Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 24, 1938, p. 6

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he6 the georgetown herald wed neaday evening augiut 24th 1938 does your system makeexcessacjd jltw awfttamtctmi ofthi start this way some neaps nc vktt ir knows as ariivmahn laer cut keb i- thty mi fcan a tia rfuotttditu nay jam hat ale t be pms right trjottfiou7 iriielkcsi add nv be the 9 jm wafce op fct aw hwk bffioa saw tte nmo wby fierce purgatives only iseve yea fat ox pip iijkb tamt tad ho bat thrt hat tab ox acat a fee tbira tte imil poaw of vuet sab ike aftafeat itantr irita sjnteee- jest aariat wafer ter any ajbac vabfesalti come from etna add a nrgtrjlrml qakuf paialeaa tear bkod it patted sf poison yor aere i walh are aoothcd and ata of and po waste aaaawttat quag yoot tl at asfkcatd gsathr mftnily and pawed of your body tats do you fed aajedl irs ra bat the mot sa tfctag it that vhsge ks sse only 0 cent a tail at your drag- fht s but if youre wise oa ymw v1s1 par north post headed by a goverrimenuu party coins north to inspect development work the sixth annual tour to can- aadas northernmost seaport at churhin has just been concluded the party visited riding mountain national park the pas and at flin plan the largest of manitobas mining centres after a day and night at churchill on the hudson bay the special train of the canadian national returned to winnipeg the popularity of the jltaorthern trip among americans was attested fay representation of virtually every large dty in the united states be party an irishmans comeback said the american waal i guess this beats- everything i once knew a coy in the states who could take a aofoot rung ladder into a field stand it on end walk up to- the top and down again said the irishman begorra that is jlst nothin at all i ken a man in oireland who could w the same lader into a field stand it on end walk up to the top and pull it up after him- we are great utile bapkkeepers we always credit ourselves with our suc cesses and blame providence for our iallutest i no facts about te byhctty bantijr i bringing teed tea back into popularity i decided to ask pert juat what tea tm one surprising facta la the time on the bush amid my expert robert a lewis the spe cialist who la a member of the united states tea board qnroenc e tea la imamxfae- tared tea la tea moat people sau mr lewta know that than an gzwen teaa tend black teaa bat they think of cerent specjee of the tea plant tua la not the case tor the tea plant la the same produced at win from the aame bush and are merely the remit of respective of abe- country of pro duction an leaves when pteeswl from the bush are green the dw fereoce in tea leaves on sary i boab is that i oreen tea hi a product mrgary f japan tj altar seek- i color the leaves are then over charcoal area cnrled mad prepared for supping became f the ughtnefs of the color of fnen tea maij people think it is i to make it atroog lbowsver the strength has httle to g settee of tbi tw wmm a mmll the tea t t9 mfmm am of bb uality ualfci omrch pays peflsions lo 1581 pastors and kin paid total of 7j3 during ifsi in benbwtts mfafcten cm f4ss7st wmewe fsm- 199 orphant simm mertakty casts 994m more than- boo aged and wornout ministers of the ttoited church of canada- receive benefits from the pen sion fund of the united church ac cording to a report to be presented next month to the genera council by rev 0 w dean secretary of the fund ebs report reveals that am widows of minister and 137 orphans also rec benefits from the pension pund approximately one half of the ministers receiving benefits have been either home or foreign mlsslon- ies more than 2500 ministers and mis- anartes of the united church of canada are paying into the pension fund the report shows in addition to these there are 300 to 400 who will some day be entitled to limited bene fits notwithstanding they are non- contrtbutors present condition of the fund requires approximately a 35 per cent increase to the capital reserve or a total increase of 4461480 the report indicates an increase in the annual income of 335701 would com pletely balance the assets with the liabilities in the year 1s37 the total disburse ments of the pension fund were 747- 363 of this amount 7x338 was paid out in benefits 403738 to ministers 344000 to widows and 10040 to f phans also the sum of 0400 was paid in mortality benefits emer gency grants amounting to 6358 were also paid at the time of union there were 1304 unionist annuitants deriving benefits frrm the fund the report shows in 1909 there were 1500 the cost of benefits in the year 2928 when the funds were first consolidated under one management was 639724 in 1b37 it was 733538 while the pension fund serves the whole united church of canada less than onethird of its annual require ments is obtained from the annual grrings to the church- the pension fund serves the whole united church of canada less than onethird of its annual requirements is obtained from the annual givlngs to the church the pension fund is the second larg est disbursing department of the church its administration expenses is less than two per cent of the monies disbursed the pension provision is one of a long established and universally rec ognized plan of pastrol support a living allowance usually described as salary is paid the minister by the congregation which he serves and a retiring allowance is arranged to be paid in the case of disability or old age this is provided in part by the ministers or missionaries personal payments and in part by the pay ments of the congregations taxes total s6m per family canadians who pay taxes and ulq the time to analyse the revenue col lected and taxes levied by the federal provincial and municipal governments will be surprised to learn that taxes collected amount to approximately 600 per family each year lest year the federal government alone collect ed 57000000 more than in any previ ous year nontax revenues also