleaming long bladed knife go ing through the daffy loaf a pile of shining pots and pans may make a splendid plctore if the photographer chooses a proper angle and works oat a dramatic lighting china wet and glistening in a drain rack is material for pictures even the dlshpan foamy with suds as two hands sqaeexe ou the dlsbrag above it is a picture opportunity the icebox yields eggs and vege tables that caq be worked into inter esting still lite studies a series of busy hands pictures is well worth trying hands peellngapotato with long curl of peel hanging hands polishing silverware or drying glass ware hands turning a brown pan cake on a griddle or lifting a waffle out of the iron hands doing a thou sand and one things picturemaking in moal kitchens is simple because the room is usual children busy in the kitchen are always appealing picture subjects snaps llkothls abound in any homo ly small and walls and celling are generally light in color the camera should be loaded with supersenal tlve film and three large amateur flood bulbs used in cardboard re flectors tbe proper distance from bulbs to subject is four to six feet with this amount of light one can take snapshots with a box camera at its largest lensopening or use 125 second at f8 or fll lens opening with cameras so marled for close- up pictures a simple portrait at tachment must be used with most cameras 1 77 john van guilder the larvae of clothes moths and carpet beetles may give trouble all jthe y around but with the coming at spring their activities increase and if preventive measures are not prom ptly taken they are likely to do con skterehle damage to furs woollens and other fabrics of animal origin officers of the dominion entomolog ical branch has given this subject a considerable study and advise the fol lowing measures valuable furs should be placed in cold storage or after beating and brushing in the sunlight should be hung in moth proof bags with a lib eral quantity of napttialene flakes winter overcoats other garments blankets etc may be protected in a similar manner or may be wrapped in paper with napcftalene and stored in trunks or boxes when house- cleaning cupboards attics and base ments should be examined and all materials removed in which the moths and beetle larvae may breco places that harbour dust and lint such as floor cracks behind uase- boards furnace air shafts and simi lar situations need special attention as it is frequently in these places that the insects multiply and mystlly the housewife when they appear on the wing a vacuum cleaner is very useful in eliminating the source of infestation rjamage to piano felting may be guarded against by placing about one pound of napthalene flakes or para- jdctdorbbenrine in- cheesecloth bags inside the piano keeping it closed when not in use the occasional use lot a vacuum cleaner on the felting lurther reduces jhe risk of damage when the house is to be closed for a time it is wise to scatter napthalene flakes liberally over rugs and carpets afterwards rolling them tightly and lying them up in stout brown paper upholstered furniture msy also be jbreated with napthalene and well and tightly covered with paper or cotton sheets to lessen the risk of in jury pyrethrum dy sprays are use jul lor destroying the insects but it should be borne in mind that these sprays kill only on contact with the pests and have no subsequent moth proofing value for further inform ation write to tbe publicity and ex tension branch department of agri culture ottawa c- n r tacts at the end of last year the canad ian national railways had a total of 2664 locomotives 95622 freight cars and 3 059 passenger cars now equip ment purchased during the year in eluded 3 000 box cars 400 refrigerat or cars 400 gondola cars 300 automo bile cars 48 flat cars 30 sand cars 60 first class aircondltloned coaches 10 mall and express cars baggage cars is snow plows headache after headache now shes free from them woman writes x would like everyone who suffers from headaches to try kruschen salts before tak ing kruschen i was seldom free from a headache but since z have been taking it regularly i have hardly had a headache for which i am very thankful i have been talcing a small dose of kruschen every morn ing in a glass of warm water before my breakfast and z feel so well ars aejd how do you deal with headaches do you just take something to deaden the pain without getting rid of the trouble which causes the pain headaches can generally be traced to a disordered stomach and to the unsuspected retention in the system of stagnating waste material which poisons the blood remove these poisons prevent them forming again and youll never have to worry any more from that cause and that is just how kruschen salts bring swift and lasting relief from headaches kruschen aids nature to cleanse your body completely of clogging waste matter expresg man playg ntjkse to bear cub london ont apr 5th the job of foreman at the canadian national express sheds calls for a versatile man says the london free press not on ly must he keep things moving catch trains and liberate racing pigeons but he must also have a working knowledge of the habits of animals however hugh plndlater foreman of the local express sheds fills tbe hill perfectly not so long ago when a valuable horse went tempermental and refused to leave the express car hughle came to the rescue and soon had the horse literally eating out his hand and safely unloaded the other day hugh had a new task he played nurse maid to monthold cub bear and according to all reports did it very nicely the little cub was being shipped from sudbury to amarlllo texas in his crate were two cans of milk a nursing bottle and nipple and in structions as to the feeding of the ut tie fellow together with a request that this be done so foreman plndlater became nurse maid and while the cub was waiting between trains here gave him two hot ties of milk its all in the days work hugh explains let your heirs worry once upon a time a man used to work and struggle during the greater part of his life building an estate so that when he died he would leave his dependents free from financial worries those days seemingly gone forever now the provincial governments pounce upon the estate and under the guise or succession duties often be come the testator s chief beneficiary not only do they taxe a goodly ihare but go on merrily taxing the remain der thus instead of passing on se curtly and