pw2 t- the georgetown henm wed neaday evening july 5th 1939 the georgetown her ald phone no j c moofte utter aai ireulseer qufltu l meoltvray aaekdaa editor a weekly newspaper devoted to the best interests of the town of georgetown and surrounding country including the villages of oten wu- uains nerval lhnehouse stewarttowo balllnafadland terra cotta issued rery wednesday evening at the office on main- 8c georgetown strbscsuptxon rates bubo per year in advance united states boc additional single copies 3c both old and new addresses should be given when change of address u requested advertd31no rates legal nouceslte per line for first insertion to per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for each jneeruop if in black face type 60 per line additional notices qualifying as coining events such as concerts entertainments society church or or- ggtalufoa meetings eta to per line minimum charge 28c jteports of maattnga held gladly inserted free in memorun notices 50c and loo per une extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad- mitlsnimilii one inch or less 50o for first insertion and 35c for each sub- insertion display adtertlslng rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald aooepta advertising m its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable tot any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof- of sooh advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to 73m- herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error eonaouon plainly noted fli writing thereon and in that case- if any error go noted to not ooneeted by tbe herald its uabtuty shall not exceed such proportion ot the entire cost ot such- advertisement as the space oocupl- 5 twr noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such adver- tue hsuld dobs job printing of aix eukbs work thank qod for the swing of it jforthe hammering clamoring ring of it on the mighty anvils of the world bastion of labor dally hurled oh what is so fierce as the flame of it and wast is so huge as the aim ot it calling the plan of the maker out work the titan work the friend shaping the earth to a glorious end draining the swamps and blasting the hills doing whatever the spirit wills rending a continent apart to answer the dream of the master heart thank god for a world where none may shirk ood for the splendor of work away memorys niche 2n memorys niche ive stored a host of lovely things the lilting notes from feathered j throats toe flash ot bluebirds wings a ralrret frisking on the wall of mossgrown stone or rail the- tang of frost an bone brown fields a glimpse ot deer or quail a wedge of wild geese gainst the sky the thud of nut on leaves the colours of the autumn woods the web a spider weaves the chirp of cricket frogs in spring and firedies at night that dance above a dewdrenched field where mist is hanging white a pouenladen bumblebee wldejnoutns above a nest fteorlp of rain the gleam of sun and bright clouds in the west the tracks of furred and feathered folks on freshly fallen snow all these and millions millions more my treasured memories show farm sale those who make errors wnatll you gimme now what am i bld7 the auctioneers selling old bar ney and sid twohundred i twofifty i lissen u facts three hundreds cheap for this team of matched blacks make it threetwenty and ten and now two leyasktbe owner here what they can do steady as clockwork ten years to th day be bought em as colts now hes goin away for his health as you know else they wouldnt be sold gentle fine workers and both good as gold threeslxtyftve now thats better 1 au through and ten they are sold there that fellow in blue i turned away quickly i cant see them go it was hard enough selling the cattle i know the sheep and the hogs i was proud of my stuff- but barney and sid man oh man it is tough mattys the furrow theyve plowed through the years 80 patient and willing my eyes fill with tears heres hoping and praying old bar ney and sid tour new owner treats you as fine as i dkt tired of being criticised about some trifling errors hi his paper a fellow editor once wrote wed be pleased to find a merchant or clerk who made a mistake in putting up an or der a lawyer who never lost a case through his own errors a delivery man who never left a parcel at the wrong house a radio announcer who never mispronounced a word a sir er who never struck a false note doctor who never made a mistake post office employee who never put mall in the wrong box a women who never forgot toput salt in when she was cooking or to put tea in a teapot before putting- in the water bring in some ot your paragons who find it so easy to criticise us we want to see if theyre human fifteen to fortyfive tuberculosis presents its greatest dangers in the years is to 45 while no age is free from tuberculosis kills mote persons between these ages than at any other time in lite all too frequently the cause the bacillus tuberculosis had been picked up in childhood practically every new case of tuberculosis results from contact with someone who had the disease in an active stage that is in the stage during which the person is shedding the germs in his sputum for this reason each member of a household where a case of tuberculosis has found should