the georgetown herald wed neaday evening february 15th 1939 page 3 llnl bathtub imported fttttn england about 1820 the first user of a bathtub tn this country was the inventor of the cot ton gin ell whitney he imported one from england about the year 1830 but just what it was like isnt known apparently however it was an object pt curiosity for when the tub was not in use whitney kept it on exhibition in his front yard in new yo rk city according to a writ er in the cleveland plain dealer the second user of a bathtub in america was adam thompson a grain and cotton dealer of cincin nati ohio who in 1842 bad on americanmade tub installed in his home the nib was made of ma- hoganyand-unod- sh le zt was modeled after one used toy lord johnr russell prime minister of england thompsons bathtub was such a novelty that he invited a number of gentlemen to his house for dinner and this was followed by a bath in fhe new tub the occurrence made news for the local papers but was frowned upon by the public hi gen eral and especially by physicians who- predicted the use of the new fangled bathing contraption would result in more cases of rheumatism inflammation of the lungs and re lated ailments in 1843 the common council of philadelphia seriously considered a proposed ordinance prohibiting bathing in bathtubs between novem ber 1 and march is and two years later boston actually did pass an ordinance prohibiting their use ex cept on medical advice in an at tempt to prohibit the use of bath tubs many cities increased the wa ter rates for those persons owning one the state of virginia restrict ed their introduction by placing av tax of 30 a year on each tub number seven regarded sacred and symbolical the number seven is regarded by many as especially sacred mystical and symbolical the work of crea tion having been completed in six days the creator rested on the sev enth the three pilgrim festivals of the hebrews the passover the fes tival of weeks and the feast of the tabernacles lasted each seven days and between passover and the festival of weeks was an interval of seven weeks egypts seven years of plenty were succeeded by seven years of dearth for seven days the waters of egypt were turned into blood the seventh year was a sab batical year and the year folkrw- ing the seven weeks of years was the year of jubilee the golden candlestick in solomons temple had seven lamps in the new testament appear many groups of seven as the seven churches of asia seven stars seven trumpets seven spirits the seven horns and seven eyes of the iamb all these in the apocalypse among the greeks the number seven was sacred to apollo and to dionysos and it held a conspicuous place in teachings of pythagoras who gave it many distinctive appel lations the sacraments of the roman catholic church are seven and also the orders of the ministry in the same church namely four minor and three major or sacred orders various reasons have been given for the peculiar regard had for thin number such as that seven is a symbol of completeness being compounded of three and four per fect numbers they being represent- able in space by the trikngle and the square beverage alcohol and its social perils international uniform sunday school leaaon ffcbraary 19th 1939 golden text it is good neither to eat flesh nor to drink wine nor anything whereby thy brother romans 14 21 lesson passage amos 6 1 6 1 peter 3 11 13 4 1 s ye pilgrims on the kings highway the road ahead seems long and dark the night yet comes the day lift up your hearts in song i comparisons 1 t amos sought to challenge his fel- north and south poles of sun the north and south poles of the sun are not like the poles on the earth with their low temperatures on the sun all parts of the surface have virtually the same tempera ture there are ho land arid water areas to cause differences in tem perature there is therefore no such circulation in the suns atmos phere as on the earth the temper ature gradients are all along verti cal lines and the sun spots are storms produced by temperature differences between the inner and outer layers of the suns atmos phere they are outward bursts from the body of the sun in moving outward the gasses cool while they are still incandescent their relative coolness gives the area in which they occur a darker appearance fools cap as watermark paper in sheets 13 by 16 or 17 inches was watermarked by old- time papermakers with a fools cap and bells hence the name why it was so marked is something else again one account states thaj in the cromwedian days after the monarchy had been overthrown and the royal paper monopolies set aside the foolscap watermark was ordered into the paper by parlia ment in place of the royal arms as a token of derision lowcountrymen by comparing their standards with their national neigh- bouts on the liquor question anglo- saxons have little to boast of by comparison millions of mohamme dans are teetbtateft and even in a winedrtnknlg country- such as prance liquor is not gaoled as it often is in north america- few frenchmen would think ol taking a drink on an empty stomach as is often done on this continent frenchmen will take a spall amount very slowly while tat tag food knowing that when nuxed with food the alcohol is much slower in reaching the brain temperate frenchmen consider the american cocktail hour where drinks are taken without a meal and on almost empty stomachs a barbarous thing unfit for civilised society yet many who would rate themselves as moderate drinkers drink in this way in proportion to population arrests for drunkenness in canada are mucn higher than in the british isles in some other re gards we may