jiv tbeoorsetown herald wednesday evening october 26th 1936 nttakmntf dy ihta jaar wffi m ft xovmati tn uwbatnyltlnr p m bvfcitth of u szmt to the history of wbu t- genemur w ar- te thaztfcs for thdr nmstnaw tbotia- fwir of mem and inmsn to this or item district trere urine throjx terns of indeserlmble honor for toys mud nlshta they fooght hatol- oalryi to save life and property the ragtag townt flree which dwmrt- ted thetr oountry baattafed tee and ayes bodies and faces mistered and burnt today bear witness of that atobbom and magnificent fight against m cajmwd imints canadian owned fruita and vege- tablet an wen liked in bong kong and canadian esportere are aware that an important feature of the hong kong and- south ohtoa market is the value placed on ah attractive brand or trade mark or as the chlneae call it chop to maung sales to the chinese population the chop is of the greatest value- because a consid erable proportion of the buying popu lation cannot read kngllsh they as sociate a particular requirement with certain su shape or colour of the container an original purchase of a canned product will be made chtefly on the basts of prtee but if tn nro- duct mores aktadaotory the buyer alu ftnamlne the label carefully and in future purchases wol always insist on the can with the same chop or label the types- of label used by canadian packers states the canadian high commissioner at hong- kong an sa tisfactory for the south china mar ket any girl can be gay to a classy coupe in a taxi they all can be jolly but the girl worth while ik the one who can smile when youre taking her home fix a trolley in sptte of these heroic efforts 30 wnwti are dead some 300 men wo men mnd children homeless destitute some 400 others have seen the resdts eg their years of labourthetr bams their stock even their seeds tor plant ing all swept anray over 3000 square gaues of forest and farm land are in atshes and rums requested and supported by the provincial and federal governments the bed cross has undertaken he arduous task of relief and rehabilita tion to these burntout areas- renumbering how generously and numheartedly the people of ontario came to the rescue of the haueybury wire victims in 1803 the bed cross confidently lays the plight of present are- sufferers before you knowing that ycwul do what you can to relieve their distress sloooqp is urgently required your contribution whether large or small arm be welcomed at any local red dross branch or may be sent direct to red cross headquarters 821 jarvls street toronto ontario bank fabluhbs in canada since confederation there have been twentyfour bank failures to canada but none since 1910 in fifteen out of the twentyfour failures tbe depositors were paid to full which makes a very satisfactory record the total loss to the public as a result of the two dozen failures which have taken place to the coun try amounted to 8674065 the heavi est losses resulting from the peoples sank which failed to 1806 with a to tal loss to the pubuc of s161b00 the bank of ville marie which failed to 1809 with a loss of 121174 and the farmers bank which failed to 1890 iwlth a loss to the public of 1 567571 the other losses were under 91000000 tbe maritime bank which failed m 1887 with a loss of 750000 the ex change bank to 1893 with a loss or 9600000 and the prince edward is land bank to 1881 with a loss of 9460- 000 the rest of the failures involved comparatively small losses so far as the public were concerned the following is a list of the banks which have failed since confedera tion with their paid up capital and the losses to the public year bank failed commercial of nb 1868 sk of acadia n 1873 bcetropolitan 1876 mechanics 1879 stadacona 1879 consolidated 1879 bk of liverpool 1879 fr ed island 1881 exchange bank 1883 maritime bank 1887 bank of london 1887 picton bank 1887 central bank 1887 federated bank 1888 commercial bank 1803 peoples bank 1895 vulemarie bank 1809 bk of yarmouth 1905 ontario bank 1906 sovereign bank 190b banque of st jean 1908 bfc o at hyacinthc 1908 bk of st stephens 1910 farmers bank 1910 losses to the public bank of acadia 9 108914 mechanics 231376 bank of liverpool 3670 prince edward island 450000 exchange bank 690000 maritime bank 750000 central bank 614202 peoples bank 1818500 ville marie bank fcp 1241174 farmers bank 1657571 in addition to the