be carefully examined and if the discovered case is an open one that is infectious to others ev ery effort must be made to prevent the spread of infection to others in the family this is best accomplished by sending the infectious one to a san atorium if that is possible tuberculous infection is especially dangerous to little children in the family and the closer the relation be tween the infectious and the children the greater the danger persons unaware ot their infection are more likely to spread the disease than those who know they have ft mother or a grandfather may have called asthma an uncle or a father a smokers throat another may have a husky throat any of these ailments may be bidden tuberculosis the first signs of the d may be an unexplained tiredness weakness or chest pains later there may be loss of weight a slight cough that drags on or spitting of blood tuberculous infection can always be discovered by the tuberculin test if infection is found by means of this test the child should have an xray on the chest these cases of early tuber culous infection are readily cured if they are prevented from gaining any more infection usually all they need- uto have rest outofdoor lite and good food early tuberculosis is read ily cured advanced cases may be im proved but complete cure is doubtful the moral is get the case or tubercu losis early i wonder how many of the hunters who annually flock to the woods where they wage a merciless slaughter on all wild life ever consider using a camera instead ot a gun dlsplacuw bullets with a film it is an undoubted fact that the av erage hunter will get far more g enjoyment from a good action picture ot some wild animal than he will by killing it any novice it he has a fairly steady hand good eye and is equipped with a gun can easily get within shooting distance of the aver age denujen of the woods- it takes a real sportsman however 10 get within camera range and secure a good action photo of the wud animal in his natur al habitation to me at least when i sit dream ing ot some past hunt a good action picture is far more satisfying than thoughts of the animal lying dead or wounded in some thicket on the most successful hunting trip of my life i never fired a shot in fact i didnt even have a gun with me when i returned i had good action pictures of several elk deer and a bear besides innumerable pictures ot smaller animals and birds- with those pictures it was possible for me to re live again the thrilling days ot the hunt if i had killed the tmu all i i would have had would have been memories of the ft in their dead or dying condition in talking pictures ot wild life one requires above all else an unlimited amount of pati i once worked two weeks to secure a photo of a large buck the deer was in the habit or coming out in a field every morning i tried to get dose enough for a shot but it seemed to be impossible at last i placed a large block of salt close to a clump of bushes taking care to place it so tbe sun would be right for a shot early in the morning after waiting a few days until the buck had located the salt and was licking it every morning i proceeded to try a snot at him going to the clump of bushes before daylight i settled myself to await friend buck i had the camera on its tripod and focussed on the block of salt presently the deer came strolling out of the woods and made his way slowly toward the bait after k tune he reached it and commenced licking i took a look at him in the view finder it was a perfect picture a shrill whistle and the deer poised to run head and tail up one foot rai sed ready to spring t clicked the shut ter and there secured the most perfect action picture i ever saw- all wild animals can be captured in the same way by using a little bait and a whole lot of patience it is far more fun than shooting them with bullets at one time i had several hundred photos but i tost them all nt a fire someday however i expect to have an even larger and better collec tion for me its the only way u hunt annes anniversary a hen anne jenkins returned v from her brief stay at the hos pital the very first thing she did when she entered the uvlngronrh was to tear off the little dairy sheet calendar which hung above the spinel desk the few days tn the hospital had passed uneventfully save- that the holes where her tonsils had once been burned occasionally until th nurse put an aspirin tablet on the back of her tongue thursday mon day sunday they were all one in tfie hospital quiet softvoiced nurses coming into her room now and again with a dish of cracked ice milk thermometers anne jen kins had enjoyed the few days bet ter than a vacation a day or two would have been sufficient but as long as harry was to be out of toyrn anyhow he had urged her to stay there rather than come home to the lonely apartment with her hand yet upraised anne started thursday the fourteenth their wedding anniversary why she had completely forgotten it she j had intended to return heme sooner but a telegram from harry had ad vised her to remain away from home a little now is time to buy fruit vegetables for the next few months canadian grown fruits and vegetables will be going into markets at their best and cheapest just now ontario- grown strawberries are