be able to excel some other countries but our drinking habits are little to our credit luxury drinking 36 amos a hard working man dis liked the soft life of the nobles who spent much of their time in eating and drinking the accumulation of wealth has made luxury drinking a feature of modern society not alone by men but now also by women an old lady over eighty years of age commented they tell me that there are almost as many women as men drinking in the hotels and restaur ants these days when x was a girl i knew a good many drinking fathers but the mothers held the families to gether they were there if the fa thers forgot to come home on time co- were too drunk to get there they hustled the children off to bed if the fathers were likely to be unfit to he seen but if the women take drink we are doomed a bus woman told in a magazine article why she gave up drinking she found that it interfered with her business on a day following what is today con sidered a moderate drinking party she could not trust herself to buy a hat or make important decisions she observed that many drinking women repeated things they had already said and that they did not know that they were being unpleasnt or ridiculous even it they were not drunk or tipsy she was appalled by the possibility that she too might be unpleasant or ridiculous after drink ing tl was so difficult to guard against the temptation to take little more than she decided to get rid of the problem entirely cuttaal alms 11 12 a host at a dinner party where the talk was of nothing but the food said that the guests were little more than alimentary canals in our best mo ments however we do have ambi tions for knowledge culture and skill it is the spirit that gives value to the amuuubo toung of same sex the armadillo always gives birth to exac four y t ar and all four children are always of the same sex says the american wildlife institute ips a tossup be tween the coyote and opossum when it comes to giving both tcthe greatest number of young at one time the opossum has the great r average bearing between 8 and is in each litter the coyotes lit- tar runs from 4 to a many as 17 erii body to quote dr charles afayo you can get along with a wooden leg but you cant get along wifb a wooden head the physical value of man is not so much man as analys ed in our laboratories is worth about ninetyeight cents seven bars of soap lime enough to whitewash a chicken coop phosphorous enough to cover the heads of a thousand matches is not so much it is the brain that counts but in order that your brain may be kept clear you must keep your body fit and well that cannot be done it one drinks liquor dr wilfred grenfell out of his wide observation gives this testis mony the reasons why i have no use for alcoholic beverages on sea or shore are so numerous that it would be impossible to detail them all my standpoint is stanplyhatilqi unnecessary and bad i have seen men robbed in many ways jwt they have been able hythe help of god to wipe out any lasting results of such transient losses but the rob beries of alcohol are irremediable the year ahead vx wise people learn from experience even if w heave made mistakes in the past there is no reason why we should continue to make them even if we have made mistakes in the pleasure of the body is not reward ing the wise thing to do is to live for the rest of life seeking the higher ends peter suggests that we arm ourselves with the mind of christ that is the way to victory there is not enough pleasure in evil habits to sacrifice our remaining years upon them eva tayolr in keeping our balance writes decisions about customs and habits must be based not upon the experience of the few but upon answers to such questions as on the whole does this thing help or hinder those who accept it would it be a good thing or a bad thing if all the citizens of my country ac cepted it is it a way of life that i can safely take with me as i get old er is it a thing that i should like to hand on to my own children will it help me succeed in my chosen pro fession will it help me to live that temperate wellbalanced ute that will make me a good companion for myself my friends and my relatives will my fellowmen have greater con fidence in me if i accept this thing many knli s 5 w are responsible not only tow ards god but to our fellowmen our work affects many people our charac ter affects even more in horse and buggy days a drunk man would be placed in his buggy and the horse would take hbn home nelgbbouni seeing the horse taking responsibility would remark that the beast was nobler than the man when rail ways came the companies had a rule no drinking at all by the man to whom our passengers entrust their lives the machine age in which we live has made engineers out of great numbers of people every auto driver is virtually an engineer need ing steadiness of eye and band in fact the responsibility is in some ways greater because the train runs on tracks while the motor car weaves in and out of trafflc questions for dtacaation 1 is the best government that which teaches us to govern ourselves 2 reason should direct and appetite obey discuss 3 how is wine a turncoat first a friend and then an enemy 4 fly the pleasure that bites tomor row discuss 5 are pleasures safe that end in re gret science of botany affbots everybody long before the discovery of fire primitive man knew that some plants weer edible and some were not he found that certain fruits and grains satisfied his hunger more quickly and- more lastingly than others did bo the first selection of agricultural plants began said dr harold a senn of the division of botany science service dominion