page 2 the georgetown herald wed neday evening july 27th 1938 th rmr in adtfso georgetown heram tuoper tmtmstatta slngu oflplffb so both aid and nw sdaresssi should be given when change of address is requested aavertadag bt legal no- ttebb wo per line tor first in sertion 7c per unci tor each subsequent insertion readers as per una for each insertion it in black face type 60 per line additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts entertainments so- ctety church or organization meetings etc 8c per line mini mum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memoriam notices 60c and loffi per itne extra fur poems birth marriage and death notices 60c small ad vertisements one inch or less 60c for first insertion and 25c ior each subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald accepts advertising in its columns on the under standing that it will not be liable for any error in any ad vertisement published hereun der unless a proof of such ad vertisement is requested by the advecttser and returned to the herald business office duly sign ed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plain ly noted m writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such adver tisement as the space occupied by the noted error bean to the whole space occupied by such advertisement if m moore publisher phone 8 georgetown mockery why do we grudge our sweets so to the living who ood knows finds at best sq much of gall and then with generous open hands kneel giving unto the dead our all why do we pierce the warm hearts sin or sorrow vub idle jests or scorn or cruel snears and when it cannot know on some tomorrow speak of its woe through tears what do the dead care for the tender token the love the praise the floral offer ings but palpitating living hearts are par want of just these things ha wheeler wilcox panff paaa is ood husbandman that turns the clods of oar nfiby to furrows for his for fee sooluicknmg it doth then tlwou pains u the kan dtrine bnnelail to man the patters bound- leas love so vbm you suffer clasp his wound- ad band creep dose and lay your weary head upon his breast and there close- pressed dotte your pains with his and you shall feel the heart that broke for you still beating strong the neverdying love of god for fir zither believed used fat the swiss alps a zither is a harplike instrument with the strings stretched over th sounding board and yet it la not a harp you pick the strings like a guitar and yet it is not a guitar you get pianoforte music out of it and yet it la not a piano it is light enough to carry under your arm and you place it flat on the table when you play it advises a writer in the los angeles times its origin is somewhere back in antiquity and probably the first ones played in the swiss alps the mountains of tyrol or the hills of bavaria were patterned after the harp with just a few strings the standard zither has five strings for the melody placed parallel over a series of frets that wilt give as many as four octaves triese ate played guitar fashion with the an gers of the left hand and plucked with a pick on the right thumb the four fingers of the right hand must also control as many as 24 and more bass and contrabass strings placed to the right of the melody strings and playing that many strings for the accompani ment requires some dexterity the zither was probably only a fivestringed instrument in the early days but as time went on they add ed more and more strings to get better effects and it got so compli cated that the number of strings had to be decreased then there were different kinds of tunings of the zith er the viennese the bavarian and bohemian tuning and so on the standard tunings of the melody strings are a a d g and e coral stone is used for bermudas winding roada bermuda is a foreign country with different customs different curren cy different climate and an atmos phere different from that of any american metropolis bermuda roads have a special ap peal made of white coral stone they wind along the shore line or cut through hills typically eng lish the road builders avoided straight stretches so that there are not half a dozen places on the is land where one can see 500 yards down the road isolated and small as bermuda is it has a unique background ber mudas parliamentwas the first rep resentative law making body in ex istence with the sole exception of the english parliament hog coinage once in circulation there was the first colonial coinage ber muda remained loyal to her king even when cromwell was protector for bermudians are a sturdy and an independent people st georges quaint capital of the island before the seat of government waa moved to hamilton abounds in historical interest the oldest town in the western world it boasta the oldest church in the western hemi sphere here are the narrow streets the irish poet tom moore roamed here are the ruins of the govern ment storehouse plundered in 1778 by americassympathizing bermu dians the supply of gunpowder they stole and shipped to america aided the americans in the wax for owe rouncal party doomed signs and poutlcei developments in canada point to the gradual and ulti mate elimination of one or the other of the old polltfrtaj parties the lib eral and fwlonal conservative part ies inthls dominion are so much alike m tmckground outlook and policy hat radical thinking elements will frftfitlimr to break off into dismembered groups and then some po moses will assemble the scattered regiments into an effective force that will dis place one of the old line parties just as the liberal party has been effaced in the old country fit tt last saskatchewan election almost half she votes or 43 per cent were neither jjberal nor c tive and in eastern canada there is a growth parosntssje of younger peo ple who bare the abdaeuy to vote agawjst the party under the beneflo- ke 1 a of which they hare bean nutasratt im reared tb ouneervatrn party had a splendid opportunity at the recent convention to blase a mm political trail bat it failed to do the pol icy share add dawn and the resolu tions endorsed indjeete that the na tional conservative party woi skirt the railway problem just as the 14b- stals have done will be tost as vaoge