reach ed a new high total the dominion government collected each year nearly 250 per jamily when the national income was close to 4- 000000 out of that amount the federal government took 11 cenu out of every dollar the provincial govern ments about five cents and the muni cipal government about 12 cents a total of 28 cents out of every dollar of national income these figures do not include the amounts that were bor rowed and added to public debts but merely the cash the government col lected and with these huge expenditures being made from year to year and in creasing the taxpayer is wondering how long it will be allowed to con tinue canning fruits for exhibition prie winning canned fruits are those which have the most natural colour flavour and appearance the usual canning methods result in fruits which have lost some of their original colour and in shrivelling or shrinkage the jars consequently being incom pletely filled in order to preserve the fruit with its natural colour flavour and form the sterilising treatment should be just sufficient to effect ster ility without cooking the product states r w arengojones assistant in fruit and vegetable products hor ticultural division central experi mental farm oeneral directions are as rollows 1 use sound firm uniformly sized fruit 2 pack the fruit into the jars as tightly as is possible without damage and to slightly above the top 3 pill the jars to the top with cold syrup 4 partially sea the jars and place them on a false bottom in a suitable vessel 5 cover the jars with luke warm water and utetctuslng a reliable thermometer heat the water slowly to 175 degrees and bold at that tempei- asure for lommubsc 6 remove the jam from the hot water and seal tightly invert to eool 7 when cold shake the jars gently to distribute the this proce can be used for all ridta with the irreption of strawber- by or p the prepared ravtves should be betd nodsr wwak tprfck twfaai- spooos of att per ssikn of water to gatreiwjsws nmani ax awflsd ta m water be- tonptabmrdom aptlaastiab so that ttay sasy t more eavaaty pmtodib um jaw c migrator y birds convention act ottawa isaacs regnlatlen that win be to faroe tn the prevfatoe far carrent year the national parks service of the depa of mines and resources ottawa has just issued the regula tlons regarding migratory birds for the current year a summary of the regulations as they apply to ontario follows open seasons ducks geese other than brant ralls coots wilsons or jacksnipe in that part of the province of on tario jylng north and west of a line commencing at the southwest angle of bruce county- thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundaries of bruce and grey coun ties to n southwest angle of notta- wassgs township in the county of stmeoe along tile south boundaries of nottawasaga sunntdale and vespra townships to the line of mean high water of lake slmcoe along the said line of mean high water on the south side of lake sbmcoe to the north west angle of brock township in the county of ontario and along the north boundary of brock township to the centre of kings highway no 12 thence southerly along the centre line of the said highway to the centre line of the rightofway of the can adian pacific railway in the vicinity of myrtle thence in a general easter ly direction along the said centrf line to the city of peterborough along the centre line of kings blgbwmy no 7 to the west boundary of lannark county along the west and south boundaries of lannark county to the line of mean high water on the north side of rideau lake and along the line of mean high water on the north aide of rideau lake and dideau river to a point opposite the northeast an gle of grenvlue county thence southerly along the east boundary of grenvllle county to the northwest angle of dundas county thence easterly along the northerly boundar ies of dundas stormont and glen garry counties to the toterprovinclal boundary september 15 to november 15 both dates inclusive in that part of the province of on tario lying south of the line defined in the proceeding paragraph oc tober 1 to november 30 both dates inclusive except that in the counties of essex kent and elgin the open season for geese other than brant shall be from october 15 to december 15 both dates inclusive eider ducks north of the que bec cochrane winnipeg line of the canadian national railways sep tember 15 to november 15 closed seasons there is a closed season throughout the year on brant wood ducks swans cranes curlew wuiets god- wits upland plover blackbcllled and golden plover greater and lesser yellowlegs avocets dowitchers knots oystercatchers phalaropes stilts surfbirds turnstones and all the shore birds not provided with an open season in above schedule there is a closed season through out the year on the following non- game birds auks auklets bitterns fulmars ganncts grebes guillemots gulls herons jaegers loons murres petrels puffins sherwaters and torns and there is a closed season throughout the year on the following insectivorous birds bobolinks cat birds chickadees cuckoos flickers flycatchers grosbeaks humming birds kinglets martins meadowlarks nlghthawks or bullbats nuthatches orioles robins shrikes swallows swifts tanagers titmice thrushes vlreos warblers waxwings whip- poorwills woodpeckers and wrens and all other perching birds which feed entirely or chiefly on insects no person shall kill hunt capture injure take or molest any migratory game birds during the closed season and no person shall sell expose for sale offer for sale buy trade or traf fic in nny migratory bird at any time the taking of the nests or eggs of migratory game migratory insectivor ous and migratory nongame birds is prohibited the killing hunting capturing taking or molesting of migratory in sectivorous and migratory nongame birds their nests or eggs is prohibited the posesssion of migratory game birds killed during the open season is alowed in ontario until march 31 following open season