the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 17th 1938 pje3 first property rignts acquired by consists discussing some origins of prop erty rights the journal of the amer ican institute of real estate ap praisers cites the fact that the flrat property rights in this country were acquired by the colonists by virtue of royal charters occupation or pur chase from the indians the lands usually consisted of large tracts and the title was deemed to vest in the inhabitants in the commoners in the original proprietors and usu- 4 ally in theory m the king of eng land under whom they held title the time came explains the journal when it was deemed ad visable to divide the lands among individuals and many were the dis putes in proprietor meetings or in town meetings between proprietors inhabitants and commoners in re spect to the division sometimes the proprietors claimed ownership for themselves to the exclusion of the other inhabitants of the commu nity and held proprietor meetings as distinguished from town meet ings and made the division among themselves sometimes the distinction be tween proprietor meetings and town meetings had been lost and often times the right to share in the divi sion m so far as inhabitants who were not proprietors were con cerned rested 1 which had a majority physical or otherwise sometimes the division was made by number each getting an equal share sometimes it depended upon the amount of taxes which a per son paid the larger taxpayer re ceiving the larger quantity of land sometimes the division was made by the meeting but frequent ly by a committee selected to make survey and to lay out the land in any event the lands allotted were usually large farms with a share of pasture land wood lot land for cultivation a house lot and often an undivided share in the com mons edison averaged about 18 hours a day at work edison always had a hundred things he was burning to try if he was away from his work he made long list of things to be done next day putting salt on the tan of an idea was his happiness and when some experiment turned out successfully he would dance about to his assistants amazement on one of his birthdays a visitor expressed the wish that edison would bve many more years tak tng the usual little pencil stub from bis vest pocket he made a careful calculation and then said how would it be to live about 145 years ive just figured that im working double shift so compared with the average single shift man if i live to be eighty id really be one hun dred forty five years old edison s energy was vital and tre mendous he worked about 18 hours a day and he was a night owl by choice but when he was fagged he could hit the hay and sleep like a baby short naps after ex haustion brought him back to a task completely refreshed he once said most men do their work in a series of efforts that re quire a lot more time than contin uous application when i have a problem there is no let up until i get somewhere on it if 1 am up half the night when i do go to bed it is usually in contentment while your routine man may worry about a matter for a week before he ar rives anywhere on a problem down trees headfirst according to stimpson s uncom mon knowledge squirrels chip munks and similar light bodied ar boreal rodents are the only ani mals that habitually and naturally come down trees headfirst this of course excludes cats which come down tail first apes raccoons por cupines opossums kinkajous coati mundis and other heavier bodied treeclimbers come down tail first by preference using the claws to help support the weight of the body some of these however reverse the method when in a hurry or when the tree is inclined poxes and the smaller members of the cat family are not classed as true treeclimb ers and they come down in a rather unnatural and awkward manner the coatimundis may come down a tree either way or they may simply drop from the branches of the tree verdis failure when giuseppe verdi at the age of sixteen took his entrance exam inations at the conservatory of mi lan he showed so little evidence of musical talent that the authorities declined to enroll him this is re lated in the standard american en cyclopedia this did not bother verdi however and he continued bis studies ultimately rising to the heights with his ii trovatore rigoletto la traviata and la forza del destino the feet always busy the feet do more work relative to their size than any other part of the body it is hard to visualize the tact that when s man walks a mile be places sn aggregate of 250 tons on his feet three out of every four adults in this country have some sort at foot trouble the blame rot this condition is largely due to in correct footwear but the jar met dent to walking on hard pavements and floats is a aeamasmaf easse does your system make excess acid add tadfrsttai coms hudacbes blious attacks constipation often start this way some people ate what are known as add maker they cant help itowl oft tkty dont know it the nsults of aa excese of add may sttm just like ordinary stomach trouble but they cant be put right by ordinary stomach remedies bices add may be jthe reason way you wake up flat sour blearyeyed oiuous mmd toe reason why fierce purgatives only leave you in tb grip of a w bamt and the tune old symptoms but there one thing that acw cast ace thats the dcutratfriag power of vange salts the alkaline remedy with the natural mineral spa action a tea- wonful in warm water surges through your system just like the mediant xing water far away in england where vangc salts come from excess add is neutralized quickly painlessly your blood b purified of poisons your tore stomach walla are soothed and that mass of hard poisonous waste matter lying in your intestines is o co gently nmtmrolly and passed wot of your body then do you feel good its marvellous but the most marvellous thing is that vaage salts an only 60 cenu a tml at your drug get now but if youre wise on your tataroun shelf tonight the ho use building problem in can adn today is in some respects similar to the mairlage problem it is well known that young people in general have difficulty in amassing sufficient funds for marriage it is also well known that many people cannot af ford to build houses although finance minis tei a c dunning s elimination of the sales tax on forty building trade items should aid the construction industry as a whole and contribute to better em ployment conditions it is well not to be too sanguine of its effects upon the housing program launched by the federal government or upon house building under any other arrangement throughout the dominion houses ft 111 not be built here in large numbers until one of two things happens either rents must go up or taxes must come down as rents cannot be effectively increased until tenants are