department of agriculture in ft recent radio m talk entitled the contribution and ro mance of botany at the same time as primitive man began the selection of agricultural plants he found that some l fruits burned his tongue some were insipid some made him deauily sick so the plants came into being similarly plrmtlve man learned that wood of different trees had different proper ties and one day he discovered that certain plant juices left a perman ent red stain on his hands thus vegetable dyes were discovered today botany is a branch of science with offshoots of its own in the specialized branches of horticul ture forestry plant- pathology and many phases of agriculture it has a direct bearing on every individual of a nation for no branch of systemlz- ed knowledge has closer or more mul tifarious contacts connected with the practical production of agricultural crops or in the mode of life of the people for example food grains fruits vegetables spices and bever ages clothing cloth linen cotton rayon house building particularly of the frame type newspapers and fur niture and flowers- all come from plants in canada the vital importance of botany to the people is seen in the work of the botany division science service dominion department of agriculture it wars aglanst disease in cereal fruit and other food plants it furnishes knowledge available for the extermination of weeds and for the conservation of pastures it en sures the growing of good food plants particularly of potatoes by inspection and certification or tuhera intended for seed purposes and through re search in its laboratories deals hot only with the problems affecting the plants and their diseases peculiar to the vrious localities but makes do minionwide surveys of the preval ence of plant diseases lemons on mi callfocbte umlyi rfu mo cea carrots parsnips turnips 5 potjnps deudma wuhed washed waxed 10c spinach 3 curly and green 14 celery stalks 3 14 grapefruit 8 hanfa special yahm mediant large 23 oranges 2 dozen nice sin special vahw sweet and jatey maple syrup 21 mushrooms rotjndt tkcm for ntftty 7 omatoes pounds 9 fcf new carrots and butter fried to save carrolls she could neither walk nor sleep arms and feet swollen with ftheumntiam this woman suffered for many years pain sapped her strength un til she lost hope of recovery many remedies were tried but nothing broke the grip of her crippling rheumatism at last her husband persuaded her try kruschen salts my arms and feet were swollen with rheumatism she wlrtes i could not walkhor get regular sleep and nothing did me any lasting good i was so hopeless of ever getting bet- ter i lost my good nature entirely then my husband persuaded me to try kruschen salts after two weeks i began to feel better i persevered and in six weeks i- was doing house work later i was able to go for ft walk now i am jree from pain and i feel grand mrt p w rheumatism is commonly caused by deposits of uric add crystals which lodge in the muscles and joints kruschen helps to break up these de posits of troubling crystals and tc convert them into a harmless solu tion which is removed through the natural channel the kidneys aspibin used to revive dkoomng uuks it is not only to booth the fevered brow that aspirin is being used bo also to revive drooping bile uttm from dominica grace the dlnlng-aa- loon tables of the lady liners of the canadian national steamships on the northbound voyage from brtttan guiana to boston hans and bah john nj and no difficulty is experir enced in keeping the liltea jresh aft the slightest indication ofwiltlng an aspirin tablet is added to the water which brings this fragrant tropical flower back to full vigor 6000 miles on skis six thousand miles on skis is the record of joe weiss swiss guide whd annually traverses high alplands of jasper national park in search of new snowflelds and glaciers even in summer the noted swiss guide fore- sakes the lowlands often during the warmest months he heads upward with rucksack on his back donning his i at tlmberllne and spending days in the snowblanketed basins of the passes write now sold oh a 25 tfbut i tnusbsiaaaw nut ihhrwti eastern stct1 pruvliuts 100yeak old sturgeon caught age in a horse is shown by its teeth but in the case of the sturgeon its earstructure tells the story con centric rings on the otolith or ear- bone determines the age of the fish recently a 767pound sturgeon was caught in the ptaser river in british columbia and its age was paked at 100 years age evidently bad not made the sturgeon decript for it put up a vigorous fight when trapped in a fishermans net we could make more profit by selling you an inferior coal bat we know its better business to keep yoor good will by giving you the best vmlae thats why we roconunead famous reading anthracite the laundered coal try a ton today kc mcmillan honb w moh lschine wax beans f0dd valves flour silver star for pastry i honey pure clover 4ib pii 35c candy llnl pppmalnl patties pound 19c jewel shortening in pi 23c shelled walnuts wm7c yellow sugar 4 pa 21c biscuits fresh chocolate a aa puffi x lbs x asparagus our dandce tea ft 39 s 39 magic baking powder 16ci tin 28c cash d carry neiuvi evaporated aylmer tasty cuts aauuauauui 227 milk 2 16oz a c tin idc boneless codfish in15c brunswick sardines 2n9c blue back salmon 2 mbti 25c old dutch cleanser ma ml lit kr atari ak w ml mai 2 tin 18c 5strinf all corn brooms e25c chipsol pin 19c cleanser cimirown tm jfe pepper el i ib 10c bacon siicml sid u j beans 4 uu 10c bg mealtime 4 oclock ii3i bedtime ilfej frvs cocoa damson tt jam 32ox jar 23 shrimps 2 tin 25c cut beets stuc ca fc lrlo mail street georaetem itmlvery j53g