failures which have taken place there have been a jarge number of mergers and absorb- ttons the smaller banks ami tug it increasingly difficult to carry on busi ness owing to competition and the cost of establishing branches the bank of montreal absorbed the sank of yarmouth to 1903 the peo ples bank of halifax in 1905 and the peoples bank of new brunswick to 1907 canadian bank of commerce ab sorbed the gore bank to 1870 the bank of british columbia to 1901 fh trhnj company to june 1s08 the merchants bank of prince edward island in 1906 and the astern townships bank 1912 boyal bank of canada absorbed the union bank of halifax which previously ad etnorbed the traders bank the on ion bank of canada absorbed the united empire bank in 1900 the standard bank ansoxbed the western in 1900 and the st lawrence bans to 1976 the bank of nova scotia ab sorbed the union of prince kdrard wand hi ibs the plctou bank to xaws and the bank of new brunswick ti ini although there have been twenty- four failures among charatered banks to canada atoce confederation the bwory of- banking in the uomlnkm eocapares favorably with that of any ntner country in the world under our banking laaatjuch rigid restric- ttane have bean placed around our banks that there is little or no llkell- jaood of any of the dnastrouafajlttrea of tho iwmbstag repeated canada i to be proud of bet oink- capltal paid up 9 600000 100000 700170 194794 991409 3000320 370548 120000 500000 321000 241101 200000 500000 1250000 600000 600000 479620 300000 1 600000 3000000 31686 331233 200000 567579 into dominion comtinentwide daily scrvicfc boston 1860 louisville jmss denveh s4120 montreal x912g0 memphis s2945 x 5 day excursion tickets and information at w h long georgetown a tain bulbs of every stae shape and description such as hyacinths narcjasl daffodils crocuses freeslas and muscarihave been ur- ally pounotog into canada from great britain holland belgium france and other countries mutlns of bulbs actually 36347367 arrived during the season of 198738 and he indications are that this large figure will besuprassed during the import- tog months of 103839 ail these bulbs which before long will be to the possession of amateur or profess nal gardeners and grow later to pro duce pots of bktom cut flowers tod delightful garden beds to the spring- have tobe handled and inspected be fore being allowed to be forwarded to thjlr destinations to canada dont say we didnt tell you the coutogwood enterprisebulle tin says here is a warning which we pass along dont get framed by the free picture frame racket you are free photograph and are asked to sign a contract by which you are required to purchase a frame but the frame costs between 17 and 927 another appeal is that you are to be entered in an art contest and bat you should have an enlargement nade resist the pedlar racket and you will be money ahead in other wrds patronise your home town merchants and know with whom you are dealing gray coach lines why eld you set your cup of tea on the chair mr jones said the landlady it is so weak maam i thought i would let it rest anthracite cite is in your furnace no unwelcome interruptions nojumpiriguponddown for old companys anthracite is longburning aid produces a steadier more even heat because its more compact o inquire 1 modern akiwaotc aur eoupment j b mackenzie son coal and lumber phone 33 georgetown the solid fuel for soli ntal fizz salt i 2 for soc 2 far 75c nyal 2 1 laxac0ld tablets rorcolo in the head and neuralgia 13c tin 2 for 25c milk of magnesia reusvbs gas fains acid stomach and heartburn rhhi mt mbit nntar it ounce rottu 2 for soc aim to tamtt farm ms tablet 2 for 75c home remedies bteuda laxative tabs 9 ca a- iran took wcstilk xv comp syrup hypophos 9 1 ag a tonic bulmtr inboiil ot ot hjacu kwjtu far 25c for httmtacb c su 0r nurriii hypophoa 2 for 100 onmtm apprtlt iinbm tot lv nyal cold sore lot loo 9 c rarcomsm mr w tot rheumatic rerarfy 9 f 1 aa for rbramalla iimbm nynl earache drops 9 f 95 stomach and liver pllla 9 r e a caod cathartic e bol ior vctctabla lazatltctaba 9 f ft r4itibtuauumta iscbot ror nyal dlfteitlvt tonic 9 1 b0 am dlthilim slmboitu ur nenro tonic tabled 9 e a mm food fcba or 3bc quinine bromwe tab 9 f 7c auutlncautib 3bvl wr nyal catarrhal bstm 9 f ca nyl analaetlcbalm- 9 e rsumaraln uctakt epbadrine nasal jelly 9 f ea