page 6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening may 17th 1939 i the gcrland clock t f a wrr pd1th s1al1 y came out of ihe little old lsmu icd house look ing as youthfully sweet as ever except for her blue ees which were full of trouble the stacey s race had been with poverty especially since the war which had claimed two sons the father had died at home during that awful period so there was only edith left and she was the sole ftlpport of her mother edith went back into the house and paused in the front hali looking up at the grandfather s clock in one corner grandfather garland s clock had aluas been admired tnd envied by their friends mrs stacev bad beenm girland and the clock had been given to her by her gxand father who made his home with her until his death the clock will bring you luck my dears he uid to chuckle i invested a small for tone in il edith put on her hat kissed her mother goodby and tiptoed out of the house into the village street determination was written all over her serious face when she entered andrew landons jewelry store and clock repairing place it was a small store and andrew was rather a big young man so he filled it short short story complete in this issue rather awkwardly he was very homely with nice bluegray eyes that aeemed to become very deep and shining when he beheld edith good morning said edith put ting her hand across the counter andrew held it as long as he could you look ill this morning dear he said anxiously i wish you would let me carry these re- pansibuitiej for you your mother ceds a son a well as a daughter i jxat you coumntluif yet it jywould rum your business i did tcame to ask your advice andrew its about grandfathers clock 4 what about it 3 want to sell it have you a customer t i theres a man up on the point who is just finishing his sixty thousand dollar new house how much would he pay andrew named a sum that took ediths breath away that s the limit he added he can have ours today will you come and get it dear edith was dusting the clock just because she liked to touch the fa miliar old friend and she polished the shining faithful face with a few words of apology for letting it go andrew came in and examined the clock thoroughly it has never failed to go and it has always kept good time said edith in the tone in which one whis pers of the dear departed grand father put in new weights years ago the old ones are upstairs in the garret andrew detached the weights and balanced them in his hands heavy he said in a surprised tone then he bent closer and scraped the surface of the weights with his penknife bring me the old iron weights dear he said ex citedly when the old ones had i been at tached and the old clock was tick ing away once more andrew beck oned jsdithto the window look at this dear he said edith looked down at the new weights and saw a yellow gleam where the black paint had been craped away it looks like gold she whispered it is solid goldthe other is the same edith- that is what grand father garland did with the gold he found in fortynine had it melt ed down into these weights for the clock and kept a fortune in re serve the old weights are in the clock after sixtyeight years rest and these oh my dear we can keep the clock your mother can have the operation now and an in come for the rest of her life and we tan get married very soon andrew whispered edith softly while the friendly old clock ticked a cheerful blessing clever net those who know t good deal abrtut camels claim that theyare the most useful animals in the world the camel has been called the train of the desert and it can travel 90 miles a day for weeks on end no other creature seems to possess anything like the same stamina un iter similar conditions states a writ er in london tit bits magazine abstinence from food and water for days does not seem to impair its efficiency the hair is woven into mats carpels and clothes the hide into tents shoe and thongs the beast provides meat and milk and its dung is used for fuel the camel has another asset which can be relied upon it has an excellent homing instfnet and animal have found their way 750 miles across the australian desert when those who have ridden them had no means of out their direction earlier pasturing proves beneficial early tn the spring of 1838 c p bailey superintendent dominion ex perimental faim predericton new brunswick reported that unproved pastures on the farm were actually benefitted when live stock was turned out to graze a week or ten days earli er than usual formerly the main object in delay ed grazing