able to pay at a higher rate and there seems small hopt of that at present the onlv feasible means of developing a housebuilding program is to reduce taxes municipal taxes creep up with few exceptions vear by vear in each city and town the current incumbents of the councillors chairs are able to present arguments to show that they are not responsible for the increasing iv severe taxation they point to mistakes of past councils or to other conditions over which they have no control some of these arguments arc nd but thls docs not alter the fact that it is municipal taxation more than anv other one factor which is strangling house building the 1938 dunning budget should effect a reduction ol some five per cent in capiial account building this is important but it does not deal with fundamental trouble that trouble is rot capital cast so much as the year bv vear municipal taxation the salvation abmt operates bureau foe missing rebsqns nothng is impossible to the missing persons bureau of the salvation army when the china clipper raced across the pacific on a scheduled flight last month from honolulu she carried instructions from toronto headquarters of the salvation army to far east officers of the army it was the start of a widespread search through the battle scarred province of anhuel for the family of w sltt chinese parry sound restaurant keep er who is fearful for their safety sitt who has been in canada for some years has repeatedly tried to locate his family by letter but an nuel has been heavily bombarded by the japanese villages are in ruins and whole families have fled before the onslaught of the invaders one by one his letters have come back with a notation from postal authorities say tog they could not be delivered sitt despaired of ever reaching them through regular postal channels in the characters of the chinese he again wrote an apepal to his family to be of good cheer to follow instruc tions of the salvation army officer and seek the safety and assistance of the british consul salvation army officers in china have the letters now all that remains is to find one small family in a country where countless thousands are homeless and on the move this search in china is but one of the 250 cases listed that are under investigation through the toronto of fice of the salvation army there is a men 5 inquiry department and another department which looks after missing women the mens depart ment handled 774 cases of missing persons last year of that number 407 were located the bureau has an average of 55 inquiries monthly for missing men and about 15 for missing women device helps safe loading of trans canada airplanes an ingenious device for determining the centre of gravity for all lockheed 14 aircraft while fuel and cargo are being added to the initial weight a ubrascope balance computornus been installed in each of the western can adian hangars from which trans canada air lines planes will operate at first glance a bewildering mass of dials and controls the ubrascope in reality is simple in operation dls tribution of the cargo for the most efficient flytng is easily effected before even a pound is actually loaded in the airplane given the weight of the cargo he is to carry the pilot bv manipulation of the dials can deter mine exactly vihere in the craft it should be placed for example if an excess is being loaded into one of the four cargo compartments a centre of gravity scale immediate j re sponds recording the discrepancj and indicating ho adjustment should be made the weight of the fuel in the front and rear tanks the express and mall cargo and of the passengers is taken into consideration in the computation even the retractible landing gear comes under the surveillance of the librascop how its position retract ed into the fuselage or lowered for landings affects the balance of the huge airplanes is indicated clear one sundny nht the preacher sternlj roared when those joung k in the rear git through flirting with the girls i hope- they will give me a chance and he wondered whj the congregation laughed bananas rich yellow delicious flavor nice size cdoz apples pounds duchess lovely cookers potatoes 7 pounds 2 good mealy cookers tomatoes 3 slicing quality oranges j jc ioz nice size sweet juicy peaches delicious flavor heaptonjquart boxes 1s onions pounds pickling suverakln cantelonpe 15 nice sum delicious butter pric to save special carrolls p e ach e s it is peach time in canada early varieties of peaches grown in the ni agara peninsula ontario and in the okanagan valley british columbia are now on the market and will soon be followed by later varieties this year thecrop of peaches is a good one and the quality is excellent of all the fruits grown none is more lus cious nor more healthful than peaches the following recipes may proye time ly peach ginger shortcake cup butter 1 egg a cup sour milk 1 8 teaspoon ground ginger 1u cups flour 1 cup brown sugar cup molasses teaspoon soda 18 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking powder cream butter and sugar add egg and beat well add molasses then sour milk to which soda ginger and cinnamon have been added mix well then add flour ano baking powder sifted together bake in greased pan 50 minutes in slow oven 325 degrees p split while hot and pile fresh sliced sugared peaches generously be tween and on top whipped cream may be served if desired peach muffins 2 cups flour teaspoon salt 1 egg u cup butter 31- teaspoons baking powder 14 cup sugar 1 cup sliced peaches 1 cup milk mix and sift flour baking powder sugar and salt beat egg and milk and add to sifted ingredients add peaches stir as utile as possible to blend well bake in moderate oven 350 to 375 degrees p 25 minutes serve hot fresh peach cobbler 6 large peaches 1 egg 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons baking powder i cupe flour cup milk cup granulated sugar peel and slice fresh peaches sprinkle each layer withsugar make a batter of the ingredients and dropzy spoonfuls over the peaches bake hour in hot oven fresh peach crumwy crust 1 cup flour 1 cup sugar 6 peaches j cup butter peel and slice fresh peaches and sprinkle cup sugar over them mix remaining cup sugar with flour and rub in butter until will blerded and of crumb consistency spread over peaches and bake in moderate oven hour sent hot or cod this might have been prevented by a telephone call neighbours could have sored this bam but they did toot know about the ere there wa no telephone to call them no farmer should be without a telephone one single fire would pay ton years telephone cost lor a whole county etbty farmer should con sider at least the safety ol his home family and chattels the telephone banishes isola non calls aid whenever needed low runs fob farm telephone service main street georgetmmi free delivery ss