in matters of national defense and wol continue to apply salve and band ages in the hope ot curing unemptoy- msnt when they know fuq wen that some vtfcal organ wwumpmg poison in to our aortal and economic system canada is by no means free 01 isms and radioal groups of manj twbrtai anil ri p xf by any otwnce they should gang up on the j polltfcial institutions lao- and national oo and acting alike but into two waring camps els weak defense farmers areas efts slates in the following list th figures represent the square miles of the states texas js5806 california 1mjb7 montana 14sb07 mew mexico umm arizona 113906 nevada 110090 colorado 103948 wyoming 97914 oregon 90099 utah 04990 minnesota 04082 ida ho 83888 kansas 82158 south da kota 77015 nebraska 77520 north dakota 70837 oklahoma 70057 missouri 09420 washing ton 09127 georgia 59205 florida 58800 michigan 57980 illinois 50005 iowa 50147 wisconsin 50- 080 arkansas 53335 north caro lina 02420 alabama 51998 new york 49204 louisiana 48500 mis sissippi 40005 pennsylvania 48- 120 virginia 42 027 tennessee 42- 022 ohio 41040 kentucky 40598 indiana 38354 maine 33040 south carolina 30989 west virginia 24 170 maryland 12327 vermont 9 504 new hampshire 9341 massa chusetts 8200 new jersey 8224 connecticut 4905 delaware 2370 rhode island 1240 i oby bmsrfest hofjtoat of countbt is there any truth in the oat nurs ery rhyme that little gtrts are made of all thats nice t- while little boys are not so desirable the director of the country homes department of the neighborhood workers association of toronto is beginning to believe there must be for practically every invitation she receives from a country hostess inviting a city child to spend two weeks in her home requests that a little girl about five years old be sent out j each day the problem beoomes more serious for there are scores of boys on the list of those waiting their chance for a holiday in the coon try this sum mer the director says she is unable to explain the preference for girls boys are really less trouble because they can find so many ways of amus ing themselves once they get to the country ont of 1 100 children who were sent out last summer there was only one accident and that nqt serious included in the long list of ap plicants on hand at the nwa of fice are many special cases this does not mean that the children will require extra special attention in some cases there is a little brother and bister who should be placed in the same home in another case there are twin brothers both eager to be sent to the same farm in many canes there are children not strong enough to be sent to summer camps because of last years attack of polio these youngsters need sunshine rest and wholesome food to build them up all of which can only be supplied to them through the generosity of a country hostess every case that is recommended by a district worker to the country homes department has been care- rully investigated the need is ur gent though some or the children are rundown they are all medic ally examined before leaving the city and cannot obtain their railway tick et unless the doctor pisses them the neighborhood workers associ ation of toronto earnestly solicits the oooperation of countrywomen in helping to provide holidays for needy city children for a two week period without remuneration letters of in vitation should be addressed to the country homes department nwa 22 wcllesley street toronto and should be accompanied by a letter from the local minister or a promin ent person of the community am ants a nuisance hfate at- the unyaothtnseotaknownasanta are especially numerous in the sum mertime and are frequently unwel come intruders in homes and gardens there are many species of them all are social in their nabtts and live to gether in colonies the majority of the ants in a colony and the ones most commonly seen are wingless- undevel oped female workers which a re in capable of reproducing their kind a common and troublesome house hold species is the tiny reddishyellow pharaohs ant which originated in the tropics but is now widespread in canada the common large black carpenter ant is normally an outdoor species nesting principally in decaying wood but frequently occurs in dwell ings particularly frame houses and summer cottages and may cause dam age to woodwork a third common species is the small yellowishbrown lawn ant which nests in lawns and gardens and often enters houses in search of food destructive powder according to the division of ento mology science service department of agriculture ottawa the most sat isfactory material for destroying ants is sodium fluoride sold by druggists in the form of a fine white powder this powder should be scattered or blown with sn insecticide puffer or dustgun in places where the ants occur and shoud not be removed until the insects have disappeared sodi um fluoride is a poison and should not be exposed in places where child ren or pets mas have access to it another method recommended as par ticularly effective against pharaohs ants consists ot using a polsoned- bait trap this is made by punching several holes in the sides of a small tin can with a tight lid and placing in it a small piece of sponge and a small quanlty of syrup prepared by mixing 4 ounces of sugar and 14 ounce of honey in onehalf pint of hot water and adding gram of sodium arsenlte the worker ants are greatly attracted tothe bait and take it to their nests to feed the larvae and queen thus the whole colony is des troyed the number of tins to use depends on the size of the premises and the extent or the infestation in preparing and using this bait it should be borne in mind that sodium arsen- ite is very poisonous to humans ants may be discouraged from en tering houses by keeping shelves ta bles and floors as tree as possible from food fragments and by storms food stuffs in antproof containers ta ad dition openings in floors and walls through which anta may enter should be carefully plugged when it is pos- smlo to find the nests in the ground outside the ant colonies may be des troyed by iwncturfng holes in the surface and pouring in a small quant ity of carbon bisulphide heavy gas is given off by uds liquid and its ef fect may be increased