freedom from financial worries a man leaves a pack o troubles which even the highly organ lzed and efficient trust companies are unable to shoulder in their en tlrety financial post certified seed upholds quality canadian potatoes ftp fn canada the service of seed pot ato certification mode available to the potato industry by tbe dominion department of agriculture in 1915 is one of the main causes of canadas high position as a producer of potat oes both for home consumption and jot export until all potatoes sold in the dominion are the offspring of certified seed however it will not be possible to obviate the appearance on the market of inferior produce the chief purpose of seed certiflca- uon is not to encourage growers to use certified seed with a view to have their crop inspected for certification but rather to help to keep down to a piinimimi destructive plant diseases with their resultant serious effects on yields it is desirable to obtain great er acre yields and so increase profits jr acre certified seed in many cas es would double the yields now being obtained seed potato certification is the most practical and economical meth od of making available a sufficient quantity of practically diseasefree seed annually and of dealing with many of the types of disease carried in the tuber apparent soundness of the seed tubers constitutes no guar anty of freedom from disease for notwithstanding good appearance the potatoes may carry virus diseases not recognizable in the tubers but never theless seriously affecting the yield and quality of the crop careful field inspection by competent inspectors at the time these diseases are observable in the growing plant is most desirable on all potatoes intended to be sold for seed purposes certification is a means of record ing seea stock grown from certified seed of good type from vigorous plants and as far as practical under ad vanced conditions of farming relat ively free from diseases potatoes may be certified when they have been inspected both in the field and after harvest by the authorized dominion inspector and have been found vig orous and well cared for and confor ming to the seed standards of free dom from serious diseases and o purity of ariety official tags are issued for such seed stocks exclusive ly and no other label carries any of fidal recognition of seed potatoes whatever if the official tag is not on each container the potatoes lr them should not be accepted as cert ified seed there is no act or regu latlon that debars anyone from freely using any potatoes for seed purposes and as far as regulations go there is nothing to present seed firms or any onebls from selling any kind of pot atoev seed provided the potatoes are properly graded and labelled and are not misrepresented over twenty thousand acres of pot aloes in canada are now inspected for seed purposes annually and in ad dttion to the domestic demand for certified seed an excellent pxport trade has developed between one and tvo million bushels of certified seed potatoes having been shipped everyj year since 1927 to foreign countries certified seed potatoes may be pro i cured through any established seed come in and see the new fordson tractor some of the latest improvements 1 1 530 h p plenty of power for any occasion 2 high tension bosch magneto 3 built in governor 4 larger cooling and oiling system 5 newhigh gear speed 4 3 miles per hour compare these features with anything else on the market also the price and remember service and parts right at home a e cripps dealer in ford cars trucks and tractors phone 280 georgetown house and from most of the regular potato dealers or direct from trie gro- were a list or certified seed potato btowers for any province is obtainable on request free from the dominion botanist central experimental farm ottawa first rfservation made for trains atlantic plane trip ottawa aont apr 5th the first request for a passenger reservation on a trans atlanuc plane was receiv ed here recently by a reservation clerk of the canadian national railways a promient lady citizen filed a reser vation for passenger space on the first available plane from canada to england when the service goes in to operation her request was pass ed on to transcanada air lines who co operated last summe with imper lal airways in trans atlantic test flights austrian scouts face disbandment compulsory dlsbandinent as in the case of the boy scouts of germany italy and russia is now faced by the boy scouts of austria as a result of the absorption of that country by hitler dictators have no use for yoi4h organizations whose principles include international friendship the world scout census of 1937 gave aus tria 10466 scouts and leaders holidays this year public holidays this year will be as follows good friday april 16 victoria day tuesday may 24 kings birthday friday july l civic holi day monday august 1 labor day monday september 4 thanksgiving day to be set remembrance day friday november 11 christmas sunday december 25 will be ob served on monday december 26 it is not marriage that falls 1 people that jail all that marriage docs is to show them up liberty is being free from the things we dont like in order to be salves of the things we xkt like cabbage oranges fresh new navels sweet special medium large size 17 d0z new fresh and green firm heads 4 c lb grapefruit g medium urp 23c spinach 2 founds i o ftcah and carly c tomatoes 2 dllcloas firm ripe ruby red 19 celery 2 nlc sl stalk qf potatoes 15 lb peck good mealj cookers loc carrots cucumbers onions applet at special prices carrolls victory sweet mixd pickles aylfflr golden bantam corn 7oi t 10 majettfc rice 2 11 ow ii twt time to wax your floors old english paste f a norub wax j wax 5 lm e49 lachin cut wax beans 3 no tea 25c cleen pitted dates pj 10c peck freen i lemon puffs pi 15c old dutch cleanser 2 tim 18 owes di don scratch nonsoeh stove polish m 17 aylaa pork nd beans 2 noi th 9c fum o lodlied salt ihjb pi 3 fiendi i rpwd mustard 6 9c maplt leal pure lard s i n pi 23c sll white beans p d 3c pure jam rarpbeny ot seewbaary jaat abeolalely per berriei end oaly beat oe turlet 3 ot tat 39c lcojjai 21 sardines s tim 9c chicken haddie 2 i t 25c uhkmizmd nugget shoe polish tt 10c lifebuoy soap coke 7c fairbanks soap s cek he corn brooms etd 27c steel wool rtkw 5c carrolls limited baarord oeterle peaches mii 25c eu pie erries 2 no s tta 25c t6mato juke 3 ti 25e aybeei tip of asparagus 1t n i7 stmijeirvery