the georgetown hetkid wed neaday evening december 27th 1939 pie gtfskmkimemgmsikikngmtgkagw the womens page nxikvliivvkwhkniimmki idteroatiouil dnitonn saodayschool lesson irmte and foes a 01 jhc kingdom golden text ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever i command 7011 john 15 14 matthew 13 h to apprehensive lesson passage 14 4 16 2981 i love thee i love thee i love thee i know but how much i love thee my actions wlll show the faulty 5446 the worshippers in the nazareth syiiagogue were surprised at the ability i jesus bat they could not be recon died to his relatives his teaching had insight beauty and power but his strong arm had pushed a plane in the carpenter shop and they felt that it was pres for him to teach some of them had gone to school with jesus they knew his mother his bro thers and fate sisters it he had stud led in jerusalem and won a degree they would recognise his right te teach but it was only a short tune efewe he had left nazareth 80 they said as they came out of church vet there was a mystery about jesus tih was far different from that of the regular synagogue teacher or scribes tbey asked whence then hath this man all these things that is the question we are still asking the unique power of christ cannot be ex plained by bis nationality education or environment he rose above the circumstances that made his comrades commonplace the ongreffauon 57 58 the people who attended the naz ereth synagogue that sabbath received little good they were too critical to be spiritually receptive they were judging by appearances instead of by values their test of a teacher was his reputation rather than his truth je bus felt their antagonism whether he heard their words or not he said a prophet is not without honor save in his own country and in his own house the home folk will take great credit to themselves for the distinction ol local boys who attain distinction but they usually do little to help genius on its lonely way the opposition of his home synagogue robbed jesus of power temporarily he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief 80 sensitive was he that ne soon became conscious of unfriendly influences our mental attitude to wards companions teachers and mint- ters can make us negative or positive towards what they have to say there is an immediate reflex reward when we begin to think blessing to others the government 14 jesus met injustice both in his town and in his nation in nazareth he was criticized for his youth and lnexper lence when his fame began to spread herod was apprehensive fearing that john the baptist had come to life the fault lay not at all in the conduct of jesus but in the conscience of herod power may be misused a dictator has liberty is precious so precious that we must ration it there has been an eclipse of liberty through the emergence of totalita states we had come to take religious freedom for granted the problem of freedom has now become crucial many chris tians have had to endure persecution during the past year because of thelr opposltlon to ruthless militaty power one imprisoned pastor writes from his cell it is most wonderful to read the bible at such a tune how alive it suddenly becomes and how real i really gives vou the impression of hav ing been written especlaly for prisoners and for prison when universities have been submissive to arbitrary gov ernmental authority thl churches have dared to voice oppoiuon the crowd 29 30 why will people go to one church and not to anothe many factors en ter into church attendance but the reasons generally given are that crowds are attracted by brightness and warmth simplicity and sympathy there must be an appeal to tne har as well as to the head above all com man people are auick to detect tne reality of goodness and sincerity of faith christ attracted crowds wher ever he went he had no s gn boards he could publish no church advertise ments the radio was unknown yet the people woud leave the r villages and go to the hills or he sra 0 near him the motive with many cf them was their utter need sufferers who were crippled dumb or blind canie they had heard of christ s healing power what he did in one village spread like wildfire to the next his fame preceded him he was among men as one who served and the common pco pie heard him gladly ever when jesus sought rest and tmlt1 the crowd followed him and broke in upon his leisure it was a sure instinct that led sufferers to christ the cured the multitude wondered when they saw the dumb to peak ht maimed to be whole the lame to a iv and the blind to see the could not under stand it each cure added tarryine power to his fame and waat about the cured people the lame who came limping and went away running those who came dumb and went away shout ing those who were led by the hand because of blindness and went away having sight imagination fails enter into all that it meant to the suiferers and their relatives such friends did much to compensate for christs foes who criticized and pere since the introduction of the use of diphtheria toxoid as a preventive of diphtheria in canada in 1935 sufficient for more than three million persons off to celebrate baptist