by covering the nest with an old coat or sacking care should be taken not to expose carbon bisulphide near fire as it is very inflammable pa for toronto passengers sunday only the annual short coubsb8 in agriculture and home eco nomics may be held at acton at a committe meeting held hi the council chambers acton on thursday evening last the halton county branch of the ontario department of agriculture was requested to organ ise and conduct three month short courses in agriculture and home eco nomics at acton the coming winter agricultural representative j k whitelock assured the meeting which was attended by officers of the vari ous women s institutes of the acton agricultural society the acton- u f y p o and members of municipal councils that the department would be prepared to comply with the re quest providing a sufficient number of students could be assured and the necessary halls eu provided to this end canvassing committees were ap pointed to cover the district sur rounding acton a finance commit tee composed of reeve geo gordon of nassagawea reeve mckeown of erin township agricultural representa tives s b stothers of wellington and j e whitelock of halton was also appointed messrs r j kerr and fred wright were appointed to look into the question of hall accomoda tion six years ago similar courses were held at acton and all reports would indicate they were successful in every respect similar courses have since that time been held at three other centres to the county with equal success and leaders of the district promise to leave no stone unturned to insure the courses coming to acton the coming winter buy sell and profit with herald jasslned ads strange poverty almost every week the editor of every weekly paper is approached by nonsubscribers who desire to have something put in the paper some times it is an obituary sometimes a column of reprint from another pap er concerning someone 2 000 miles a- way and entirely unknown to 99 per cent of local readers it may be only an item for the social or personal column when it is printed the con tributors go next door and read their neighbors copy of the home paper invariably when we ask such folk if they wouldn t care to be placed on our malting ust they reply wed like to take the paper but we can t afford it no man ts too poor to take his lo cal newspaper and it is false econ omy to try to get along without it hardly a week passes that something doss not appear in its columns which woi be of fl benefit to you and by the end of the year you have made or saved from one to twenty times its subscription price the city papers do not take the place of your local paper although some people think they do the city papers are fine m their way but they do not give you what you are most interested in in your home and community you can not learn from them when public meetings are to be held who are dying and who are marrying who are moving out and who wants to sell land in fact hundreds of items which might be of particular importance to you such matter city papers cannot furnish but your local paper does paisley advocate we have made special arrangements for the servicing oi general motors automobiles we are alio in a poartion to eu new chevrolet pontile and oldsmobile motor cars we have a number of good used cars for sale at reaeonable price your patronage will be appreciated j n oneill son phone office 14 re 168 georgetown fewnding ctsvelaad oeia cleveland ohio was founded in jury 17m by surveyors from con- neeticutv who represented another company wjueh had bought a broad strip of land along lake erie this land had been claimed by connecti cut by right of its old british char ter but it had relinquished nils over h to the federal government and had sold the land to the connecticut land company the company ha torn resold farms and town lots to folk m connecticut new york and elsewhere and these settled the city and the region around it brotlimlaw the term rothertnlaw is re stricted by many authorities to mean the brother of ones husband or wife or the husband of ones sister benjamin hardin helm an american general who married a sister at mary todd was not a brotherinlaw of abraham lincoln but he was mrs lincolns brother- tn3aw however popular usage ig nores this restricted definition and extends the term toutenravtne hus band of ones wife or husbands sis ter get the facts today about the attractive eptdro thrift plan it put within reach of every family the electric range an electric rangoi thrifty so reasonably priced so anas inglv economical on current and its fattcoolting cod clean ends oooking failures and kitchen drudgery wak every meal a delicious suoossaw check the thrift flan now hcoh undsay h c bfocltoe arjwh o b bcpocajtt suchajumroitfl hawwabs b h thompson co pajmcrjuuts at i tub hydro omefc hydro yout chcipsi household hclpci on jt time table stanavd 1bm pmmoiar pmmnger and mil and mall mai i i us an iua i m gain north i and passenger 645 i gemg semh 1 and passenger y gray co acb lines summer time tabim effective satarday jane km leave oeoroetown te toronto a6 08 anx h58 am 1143 am 218 pjiu 4j0 pjil 645 pjn 910 pjn a except sundays te laneon rs35 ajn 150 pjn x750 pjn x connections for owen bound standard time tickets and information at w h long o o directory leboy daub kjc m sybil bennett ba georgetown ontario office oregory theatre bldg mm 8l kenneth m langoon barrister solicitor notary pehba first mortgage money to loan office main street south phone 88 georgetown banby gkaydon la wkence cook itarrlsten etc 485 bar su toronto oat k fraser raney kjc h edward oook gordon oraydon 333 main st north brampton telephone tbi harold r lawrence loblaw rtmrg brampton telephone 643 p b watson dja auks georgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thmsday dk j b jackson office hours dally 9 to s evenings t to 9 raonx smw frank petch the cillii f reel and 1 cheltenham mrb georgetown air walter t ems ft ca general hmnance ocean stbamsnr suia bui estant mala st karia gaaciaanra in monuments pollock a ingham suoeesson to cater a worth gait ont o o a m nielsen tk taar at fraetk cauffopfactor xray dragin therapist offloa onr dominion stan aorocown hours 2 5 1j 9j0 ml n a he put ad east