was to prevent the catties hoofs from punching holes in he sod it was also felt ttuu the grass should average four inches high at that time instead the cattle were turn ed out when tho grass was barely two inches on the knolls and had made practically no growth in the hollows the old system gave ten days less pasture in the spring and was much too close to the hush season when al most any kind of pasture would be productive early grazing cut the sod in some places but the advantages far outweighed the disadvantages it also made it possible to keep the grasses under control in the flush season and prevented early heading very close grazing and late grazing in the fall should be avoided states mr bailey an experiment at the frcderlcton sta ion shows that late rail grazing seriously delayed spring growth harrow ing pastures a as found to be of benefit and the field should be harrowed both ways this loosens up he sod and tends to spread drop pings of animals more evenly over the field the chain harrow was found to be the best for the purpose but an oidinarv smoothing harrow may be used preferably with tilt teeth partlj turned back beverage alcohol and the home a social aspect u um ufear problem internal tonal uniform sanday school hay sim 1 history repeats it is a gloomy moment in history not for many years not in the life time of most men who read this has there been so much grave and deep apprehension never has the future seemed so incalculable as this time in our own country there is universal commercial prostration and panic and thousands or our poorest feflow- duzens are turned out against the approaching winder without employ ment and without prospect of it in prance the political caldron seeths and bubbles with uncertainty russia hangs as usual like a cloud dark and silent upon the horizon of europe while all the energies re sources and influences of the british empire are sorely tried and are yet to be tried more sorely in coping with the vast and deadly disturbed rela tions in china it is a solemn mom ent and no man can feel an indif ference whictlhapplly no man pre tends to feel in the issue of events that quotation is nearly 82 years old it appeared in harpers weekly of october 10th 1857 an englishman and a frenchman were arguing over whose country own ed the finer navy they asked the old irishman in the comer to settle the argument the irish have the best navy he said in heavens name where is the irish navy said the other two and what a fool id be telling you when you might be a couple of spies said the irishman ooldbn text do not drink wine nor strong drink thou nor thy sons with thee leviticus 10 8 lesson passage jeremiah 35 5 10 epheslans 5 is 21 6 14 there s jus one lawtor the scout the first and last the present and the past and the future and the perfect is look out i thou and he look odtt we ye and they look out though you didrrt or you wouldnt or you hadn t or you couldn t you jolly well must look out rudyard kipling testing time 5 the rechamtes were ao well known as total abstainers that a test was made of lheir consistency wine was c to them and they were invited to drink and there would have been j high glee among their critics had they compromised at a banquet in con ncc ion with an athletic club one man i en his own volition began filling the i flosses with wine out of two dozen p oplc present only three accepted hit courtesy he felt very humiliated wlien he round that he had mis judged the guests one young ath lcte asked what it was he was told tt was wine and an older man said to him if you have nevn token it don start what is there about human nature that takes a mischie vous glee in starting young people drinking or in persuading reformed drinkers to break their vow people do not ordinarily treat one another to hardware or groceries put because the social fellowship of beverage alcohol the treating system induces many people to drink who would not drink otherwise and to take more than they would normally imbibe tradition 6 10 the rechabites had lived up to their tradition of total abstinence for generations doubtless they were called narrpwmlnded but their tribe endured they were exponents of the simple life mohammedans have perpetuated the tradition of total ab stinence for centuries it is with them a religious duty there have been many temperance organizations for which the condition of member ship has been total abstinence we hear of those who fall from grace but the majority continue true to their vows there has been much dis cussion about the wisdom or unwls- rf signing a pledge