pastor still active on 6lh birthday the following twwb item gleaned from the welland fort colborne eve ning tribune of december 0th will be of interest lo georgetown older gen eration particularly those- of the bap tist denomination rev dr p k dayfoot pastor of port oolbornju jshiust ohurch one of the oldest pf not the oldest active clergyman 81 canada is celebrating his 80tn blrthdfy today toutsaya be is too buby with christmas work to take time has been distributed practically all of this product used m this country is prepared at the oonnaught laborator ies university of toronto in the main it is supplied free of cost by provin cial health departments in a review of the subject dr donald t frttser in the canadian public health journal for october 1930 tells the interesting story of the inception and development of diphtheria toxoid it was developed by ramon in france in 1023 and its use has rapidly spread over the civilized world what toxoid b diphtheria toxoid is diphtheria toxin or poison to which an appropriate amount of formalin has been added kept at incubator temperature until it icotnes non toxic that is non pols- ious the greatest care is taken in its procedure when to give toxoid it is universally agreed that toxoid in order to control diphtheria effec lively should be given to children din ing the pre school period the reas ons for this are that the death rate from diphtheria is highest in early childhood and half of all the deaths from this disease occur among chh dren of preschool age it is known that a high percentage of infants of 6 12 months of age are susceptible to diphtheria it is advisable whenever possible to give toxoid during the first year of life thieje doses of diphtheria toxoid should be given at three week s interval in cities where lmmuniza tlon has been pursued consistently and directed toward the pre school child cases of eiphtherla have been rare or have totally disappeared as in toron to hamilton st catherines brantford and many others it is always cheaper and better to prevent a dl ease than to cure it this well known clergyman has been in the wortof the ministry of the baptist denomination for 57 yean durtawhlch he has not spared him self 1 service to the church in ad ditlon to looking after his pastorate he has found time ito be one of the leaders of the temperance movement tn ontario some few years ago he added to his busy life some religious educational work and was on the staff of the religious educational council of ontario for a number of years at that time he was one of the most pop ular members of the staff at the coun ells summer bchool at lake couchi chlng and when nearing his 60th birth day was one of the best softball play ers at the camp school rev dr dayfoot while refusing to mix in pouucsjtakea keen and ac tlve interest lnwtttonal and local af fairs and has fivan unofficial capacity supported every move of progress in port colborne during his long pastor ate health of english people graduated in 1881 rev dr tjayfoot was born in ham ilton and graduated ixom woodstock college in 1878 he attended unlver sity of toronto graduating with the class of 81 and then took a post grad uate year at mcmaster university his llrst pastorate was ait port colborne where he served from 1882 to 1885 pastorates loliowed at btrathroy and port hope rev dr dayfoot spending nine years in each of those centres three years at orillla and six years pastor at slmcoe preceded nine years service in secre arial work he was named field secretary of the baptist sunday school board and during that time oecame a well known figure in the province he then returned to port colborne as pastor of poftcol uome baptist church and for the- past 19 years has been pastor of that church 10 which he came directly alter his ordina ion in j ear of his graduation from mc master university rev dr dayloot married anna m l harris in wood stc k mrs dayloot is sharing with her husband any family recognitiu 1 ol the anniversary which may be observed today of his jears in port colborne rev lr dayioot said simply i could not happy new year three little words sincere and true bring our most sincere good wishes to all of our friends anqv patrons in greeting 1930 they are happy new year may the new year unfold health hap plness and prosperity for all we thank all for their loyal patron age during the past year 1 richardsons hardware 1 phone 25 georgetown uakmqisacoak ocoagoasogauakwoakiian ibsiiissjiimi iiiima happy new year chords of happiness and hopes for greater achievement ring out in welcome to the new year dawning it is our sincere wish that it usher in a new happiness foi you and yours and begins a long series of prosperous misses claridge millinery georgetown wwwwwm enter ng ihc war the health of enr 1 h p opl vn never so good the ave age weight of school children has mere- d by thiee pounds and the average height by half an inch com pared with ten years ago nearly 8j per cent of onscripts passed as grad 1 the death rate has falln and is now hvvchada 35 per 1000 of pop il at inn the owesi u nave htrt m recoid ai d just half of wh it a orfic rs of port 1901 infnn mortality has n rew low re cord of 53 pe