Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 11, 1939, p. 6

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1 pace 6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening october i ith 1939 of intent to- the farlvfer use and care of the tractor during winter the u actor represents a major in vestment in any farm business and must be worked a ma number of hours each year to pay greatest re tains on this investment winter use at farm tractors has been increased in many areas by the adoption of trade type tractors or farm tractor tires on wheel type tractors the increasing winter use has brought out tjhe need tor special care and servicing during a period when ordinary farm power units are laid up states g n denike dom inion experimental station swift cur rent sasfc tractors with improved cooling sys tems and thermostatic control as well as reduced motor and chassis vibra tion ma be filled with a good grade of antltreeze solution to protect the twwer plant against the dangers of midden temperature or load changes throughout the freezing seasons cold weather tractor operation de mands the motor care as cold weather car or truck operation light weight crankcase oil 8ae low or sow is essential to proper motor lubri cation light weight gear grease in transmission and differential is equal ly important the changeover to winter lubri cants in motor transmission differen tial and pressure gun should take place provinces pledge support in efforts for food supplies at a conference between ministers deputy ministers and otfier officials of the provincial departments of agri culture and the members of the rec ently formed agricultural supplies committee held in ottawa september sth and 28th the fullest cooperation the provinces with the committee in any effort to promote the produc tion of essential food products to meet the needs of britain and her allies and the people of canada was pled- ged hon james c gardiner dominion minister of agriculture at the open ing session of the conference said it had been called with a view to getting cooperation in an effort to insure that food supplies are available for the allies and the people in canada he explained that the fact should be kept in mind that the war will end some time and consequently it would not be advisable to plan now on definite lines of production but so that the industry or agriculture should not be thrown ou of geaijnwhen the war does end dr g rvl barton deputyminister of agriculture said that it was the hope that the agricultural supplies committee would act as a clearing house for coordinating the various agricultural services that are assigned to do special duty in connection with as the temperature normally reaches the war he explained that as yet the freezing light lubricants of good quality will withstand relatively high temperatures better than the heavier aibricants will withstand lower tern peratures an early changeover of lubricants in the tractor which js liable to be run during the tractor will re duce maintenance costs by thorough lubrication at all tunes and by flush- out the accumulation of normal sum mer wear which remains suspended in jjk heavy suninierjubricftnte storage in shop or shed where the temperature may be kept above freez ing will help greatly to reduce motor wear as well as prove very convenient tractos whether housed or not should be given a warm up period of from 5 to 20 minutes before putting under load dm lug adverse weather lower temperatures increase this warm up period while naxm storage will reduce many long haul jobs which were for merlj rushed to completion during the busy fall season may be extended through the winter to make better year round use of the farm txacior when weather and travel conditions become impossible lor tractor use the machine a 111 be in suitable condition for careful overhaul thii should be done each year to ensure trouble lre use during these seasons when delay are most costl if lhe tractor is not to be used din ing cold fteaitier caretul storage in a convenient place for overhaul is highly imporiart rubber tired tractors tjiould e blocked up kith the weight oil lhe wheels use of a good rubber paint al ter cleaning will help preserve the hires tire valves should be turned to jhe top where lhej may be conven iently checked for air pressure before the blocks are removed in the spring if only water is used in the tires as weight li uiould be urauied before freezing weather and a quart ox pure antifreeze solution placed in the ube to prevent damage irom thai por tion of the water which cannot be thoroughly drained out thorough washing and cuoanint down ol all parts of the motor and c before storing together with fresh grease in all bearings will help prevent the rusting and coaung of es senlial parts fresh paint on aii worn or sera ched surfaces will preserve the finish and improve the value of the whole machine fullest information was not available as to just what food products would be required all that the conference could hope to do for the time being is to shape a tentative program one of the biggest contributions to the war efforts that can be made he