in order to avoid the danger of breaking a vow now the custom to sign a ae- cl oration of purpose to abstain from alcoholic beverages many people say that signing such a declaration bas been a source of strength to them in the hour of temptation they have not left it an open question they made the decision once for all and it was therefore more easj o decline a sudden invitation to use alcoholic sxonths urcipe by betty barclay v you wish to nerve r tlilnc out of the ordinary h following recipe will all tho hilt i mon frozen cream proven a d liphtful hance to lliom who r iu cus tomed to ntrvltirs of horolate htrawbtrry or vanilla 1 pr h i it as the mar r cine for thtn first icecrtnni montli thin mam contain h ilthful milk kmi and lemon juke an ideal dlnh for the child no will not eal pkbb or drink milk nr for anvone who need the vllnminn of the he ilthful lemon if jou wish to be particularly diftf r nt the cream may bo nervid in a i mon cup or banktt- cut 1 mon peel halfwa down fruit in ntrlps remove plp a each nhell in filled with frozen mixture place ii in freezlnj trny until ready to sine or serve in the usual manner lemon frozen cream 2 prk beaten until lemoncolored m flip hiikar add niikar gradually to egg until ffiltturc bcromoa a thick custard lik c niihtcncy combine witk h uji lihl corn syrup itipi top milk or 1 cap saw and 1 p coffee roasa mp litmoa juloe i t mpwn ernted lemon ped 1r te in rofrlkeralnr tray at lowr t temperature until stiff vi hi n frr zi n remoto to a bowl and wli p wi h in electric or hand bcrti r until lleht and creamy re turn ijnkkly to freerlnr tray finish frectlnc thin one stlrrinr in nil that is needed mold nt mid die control for serving makes 1 qitnrt si rves si thtn may also bo blade in a crank frt zer act now enter and win a big prize in electric demonstration week sogan contest annapolis valley apple blossom festival flowers and music will be the highlights of the seventh an nual apple blossom festival in nova scotia s annapolis valley largest single apple belt in the british empire from june third to fifth this year the commodi ous cornwall is inn at kentvllle will be headquarters for the fes tival and temporary home for many hundreds of visitors from canada and the united states who come to see the lnd of evange line at the peak of its beauty festival arrangements call for the election and coronation of the queen folk dances and songs an apple blossom ball at the corn- wallls inn memorial services at evangeline park colorful parades and pageants of unusual significance will be thevislt of miss florence small or fotterels brookmana park hertfordshire who is queen of the english orchards and who will represent englands fruit growers at the canadian festival the first apple trees were planted in the annapolis valley 300 years ago and the province bas the dis tinction of exporting more apples to great britain than all the other overseas dominions combined visitors will have the oppor tunity of seeing the shrine of evangeline at nearby grand pre the ancient willows and the pic turesque old well and church described in lodgfellows epic this festival is an unfailing in dication that the summer vacation period has arrived in the charm ing seaside resorts of the marl- times three popular canadian pacific resorts are opened for the summer the pines at digby nj3 june 24 lakeside inn at yarmouth ns june 27 and the algonquin hotel at st andrews- bythesea njj june 30 8 am i accepting or creating social codes 4 does religion offer a satisfactory solution to the liquor problem 5 what can the church do to enrich home life lesson outlines copyrighted by the international council of religious education used by permission the king and queen will be beverages young people going out the air dlrec iv and indirectly more into the world are reinforced in will than ever before during their month power if they have home standards in canada sustain them social codes 15 17 none of ut ihe soltlj as individuals we are members of sociit our lues are affected bj tin tustoms of uie broadcasts will start with their ar rival and end w uh their departure the kln will speak fue times and the queen once broadcasts by their majesties king will speik on arrival at post and we iho w n sensible for q widmsdav ma 17th ditcrmmjnh tin cilsioiils of ho pres ini mum homi- tinvi to maki d cislons as to uhtuur alcoholic bcir ikcs irt to b stned socially indl wilding baiui i s liai o ed ed r untm iulrs n miximm nt c 1 1 inbit com in n iml hohuvsc choose betwtfti dicln iquor ciimnn rcial mtkt dniikm an i i iling or mn dnor