plentiful and can be obtained at a price at which itis pro fitable for the housewife to buy them for preserving or canning or for mak ing jam and pure homemade straw berry jam or preserves made from canadian grown berries is incompar ably good early in july eastern quebec and maritime provinces will have overnight tca hop now matter of course ah- mall across canada is increas ing by leaps and bounds and we are decidedly satisfied with the reception of our passenger service by the travel ling public george g wakeman general traffic manager transcan ada ah lines said tn an interview tn wbmlnpeg mr wakeman it on an inspection trip of tjoa ticket off m the w centres tm pottle b realty at to wspradate the amount of time saved when sir travel 11 used the traffic wat wint qtl th overnight hop bafinaigt montreal and vancouver ts gwshtr loifcgmtb novelty and boatness avo an eoavde to nam mora and man to what tos new canadian an- bar bnh an greatly uataawd of ttaatte rsapaom a wetwul xvatetojn the serrtos at 1 wtf ejfcmih stoat of aflweocy- strawberries in commercial quantities cherries from different parts of bri tish columbia are now available li substantial quantities and ontario cherries are commencing the total annual crop produced in bc is in the neighborhood of 2000000 lb rasp berries in abundance will soon be ob tainable throughout canada a vari ety of vegetables several of which are excellent if they are canned when fresh can be bought comparatively cheaply home canned fruits and vegetables and home prepared pickles are good to have in the winter months when fresh canadian grown products cannot be bought tne following bulletins may be ob tained by writing to publicity and ex tension division dominion depart ment of agriculture ottawa nlng fruits and vegetables dlan- vegetables tor every 1 canned fruit and vegetables variety in everyday meals 1 canning of fruits and vegetables in tin cans jams jehtos and plok- les these bulletins give details on the bast methods for home ftg- selling shakes in cow to evade pasteurization law belling shares in a cow and paying dividends in milk is one of the schemes devised in ontario to evade the provinces compulsory pasteuriza tion law this law does not prohibit the use of raw milk by the owner of a cow but only affects milk that ts sold so far the shares idea has not been tested in court but it likely will be according to dr a e berry director of the division of sanitary engineer ing ontario department of health addressing the canadian public health association here dr berry stated that in general there had been a good public response to the new pas teurization law but in some cases there had been efforts to stir up an agitation against it through ignor ance of the facts or for financial rea sons it seemed to be of no conse quence to this small minority that rulkbome diseases cost the country so much money drj berry referring to attempts to evade the law said that j the sale of raw milk had been covered tub in some cases by pretending that ffhe milk was for cats and dogs- this scheme however nad been brought into court and judgements given a- gatnst the offenders for th most part there had been excellent cooperation at the time the act of 1938 was passed pasteuriz ation was already in effect in 115 ontario municipalities through volun tary efforts to meet popular demand or because of municipal bylaws dis tributors in small centres had had to make expenditures to meet the re quirements but had shown their rea diness to give the public protection where there was still some opposi tion to the law there was need of ed ucational work dr berry predicted that the experience in connection with the safeguarding of water sup plies would be duplicated at first there was some opposition to the com pulsory chlortnatlon of water but to day there is none he believed that it would not be long before the im portance of pasteurization would tx also accepted by everybody felt like royalty an elderly lady fearful of travelling alone accepted the assurance of can adian national railways pas representatives at portland 1 that her journey to fargo n d- via canadian national lines through mon treal to chicago with necessary trans fer at chicago would be conv and comfortable from fargo this traveller wrote to g a harrison general agent at portland arrived ate and sound after a very s trip at chicago an agent stepped up and said mtaa smith t aut tu ssawtloeorawl you to the transfer he phoned to the other depot to meet me and they did so i almost felt like royalty i could have made a better world a cynic to a saint once cried and that is why god put thee hers go forth and do it be replied this morning on the way home he had not mentioned anything about its being their anniversary day perhaps he was planning some lovely surprise she thought with a joy that was almost little girl in a fairy talelike in its glee yes that must be it well harry shouldnt be the only one planning surprises anne flew abuui the house tele phoning for a chicken hunting up the long satin ribbons she had saved from the wedding decorations for just such days as these hunting through the radio programs for the evening to see whai would be most appropriate to have playing when harry came home at six oclock