thousand blrthj little more than one third what it vas t the beginning of the centurv mjterna mortality in 1913 was less cuted him best of all these gratefutph 3 per 1000births w 1 1- 5 years people glorified god how gracious cod must be when he could give to the world such a personality as jesus we pray to cod as our father but he is also the god and falhe of our lord and saviour jsjs christ this faith has political implications also only those countries have ever mede a success of democracy in which the people or at least a strong minority of the people have cultivated pcrsjnal re llgion and taken up an attitude of per sonal loyalty to god by betty barclay an early dinner and long even lugs make little people hungry around gotobed time they clamor for something good and insist upon having it too heavy beforebetl foods are not advisable a light rennet custard rich in milk mid delicious to the taste makes an ideal bed time lunch for george or grace as these desserts require no cksh no baking and no boiling but may bo made quickly and placed in the refrigerator to become cool they please the busy mother is v 11 as her hungry children e a dessert like the rollowfik fir nshes milk in a cry pic irik form and gives ttie chit ircn a delightful burprine for her ta uow white an i in r seven li o lends in a dalnt tistetreat that will intrigue voiing fancies jet ttjsso light and digestible it hrlj s ttvatoo pleasant dreams now white and the seven dwarfs ige vanilla rennet powder 1 pint milk cup whipping cream snow white angel food cake seeded raisins rolled in rasp berry rennet powder or pink set out b dessert glasses warm hk slowly stirring constantly pi lukewarm 120 f a few of the milk on the inside of wrist should feel only com warm remoe from stove rennet powder into milk until dissolved not more one minute poor at once still liquid into dessert place a allce of snow angel food cake tn each while still liquid let set when ready to serve top dessert with whipped cream seeded rmlslns rolled in heamt powder or pink questions for dlcufc4lon 1 what more can he christian church do for labor 2 do we witness more easily to strangers thin to friend 3 what is the cure for a roubled conscience 4 what are you seekin from christ 5 is your congregation effetive and getting results lesson outlines copyrighted by th international council of religious education used by permission ago it was 4 4 the deaths from tuber c ilosls are again the lowe i on record being only half the number in 1911 the black pot is the increase in anccr moitalitv the number ol deaths lor 1938 numbering 98 605 which was 1000 more than in the pr ion ear while the re wrier of the e advances rejoices in the improvements mention ed he deplores the fac that there is no decline in the number of cases of diphtheria and that there are still some 3000 deaths from typhoid well the remedy for diphtheria is thoroughly well krown to english author tic it is that which has so revolutionlzen diphtheria incidence and deaths in canada namely the universal isc of the preventive toxoid as soon ns the english public health au hor ties m ploy toxoid systematically they a ill b surprised to see how their diphtheria cases and deaths will disapepar despite the popular belief that most of the wild birds leave canada for the winter months bird banding is a yearround activity in the dominion according to the national parks bur eou department of mines and re sources although bird life becomes scarcer in the more northern and in the central parts of the country with the approach of winter in other re gkms many of the birdbanding sta tions do extensive banding work when the snow is on the ground at this time of year some inland stations are visited by redpolls snow buntings blue jays purple finches pine sis kins grosbeaks and other birds in canadian localities where waterfowl winter in numbers valuable banding of these blrd3 is accomplished bird banding in canada is done by about two hundred voluntary workers who hold bird banding permits issued under the authority of the migratory birds convention act because birds are international travellers the impor tant work of marking them with bands is carried on through the cooperation of the national parks bureau of the department of mines and resources at ottawa and the united states bureau of biological survey washington djc the success of the banding activities depends largely on the cooperation of private citizens in reporting to the central bureaus in canada or in the united states any banded birds which come to their attention more than 33 000 wild birds were banded in canada during the first ten months of the current year and it is expected that by the end of the year at least 40000 individual birds win have been recorded cor the twelve month period bird banding has been systematically carried on in the do minion for about 18 years during which time approximately 380000 bird have been banded and more than 35- 000 useful recov records have been compulsory diphtheria vaccination in london in 1881 pasteur when he announced the immunization of animals against chicken cholera and anthrax said 1 have given to the name vaccination an extended