rve4 the georgetown herald wedncaday evening december 20th 1939 lumor imumcuro gua ohm wm ond ctah w tills w an mdi to pttee dru or ham vara in lbs add jkt cifaatfdtifahtzd your gift problems are easily solved at alcol i s the store for men everything la on display for handy aelf aervice- drop in now and select your presents for xmas 45 the industrial department at canadian national reoways several minion christmas trees whl oooutoie m portion of otwbl centarl- batlon to the ytfcttde cheer in ttm united states fills month new tart city alone take about ttneequarters of a million of these trees in addi to the otartatnoas bee output oanada lend further color to the a festive aeene with large exports of holy and mistletoe ttese oome large ly tram british columbia where holly i hedge and bashes are plentiful the new york market absorbs the bulk of these exports because of the popular ity in that area of the particularly large and brilliant berries which are borne by the canadian variety of holly in addition to the large cut of christmas trees for the american market anywhere up to ijooojood can adlan homes are adorned dnrhxfe the yuleude season with the favorite tree of st nicholas the patron saint of this celebration s well as with holly and mistletoe pues of christmas trees are now coming into evidence about country tattems of the rational rail ways in the maritime provinces que bec and ontario these trees later be ing the centre of christmas celebra tions tn homes across the continent forest uj agree that the cutting of christmas trees helps rattier than harms the forests trees of a shw suitable for yuleude purposes are regarded as undergrowth which sap the st from more hardy s and retard their growth xnl stands of marketable this tm dergrowth would have to be cleared out anyway food necessity of war britain has for at least eight years vmg a demonstration of the fact that she realises that when arm- fes march they stfll march on their stomachs the morale of the crrfl population of any country remains high cnty when the people are well housed and fed it is a veil known fact that the german armies of the santa clans r and accepted a special invitation to drop in on prevlew of the chfldrens scrap book the canadian broadeasttns corporations special christmas show for youngsters whim will be pre sented before an invited audience tn the ma eaton flail toronto on saturday december 33 at 12j0 djxl est here santa cum has a good laugh with peggy as they watch the punch and judy show re hearse cor the big broadcast last war the best trained and equipped at the beginning which the world had seen only wavered and retreated when the british blockade prevented sup plies getting to the civil population britain has therefore been giving great attention to the encouragement of food product at home and food production in countries easily acces sible during tune of war canada oc cupke an enviable position in the early stages of the war becaus of fe ser vice she can give britain and through the fact that i she is of the great surplus food countries of the world 3 she a located as to be comparatively from- attack and yet is within distance of britain than any of the surplus food tries hon j g gardiner ion minister of agriculture tr dress to the united grain winnipeg kx 40ik5jbkkxwkwkbc canadian legion war services rry p k woodji a year ago when herr hitler led acnrope to lbe brink of war vast be- bandthesoenes preparations were be- aw made throughout the empire for away eventuality the possibility of a xaew and more catastrophic confttnt a ulltiiti il then as it does today a aasreax against d and all jhe decent things in life that people of tatrlnsh blood bold dear canada no awat found 1 and authorities be awn fminiaalki i plans tt place this sswmsry in a stale of readipess the canadian legion represents gar- of 175o00 veterans of the 1914- awlb struggle did not underestimate she significance of the situation a rxatlog cry was jounded the old warrior who had left home and loved waws 25 years ago to answer the call m duly r as one man the w-tk- from halifax to vancouver wte united in effort at the height of the crios the do- avnnlop president brigadier w w vaster djbjo vd now director o auxiliary b department of ha nrm defence convened a meeting of abe dominion command spokeanen lor tbe thousands of men who are sawmiii in of the legions vast organl awtloo approved what was to became the most historic peacetime is ever forwarded to the w that communication csavroyed jta message that the entire awmoutces of the legion were at the jt of the government against 4hw emergency of war during tbe littery months that fot taawnl the task of putting canada in i state of preparedness was never re- nor were the ettorta qt the nen the allied powers f in- orced to declare that a late of war existed against the ger jswaw belch oie legion again convened antus 3me war was a grim reality the legion evecnttvea with the mhnster ot national the aame day they waited to both 43aaw maawfltad con plans where- aay attt legion could make it maxt- zaawan canbrflnstkai ta oanada s war ef t result was notable lor its awaawwaton ot tjurfkitia tjmbaand of vswarsoi of course asat nkaady tsihrtil in the armed rmjrcaw bat them were thousands of jaan vria va fcr active service were aa i i eaanon behalf of all ns tbese men vik ttheclcatp ard pro and