plinh from mikmnn c m jcirs m in ho ii iw eft librtudv n hi- ini to i r i qtior to anyom driving i inoun t ir such social codfs ixtlinp liii n i r acjjih m dittrniuunu conduct thtn iws uxn th s at ite txoks hit jiiiim stm in canada wns divwi a lih the expr ss p it xs of k pini dirnkiiik out nl horns om d lett tin sili of jiquoi in im kugrs ls jiit it unls o ihm t drinking tn lu horn a hotcr ik 21 to be an abmnnu r from alcoholic btnerats ls no imrdmup f wt are finding emotional satlslaction in higher wavs primitiv people htd oiw oxcust for tin use ol tlcoho be ci use their lives wen mi bun of in ten st and now it life today how ever ls so lllhtl with hdpftil txpi n ences thtt w do not haw need for in toxica ion in a pin leal w ty most rspecialh in religion can c find the highcm sausfnciion for i ur spirits lo have fellowship with christ through faith lo ing grea music to have rent worship bcjoif god to en fellowship with nlhci christians ls to have the deepest tueds and yearninirs sntlslled manv people have found hat hi n the love of christ entered their livus uie desire for liquor left them family 1 nlty i 4 prevention is always belter jjian cure people who ire hating happy homi rein lonshlk nre not likely to seek the escape which intoxication of fers verv ortcn drinkers excuse their indtilaenc because of home unhap plness when t home li a foretaste of heaven member- of n family wlsh to spend their time there the en vironrrn n of a drinking place has little to offer in comparison wli ciiluvaud home where love and honor dwell here again we may overcome the evil with the good counteract uie negative bv the positive in normal family life there ls to be found a great agency for rharacicr building especially when home and church work together to develop npprecia uon of the highest spiritual values anything that injures the home ls a foe to social welfare anything that builds up family life ls making n contribution to the church and the state questions for discussion 1 how may one refuse liquor without giving offense 3 how far arc our actions determin ed by family standards 2 45 pm st i at ot aw a the king 1 1 o iv mav 19 10 5 am sti it olt iwt ithe queen wednesrn may 24 3 pm eds t at wim ipet uh king will speak 10 i tit empire i tin 1 i iv jo 6 00 pjn ied sl t vk om uie kmgi i mi i iv jum is 12j0 pm e is i u h il lax a q itbe un irnvnl of the king iiid q icui will bt described at ot iv t ic i riinonv as uu king dedi r lies uid umells the national war mi nif rial will be broadcast fridiv miv 19 between 10 45 and 11 jo im wiil br broadcast uie cere- morn is tin que ii lays the corner sioni f the nevv nipreane court build ink in toron o may 2 the cb c will bnadrast their majesties arrival ihe rtcption of the dlonne quintup let- bv thdr majesties and their presence at tin running of the king s plate at winnipeg mflv 24 from 8 15 to 8 10 p m th re will be broadcast the cinmony ol presenting ihe black bea r to the king from 3 30 to 4 pjn at victoria may 30 they will broad cost heir majesties presentation of i th colors to the royal canadian inuw at esquimau t from 730 to 8 pm june 7 the cbc will broadcast the visit of the king tnd queen to niagara falls 10 15 to 1030 pjn their departure to the us details for hnlifav fart well brondras have not been arranged ice ice ice ice delivered any place in town phone in your order wood of all kinds at right prices wire fencing and supplies we can build you any type of fence you desire hydro poles cedar posts any length c e smith georgetown rr 2 phone 84 r 13 a woman who had been brushed by in automobile was later asked if she got the number of the car no she replied but the girl who was driving il wore a three piece knitfed suit and she had on a pcri- winkel hal trimmed with artificial grapes order bray chicks now and be lucky when egg oocea climb next pau see me or phone me right away peonal attention prompt delivery georgecbrown norval ontario optical needs vary there can never be a set rule for fitting or recommending glasses the human eve has so many variations that enry case ls a distinct one it re quires training and skill to m- we specialize to eye examtoauon and good o t walker ro optometrist eyesight specialist brampton who b at robbs drug stohs georgetown the aeeond wednnday of every month or yon my consult t walker at bis office in bramptoa put money in the bank order bliiecoa now at low summer prices think of getting mm coal th worlds finest anthraelto at dollars below winter price buy now save money on every ton phone us today w h kentner son phone 12 georgetown v