said is by the sending of supplies for the auiek while it will be necessary to com5en irate in this hireetinn trw organiza tion must be prepared to be readily readjusted in the light of needi and conditions as they develop but the plans can be nevertheless be prepared on a sound and efficient basii dr barton said it was plainly appar ent that the temper of people ol can ada is that this war shall not be one oi great profit to anjone an outline of the present position ol production in relation to supplied tlal food products was given the conference- b dillerent officials of the dominion department of agri cultur shaw director marketuig service who u chairman ol the agi cultural supplies commit ux presided t the sessions ol the conference writing in the 1939 canada year book on noxious insects and their control j j ae gryse chief forest insect investigations dominion de partment of agriculture in one part of his article says when therefore we reler to insects as pests or destruc tive enemies ol the forest we speak in terms ol human relationships and we forget that more than often man himself li the prune mover in the rat fwum which arc visited upon him our knowledge of insect ecology is still vary imperfect and it would be absurd to pretend that the casual relation ffrtpg underlying the rise fall of any one insect outbreak can be deter i hots however the fixing of ponslbllily is in many pazmtlvelv simple matter improvident and reckless exploitation ill planned deforestation destruction of wild life fire and the importation of insect spe des from foreign lands are broad cat egories urtrijr which man s offences may be readily classified in planning saeatum of prevention and control our first concern must be the regula tion of mans activities and the cor rection of bis mlsf kfw in some cases ap legislation is the only nurse in others the education of toe individual will be more effective ir ay event whether legislative or edu cational procedure be adopted it jbould al all limes be baaed upon as laorough a knowledfe of bade facts m kk possible to obtain lhe qualilj ol caiiauiai dicateu dv tradmg ruui na been ieadilv liupioviiie utr iinu lhe in diujurauuu ol uie national bacon hot xuiig instituted by uie dominion le purunent ot atiieul ore in 19 and improvement li is rajjidij increa ilhui uie past le jear u trough the greater a aouilj tneu uie cana dlan nog induatii o the t aoublimerlt of he rnon quota with uieat liiuim una l snovmi oj a comparison ol uie jears uj4 and lyja in ujt there ueie 3 oi lol hogs graded of whlcn his per cent were selects in liua tnc nunider of hoga graded was 1940 161 ijiownifc uie percentage ol beleets ut urml iiture oi 195 inese lit ures reler r me umg and uie itnaltr i umoei ol hogs shown lor 191b lo the laet uiai 1 jwo mi hos were graded us earcasaes in tnai jear an imoiaiu laelor in hog improve mem iai been tne careais gi acting servtc niuugura ed m uii us exemp ill led b tne acte erated meieue u uesirabie grades made during uie past car anen this jitem ol graeung eucned eonsiderabie proportions for examp l comomnifa hie live gradeel aim cacaai gracem hogs lor tne iirsli seven montlis ol 19ju as against uie iirst ae en months ol 1jj uie loilow mg pereeniage uiereaaes are shown in uie two top graces lor 1jjj aiberta a b baskaichewan snmaniloba 1u ontario i t quebec utt and lor can aoa as u whole ith ln tigures represent a great impruvcment lor one vear ana naturally uiere is a corres ponding decrease ui uie proportion uiiqeairaole hogs during uie jear one of uie greatest duiieulues in selecting suitable baeon lor export hus the arge proportion ol nogs mar xeted a unuesiraoie weignts but even tnis situauon is improving under ufc inereaajo popuiariiy ol earcass grao i lie carcass grading results eve munstrate this lact as mdlcated by a comparison ol uie carcass grading re suils ol 18j8 with those lor dl weeks iftm u2 wekij 10j74 carcasses 1x4 par osnt ngnt weight lxa per cent under weignt and 1u per cent overweight 19j9 u7 weeksj 1 120 097 carcasses 7jj per cent right weight 11 1 per cent underweigni and u per cent over weiglit line unusual feature here is that both light and heavyweignis now decrease 4 per cent more car casseo available for export by reason of weight alone the really important point about uie improvement in qua ity and weight of market hogs is that the nnprovement is al once reflected in the quality of the export bacon while this may be encouraging say officials of the live stock inspection and grading services dominion de partment of agriculture statistics that less than onathlrd of yj- able weight attain the highest clfsss- word canard started by ducky french stoi it is interesting to note the m ner m which we have come to aprily fhe term canard to any slander or outrageous story camrd is the french word for duck about 50 years ago a frencrt journalist set all pans talking by an article in one of the daily newspapers pur porting to tell of a wager he had made with some other newspaper men to the effect that given one dav to prepare he could eat 20 ducks at a sitting according to his tale his wager was eagerly taken by all who heard it then