although it was strictly against the rules of the building to keep a dog in the house overnight just be fore six oclock anne went to the garage down the alley and brought back cop harrys police dog in the renter of the dining table where harry could anticipate it anne set a huge butterscotch cake the chicken was dropped into the frying fat the potatoes were mashed and whipped to a creamy foam when she heard harry she leaped to the door expectant ly hello old girl he greeted her well cop all dressed up arent you in honor of the return of the missus eh anne stiffened tn honor of the return of the missus harry pulled the dogs ears started for the living- room and then stopped id better take the cur back to the garage eh annet he said its raining now and coming heavier every minute after dinner i wont feel like trek king down there with him i i thought wed let him stay up here all night anne said just because its she bit her lip it came to her now that harry must have forgotten the anniver sary well he could forget if he wanted to shed bite out her tongue before shed mention it to him she decided yen and maybe lose the flat he jibed youre a fine dog ol pup but its back to the flivver house for you she heard kim whistling as he went down the slippery alley hast ily she ore down the satin ribbons that had decorated the diningroom tears of selfpity welled unbidden to her eyes the neglected wife the forgotten anniversary oh the whole business unrolled itself before her eyes like a bolt of ribbon whistling harry came upstairs again washed his hands and came dripping out of the bathroom dont dare use a company towel even if it is the first night youre home he said cheerfully as he spoke he pulled open the towel drawer into which anne had stuffed the satin ribbons eh whats all the ribbon for looks like a wedding he muttered dig ging deeper tor an everyday towel it was too much even then he did not remember anne saw drop ping into the nearest chair her head on her arms anne wept well for the love of began harry whassa matter honey girl you never remembered our wed ding day she stormed forgetful of her selfmade promise to bite out her tongue before she would men tion the anniversary to him well why celebrate it a day- early he asked mildly this is wednesday the thirteenth my bril liant collegetrained wife i its the fourteenth ahe wept so be it then he agreed reach ing into his pocket for a jewelcase rwch he handed to her hey i he yelled at the janitor who was damping down the be staircase whats the datat tjtfjteenth sir wednesday attoboy grinned harry but anne was picking the dauy calendar attests out ot the basket amm at shamefacedly theres monday ana tuesday stuck together and yea didnt forget you old darliagj aba ended throwing herself into harrys includes fte iot hotel llncludes taxi to hotel assured hotel aooow 2 ad mtbhorts to fair grounds t sightseeing tour of fair grounds sightseeing tour of new york jj admission k9 sighneir aiiured hotel accommodation admissions to fair grounds tour of fair grounds k sightseeing tour of new york kjt tour of n6c broadcasting srudras or of nbc tele vision studios includes ta to hotel assured hotel ac 2 admissions to fair grounds sightseeing tour of fair grounds sightseeing tour of new york tour of nj1c broadcasting studios or of nec tele vision studios 3hour boat trip around manhattan island m includes bg tax to hotel assured hotel accornrnodation j 3 admissions to fair grounds jt sightseeing tour of fair grounds sightseeing tour of new york bfc of nbc broadcasting studios or of nbc tele- vision studios 3hour boat trip around manhattan bland jw evenin tour of chinatown bowery and greenwich ybtagc tatn qt4 am tew 2 a room reservations must be made at feast a week in advance descriptive folder and complete informahon at w h long rbane a gray coach lines cmjtrtme table standard time 4u8 i 01 tojob passenger and mall mb i passengers for toronto b40 i passengers sundays only sj1 i getog west passenger and mall zm i passenger dally except saturdays and sundays sjos t saturday oniit l i passenger and mall 84a passenger sunday 1119 i getog north 1 and taaaenger mb tfl slfdl and fusenger summer time table effective sal june 24 ol a 6u4 adl bissm ilmam o us pnx- aos pjn 0g puna 9js x 95 am mo pjul b 8j pa x 7jb0 pm for oil 03tandard time tickets and information at w a long phoiw 89 gray coach uaes dhttttory r k watson djx mld8 georgetown office hours 0 to 5 except thursday dr j k jackson dentist xsay offtce hours dally 9 to 5 evenings t to 9 hw geargetewei leauvt daue kjc m stbol bennett bjk mm street georgetown ont gc m- tjuvgdon b r sebctter notary feana first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bldg mill f tt frank petch licensed adctionsam far the caanttes of reel aad haueat prompt qervioe telephones cheltenham 26 r 33 georgetown tlrl post office cheltenham monuments pollock ingham successors to cater worth inspect our work in greenwood cemetery wbeifget ache suriiri w heh nxlngxrt answate nicht ma wkfc ifcavi ftmnu oti jm cfe the uoni dob are pa a waker t evans co general insurance ocean steamsbxe sekvtce real estate main st north georgetown am nielsen xsth tmt chiropractor xray dragkas therapist lmtj altij1 oom ow nnmtnvm sbm i 1 8 mo u0 1 o