stnnticwimilta 9cnb 9vc nyal absa tablet 9 r 9c frsxkiidkblmlaboi lm nyal aromatic caacara 9 eav tahmunttn cste tor 9vc krtsr t 2 nyal ewma lotion 9 ca roltmn a mck ror 9wk nyal fibmb tablets 9 9- amiuuuuh jsc im nyal nyaloltto 9 for 25e- nyal wblta liniment 9 ea farr4 ffkstoa nyal yellow pffla 2 for 2sc a snaat cathartic hcim sasse nyal utile li w pllla 9 r 7c nsatarpar 9 for 1 00 laaymtaka uaasiaa ro nyaitaafcunimtnt f- ea isras sctrta 2 lor soc nyctta comp tabl 9 rtn-aaacat- ncaatri 5s4sr 2 f sfc ilmmldtcmttbtt e- am41tate miumi l9 nnl sorbo ltabmnt far la nyal kleerahed me sob 2 for soc vaporizing salve for cold in the head throat aal chest mad bronchial lajtttattons large size 2 for 50c ycetal tablets 1 for 25c kilha tt i fllk zor3sc 2 for soc strengthening tonic porthcmx who am run- doiin weak ok nutvimtt hmstzb 1 tot 10 almond and cucumber cream 2 for 50c muriel astor at 2 for i 39c talcam rnrdr sac cocoa barter night cream 3for9t 50c camphor ice skm cream 3 for sac 5sc face powder shadta 3 or 5sc 35c upetkk i shade 3 for uc 5te cold cream 5c vaniahlag cream sforstc sec brtutenttoe see okaiulat cream 3forsae 5scwaset bathorystale 4 in box 3for9c 3for5tc sforsc 3erlw 2 for see 3forssc 3forsc par specials shaving cream 2 for 50c shaving lotion 2 for 50c styptic pencil 2 for 25c vitamin products wiuhuwoiri 1 rmr om iforw utmtjuwrolfi i -twtfcw- osrj lforlm lmbiunrolbkttltilkk- imbkau 2 tor in 1jy1 n r i i t 1ap qsiim llatlm lf i 1 d iwbhri foru5 iumlhoicv- rw obks 2lorlm ucdlinr01sliaj-rur- lie us ii m lh oj ti i r i tut 1 for i j5 ewdmmcrluisto xorlm tm1 ii wcrfumca ilor 5k ullfcar i mm 2forljs sundries at 2 for 1 nlmrod hot wattr boftft 2 for 173 nycmhotwattr bottle 2forl25 wliufwr douche syringe 2 for im foaanln srrlii 2 for 129 nrbip sanlttrr pad 2for c nymllc cap 2forl wmhoothacfl i p 2 for uc klmfufaavratorbladra itforlsc nyalyptus the golden covcm strut for hoarse- mess and brok coughs 15c su 2 for 35c 7fcsi 2 for 75c stationery at 2 for 1 staakaan twtim 9 v ca clemdda e 9 1c uaptadaiwa um aaal km fliifah dawfbtfw2far 7se u 2fcr30c sundries at 2 for 1 ladlee llvatatas comb 2 lor 35c ladlea bobby comb 3 for 15c mena draatbift comb 2 for 25c heae pocket comb 2for 2 nyaeptol tooth brnah 2 for sec royal wmdmr tee bnav 3 for 35c nyal shaving broth 3 for 1ss nyceot lead pencde 3 for 5c nyto playta canto 2 for jsc mineral oil a rwtaad ranaa mttmlob aids mttureukfoff consttfatkih mouiicsstxb 2 for 85c nouncssnx 2 for 138 nysis amd nylotis at 2 for 1 mc ootabk s4 a tak 2 for c tii 1 lm iti 79c drtm cleumliit crram 2 for we sic ooomudt oil iinffl 2 for sic mcruaoi7balmsbxl 2for wc mcnrmpnltooa tmti 2 far sic stefmtuantlmuqttldi 2 for 51c 7sc outabm ibb tonic 2for9sc mc brmuniliu solid 2forhc sc wile ltajd craon 2 for 5 nchndlotan urf 2fot 5c lie taco craam ura 2hr9c bkantian urea 2 for 1h c njak wanfm 2 for he uchlraotom ftaall 2 foe he mc uac hak oh 2forwc 9sc daloa face fowdvrl sbadaa 2 far tie thrttflte shaving specials 2 for 35c milk of magnesia tooth paste pvlora tootbfowdci- cuans and home remedies gamp mat otatmeac a jc- anauaadaa me tata nr aaeceaelamatlte atctaa 5tscrj2fors taary eat of cod htwriua aciaaittjtatnlc iimim nyal foot baha it- ea uoatafoat sacba handy o fwcosanluaa far almata foat nyal handy omtmedt 9 fw ca farcomnlua me tata nyal ltver stimulator 9 ea fwlaaruiafa mcrattm tor stone root c 9 tvi aa far tbe kmatya iljmbtaa ror aav h ft h cooih syntp 2sc 2 f or 25c hah couth syrop sac 2 for 51c pmol cooth syrup 35c 2 for 25c fftml coofth syrup ssc 2 for 5c syrup white ptne tar 2 for 2sc syrup white pine ft tar 2 f or 5c nyaeptol antiseptic s ox 2 for 59c nyaeptolanttoeptlchei 2 foe im nykallne hoouivvash j for 5c medicine cabinet 3c caator oh taateleea jsc boric add slfttr top 25c frtara balaam i oaj 25c merc v os 25c spirit camphor i os 25c tmct iodine 5 i i5e imcc iodine 5 2 os 25c ctmpucotlceptieider 25c camphorated ou 3 oa 25e pure epsom salt ho 25c ctycarm ft rosa water 3sc hydroacn peroxide 4 ox sfc hydrogen pcroxtde 14 os ssc bey rum 4 oa 2 for ssc 2for2c 1 for 25c 2 for 25c 2 for be 2 for 25c 2 for ssc 2 for ssc 3 for 25c 2 for 35c 2for35c 3 for 35c sforstc 3 for ssc first aid supplies j for 25c adbatiw vilbs3vsyds2for2c adbeelva 1 in x lyard 2 for isc bradate 3 in ill yards 3 far stc battoafterl tnsltyarda2for 15c abaorbsnt cotton sforssc nyal cora pads 2for 2sc q