according to hfs story he went to the market bought 20 ducks and by the proc ess of hour killing one duck and feeding it to the others he arrived m 20 hours at a final duck with al the others inside it this the jour nalist wrote he promptl killed roasted and ate at one sitting the story caused endless comment was copied all over france and in diher countries until some curious person raised a public demand to know whether or nt t this procedure was accepted by the other bettors as a bona rde nerfornnnce of the wager eventuillv the journalist had to explain th it the whole story was a fake written merely to ex cite comment s i result we have the word camrd to define just that kind of a jirn fire prevention on the farm when b purple purple most people dont know when is purple purple when is trreen green most of uvdont know in an age when science reproduces with dazsling accuracy the myriad colors of nature we are inclined to take color for granted until relat ed colors are examined closely side by side or until someone disagrees with us over the description of a color we do not worry much about color names after all whats in a name thanks to the corner dniggisvand to the national association of which he is a member science has at inst undertaken uie job of solving the color name problem writes john h cnder in the scientific american in fact the national bureau of stand ards in washington backed by the american pharmaceutical associa tion has just about finished the clas sificatiort of the color names of pow dered drugs the naming of micro- soopic structures and crude drugs is well under way j the object of the work at thenju- reau of standards financed by the american pharmaceutical associa tion is to provide a means of des ignating colors in the united states phormacopia in the national for mulary and in general pharmaceutic j by means of well installed cal literature such designatisnto thuiing v ch proven be sufficiently standardized uye4 j 100 ft acceptable to science sufficumtly broad to be appreciated and usable in science art and industry ana suf ficiently commonplace to be under stood at least in a general way by the whole public in the farm fire leases exclusive of dwelling in canada amounted to over 06000000 in 41705 fires of the known causes there are eight which are responsible for 83 of the total losses in farm fires inls loss may be greatly reduced by the exercise of care and fare- thought the eight major causes and suggestions for the elimination of has- ards in connection with them are brief ly discussed in the following para graphs 1 defective cfebnneya and flws chimneys should be cleaned out regu larly and not allowed to bum them selves out as sparks often escape through cracks in the chimney and set fire in the attic or they may drop on dry combustible roofing setting fire to it the safest type of chimney is a good brick chimney built from the ground up and lined with fire clay or vitrified clay of a thickness of at least 1 of an inch s 2 sparks on combustible roofs this hasard can obviously be eliminated by means of incombustible roofing mat erial instead of a material that will ignite readily when exposed to sparks or flying brands from other fires 3 ugbtninc the tremendous toll of life and property damage annually caused by lightning can be materially ke should never be used to star or revive a fire avoid the use of gas oline benzine or other irrfiaiwnnftrttt liquids for cleaning ftooss or clothes tnere are cheap and safe solvents on the market for these purposes never fill lamps lanterns kerosene or gaso line stoves while they are burning if necessary to keep small quantities of gasoline it should bcmkept in an ap proved safety can painted red and plainly marked gasoline small quan- uties of kerosene should be kept in closed cans of a sise and shape differ ent from that holding gasoline in order to lessen the chance of mtstung the one for the other v nesting equipment heating equipment should be properly installed operated and maintained wooden floors under stoves should be well pro tected the sides and back of stoves and ranges should be at leasr 3 feet from woodwork or wood lath and plas ter partiuons avoid long runs of smoke pipes the sections should be securely joined and the pipes support ed at frequent intervals smoke pipes should be at least 18 inches from un protected woodwork they should not pass through floors or closets or enter a chimney in an atuc and they should be cleaned at last twice a year 8 electrical wiring electrical wir ing ana repair work should be done by competent electrical contractor xftr eutts should not be over ana fuse of the correct amperaws lo am peres for the ordinary branch circuit should be used di irons curl ing tongs heating pads sad other ap pliances when not in use remove all possible are hasards but j be drepared to fight a ore should it oc- cur chemical extinguishers ore palls or barrels of water and ladders should be available on every farm life has many the midland free press that a young woman tlthv sponstbiliues at home went 1 to bring home an aged relative state of health made her a whtf th athenla was torpedoed the young