bag lhnita ducks exclusive of mergansers 12 in any day geese other than barnt 5 in any day rails coots and galllnules 25 in any day in the aggregate wilsons or jacksnipe 25 in any day woodcock 8 in any day and not more than 125 woodcock and 150 ducks exclusive of mergansers and 50 geese other than brant in one season gsns appliance a hen ting methods the use of automatic autoloading guns unless the magazine has been permanently plugged or altered so that it win not carry more than one cartridge or swivel y machine guns or batter or any gun larger than no 10 gauge is prohibited and the use of any aeroplane powerboat sail boat live birds as decoys night light and shooting from any vehicle drawn by a draught animal or from a motor vehicle is forbidden the hunting of migratory game birds on areas bait ed with grain or other artificial food la prohibited persons using blinds or decoys for hunting migratory game birds are urged to consult the regulatloni for details of the restrictions upon this method of hunting the shooting at migra game birds earlier than sunrise or later than sunset to prohibited the penalty for violation of the mi gratory btrduwg is a fine not more than three hundred doqam and not q puoofof greats m g r women drunkards on increase alastm salvation army increase in the number of women charged with being drunk is giving concern to two women officers of the salvation army who spend six morn ings every week in the cells of toronto city hall in the police courts and in the reformatories long before nine oclock in the morning captain esther perry and captain elizabeth wau are talking with every woman prisoner in the cells offering advice obtaining legal help for them and bringing friends to their aid before they are called before a magistrate while the salvation army has been able to do wonderful things for many women who have yielded to the drink habit the problem of the repeater is very serious and not easily solved ac cording to the salvation army of ficers last year the salvation army made 8454 visits to police courts spoke for 3163 cases were handed 2607 cases by magistrates conducted 11- 591 interviews in court throughout canada nnd newfoundland the army has 560 centres of operation officered by 1500 men and women competent to engage in police court work to visit and conduct meetings in prison and to aftercare to discharged prisoner and aid to de pendents the army maintains over 50 institutions for the aftercare qf discharged men and women prisoners captain watt told about- a young girl who came to toronto from a vil lage in eastern ontario she was seeking work it wasnt long before she was out of funds she was arrest ed for vagrancy and appeared in court the magistrate handed her over to the salvation army a letter was written to the girls mother site replied we cannot have her come home we are poor people we have a family of twelve we live near n small village and there is no work here for our daughter so the girl was taken us the armys receiving home f or a few weeks then a job was found for her last week the mother wrote the army ex pressing her thanks tor s term not eseeetttng or both fine and the false hood of extremes this troubled world has never been in less lack than now of advocates of social economic and political doc trines theories policies and plans for producing prosperity and happiness for all lfonlythey could get people everywhere to follow them as the children in the old story trooped after the magic music of the pied piper they would lead the way to utopia people of common sense and good will desire with all their hearts that pros perity and happiness should prevail for all but they are unable to make themselves believe that the dreams of utopia visionaries can be made to come true life in its larger relation ships especially has always had in it a large element of brutal struggle the story of the progress of civiliza tion is the story of the overcoming of that brutality by the growing sense of the truth of the human relationship of the unity of us all as brothers and sisters parents and children of one another of the violation by social in justice of the human values which make life worth living no violent revolutionary upheaval can start a golden age for mankind nothing could be more plainly evident now than that civilisation cannot be bet tered by violence and that the worst of the troubles of the world at this time have been caused by extremists who succeeded in having their ideas prevail the fable of the pied piper with bis magic piping has been out done in actual fact by the spectacles presented by the countries whose people are acting and thinking in obedient submission to dictators ex treme nationalism is one of the great est world evils of the present t extreme lntemauooausm would have worked no better extreme radicals if they could have their way would land us into worse troubles and so would the extreme antindlcal re actionaries if they could have their way all extremists have visions of a highway to some kind of utopia con structed out of then- ooettmea and theories but to spite of the pareenv- age of good intentions to thearpavtns material it cannot form a safe road tor humac travel the phoosopber in national home monthly bear of your partners death yon utos jae to talbj hat nlaoer tfchh wen tsjsww g r mugkart ma mnd electrical wiring hone 3l9w or j georgetown lare bros co limited preston ont in0t 12 houhs of fascinating muskoka lakes sceneit daily utau ecru ob mat aakamat an iumi ta ant clua 1b ntrjr paittculw iuamrm4f j ftuf mtiud m rwnti muskoka lake navigation and hotel co limited iox 11 ctavinhusst ontaiio we have made special arrangements for the servicing of general motors automobiles we are also in a poaition to sed new chevrolet pontiac and oldsmobue hlolor cars we have a number of good used cars for sale youg patronage wox be appreciated j ni 0neih 5feisoit 14 fee us ol o o ol

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