mean ing which i hope science will adopt as a tribute to the deserts and inestimable services rendered by one of the great est men of england jenner the dls coverer of smallpox vaccination thus pasteur bestowed on all immunlza uons the name which jenner had glv en to smallpox vaccination so highly is diphtheria vaccination regarded in france that since 1038 it has been made compulsory in the coprse of the second or third year of hfe it confers immunity in about 98 per cent of cases the risk of any accident is said to be 1 in 600 000 cases there has been a great reduction in the number of cases and deaths since the measure has been put in force the vaccination is given free except for those who wish to employ their own physicians diphtheria vaccination is also com pulsory in poland italy swttseriand and roumanla on the north amerl can continent it has not been found necessary to resort to compulsion in order to secure cooperation tn dlph therla vaccination the use of dlph theria toxoid has given such remark able results that particularly in the larger towns and cities the public are calling for it educational measures are generally more satisfactory in the promotion of health than compulsion yesterday and today by spinning wheel the maiden sat in restful days of long ago and when perchance she turned from that she plied her needle to and fro strong is this heritage of hers so why misjudge the thrill she feels needles of while urging on the spinning wheels london opinion colborne baptist church called en rev dr p k day loot patoi of the church saturday 1- re 1 atlng him on his 80tji btrihdav tj o iclrs presented rev dr dayfoot with 1 trl lite floor lamp s a sma 1 token of their esteem and dmiratloi for the man who while celebrating hi 80th birthday retained the ktrn mind and carried on the ac tlve life of a mm ol much joungor ears re dr dayfoot spoke brierij ex pressing his thanks to god for being spared so many active years in his work and his appreciation of the friendships he enjoved in port col borne during the ears 1882 to 1885 and from 1920 to the present time mrs dayfoot also thanked those present tor their kindly thoughts and expressions or goodwill editors note rev dr philo k dayfoot is an old georgetown boj eldest on of the late j b dayfoot- founder of the dayfoot shoe co his grandfather michael dayfoot was a member of the first board of deacons of the georgetown baptist church bride to be tendered showers miss ruth anderson a bride to be has been the recipient of many beaj tiful gifts from her friends when he has been the guest of honor at a num ber of showers mrs r b matoon of brampton entertained at her home when the office staff of smith and stone ltd tendered miss anderson a miscellaneous shower knox chdrch choir met at the home o mr and mrs s t fahom and tendered a ititchen shower to miss anderson while miss jennie mcdougall of georgetown and mrs henry dowrney of mayfield each acted as hostess at a shower in her honor a very happy time was enjoyed on each occasion and best wishes for a long and happy wedded life extended to the bride to be doctors on postage stamps two internationally known doctors are being honored by the ob post of fice department in a famous american serles of postage stamps shortly to be issued they are major walter reed of the uj3 army medical corps and dr crawford w long of georgia dr reed is honored because of his discovery that yellow fever is trans mltted by the bites of mosquitoes yel low fever had been present in the wes tern hemisphere for three centuries and n devastating epidemics had caused tens of thousands of deaths dr reed and his associates conducted fa pertinents in cuba and in 1900 made their famous dscovery following whicn yellow fever soon dlsooeared from north america and has neve returned dr crawford long t ge practitioner of medi jnemoriallaed b ythb post office department of the uhftefutates is known for having befejnegj person to use sulphuric etbacas anbwslhesc during the per formance of a surgical operation that was in marsh 30th 1843 when dr lode operatecton a man in jefferson a small town in georgia many miles from a railroad carrolls atarae dry ginger ale special z i9 deposit extra nrst grade creamery tter lb ici roquefort creafi cheese toijli 16c oar cretuny old cheese- lb x3c plain or pmuento veveeu cheese klb pi 15c pboadelphai cream cheese m pk isc special tiger tomato catsup 18-a- ku ioc queenland sweet mixed pickles 2701 j isc mclaren stuffed olives 3ajr 11c mclaren pan olives 3r ioc special libby tomato juice 3 iozhi 20c canada dry spsofclmg water mincemeat x n 25c paper serviettes pkt isc crown cora strop 10 1b im 73c auortedfnh pastes king oftcar sarpines brunswick sardines 5c mccormicks or christies b sodas sp23c a sc ioc 7c special shrimps a- 27c golden hallow dates x pitted sair dates x table 1188 m ikpts mclarens frees- e z e pis ik ioc n xsc 10c ioc mixed nuts i iu ik- 17c mixed candy ioc jewel shartanlos tab p 13c chipso px fefcxoc ivory fuku pk x3c gmt j c special carrolls dandee kv coffee x7cf oranges good size per dm q sweet potatoes perls 5 granberries per 22c onions no 1 5 u jq celery hearts bundfe jq street me delivery