woman was drowned and the aged lady saved burden agrkulhiral societies fair and ejdiibitions 1939 oct 10 u oct 10 uj forest markdale international plowing match and farm machinery demonstrsuon ontario hospi tal farm brockvflle ontario united counties of leeds and grenvifle oct 10 u 12 1 ottawa winter fats not 14it spontaneous ignition on farms this occurs most frequently in under- cured or damp hay although it also takes place in numerous other substan ces to guard against this hazard the following precauuons should be ob served a cure all hay and well b do not pack the hay c do not place straw fodder bundles of grain or grass ilay either at the bottom or top of mows of alfalfa clover or soybean hays idl guard against wetting of hay in storage from a leaky roof or openi doors and windows ie ventilate hay as much as possible immediately after it has been stored f avoid if pos sible wide deep mows 5 matches make sure that vour matches are completely out before dls carding them a good practice is to brcik them in two after uie flame has been extinguished alwavs strike mat- ehs awav from you keep matches iwnv from children and do not permit mukms in bams or near combustible ma enal during threshing operations msii on evervbodv clearing their poc kets of matches and place them in a saft container 6 gasoline or kerosenr gasoline or v s ship has germanv 1 he u s s c ill i is the f rmcr sierra cordobn which wis a ger man vessel interned m peru at the time of the world w ir it belrnged to the north germ iri llovd line the ship was purchted from peru by the united stiles shipping board and arrived in tow from cili in it pana ma on september 24 1118 the ves sel was operated b the nav de partment from april 26 191ft to september 20 1919 after 1919 she was reconditioned and used in coast wise trade on the picific coist she is now cilled the ruth alexander and is owned by the president tor minal steamship company of san frincisco an ingush lady a selfappointed atmsrtsnr of village morals avvtossxaao of having rev drlak because with her own aba akstl assn his wheel barrow i pubuo house tne ao- i no verbal it is urged that continued auenm on the part of the producer to tne weight and finish of his market nog will benefit both himself and tne whole industry this is partttailarly impor tant at the prsssn urns from ttks nat ional stanrtpotnt whan all abo re sources of atlcuuura an bains osuad upon for tt utmost cq od production as a wai early masks horrible beauty and the mask have rarely gone together when ancient peo ples made their masks and man has been making them from primi tive ages they wre made as horri ble as possible says the washing ton post their purpose was to pro tect the wearer from evil spirits no more beautiful are the masks of today and there are many be sides the much publicized air raid mask there ore padded leather faces to protect boxers during training smoke and gas guards for firemen and policemen sand sifting nose and mouthpieces for dust bowl storms and of course the mud pack for miladys complexion cleaning instructions to clean pearls first rub hem with a ctoth dipped in alcohol dilut ed with warm not hot water or in a weak solution of soap and water then dip another doth in clean water and rub the pearls until they are dry be careful not to leave them wet either salt rice pearl powder or some exceeding ly soft substance may aid in clean ing them but no abrasive such as ground pumice electrosilicon or any powder that is sold as a polish ing powder should be used luta tear the easiest job in england that of ringing the old curfew bell of stogursey west somerset has re cently been filled the bell b rung only twice a day and the bell rope la so arranged that it hangs down into the bell ringer bedroom m need not even stir out of bed m order to carry out his duties for bis efforts he is given- as jo a year a joint of meat about two tone of coin tret rent and a garden nnnnnnnbbbbiabnnbaiabnbinbiw proof of the pudding is in the eating justice to our customers this means giving full count keeping promises and doing the best possible quality of work justice to ourselves means getting fair prices for our services and being allow ed reasonable time on orders on this basis we are successfully oper ating our printing plant and on this basis we solicit an opportunity to confer with you on the subject of your printing needs no job too large none too small what we print letterheads statements envelopes billheads shipping tags programs financial statements office forms circulars dodgers posters wedding business cards stationery calling cards catalogues window cards to obtain qucdityin printing it is absolutely essential that the typographer make himself familiar with the work of the best printers we keep posted regarding all those matters that concern good printing and good type everything in printing largely depends on the technical skill of printers we wiu gladly explain our tested methods without any obligation phone no 8 the georgetown herald printers and publishers it is better to get your printing from us than to wish you had ibsb o

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