gaaralnc harboca k railway wlauom tertaintuent were also provided at be outset however the exper ieace of the first great war had im pressed upon all veterans the necessity ot providing for the welfare of the yoaig men enlisting in canada s na wtdfland and air forces as old sol filers who knew the suffering the hardships and the deprivations of that struggle and as in thousands of cases the father of new recruits they felt that it was their duty as well as their indisputable right to provide for the needs of these young men who have tak up arms during its consultations wlta the prime minister therefore the legion had offered to establish a special r ganlxation for this purpose the ol fer was offldauy accepted following creation of the directorate of auxil iary services department of national defence and a few days lat a do minion charter was issued to the canadian legion war services with la general sir percy lake klcb kjcmo of victoria as honorary prssidcnt majorgeneral john a ounn ckx1 djbx of toronto as president and lt colonel ralph h webb dso mc of winnipeg a general manager the new organisation which by mandate laid down by the legion t- self is to be non pnrflumaktng has undertaken certain specific obligations which it will discharge in the interests of canadian soldiers here overseas and in actual theatres of war these include establishment of facilities ror education personal services entertain ment and education as well as can teens where required in col with the canadian aanrlation for adult bducatlon the legion is making it possible for young men of the farces to continue in a large measure their educational stud ies even though on active service committees comprised ot- outstanding educationists are being formed in every military district and faculties are being made available for the con tinuation of public school education and for such general studies as cur rent events and eorootmes stenogra phy and secretarial work advanced students may even obtain their ma triculation or bjl degree by corre spondence through arangements being made with certain unlverlsues the years of eapsrlence behind its parent body in dealing with personal portaerns of veterans ot the first great war enables the var legion war o to be of uenrrmdous help to 1 t i mi lillalt panies these companies when cos turned and equipped will entertain the units prom time to time and de pendent upon future needs there will be amplification of certain other en tertalnment features such as lectures by outstanding speakers musical pro grams and dramatic presentations various types of moving pictures are presently being shown and it is con templated that when finance permit mobile moving picture units will be utilized to permit of greater expansion in this important field when requested to do so by the commanding officers the legion wul establish and conduct canteens it is the determination of the organisation that a wholesome and homelike at mosphere will be maintained through out and with this in view plenty of books magazines and facilities for letter writing are being made avail ygfe 03 me while the value of the work wbtcn wis new organisation win perform in canada cannot be underestimated at this early stage one can but spe an the magnitude it wm assume in england and france when the cana dian forces arrive overseas there the same facilities but to a much greater extent will be provided in addition leave hostel centres win be established where the men will be provided with beds and meals and where they may enjoy comfortable recreation ahd read ing rooms free of charge another im portant undertaking by the legion win be that of procuring invitations from warmhearted british famines who wffl offer canadians on leave the boept tality of their homes the canadian legion war services j is a carefully constituted bofty com l prised of distinguished men tn can adian military and public life upon then- shoulders rests a trenoensus du ty totowinc full well from y expelrence the hardships and snfler- togs to which canadians aare sub jected 35 years ago they an detar- i mined however that every effort shall be made at home and abroad to pro vide the i welfare for the gallant youths who hare responded for service hi the present strugg grillets 198 er toasters 175 up irons 150 ot coffee makers silex coffee percolators 795 habooboax 0 0n3 lamps 1 i table lamps 250 650 1 floor lamps trilhe j 1050 to 1650 j i bed lamp 2 35 i pyrex ovenware at lowest price in history pyrex flameware for use over open flame guaranteed 1 year i crockery orenware fancy teapots i lifetime aluminunvware with colored catalin handles heating pads i 495 t waffle irons 495 i sunbeam i autom mixmaster 2975 lelectrttc clocks i 395 i christmas tree sets 1 45c rjr sport section metal wagons 165 up boots and skates 298 p wooden wagons 395 p hockey sticks 15 doll prams 29 895 i poles 15 175 250 joycycles 225 pi childs ski sets 198 wheelbarrows large 198 adults skis 400 p me new ennsonenia uuu iiswi- ed ob are at the of the msn where they may receive adnoe and guidance from thetr older com- twfara an important part of tha laglona war work wm be ita antertalranent now develapbib eoneert parkas vrtbun the fntow and the men otaossn are be if i tricycles i 25 up jl toboggans l27s up sleighs 65c to 350 a very merry xmas to all our customers and friends richardsons hai